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Show SANDY CITY STAR, SANDY. UTAH Little Johnny Spsndtkrlfi. Jr. E IE IS ,uNS Watch your boy E E Start him right, keep him right with the right time. We eell American or Swieae Watches reliable e Our reaaonabla prioee encourage buying. DEMOCRATS UTAH time-piec- AWARD OF EIGHTY-FIVMILLION PROVO MAN CHOSEN PARTY DOLLARS ANNUAL INCREASE STANDARD-BEAREAT STATE OFFICIALLY APPROVED. CONVENTION. SHIPS OUR SEE THAT HAVE FULL PRIVILEGE OF LANDING CARGOES. WILL EXPUNGES FROM ITS JOURNAL ALL RECORD OF RATIFICATION OF SUFFRAGE. E BOYD. PARK JEWELERS Action Tr.ken by Ant-uff ragictf in Face of Advice cf A'.iorncy General, V.'r.o I m att That Leoal Is Impossible. Rccon-sidtrst.o- n il!.! Trin. , iili-i for tin- - t'i r- -r -- :i. lf till1 :in-- ilil e di I M'ii:-'- In i ill Imii- . i; i;h ill im-ui- r r- - I 111 r:iliri'ic I l.i'ii! iinri- it - id l n !!M.tHi:l isi'llil null ml VIK III ll'.' il J 1: il - liiiii.K nl' Aiii.riii') i : I'lii-rii- l I in-- In i iit, in n I i r.'ii'l i in In l.nii-- ifiimr iluritii; il'scu lull nf iln- - mit'. 'in1 ninlli-- r iif I lull In si-l ivi l':i I ii- - I ill -- n I iii:ii:i nf mu wiiH ill,- illl-i- ii sdIii' inn r.f llili-- , i -- Ilir,- '!',:i- - r:i- - xafe-ynai- il ce III- - I r r hiiiiiiI Id l ID ii n n i tin- - Vin.llhu',,,l mill uni mi Iln- - Miurl'y after Iln1 i n-- nril r I ,y I n llil STEP UP AND VOTE FIERCE BATTLE BETWEEN SINN SECRETARY COLBY ISSUES PROCFEINERS AND UNIONISTS LAMATION FOLLOWING RAGES IN CITY STREETS. BY TENNESSEE Eleven Dead, Many Wounded and Equal Suffrage Becomes Basic Law of Fearful Destruction of Property Country .Without Pomp or Cere, As Result of Encounter; Mamony Women Will Vote in chine Guns Being Used. November. liu-si- au vr-1 linll-'-- ! L c m-- ll it .iir Washington. President Wilson on Aiikum .80 approved the ninjoriiy report of tlie anthracite cool coramtsxlon lnm-nsinthe wages nf contract miners 2i) per cent over present rates. Miners employed as company men are given un of 17 per cent anil the same amount Is given minora ami and inluciV ami ninntldy men. The findings, the rejiurt said, wiadd fix a minimum rate of .12 tails per limir for tlie lower iu id men In llie anUirueite industry. The president struck out of the report a provision fixing tlie 'terms of retroactive payments under the award, whleli. lie said, was outside the commission' Jurisdiction. Thomas Kennedy, chairman of the miners scale cnumiiiice. had protested this feature of llie uwuril, he said. Anlhriielle mine workers will receive about $1K.ixki,m In back iiy under the retroactive feature, and llie total Inereasi' awarded lo the 175.IKX) miners tv ill average, the commission said, ut leasl tCi.OiXi.OOO annually. The mujorlly resrt declaretl that the uwurd offers no Justification fur uuy udvuiice In the retail price of coal, hut, on the other hand, Is with a decline In prices. The minority report wus signed by Commissioner Ferry. The decision refused the Untied Mine Workers' demand for a closed simp anil the Installation of a checkoff system. Interest of tlie general public In the award ceniereil largely In the effect on the price of hard coni. Tlie commission said that while making substantial Improvement in the situation of tlie miners, It had declined to commit Itself to a decision that might Justly he emisldered nn encouragement to "vicious upward spiral" the of prices. The resnlt, the commission said, was that (he awnrds, while providing Improved condition fur the worker eonlil offer no Justification for any advances In the retull prices of coal. lll-x- ii i;irlliilli nlii'l' ili.'ll lil.'iki' was iinaniiiii'isl lay nf llie Xaiy llaalels nil Saturday llial Aiiniira! Jlnxe mid Hie nnw at lteval had .lii.eiinia i.rdcn-llial Hirt in ii'ni cc(l J inica it. I.an-! in llie day Seeivmry l ii niiifeipiiip