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Show JUEW8. GRANTSVILLE, THE GRANT8VILLE WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE . s Mrs. Quinna Experience Ought to Help You Over die Critical Period. LowalL lbas. "For tha laat thraa lara I nara bean tronblad with tha Change of Life and the Dad feelinga thata common at time. I waa in ary nerrooa condition, with headaehea and pain a good deal of the time ao I waa unfit to do mr work. A friend asked me to try rdia E. Pinkham's Com- egetable I did, pound, which and it has helped me in every way. I am not nearly co nervous. no heaoacbe I most aar that Lrdia E. Pinkhiuns Vegetable Compote is the best remedy any side woman can take. " His. Quunr, Bear 2S9 ' WorthenHasgaret St, Lowell, lfasa.are a sense Other warmng symptoma of anffocation, not flashes, headaches, backaches, dread of impending erU, timidity, sounds in tho ears, palpitation of the heart sparks before the eyes, irregularities, constipation, variable . agpetit, weakness, If yon and inquietude, a the Lrdia (gonflosHti Reduces Bursal Enlargements, Thickened. Swollen Tlasuea, Curbs, Filled Tendons, Soreness from Bruises or Strains) tops Sperin Lameness, allays psia. Does not blister, remove the hair os lay up the horse. $2.00 a bottle at dniggists or delivered. Book 1 M free. ABSORBINE, JR for nmnUnd-ri- a antiseptic linimeat for bruises, cuts, s stnins, painful. swollen veins or gun beils and soothes. $1.00 a bottle at druggists or postpud. Will tell you more if you write. M ids in the U. 8. A. by ML F.rOUMS. P. D. F.. SISTmstslUSsrlMMa, DAISY RY KILLER II flies. Sul, lads al Mill, r Sp MtiUI Him, MSaaS .tajnaiSks.Sw Boan HM WwOHvBs Mlly Mo, r I Ite my 1 LVN.IL V. W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. (Copyright, by W. Q. Chapmen.) You will find your Investment well worth Its price," proclaimed Eros Mott, and faker exitinerant pulm-readof Indices character, sir, traordinary. the formation and lines of the huAnn hand. I have drawn two hands. In pencil , outline from the original A, name Valerius Stark, your senior clerk, er infer." John Murdock, village banker, nodded asoentlngly. "B, Willis Thorpe, Junior clerk. Well, sir, here la a note; that Index finger. that tapering It shows power. te small finger, concentration. Ah, sii;. believe me, that hand will do something In the world." Well, yes, Mr. Stark la a capable, Industrious young man. I am pleased at the report of your observations, for know little of his antecedents or predilection. B Willis Thorpe, and the speaker shook his head dubiously. Short fingers, squat thumb. Inclined to mass flexibly, which shows what? Acquisition. What he goes after he wlllHry to get Should say that such a hand. Idly strolling Into a casual bag of gold, might ding tenaciously to the coins. Ahem Thanks I and Eros Mott pocketed his fee and departed. Val Stark, politic, suave, hypocritical, had been moat courteous to him, Willis Thorpe, free and easy and skeptical, had laughed at him. 8o the faker had given rope to his prejudices and had done the young man a bad turn. At hla desk in tbe little counting room of the bank, Stark waved hla hand in gradous adieu to the professor of palmistry, taking pains to flash conspicuously the gltterlng solitaire It bore. Thorpe, with the Joyous ribaldry of a cheery nature, deliberately winked at the retiring scientist" and, doubling his fist, showed a hard, knotty bunch of flvek." Somehow, in a casual way, Mr. Murdock that day recited hla Investment In advanced palmistry to 'director of the institution. The mes- 1 31-19- 17. oclock train, waiting for the seated on a truck on tbe depot platform, when be pricked up Ills ears at the mention of a name. It was Stark." Hes to meet us here and arrange for the come-of- f of the deni tomorrow night. Is Stark," were the words borne to the hearing of Willis from the lips of one of two men seated on a crate. Agreed to hand ns the coin if we make ourselves scarce and dont give his past away to the guy he's working for? Not till hes worked the guy," came He wants us to help the response. him. He'd stay and marry the daughter of the boss, only his wife has found out about him and likely to turn up any day,' so ha ha I Go and ask father, the young maiden wild, but alte knew that he knew her futher was dead, and he knew that she knew the life that he led. Oh I but hes after a comfortable lot of tbe shekels before he skips. Come on, theres the policeman. We dont want to be seen hanging around here." All the way home the mind of Wlllla dwelt on the mysterious allusions of the two strangers. He had Just a mere glimmering of the truth, but his suspicions were deeply aroused. There could be only one conception of the dark hint