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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT d frier. It talcea seven of a these nice friers to buy a good pair of overalls. I found cotton selling for four cents a pound. I found one pound of this cotton made into a shirt bringing $1.60. In other words, a farmer must sell forty pounds of cotton in order to buy back one pound in a shirt." RELIEF PLANS SALT LAKE CITY FACE ATTACK AsAS FAILURES Natural Development (Continued from Page One), sociation. then gave a trumpet duet, Mias Cox Labor Legislation Leader (By Arthur Spencer in Oakland insisting at the piano. Mr. Elggren (aid that recently he Herald.) Assails Aid Measures asked a lady who had been visitingin she with two-poun- ftelnside Workings talked Europe .if the people There felt that there would likely be from the depresa complete recovery sion in any definite time. They said that on the other hand they were just waiting for the ax to drop. They expect that any day there may come a complete smashup of the financial at Conference CHARACTER OF N. D. As YOUNG MEN ! ." six-gall- w ALL KINDS OF STONE WORK An incident which happened at the recent political convention held in Ogden will show the character of some of the young men who have been drawn to the N. D. A. We have bcjys who are eligible for Harvard or Columbia, bright young men, who are ready to lead out and direct society in new paths. Read the following from the Tribune: "The nomination of Dr. Thomas was the real sensation of the convention. Youth spoke and was heard. That, briefly, tells the story of Dr. Thomas triumph. Veterans of political conventions made eloquent and effective speeches, but it remained for a young man by the name of Warwick Lamoreaux to ignite the spirit of enthusiasm which swept the university professor into the nomination. Mr. Lamoreaux; a former student of Dr. Thomas, got the floor, after several unsuccessful attempts, to second the nomination of the educator. He told the delegates that he represented thousands of young voters who knew and had studied under Dr. Thomas and who would vote for him. He called upon the party to heed the request of ten thousand or more youthful voters and place at the head of the ticket a man who would appeal to Signs are appearing everywhere that not all the American people are LIVE WIRE CONTACTS fifgoing to submit tamely to "financial Silver Bay, N. Y., Aug. 27 The by a false teenth annual Silver Bay conference starvation, made inevitable they 25 Cents Per Item Per Issue. on industrial relations was told today money system. Here and there do things about it. by John B. Andrews, zecretary of the are beginning to of the The rapid growth American Association for Labor Legusing credits in the place Dressmaking and all kinds of sewislation, that "the wretched failure of movement, "! system. of relief money, is one of these signs. We ing. Mrs. Gars Stevens, 330 T Street. I hastily organised emergency Chart Lecture have on this coast several very active He announced that Mr. Glad would adequately to cope with the hunger is be- groups of this kind. I have just rethe unemployed of distress and Your A credits are now accepted at Natuthe charts the covering, explain turned from a study of one of these, the Venice every-body159 So. ral Development plan, which he had coming increasingly obvious to the N.'D. A. of Salt Lake City, Utah. Main. TRYOrange Juice Co., US. found to be the most comprehensive in a a less Started than ago, year be no permust longer "Industry brief analysis of present conditions mitted periodically to cast aside mil- small way, with some potatoes and devised so far. barber to give WANTED One apple cider press; of wage earners, recognizing no the willingness of a He showed by the chart how the lions haircuts for credits, today the N. D. quantity of big cotton cloths; apple economic system is naturally divided social responsibility for their econom- A. retails store, corer and pealer; used or new window has a big down-tow- n upon public into ten groups Labor, Education, ic security and depending and a small oil screen, or close mesh hardware cloth; private charity to maintain them a cannery, a saw mill, Agriculture, Commerce, Wealthy Jus- and needs their services refinery in actual operation, with a new honey cans. Report to tice, Manufacturing, Building, Mining until industry Unemploy- tannery, a shoe factory, a woolen mill Survey Dept. and Health. In each of these groups, again," Andrews said. and a cement plant in prospect before which he likened to bins full of prod- ment is a creature of industry. Its LAWN mowers sharpened on A must be borne by industry. long. Farms, dairies, cattle ranches, ucts, are all the commodities neces- burden He told the conference "millions of business people and wage earners are credits irice $1, including sary for the use of the human family. homes in America the quite pracWill call for and deliver. Phone arc now doomed to backing