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Show KUBBAY wounw man- TrfiS VACATION r listen SOCIALS Town HOME Harry Flaher of Denver la here for two weeka. to uie stort got a mb For. , t SWEETU Vlaltlng friend HOME Ml Grace Coppln of Salt Lake ia the (iieat of Mia Wandaquln Brown. h Mlaa the E. Helen Barlow will entertain Thursday evening. Q. V. club Mr. and Mr. Jamea McOmey of Garfield have moved to Murray where they will make their home. .. Mlaa Varny Janaeon left Thnraday for a two week' vialt with relatlvr In Logan. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Martin returned Monday from a two month pleaaurc trip to California. Mra. Leonard Miller and two children of Idaho are vial ting with Mra. Thomaa Powell. 'Did you notice thla weeka announcement of Emporium Grocery company1 a pec la la? Tberea money in your pocket to take advantage of their offer. A number of lady frlenda aurprlaed Mra. Jana Smith Wed-nead- afternoon. Mlaa Haxel Green returned the 11 ret of the week from a week'a vacation , in Brighton. Granite School District Announce List of Teachers The Teachers' Institute of Granite School District waa held Wednesday, Thursday and Mday of thla week at the Granite High School Auditorium, and waa adjudged a huge auocess. " Pupils will report at their various schools Tueaday, Sept. Tth, and registration for High School pupils will be Saturday, Sept. 4th, and Tuesday, ' Sept. Ttb. Below la given n complete lint of principals and teachers whose services have been acquired for the coming school year: Bacchus Sell sel. Mrs. Evelyn Anns Humel. Blaint School. E. E. Howe, Principal. Grade 1, Luclle Cahoon; S, 8. Dora Hintao; . Mary Marchant; 7, 8, Wilford Belnap, head teacher. Parley School. Grades L 2, 2, Rowena Irving; 4, E, Vera Ure; 7, 8, Mrs. A. W. Bridge, head teacher. -Plymouth School. - O. C. Bailey, principal and Ith grade. Grade 1, Wallace, Edna Map-tin- ; 2, Leah Eldredge; 3, Georgia na Webster; 4,' Liisle Cook; 5, Almira Eldredge; t, Drucilla Cunnlngton; 7, Emma J. Webster; g, AMjrth Thaln. Roosavslt School. D. C. Woodward, principal. Grade 1, Mercy Harfleld; 3. Grace C. Pterion; 3, Ada Bralthewalte; 4, Aim T. Burton; 5, Emma C. Cart son; g, Florence Caroline Hamilton; 7, Roundy; 8, Leah B. Hagen. Saltair School. Grade L 1. 8, 4, Luclle Adams; S, 8, 7, 8, Mrs, Carrie Kpnrey. Urn ShtrmanSchool Laverna Lewis, assistant; I, Ruth Lindsay, Florence Beal; S, Afton Warburion, Mra. Frank Alpaugh left Monday Mra. 4, Jessie Brown; Annie for a vialt with frlenda at Tremon-to- 5. Rosa Baer,Mackey; Betsy Borreson; 6, Mrs. returning Wedneaday. Allcs Lamph, Louise Sawyer; 7, PaulAlice Kendall. Thla month the Progreaa company ine Brockmeyer, Beene School. la having a apedal aale on vacuum deanera read their announcement Grades 1, 1, 8, Florence P. Pearson; thla laaue and call them up for a 4, 5, 6, Frank F. Walts, bead teacher. demonatratlon. Carlisle School. Laura Christensen, principal. Harry Cannegleter entertained the Grade 1, Hepsy Berry; 2, 3, Virginia membera of the Eaglee lodge Tueaday Wyse; 4. 5, Addle Johnson; S, 8, Virevening at hla home on Vine aireet. ginia Gillia; 7, Laura Christensen Edison School. Mia. C. E. Eatehel entertained the Grades 1, 3, Ethel Powell; 3, 4. Alberts afclub Paat Noblea Grand Thursday S, 6, E. A. Melton, head teacher. ternoon at her home on Eaat 48th Pack; Garfield School. South. G. A. Weggelsnd, principal. Grade I. Judith Lillie; 3, Llnnle Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smlth'and daughter. Henrietta, returned Sunday from Cotter; 4, Elisabeth Bonner, Lets a two week fishing trip at Flah Wright; S, Anbella'M.McDonald; S, Edna Porter; 8, Ruth Wyatt; 7, James lake. Reese; P, Tippett Westerman. Hawthorns School. Mrs. Helen Ecdes left Friday for Grade 1. Bertha McKensle; 3, Janet California, after visiting with Mrs. two weeks. for Bobbins 8harp; 3, Alta Sanford; 4, Cora West; Harry 5, Mand Fenton; 8, James L. ChristenMr. and Mrs. Jamea Park and sen, head teacher. children has returned after spending f Irving Behool. about eight weeks visiting with relaD. J. Thurman, Jr, principal. tive In Idaho. Grade 1, Ida Anderson; 3, Alberta Mrs. Margaret Wright left the first Herbst; 3. Georgia Creighton; 4, Wageetaff; 6. Albert Spencer; of the week for a two months' visit Mabel 8. Leone Andrus; 7, Josephine Embry; with her soua In Shelley, Idaho. 