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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Page Four Get Under and BOARD OF Help Lift the Load RECTORS H.F. Hanks & Sons Theyre Coming! Firemen . . ... in many respects, exceeded our exToday the N. D. A. Is repectations. ceiving inquiries from all over the United 8tates and Canada, and even Our efforts have turned Europe. great numbers of our fellow dtlsens right direction. They are no longer looking Into the a dootor deepening shadows of the worst depression in our history, where gloom and discouragement abound, but they are facing a new star of hope, the cheering light of a new day. The N. D. A. has embla toned across the horizon of that new day the slogan, For Human Welfare Man Above from neighbors ANNU- By Dr. Hyrcm Smith Address Given at the Convention FELLOW COOPERATORS: Twelve months ago we started out small way to put over a big in Idea. We feel gratified with the to looking In the round the corner or the next term they're coming to help yon because of your emergency telephone call. Isn't it reassuring to know that whether you live in Money." To achieve that happy state In this selfish world seems an almost superhuman task. Near ideals and new standards of success must be set up. The Golden Rule must become the rule of conduct In business. In this new order no man will be considered a success who does not Loye his neighbor as himself." In every corner of our land are men and women who are eagerly seeking the establishment of an equitable economic system, but be- - town or miles out, you can reach others instantly by telephone? That alone is worth the the few cents day you pay for telephone service. In addition, a telephone caves many errands, brings soolal chats with friends or business Information. The more you use it the more useful it becomes. Prahl & Kirten The Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. Across the PAPER HANGING AND CLEANING Good Work, Reasonable Charge. Call Hy. 5118-- R street from the Holy Cross Hospital HOME BARBER SHOP 1018 East First South Street A. D. BEDFORD Prop. Ladies' Haircutting a Specialty! Also Open Eveninga,-N- . D. A. Credits. Service Ensign Shoe Phone 577 East 1st South 5719 Was. Call and Deliver Service East of 2nd East to 17th South. Special Rates to Members of Natural Development Association. Zanol Quality Products PACKAGE GROCERIES Cosmetics, Soaps, 8having Cream, Tooth Paste and Household Necessities. MR. MeALLISTER 657 South 7th Eaat Street. B A: elf-he- lp traveler, author and looturer of New York, spoke aa follow of N. D. A. in bis lecture at Kingsbury One Hall Wednesday evening: of the moat interesting of the barter exchanges la right bora in Balt Lake. We in Nenr York look to it a a bench mark tor the world-know- results obtained, for they haye 888 Roosevelt Ave. Hyland 4639. STUART CHASE PRAISES N. D. n Stuart Chase, AL MESSAGE Wallpaper Furnished on B Credits ESTIMATES FREE ALL LABOR A CREDITS Exterior Decors ting. All Kinds of Interior and House Painting, Sign Painting. DI- Salt Lake City, Utah. Ap-pol- barter-exchang- cause of their isolation they are unable to make their Influence felt. To organise and direct this great force of human opinions, la a great part of our work. To aocompllsh this task and to bring order out of chuoa in a peaceful manner, without thought of personal gain, la our greatest deiire. To achieve this end we do not Intend to raoort to violence. Rather would we see the continuation of the preaent, almost Intolerable, social conditions than to feel In any way responsible for the shedding of blood or the Inciting of violence of any kind In the establishment of an equitable system. However, we must stand firm for the principles of Justice, Truth and Right. In this new economic system, fostered by the N. D. A., then will be provision for every human need Food, clothing, and shelter (will always be forthcoming. Thera will be no more broken lives and suicides because of bankruptcy and failure In business. In addition to supplying all physical needs thla new system will not only give every man a Job, It will give him leisure and opportunities for education, culture and refinement. These things will he some of the rewards that will come those who espouse the cause of the N. D. A. Thera will also he the