the project in In order to be distributed to the other still a fourth winter of unem- tical way of agreeing to accept the Hy. 6052-- J. J. J. Thomas, 655 Spring-viegroups and be made available for their face Drive. which the scanty coupons used by the organization as use, they must first be drawn off ployment, during of them. of charity for vast numbers will a medium of effecting exchanges through the financial system in the doles labor and services. The dramatic speech apparently WANTED: A cane on A credits. center. The financial system requires continue to be their only protection commodities, Saw Store Opening to Mr. Hobson at the Ex- caught the imagination of the convenof 50 per cent of the peo- from starvation." the scn-iceReport, N. The day I arrived the I). A. had change department tion, which broke into a spontaneous ple to handle and guard its money. tion of the association, if such there opened its big new double store and tremendous demonstration. Showing how the money system oper- be. Qualified members are taken care just at 55 W. Broadway, in the heart of WANTED A half horse-powates to the detriment of the people, oi resources the of the extent the city. That day they did a business electric he told of going back to a firm to ex- of to motor, on A Credit. Leave The Lcbor Department of the N.un-D. the association. There is no definite of $465, all excepting $1.50 being in word with Mr. Page, N. D. A., 55 W. A. is prepared to furnish skilled or change an article he has bought from time set in which a trade member can credits. These sales represented Broadway. skilled labor in any quantity. Let us them. Se found that they made him demember. become It a farm produce and food stuffs alone. qualified figure on your building contractS' or pay for the privilege of buying from the made on the by progress Everyone was jubilant, and prosperity TRADE Nash Coach for any other projects you have in mind. them and for the privilege of selling pends WILL in member and the application among these new-stystudy Farmers and livestock men who small to them. Pay difference in "A" have of the principles, and the ability of the docs really look to be just around credits.Coupe, Neslon Garage, Was. 8139. surplus stocks of wheat, flour, Plenty and Lack himself to member to is only the corner. The adapt grain, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, or He showed that although there was tion. about six months old, yet it did a WANTED Butter, eggs, poultry, other food products would do well to plenty of everything, each group beMr. Glad's talk was followed by (a) business in June totaling $6,000, and and any kind of meat on A contact the central office of the N. D. produce, ing well stocked with its products, the of the numbers and (b) following in July this ran up to $30,000. credits. See Mr. Brimlcy, Grocery A'., 55 West Broadway. lack of money blocked the free ex- named male Miller, As a visitor from another quartet: Floyd change of these commodities. The first tenor; Glenn Kerr, second tenor; President Stringham of Department. The Natural Development Associadepartment of health has plenty of Jack Bates, baritone; Robert Rodman, the N.group, D. A. asked me to take a couWANTED Two used tricycles and tion, through its membership, is in a the but and nurses hospitals, doctors About bass. Talk and My Buddy" pon book and try it out myself. The set of playing blocks for children. Re- position to absorb surplus stocks of people can't use them because 5 per Jerusalem Morning," food, clothing, animals, etc., and will experiment proved to me there is cent of the people have all the money. port to Mr. Clyde Brimley. Logan Organized issue checks covering all class A serstrong endorsement of the new syslu the mining department, themincs Mr. Woodruff was asked to report tem. Several people told me it had vices in exchange for them. The N. D. A. can furnish are idle and the miners starving or and said Mr. Wilkinson had saved them from going out of busi- for a few more vacant houses,occupants build' and will the In week. a a working day Srogrcss to branch the from Ogden ness entirely; others reported a large pay class A service for them. Report We need a few thousand dollars in ing department thousands of buildLogan and Mr. Garner was increase in their trade, trade that oth- to Mr. R. Weight of the Housing. De- money to set certain new industries' in ings stand empty while families crowd organize now in charge at Ogden. erwise they would not have had at all. partment We offer good security Owners having vacant operation. together, three and four in a house for The Logan unit was now organized Everywhere I found merchants and houses in need of cleaning or repair- and will pay a fair rate of interest for lack of money. Manufacturing is the servlist of with a and business men generally quite willing long would do well to contact this de- the use of it. Inquire at the Central same, the factories standing idle with