Imparted, that Stark was not what he seemed to be and was In collusion with men who had some secret, forcing a climax in bis affuirs. It was not only sinister, but alarming. Yet Wlllla was undecided as to what coarse he should pursue. He had no positive evidence that Stark meditated any wrongdoing. He and Willis were theoretically love and business rivals, and If he went to Mr. Murdock with hla story the latter would naturally attribute the action to Jealousy or What Hs Saw. An excited man at Evansville called the sheriff's office and asked In an anxious tone of voice whether William The in regard to sugar production: worlds production of sugar In 1018 Habbe, the sheriff, knew that "three amounted to 37,108,000,000 pounds. The or four boys were playing on the roof inof the court house. production in the United States, not 2,- was The sheriff didnt but be promised to cluding external possessions, 006.000.- 000 pounds ; Imports from make an Investigation at once. When Hawaii amounted to 1,137,000,000 Sheriff Ilabbe had climbed the long flight of stairs to the cupola and lookpounds, from the Philippines to to Blco ed out he saw from Porto pounds, Four tinners engaged In laying u 850.000.- 000 From foreign pounds. sources 5,416,000,000 pounds were re- new cornice around the eaves of the ceived. The consumption in the Unit- building. Indianapolis News. ed States Is 1016 was 7,900,000,000 The man who has no use for the pounds, or 73.13 pounds per capita. The United States- exported 1,686,000,-00- 0 opinions of others never hns any of hla own that other people wont. pounds. Worlds Sugar Production. Tbe New York Journal of Commerce la responsible for the following figures 1 and Father was frown gathered somewhere round bis mouth and advanced all along the western front until It was barred by a line of trenches on his forehead, when his son stood in his presence. My lad," said fnther, grimly, Mrs. Smith, from next door tells me that four of her windows are broken. She Isnt sure whether you have done It, of whether the culprit is her son. Now, then, did you do It or not? The shade of George Washington got into the room, somehow, regardless of the enemy aliens act, and William answered: Father, I did It. I cannot lie. No, said father, as he tucked up his sleeve, with ghoulish delight, and you won't be able to sit either by the time Ive done with you." London Ideas. . g, Clear 8kin and Good Hair by Using Cutlcura Trial Free. super-cream- y, . I 'VftS rST7 Genuine Castoria always hears the signature Hed Blow Suppose, y, of' Mean Trick. The De Jones hack lawn was a lawn In name only. It was really an arid desert bald, so to speak, and In dry weather it was always dusty as a motor track. To tlie astonishment of Mrs. De Smythe, who lived next door, she one day saw her devoted husband turning the garden hose upon the De Jones' lawn. y, j lf I I' For Kidneys, Liver and Bladder nine-thirt- y. Swamp-Roo- Swamp-Roo- dock exclaimed : Hold on! Where are you going? Short cut, and the running is Just as good. A mile. progressed, the machine came to a halt The palmist had predicted that those bunds of the wily Stark He Read the Worda. would do something in the world. They did it now. They seized the banker suddenly by the throat They beat him back as their owner hissed out: Fumble for the key to that box, or Ill choke you!" and then two men darted from the near shrubbery, the accomplices of the rascally senior bank clerk. The robbery had seemed so easy that the scoundrels had not thought weapons necessary. Willis, fearless, an hour or two previous, posted so near to the two lurkera that he could catch the He proecho of their conversation. ceeded at once Into doughty action. Biff bang I thudl Those strong hands of his shot out like the Instruments of power that they were. The two men went reeling and then prostrate, Stark, Just about to receive the key to the strong box from the banker, was seized and hurled out of the maThen grind zip! chine, senseless. Springing to the wheel, Willis drove banker and box In a whirl of dust down 1 fie lonely country road. When John Murdock recovered from the shock of It nil, he grasped the honest, sinewy hand of Wlllla Thorpe with fervor. He shuddered at the memory of the fine Italian hand of the vanished Stark. It was an opportune moment for Willis to solicit the hand of the lovely Myra, and It all resulted from his being on hand at the critical moment I rRJ Dont Poison Baby. YEABS AGO almost every mother thought her child must have or laudanum to make it sleep. These drugs will produce and n FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP FROM WHICH THEBE IS NO WAKING. Many are the children who have been WM or whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric, laudar