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Show Help the Cause of Humanity by Cooperating. N. D. A. will Save the Day MW A VISIT TO OGDEN UNIT.- SEEING IS INSPIRATIONAL N. D. A. Is Well Organized And Doing Business DAGGETT LADIES HAVE officialTroster SPIRIT SURPRISE FROM OGDEN On Saturday, Aug. 27, the N. D. A headquarters suddenly became aware of a great influx of people. The local N. D. A members were almost alarmed. However, upon inquiry it was learned that they were our Ogden friends. A company of 38 had come down to look over the Salt Lake unit and study it in operation. After having done this to theirN. satisfaction, D. A cafes they visited our several and tested their menus. The evenjng was given over to our regular-meetinand the accompanying play. They were deeply impressed wi the progress being made and pleased with the fine meeting and play. After the meeting they started on their-wa- y home rejoicing, but they little surmised the fate awaiting them. As a result of the storms, the road was washed out and impassable, and they were obliged to return to Salt Lake for the night Mr. Elggren was appealed to and he, in company with Mr. Page, arranged sleeping quarters for the group. However, the visitors didn t show up, and anxiety arose in the minds of Messrs. Elggren and Page for their welfare. The anxiety proved uncalled for as our Ogden mends had succeeded in persuading the management of theRoberts Hotel to take N. D. A cotfor rooms for the party. The Sons management has since advised ns that they will be glad to accept N. visiD. A. coupons from out-of-to- tors. It remained for the Ogden members to show Salt Lake just how valuable N. D. A. coupons can be made. We commend them and invite them to it us again. vis- TOOELE CITIZENS INTERESTED IN N.D.A. Mr. Joseph Lawrence, Jr., of Tooele was at the N. D. A. headquarters dur ing the week studying the system, looking over the various departments, and gathering data with a view of fostering the establishment of a unit in Tooele, whose citizens, he reports, arc very much interested in the work. Before leaving, he expressed the hope that a meeting would be held in Tooele and a unit installed. - CHANGE OF POLICY Checks used to come back from the bank marked No Funds. Now the policy has been changed and the checks come back marked No Bank. WE MOST STAND FOR MORE . THAN FILLING OUR STOMACH PLOYMENT NEWS OF OUR Tlie Character Code MEETING WEEKLY N. 0. A. PEOPLE VISof llie N. if. A. f A. J. Hendrickson, Logan, IDEALS ARE HIG No Cure Attempted, But Interesting Talks by The Aids N. D. A. In IT IN DAGGETT Leaders Aid Administered Organizing Material Side Must Be At the regular weekly meeting, SatCHANGE RESISTED Balanced by Spiritual COUNTY urday night, Sept. 3, Mr. L. E. WELCOME, LOGAN! , OF V Lively Interest Is Manifest And Success Is Assured The editor made a personal call on the Ogden headquarters of the N. D. A. last Saturday and was very agreeably surprised to see the busy store right in the heart of the city and to meet the official family face to face. the corner of the bustling Just off section of Utah's second city, at 2421 Kcisd Ave., is the inviting front, filled with association advertising and literature, which leads in to the offices and the store which arc large and roomy and bustling with business. A very praiseworthy beginning has been made and all signs point to a healthy growth. The pioneers in the N. D. A work at Ogden are Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Linford, and other). They were the first to carry on and are entitled to praise for their efforts. Mr. Wallace is the present head of the building department and Mr. Linford is managing the fruit and vegetable drier which is just now handling 300 bushels of corn a day. Official Roster Attorney Louis J. Wallace and Dr. Russel B. Petty are the capable supervisors and are doing all in their power to make things go. Mr. R. B. Garner is the genial and efficient manager and is continually on the go in the in terest of the organization. His reports are very optimistic, even flattering. J. B. Porter, formerly of Salt Lake, is the office accountant and is assisted by Miss Florence Southwick, the official stenographer. Archie C. Stokes is the head of the department of labor and is handling it very well. Lelland Stevens is at the head of the city contact work and is doing good work. Mrs. Marvel Schaar is the efficient head of the ladies' department and is drawing support to that division of the work. Robert Dixon and W. P. Hinchcliffe are the farm contact men and are getting support among the agriculturists. In the store or commissary. Behind the counter, we found two fine fellows, Wright Saxton and Hugh Tribe, who are doing their level best to serve the patrons with the supplies on hand. All of them were happy, contented, friendly and filled with enthusiasm. With such leadership any good cause is bound to succeed.. Success to you, comrades. Cause Grow- N.D. A. WILL RE- Inside Working Through- LIEVE ALL UNEM ings of N.D. out the State Association Elg-;re- n visit with Mr. During our week-en- d and Mrs. Heber Bennion on their delightful ranch in Daggett county, I was very surprised and pleased to learn how anxious the ladies at the ranch were to know how the ladies' department was progressing. Two of our N. D. A families, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Eggartz and their families have been helping Mr. Bennion on his ranch all summer. I found them very brown and happy. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson were living in a sheep wagon and she had it fixed up very cozy, even curtains at the windows. What can we do was the first thing they asked, after hearing all about the ladies department, and the wonderful work they are doing. After discussing the problem for a short time, Mrs. Eggartz brought out some very beautiful, fine, net lace, doilies and baby caps, and wondered if she couldnt put her work in for the ladies who love beautiful fancy work, a chance to get some. Let's give three cheers for the ladies in Daggett county, and encourage them - to do more beautiful work, and make- them feel like they can do something to help N. D. A, for we are all happier when we can do something to make N. D. A grow. MARGARET M. GLAD. , DELEGATION FROM ALPINE AFTER UNIT Messrs. F. D. Strong, R. H. Strong, M- - Strong and F. O. Batemag of Alpine, after a visit to and inspection of N. D. A headquarters last week, asked that the association consider the feasibility of establishing an N. D. A unit at Alpine. C. N. D. A. has made a start in Logan since the last issue of the paper came out. We were very fortunate in having the assistance of Mr. J. A. Hendrickson who invited N. D. A. to come to Logan and is sponsoring our organization there. Mj. Hendrickson is one of Utahs early pioneers. He has lived in Cache Valley where he has been of jnfluence in business for 65 years quite a record. He established the Chamber of Commerce in Logan thirty years ago. Forty-tw- o years ago he established the first knit-m- g factory in Utah, and within three years of that time had 100 people employed. The Cache Knitting Works, which he organized, is still in operation and has had an uninterrupted reputation for highest quality. Mr. Hendrickson orginiated and introduced Coffeetts, which he later sold out at a profit. We really feel Jhat we have enlisted the aid of a capable and cooperative man. Through Mr. Hendricksons influence, we were able to make an especially fine start in Logan where we already have quite number of services consisting of two two restaurants, a printer, garage, lawyer, stenographer, watch-make- r, a sign painter, carpenter, and' a contact whereby they can pay their rent entirely in scrip. Mr. M. W. Wilkinson is in Logan helping to get the organization under way. He has left affairs in Ogden in the capable hands of Lou Wallace, an energetic young attorney, and Dr. Russell B. Petty. They are the committee directing the work in Ogden. These men have secured the assistance of Mr. Garner, former railroad employee, with ripe experience, in auditing. Mr. Garner is executive manager for the Ogden division. He asked Owen presided. Woodruff to lead the new N. D. A. Education, properly directed, is the. . Four oclock Sunday morning is too most powerful influence in the world. ; song, written by Mrs. Leola Cummins. early for white people to get out of Truth is mighty if it gets to all the n bed under For the benefit of visitors, Mr. ordinary circumstances, but announced that the meetings when they arc going out with Mr. people in a shape to be readily .under- Poverty were held every Saturday night and Bennion of our agricultural depart- stood. that the public was invited, lie ex- ment to visit his ranch and ride his It should be a function of the By W. I. Newman pressed the belief that cooler weather horses in Daggett county, it is not one in admitted to see that the elementary , ' is that, It generally would bring out a larger attendance, bit too early; in fact, it is very enprinciples of character and , of free this autumn of 1932, at what may still and suggested that members invite joyable. not be the bottoip level of the Great others to attend. The purpose of the Mr. Bcnnions ranch is situated on government are taught in schools, he said, is a in the families, and indusorganization, of those what y total the outfit liC' terms a Depression, through ail the movement along economic lines to The part of the ranch lies on a avenues necessary to get to the peotrially unemployed numbers fully 12 bring together what services we each benchmain land with a smaller bench about million. have to offer and exchange them to 150 feet above, on which another level ple, teaching the children at the age And no man dares predict what the fill our needs. Money, he explained, of farm land is located. It is rather when character is first forming. number of unemployed will be during does not allow this free exchange of an extensive place, and under Mr. Among the elementary principles the coming winter. goods and services. He then an- Eggertzs direction, with Mr. Wilkin- that should be taught are the followthat the main feature of this son's assistance, is in a fine condition It would be impossible for our nounced would ing be a the explanameeting to practical carry present industrial setrup While in Lyman, Hoytsville and Man serves himself best W load of Unemployment Insurance, if tion of the outline and operation of other points along the road, we found as the common good. the Natural existin Development plan. such a system were today aralfalfa On and potatoes frozen. 