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Show - THE GRANT8VILLE jS K NEWS, 6RANTSVILLE, UTAH. - C. II. Rowberry, John It. Jib- - GREAT ACTIVITY IN them much happiness in their ERICKSON MINING DIST. voyage on the sea of matrimony. Lon, and Ml'., and Mrs. John Har- last Friday and returned home Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Olsen, to Salt Lak City! , There is considerable activity Mr. and Mra; Ami Olson and went lison, Jr., I , m the Erickson Mining district Mrs. John Olson were visiting in f Saturday morning. in the southern part of the coun- 8 Ferron for the 24th. They came Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peterson ty, according to Walter Janies home Wednesday evening. 5 and daughter, of llyrum, Utah, who went to Salt Lake City on Pehrson and several of John K J were the guests of Mr. and Lud-- 1 ' account of his wifes health. He his children are out from Mur' ig Peterson Saturday and Sun- - says that the 0. K. mine is em-- S ray visiting with relatives here. ; 8 day, leaving for their home Mon- - ploying from eighteen to twenty Mr. and Mrs. Ileiman Lof-grealso hauling supplies to the afternoon. men, 8 iy and daughter, Miss Viola, j mine for a vigorous winters de- , PAY HY CHECK. AND BY CHECK ONLY., Miss Helen Gicfney .were and Miss Violet Jennings left for velopment campaign. Messra. 8 H for the serTHEN OIJ) BILLS YOU MAY IGNORE. 2 Bountiful, Utah, Monday after- - Nelson and Cook are shipping a over frem Lofgrt-evices Sunday. 8 car of good ore from their prop- ENDORSED CHECKS WILL PROVE THE PAYMENT S iioon. Mr. Ivor Sharp went to Salt 'n erty it Six Mile and have two Lake City Friday to take the OF THE BILLS YOU PAID BEFORE. (1. O.. Herman of Salt Lake three ton trucks busy hauling examination for appointment to ' ( ity was here Sunday and Mon-- ore.. 8 the Oificer Reserve Corps. He TlieOStrang brothers and as will return home again day, returning to the City Mon-- : K tt sociates have two cars of good reporting for training. DESERET DANK GRANTSV1LLE ore from the old Rockwell claim I Miss Bernice and Helen Stock, ready for shipment. This claim Miss Richaixls and Lincoln Granlsville, Utah. is located in Death Canyon. A ey. I were visiting in Vernon Stookey big truck has just 'arrived with Sunday vening. ff which to haul the ore. Lumber Joseph Fredrickson who hail is arriving to put up a bunk and been in Lehi for a few days came Mia, C. R. Rowbeny and child - boaiding house. The ore values home Friday. L ,1 i en returned from Henry, Idaho, run very high in lead. Miss Martn Neilson who had ax B. F. Fleiner who is working Wednesday afternoon after a ten been in Vernon for a few weeks the old Jim Blaine group east of left for her home in Midvale on & $ day visit with relatives there. Death Canyon has six to eight ff C. li. Rowberry, Ralph E. men employed and is taking out Saturday. A Or NOTICE. Woolley, R. D. Ilnlladay and Mr. a quantity of good ore which $ will A be and for Lon in A a Nolice in hereby given Uuit the asshipment 'Mrs. Rowbeivy of TO ALL POINTS EAST A few of the tax levied by the City sessment to went Falls, days. merican, Idaho, ff The Ekker brolhera of Sheep Council of (Irantsville City, Utah, by Via alt Like. City Tuesday after A" July 18, 1917, upon V Rock have a good showing of ordinance passed noon. lie property a butting upon llie North A lead ore on their preperiy. This side of Main Street, from llale to 8 and the Kcurl Streets, in Sidewalk District No. SINGLING BROTHERS .group Is A in stock is demand is 3; the North side of Clark Street be-In COMING as there WAY. THIS A Cooley and Hale Streets, a very good showing on the prop-- tween A The Feather River Route Sidewalk District No. 5; the North A V or Ids Biggest Circus and Spec city, A side of ClHrk Street