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Show t PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT DID THEY FAIL? YOUTH TAKES HELM LIVE WIRE CONTACTS Roger Babson (Continued from First Page) 25 Cents Per Item Per Issue. Describing all politicians high credits on N. and low as the chief beneficiaries at full cash val- of the relief racket' Roger W. had been a teacher and had been ue for a business training at Salt Babson, economist, today fold Lake Business College. 246 So. members of the Silver Bay institrained to meet people, but some- Main Street. tute that the United States today Wasatch 7280. all his lost had he how now, just is as much on a dole as England C. S. WILKINSON. Thats the thing WANTED Straight upright or and asserted that until public atEditor Progressive Independent: nip and tuck. piano on A credit. Ensign tention is focused on men instead Last Monday the people of Utah N. D. A. is doing for us giving us player Shoe Service 577 E. 1st South. of money the world will continue hope and courage, remarked Mr. Was. 5719. and various other western states Curtis. to suffer. celebrated Pioneer day. in rememThe next number was a reading Money, said Mr. Babson, will Harley-Davidso- n FOR SALE brance of the arrival of the band and b Miss a Richards no more succeed in us out Julia by this in valley 1929 Motor of Mormon pioneers big twin model, of the depression thangetting it succeeded numbers, after which Mr. Curtis on classCycle, eighty-fiv- e service. A Shoe years ago. All of us called Ensign on Mr. Ralph Rich to talk Service, 5 77 E. 1st South Street. in keeping us out. who are descendants of pioneer Was. 5719. stock, whether of 1847 or a few a few minutes. Mr. Rich Speaks A Sure Route years subsequent, have beenofmoved hardtales the WANTED A good kodak or to sympathy by Mr. Rich has been working endured and by for class A credit. Mr. suffering to Happiness ships quietly and happily at N. D. A. for camera, these hardy empire builders, in quite a long time, and after his talk Curtis, N. D. A. wild this and subduing reaching felt that his whole heart Comrade, let me have a hold on WANTED By the Progressive and uninviting wilderness at that everyone and soul was in his work. He reheart strings, and please coyour subscribnew 10,000 time. first that some man had Independent with us in one of the folported operate anticiers. and Will YOU be one of them, And with what hopes canhe him told that be a to ought lowing easy ways: did they labor, skimp and didate for getting married on A" please. pations 1st. Will you not deposit your plan to create homes for their pos- credits and he had agreed that he The N. D. A. can furnish occu- - money with us? It would be more terity here in the tops of the mounwas a prospect. Some for a few more vacant secure that it would be in any bank. tains? Then as the fruits of their really Eants 2nd. Will you not buy a memperson really .made the and will class A service toil began to materialize as they a matrimonial for them. Reportpayto Mr. Sorenson bership? If you do not have the that saw The desert blossom as the suggestion bureau be established to assist our of the Housing Department Own- full price, buy it on the installment rose, as comfortable homes were people in getting properly ers having vacant houses in need plan. established in the communities and young settled down. Mr. Rich went on of 3rd. Have you any commodities or repairing would do by the roadsides; as good roads be- to say that if many on hand that you cannot sell? Are were wellcleaning people this contact to and to and department. spear playgrounds gan with a slip of paper and you paying storage and insurance? houses of worship, office buildings, presented their reasons for being in The Labor Department of the N. Is it losing its value. Trade it to us. stores and banks came into being, asked 4th. You cannot take your organization they might write D. A. is prepared to furnish skilled with what joy and satisfaction the this For what it. into the Great Beyond wealth I can of out in or get unskilled labor any quantity. pioneers regarded the fruits of That, he pointed out, is tbe Let us figure on your building con- with you. Why not leave it to N. their labors. wrong attitude. The only reason tracts or any other orojects you D. A.? A Hard Pan Why not let us have it when you And then for a term of years, we have for being on this eartb and have in bind. have done with it on earth? space is to render serwhich have gradually removed the occupying Farmers and livestock men who This is a sure route to happiness. most of the pioneers from this vice. Thats how we, the young hope to help in the Asso- have surplus stocks of wheat, flour, stage of action, conditions and de- people, ciation." grain, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, velopments seem to have reached or other food products would do Exchange Says