2. If you would be happy, be honPresident Benj. B. Stringham, in his ence. According to some authorities in we were est. A dishonest Daggett riving is looking the present insurance structure is al- talk preliminary to the lecture on the agreeably surprisedcounty and delighted to over his shoulder toperson outline associaand of is going the see what burfurther operation without any shaky, ready find the wheat, and alfalfa un- to hit him. dens upon it. It will probably have tion, said since many had not heard harmed by thebarley which last frost 3. To be happy one should be into call in federal backing, in order to the chart lecture giving the prelimin- reached that country. dustrious. An idle person cannot be Governof Natural certainof ary explanation factor sufficient a it give Mr. Bennion's ranch is situated 57 happy; one who is industrious, may be. it was thought wise to give it ty which is essential to the very idea ment, miles off the Lincoln Highway on a in the 4 To be manly, or womanly, be meeting. of insurance. which, road, since He was said and carry your part of the although it is not so bad, that, are nation necessity the Cities, states, and the mother of invention, when it was still could be improved if it were to responsibilities of life. Do not imstraining their financial resources in found ' Y that something must be done to be used as a race-trac-k. Immediately pose that responsibility on erthers. . an effort merely to feed, house and first the at after 5. A devised save ranch, this smile upon was a arriving .and smile, humanity, plan begets clothe the unfortunate people who the crops and making sure kindness betgets kindness. On th .. have been caught in this cast trap. to remedy the situation. He told us examining was O. K., we mount-e- other hand, abuse abuse, and', begets The machinery of production is omin- that other people have been thinking thatoneverything seven splendid steeds, includ- cruelty begets cruelty. many cases, along these same lines, and read to ously slowing d0'Wn-7--in 6. If you would be hap'py cultivate ing the one I rode, which bore the such as steel, it is operating at only the meeting a number of editorials title " y of and had sore a cheerful disposition. A cheerful dis- 25 per cent of capacity. As compared confirming this fact. feet, and went over the top of the position is the sunshine of life. The Beginning with 1926, the number of those indus7. Home ownership encourages in- When I started writing the book, ridge into some of the most beautiful trially employed is shown by an index Natural Government, in 1930, there country it has ever been my pleasure industry, better homes, better Crops while the ox than paynumber less 5p; visit. We found a very pleasant and the planting of flowers; and bet- rolls index appears at about 30 on a were five million unemployed in the to United States. In April, 1931, there and interesting lady by the name of ter citizens. It helps to build char- - 1 similar basis. ' Mrs. Bcnnct who prepared green corn, acter. . - The relief attempted to be given were six million; in July, 1931, there rode we fresh from the while 8. were seven in garden, and Septhe neces-say million, aid? now, Prejudice injures is made person by governmental 1932, ' there are 11,400,000. Sta- up the canyon, and on our return, we who nurses it in his breast more than by the breakdown of private tember, cobs tiie 15 tistics gorged ourselves, show that there throwing are it docs the only person against whom it is charity, now pitifully insufficient to PLEASE STUDY and after Rosaleen directed. It ferments the mind and meet the menacing flood of misery. per cent of the people actual produc- to the calves, ' thirteenth had her eaten 50 and that Stringham cent the of ers, per people poisons the blood. Form an opinion . TIHS BULLETIN Millions of men, women and children are ear, we derided to return to camp. of others without prejudice or hatred. unemployed and on charity. of povare headed for the cess-poHe called our attention to the fact The ride back over the mountain was 9. Vanity is to be foolishly proud Members of the N. D. A. are re- erty during the coming winter. 