ices operating and products already lined up. that the organization should have its ing Office, 55 West Broadway. partment piles of surplus stocks because the The association had been fortunate in ten per cent discount for expansion who need their products Eeoplc the support and services of and to meet the overhead. WANTED An ice Cream freezer, Get the song, "Covered Wagon Day money. The few factories do- -' enlisting Mr. the founder of Witnesses Prosperity by Christie Lund, at N. also a bicycle. Marvin Smith, 55 West Sweetheart, ing anything are operating at a loss the John Hendrickson, v Credits are spent freely; there Logan Knitting Works, the pro' D. A. on "A Credits. Broadway. merely to hold their force together in and who at one very little evidence of any hoarding. the hope of better days, finding it prietor of Koflce-c- t, Canada in a time is concerned fact no The that interest factory sugar bought cheaper to operate than to close. In and moved it into Utah under great in any of the transactions of the N. the department of justice, he found difficulties. He has proved one of the D. A. is a fact of vital importance. dolMEMBER N.D.A. that 73 per cent of the people's lars go to pay far past wars. In the most able and enterprising men in The leaders arc students of economics 22 Richards St. not afraid of a new idea. department of wealth, we have plenty the state. Lundstrom of Logan was and men do debt in for Mayor not They go of all we need, but it is tied up for anything and thus keep out of the clutches of We intend to retain jjj lack of money to move it, to those also at the meeting. We can thank clec- - high finance. we have that Lundstrom comof Mayor who need it The department your trade by While I was there General Manager merce has plenty of transportation fa- tricity at 8c per kilowatt hour instead beneficial effects the of 10c, Woodruff refrig-omeat secured a through air $1000 f deserving it. cilities, by rail, bus, steamship, Logans municipal power plant erator entirely on N. D. A. credits, lines, etc., but they are idle or onlv forced the reduction. Mayor Property owners are accepting these ALL WORK partly used. In agriculture is the same which condition. Near Seattle, thousands of Lundstrom has also forced the Logan credits for rent, and many a family CLASS FIRST 1 Salt the down to of natural been in eviction that ,as from saved gas it because price are of tons peaches rotting doesn't pay to pick and ship them. Lake rate. The meeting was held in1 way. Farmers in the Salt Lake valley It is found to be cheaper for the farm- the meeting room of the Logan ire among the associations strongest ers to kill their cows than to milk Chamber of Commerce and brought supporters. Dairies deliver milk for them. There are plenty of schools, together a very fine class of people. credits and get hay for their cows in FOR RENT--N. D. A. but because the people cannot use Manager Woodruff told us the asso- the same manner. Affiliated industhouse, beautifully painted and decorated inside; modern exof methods is better ciation ries financed credits. are is with learning shortened school the them, year $20.00 cept heat. 9th East and 2nd South As Editor Lund of the Progressive and fewer teachers employed. In the opening up new communities. 18 to August 31, the Independent, the N. D. A. paper, said apt., ellcgantly furnished and heated; newly decorated and From of millions August of are labor department Over-stuffSo. 9 near and State$35BO This to me, "It is a clearing house of labor papered. furniture; people who want to work, and we payroll amounted to $3,311.27.' is $30. 00 only and products, giving work to those need the work done. But we can't shows a splendid growth, but near West new and apt., High school; paint paper; frigidaire; hire it done and show a profit, and an inkling of what we can accomplish. made workless by the present system, heat furnished $30.00 and giving new hope to thousands. under the old financial system it is S apt., near West High school; furnished with fine furniture, HAS Salt I Lake think What done, always necessary to show a profit. ADDS STORE etc. $30.00 Oakland CAN do. The New System 8 HIGH E. SHERRICK MEAT DEPARTMMENT Turning from this chart of the old Was. 5070-economic system to that of Natural N. STEPS Development, he showed that the new D.A. are lines The fruit and vegetable system has the same laborers, build- expanding steadily, the volume of INTO DRAMATICS WAMSSSaasasssaaaa...aaa.........YiViYririYlYWiriAIXnAfJVl ings, mines, and factories which make business growing' at a most encouragFurnace Cleaning and Repairing the same products in the same way ing rate. Mr. Brimley finds the growfor the same people, but under the ers anxious to furnish him with all he In spite of the downpour of rain LEE and D. T. WORSENCROFT new system there is plenty of every- can dispose of. Most of them are com- Saturday night, N. D. A. members Mueller Gas and Coal Furnaces thing available