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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT sxaoootxssrexxxsxxxxxssxsxxxxxxxxxsxxxxxxatssxxx NATURAL DEVELOPMENTS Departmental and Personal Activities Ladies Department. CANNERY The ladiei' department of the N. D. A. has been growing so fast that the ladies who have been devoting their full time in working out the plans that were laid but a few weeks ago sometimes stop in the midst of the bustle and hurry and wonder if they can be dreaming. Their ideas have materialized so quickly that it has been quite a nee to keep up with them. The little gift shop that started a very few weeks ago after Mrs. String-ham- 's and Mrs. Glads very industrious scrubbing has expanded until it will soon be taking on the aspects of a department store. New things are constantly coming in, and almost instantly going out. They now have a real variety, including house dresses and sport dresses, neat little caps, silverware, and various little novelties. The ladies are now busy making layettes, and wish to announce that they will receive orders for making them now. They also desire the ladies to know of the quilts that are being created out of colorful materials by Mrs. Sulser and the ladies who are helping ber in that department Several quilts have been made and quickly sold, and ladies who have materials to be made up into quilts or quilt tops are urged to bring them in now in order to get them all in order before wintry blasts remind them. There has been one very important activity going among the ladies the last few days. The fruit season is here now, and the ladies realized that time lost meant fruit wasted, so they acquired the necessary materials and help and have bottled over a thousand pounds of fruit. Those are real results, and speak a great deal of praise for the ladies' efforts, the , planning that Mrs. Elggren, Dr. June B. Smith, Mrs. Hickman, Mrs. Stringham and others who have with them have done. Last Wednesday, July 20, was a record day for our cannery. Mr. Dewey reports that 1300 sans of cherries were put up. We are encouraging our members to put up at home all of the fruit and vegetables they can and all of the surplus, we "can.'' PEOPLE FROM OGDEN .Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Anderson, John Borger and James Smith spent several hours at N. D. A. offices on Wednesday getting acquainted with tbe officials of the association and looking over the various LIVESTOCK PROJECT IS PROSPERING A livestock project, has been set up by the N. D. A. near Manila, Dagget county,' Utah, for the purpose of supplying the association with meat products. Mr. Lorenzo Egberts, an experienced ranchman, is in charge of the project under the direction of Heber Bennion, r., head of the Department of AgMr. Eggerts family, riculture. consisting of Mrs. Eggerts, Don, 13; (Hen, IS, and Dorothy, 4, are with him. He is also assisted by Rulon Wilkinson with his wife and daughter. Mr. Bennion inspected the pro- -, ect recently and reports these two families doing good work and in good spirits. The principal crops of the ranch are hay and grain. These will be fed to sheep, cattle, bogs and poultry, and the finished product trucked to Salt Lake City in the fall and winter months. , HEALTH DEPARTMENT The Eyes of Youth Thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts, and the eyes of youth and their wives, and a few of the young people motored up City Creek Canyon for a Weiner Roast. Upon arriving the members were delegated to go out and gather in wood' for the camp fire. You cant imagine how difficult this is until you have tried it once. The evening was spent in toasting weiners" and marshmallows. Mr. Stringham proved to be tbe most efficient in roasting them and Owen the most able in eating them. Some of the young people showed exceptional capacity for drinking punch. A delightful camp-fir- e program followed the refreshments, in which Mr. Curtis acted as toastmaster. The members fairly out did themselves with their stories, songs, stunts and jokes. Eleven oclock found the party in their cars on the way home. The weiners" were obtained from the butcher, by Mr. Pia, on A credit, which probably accounted for their extraordinary flavor. OGDEN NEWS Mr. Wallace of the Ogden N. D. A. unit says that in conference with ss eye-sig- ht SYSTEM PRACTICAL the Ogden Chamber of Commerce trying to obtain assistance from (Continued from First Page) (Continued from First Page) them, they reported that if they confronted with the question, couldnt assist the organization, are What if returns. Then Plenty for All they could be sure that they would what will prosperity The country is full of people, you do? Well lay the not oppose it. This is the attitude that tbe N. D. A. would like to see dollars on the shelf and use the the people are full of a desire for all