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Show 8REEN RIVER DISPATCH, BREEN RIVER, UTAH NOTICE GREEN RIVER DISPATCH State Engineer! u eecond clue matter Feb.uary . Green River, Utah. 20, 1907, CSERS. at the post office at A. M. Steel and A. J. Cooi Notice is hereby given that Edward D. Dunn, whose post-offiaddress is Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application in accordance with the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907 as amended by the Session Laws of Utah, 1915,' to ap- 1911, 1909, eight-tent(.8) of propiate a second-foof water from Green River, in Emery, County. Said water will be diverted "by means of a pumping plant at' a point which lies 427 ft. east of the northwest corner of the north east quarter of Section 21, Township 22 South. Range 16 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and conveyed 180 ft in a pipe line and there used from April 1 to October 15. inclusive, of each year, to irrigate 59.11 acres of land embraced in lots, 2, 3, 6 and 7, in said Section 21. As much of of said water as may be necessary will be used during the entire year for domestic purposes. This application is designated in the State Engineers office as ce Subscription $2.00 Per Annum In Advance. Advertising: Rates made known on Application to this Office. Telephones, No. 2 and 74-- 4 ASSOCIATION hs ot Installing New Meat Market Beebe&Sons Department Store are installing this week a new department where they will sell fresh meats. The new meat shop is expected to be in operation about the last of this month. . It will be in the rear of the store. Mrs. Mina Shriver and son Earl left Monday for their home in Missouri after having spent the past year in Green River. , For Fire Insurance see A. D. adv. Hinrichsen. Best Garden Seed at last year prices. Square Deal Store, adv. An insane man who jumped off of an east bound train last Wednesday, was found out on the desert by. members of section gang. He was brought' into town and placed in the jail. While there he made several vain attempts at suicide. He was taken into Price on Friday by Oscar Beebe and W, D. Thompson. No traie of his home or relatives has yet been .found. He became insane while on the train. Considerable money was found on his person. NELS T. PETERSON Repairing Woodworking ( v s THE PEACE TO STAY therefor, must be made by affidavit in duplicate, accompanied with. a fee of $2.50, and filed in this office within thirty (80) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. G. F. McGONAGLE, State Engineer. Date of first publication Feb. 20 1919. Date of completion of publication March 22, 1919. T- O- NOTICE WATER fJSKHS Notice is hereby given that the United States of America, by CAFE METR0P0LE HOTEL L Lytel, Project Manager, whose address is Provo Utah, has made application in accordance with the requirments of the Compiled Laws of Utah Mrs. f as amended by the Session 1907, m LawBof Utah, 1909, 1911, and 3 Day Night 1915, to appropiate. four thousm f and 4000) second-feof water 5 from the Green River, in Grand Rates )1. per Day and Up. Straight across from the Depot g County. Said water will be diver!f ted by means of a dam at a point 500 ft south of the confluence of Coal Creek and Green about eighteen miles River, north of the town of Green River. The water will be conveyed by means of a canal for a distance ARE MILES AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS of 625,000 ft and used from April 1 to November 1 of each Grown in our mountains, they are hardier, grow- better year to irrigate 564,480 acres of and yield more. Planting them will make you rich. land embraced in Tps. 18 to 24S., inc., Rg. 16E.; Tps. 20 to 24S., Alfalfa, inc., Rgs. 14, 15 and 17 E.; EJ Tps. 22, 23, and 24 S., Rg. 13 E.; Is hardy and everlasting, guranleed, pure stock, WJ Tps. 21 to 24 S., inc., Rg. 18 free of noxious weeds, has 94 per cent vitality E., Salt Lake Base and Meridian. hnn 99 per cent purity. Price $23.00 per 100 lbs. This application