greater reward of a good conscience and the satisfaction of having worked and lived for the good of all mankind. Our deetlny ta to subdue the earth and to have dominion over It. While men everywhere are waiting helplessly for conditions to change, the N. D. A. with bare flats and such primitive toole as are available, ie setting about to change conditions. We will build u new and better economic order. The N. D. A. represents the faith that Spirit can direct intelligence and that intelligence can dominate matter. Our problem is not quick growth bnt strong and sound growth. Rather let us associate with a few thorough cooperators whose desire la to serve humanity, than to attract large host of selfish people. We ean subdue the earth and we will have dominion over It to s point where we will assure to every man the right to work, to live to be happy and secure. Credit Christian Science Churches m Groceries and Meats Half Cash and Half N.D. A Coupons REASONAB LE PRICES WE ARE CONTINUALLY INCREASING OUR VARIETY OF G ROCERIES We Welcome You to Sp end Your Coupons Here . ject Matter". The Golden Text is from Jeremiah 10:14: Every man b brutish in his knowledge: every fonnd-s- r b confounded by the graven Image: for his molten image b in them." One of the Scriptural passages n b contained in thb from Eseldel 14: 6: Therefore ay unto the house of Israel, Thus aith the Lord God; Repent, and turn yourselves from your id oil; and turn away your faces from all your abominations." A correlative passage from the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, b aa follows: Mortal mind b ignorant of self, or it could never be Since it must believe in eemething besides itself. It enth ranee matter aa deity" Leaaon-Sermo- Brimley Exchange Store 706 South State St. (pace iM). For First Class Job Printing all. For,, dear Uncle, if thy free-borsons and daughters now endowed' with the power of the earth would yield the gifted heart, and aa onr Master bss said, To he the master of all be the servant of all. What a mighty slogan thou eouldat make and causa to be enacted. The slogan? Aye! A new elty to every state! A million dollars to every new elty! Bring forth your gold! your factories, your Industries, that the builder, the painter, the plumber, the eleetrlcbn, the teacher, the harvester may all have work may eat may live. Tear Dimmed. n formulating of our plana for similar exchanges. They have made remarkable program and spent two hours this afternoon going over the d apartment of the Institution with the leaden." in all Churcb-The Lesson-Sermof Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, September 18, will be on the sub- ALARMING CONDITIONS other services rendered by it health IN OUR COUNTRY atnot eaU would department. I (Con tinned from page one) tention to roada built (over twenty miles) nor small mills, mines and keep It, hoard it, in the face of the industries opened or kept In opera- awfu and alarming conditions of the tion. To me the moat worthwhile present. We are bankrupting and contribution of N. D. A la the res- paralysing the praeent and the futoration of self reliance, enthusiasm, ture for the line young manhood ct to the and childhood of the nation. eouragq and available to workers by a peaceful American middle class. In the sense method. r that sueoasa la Journey and not a destination." N. D. A. ia today a INSURANCE Rraolutioa Adopted going inoeeaa. A resolution on peace, published thorough For N. D. A. Scrip in another column, was unanimousRriigiou and Ideala AD Life, Health and Accident ly passed by the convention. A resoPersonal Interrogation of several with Biggest and Insurant lution against the paying of Interact Beat Company in World. differfrom workers the of leading for the use of money or .eradit was HALF CASH HALF SCRIP presented by Df. E. C. Lunn and hla ent states brought out thla unaniFIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE associated eooperatora in Houston, mous thought. ' Instead of liberal B" CREDIT Texas. White we are agalnat the thinking along economic and politiin faith religion, Call F. L Hickman. paying of interest and advise agalnat cal lines destroying Wasatch 6745 it, the resolution committee felt that R la only through some radical leave or order with Mr. Howe. economic our at times it may be