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Show it e' THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Continued from Page News Review of Current 1 if business even continues as it is. I don't expect business to continue as is, but to get worse. As conditions continue to get worse more people will be thriven to the necessity of seeing the thinness of the ice on which we are trading. There will be a great turning of the people toward the ideal of a society. The wastefulness and cruelty of the competitive age will be realized and the possibilities of machine age success will clearly be seen to lie only in Executive. Events the World Over SUBSCRIPTION SOLICITORS WANTED 40 . MISSIONARY WORK From one of our exchanges we take the following thoughts: do effective missionary work now, we shall all of us be beyond missionary work. Whether men will or no, they society are going to be compelled to choose between the and chaos. We are going forward to something radically and fundamentally different from the order of things which now prevails, or we are going back to conditions far worse than any prevailing before the world war. is going to be deterAnd whether we go one way or mined in the main by whether enough people read such journals as The Progressive Independent and other things from the press. Other papers speak of today and the old order. This paper and its kind speak of tomorrow and the New Order. We must go forward or go backward. Get in and support this paper. Send us a list I! joj aquosqns pun pnai oi aqii pnoM quiqi no adoad jo saunu jo In that way you can do missionary work. "If some of us don't .... Office of the possibly Democratic year te regain hla old sent la Daniel T. stack of Iowa. In annonndng hla candidacy ha outlined views on national Issues, advocating tariff revision, a refer, endnm on prohibition and adequate farm relief legislation. Stock was tha Democratic nominee la 1824 and waa seated by the senate after Japan, Having Saved Face by Victory, May Make an election contest with Smith W. Brookhsrt He wss detested la 1830 Peace With Hi Lindbergh Baby by Senator L J. Dickinson. MaJ. Gen. Smedley D. Butler anRansom. Kidnaped for $50,000 nounced that ho la a candidate for tbe Republican nomination for United States senator from Pei By EDWARD W. PICKARD A aylvanla against Senator James J. March and April maneuvers In Daria. General Butler said he PBOSPECTB tor cessation of and for ultimata tha San Pedro area. The training would ran on n bone-dr-y platform peace wars somewhat enhanced the squadron of tha scouting fores and and would have tha full support of middle of tbs week, for Japan the special service squadron. In- Gov. Gifford PinchoL had aaved facsi cluding ten new cruisers and deHer forces In the stroyers; will Join the scouting font HOOVER In n area of tha Pacific fleet In defense of that PRESIDENT to eangreu asked Shanghai strongly reinforced part of tha California coast from for legislation that would speed np suattack by the battle fleet, which waa federal criminal court and under the Justice; elimpreme command of due to start eastward from Hawaii inate flaws In the national bankon Manb 8L A total of 141 warGen, Yoahlnorl act and strengthen prohibiformer ships of all types; Including battle- ruptcy tion enforcement in the District of minister of war, ships, aircraft carriers, eight-inc- h Columbia. Tha President's proposanother tremendous cm crateem, destroyers, and subrnap als Included: effort to drive back tinea will participate In tha. test of L permitting the the Chinese army tha Pacific coast's defensive power. United Legislation States Supreme court to prewas started, and scribe uniform rales of practice and CHARLES after many hours procedure in criminal esses for all of fierce fighting, of Georgia, acting after verdicts In tha was reported to chairman of tha honaa ways and proceeding! district courts and for tha Circuit 'a have succeeded. means committee; and bln subcom- Court of Gen. Tsai Tlng-salAppeals so as to shorten Nineteenth route army which mittee for tbe draft- the time between conviction of prisso bravely reflating the Ining of the new tax oners and their incarceration In fedbill completed their eral vaders, broke and fled northwestpenitentiaries; ward and westward from the work and reported 2. Laws permitting an accused n and measure the to the the line, person to waive the requirement of full committed aft- Indictment accomplished their imby grand Jury when tbe mediate object; their military and er which It wss of- neeused admits his guilt naval authorities ordered the fered to the house 8L making valid all Legislation of operations and submitted for paasagd Mr. Indictments where at grand Jury terms for trace pending the holdCrisp announced least twelve ellglbla Jurors voted that the bill assured for Indictment regardless of whething of an International conference on the Shanghai situation. n balanced budget er Ineligible Jurors voted. It waa apparent that the Japaby tbe end of tbe A Passing of legislation limiting nese were determined to win a big next fiscal yearpro-vldetha time for making motions to a current victory before the