wiili Admiral Cnlliy of smie. Knapp at i Inll Hits all offlelal -new M't of Hum- llial a mnipli-liicliDiis hciv sent Id Ailmiral I luxe, Tle-are d iwDliiiimairy, In faei, that lln-ii inn rerial clianije of J ml icy mi iln; parr nf Iln I'liiUsl Si a I ex. lir-- i mnxi linp'irimil nf all. it lx a"eriaim--l- . the Anierli-alias deli raiii.ed ant io laxlsr llial llie I'nlisli ai'iidps reiiiaiii wiihiii llie Pillule Pnlalnl. lull llial lln-- xliall Ini u Xllffleleld pi ini-- i linsslan lerrlliii-in Pnlaiid ayiliiixt fur'.lier Inrnxinii In tdx llie by tin' mu let arniipx. rnili-i- l Stales is in Uinmiiy'ii accord nf llie ntliludp wiili l'rani'c, iisxiiined l.y irea I I'.rllaiii, llaly anil Hip iirln-- nai inns, pnlmnl has already las'll llifnriinsl nf lllix clianm, lillt lx waniisl Hail lier criiiii" inaxt mil proceed far 1'iinupli iiiln territory to arouse xusplcltni ax In llie yiaal fiillli of her puriNixc. II Is espei'led liy llie xlnle depart-nil-ito Poof llial lies land will he more effective In hrlas-liiahnul peats' tlui'i sny oilier yet Hindi. III praiiHa; It. llie I'nltis St a tea end to the urgent France virtually nspiest of Pnliiiid Hint a pmvlslonal sIriki'IIp line be fixed preliminary to final iHiiimlnry that shall lai ugnssl lluxsla, Usm by all aiiUnnx, at a poiiiipII of iiiiilmxRiidnrs. IMximtcIi of Adiiiinil 11 asp's squadron to IhinxlK lx In acssird with Hie deterialaaliiiii by tills Koveranieut Hint American merclmiit xhlM shall have the full privilege of landing cargoes at (hat port. The first American test will mine when the Wnrxiiwn, au Aiiierlenn ship Inntleil with ninaiUniis anil supplies, and now two days nt aea from Antwerp, arrives at lhinxlg. 1 the overnight ilis'lxhni lo send Ilia squadron from Uevul, Swretnry Daniels xniil, I can only xuy that II was ut the request of the state demrt-nient- . to prntis-- t American. Interests." It whs learned here that France Is already acting under I he policy. After wrangling for two ilnyx with Sir Tower, a French cruiser took the situation III hum! and liegnn discharging anas nail nniiiiiiuiiluu for the Poles ut Danzig. It wax announced thnl It wax Iiiimx1 Ihexe xupplles eonlil lie delivered to Urn Polish fora's by pond will of Hit workmen, but If fnri-would lie uxeil. it fn-l- i.,i( ililiiii.il In ;i -i :illli'l!ll- - ST" IT Id 21. llii'ii'r'e 'I ii" !" "il Ti i r." I Id in- d dIiIiI'I!!. i i l r"!.--.l- inlcl. l i:s jmii:iiil i.f niiirirn- - nil 1 ii.i-u- a e fn-i- i'll Award While Providing Improved Con, ditions for Worker Offers No Justification for Advance in Retail Price Is Claimed. W:isiii,-...ii.-- m-- o w.lll lii.i ill Trnii Tlii" I United States in Accord With Francs and Italy in Stand Taken Regarding Polish Occupation of Russian Territory. . Relfnxt, Ireland. Fleven are dead and ut leaxr fifty wniiialed, ninny of whom will prouldy die from their woundx, ax a result of Satuduy night's rioting lu Ihix city. A feature of llie rlidiiig was the extent of the dextrui'ilon of property by The fire brigade liud InceiiiliiiryiKiit. nn esX'c!iilly hard time during the gilglit III fighting the flumes. Their work wna rendered lildmux by tlie rattle of uiucliine gunx. Tlie Sinn Feiuers were ill xrrong force and appeared to be well supplied with arms and umiiiunilhni. Tlie grculext of liltterncaa won There during the flglillng. wus a great uimnint of wrecking of laiuxes and Ibc burning of furniture, both Indoors and on tlie Mreet. The yells of the inob, shrieks of women and children and grimua of the Injured were audible throughout the fighting. When tlie rioting wus at Its worst women eonlil he seen, dad in tlielr night alllre, rushing fruin llielr homes, attempting to leud llielr families from the ihinger zone. Tlie excitement was Intense until 10 Ixoinled o'clock Sunday morning. firing wus to he heard throughout Suniiml the