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Show GREEN Thousands Have Kidney LOBBYISTS CAUSE Trouble and Never i- Suspect - It Judging from report! from druggists who are constantly in direct touch with the public, then ie one preparation that hat. been very Successful in overcoming these condition!. The mild and healing is lwflnwn of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Bosoon realized. It stands the highest for fta remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent life Insurance Companies, in an interview of the subject, made the astonishing statement that one reason why ao many applicants for insurance are re--jeeted is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applications are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. It is on sale at all drag stores in bottles of two shea; . medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this neat preparation aend ten oents to Dr. Kilmer A Co, Binghamton, N. Y, for a ample bottle. When writing be sum and mention this paper. Adv. - Sad But True. A friend of Senator Borghnm encountered the colon on the steps of the eapltol and after passing the time of day, remarked, playfully: Senator, how cornea It you arent making any of your famous speeches these days?" But the senator was ready for him. Times have changed, he replied Now It isn't at without hesitation. nil easy for a man with allk hat and frock coat to assert he la saving the country all by hlmaelf, and aay It t nn audience thafa all khaki uniforms and overalls. SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES AND DARKENS HAIR Dent Stay Gray! It Darkens Naturally thut Nobody So can Tell. You can turn gray, faded hair beautifully dark and lustrous almost over night if you'll get a bottle of Wyeth's 8age and Sulphur Compound at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Bedpe, Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, are sold annually, soys a druggist here, because It darkens the hair ao naturally and evenly that no one can tell It has been applied. Those whose hair Is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair vanldhea and your locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful. This Is the age of youth. Gray-hairefolks aren't unattractive wanted around, ao get busy with Wyeths Sage and Sulphur Compound and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a few days. Adv. well-know- n ' to-nig- Harry clapped hi hands when I singing. Over script. his ears?" Boston Tran- FAFFS DUPEPSM F01 CHARGE MADE THAT LOBBYING 18 GOING ON IN SPITE OF INDIGESTION KAT ONE TABLETI NO GASES, ACIDITY, DY8PEP8IA OR ANY STOMACH MISERY. th stock. An effort to introduce In the senate a substitute bill designed to meet the objections of the governor by providing a separate scale of taxes for collateral heirs was defeated, but finally Senutor Dern was permitted to introduce the bill os originally presented to the senate without .any scale of taxes. LEGISLATIVE NOTES. In the senate on Mnrcli 7, Senator Chez's bill, providing that elective county officers, except county shull be elected for four-yeterms Instead of two, was amended and passed on second reading. The r bill was amended to provide fx a term election In 1020 and a four-yer term election In 1922 and every four years thereafter. March 7 was the last day upon which bills sent to the governor for action to lie acted upon and returned to the legislature before Its adjournment. All bills sent to hhn later, under the law, he may hold in his possession and net upon at his leisure after the legislature adjourns. The senate amended the house road bond bill to Increase the bond Issue for state roads, from $3,000t0,K) to $4,000,000 and to reduce the amount that must be expended In each county from $75,000 to $20,0(0. It also aided a clause requiring that all work coating more than $25,000 and not done by convict labor must he done under contract let to the lotrest bidder. In preparation for the grand cleanup at the finish of the legislature, the senate on Murcli 7 named a sifting committee to go through senate bills pending and weed out the unimportant measures that must bo sacrificed In the closing hours of the legislature to dear the roml for more imiwrtant legislation. Legislative Investigation of the defunct Merchants linnk at Halt Lake Is under yny. This fact was brought out when the committee on conxiratlons In the house submitted a report. In connection with a report from the committee named by the governor to iiinke recommendation ns to a suitable memento for Utuh men who served in Hie world war, a hill was Introduced in the senate on March 1 by Senators Hnywnrd