to everybody. The new ing from the growers market, some proved to be real troopers: a large system would eliminate theft as ev- from nearby farms. The store truck audience greeted the first N. D. A Quaker and Clarks Furnaces dramatic performance. It was quite erything would be available to all. No- brings in eight or ten truckloads WORK A CREDITS REPAIR body steals air because it is so plenti- day, besides the loads the farmers a "natural development" that the first B CREDITS WORK NEW ful. The new system would thus elim- bring. So there is no reason why the N. D. A play should be given by the Salt Lake City, Utah Phone Hy. 7597 inate 95 per cent of the cost of the members shouldnt have all the fruit kiddies of the organization. At any rate; it was real development for department of justice. He said that and vegetables they want in the World War 50 per cent did the The meat department opened last them. It was probably the first pubfighting while the other 50 per cent Saturday with a big crowd, estimated lic appearance for many of the younggot rich off those who were fighting. at 200, in line. Meat will be on sale sters who took part The play was given as part of the The new system, he showed, would every Wednesday and Saturday. The DESERET - CLEANERS and DYERS use the products and resources 'more addition of meat to the N. D. A. bill regular Saturday night meeting. BeWe would use each of fare is a source of solid satisfaction fore that part of the program was economically. RUG CLEANING HAT BLOCKING PLEATING method of transportation to better ad- to the management and members, and commenced, however, a few prelimiWc Call and Deliver vantage and there would not be as is also being welcomed by the stock-me- n naries were conducted by Mr. String-hanow a service station on every corner. The audience was greeted and "Come Clean With Us and Well Dye for You" and farmers as an. outlet for their If a great surplus of wheat were livestock: Many of these are finding congratulated for their courage in raised, we would not ship it to China. it very; hrlpful to their budgets to be braving the rain: The delegation from HY. 646 1130 WINDSOR ST. We would hold it and use it and give able to convert some of their animals Ogden received a special greeting, and an applause from Salt Lake N. the farmers a holiday until it was used into N. D. A. products. up. Education would be available fc Hie new mechanically cooled meat D. A'ians must have made the Ogden everybody, there would be no strikes counter allows a very attractive dis- people feel right at home. An N. D. F. E. in the department of labor, and in the play of the beef, pork, veal, chickens A song was conducted by Mrs. HickSeat Covers, Cushions, Floor Mats, Upholstering department of health the doctors and rabbits now available. Most of man, and an important bulletin was would keep everybody well and enjoy- the supply comes from the Delta re- read by Mr. Stringham, informing the NEW OR RENEWED ing life. All that is needed to ac- gion, though local fanners also con- people of certain regulations that are Phone Wasatch 2300 complish this is to open up the gates tribute, too. Mr. Dansie, in charge of necessary to know and abide by. The "A" CREDITS of business and let the commodities the meat buying, is now in a position remainder of the time was then flow freely. SERVICE GARAGE: to handle all kinds of sheep, cattle turned over to the children for the In the new system there is only one and hogs on credits. presentation of "The Bluebird. 27 Walker Place The play that had been chosen, rule, turn in more than you use. HowSalt Lake Gty, Utah Rear New House Hotel Maeterlincks "Bluebird had been ever, we cannot reach the ideal of Natural Development in one jump. IS THE FARMERS arranged by Mrs. Lohmolder in a The system must unfold gradually. simple form for children. It it probSTRIKE JUSTIFIED? ably The Difference the only children's arrangement in existence.- The story is one known The old financial system was adaptZANOL QUALITY PRODUCTS lawlessness do we not While uphold to all and appreciated by all. The ed to a condition of shortage, but not is feel there do that we and violence, is to that of abundance. The Natural story an especially fitting one to be Cosmetics, Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Paste and Development Association cannot co- great justification inforthethe Farmers pictured before an N. D. A. audience; Household Necessities central or exgreat strike, old and tells Holiday, of a quest for the bluebird, sigit system operate with the mr. a had not have The states. farmers how of it is changes itsproductS' without dependhappiness, and follow- nifying 304 FIRST AVENUE to discovered finally ing on it. The association has to take fair deal by any means. The helping through off a percentage for operation, and as ing excerpt from a Deseret News edi- bring happiness to others. The kid50 Cash Same A Credit that accumulates it will be loaned out