people were uie day prclamsive lest lliere sliuulil lie a renewal of tlie d'xurdcrs ut nightfall. In bnmd daylight Sunday Kinn Feln-er- s enlentl Ilallry mxlle, County Antrim, bnrrucks and decumiaxl wiili all n arms and ammunition. A republican called at Hie barracks and engngixl llie garrison sergeant unil tli roe cDiixtnlilei In conversation, when a motor ilaxlicd up and five men, revolvers In liuiid, leaned nut and ran Tomatoee Greet Crusader. liurrackx. Tin; Tmilnn, N. J. Tlie llev. F. Knpf-nia- laixi the party into tlie were too surprised to offer pollix! nl church Methodist nf the pnslnr Tilusvllle, X. .1.. wlm Imx been endeavThe Sinn Fein notice posted near oring to drive llio devil from the Cork, hea rix of llie iimmidext imtlierx ill New Market railway station,ouIiIimii-Waxliiiiglnirx croxxing" was greeted says Unit all military found after 9 p. in. will be severely dealt Sunday wiili a xlmwer of overripe wlien he niqMured lit Hie rexnrt wiili. lliem oil Hie imimxhixty of In Protest Increase In Renta. llietr at tin. Manila. Five hundred Filipino residents of San Juan Heights, a suburb of Manila, inarched lo Governor ( a Francis llarrlsnn Ilurlnii'x to protest against nn Increase In ground rent nf more than 200 per cunt. Without pomp or lYushlngton. ceremony, Secretary Colby on August 20 signed the proclamation declaring the wimiuu suffrage amendment to all Intents mid iurxixes u part of the constitution of llie I'nlted Slate. The secretary's signature waa affixed to the proclamation nt his home at 8 a. in, a few hours ufler he hud of received from flnvernor IloAert Tennessee llie ivrtlfleute that final favorable action on the amendment had been taken liy Hie legislature of that slate. Tlie quiet manner In which Ur. Colby aeled wax a disappointment to smiie suffrage workers, who hud Inqied to make a ceremony of his act, but they contented themselves with their own Jubilation ceremonies. Including a mass meeting at night They united In atutcmciiis that nothing now can be done lo prevent tlie women from voting in Novemlicr. The seal of the I'nlted States has I teen duly affixed to tlie certificate, anil the suffrnge amendment Is now tlie nineteenth a mead meat to the constitution." Secivtiiry Colby announced on reaching his office. A avoid the Iltuullght and to prevent fi rousing fueling among suffrage workers ax to whom should lie present, prompted the quiet setting. Mr. Culhy explained also that his only purpose was to pursue a simple duty." ll house it lllx-rl- I lull tin- n uinjiirliy nf u hum Imvi- in Alaliiiiim nil a filibuster fur inorn l linn a wivk, arm In ilu ninjnriiy, llmuili uf several nf tin- - suf- arrive to tnemls-r- frage In linn1. Willi I tin mi! in iins-cedi- iimpniiii to i'il lliniticli tlmlr nf nilinipl Inin- - August line lii iiiulii wlml wim 21. tilii'ii rnlificiillDii wns il:-- SCORE ARE SLAIN IN BELFAST. Awful Toll Taken' in Disorders in Irish City, Many Being Injured. lu-r- c i Ih'lfiixl. S'iiiv riDiin nf in Augusl US nt li'iixt n killed. wliili' pin have nniulii-- r Iuim- - Imn-i- injured, i ii large IIip prop- In- -s heavy. At iiiip plan- - Tuesday night It was fntiiiil iiiss'sxnry fur llu pulin' mid n crowd nillllnry In diM-rsIIip flrp brigade in-in I to work. KuhNMpipully I In' rrnwil mill pnllpp .'limp Inin runf'lrl III .Mlilnn sln'i'f. so llirpatoii-iliii I ( The sltiiiitinM Unit Dll' I'niiiliuitid'ng officer tin' (riKips In flrp. A lalnirer .Mmiil midnight was filially wiaind.