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Show GREEN RIVER DIGPATOH, GREEN RIVER, UTAH q7te LIFT OFF CORNS! Av Tho Apply few drbps then lift sore, touchy corns off with Who Benefits By High Prices? fingers You feel that retail meat prices are too high. Your retailer says he has to pay higher prices to the packers. Swift & Company prove that out of every dollar the retailer pays to the packers for meat, 2 cents is for packers profit, 13 cents is for operating expenses, and 85 cents goes to the stock raiser; and that the prices of live stock and meat move up and down together. Just a little splash of color, Bure it brightens up the day! Drab the world would be, and duller, But for good St. Patrick! dayl Who la he who would be scornin' Whan the shamrock smllee at him. With this good at. Patrick's momln Full of kindness to the brlml IS OLDEST MUON live-sto- ck . responsible. No one, apparently, is benefited by higher prices and higher income. We are all living on a high-pricscale. One trouble is, that the number of dollars has multiplied faster than the quantity of goods; so that each dollar buys less than formerly. determine moral action; and moral Action leads to necessary law. Slander gains no love. DONT FEAR THE FLU yon, if yon uaeDR. HE ESSENTIAL OIL TABLETS." They quickly relieve cough cold all It cant get LERS Soft Ruin. mimed Scotia and when she separated from the king her followers were called Scots. At first they gave the name of Scotland to Ireland and It was so described for many centuries. They and the Plcta colonised north Britain and gave the name Scotland to It The Piets came to Irelund shortly after the landing of the Gaels. These Gaels had lost n great many men la a stormy voyage from Spain and the widows were married to the Piets, who had no women with them. Taras Rails continued to be the seat of government down till the Clirlstlan era, when It fell Into disuse because of a curse that was placed upon It by St Bredan. speaker had Inadvertently and continually used the expression Do you A meek little man In the follow me? front row added to her annoyance by signifying each time that he did. The ludy speaker was exceedingly Finally she annoyed exceedingly. beckoned to the house policeman. Officer," site ordered, 1 wish you would take this offensive mule bmte Into custody. He lius persisted In following me all evening." RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half p at of water add 1 ox. Bay Rum a small boa of Barbo Compound, and R o of giyoerine. Any druggist can put this np or you ean mix it at noma at very lit tie coat. Pull directions for making auo use coma is each box of Barbo Compound It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and gioesy. II will not color the scalp, is net sticky sc greasy, and dots not run off. Adv. , nha Doth Beef and Milk out bread that siTBf 1 steels la both beat Itul upon which good health and good apinti o much depend, are impaired. The weak spot ia generally the bladder Unpleaaant ymptoma show themaelvea. Painful and annoying complication! in other organa ariae. Thia ia particularly true with elderly people. If yon only know how, thia trouble can be obviated. For over 200 yean GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil hai been relieving the inconvenience and pain due to advancing e home yean. It ia a standard, remedy, and needa no introduction. It ia now put up in odorlea taiteleaa capaulea. Theae are eaiier and more pleasant to take than tne oil in bottle. Each capaule eontaim about one dose of five drape. Take them just like you would any pill, with a small swallow of water. They soak into the system and throw off the poisons which are making you old before your time. They will quickly relieve important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CA8TORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and sea that It ' Bears the XTher b-l- COLT DISTEMPER You can prevent thia loathsome disease from running through your stable and cure ell the colta suffering with It when you begin the treatment. No matter how young, SPOIINS COMPOUND ia safe lo use on any colt. It ta wonderful how it prevents ell distempers, no matter how the colta or horses at any age are ''exposed." sroiIN'B la sold by your druggist. SPOH3T MEDICAI, CO, Sale Mlri, lad. Geahra, Out of Torment and Misery to Comfort" Colds Grippe Headache Neuralgia Toothache Earache Rheumatism Lumbago Influenzal Colds Stiff Neck Joint Pains Proved safe by millions Adults Take one or two Bayer Tablets of Aspirin with water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a dly, after meals, Holds the Faith of Medical Leaders! 