3, Sue Simons; 1, D. J. Thurman, Jt. Kimball School. Mra. Thomaa Powell entertained at C. P. Rockwood, principal. luncheon Wedneaday afternoon at her Grade 1, Margaret Coder, Florence home on State street In honor of her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Miller of Barclay; 3, Catherine Snelgrove, Ruby Idaho. BJorklnnd; 3. May Cartwright, Rose Bleasard; 4, Ruth Lerwlll, Sarah FosMias Evelyn MeOmey, assisted by ter; 5, Alberta Cram, LeRoy Phillips; her mother, entertained at a birth' I, C. P. Rockwood. day party Monday afternoon at her Magna School. home on Vine street. HeTreshments Grade 1, Anabel Mooney, Pearl Jorwere served to eleven little frlenda. gensen assistant, Estelle Parry; 3, Bernice Carlson, Irene Edmunds; J, A number of frlenda pleasantly Louise Worthan, Grace Olson; B, Ida WednesHarold C Rlllar James 6, Barnes; Nichols, Campbell surprised day evening at hla home on Eaat 48th Hickman, Head teacher. The evening waa spent In South. Monroe School. games and music and luncheon was Percy Rock, Principal. served to 211 guests Grade 1. Edith Greaves; 3, Luclle Hurd; 3, nils Kelson; 4, Lurena EldMrs. J. 8. Barlow and Mra. R. W. redge; 5, 6, Irene O'Dea; 7, Orville France entertained at an Orpheum Johnson; 9, Percy Rock. theatre party Thursday afternoon in North School. honor of Mra. Huron L. Tilyden of Grades 1, 3, Elisabeth Craig; 3, 4, Denver and Mrs. John Thurgond of Leone McDonald; 5, 6, Rachel ShepHooper, and Mrs. Glenn Eldredge of herd, head teacher. Idaho. After the theatre luncheon Oakwood School. The waa aerved at the Newhouae. Grades 1, 2, Kathleen B. Nelson; 3, centerpiece for the table was a crystal basket of pink gladlolos. Covers were laid for six. Good home HELP WANTED be given for The Murray Baptist Aid la Invited board and wages will woelderly or middle-age-d to meet with Mra. Beattie at the reliable exchange for care of children Baptist church Wedneaday. Septem- man in ber 8. All frlenda are Invited to be day time. 227 Canyon Road, Apt present as thla meeting la of special 2, Salt Lake City. Importance because of plana to be maido for the fall and winter work WANTED-- Dead or useless horses of the society. and cows, bought tor cash. Phone DELIA MARY BEATTIE, Murray 3711-Mlaalonary. n, - T. P. Brockbank, principal. Grade 1, EtheLHiubands; 3, 3, Caa-sl- e Debenham; 4, Millie Nielson; 5, Ida Gardner; 8, Anna Gardner; 7, T. Woodruff; 8, T. P. Brockbank. Whittier School. A.' J. Goodwin, principal. Gradea 1, 3, Carol Lyon; 3, 4, Oriel Griffin, 5, 8, Myrtle Gibson; 6, 7, Caroline Parry; I, A. J. Goodwin. Wilford School. Grades 1, 3, Elsie Collett; 3, 4, Mary Love; 6, 6, Charles M. Peterson, head teacher. Woodstock School. O. T. Jensen, principal. Grade 1, Mra. Maud Graham; 3, 3, Gunhlld Larson; 4, 5, Sigrld Larson; 8, Charlotte Carls ton; 7, 8, Caroline Werther. Granite High. Willard Ashton, principal Jean Folsom, Harry Halton, Eva B. Sutras, Hattie Tipton, Maud Tuckfleld, Eva Lindqulat, Fhy Cornwall, Bert Lett. B. A. Bumingham, Agnes M. A. M. 8arauel Smith, Beckhtrasd, Baird, G. A. Caproni, Mra. L. McCurdy Clark, Mrs. Ethel Chance, Marjorie Whlteley, Joseph H. Davis, Leone R. Gammette, Emily McDonald, Wm. B. iiaughan. Once Tout, Logan Wiseman, L. A. Wallace, Jamea Haalam, Virginia Davidson, Alleen