organizations take towards it. good old N. D. A. This principle abetter standard of living, the re the mines are If they cant assist we trust they is fundamental because it teaches full of minerals, the factories full a man to look upon a neighbor in will not blindly oppose. of terms of himself. That is the reamachinery, the railroads full of Thursday evening, July 14, Mr. Owen Woodruff in company with son the dollar has failed; it bas not rails, are full of labor, and the with banks are full of boxes a number of other N. D. A. mem- impelled man to full of money. We have all the bers, namely: E. W. Barnhurst, Mr. his neighbor. This talk was followed by a read- makm s of a mighty good time for Hollings, Mr. Sherick, Miss Rowena Moncur, and C. H. Curtis, ing (a) --and (b) numbers from everybody here in America, and its motored to Ogden to attend the Mrs, Ruth Lohmoclder who is very hard to believe that we are just too and has been thoroughly dumb to do anything with it. regular N. D. A. meeting of tbe talented' Ogden unit. On the way up, Mr. trained in the field of dramatic art plitorial. Business Week, July 6, Following her, Stanford StevWoodruff and others inspected a Solution (Steve) came forward at tannery at Syracuse, but it proved ens Obtain a copy of the book, Natuto be too small for tbe purpose and the request of Mr. Stringham, and it was decided if it were used it gave a short but very timely talk ral Government, read it thoroughwould be used for a creamery in- on matters pertaining to his asso- ly: attend investigators meetings stead. The meeting at Ogden ciation with N. D. A. He is always at either 12 oclock noon or 5 CHERRIES be a very enthusiastic enthusiastic and optimistic and bas o clock p. m. on any week day. to proved Then join the Natural Developone in which all of the Salt Lake done much to inspire the memberment association, and help estab-Ii- m Mr. Hyrum Dial took a truck representatives took part. The ship in their efforts to achieve a system that aims to outline load of N. D. A. Cherries up to Ogden Unit has a very fine buildMr. Stevens has been in 'a posi-- the use of money, and gives every Shelley, Idaho, Friday, July 15. He ing in which they have their offiman credit on a basis of SERVICE, reports that the Shelley people are ces and hold their meetings. The ton to keep tab" on the new was secured by Mr. Wal- - .velopments of N. D. A., and yet he with the hope of so arranging the getting pretty darned interested" in the N. D. A. Mr. Dial is a fast lace for $M.OO a month payable in nientioned that the organization time of labor that all will still have friend of Mr. Stringham and has A credits. .was growing so fast that he could equal opportunity for education, been one of his staunchest sup- travel, art, crafts and sporta hardly keep up with it. He Now is the logical time to help formed us that one of the very latCAUTION porters. We wish to caution our N. D. A. est developments and improve- break the depression and turn the EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT Members in their scrip ments in N. D. A. is permanent tide for a better day. David ArThe N. D. A exchange depart- with people exchanging or industries who are waving for the gentlemen. One or chie Latimer. ment, under the supervision of Mr. not thoroughly acquainted with our two have applied already, and othPage and Mr. Rich, is stocking up exchange. Very often these people ers who have cherished a desire for An Appeal to Members with all kinds of furniture and either get a misunderstanding or curly hair,' may perhaps have their household equipment. If you know else are wrongly informed by our hopes fulfilled. Mr. Stevens ex(Continued from First Page) of any such equipment or have any members as to what they can get pressed his happiness in being a ganization. that you would like to dispose of, in exchange for their scrip. These member of the N. D. A., and that Some people have come through bring it in and let us appraise it people come up to our grocery de- he believes that we have gone tuck very nicely with their contributo the fundamental for you.' very principles tions and others as partment expecting to get every- of yet have not. the hustandard life, on proper thing in the grocery line and are man service people wonder why, in an Many' AN OBSERVATION and its worth. Mr. often disappointed. If our members organization like ours, we should If the price of gasoline had been and contact men will be more care- Stevens reinforced the warning of want cash. just must reduced in proportion, to that of ful we will avoid a lot of difficul- Mr. Weight against selfishness and have a certainWell, we of amount cash to mentioned that it was that very stock hides it would now be selling at ties and misunderstandings. for a start. No enough goods one cent a gallon. Five years ago thing in the world that made it great