num and morphine, each of which is a narootio product of opium. Druggists named to children at all, or prohibited from selling either of the narcotics 99 The definition of 94 narcotic H to anybody without labelling them tt poison. is: A medicine which rdieoee pain andproduces sleep, but which in poison out dotet produces stupor, coma, convulsions and death." The taste and containing opium are disguised, and sold under the names tmi) of of Drops," Cordials," Soothing Syrups, eto. You should not permit any medinine to be given to your children without you or your physician know of what it is composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT . CONTAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears the signature of Chao. H. Fletcher. n. senger boy overheard the conversation, The Soap to cleanse and purify, the and, chuckling, retailed It to Thorpe Ointment to soothe and heal. Besides and Stark. emol Tbe fellow his given me quite a these ' fragrant, llents prevent little skin troubles be- boost, chirruped the gratified Stark. He doesnt seem to fancy me, obcoming serious by keeping tbe pores I'd be willing to Willis jolllly. served better . obstruction. from Nothing free show him the 'power in my knuckles, at any price for all toilet purposes. Free sample each by mail with Book. if that would change the oracle." It was an Ideal evening when Willis Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. I called op Myra, the pretty and vivaAdv. Boston. Sold everywhere. cious dnughter of his employer. He fancied that the latter received him Calling the Master. Caller Are you the master of the stiffly, but he forgot all about that as he wandered about the garden, chathouse? ting with his sweetly harmonious comHe Why? nuisof night of gentle am panion. It was the inspector Caller I breezes and sweet rounds of the lilac ances, and have called to He (going to the foot of the stairs! bloom freighted the air. It was paradise complete, until Stark arrived. He ther-In-law, youre wanted was willowy and bland, Willis, blunt London and direct' The banker drew the contrast sharply. He amlled on Stark. his fiddles away When a husband Him and a wife harps on one string The rigmarole of the palmist had made an impression on his practical there isn't mnch harmony. , mind, and Willis began to note after out a that a decided change In the treatment sometimes brings Adversity of the father of his fair enamorata. man's good points by the roots. Then two weeks In succession upon Graulaled Eyelids, the evening when the clerks were invited to the Murdock home, Willis Eyes inflamed by expo- saretoSaa, Dust and WM found himself sent on a bank mission quickly relieved by MsilM to the next town and missed seeing EysBeacdy. No Smarting, The second evening away, howAt Mym.was worth his while, Just Eye Comfort sorrowfully ever, mists or by mail 50c per Bottle. Nsrlss fiiiinn contains more American misabsence from tbe hla he M regretted ei 25 For c. leek tfccEys Mvs in Tubes men side of the girt be adored. He waa sionaries than American business X sak Herbs Eys Icaedy Ca.. Ckksjs Tit-Bit- s. - the Whistle. read Capt. John J. Tof-feJr., instructor of the Sixth company of the Ninth dlvialon, at Ft. Harrison, from Small Problems of Infantry, that your advance guard had malice. been surrounded; that you knew the Something's wrong, I feel sure,' approximate location of the enemy and ruminated Willis, but I can do only his number, but his position was one thing watch. strongly held, and darkness was comTwice during the week Stark secret- ing on. Whnt would ou do?" ly disappeared from town. Willis beTd let it be known that I was a lieved he had gone to the town where union man, and then Id blow the whishe had seen the two men. He did not tle and go to supper," volunteered one follow him, for he was not sure of his fellow. And then, when he was premises. Then the crisis in the enbawled out for his flippancy, he had terprise was forced by the progress of another answer Just as good and much routine results. On the lust day of more apropos ready. Indianapolis each month the bank delivered a bulk News. remittance covering clearings to Its principal correspondent bauk at Wick-toBig News. At the present time tbe balance With rounding lips and an air of represented a. large sum In favor of great Importance the small boy of a the Wickton institution. Two days be- Sunday school In Belfast Imparted the fore the delivery Willis knew that Mr. happy fact to bis teacher : Murdock and Stark Intended making The devils dead, he said, solemnthe trip in an automobile. He also ly. knew that tbe strong box containing What makes you think that?" said the money held something over thirty the startled