20 cent Bayer packages also larger Bayer package Buy Bayer packagea only Get original package. Bauer-Table- ts Aspirin Signature of In Uae for Over 80 $ear Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria Easiest Way. How can you tell a dogwood tree?'' Easily. By Its bark. those stiffened joint that backache, rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, gall atone gravel, brick duet, etc. They are an effective remedy for ell diseases of the bladder, kidney, liver, stomach and allied organs. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capaulea cleanse the kidneys and purify the blood. They frequently ward off attacks of thedangerous and fatal diseases of the kidhave a beneficial effect, and cure the difra.es of the bodily organ allied with the bladder and kidneys. If yon are troubled with soreness across the loins or with simple aches anil pains in the back take warning, it may be the preliminary indications of some dreadful malady which can be warded off or cured if taken in time. Go to votir druggist today and get a box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. yon. Money refunded if they do not Three aiaei. GOLD MEDAL ere The pure, Oil Haarlem Capsules original imported Accept No Substitutes. Ad. TheBayer Cross"on Genuine Tablets Aspirin is tha trade aisrk of Bsytr Vsnafscturo of Monoscctiticidciter ef SiDtrllacif Proof that Some Women do Avoid Operations Mrs. Etta Dcrion, of Ogdensburg, Wi, says: but I would not listen to it I thought of what I had read about Lydia E. Flnkhams Vegetable Compound and tried it. The first bottle brought great relief and elx bottles have entirely cured me. All women who have female trouble of any kind should try Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. - How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation. I suffered from a female trouble which Canton, Ohio. caused me much suffering, and two doctors decided that I would have to go through an operation before I could God blest Ireland! We love her for her sins and her Her sni are the blunders of virtue zeal for freedom, and her virtues are the sweetest flowers that ever grew in human heart We love Ireland for the quainf beauty of her speech; the fertile charm of her fancy; the heedless fire get well. It relieved me from my troubles so I can do my bouse work without any difficulty. I advise any woman who Is afflicted with female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkhams Vc' table Compound a trial and It will do as muei for them.' Mr Mabi Hotd, 1421 6th St., If. E Canton, Ohio. fore submitting to an operation. Every Sick Woman Sliofe of her blood. We love the romance and magic and tne fame May her harp never be stilled nor her voice saenced. VSittSS May she praper in field and in loom, a flay she nwe die courage of mm tm rai Miaala Ha S1.M aw lea. at Your Druggists or by mail COc per Bottle. and the patience of wisdom. r Safe m Sri kni WIB MS ras man For leek at tts Ejra free write an UA 71 kwk to 1 la God bless Ireland I N. P. Y9INN. P. Bl PHMlMilt,airtsl(M; Mu. Maria Ey Rsnsfy Co Chlcsga. Eye9jkriS When youre fifty, your body begins to ereak a little at the hinges. Motion is more slow and deliberate. Not ao young aa I need to be ia a frequent and unwef Brethren and sister" remarked the visiting presiding elder, looking at the evolution that has taken place among a considering the soclul upheaval that we see ou every side, taking not? of the turmoil thnt exists on every hand, I ask, brethren and sister wiiut Is this world coming to? I don't knetf." responded the reglnr minister, out a large part of It Is not coming to this EYDIA E. PINKHAM S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Vaissi M Standard said fanady for M wn-- k tablet afc.enis, no opiates brnalr. up a cold 24 houn-ictie- vea trip la 2 data. Money backifitfhU. The fcsmioc box ha a Shd top with Mr. HilTa pictaa. At AU Drag States. A WEAK BODY old-tim- ... Heals Boil Ml There is no rhyme for silver, but it of her: the daring and courage of Evil, Quitter, Fistula and her; the uncompromising idealism fsctsd eons quickly jingles with gold very nicely. that invites martyrdom. fc b s poriihre aatiicptic !J- 1 May the never lose faith in God Plcaant Is GraulaM EjrdMa, i wp ; QUININE 3S2Z Why use ordinary cough remedies when Boschees Syrup has been used so successfully for fifty-on- e years in all parts of the United States for cough bronchltl colds settled In tbs throat, especially lung troubles? It gives the patient a good nights rest free from coughing, with easy expectoration In the morning, gives nature a chance to soothe the inflamed part throw off the disease, helping the patient to regain his health. Made In America and sold for more than half a eentury, Adv. Heal Itching Skins With Cnticura UttARAE? a WEAK KIDNEYS MEAN O. Going