anil McKinney providing for nn appropriation of ,$25,000 for a stale celebration nnd giving of certificates of honor to all Utahns entitled to receive them. The house bill creating representative district No. 29 In Daggett county, wns passed on final reading by tbs panate. Undigested food! Lumps of pain; belching gas, adds and sourness. When your stomach Is all upset, here la In? stent relief No waiting! The moment yon eat a tablet or two of Papes Dtapepsln all the Indigestion pain nnd dyspepsia distress stops. Your disordered stomach will feel fine at once. These pleasant, harmless tablets of Papes Dlapepsln pever fail and cost vary little at drag stores. Adv. Net for the Ailing. am strong for this chafing dish tuff." "Wdl, a fellow has to be strong fix I thatr Gstanlial Deafness Csanot Be Cored cannot reach by local applications as they the diseased portion of the car. There Is ons way to cure Catarrhal Deafness; that is 'by a constitutional remedy. ILL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Doafnear Is caused by an Inflamed condition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tuba. Whan this tuba is In flamsd you bare a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and whan it Is entirely dosed. Deafness la Unions the inflammation can bs reduced and this tuba restored to Its normal condition, hearing may bo destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which is an Inflamed condition of tho Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS tor any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot CATARRH bo cured HALL'S by MEDICINE. All Druggists 75c. Circulars free. T. J, Chancy A Co., Toledo; Ohio; the-resu- lt. To be up to date nowadays you've gotta be about ten years ahead of the times. The successful bird Is the one wlut makes all his mistakes when no one Is looking. It's all right to hope, fix the beat, but It won't get you much unless you Iso work fx tbs best. two-yea- PIG CLUB Prepared by the United State Department of Agriculture.) The boys and girls club work Is car- e ried on through ratios between the animal husbandry division of the bureau of animal industry and the states relation service representing the the vadepartment of agriculture-anrious state agricultural colleges represented by their respective extension departments. A swine specialist, supported by funds appropriated by congress for the work of the animal husbandry division, Is placed in each of the states desiring such a man (ao far as funds permit). The specialists work Is administered by tbe director of extension, who furnishes office room and equipment, stenographic assistance, and pays his traveling expenses. He Is a unit in the extension staff and works In closest cooperation with the eta to leader of other club work. All the work Is done In with the county agent force and the various Interested departments of the crege and extension force. The subject mat ter taught by the specialists Is agreeable to the animal husbandry deport meat of the college and the anlrnul husbandry division of the department of agriculture. A simple protect or agreement covering the work Is arranged by the states relations (service between the extension service of the agricultural college and the animal husbandry division. The ugent is the leader Of the animal-clu- b work In the state. It Is his duty to provide technical Instruction for the club members; to provide supervisors or local leader and to train them so tliat they may impart the Information to the members. In some cases the duty of organising the pig clubs falls to tbe lot Of the state agent, while In other stutes the state lender of general club work nnd his staff attend to the organisation. He works with and through the county agent force and makes use of such s local leaden os are available He his vision of the work into the minds of the local leaders and through them Into the lives and minds of the members. He must Impart hia technical Information In tenna that can be understood by the local lenders and applied by the members. &e meets the swine breeders of the state and seeks to win their approval, support, and His work must be constructive and must strike at the swine- co-op- Salt Lake City. The Income tax bill for 'educational purposes was panned by the house at the session of March 8. This bill was prepared by a special school revenue committee' which the house appointed to solve the school tax question so that the less populous sections of the state would not be taxed In greater amounts than the more populous sections. The committee was Instructed to draft a bill which would provide a fund to be equitably distributed among tbe