elaborate start is intended. hides were selling for twenty-tw- o necessary to organize the N. D. A., BUSY PLACE" ILL SAY We to the farsightedness cents a pound, and gasoline sold Two ladies stepped into the N. and it must be eliminated if we are of our appeal members and others who for about the same price per gallon. D. A. office the other day. They to succeed. We must are interested to come forward Now hides are practically worth- paused for a moment and looked one with the other. Everybody's with their assistance and Help Get less and sell for a cent a pound. in amazement upon the busy de- business will grow; the army of the This Thing Started. will be to Will someone unravel this, unemployed work, put workers. Everybody partment Why the difference in seemed to be so occupied, so ear- and the N. D. A. will spread over RAGGED INDIVIDUALMISM in these two Is commodities? and their so price work; the entire nation. nest, The deflection in the last three happy at Several announcements were shoe leather any less valuable than in all the dressmaking school, the has carried industrial proit was 5 years ago? In connection office, the exchange, the grocery made, the most important of which years duction off 50 per cent. It with this it might be interesting to department all busy. Finally one was the notice of the association is 20 points nearly lower than in 1924. know that tanned leather is selling lady remarked to the other, This outing held at Rotary Park last Wholesale d, prices are down for 75 cents a pound. We'll say the is the busiest place in the city' evening. This outing was well atand the cost of living down tended and a time N. D. A. needs a tannery. was very good The N. D. A.ians thoroughly agree nearly 23 per cent. The national with the lady. This is tbe busiest the result. income is off 33 cent, payrolls Mr. Nate GROCERY DEPARTMENT place in the city." There is so Christopherson from 56 per cent, and per the wage rates 17 Lehi was called on to say a few Saturday, July 16, was a big day much to be done but so little time cent. for the N. D. A. Grocery Depart- to do it that the departments can words of the progress of N. D. A. per ment., the day's business totaled bardly keep up with their work. in Lehi. He manifested his pleas$205.00. It is now an easy matter Not only is our office a busy ure at meeting with his Salt Luke progress to report, however, in We are to get all the fruit and produce place, its a happy place happy City friends of N. D. A. and smil- their cannery project. ingly informed them that since he really growing," Mr. Christopherfrom the Growers Market that is because of service and had last been here the members at son said, People are beginning to needed. According to Mr. Brimley, Happy because Idle Hands" even the Chinaman is willing, and are now busy; hungry mouths arc Lehi had enjoyed lots of trouble notice what the N. D. A. is doing anxious to exchange his produce now being fed and heavy hearts and' had many experiences to and that wc are really helping for N. D. A. scrip. are made light with a new hope. their credit. They had some real Every day brings new opportuniYour N. D. A Coupons are now ties, greater progress and bigger algood for batteries for your car, problems, which, when solved, will AUTO ACCESSORIES ON "A CREDITS so generators, starter, and electric- give our members more freedom, al repairs. All work guaranteed. more health, and more equality. N. D. A. Coupons are now good for Batteries for your Your Cameron Battery and Ignition Co. Busy Place?" Ill say, and a hapalso Generators, Starter and Electrical Repairs. car; 956 So. 8tate St Phone Hy. 3555 py puce too. CHART LECTURES All Work Guaranteed Investigators are invited to atBONDAGE AND LUXURY CAMERON BATTERY AND IGNITION CO. tend the regular chart lecture class The owner of the Camel Tobacco of the N. D. A. held daily at 12:00 956 South State Street Phone Hy. 3555 a in lives $5,000,000.00 noon and 5:00 p. m. on the third Industry floor of the Keith Emporium Build- castle, tne doors of which are hung with hinges. Yet he pays hi ing, 246 So. Main St. At this class labor gold an average of 10c an hour. the fundamentals of the N. D. A. The maximum wage is $9.00 per are explained. Questions are anTHE HENRY OLSEN GARAGE swered. Literature is available to week. Why this inequality? those who want it, and steps to N. D. A. Members may use their Script at membership are explained. Come HENRY OLSENS GARAGE and hear what we have to tell you. The Care of Your Feet East 21st South are humanity's most priceless possession. Since eighty-seve- n per cent of all knowledge is received through the eyes, tne child must necessarily rely upon his accuracy of vision for his success in school, as well as in later life. A child however, has no standard for' determining the condition of his eyes. Parents and public educators know that