Therefrom. BOSCHEPS SYRUP throat and lung trouble reduce lever; prevent attack U taken in time and ate A real free from drugs or opiate which should be used in every home. Trial.package of 2 tube $1.00. Full packForeslghted. age, 10 tubes $5l00l Complete direction Jack, dear, before our wedding, 1 Postpaid on receipt of price. wish you would see a doctor. FREDERICK HILLER, M. D. Why Should I? I am well, except Saits 423 Consolidated Realty Bldg. for a touch of dyspepsia." Los Angela California Thats Just it. Id like you to get a certificate from him which would show that your dyspeiuda antedated our Boston Transcript. marriage. life-sav- er A Meek and Lowly Follower. Much to her chagrin, the lady -- No Posing u cn calluse without soreness or irritation. Freesone la the sensational discovery of a Cincinnati genlu It la wonderful. County fifty! Your cold In head or catarrh disappear Your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you cun breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache ; no struggling for breatlvat night Get a small bottle of Elys Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream In your nostril It peneCvntes through every air passage of the head, soothing and healing the swollen or Inflamed mu cons membrane, giving you Instant relief. Head colds and catarrh yield and like magic. Dont stay stuffed-u- p miserable. Relief is sure. Adv. for Josh. I shouldn't marry a young man Your boy lias proved a wonderfully of Ills type, if I were you. ' Industrious chiip, Ye Why notr replied Furmer CumtosseL They say hea gone through ftp He never would let us have our own fortunes already." way. Now that his mother would be What of thatf I should think It perfectly willing to have him do nothery nice to be married to a man who ing but visit nn tell stories, he Insists on bein out where the real work Is la such a liberal spender." goln on. u Rub this soothing, penetrating liniment right Into the sore, Inflamed nerv- - and like magic neuralgia disSt. Jacobs Liniment conappears. quers pain. It la a harmless neuralgia relief" which doesn't burn or discolor the akin. Don't suffer ! It's so needles Get a small trial bottle from any drug tore and gently rub the aching nerves" and In just a moment you win be absolutely free from pain and suffering. No difference whether your pain or neuralgia la In the face, bead or any part of the body, yon get Instant relief honest pain dewith this stroyer it can not Injure. Adv. At the first sign of shiver or sneeze, take I How To Get Relief When Head and Nose are 8tuffed Up. Old Monastic b Instant relief! Rub this nerve torture and misery right out with 8t Jacobs Liniment." and milk la the Shorthorn. Bhortbora ateeia repeatedly brake tha record! at th market! la The Way of It 1918, making tho high, footed husband the Doesnt hurt s bitl Drop a little Madam, your sat reoord oa tha open market of (30.60 parent. I knew hed kick Tliere ! Freesone on an aching corn. Instantly bill. And Bhortbora oowi that corn stops hurting, then yon lift about It. have mSk records ol I Ye out it right over 17,000 Iha. per year, ftbthjhraar'ains magic The man who considers Ids own having arta ace mall and aaM tiny bottle of Freesone costs but a few cents at any drug store, but la suff- faults has but little to say concerning W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. icient to remove every hard corn, soft the faults of other corn, or corn between the toe and the . Swift & Company, U. S. A. etaaa laaMa eatsMe by taktas writ a wak, nek as ami. taxaUre at tout Dense Ftacaa Ftaanat MkH Air. be prevented easier than it can be cured. old-tim- e, OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH ed No Tightwad, Anyhow. Spanish Influenza can 11-1- is the oldest European IRELAND The I la flail, or atone of fate, was believed to be Identical with the atone on which Jacob laid his head. The Tuatha de Danann brought it to Ireland by way of Nor way. They were called the Tribe of God and were looked upon as superhuman because of their great attainments In artistic and sclentlfltvjur-suita- . "All who are skilled In the use of musical Instruments ; those who are gifted in the arts of divination and enchantment such are tne sons of the descendants of the Tuatha de Danann. About 800 or 400 years later another tribe from the same stock and called Gaels came from Egypt by way of Spain to Ireland. Their queen was raiser points The to rising costs ofraising live stock. Labor reminds us that higher wages must go hand in hand with the new cost of living. No one, apparently, is " COUNT FIFTY! PAINS AND NEURALGIA GONE right-eousne- . & Before Submitting To An Operationjffi IFDIA E. PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. I |