between llale and 2 TRAINS IKiILY facie Cinderella" Announced Harry Joseph of Pine Canyon Kearl Streets, in Sidewalk District No. was in the district last week 0; the North side of Main Street beTHE SCENIC LIMITED. side Announcement is made that looking over his property ind tween Kearl Street and the East of J. W. Anderson's place, ill Sideon Leaves 12:G0 13. Grants (Wesllmund Monday, August p. m.) Riugliug making arrangements to prose- - walk District No. 7; and Hie South Bros, circus will give afternoon cute work this fall, ( East bound leaves Grants 2 :37 p. in. I side, of Clark Street between Cenier end night perfminaucex at Suit The Sharp property in Darker Street and Koy Sutton's residence, in (Westbound Leaves Grants 11 :C0 p. in.) District No. 9 ; for the purIrfike City. (East bound Leaves Grants 3:36 a. ni.) Canyon has a quantity of ore Sidewalk of contracting cement sidewalks, pose and Standard The famous ihowmen are this on the dump and are looking for is Tourist Sleepers. Through completed. mason presenting an all new and teams with which to haul it to That the City Council sitting as n wonderful program. The tre-ith-e market. This property is Board of Equalization and Review, Observatic.ii Cm Dning Cars i.'endous spectacle, Cinderella, leased by Willard Snyder and as- -. will meet nr the residence of the Mayor Monday, August 13, 1917, and ill appeal to lioth young and sociates. Oil Burning locomotives. continue is session each day until More thou .1000 persons eld. There is considerable interest Frlduy, August 17, 1917, between the Service and Scenery Unsurpassed Uike part in it; .It is easily the manifested at Dugway where a hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p. m., and will and. consider any objections anil biggest spectacle Ringling Bros. number of claims are shipping hear Information Tickets Literature make correction of any tax which said have ever staged and its glorious ore to the market. Autq trucks Board or unjust. may deem Any Western Pacific Agent or Ticket Office or J ' Ballet of the Fairies, with 300 are kept running night and day That during saidunequal time, between the 'k d incing girls, is in itself worth hauling the ore. hours of 9 a. m. and G p. m said list E. MAYER Folwill be open lb public inspection at miles to see. going many the Mayors residence, Grantsvilie, Cinderella 400 arena: lowing Utah. Agent, Grants, VERNON SCRAPS Utah. ; artists apjwar in the main tent By order of the City Council dated ,.. i have se- 30, 1917. July A number of Vernon people Entered as second class mall matter cured scores of.circus perform-- 1 THEO. R. JOHNSON, City Recorder. The Granlsville News. era never before, seen iA Ameri-- j went,to Icwlelaat Wednesday Nos. 3, S, 6, 7, Extensions Sidewalk cm. An entire trained animal &. 9.. .hov has lieen made a part of1; Published Every Friday by First and Final Estimate. Date first publication Aug. 3, 1917. the main tent program this seaBULLETIN PRINTING CO. son. The menagrie now numbers 1 009 wild animals. Tire elephants Utah Grantsvilie, Display. One Dollar per Inch per including Big Bingo, the laig-Month; Single issue, i5e per POST OFFICE ist pachyderm, have been in- R. D. llalladay, Editor. 01 Tl eased to 41 and almost 800 25 cunt Addition per Reading Matter, art cniried. There will be al. and a free three-mil- e clowns (0 Subscription, $1.50 per Year. street parade show day morning, g i A -- Open A Checking Account With Us Today j ; ; . j en , n i ; lie-fo- re TO CALIFORNIA i j i r- I Western Pacific lncoi-porate- , . j j , j j j ; j , I , i i The-llinglin- i i ! ini-h- : ; i . : : AMERICAS IMMORTAL MIS- SION. "The Presenation of Liberty and Hie Destiny of the Republican model of Government are justly considered its deeply, per--' haps, its finally, staked on and i Novelty Store The Place for tlu best reading matter. When you call for Dont the Mail, take a good Magazine Home with you. waste your time in idleness; spend it profitably by reading a good Magazine or Periodical- WE HAVE THEM. Local Agent for the HOME FIRE INSURANCE CO. entrusted to the hands of thej Wash- Office of the GRANTSVILLE NEWS Amercan people.