Mr. Lund Talks a hard pan." Many of the towns well to contact the central office Good Word in Utah quit gaining in population. next Pia the entertained LeRoy Their young people migrated into audience with an accordion solo, a of the N. D. A., third floor Keith The people of Utah have a traIdaho, Arizona, Wyoming, Mexico real treat for all, after which Mr. Emporium building. and elsewhere to build for them- C. N..Lund was called on to say a dition. They are essentially pioAssoNatural Development 'The selves homes and seek opportuni- few words along with the other ciation neers. And knoV their cothrough its membership is operation, forthey ties in life, until recent census fig- young people with young ideas. in a this they through toabsorb surplus have built one of the ures showed that most towns in Mr. Lund has emphasized in the stocksposition great states of food, animals, clothing, the state were losing population, meetings the importance of followof our union. And now in Salt etc., and will issue checks covering instead of gaining. ing schedules and starting and all class A services in exchange for Lake they have inaugurated a new movement called the Natural DeMany of the factories, mills and quitting on time. The realizes the industries so wisely established in value of time and related an in- them. velopment Association for further the Pioneer days of Brigham stance when one of his suggestions lines. We need a few thousand dollars conquests along Young, have fallen into disuse or in regard to saving it was carried in money to set certain new indus- In the few months of its existence have been torn down and hauled out. He gave us some bits of tries in operation. We offer good this organization seems to have away. The people have purchased humor and reported on the prog- security and will pay a fair rate of made an amazing growth. It contheir needs where they could be ress of the paper and tbe mission- interest for the use of it. Inquire ducts a column in its organ, the obtained the cheapest, whether ary work that it does, reaching at the Central Keith Em- Progressive Independent for exfrom a mail-ordhouse, a chain Iiarts of the world which would porium building.Office, change of services, running all tbe store or a peddler, regardless of of N. D. A. in no other way. way from barber shops and beauty where the goods are produced, or The Progressive Independent has parlors to brick yards and bakeries. stocks of used furniture Surplus whom emto lines of endeavor of even taken the news of the organi- in serviceable condition can be used Seventy-si- x they are furnishing zation to far off China, and we have by the varied character and worth. ployment. of the Department Housing Job Become Scarcer had various evidences of its work Herld, Oakland. A type of roads was made pos- in other parts of the world. Mr. N. D. A. if prices are satisfactory. A basis. Gass sible by government and state aid Lund stated, 60 DAYS MORE Lets follow our that called for special heavy and leaders, the five men who incorBank clearings that is, the have' We suitable and pasturage expensive machinery to build, and porated. Finer men do not walk accommodations for a number of amount of money paid by check so the work is let to big construc- the streets of Utah. I dont say it have dropped 53 per cent in the tion companies that can provide to flatter them because theyre dairy cows. Would like to rent country as a whole, which is below some Mr. from owners. Contact the equipment, and which for the here. I say it because its true. the figures for the panic year 1931. most part import tbeir own skilled The best advertisement for this as- Gegg through central office or at In New York the drop was 55 per 168 his I Street home, labor. So little by little the jobs sociation is its contented and satisWANTED Two used tricycles with which the pioneers were near- fied members. Let us take for a N. D. A. has range in east- and set of playing blocks for chilThe run to death, became scarcer slogan, It Shall Not Fail. ly ern Utah for a considerable num- dren. Report to Mr. Gyde ' and scarcer until difficulty was Teerlink and Brimley ber of sheep and cattle and would found in keeping employed. There Mr. Teerlink, a young man whom like to contact owners who havent were sufficient homes for the popWANTED An ice cream freewe all have thank a great deal suitable range. Generous terms ulation, there were business build- for the resultstothat also a bicycle. Marvin Smith, zer, ' i in are be can apparent arranged. ings adequate to the demands of the 246 So. Main. Phone Was. 9544. asked rewas a to store, give trade, there were an abundance of of himself and his duties. His FOR RENT Four rooms furn- WANTED Middle aged woman professionalVien, lawyers, doctors, port task entails market ished $22.50. Gas and lights. A" wants chamber-mai- d the to going work, housedentists ,to take care of the needs