school districts of tbe state for use In defraying the expenses of administration of primary schools. The raising of funds for building purposes remains the problem of tbe Individual districts. There Is no radical departure in the measure from the National Taxing association recommendations. It follows the plan of the federal tax. It adopts a flat 2 per cent levy in the place of the graduated levy of the federal tax. The same exemptions as allowed by the federal tax are provided In this measure. The special committee to which was referred house bill 127, by Mrs. Bluki-ly- , and house bill 133, by R. E. Currie, recommended the tabling of tlic lilakely measure and favorable action for the other. The house followed the recommendation. Both bills relate to the organization and government of cities and provide that city 'commissioners shall be elected from the vur-lowards. The proposal to redistrict the legislative districta of the state was killed by the house on March 8. Unanimous consent was given the appropriations committee on March 8 to Introduce two appropriation bills. They provide an approriatlon for the state to buy some Hatchtown claims and to reimburse the school fund, which will suffer a loss, through the sale of irrigation bonds, the constitution providing that the school fund cannot he made to suffer a loss. The senate on March 8 rejected Senator Olsons bill for a constltuf0k amendment "permitting the consolidation of city and county governments In cities of the state upon vote of the people of the districts affected. The senate on March 8 called upon the house for return of the workmens compensation bill to correct a minor error in words, but tbe house, apparently suspecting a .Joker In the move, refused to return the bill, but offered to refer It to a conference committee. Tills was done. The conference committee on the senute amendments to the Piercey elght-liou- r law for women, reported back 'recommending that both houses concur in an amendment removing exemption of application of the law from employees engaged In interstate commerce, from those employed under contract nnd those upon piece work. d pig-clu- l) pro-Jict- Weekly Health Talks Anacondas output In February was in January, A Single Remedy Often Cures Many Diseases The Tonoimh Mining company of Nevada reports for tbe year ended December 31, 1918, net earnings of BY VALENTINE MOTT, M. D. It is almost impossible to give s list el the endless diseases that follow indigestion. Perhaps s whole column in this newspa-pe- r would bo required to print them elL $782,0G1. Miami Copiiers output In February wus' 4,402,378 pounds; In Juuuorr, 5,273,200. Production by the mines of Tonoimh the past week totaled 7308 tons of ore Milued.at $128, 65a . The fttockluilders in the Merrit Oil ixporutiuu, who met March 4 lu Port- land, Me., voted to approve an Increase In the capital stogk of the corporation from $0,000,000 to $10,000,000. Now thut practically all the anticipated big slides have come down in Alta and Little Cottonwood, it is expected that the South llecla and other Alta mines will be able to start a steady stream of ore to murket over the ice trail According to recent reports from Wyoming, Mule Creek and Edgeinont were the scenek of exciting clashes between owners of oil clulrns and Jumpers. It la stated that claim jumping has cropped out in several cases and the larger firms have started hiring men to look after tlielr holdings. Bingham Mines Company directors have declared a dividend of 25 cents a share. This declaration will require a disbursement of about $3(1,000 on the some 145, 000 shares Issued. It will bring tbe company's total dividends up to $372,000. l4ist year th Bingham Mines paid out $2 a share, or $280,000. The second well being lxired near ilie lake west of Farmington by the Union Oil & Gas cempuny. has attained a depth of 203 feet, and some gas Is showing. The well was started with casing, nnd this luis been reduced to four Inches. It is expected soon to be sinking two wells at the same time. The Goodsprlnga (Nevada) Gazette says : Beginning the first of the month, the Yellow Ilne Mining company will stack the zinc concentrates for future shipment, although lend concentrates will be shipped as formerly. Witliln the next two weeks it Is expected that work will be begun on (.Iterations in the mill. According to the Goldfield News, a maximum width of over 80 feet of level ore Is exposed on the 305-foof the Tonopuh Divide, at a point 300 feet southeast of the shaft, where tbe southwest crosscut has been extended 40V& feet nnd the northeast crosscut has been extended 40 feet from the main drift Figures fx the month show