D. Christensen, Dorothy Blester, Adolph Bros, James Broad betrt, Amy L. Farnsworth Cyprus High. ' J. J. Harris, principal. Estelle Fenton, Franklfn Mad son, Inei Miller, M. A. Richards, Maud Watrous, LueHa Morphy, 8. E. Smith, LeRoy W. Hillam, Ruby Leigh, Douglas B rammer. The Modern Jska An Englishman, writing of the humor of tha world today, baa thla to aay: "A inks, to amuso rut must he about nothing; or one of tho Jokea with which Adam tried to amuse Eve; or for which Cain killed AML A Long-Pe- Want lt What thla world needs la a spray and a germicide for tlia humbugs Wilmington News. OCGOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOChKhKO CN.BANKS UNDERTAKING COMPANY LICENSED EMBALMERS Phone 847 Murray, Utah Free Automobile Service to and from Parlors if retired a GOTHARD Dentist 239 Main St. Salt Lake City Over American Theatre. OOOOOOOOiKHOHKHMOOOOOOOOOOO 5 lbs. Sugar - $1.00 12 Bara Palmolive Soap - 98c Tomatoes, per can 10 lb. pail of lard 5 lb. pail of lard 2 lb. pail of lard - - 13c 82.59 81.39 59c Fifty Good Uncalled for Work Suits FROM $5.00 TO $15.00 Helrs-at-La- In the District Court, Probata Divisla sad for Balt Lake County, State of Utah.. In tho matter of tho estate of F. ion, Gnat Rosander, deceased. The petition of Sofia Rosander, administratrix of the estate of P. Gnat Rosander, deceased, praying for summary distribution to the person entiled has been set for hearing on Friday, the 17th day of September, A. D. 1920, at I o'clock p. tn. at the County Court House, In the Court Room of said Court, lu Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. Witness the Clerk of said fcourt, with the seal thereof effixed, this 20th day of August, A. D. 1920. J. E. CLARK. Clerk. (Seal.) By M. M. SNELL, Deputy Clerk. C. M. NIELSEN, Attorney for Petitioner. First pubdieatlon Aug. 27, 1920. List publication Sept. 17, 1920. WHITE LILY a. ' MEBBIT IS THE BA8E On which wo claim ytrar tion of White LUr Flour. There buying exclusively orj from sample lfnesV has been the one employed However, we Kave'dccid ed that such a pian involves many features that are detrimental.' With the old method, one large shipment a season results in the stock becoming shop worn, and getting old on the shelves. This bad feature is done away with because our buyer buys our style lines in smaller lots when they are needed and always keeps fresh merchandise coming in thereby keeping us and you abreast with the New York Styles. Coats, Suits, Dresses and Waists Just In. !. - THE LEADER - -- hurray B. A. KLASCO, Mgr. ooooc 9000000C 3000C In Fine 3OOoc lire Making The teuton you ire interested in the name on your tire (I thfit it identifier the maker. By knowing the maker you fm judge hit ideala of manufacture, Tho only secret of a guper-tir- e lies in the principle of tho maker. His standards decide the quality. For there am no secrets in the tire industry. Whit you get depends on wfia't is behind the name on youe tire. Brunswick, aa you know, means a very old concern, jealous of ita good name. Since 1845 the House of Brunswick has been famous the world over for the quality of ita products. The Brunswick Tire is all that you expect and more. Your first one will be a revelation. You'll agree that youVt never known a better. And youll tell your friends. So spreads the news among motorists. The Brunswick is the most welcome tire that ever came to market Try one Brunswick Ure. Learn how good a tire can btf built And remember, it coats no more ftn tires, -- like-ty- pe THKBRUNSWICXRALKECOLLENDERCa . Salt Like Cilr HeaAqwtossi 55-f- it Weet ! an ' mand It. West Jordan Milk ' Dealen ia AH Bade af KOI Staff. J0HB AYLETT, Manager Phone. Midvale 108 - " Day or Wight Undertaker Successor to S, M. Taylor ft Co. South State St, Murray Farlora at Murray, Midvale and Sandy. 