work, etc. Will accept N. D. A. of the people, and yet many resi- each day to contact the men who credits. Sherrick, Was. 5070-FOR RENT modern. Script for pay. Phone Was. 5801-dents began to find themselves out come in with their produce, and the many fruits and vegetables that Frigidaire. $35.00. credits. A of a job. N. D. A. Members may use their we have in our store are proof of Sherrick, Was. 5070-M- .. Then something else happened beat Hennr Olsens Garage, his services. He his scrip expressed acbe not could that something WANTED Butter, eggs, poul- 1063)6 E. 21st South St. We have counted for by the unfolding of lief and happiness in the work. Mr. Brimley, manager of the try, produce, and any kind of meat opened a bicycle department in community development: It was Gyde also store, reported the progress of on A credits. See Mr. Brimly, connection with the garage. We is dewhat commonly known as a that repair bicycles, phonographs, baby very important department. grocery department pression, but which is nothing buggies, electrical fixtures, etc. more or less than the restriction of He pointed out that even though, at this time, it is difficult to satisfy WANTED One boys used bi- Your A" credits are accepted. the money supply. A few glib all the needs of tbe in food, cycle. Apply C. N. Lund. Try us. manipulators and bankers had suc- we must understand people and know that ceeded in foisting upon the people what is designated as The gold the products in the store will instandard. In the days of the an- crease as N. D. A. expands. As an RALPH C. NELSON GARAGE cient Israelites it was usually example of the growth, Mr. BrimRes. Phone Hy. 804 5--J 8139 Was. Phone said instead of that having to known as the Golden Calf," and ley Place Office 3 Post each man at the market which people both ancient and explain to ALL MAKES AUTOS REPAIRED modern have worshipped at the ex- in the morning the entire plan and Motors Rebored; Fenders Repaired; Radiator Repairing clusion of their God. The tainted ust what the advantage in it is, Car Painting influence of gold is very contagi they all know all about it,, and greet Gas and Oil to- -, . him will have What Polishing, Greasing Washing, with, you ous, and even descendants of tne Tubes Repaired Service Battery day, Clyde? hardy pioneers are not always imMiss Julia Pia, the girl who so Day and Monthly Steam Heated Storage mune to its bliebting influence, but ALL WORK GUARANTEED N. D. A. the assists cheerfully are often found worshiping at its members at the bakery in the comshrine. munity market, spoke for a' few Curse of Gold in helpUnder the curse of the gold minutes on her happiness She said the work. further to ing FRANK MARTIN CO. all of must standard, specie money be predicated upon the gold sup- that she enjoyed meeting the memCLEANERS and bers at the bakery supplying ply, instead of the needs of trade, of Rugs, Carpets and Upholstered Furniture and in order to obtain circulating them with real Health Bread. Of course the meeting would not Oriental and Navajo Rugs a Specialty medium, interest-bearin- g obligawithout a few Phone WAS. 7276 27 SO. WEST TEMPLE tions must be entered into, which have been complete words from Mr. Stringham, and eat out the very vitals of the work- after expression of appreciation er or home owner, and which en- from an Mr. Curtis of the encouragerich the Shylocks and charlatans ment he always extends the young CALL YOUR TAILOR -- EMIL S1AEKT who by manipulation multiply inStringham spoke. He terests tremendously, and by the teople, Mr. his Your Suits and Coats we spotless clean and press perfect satisfaction Expressed The same we do with the Ladys dress. potent influence of their money with and the of the work progress control congress and shape the We reline your coats at the lowest price laws to their own advantage, thus talked inof the seeds that are being And fix your Gothes over to any size. sown of other the country, being able to graviate money and for letters haveparts Any altering, and all repairing we do come in begun to credits into so few hands that the Is just to SERVE andofto SATISFY you. various states inquiring about world as a whole is at tbeir mercy. frommovement. also are makers We good Gothes; And unfortunately, they know no theMr. We are Tailors, such as knows the also Glad represented such thing as mercy. How to cut, and make it fit Aided by the Federal Reserve Board of Directors and informed And on the prices we will split to his intended the of people trip System they are able to reach out California For material pay cash, the making is A Credit. where combine he will into every corner of our land and The low prices will please you, do not forget it with a vacation quesanswering destroy business, b forcing down tions of various people there in reprices and making money for exSteam cleaning and pressing on Suits, gard to N. D. A. in person, and