the leaaer of the change from present evils offered to choose from. In a world that baric Christian religion world wher e"eternsl vigilance la the can have an opportunity to function. price of liberty the N. D. A takes It te remarkable the way people In Shurtliff the stand that wise cooperatives will widely separated localities have 48 Weat First Booth best be protected by being aware of composed songs and poems about the dangers of debts and Interest N. D. A. Suoh contribution from Repairing of All Kinds rather than having the avenne of Cullforniu, Idaho, Utah and LouisiCURLING IRONS, TOASTERS, convention. In ware eloaed to ana debt our organizations. presented VACUUM CLEANERS, IRONS, Thla may seem an insignificant foot To Visit Eaat and South to uome bnt I would not take any ELECTRIC CLOCKS oU Owox 6 eaFC ahrdlemf b movement seriously as a possible weeks During the following the national influence that cannot InLight Globes, Radio convention officer end organisers song and poetry among Its spire Parts, Electric Supplies of the N. D. A will visit many cities members. In the Eastern end Southern etatea A.C. and D.C. Radios On the oher hand an Ideal organIn anewer to requests from city ofwork-er- a ised and among incorporated ficials, 'Chambers of Commerce and of band and brain; a movement luncheon duba. Throughout the whose every premise ean be, and la, states then are also Individuals West A South who era working quietly but energet- reduced to blue print; a movement to constructive which ths appeals First 41 Street ically among their neighbors. Such ritlaeni of the great Individuals will also be ytaRad in so and far as wa are financially able to American middle riaaa and baring We suggest enlisted men, inapiraa them to sing make such contacts. that such small groups make contact songs of Joy and write poema of so many art with other groups in their localities praise at a time when will sorrowful silent and only he such as churches, clubs, etc., and We Fix Motors. Radios, when lta adherents are attopped orget enough applicants ready for Phonographs, etc. tracted to a better plan or won to Send hi what yon have ganlxatlon that a representative more dynamic leadership. would ha Justified in spending the time necessary to launch, a loeal who never could use all that has Thla problem free not been solved been so richly bequeathed to them, satisfactorily as yet unless turned to some greet purpose? It was urged that economists and 'Give, 0 give, says the little organisations, aa well me stream." oriel workens use their Influence o, Give, says the great sen god to get Senate bill No. 6411 paseed aa ha drives hb fiery chariot this session so that cooperatives and each day across the sky and sheds ean get loana from hla glorious radiance freely upon us the R. F. C. to make machinery A LETTER FOR ANY ONE ANNUAL CONVENTION PROVES INTERESTING (Continued from page one) man, certainly showed the desire of N. D. A. to achieve something beside physical contentment. Made Mistakes The apace available for tbla report precludes even mentioning the many notable events. Note must be made of the delightful spirit of enthusiasm that characterised eyery remark. Criticisms thfre were a plenty, but all constructive. It seems that we have made many mistakes. As one man said the proof that N. D. A. is right In principle b to be found in the fact that we have been able to survive and grow with U of the mistakes wa have made. It was also stated positively that we expect to make many more mistakes In 1188. We hope to ayold making the same errors again but in biasing new trails and exploring economic worlds (that are new to us and onr generation of Americana, wa era hound to run into swamps and box eanyona We glory In the feet that we an made of the stuff that may be confronted with discouragement btft will never know defeat. 