-d- . nt Mount n shunting affray iH erly e M t'l-- i g fnllier. serlnm-lA wniiimi iviis liy n rlfln InilU'l during a 'liHiurbniU'P In Hip York nmil district. tvnumli-- Wyoming Man Charged With Murder. . Ci'riilil A. Slunk, wealthy anil mil stnlP nwmlnr nil pininnli-III Jail nf lamili-r- . Wyn., I luiriri-i- l wiili tin- - iniinli'r nf Paul r.mwn, ns I In' nfipniinili nf a here, Tiips-ila.pnrly nt Niles. niylil. Slack Inlil tin' pnltcp (lull Iln' nlinis were fin-i- l ulillc his linns i i i nl Ii in were pliiliiiiial by Ms friends anil llial la' Inal an IntPiillaa nf killing lir.'Uii. fldi-ngn- r In-r- riaid-liiiiis- o m-n- r v ln-l- Thief Overlooks Rich Booty. Pnrtliiinl. WIipii an nM leather salt liccM stolen frnm a can1 wir.rli lia-llili'f i'I'.pi'P IidIpI inlil will liy r fur 82.50 wax In a M'lsiinl-liam- l H'larai"! liv siliip lnx!"'cpiix In Edward McKi-p- . llx r'rrlnful owner. tin a, an dippi'd liis palsied lniinl lain till ii iiritay lining and hnuighl In liilainii piikp f r '111 wiiirli In' exlrjirt-iv- l i in ciim-y and pnld. Hi-- v R. M. LA FOLLETTE, JR. Ion-er- Sarah Bernhardt HI. Paris. Sarah Ilcnihnnlt. tlie actress, Is surferiag from n emigestion of the luagx and inflniminitlim nf llie kidneys nml Is eoliflmxl to her lied. Her Illness Is due to a recent iimtnr trip from her summer home ut ltclle Isle lo Purls. secretary of the Bulgarian legation at Washington. P. Lexsinoff Three Killed In Gun Fight. Santa Fe, N. M. A guu fight, result lug from a quarrel over laud boundaries, resulted In the killing of three men at Lumherton, Bio Arriba county, according to word received Saturday liy the district attorney here. Notifies Polio Then Suicides. Los Angeles. The police received a letter signed by Tlllle M. JJnnu, directing them to call at her homo and gel ber body for cremation. They sent men, wlm found the house locked and room. Mrs. Muun dead In a gna-fllle- d Oklahoma Mob Lynches White Man, Toys From Japan Arrive. Tacoma- - Seven thousand cases nf Tulsa, Okln. A mob estimated at Christmas loy from Jiqiun were me 2900 peranuM participated In the lynchIisnleil here Stilurilny. The toys are ing of Tom M. Owens, white, ucouw-hilled lo almost every lniMrtiiiiL rlty or the shooting several days ago of 0 Homer Niila. a taxicab driver, who In the Unlteil Slates, A total of died at a hospital FrlUny. articles 1 In tlie shipment. Favor Suppression of Alcohol. Chief 8laln by Deputy 8heriff. Two Negroes Are Lynched. of - all SliK'klialm. vl'nihiblHnn Athens, Ga. Chief of Police F. 8. Corinth, Miss. Itlulrher Tllggln drinks having an alcoholic content exand Dan Calllcut, negroes, who sur- Jenkins of Athens, was shut to denth ceeding 2.8 jHir cent Is recommendixl rendered to the authorities after n-- ly. Wllllum A. lleynolds, deputy slier-- . commitnr a government In a mxirt from the county chain gang, Iff of McMInn county, as tlie two off! tee epjMilnteil In 1911 to coiisldcr the coping bridge In expecwere lynched by a molt. Both men cera were guarding llqnor question. tation of Intercepting a moonshiner. were hanged to a telegraph pole. Women Do Jury Work. Dutch Freighter on Sand Bar. Forty Injured When 8land Collapses The Dutch freighter Joplin. Moj Six society women and Ban Francisco were Denver persona forty Nearly local political leaders composed a Jnry en route from Batavia, Java, when them Araknn, one of critically, Injured, In municipal court that assessed a fine Buntemporary grandstand at the Broad- to Ban Francisco, was aground of 850 against C. V. Ilarvey, a milk way baseball park collapsed. There ds night on a sandy bench one mils with aeMIng dealer, who waa charged were alanit 000 persons In the stand north of Point Reyes, shoot thirty diluted milk. miles north of San Fnndse when It felL d 8T3,-0O- - Utali-ldah- e di-fe-n Brest-IJtovs- Utah-Idah- Watermelon for Condemned Man. Ossining, N. Y. The Urgent watermelon obtainable on the local market featured the last dinner of Frank Kelly, negro murderer, who was condemned to die Friday night In the electric chair at Bing Bing. ff - Fell Four Floors to Death. New York. Fred Lent, a theatrical manager, woe instantly killed when he fell from the fourth floor of tho hotel where ho made Ids horn It was said