Ladies Coats and Plain Dresses for 75c change unobtainable, and virtually will Overcoats, branches in assist establishing starve people to death. In order and Pleated Dresses for $1.00 to $1.50. Fancy are of the where they to obtain money for the conduct of desired.organization Pressing only 50c. business and the procuring of neAfter a piano solo by Miss A Special A Credit , Hurry Up and Get It. cessities, the people have been forced to borrow on their various .ulianssen, Mr. Reed Vance, anEMIL MARKT YOUR TAILOR other representative young man, holdings until at the present time was called STREET . STATE SO. 205 on. his He expressed if few any are free from debt, and the and at surprise opportunity bondage. Practically the whole world is broke and unable to pay. spoke of the satisfaction that comes working with service as Nations, states and cities, are in through REX DRUG COMPANY the same condition as the people the slogan. the schedule, Mr. Cur3rd South and West Temple generally broke and unable to pay tisFollowing had completed the evening's all enslaved to tbe golden calf, Salt Lake City, Utah and on lined on time, up which, with its owners and keep- program the audience, were the PRESCRIPTIONS "B CREDITS ers, still holds sway in the world. a row facing in the participants program. He WASATCH 3220 Pioneers Survive And so we come down to our demonstrated great agility, caught of tails each and coat the person present day. A small handful of insisted that they sit on the chairs the early pioneers who came here in front. Everyas children, still survive. If they he had arranged with Owen are alert and in the full possession one must have agreed S. JAYNES o their faculties, what do you Woodruff that the meeting was held. most the of one enjoyable yet their think mental reaction will DECORATING PAINTING PAPER HANGING show? Will they say that tbe work of the pioneers was justified, they might find a land in which DO We IT. Brush If Ita Done with a or will they say that their ardu- they could worship God according ous efforts were in vain? Certain to the dictates of conscience, un1427 Blair St. it is that they fell far short of one molested bjr the pernicious hand of Ily. of their aspirations which was that greed, avarice and idolatry. Did Our Pioneers Toil and Suffer in Vain? merit for the depression, gloomy WANTED A and down and out. He said he D. A. in exchange Phone Hyland 414. NASH By David Archie Latimer PRICE o. 5030 A Credit BEEHIVE BARBER and BEAUTY PARLOR 30 SOUTH STATE STREET Complete and Perfect Professional Service Let Steve Do It xsitxxxxxxxxxxxsssaasxxssxxxxxxxxxisxxxxxxxxxxssxxxssxxS PARAMOUNT & DYERS CLEANERS DELIVERY SERVICE 902 South 1st West RELINING REPAIRING Waaatch 2458 Work Guaranteed CARPENTER and CEMENT WORK Let Us Remodel Your Home You do not need money, just products. Was. 7280 for Information ENSIGN; SHOE 577 East 1st South : SERVICE Phone Was. 5719 Call and Deliver Service East of 2nd East to 17th South SPECIAL RATES to MEMBERS of NAT. DEV. ASSN BUILDING MAGDEIEL CO. We Specialize in Fire Proof Construction and these homes cost no more than the fire trap. And they are the last word in beauty, modem style and comfort Call us at Was. 5839-- DR. CHARLES H. DUNN, Dentist 503 Felt Building - 465 Opposite Federal Bldg. Hours 9 to 18, Office Phone Was. 2796 1 Phone Was. First Avenue to 4:30 8309-- R THE LARSEN ELECTRIC AU Kinds of Electric Work, Wiring, Repairing, Motor Work GIVE US A TRIAL CEMENT, PLASTERING AND GRANITE WORK ALL KINDS OF STONE WORK KURT SCHMIDT Call the Concrete Specialist Satisfaction or no Pay If Its Blade of Cement I Blake It Cement Mixxer Rented by the Day or Week 433 Downington Are. Phone Hy. 5148-- If You Are Particular, M DR. J. O. KING - - 25c Sold by Pyramid Press and Book Stores , ' South State St Have You Read OPENING SEVEN SEALS HALF HOUR OF SILENCE It makes plain the Book of Revelations. er - 1369 AUTO REPAIR General Auto Repairing well-meani- ng 50-6- 1 20 Years Experience-Al- l Makes of Cars Labor Class A. . Materials C.amh W. R. NASH, Prop. Speaks on Money Optometrist Phone Was. .9544 South Main St Room 1174 Keith Emporium Bldg. A Credits Visual Training and Muscle Exercises A Credits Examinations B Credits Glasses Made to Order, and Repairs 246 DONT THROW IT AWAY! Have it welded and spend the difference between this and a new one with the N. D. A. O. D. RUST WELDING ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE No job too big or too small. All work guaranteed. General Repair and Contract Work Will Call and Deliver-Hylan- d 61 West Stratford Avc. 4514-- J Across the street from Holy Cross Hospital HOME BARBER SHOP 1018 E. 1st South A. D. REDFORD, Prop. ALSO OPEN EVENINGS Ladies Haircutting a Specialty N. D. A. Credits LION DRUG STORE 564 Third Avenue SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH CHAS. H. TURTON, Pharmacist Prescriptions B Credits Wasatch 5367 |