that during February tlii mines of Tin tic shipped 583 cars of ore, valued at approximately $1,300,000, the list Inshippers. These cluding twenty-on-e figures compare with 007 cars, valued at $1,500,000 produced during January tbe slilpplng list of that month Includproducers. ing twenty-fou- r Directors of the Eagle and Blue Bell have declared a dividend of 5 cents a share. This payment will require the distribution of $45,000. It will make a total for this Tintlc mine of $1,200,-00Last year the Eagle distributed 30 cents a share, or a total of $270,-000In 1917 it fcald out 40 cents, or ot 0. $357,258. During the pnst few months the Elk Rnxlu United OH cempuny has been doing some drilling for oil On the southern shores of Utah lake near the of Pig Club and Result of Members Their Under a suspension of the rules Senator Strlngham Introduced a bill amending the present budget law so as to provide that the legislature may not consider bills carrying appropriation during the first thirty days of the session unless the budget has been acted upon by both lioiwes before that time. Efforts on the part of the house of representatives of the Utah legislature on March 8 to pry out of the senate the senate mine tux measure and the conference committee report recommending that the house amendment on the basis of taxation of metalliferous mines be adopted, failed. The governor on March 8 returned to the sennte without his approval the Dern Inheritance tax bill. The governor disapproved the MU on the grounds that the scale of Inheritance taxes is unusually high anil that the bill makes no distinction between direct and collateral heirs. In a special message to the legislature relating to the road building program of the state during the two years ending December 3L 1921, Governor Bamberger recommends a resolution providing that a constitutional amendment raising the bonding limit of the state from 1ft to 2 per cent be submitted the people at the next general election. Senator McKinney succeeded In having Ills municipal elections bill, providing for representation on the city coiiniilsKlrm from each city ward In Salt Luke, tuken from the table and then the senate killed It. Work. e husbandry problems of the state, ne will plan and arrange for the statewide exhibits, judging contests, etc. He visits members on their farms and helps them solve tlielr problems. He conducts demonstrations, simple In nature; yet effective In solving the problems of the members and the 'adults. His work must win the support of the parents of the members If It Is to be successful. The individual effort of the ngenl would accomplish little were It not for the splendid cooperation extondw by. the extension forces, by the bank era and business men, breeders, local Interested people, etc. The work succeeds because the agent multiplies his Influence through all the agencies. The pig club hus not only stimulated the demand for better breeding stock, but also has been the means of Introducing community breeding or breed standardizing In numerous counties In various states where the pure bred part of the Industry is practically new and where there were not numerous breed preferences to contend with. The pig dub boys have not only taught the adults, where the industry Is new, the superiority of the pure bred over the scrub, but have taught them that good Individuals bring good prices. Before this year, says one county agent, it was hard to get a farmer to pay $10 for a good hog; now they pay $50 to $100 In addition to these benefits the pig club w8rk Is stimulating pork production to an extent extremely im portant at tills time, stimulating horns .curing of meut through the organization of 1mm and bacon clubs, teaches the members hotter working methods. Inspires pig club hoys to better work by educational exhibits and Increases' their knowledge through Judging contests. These are In nililitlou to .the Indirect results, such as nwnkenliig a new spread of cmnrailAhlp between father and son and the tenchlng of Intelligent Imrrnwlng and good busl-ne-- ; cethmla through the financing of . j lucmlieni hysakeni. Yob eat to keep alive to supply blood end fleih end bone and muscle and brain. It is eaijr to see that if your food ie not digested end taken up by the delicate and distributed where it ie needed, a disease of some ext is sure to come. Dyspepsia is a common symptom, and so are liver complaint, loss of flesh, nervousness, bed memory, dizziness, sleeplessness, no appetite.. Many time, when neglected, indigestion results in coughs, throat diseases, catarrh, bronchitis and even more dangcr-u- e thing. And all these disorders arira because the food is not properly digested in the stomach. It ie plain even tu a child that relief and cure are to he had only by setting np a healthy condition in toe stomach. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo. N. many years ago combined a number at vegetable growths into a temperance remedy tor indigestion, end called it Golden Medical Discovery. It is probably the most efficacious discovery ever made in medicine, for the list of people all over the world who hare had their countless ills overcome by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes an amazing total of thou-or-ge- 0. AT THE CAPITOL. Representative D. D. McKay's bill, providing for the taxation of rural dogs in order to reduce their number flnd thereby minimize damage caused by them to sheep and other live stock, was passed by the senate after considerable debate. It wus pointed ont on Mnrcli S by Representative D. D. McKay that so far this session the house has acted senate hills which upon twenty-seve- n had been passed; two had been laid upon the table, four were In the hands of committees, one had been killed and one, senate Mil No. 42, was lost. A It le Duty of Agent to Furnish In formation to Supervisors Who Instruct Members. Under Proposed Law Less Populous Sections of 8tats Would Not bs Taxed in Greater Amounts Than Mora Populoua Sections. Salt Lake City. The house passed nine bills before noon on March 10, the day of the legislative session, and when it reconvened at 2 o'clock quickly passed the concurrent resolution by Senator Elisabeth J. Hayward, authorising the governor to appoint a committee of five to study and formulate a plan to comknemorate American irrigation. From then until adjournment at 4 o'clock there was continual scrapping and a number of oratorical brickbats were thrown at state officials, members of the legislature and others who happened to come within range of the house barrage." Lobbyists and lobbying came In for two stiff rounds in the house during the afternoon. Speaker Richards opened the first round by announcing that lobbyists were becoming too bold, that they had Invaded the sacred sanctuary of the house floor and were button-holing- " members at tlielr desks. A house rule prohibits lobbying at all times on the floor of the chamber, and It was ordered that this rule be rigidly enforced. An effort to pass the Dern Inheritance tax bill over the governors in the senute on March 10, opposition failed. ' The roll cull on flip question allowed not only a lack of the constitutional majority, but a majority against the passage, the vote being eight for passage and ten against. The new motor vehicle license law was signed by the governor on March 10. Motorcycles are taxed 83; the remaining pleasure car rates ale: Vehicles not exceeding nnd $5; between $15; all steam cars, $10; all electric cars, $10, commercial trucks from flO to $73. The Ieni kill, relntlng to banking business, and the amendment measure was passed on final reading by the senate, after it had been denatur-ixed- . As presented the bill made it a felony for any officer or director of a bank to borrow from tbe bank more than-1per cent of the amount of its capital stock and surplus. This portion was stricken out Senator Clyde's bill imposing a gracing license upon transient stock from outside states was considered on second reading and then under suspension of the rules was passed on final reading. The tax is designed to protect the summer range of Utah from fifty-seven- MANAGEMENT OF DI8CUSSED PROBLEM. Effort to Pass the Dem Inheritance Tax Bill Over the Governors Veto Proves Unavailing In the 8enat. AROUND THE MINES 12,400,000 pounds; REVENUE ACT 18 NOW EXPECTED TO SOLVE LONG ar , LEVY SCHOOL 8TRINGENT RULE8. transient No Melba. .was 1W0 PER GENT RIVER, UTAH UPROAR IN HOUSE Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. ' RIVER DI8PAT0H, GREEN town of Goshen. Notf word comes from Provo that agents of the com- V inds. I know of no advice better than this: Begin a home treatment today with this good vegetable medicine. It will show you better than I can tel yon what it will do. When taking Golden Medical Discovery, yon can rest assured of one very important thing it contains neither alcohol nor opiates. There ie nothing in it but standard roots and herb that possesa curative properties of a high order. A safe medicine is the only kind you can afford to take. FORMULAS Iaim lea pound: furainla Bo ORIEL KUlPLY, SSS5 Park, Salat Loots pomsli furmnla Ms Had Heard Her Before. Doesn't her singing inovi you?' It did once, when 1 lived In lie adjoining lint. 1 Freshen a Heavy 6kln With tbe antiseptic, fascinating Cutl-cur- a Talcum l'owder, an