4706 i ether brands Just aa cheap, plenty af them. But tha White Idly bakes more to the pound, saves money aa wall aa tha extra work and worry entailed in the nae of flour of lower quality. Order a sack of White lily today. Knowing housekoapom alwayi After jog eat always take 222. 'I SUMMONS. . is The Practice of!' Sending a Buyer, East - 219 STATE STREET Emporium Grocery Phone Murray 67 NOTICE. Helrs-at-La- GEORGE A. JENKINS Murray, Utah . Helrs-at-La- In the Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake County, State of Utah. Syrilla A. Shull, plainUff, va. Willard A. Shull, defendant. Tha State of Utah to tho aald de' fendant: ' OOOaOOOOOOOOMHWOOOOOpOOOO You are hereby- summoned to appear within twenty daya after the service of thla summons upon yon. If Catarrhal Deafness Carnot Be Cured served within the county In which this Sr local sppUcstkms, as thcr ssasot reach action Is brought; otherwise, within ICC Aicccccd settle at tha cor. There ie eenr ee wav b care catarrhal deefeaa thirty daya after service, and defend sad that la to eeaetltatleeal remedy. the above entitled action; find In case Catarrhal Daeneae la eaueed hr s ooedltlea at the aeeaee llsla ef of your fa II ore so to do Judgment will the Shietachlaa Tubs. Whe thla tufa la be rendered against you according to Inflamed van have ramhllas aaS ar Imthe demand-o- f tho complaint, which perfect hearlae. and whea It la catlralr eleaed. Dmfaaaa Is tha raeult, JBnlam tha has been filed with tha Clerk of sold Inflammatiea eea he redaeed sag thla tvha Court raatarad te Ita normal cssdltlsa, haarlar Thla action la brought for tho purwill ha dMtroyad foravw. Mato caw of dasfaaaa arc eauaad to catarrh. ' which Is pose of recovering Judgment against an ladsmad sandUla at tha maeaaa Hairs Catarrh Ksdltfas nets thra the defendant, dissolving tho bonds tha Msad a aarSaaes at tha of matrimony now existing between yataa. Wa will gtva Ona Htmdrad DalUra (ar the plainUff and defendant JOHN E. PIXTON, IV ansa at Catarrhal Daafnma that rt ha cared to Hall's Catarrh HadMa free. AH Druggist, Tin Attorney for Plaintiff. CO-- . P- - O. F. J. CHXNXT Tslada, (X address, City, Han, Murray, Utah. Fhoos Murray Company PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. (For further, information coaaall County Clark or iwspeeUva signers.) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SALT LAKE, STATE OF UTAH. EMMA SILVER MINES COMPANY, a corporation, PlalnUff, " vs. ANTHONY GIBBS, and the Unknown Creditors Devisees, and Assign of said ANTHONY GIBBS, If said ANTHONY GIBBS H0TICE TO CBEDIT0B8. la Deceased and the Unknown DeCreditors and visees, Estate of Sam M. Colovlch, someAssigns of THOMAS L. .EVANS, times known aa Sam M. Kolovleh, Dee eased. sometime known aa Sam M. Kalovlch, Defendants deceased. Creditors will The State of Utah to the said De- claims with vouchers to the present underfendants. Summons signed at tha office of David W. MofYOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED 4912 South State street, Murray to appear within 20 days after the fat, ClOt, Utah, on or before the 26th service of this aummons upon you. If day of October, A. D. 1920. aerved within the County within ELI which this action la brought; other- Administrator of thoORUCH, Estate of Sam wise, 'within 30 days after service, M. Colovlch, sometimes known aa and defend the above entitled acUon; Kolovleh or Kalovlch, Deceased. and In eaae of your failure io to do DAVID W. MOFFAT. be will rendered Judgment against Attorney for Administrator. to demand of the the you according Data of first publication August complaint, which has been filed with 20, A. D. 1920. the Clerk of aald Court. Last, September 10, 1920, Thla action la brought to recover Judgment or decree quieting plaintiff's title to the Revolution Lode Mining Claim, patented as United