5 per cent of the people control made largely by moonlight, and we of oneself. It manifestes that itself in ' Waste a Charity quested to take particular note of the we arrived so the late ranch at that 90 per cent of the wealth of the naand ones dress charitable this of manners, But bearing, every penny following bulletin. is tion. With the aid of a blackboard had to give the horses their heads and conversation, and, if cultivated, beClip it from the paper and familiar- relief, whether public or private, trust to luck to get home. comes a stumbling block to true Sucsimply a waste, though it may aim to diagram, he pictured how the owners ize yourself with it. 1 Visit Manilla cess. Self respect, jprwpuclothing be humane. It is just eating up the have this wealth fenced in so that othi N. D. A BULLETIN NO. I. ers could not get at it, even to get the On Monday we went down to Man- and manly bearing, fire Cofhmeit&ti. 1. Truckdrivers and contact men reserves of the nation. It contributes of life. As necessaries in he an ila hold to a and but false unde is an injury. In a wo-m- n, example, arranged meeting with commodities must report all pro- nothing to the production of the food, told us of seeing, on March 1 of this the evening, after which, with Mr. and . Riudesty and refinement are duce received and check out all out- clothing or shelter which must be con- year, a surplus t Ru-lo- n of stock of Mrs. Mr. cans Mrs. and and 268,000 a to character Eggertzs contributes sumed. It nothing jewels, that will attract the Dicker-sogoing merchandise with Mr. food in a Utah cannery, while at the Mr. and Mrs. Bennion, true man more than will rubies and and Wilkinson, of rational balancing production warehouse manager. same time there were within the Mrs. Glad and Rosaleen Stringham diamonds. 2. Coupons are void if detached, distribution of the. commodities. sound of his voice from the cannery, and Virginia Bennion, we went up to 10. Selfishness, covetousness, is a the inscrutable some reason, For unless stamped (X K.d, signed and people suffering from hunger and the ranger station and had a very en- - love of self, with a desire to have, to opis to return resolutely production dated by the cashier none other. credits for the normal pro- want. The other factories, he told us, joyable barbecue and feast, prepared possess, regardless of the right of The cost of overhead and expansion posed; andmanufacture on the spot. After gazing our fill on others. It is the cause of and trade are are the same. cesses of must be carried by all. the vistas of grandeur beyond descrip- of the trouble in the world. IndividOrganization You are encouraging dishonesty by refused by those who control these Pointing to his diagram, showing tion, we returned back down the five ual selfishness can crystalize into nacredits. loose and receiving throwing coupons grade into the town tional selfishness leading to wars of This can have but one outcome, the percentage of the people depend- miles of low-gethe burden of expense on the honest will ent on charity, he said it is impossible of Manila. Mr. Bennion went down conquest and unhappiness and sufferThere two next the within years: fellow. S. to organize these under the charity to Lynndall and invited a number of ing to tens of millions of people. 3. N. D. A members are to have be a shortage of food in the U. line. A gradual growth is required to friends to attend our meeting at 8 the meet taken to Selfishness is not confined to the are measures unless first consideration in the disposition enable the association to assist them. oclock, while we repaired to the rich. There are as this of menace paralysis. creeping many narrow and of merchandise or services under the ranch-house, be shaved our face (Mr. selfish people, in poportion to numpeople must is at least one answer to The following qualifications: (1) Appli- thisThere first. We cant take a ma- Glad remembers the caution that we ber, among the question; one solution for the rid- organized poor and middle cation and fee paid. (2) Capability. dle: Produce food for the use of son until we have brick. He told how, must always speak in terms of ou) classsc, as among the rich; and if the (3) Congeniality. (4) Necessity. in order to set the masons building the and drew a (hart, as we had neglected situation were reversed would be do4 Pay organization bills with those who produce the food. Then it was necessary to go out and to bring a prepared chart with us. just as bad as do the selfish rich. voucher (where possible) in triplicate these producers will not need to care tannery find a brick plant willing to let brick After riding around on the ponies a ing Such people see only self and tempo5. The official for the whether there is an international mar- go for other commodities. little while and adding to the soreket for food products. They will have advantage; and turn a deaf ear to organization shall require time slips, He told of a dairyman who, be- ness we had already accumulated, we rary famitheir and themselves for an opportunity to assist in promoting food, time records and vourchers from the church-hous- e he cause couldn't sell the down to milk, enough proceeded the common good. This adds greatly various workers and and lies. There is