he lout his balance while telephoning, falling through an open window. ' Fire Destroys Famous Resort Barring Japanese Urged. Toklo. Japans' famous resort, Ikao, Denver. A. proposal tliat the Unit located In the lkao mountains west of ed Slates adopt a Japanese exclusion this city, was swept by fire and nlsmt t similar to the measure now in of the town was deneat-m- i to led a Chines force regarding Many people luid narrow esstroyed. debate In the convention of tlie from death. capee League uf the Sonthwut here. Prlntefa 8trike In Liverpool. Communists Destroy Plan No morning pnpers apLiverpool. London. Munitions and hydroairpeared In Liverpool Monthly, for the planes valued at nearly $2,000,000, first tlmP In 112 years, and no evening which recently were confiscated by the for the first time In fifty year entente commission In the Ilntsche as a consequence of s sudden strike dewere work on the Spree river, of newspaper compositor stroyed Thursday evening by the 8000 Reinsch Ho Resigned. communists. Pekin. Dr. Paul 8. Reinsch, former Roosevelt Select Successor to United 8lates minister to Chin hoi Gordon Woodhnry, Washington. as legal adviser to the Chi- formerly a member of the New Hamp- nese government. He accepted this po- shire legislature, bee been appointed dtlon shortly after his resignation last assistant secretary of the navy to year as American minister. Franklin D. BooaerelL Action ai-- tlirce-qunrt- sue-ceo- 1 STREET a Au- cam-lnlg- Gruli-eslio- M MAIN - counter-offensiv- Four Hundred Armenian Massacred. Parls PIspRteheH from Constantinople nqsirt the massacre of 400 Armenians by Kurils lu Anatolia. Tlie Kurils shot the men, hut the women ami children were locked In a church and burned to death, the dlspatcliex Robert M. La Folletta, Jr, son of tha senator from Wisconsin. say. ' of Tlie Democrats at tlielr state convention on flat-fiaite- n Dr. Bait Luke City. L'tuh PARK. BLDG HELP WASTEB uiwutMivMmiNii tartar ird Ilnur until towns send barter; food oppurtuunea opan man orer drmftare. Barhera in mrmr bava for -od aa offietra eomaiN&a- - ok irMrrd ft vtpk. Call or write. Volar iwhw 0. Waal Tttuplc Ut.. 0a4 Laka (Mr. gust 20, cliose Thomas K. Taylor,- nf lrovo, ns llielr cuudldute for governor Milton H. Welling, congressman from the First district, was rliinen lx lead the state ticket us the party's fur I'nlted Stales ufler scenes' seldom witnessed In a convention. Mr. Writing's key101111111111x1 thecoiiren-tio- n note uddress and when the uomimitlons were oMfiiiH the presentation of hi imtae by W. 11. Wallace seal Ibc convenUmi Into un uproar. James 11. Moyle, wlioni many iiava-lie- r uf the party had 'cxiiet-lcdraft to run against Senator Rood Smoot, as lie did six years ago, was pluecd In lioiulumioii by Mr. Welling after hU own name had been prcuni-eil- , hut Mr. Moyle, expressing Ills gratitude, declined to run. Ktule Seiiittor. ('nllM'rt L. Olson was Mr. Weiliiigs only regularly nominated opIKmciit mid the result of the vote ti2U V4 for Welling, INI for Olson and 24 for Moyle expressed the desire of tin) convent ion. Tinnitus N. Taylor nf Provo, cons' liefnre the convention the lenil'ng cundldure for tho gubernatorial nomination, was awarded the place only after tlie convention had gone through another aeries of thrill Mr. Moyle, having also been nominated, Mr. Taylor being selected by a .comfortable majority. Horald M. Stephens, of Suit Lake, was chosen as the party's candidate for Justice nf the supreme courts Elbert 1). Thomas, Balt Lake, fur secretary of state i'Ktaart P. Duhli Ogden, attorney geuerul ; George M. Whitmore, Kephl, slate treasurer; Dunlel O. Larson, Moroni, state auditor; J. L. Muir, Bountiful, superintendent of public Instruction. The presidential electors chosen are : Mr Daisy Allen, Garfield; Mr Martha K. Hume Kayaville; U. K. Hoffman, Richfield ; William Edwanl Cache county. James N. Funk of Richmond, won tlie nomination for congressman from THROWN ON OWN RESOURCES. the First district Matiioulhuh Thomas of Balt Luke, will be tlie Democratic candidate for congress from the Without Railroad Begin Operations Second district. Benefit of Federal Guarantee tlM of railroads The Washington. At the opening of the convention, country begun oiieratlnn on tlielr own State Chairman H. L. Mulllner reud resources Tuesday night after having hi address of welcome, In which ha coot the government approximately gave expression to Issues of the $100400,000 monthly for the six naming among these the sugar months In which their earnings were question, giving responsibility for tlie act. the transportation by guaranteed to members of the Tlie currier will be allowed further alleged profiteering and ascribing to them party opposition aid fruin the government only through tlie defense of the situation which reloans from revolving fund. sulted In tlie Indictment of officials Kitniings of tlie roads will fall about of the o Sugar company and $01X)400.(Xk) below tlielr standard reother turn for the Kriod since March 4, acStrongly upholding the league of nacording to estimate by the bureau of tions Idea as promoted by Janies M. a Fcwbr half than mllwuy economic Democratic candidate for score of lines have produced revenue Cux, the Mr. Mulllner said that the president,' sufficient to equal actual operating voters of Utah will support .that conexpenses, wlih-l- i do not Include tlie fixed charges of Interest, taxes and ception. dividends. figures on the cost CongreeHinnn Welling, as temporary to tlie government of the earning then delivered the euiiren-tlo- n chairman, guarantee' provisions of the transport nddres to which moat of keynote linn act will not be known for several those at the convention ascribed the months. landslide which gave Ur. Welling the All of tlie roads have Indicated nomination for United States senator. Unit they will hare money coinMr. Welling likewise tiaik up the ing to them us n resnlt of the gus for the league of nation atcudgels dozTlie treasury has received tacked tlie Republican senate for reens of certifications for advances unHie covenant and lienee treaty, der the guarantee within the Inst ten jecting und nuide tlie assertion that llie people day and more arc expected. of the state, as manifested a year ago, cent of them, favor tho league 00 REDS FIGHTING DESPERATELY withper such reservations as will nut nullify It. Against Poles Begin As did Mr. Mulllner, the keynoter and Tak Four Village d Into the went sugLondon. Russian soviet forces en- ar question, referring to Senator e agnlnxt Smoot as a gaged hi a tier of the trust and k have Its action referring to C. W. Nlbley the I'olco east of o occupied four vllluges In that vicinity. manager uf the company as Near Lemberg (here Is henry flghtlug a bulwark of the Republican puny, going on and lr the Vlodava and and promising In the campaign to take regions tliere Is local fighting. the Issue directly to the voters throuen-ou- t Thla Information wus received hero the state. 1 Tuesilny In a wireless dispatch from Speaking of the records of the naMoscow containing on official stn tional and state administrations of the nient Issued there Monday. party, Mr. Welling called attention to tlie progressive legislation passed by Read Building Expenditure tlie Democrats In Washington and the Combined federal and Democrats in Utah. He called the ReWashington state expenditures for nmd building publicans the party of reaction and may roach a total of $250,000,000 dur- Warren G. Harding the tool of the reSenator Smoot, lie Mid, ing the currcul fiscal year, according actionaries. to Thomas H. MacDonald, rklef of the had served well 2 pr 8 per cent of the bureau of public rouds, department of