orgrioitoiy scented convenient, economical face, akin, baby and dusting powder and perfume. Benders other perfumes superfluous. One of the Cutlcura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum). Adv. A good ninny people long to lie rich who don't know how to xiiend wlint they have properly. A man must stand erect, not lie kept erect by others. Marcus Aurelius. FRANTIC WITH PAIN Lag Siffaiif Frea Kidney TlmUe Mm Tkai Werdi Cu Deierlk. Daaii Brsiifht Betltk sni Happiieci. Mrs. Anna Thorson, 290 South St., I hadnt any Stamford, Conn., eaye: more strength then a child, and after me more and back hurt weeping my more. My headaches were so bed it seemed as though my skull were being torn into shreds and I would finally lose track of everything end lie in a stupor fx hours, I felt I had to keep going or lose my mma and I kept up often when I trembled all over with weakness. My feet were swollen end every bone in my body seemed to ache. Mn. Therm My fingers got almost as rigid as pieces of wood and the knuckles swelled. The kidney secretions were dark colored, scanty end terribly burning. I suffered more than words can describe. 1 finally began using Doans Kidney Pillt and I believe with all my heart that they kept me out of the grave. I am well end nappy after going through enough pain to drive me frentic. Doan'i saved my life. Sworn to before me thit 13th day 1915. of Sept., BENJAMIN M. AYRES, pany are In Provo negotiating for a lease on the property of the First Ward Pasture company bordering the Utah lake. Under the caption The World Cries fx Silver,world-wid-thee Nevada Mining Press demand for silver says : A and the probability that necessity will bring about the establishment of a Votary Public. double standard has awakened the inGet Dooofr at Amy Stare, 60s a Ben terest of men of keen vision who are seeking silver mines' for investment Several deals of magnitude have been FOSTEMOLBUSN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. made In Nevada mines and the coming spring will be followed by operations on n large scale." Marked Improvement in the conditions at the Silver King Coalition mins of Park City Is noted by Lafayette Hnnchett, eminent mining engineer, who wns recently engaged by the exSTOMACH RELIEF ecutive committee of the Sllvx King Coalition Mines company to take direct and fuH charge of operations. Joseph Taggart M. C., from Kansas, reter By an and John Ernst, who Declares EATONIC Best fx hold's lease on the old Saturday propIndigestion He Ever Used. A esogressmss bears mtay erty on Squaw creek, a tributary of srsasMBti (or sod against the Salmon river, and about seven dlffnaat propodtlocs. His miles out of Clayton, Custer county, list Is onre to eoavielloa. bat befsio be easts bis vote Idaho, report having struck from four oa soy monsaro bs Moists pea rr id rare that, os Us to six feet of solid galena and a large own wslfbt, csrrlus body of carbonate ore after sinking la tbe esse of (ATOf-IO-" eighty feet. Joseph Tiers rt, Ouw from tbe 2sd DisamsBia Value of the primary aluminum protrict, Kansas City, Kiss., dselded tbit a trial a t tbs duced in the United States In 1018, as remedy. Itself, would reported by he United States geologtbe Boat eondarivs Head and do wbat bs tells yea. bis derision ical survey, department of the inter- proof. Oat boa of BATOKIO will cost Mrs tbs BMSt skeptical. It Is tbe best remedy ior, was $41,150,225, a decrease pt 1 bare erer tried (Sr ladlsestloa. $4,722,775, or 10 per cent from tie Boopertfnlly, JOSIPU TAOOABT, value In 1917. If. C. St Kao. Dist., Kao. City. Kins. ten Kesrly ill stomach tronbln is caused by From Boston come advices that the murb arid In tbs stomach. EATONIC neutralises tbs mere aridity nnd method of disposing of government-owne- d snsblre yon to eat wbat you Ilka and digest copper, estimated at about ir kit yon ret In comfort. It keeps tire stonaeb of prefect health. s Stitt not been has k finally pounds, Heres tbs secret: XATONIO takes np ten tho determined, although the metal will aridity, driven tbo gas eat of tFoa body orsad two a era! goes with It. Oasts only be marketed In such fashion that the blast day to are It. Oat a boa today Hare yre general altuntlon will not be disturbed. dnwstst. George W. Snyder, manager of the Black Metals Mines company, Inc., w9 ha relieved promptly by Fkso'ai Stoss operating the Day group of properties threat tickle j rdievsa Imtatiea. Tbe remedy In the Jack Babhlt district, out of tested by more torn fifty yean of ose is week word last Plxlie, Nev., received that the new equipment had arrived and waa being Installed os rapidly as DOANS VSSV U.S. fne-als- 180,-000,0- Old Folks Coughs |