a way Its the N. D. A, was unable to finish the house he had where Mr. Bennion and I undertook to the difficulties of the situation and these reports shall be paoperly O. K.d build. to The asked to inform the people about the objecbegun dairyman the importance of educaand authorized by the respective de- that will lead us out. that enough scrip be advanced to en- tives and methods of N. D. A Mr. emphasizes - the SOUL. tion that develops dispartment heads. finish able him to his house, he pay- Bennion gave a very interesting Chief among these maxims for char6. Direct all inquirers and investiing milk for the scrip. In this way, cussion upon the application of N. D. acter building is the first one. If one VARIED LIST OF gators to the educational department. he was able to rehire the carpenter A under local conditions and most of has an earnest desire to promote the 7. Do not make promises for any he had turned off, and later give an the people were very favorably im- common CARRIED FOODSTUFFS abgood, he is instinctively hon-do service or not commodity you peounemployed plasterer work doing the pressed. There were twenty-nin- e eschews selfishness,, is not vain, we have est, know our already at solutely plastering. In the whole transaction ple present, all of whom seemed to be dependable and a worthy citizen. command. The stock of commodities in the no money was used. in After ideas. our accord with quite 8. Membership fee is to be paid in store We will grow, he said, until we tne meeting, we proceeded over to varies somewhat from cash or merchandise we have to spend day tonaturally 5 in take all but the but of an one of cent the dance hall and after watching for day, inventory per cash for not services. day will give an idea of what an N, wealth owners. We do not worry a few minutes the graceful! gyrations IDAHO GOVERNOR 9. Wm. J. Rawson is in charge of D. what becomes of them. They didn't of the Dagget county gigolos, we A scrip user has to choose from FLAYS SYSTEM N. D. A buildings. in making out his daily menu. went back to the ranch and went to worry about us. 10. When articles, merchandise and The first thing noted on the day in He quoted a scientist's statement bed to endeavor to get just a little . services are made available, do not alquestion' was the big display of that the difference between a man and sleep before we had to get up at 4 low your selfishness to overcome oranges in the windows, together with a horse is that the man reasons and a. m. and start home. Governor C. Ben Ross, in an ad your good judgment in drawing in ex- a long rack loaded with them inside. the horse does not, this being illusdress at a recent celebration, attackei cess of your share Consider the other Of other fruit there were at that hour trated by the fact that if a horse is the present distribution of wealth andY1; ANNOUNCEMENT! fellow at any and all times. of the day only the apples, two va- fenced in a pasture without feed and tbe increasing national indebtedness,"'"''' 11. Be courteous and honest; never rieties of and watermelons on just over the fence is a field of feed, plums for a new economic leader appealed overcome become angry or sarcastic; S. S. (Steve) Stevens announces the hand' from the day before, as the days the horse will not be able to reason ship and warned the farmers against selfishness and greed; establish a N. D. of the A. Barber and to out at the feed. a opening arWhen had of fruit not way get consignment yet borrowing more money than is necesN. D. A. character. he considered the fact that the na- Beauty Parlor at 55 West Broadway. rived from the market. , The display of vegetables com- tions wealth was fenced in similarly, He will have space and equipment to sary. under on conditions We cant go tbe N. D. members all serve and A he decided that there be must a lot prised cabbages, cauliflower, tomawhich make it possible for 2 per cent SUBSCRIBE NOW horses roaming about. public comfortably and without wait- of the people to own and control 90 toes, pumpkins, summer squash, egg of Beehive The Barber and Remember the baBeauty per cent of the wealth; nor can we plants, green beans, peppers, mild and We must organize, he concluded, to ing. Parlor will be continued at 30 5. continue nana when it leaves the bunch it hot; lettuce, carrots, beets, turnips, use our resources and services. to exist under conditions same and the efficient service which raise the total national indebtState Mr. Elggren said it is not our purgets skinned . onions, green, red, white and pickling. rendered both at will be places. Watch edness from $150,000,000,000 to $200,- pose to kick that N. D. A. members will not kick, but put their shoulders fur the opening. 000,000,000 in a six-yeperiod, as has COOPERATION VERSUS COMPETITION. to the wheel. He told of seeing on Ross declared.. 