is designated in Alfalfa the State Engineers office as and ce European Belle Waddell, Prop. and Open et .imimnnunninamimMinitDiiiimmiitmiS MILE SEEDS HIGH - "mile high" Grims Everlasting No. 7915. All protests against the grant- The hardiest of allr never winter-kill- s, certified, tested seed. We also have CHOICE and PRIME grades of home grown alfalfa which sell for $15. to $20.00 per hundred lbs. ing of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be made by affidavit in duplicate accompanied with a fee of $2.50, and filed in this office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. " G. F. McGonagle. State Engineer. Date of first publication Feb. 27, 1919. Date of completion of pub- White Sweet Clover Mile High is of tall bushy growth excellent pasture and fertilizer. Oats, Improved Silver Mine The earliest heavy grain oats the best for high altitudes, yielded 120 bu. last season. Price $5.00 100 lbs. $45.00 per 1000 lbs.. SPRING WHEAT lication Mar. 29. 1919. New Marquis earliest and most productive mokes the best of all flour. Our wheat spring seed is 99 per cent pure and 99 per cent growth. Price $5.00 per 100 lbs. returned on Sunday from a weeks business trip to Salt Lake. L. R. Sinelee and wife have moved into the 'Crane property the past week. Go to the Square Deal Store for irrigating shovels, rakes, adv; hoes, forks etc. Two choice building lots under the Gravity for Bale. Enquire of adv. B. J. Silliman. Tnere will be no services on at the Presbyterian Sunday church owing to the tonsilitis The greatest forage plant for dry fanning; does well on any soil. Fancy home grown seed $15.00 per 100 lbs. Clover Grass Mixtures for different soils and altitudes made np of hardy permanent grasses and clover, adapted for your locality. Yield enormous crops of nutritious hay or pasture. We carry the largest and most complete stock of garden and flower seeds on the Western Slope. Ask for catalog and special wholesale price list - Try This For Sour Stomach. Eat slowly, masticate your food thoroughly. Eat but little meat and none at all for supper. If you are still troubled with sour stomach take one before Tablets of Chamberlains going to bed. (Adv.) W. D. Thompson was in Castle Dale last week attending a sess- Grand Junction Seed Co. JUNCTON, COLORADO. pointed deputy county assessor by recent action of the county Commissioners. Mrs. Geo. Franz and infant f n 21) and well do the rest. WTttmiwnmwniimwHwwwwiw The Lobby Billiard Parlor Smokers Supplies, Soft Drinks, C5 CANDIES. , f Salt Lake Ice Cream Gentlemans Place of Amusement A Broadway Phono 24 tract H. P. Thompson, - - Prop. tutututu tut mt t MttUlMlUU fUUUUUlUttl I NOTICE! j S ADD TO DIRECTORY NO. 8 : Alfred Seamount Folsom k Drake livery : J. W. Kerby Phalen Jack Jesse Wharf Frank Beebe -- - .1 78-6 29 - 64-- 2 74--2 , -- 75-6 19 - - Weldon Lane 73--5 Greenriver Valley Telephone Co. tnrninrtirmmnmnmnimmiimmuinv Sank Utirab It is beremoval by the local freight lieved however that the of the tramp is only temporary. i Forgot What He Needed. From the Republican,. Mt. Giliad, Ohio: The Editor had an interesting CAPITAL $50,000.00 20,000,00 SURPLUS & PROFITS- RESOURCES, OVER . ... $350,000.00 fo PAID 0NT TIME DEPOSITS . Tour Account Soltdtod - sometime ago, when a expreience young gentleman came to thia office and naked for a copy of the Morrow County Republican. He scrutinised it QnUlfMi mglbiii carefully when a copy was handed Now I him. and then ' he said: Know! What ii it you are looking My wife sent me for, we inquired. a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and I forgot the name. I went to several stores and the clerks named over everything in the line on the shelf m Ill try again except Chamberlains. and Ill never ge home wihout Cham- jj berlains Cough Remedy. The Republican would suggest to the proprietors of stores, that they post their clerks, and never let them substitute. Customers lose faith in stores where substituting is permitted, to say nothing