one child in every five has defective sight. Such condition should be changed. Defective sight among the school children of America adds to the burden of the taxpayer, tends to lower educational standards, increases indifference to study among the pupils, causing millions ol young people to leave school poorly equipped for any career, social or business. Is not this an economic problem needing correction? Early eye correction will prevent handicaps to sight. An examination at regular intervals will tend to eliminate low grades and failures. In the interest of the conservation of vision, it is well to remember a few preventative measures. The eyes open and close an average of 30,000 times a day. Rest them frequently by closing or looking up from your work or book. Never read more than two hours D. A. HISTORIAN at a sitting. This is the third of the series Place the light so that it falls APPOINTED of 25 Foot Health News Care of from or over the left shoulder The Board of Directors has Your Feet. above if possible. formally appointed Cyril H. Curtis Your body rests upon your feet fourA book should be held from to act as historian for the Natural just as a massive building rests teen to sixteen inches from the Development Association. While upon its foundation. If a stone PRESS DEPARTMENT face. Mr. Curtis has rather been attend- slips out of place in the foundation Tbe press department is doin ing to his office, under appoint- a crack may appear in the topmost N, the over utmost to its put LADIES 'DEPARTMENT ment of Mr. Stringham, there was ceiling. If your feet become weaknot must members All A. idea. The meeting of the ladies held no formal action taken by the ened or flattened you are likely to itL forward and support only come 27, was proof Board until Tuesday, July 11. Mr. feel tbe effects clear to the top of on Wednesday, but they must induce their friends of the growing July in the ac- Curtis has been a staunch friend your head. interest advertise. Subscribe and to do so. are expanding every and supporter of Mr. Stringham that tivities If the distress were limited to the Will Dobson is doing consider The meet- and in close connection with him feet it would be bad enough, but it in their able writing for the paper and must day was welldepartment. the and proA. D. attended N. since the beginning of the often extends to remote parts oi be looked upon as a contributing ing was both interesting and He became acquainted with him in the body. Stubborn cases of headeditor. He is a thinker and knows gram May, 1931, when he first came to ache, backache, continued fatigue, how to put his thoughts into profitable. Mrs. Elggren presided, and the Salt Lake Gty with the manuscript poor circulation, indigestion, unwords. enof his book Natural Government" Hatch sisters provided musical spinal disorder, and Miss Rowena Moncur, the fair tertainment that was really a de- to arrange for its publication. Mr. ruly nerves, pain often mistaken for kidney office stenographer and secretary light. Dr. J. O. King represented Curtis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. neuritis, or rheumatism of the ladies' meetings, and Cyril the men in a talk on N. D. A. in Henry W. Curtis of Downey, Ida- trouble, each may have its origin in the feet, furnishare chart lecturer, Curtis, ho, and' has been residing in Salt Dr. Compto i, Ssolt Blag, generaL ing much of the association news Mrs. Elggren spoke of the Lake Gty for the past three years. n for tbe paper and doing well. in the organ-zatioof choosing When you know the truth you the things that we love to N. D. A. SCHOOL of Stringham Receives Letter want others to know it. Subscribe do and that at the same time will some for the paper for yourself and DRESSMAKING prove profitable. (Continued from first page) of ydur friends and make it a misMrs. Hickman gave a brief sumbook on Natural Government is the for ladies the tbe good. that work of W. LEAH sionary SIMMONS mary basis of the activities of your Nat are doing, quoting some of the fig117 Keith Emporium Bldg. ural Development Association. If TANNERY NEWS busiactual the ures that represent I understand it properly the price tanTAILORED FROCK Jed Adair, the ness done in the department She of the book is one dollar and I enBndwell, George the Our of booster; the price nery Specialty explained that close a dollar bill, for which please contact man, and Ed. Barnhurst, dresses seems a little nigh, but unsend me a copy of your book. break to out went that the builder, der the present arrangement DRESSMAKING I always believed in peaceful proocThe the for made She tannery. is absolutely necessary. ground DEPARTMENT gressive development out of our laso considered importcasion was a practical suggestion that the present system and hope that all ant that George took his kodak dies send their daughters in to take the Join efforts