population, but bad done nothing for the great majority. agriculture. Counter-Offeneiv- Evangelist Faces Gravs Charge. Tex. J. IV. Fort lanveiiworili. Lowniaa, un evangelist, who Is flglillng extradition from Tojiekii. Kan., to Fort Worth to fuce au uutomolille theft charge, was Indicted here In eonuec-tiowith the killing of Kerscliel Erwin. jux-ihx- -, Congrcooman From First District Will Oppose Rood Smoot for United States Senator; Welling Delivers Keynote Addrcea. run-tee- . o 1 enti-rei- Auto Struck by Train. Pocatello, bln. 51 r. Hiul Sirs. O. N. are In a Brewster of San critical condition 111 u hionl liospltnl near is a result of an unto (nkoin. In which their i ur was struck by a train. Arab Parliament to be Opened. Ijiialoii. According to the Dally Mull, It hnx been decided to establish nn Arab parliament In Mesopotamia and ulso iiii Aral) cabinet with British advisers. s In-r- Red Propagandist In Mexico. Mexico City.1 Warrants for the arrest of 'three persons, charged with disseminating liolshi'vlk pmimgamla In McxIhz wore iiskixl of the fnlenil district court by an agent of the public prosecutor nn Tuesday. Vessel Tlcup Likely Failura. New York. British steamship lines liave apinrently won a victory over the 201X1 or more longshoremen who sought to tie up all vcxx-- ls flying the Srltlsh flag liy a strike which they declared would continue until Archbishop Mnmilx la allowed on Irish soil nail Terence MncSwency, lord mayor of Cork, is released from prison. p Bsn on Labor Day Celebration. IN'iivit. I.alinr will not uirndi! mi I.almr day. ncisirilini: In nn ordpr nf Cnlimcl (. C. Ilailli.il, ('.Miiniainilniit nf federal tmnM pnfnri'liii; inllilnry mat rnl fnllnwins Hip traelliin wriki rlnts. pnldlslnsl Tnpxilay. will lie ppnnltted wlHiinit are All oilier Uoiiiniixtrailon banned. ihx-re- , divdj Ueg-In.-i- f.i-x- Meat Packers to Sell Yarde. Washington. Finns of the "Big of Five" meat packers for inclr stockyards Interests, rixpilnxl unl in nxx'iitly. der the of the with diqmrtinmit iigreeiiient eDiiteniphite sale of such Inter-,oIn fifteen cities to 11. II. lrlneo & Co. of Boston. lam-Ktu- MYD Robbsr 8uspscts Arrsstsd. Local police arCouncil Bluff I rested four men, three of whom have been Identified as the trio that held up and rubbed nineteen members Of a nmd grading gang near Logan, lu, thirty miles northwest of here. Martial Low Declared In Chin 1ekln. Martial law has been declared lu Canton In a move of the suuibwesiern military government for llie overthrow of the Pekin government, according to the Asiatic News agency. Will Prosecute Lyncher Tulsa, Okla. District Judge Owen has summoned s aiiedul grand Jury to be convened here September 13 to vertlgute the lynching here Saturday night of Boy Belton for the murder of Homer NIda, taxicab driver. er Sugar Prioee Reduced. Francisco. A reduction of cents to the Jobber for their coming allotments of sugar was and dared by the Americaa-Hawalla- n e tho Western Sugar ' Refining ponies here Monday.' MANY FORMS OF EARLY FLAGS Various Typos Were Used Bsforo tho Present Form of Old Glory woo Adopted. According to the Suilthsoulnn Institution there were many forms of early flag especially colonial type used by the individual colonies and militia regiment before the flag of llie United States woo established by llie continental congress June 14, 1777, tlie anniversary of which date is now celebrated at ling day. This set required that tlie flag of the United Stutee be of 13 horizontal stripe wl termite red and wlilt and that Uie union lie 13 blue field, retire seut-lu- g wblto etora on a new constellation. One of tlie first occasions for pub-li- e display of tbs Stars and Stripe Is said to have been August 0, 1777, when the new flag was hoisted over the troops at Fort Schuyler, Rom N. Y. John I'sul Jones Is said lo have been tho first