NOTICE. States Lot ISO. situate In the Little Cottonwood Mining District, Balt Ia the District Court, Probata DiLake County, State of Utah. vision, in and for Balt Lake County, DEY, HOPPAUGH A MARK. Utah. Attorneys for Plaintiff. In the matter of the estate of Emma EMMA SILVER MINES CO.. Swenson, deceased. Notice. Plaintiff. The petition of Arthur Willard P. O. Address; 903 Kearns Bldg., Swenson praying tor tho admission to Salt Lake City, Utah. probate of a certain document, purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Emma Swenson, deceased and bn1 the granting of letters testaIN THE DI8TRICT COURT OF THE mentary to Arthur Willard Swenson, been set tor hearing on Friday, THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN has Srd the day of September, A. D. 1910, AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SALT at 2 oclock p. m at the County Court House in the Court Room of aald LAKE, STATE OF UTAH. Court, In Salt Lake City, Salt Lake EMMA SILVER MINES COMPANY, County, Utah. a corporation, Witnesa the Clerk of aald Court, Plaintiff, with the seal thereof affixed, this Ith va. ANTHONY GIBB8, and the Unknown day of August, 1920. J. E. CLARK, Clerk. Creditors Devisees, By M. M. SNELL, and Assigns of ANTHONY GIBBS, (Seal.) Deputy Clerk. If said ANTHONY GIBBS la DeC. M. NIELSEN, and ceased, A. A. DUNCAN, Defendants. Attorneys for Petitioner. The State of Utah to the aald DeFirst publication, Aug. 18, 1920. fendants Summons. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED Last publication. Sept S, 1920. to appear within 20 daya after the service of this summons upon you. If served within the County within which this action la brought; otherwise. within SO days after service, and defend the above entitled action ; and in ease of your failure so to do Judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the HAKES THE BEST BBEAD. complaint, (which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court This action la brought to recover Judgment or decree quieting plaintiff's title to tho Mackey Lode Mining Claim, patented as United States Lot 111. aituate In tho Little Cottonwood Mining District, . Balt Lake County, State of Utah.' DEY, HOPPAUGH A MARK, Attorney for Plaintiff. EMMA SILVER MINES CO., PlalnUff. P. O. Ad drew: 903 Kearns Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. Nobby Stiitorium Commencing Saturday September 4th WANTED. To buy all your poultry. Call F. W. Highest price paid. Adam. 31 W. Gregson AveA Salt Lake City. Phone Hy. 1543-- FLOUR OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DR. S. One Week bvxmobs. Lu-ell- a 4 SPECIAL! la tha District Court, Probata Division, In and for Suit Luke County, Statq of Utah. Ia th mutter of tho eatuto of Xandciw, decaaaed. Notice. .The petition of Mario J. Knudaon, praying for tho iaauaneo to Cart J. Knudaon, of letters of administration In tho aetata' of Engebrot Knudaon, deceased, has been set for hearing on Friday, tho Srd day of September, A. D. 1120, at 3 o'clock p. m. at tha County Court House, In tha Court Room of aald Court In Balt Lake Ctiy, Salt Laka County, Utah. Witness ' the Clerk of said Court, with tha seal thereof affixed, thla Ith day of August, A. D. 1120. J. E. CLARK, Clerk. . By M. M. SNELL, (Seal.) Deputy Clerk. C. M. NIELSEN, A. A. DUNCAN, Attorneys for Petitioner. Instantly relieves Hertbww, Blot- od Gassy reeling. Stops food souring, repenting, and all stomach miseries. Ami ttamiimi sad mutts Esses rtiiik tasnssss Vitality aniFSp. mMudiMs. EATONIGis thsbsrtrssMdr. b sfltsd. Pair nets asset uas ft. Positirsir ausraatssd r twitter ts will ts pissss atwa rsfsad ssw. OstsMe Ttnssfthse-ssswsnsrtslly- Ys willies. Thomton-Anderio- n Drug Co. 4S00 So. State Street Mumy, Utah Sold On An Unlimited Mileage Guarantee Basis Murray Auto & Bicycle Supply Co. ' |