8ome of the thlnga that we learned at the convention are: That N. D.A.I11 system that thrives in the midst of the stagnant financial world. That one N. D. A unit foiled miserably because of poor which resulted In mismanagement and allowed selfishness to the point of dishonesty to go unchecked. We learned .that a group of honest cooperative people of average Intelligence and small means can organize a local N. D. A unit and gat immediate results in banishing depression, both physical and mental. It was demonstrated that though polities are no part of the N. D. A program, the N. D. A educational stimulate program progressive thought along political lines. Many points on organisation, accounting and exchange technique were clarified. No doubt both more and better work will result from the pooling of experience and Ideas. It was derided that In Industrial activity onr aim should be to do less and do it better. Each unit should undertake one Industrial enterprise and produce a commodity that will be practical to exchange with many other units. It was derided that thla industry should be one where modern machinery and abundant and cheap raw materials an available. The finished product should be of sufficient value to make practical its transportation to distant markets. One of the most difficult problems encountered hy N. D. A. during the past year has been transportation. al . es self-respe- " Electric Co. . Q law-abidi- FIX unit YOU CAN NOW BUY WIRE GRIP BRUSHES with Your N. D. A. Scrip Agricultural Advice Heber Bennion, Jr., who ia in charge of agriculture advised each unit to undertake agricultural production only for nae and not for profit. He alao advised that In procuring labor, for agriculture wa should avoid paying for It either In scrip or cash. He believes that community gardens, farms and ranches where surplus labor from the N. D. A ean be used, and the produce made available for the common welfare are the projects we should undertake. ' All units reported excellent cooperation Aram professional people. In the field of Health aervloa N. D. wide range of useA has found fulness. Excellent Progress If asked to give an estimate of the progress of N. D. A. during Its tint year of Incorporated activity I would not point to lta more than 81,000,000.00 of exchange business. I would not point to the thousands of treatments and house calls, or ON B CREDITS BEE THE UTAH BRUSH MAN N. D. or at (01 Eaat Third So. FULLY GUARANTEED Approved by Good Housekeeping TRY THE Wasatch Press ! : pelts properly before marketing. GIVE US A TRIAL. N. D. A 55 Weat Broadway Salt Lake City, Utah Phones: Wasatch 10847. Hyland (142-R--, Mur. 285 Cabinet Shop 08 Port Office Place Was. 4(48 All Kinds of Cabinet Work Kitchen Cabinets a Specialty FURNITURE MADE to ORDER Repaired and Reflnished B Credits We Now Hare a Stock of Paints, Varnishes and Lacquers Half Scrip Half Cash RALPH C. NELSON GARAGE 3 Poet Office Place. ALL MAKES OF AUTOS REPAIRED Motors Rebored Fendera Repaired Raster Car Painting Rebuilt Batteries Battery Service Wanking Polishing Greasing. 50-6- ALL WORK Day and Monthly Phone Wasatch 8139. JUMlMMlt TRY KUDZU Babbitries should Investigate. Every dooryard should have one or more plant which will produce enough leaves to upily tlie family with beverage the year around. KUDZU MAKES A WONDERFUL FLOWERING SHADE VINE FOR PORCHES AND ARBORS Its flower clusters resemble Purple Wisteria. M imr Jforth M So Beotia, either aa a KUDZU wfll field or garden crop or aa an ornamental porch shade. WE GUARANTEE JiATHPACTION'' Half 25c each or 3 for 50c by Parcel Half CASH N. D. A, SCRIP Post AMBASSADOR GARAGE SPECIAL PRICES ON 500 or 1000 PLANTS EXPERT CAR WASHING F.F. Clark nd POLISHING All Work Guaranteed N. D. A. COUPONS ACCEPTED Rear 145 So. Mb East Was. 0003 e ERET,Via State Line, Mississippi - GUARANTEED Steam-Heate- d Storage. Residence Phone Hyland 8045--J. Labor Furnished THE BEST FORAGE FOR LIVESTOCK THE FINEST GREEN OR DRIED FEED FOR RABBITS PLANTS 5S Poet Office Place 49 Weat First South CONSIGN OR SELL TOUR WOOL OR PELTS TO the N. D. A We can secure better prices for you aince we prepare all wool and KUDZU TEA IS VERY APPETIZING Dear Uncle Sam: Ia then no way to appeal to those kindlier Christian hearts among the rich of onr great land, to eause them to giv more aid to the hungry and unemployed people like the honorable widow of our beloved Edison, SIIUUTL.IFF FIsHCTKIC CO. Wanted Wool and Pelts : , SHARPEN Knivca, gcMtora, Bawa and AH Edge Tools KEEP UP WITH THE NEWS OF COOPERATION Subscribe For The Progressive Independent , Teddies Battery Charging We make Keys, Weld or Solder Anything A Isatltnte ITSHOP SKILLED and UNSKILLED 50 per cent cash 50 per cent coupons r IN ANY QUANTITY Labor Department Wasatch 10347 -- |