teacher. thousand dollars. Dad said so, explained the small By sheer accident the ' morning of boy. I was standing In the street the 80th, Willis passed the desk of with him yesterday when a funeral Stark Just as the latter was called to passed, and when dad saw it he said : the window by a client depositor. Poor devil, hes dead. telegram Glancing at a blank upon which Stark had been en- gaged when Interrupted, he read the IjOlCIlUlfl Jjl6UlC1116 worda: sharp, one mile east on the Thurston side road. I guess it! soliloquized Willis, as he studied over the words he had read. The wire is for the two men I overheard. One mile east of the main road, For the past twenty years I have been Til be there. time, acquainted with your preparation, and all those who have had occaIt was a clear moonlight night when the Mr. Murdock and Stark left the bank, sion to use such a medicine praise spemerits of Dr. Kilmers the Btrong box between them on the cially has it been very useful in cases of front seat of the automobile, which catarrh or inflammation of the bladder, Stark drove. The latter kept up a firmly believe that it ia a very valuable and xecommendable for what it brisk conversation. When he turned medicine ia intended. MurMr. main the from thoroughfare, yours, Nine-thirt- HAVE SOFT, WHITE HANDS -Mo- 217,-000,0- Well, I never !" she exclaimed. Im sure I wouldnt trouble to lay dust in De Jones back yard, John, especially as they are such hateful lot of gossips. Small thanks you'll get for your trouble, anyway." Thats all right, my dear. Their, darling little Fido was washed snow white this morning. Now he's out there rolling about like a barrel, and rubbing the mud well klto bis fleecy coat. Trust your huslmnd, iny sweet, for real, unadulterated thoughtfulness." King Edward's Little Needs. Many interesting reminiscences of famous people are given by Mr. F. Townsend Martin in Things I Remember. Referring to the late King Edward the author says: Lady Burton once told me an amusing incident which occurred when the late King Edward stayed at Glen-quolc- h. half-finish- Let Us Weep. stern-lookin- UTAH. t, t; "'I hope, sir, that you have found everything to yonr liking? slie said to the royal visitor. Yes, answered the king; Tint, if may make a suggestion, one little thing wiuld add greatly to the comfort of your guests. Oli, sir, whnt can that be? Well, Lady Burton, said bis majesty, the one thing needful Is a hook on the bathroom door. The Eye of the Night t One afternoon, Doliah, a little colored girl, had seen nn automobile run over a white woman. That night the Very truly youngster's mother, a laundress, could DR. J. A. COPPEDGE, neither persuade nor compel Deliah Texas1918. Oct. 26, Alanreed, to deliver a bundle of the day's washWill Do For You Prove What Swamp-Roing. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer ft Co No no no! walled the excited size a for N. sample Y., Binghamton, If (1cm auto mails culn't see bottle. It will convince anyone. You child. a white Indy In de middle of de day, will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys hows dey a gwlne to see me in de and bladder. When writing, be sure and dark? mention this paper. Regular fifty-cesize bottle fog sale at all and Well Covered. drag atorea. Adv. A benevolent old lady saw nn Governed by Impulses. coming out from Any questions?" asked the instruc- underneath a wrecked car. tor of the Second battery of the Ninth My imor boy, she said, are you covered? division, after the completion of with morning period which the men hnd Yes, replied the motorist, spent on horseback at Ft Harrison, mud, blood, chagrin and Insurance! London Opinion. says Indianapolis News. Captain, asked Ralph Lockwood of ot nt one-doll- A. M. y Indianapolis, wouldnt It be possible to develop artillery horses that would Waiter What'll you have this mornstart and stop like automobiles, and ing? ! would guide with a steering wheel? Burr. Fresh This horse I have seems to be governed by Impulses over which I have Everybody seems to be agreed that no control. In times of war the fanner is the most important man of any nation. 8he Didnt Have One. Mrs. Worrimore There is more profit In smoking Why can't you get thnn cigarettes. up oa early as the cook? You both occupy the same room with an alarm clock, but you're always at least an hour late. Tilly, the Second Mnid Yesm, but the alarm clock belongs to the cook un1 I aint got one. Seven-Thirt- hen-rin- Improved, But Not Cured. Dont you think her voipe Is Im- proved? Perhaps, but not cured. Life. Patience Is frequently lauded, but tenacity la wliat geta there. Our worst misfortunes hover on the brink of our apprehensions. POST TOASTIES are the newest and best in com flakes! -- 13 g |