will dressmaking school. the various along to get a picture. A man in advantage of the opportunity of The N. D. A. dressmaking school, in due time come in contact and the neighboring field was curious learning to sew in our N. D. A. located at 246 So. Main, second with one another. to know what new construction dressmaking department and com- floor, invites you to come and take Wishing you the most unwas going to take place. He en- mended that department on the advantage of an exceptional oppor- bounded success, I remain, quired and was told that it was to splendid work they are doing. The tunity. We have a class from 1 Sincerely yours, be a tannery . He said, doggone announcement was also made that to 5 o clock daily only 50c Signed) Carl Henry Gleeser tbe services of the American Hand the luck. I knew some one would We have accommodations for 25 P. S. Please send the book to me Ed. A. D. N. A the on of ahead secured been have get A credits accepted. Laundry personally. said it was delightful to see the ex- credit and calls will be taken pression of disappointment change through the N. D. A offices. to one of joy when he said, Well, We then hid a real treat as this is the N. D. A." Introductions Mrs. Elggren expressed it, in the were made and we found our new form of a practical demonstration SUBSCRIPTION PLEDGE neighbor to be that "faithful of caring for the skin, given by Reich. Erick Mrs. Anderson of the Excclsis Editor Progressive Independent, MR. TODD WITHDRAWS Products Company. It is a subject In our former issue announce- that is very close to the interest 206 Scott Building: ment was made of the appointment of every woman, and the fact that of D. M. Todd as head of the De- the ladies leaned forward to watch I hereby pledge to help the cause of Natural Developpartment of Wealth in the N. D. every movement closely is proof ment, and through that the cause of humanity, by subscribA. On account of other interests of the interest. Mrs. Anderson exMr. plained the nourishment of the and business connections, ing for your paper. Enclosed find, $ Todd is not able to carry on with skin and correction of defects that in carelessness association and has withdrawn have come through the from the N. D. A. Name:. the care of the skin. She emphasized the fact' that beauty also OFFICE CLEARINGS" The N. D. A. office clearings of comes. from within. Address.. coupons and scrip have increased WEINER ROAST until they are now approximately three times what they were Jan. 1. Wednesday evening, July 13, Signed- This is a real indication of our mot- group of N. D. A. people which directors the of some of consisted Natural to Development" LABOR DEPARTMENT The Membership Cards are now being; distributed to those who have qualified. Secure your card and have it with you at all times. It is evidence that you are in good standing in the N.- - D. A. It snows that you have complied with the requirements as outlined in STEPS TO MEMBERSHIP. When you meet tbe public, to make contacts or to render any service, it is their assurance that they are dealing with an approved representative of N. D. A. This is your organization. Protect it See that your every act is guarded, that every deal is honest, that every thought and deed will bring some Joy to all wbo are effected, by that thought or deed. If you can do this, you are entitled to be the proud possessor of' an N. D. A. membership card. Your card ex- tires on the last date stamped, un-eJ restamped. Should some show their inability to live up to the requirements, his card will not be restamped. He may still be a member, but will not be able to show evidence of full standing, and will not be in line for rapid advancement. If you have not made the necessary arrangements to get your N. D. A. membership card you are urged to do so. Tbe labor department is now issuing these cards. On them is inscribed your name and number in tbe organization. Call and get yours. "Success Principles" safe-depo- sit onc-thir- 10632 We hare opened a Bicycle Department with the Garage. We Repair Bicycles, Phonographs, Baby Buggies, Electrical Fixtures, etc. A Credits Accepted Try Us 533 So. 3rd Karl Weiss WEISS PLASTERING East COMPANY STUCCO PLASTERING EXTERIOR and INTERIOR Estimates Cheerfully Given Salt Lake City ARCH WORK Wasatch 8298-- M PREMIER BAKERY WE ARE A MEMBER OF N. D. A. COMMUNITY MARKET Try Our N. D. A. Health Bread WE HAVE FINE CAKES AND PASTRY Give Vs a Trial GREAT OPPORTUNITIES for EXECUTIVES AND SECRETARIES Take Pleasant Training and Prepare Quickly To take your rightful place in high service that pays. Private Individual Instruction makes the work fit your special needs. Your A Credits Are Accepted - 8 invested in They are Better Than Cash when in the and serve cam to your own added power desirable more capacity. and larger SALT LAKE BVSINESS COLLEGE Tel Wasatch 7280 246 South Main |