-Geor- ge Address First Inaugural ingtons WlWWRWIMltWtWlWIWl April 30th, 1789. The case needs no arguing. I SPECIFICATIONS assume that 1 am only express- ed. Wheels fitted with cup and cone ing youv own thoughts-wh- af Motor: 4 3 must be in the mind of every! in. hall bearings. in. stroke. bore. typo, expandtitle man when he faces the Cylinders: Cast en block (including Brakes: Emergen, lut ing type; service, external contractupper half of crank chhi). Head deand the solemn glory of tragedy brake drums.' ing type; tachable. war lor the email-- , the present Wheels: art clincher Wood, illary type, Valves: V inch diameler. mankind. of hub rims, large llanges. cipation Connecting Rod Bearings: l;ixlsi, in. $625,00 Delivered to You! vnlve-in-bea- d Four-cylinde- 11-3- h Tires: 30x3 inches: non skid, front I summon you to a great; Crank Shaft Bearings: Front, and rear. a great privilege, a shining in.", "renter 1 4x39 32 ill.; rear, duty, Drive: Left side, center coni nil, simrk 1 and throttle under steering wheel. dignity and distinction. I shall expect every man who Foot accelerator. Oiling System: Splash, with positive plunger pump, and individual nil 8teering Gear: Compound spur and is not a slacker to be at my side sector, adjustable for wear (patent throughout this great enterpockels. 15 inch steering wheel. Carburetor: Zcniili improved double pending).President Wilsons Adfront and prise. Springs: jet. rear, each with extra wide main dress of July I ltli, 1917. Ignition: Connecticut! Automatic. Clutch: Cone type. leaf, or driving id ate, made of The first quotation is from the Chrome Vanadium steel. Transmission: Thermo-syphosystem, official utterance of the first extra size cellular radial nr, with Bodies: 'roadster; five President of the United States; large overhanging lunk carrying lmsscnger touring; and fire passenthe latter is the latest official uthead of water over raireB at all top. ger touring with Wheelbase: 102 inches. limes. terance from the present Chief r Rear Axle: floating Finish: Black. Executive.. wheel bearing carried on the wheel-hu- Equipment: Electric lights and startand in axle housing. Load carer, highest tj pe system, sinried on axle housing, not axle shaft. gle wiring used. Complete lamp THE POPULAR CHORUS Nickel steel shafts nnd genre. Hya long way to Calif omia, equipment, including head light dimatt roller bearings. Ratio 3J& to 1. mers; mohair tailored top, top cover a long way to go, and side curtains (two passenger Front Axle: Drap forged; with Tts a long way to Calif omia, willi integral yokes of special steel, roadster and open touring car only) ; wettest state I know. To double-hea- t the rod electric tie ends, windshield: speedometer; treated; So horn; complete tool equipment, insteering spindles and arms of goodbye "Tom & Jerry t Chrome Vanadium steel, eluding pump and jack. Farewell, old Rock & Rye." . 2x J. W. Bell 1 Semi-eanlileve- r, Dealer in n r FULL LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE Three-quarte- b two-un- it -- Its Its LARGEST STOCK OF SHOES IN THE CITY AT THE OLD PRICES its heat-trea- This Car will be carried in stock at Tooele. OPHIR MERCANTILE CO. V Agents. . Ophir, Utah It's a long way to California. When Utah goes dry. Poisonous Mushrooms. Of the 159 kinds of mushroom funsl listed by the department of agriculture 7? are described as poisonous. WE EXPECT THE TRADE BECAUSE WE HAVE THE t . GOODS |