1926, men and women into more efficient and pleasant the streets of Seattle a pencil seller WANTED: Ford, Model T, or early occurred since Cooperation brings tribute to the judgment f A, on A credits; also Ford truck. thePaying relationship to one another. It gives free play to our natural instinct for who had lost both of his legs. Hr. pioneers who selected Utah and Milk 1208 E. Producers, is ask the how him, team work. Competition stimulates the ignoble, cooperation the noble Elggren Well, Idaho for development, the governor affecting you?" "Oh, was 21st South, City. asserted agriculture in Idaho alone traits in man. That cooperation promotes efficiency is shown by the fact depression man the answer, I cant kick. That creates more new wealth annually that even gangs of criminals operate successfully under the nose of the had changed his wishbone into a back- Mr. Clad Will and puts more money in circulation othlaw solely through the ability of their members to cooperate. bone. We must do the same. If all other industries of tbe state Give Information than is not only more moral than competition. It is more ers would form some sort of organicombined, and the average annual ' . Cooperation like the N. D. A., they would vanlue of crops produced in the state effective economically. Competition pot only fosters fear and suspicion, but zation not have time to kick. The N. D. A. is $15,000,000." (The same is true of How can ask: People everywhere waste. An economic instance is where fifty milkmen as fast as possible must take in every we learn more of N. D. A.? also breeds great Utah.) , are compelled by competition to cover the same route, when one should activity of life. Many of the best feais the answer: Write to Wil-for- d He gave figures which he declared were N. A. 1). the of tures A. Glad, rare N. D. A., 55 West showed that the railroad company, programs do it without such waste of time and gasoline. product of our N. D. A. activity Broadway. He will be glad to send whose lines run through the state, has There are healthy, stimulating forms of competition thpt lend zest the so far. a representative to your community. spent $105, 000, 000 in all the lime it has v' to life. These forms are to be encouraged. But the sordid commercial Mr Burgencr and one of his pupils We ask only that transportation be been in the states, less than the farm- Competition that profits from its neighbors downfall is not among these. ers spend in one average year. provided. (Continued on Tagc Four) This Winter to Witness a Cesspool of Elg-gre- gov-ernm- two-stor- . self-relia- i' Step-Heav- ol ' BE TOLERANT WHILE WE BUILD The fulfillment of the ultimate aimf of the Natural Development associa tion must be likened unto the activities of any government. The problems of the people as a whole are the problems which must be met in order to make the N. D. A function properly. In order to make; life worth while and to have all that is necessary td life, food, shelter, heat, light, clothing, and recreation must be available to every home. To furnish the life complete is .the aim of the N. D. A But to accomplish this end, patience and extreme care must be exercised. Many thousand people in all parts of the state are depending on the officers of the association to see that the ultimate end is accomplished in the most practical way. Although the association is not hampered by red tape which is so characteristic of organizations with monetary power, every angle must be studied, weighed and acted upon with the greatest possible speed. Many Ideas Every day dozens of new ideas are presented to the N. D. A One may be on wheat; one on oil; another on coal, while still another matter may be presented on tbe economic situation field. It is or some other the duty of the officers of the N. D. A to weigh each of these plans determine their practicability, and their place in the general plan of organization. Some ideas submitted are practical; may be ever so practical' yet may not fit into the present outlines. Many practical plans have to be tabled, for the present. Every effort must be spent toward keeping the N. D. A on a balanced program. Every enterprise must be a success. Every enterprise must be within the reach of the organization. You, as a member or a friend of the N. D. A may feel that certain things should be within your reach and that the officers may be a trifle slow in obtaining them for you. Please be tolerant. Untiring efforts are being spent daily to bring the necessities of life to you. Hundreds of hours have been spent on such problems as you may feel are of vital importance to Rome was not Be tolerant. you. built in a1 day. Hundreds of years were spent building that wonderful city and it has failed more than once. The officers are not aiming to take as much time as the old folks took in building Rome, but an intelligent effort is being made to build the N. D. A. on a foundation so strong that it will never fail. Recognize the momentous task which confronts the people of the N. D. A. Be tolerant and all things which are good for you shall be for you. well-balanc- ed - t cm, "declares hfr'Edward Cox, -- 1 n, ' two-thir- ar - time-keep- er . two-legg- ed ar if |