torial shows some of the causes for dies, under the direction of Mrs. strike: the more member to had to develop groups practiced faithfully for Recently John A. Simpson, presi- two weeks and had learned every and better production plants. In time it will accumulate to the point where dent of the National Farmers Union, word of their little speeches and every He was step of their little dances. For the the health department can be put on gave out the following. the overhead, and all health services speaking of prices at ten shipping latter, we will credit Mrs. F.ppcrson, will be available to the members with- points scattered over the state of Ok- who "coached the youngsters in the The children were costumed Further accumulation lahoma: out charge. " I found the average price of oats dancing. will allow the department of educavery attractively, and judging by the tion to be operated in the same man- to lie eight cents a bushel. In other happy chatter in the dressing room bushel of oats would buy enjoyed the entire affair as much as ner, making all our schools free to words, one two postage stamps and two post did the older people who watched the members. price of performance. He explained that when an appli- cards. I found the average cents per twenty-fiv- e cant joins he becomes a student of wheat to be grain purchase one pound of coffee. Eggs the system and in turn is being check- bushel. I found an eight-foin these ten towns six cents ed by the officers. When an applica- - binder priced to farmers at $250. If averaged For a farmer to buy a lie per dozen. tion is approved the applicant be- a fanner wanted a grain binder, bugood toothbrush he would have to sell comes a trade member. In time, if he would have to sell one thousand asshels of wheat to purchase it. I found eight dozen eggs, and then he would proves worthy and finds that the to be ten cents owe two cents. The prices of choice sociation is in accord with his convic- the price of butterfat In the grocery stores friers in these towns averaged ten I pound. on in per to he wishes that so go tions, brands of coffee arc selling cents per pound or twenty cents foi it, he is invited to become a qualified standard cents a pound. It takes nearly four pounds of butterfat to member and to share in the accumula- - at thirty-eig- KUHT SCHMIDT If Are Particular, Call the Concrete Specialist Satisfaction or no If Its Made of Cement IPay Mirg it by tbe Day or Week Phone fifS0BSXer 433 Ave. You . Downington j. o. DR. KING Optometrist W. Broadway Phone Was. 9544 Room .117 Keith Emporium Bldg. Visual Training and Muscle Exercise. a 55 5?" A cJ'diu ! B Credits DON'T THROW IT AWAY! Have it welded and spend the difference between this and a new one with the N. D. A. D. ,0. RUST WELDING ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE No job too big or too small. All work guaranteed. General Repair and Contract Work -- Will Call and Deliver-Hylan-d 4514-- J 61 West Stratford Ave. . s er . ' RALPH C. Phone Wax 8139 le NELSON GARAGE Rex Phone Hy. 8045-- J Poet Office Place ALL MAKES AUTOS REPAIRED Motors Rebored; Fenders Repaired; Radiator Repairing Car Painting ... Washing, Polishing, Greasing Gas and Oil Battery Service Tubes Repaired -- 4)ay and Monthly Steam Heated Storage ALL WORK GUARANTEED nnnnmuiJ1Jl 50-6- - 3 Have You Read OPENING SEVEN SEALS HALF HOUR OF SILENCE n It makes plain the Book of Revelations. ' By David Archie Latimer PRICE 25c Sold by Pyramid Press and Book Stores A Credit -- - nnnqnnnj nnniinni in THE HENRY OLSEN GARAGE N. D. A. Members may use their Script at HENRY OLSENS GARAGE . 1063 East 21st South We have opened a Bicycle Department with the Garage.' Wc Repair Bicycles, Phonographs, Baby Buggies, Electrical Fixtures, etc. "A Credits Accepted Try Us 35 BARBER SHOPPE -- mm O. S. JAYNES PAPER HANGING If ed i PLASTERING AND GRANITE WORK CEMENT, Its PAINTING DECORATING Done with a Brush We DO IT. Hy. 5030 p 1427 Blair St. -- LION DRUG STORE 564 Third Avenue SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH CHAS. H. TURTON, Pharmacist Prescriptions B Credits Wasatch 5367 Across iriaramimnr- HOME BARBER SHOP 1018 E. 1st South A. D. REDFORD, Prop. ALSO OPEN EVENINGS Ladies Haircutting a Specialty N. D. A. Credits 20 Years Experience Labor Class A. All Makes of Cars Materials Cash. W.R. NASH, Prop. Phone Hyland 414 1369 South State LAWRENCE St NASH AUTO REPAIR General Auto Repenting innannmrvwuvuij PARAMOUNT DELIVERY SERVICE 902 South 1st CLEANERS & DYERS RELINING West REPAIRING Wasatch 2458 Work Guarantee-d- McAllister ELIZABETH TEA ROOM CAFE Loh-mold- ot I ht - the street from Holy Cross Hospital 24 WAS. 80. STATE STREET Well Cooked and Appetixmgly Served "B Credits 50 10230 Cash' Sandwiches and Drinks "A Credit . C. HARRIS, Prop. , UAGDEIEL BUILDING CO. Wf Specialize in Fire Proof Construction and these homes cost no more than the fire trap. And they are the last word in beauty, modem style and comfort. Call us at Was. 5839-- |