of the injustice to makers of good goods and of customer. (Adv.) UTAH MOAB iqflf 1 stuMumuuuuMtminmtttmmtuwiiuuij Livery and Dray Hay, Grain and Coal STOCKMENS Geo. Franz left Tuesday afternoon for Salt Lake City where he attended the Auto Show. and feed Yard aiiinttnttmnmmmtmmmtmmtmmn because of the illness of several of the teachers and a number of the scholars. - HEADQUARTERS Frank Beebe, Prop. School is closed for a few days - Ralph Cooper, who has been visiting with his brother, A. J. Cooper at the Steel home returned to Denver on Supday. Spuds while they last at $2.30 per hundredweight at the Square Deal Store. adv. by coats. Bed socks, operating leggings, t jj Folsom & Drake returned Saturday, from a trip to Iowa where she has been for several weeks." Maharry. The house is to be re- now on hand. Khaki suits for modeled and painted and soon as boys and outing flannel for petticompleted will be occupied Phone daughter parents in Elgin. Yellow Danver Onion Sets at adv. the Square Deal Store. The tramp run between Green River and the coal camp, Sego, has been discontinued and all freight and express is being car-rie-e Sanitary - epedemic. Walter Boyle and Ralph Taylor came over from Moab to attend Masonic Lodge on Monday night your $ Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hinrichsen. J Mrs. Albert Drake and small 1 z son are down from Sego this week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Folsom. E. E. Haller, the new mechanic at the Midland Garage was a business visitor in Grand Juncb-othe first of the week. WATE Settled E. A. Dufford Coal Grain and Hay, witb-friend- When you have a bad taste In mouth you may know that your digestion is faulty.. A dose of Chambe. Red Cross Notes Continued rlains Tablets will usually correct the disorder. They also, cause a gentle movement of the bowels. You will A new knitting allotment to be find this to be one of the best mediby June 1, has been completed cines you have ever become acquainted with. (Adv.) received. It is all refugee woik H. P. Thompson is tnovir.g the and consists af 150 prs. of Bocks little green house, north of the 9$, 75 sweaters, 25 mufflers, and blacksmith Shop to his lot just 15 Shawels. There is also a sewbelow the Gravity. He recently ing allotment which will necesspurchased the lot from M. B. itate the cutting of materials Sudan Grass GRAND y Miss 19, 1919. post-offi- LIVERY & TRANSFER in Grand Jnnction. wife are down and Bert Loper Mohrland from visiting spent-Sunda- Marjory Dufford came State Engineers Office down from her school at ThompSalt Lake City, Utah, February, sons and spent Sunday with her IS AT THE ItmSMUUUMUtltmUUMMMMtUUmMMUl ir, ion of the Emery County school No. 7932. Board. at the All granting Wagon Making said protest! against application, stating tne reasons Wm. Grissom Jr. has been ap- General Blacksmithing ta won iota Office, 1919. Every Thureday. OIAI STATE WATER Salt Lake city, Utah, Feb. 13, By HELEN SPALDING, Mg EDITOR Entered TO Shoulder wraps, Comfort Kits. Crutch pads, Pr. sheets, pr. Pillow cases each! hr. Double time for alldrives, soliciting etc. All workers who have completed the 800 or more hours since April 1917 are urged to hand in their claims for work done, March. 20. ftttmttttuutuftutmtimumnmnnMnmi r Decotints- - -- Varnishes J Now that housedeaning time ia here again, bear in' mind that we have a well selected stock of wall tints, varnish Btains, floor varnishes floor and porch paints with which 5 to brighten your houses and furniture. jj Broadway Drug Store ''aiiiGntiimtmitmntmnmmmnnnnim Stewart, Alexander AWaddoups Attorneys and Councelors at Law , Silvagni Building. PRICE. UTAH ABSTRACTERS Castle Valley Abstract Compy 0. 1. Mssiiw ABsm, J. CASTLE DALE, UTAH We are prepared to do your ab- stracting with can and dispatch. You can not safely buy or sell land or secure a loan without haying an abstra'.. of the title to the same. a N. POWERS Attornoy-at-La- Office In w Notary Publio Bank Bldg., with 8. J. Nam , |