to fly tlie Sirs and Stripes over the high ness on tho Banger In November, 1777. From tlie time of tho Revolution tho Stars and Stripes In the flag have varied. There were 13 stars during the Bevqjntlon, 15 In the war of 1812, 29 In tho Mexican war, 88 to 83 In thi Civil war, 45 In tho Spanish war and 48 today. The stripes were changed first from 13 to 15 and then back Oar national- flag- - Is again to 18. among tho oldest flogs of tlw nation being older than tlie present Britiab Jack, the French tricolor and tho Bag of Spot . GLORIOUS IMAGE OF BUDDHA Idol In tho "Lama City la Worshiped by Dovotoao With Almost Insane Davotlon. wooden Image of Buddlia An stsudlng on a golden lotus flower within o sacred temple In "The Lama City," reserved for residences of Mongolian priAt ! worshiped with all the Insane devotion possible by the; Mongolian The great figure lo heavily gilded, Incrosted with precious lone and draped with silken cloth When the temple Is opened to tho faithful of the city of Urga a priest at tlio entrance give each person a few drops of holy water from a filthy Jug, and the people, silent with aw bathe their fucea with the fluid and prostrate themselves before the statu those head Is lost in the shadows of the temple roof. They kiss Its silken draperies, soiled by the Ups of tluiu-san-d and each one gathers a handful of sacred dirt .from the temple 80-fo- floor. From niches in tho wall hundreds of tiny Buddhas gase Impassively oa the worshiping Mongol The scene of worship Is described by Roy Chapman Andrews In Harpers Magazine as ono "Intoxicating lo Us barbaric splendor. Tllb chorus of prayer which rise and fall in a mesulngless half wild Chant are broken by the clash of cymbals end the boom of onskesklo drum end ono lo fully able to understand tho religions fanaticism of the East when the people ore seen at prayer la oue of these temple The Pointor'e - Dog. Ritchie, the daughter of William Makepeace Thackeray, the English novelist, writes of visits when sho woo a child to Sir Edwin Landseer, the animal painter. She says Sir Edwin was delightful company and that ha told the children many stories of animals as he stood painting at bln "1 remember," oho hugs canvases. ay "hi telling us an anecdote of ono of his dog He woo In the hsblt of taking him out every day when his work woo over. The dog used to wait patiently all day long while Sir Edwin waa painting, but be used to come and lie down at hla feet and look op In his face toward five oclock, and on on occasion finding that no notice woo taken of his bints he trotted Into tli hall and came back with the painters hat, which ho laid at hla feeL Mr Anti-Kissi- Law. the state railways forIn Bavari bid kissing either on station where freed relatives and families are united, or on train while Franco I zoned an order two years ago forbidding kissing on train t Vanishing Language Nowhere In America has there .been such a diversity of Indian languages a In California. But these languages ora now rapidly disappearing. Several of them are known only by flvo or six and others by only twenty or thirty living person and hardly a year passes without some dialect, or oven language, ceasing to exist through the death of tha last Individual able to peak IL Efforts are being made to record oil these languages for the sake of the light they throw 00 tlw ancient history of tha Pacific coast Homa Surroundings CounL A house la depressing or cheerful. Wall r woodwork, rug droperie picture ornaments enter Into tho color scheuid of tho rooms and a discordant note among any of these will destroy tho anltv of the whole house or building. Colors must b balanced Just as forms si ftin-nltu- Ban forth-resign- ed Largest Pin Factory. Tha largest pin factory la In Birmingham. England, where something' like 60.000.000 pins an manufacture every working day. |