meeting of the indictments because of disqussh . not upset. Leegne of Nations assembly onThuro-dayof Jurors. qualifications Tbs measura la expected to proHaving accomplished this ob5l Legislation enabling the attorIn vide better position ject, they were approximately $1,100,000,000 general to forego prosecution to make or accept peace plana. Ear- additional revenue annually through ney of children In the federal courts lier In the week conversations In new or Increased taxed The prin- and to retarn them to state authorGeneva and aboard the flagship of ciple feature la tha general manuities to be dealt with Juvenile British Admiral Sir Howard Kelly facturer sale tax, which, by the In- courts and other state by agendas. at Shanghai had led' to hopes Oat clusion of n tax on gasoline Baled 61 Legislation supplementing the there would be an Immediate cessa- should product $625,000,000 annulaw for the District of prohibition tion of fighting; Bnt the Japanese ally. Increases In Income, Inherit- Columbia. still Insisted on the withdrawal of ance and estate taxes will bring T. Amendment of tha bankruptcy the Chinese forces before moving about $250,000,0001 Tbe remaining laws to debtors of their own, and this China refused. $225,000,000, or thereaboutd will be the courtsgivein certain protection to recases; In Geneva the council of the league raised by excise taxed A promised mora enmbersone sections of tha cot of $125,000,000 to $150400400 adopted a proposal of Joseph bankruptcy laws; to require examfor a conference of all the In appropriations will bring this rev- ination of every bankrupt by a repowers directly Interested, in Shang- enue program within tha limits of sponsible official and numerous hai, and the Japanese government next years budget; it waa sold. other reforms. accepted this plan. Sir John Simon, 8. Legislation creating additional British delegate, announced that the ECONOMY went by tha board and federal court personJudgshlps United States would adhere to this when tha house passed the nel to relieve congestion. concouncil made the proposal. The road construction hill emergency ference contingent upon a trace; and which appropriates $1S2400400 for the fact that the severest fighting of foderal aid to tha states In raid REVOLT has broken out In Tha rebels an members the war followed Immediately served null ding. Supported ss n means of to confuse the situation and to make relief to the unemployed, the meas- of tha Lapua party, or Fascists, observers In Shanghai skeptical of ure passed by a vote of 205 to 100, and they have gathered In large numbers well results. only 12 Democrats being recorded armed, threatening Dispatches from Tokyo quoted In opposition. Most of tbs money dril war If PresiWar Minister Arakl as declaring: Is to be allotted to tha states by dent Pehr Evlnd liven If diplomatic negotiations an the secretary of agriculture under Srinhufvnd does not opened, we cannot withdraw our the provisions of the federal highoust all Commuforces immediately. It la impossible way act The federal government, nists and Sodal-lst- s to do so In dealing with Chinas un- according to the terms of the measfrom his cabdisciplined and treacherous military ure. Is to be reimbursed over a peinet Tbs presidforces Wa can only withdraw our riod of ten years, commencing in ents reply wss the 1038 by making deductions from troops after witnessing oursel decreeing of a new that the Chinese forces have regular apportionments to be made safety law withdrawn definitely to a certain later under the highway act gives him extrema designated point Wa can keep our Secretary of Agriculture Hyde semilitary powers to promise; but there la no guarantee verely criticised the bill, asserting meet the crisis. It that the Chinese will keep theirs. It would provide Jobs for only permits the supNotwithstanding the arguments about 85400 men and would endan- pression of newspapers found guilty and pleas of certain university pres- ger stable development of the fu- of agitation, dissolving of nil demidents and many, pacifists, the ture federal aid program. It waa search of homes, examUnited States government will not predicted the measure; If It passed onstrations, ination all of persons ont of doors countenance s boycott of Japan, the senate, would be vetoed by the and hindrance of armed Individuals which would ba In ' effect n war President moving from place to place; with measure. Great Britain la opposed other steps considered necessary to such an economic blockade; and over credit for to preserve order. therefore It waa predicted that this achievements. the The army and dril guards proved drastic step would not be voted by Hoover supporters and the Demoto the government and wait loyal the league assembly. The smaller cratic leaders have quite raptured ont meet the revolutionaries, and to nations were expected to favor tbs the allitha president decided tbe leaders of It bnt could be sidetracked ance ecoboycott, for the tha Lapua party should be arrested nomic relief of the by the British. If possible. The disturbance wee country, inch as It in southern Finland. mainly Garwas; Speaker CHARLES AUGUSTUS ner assailed the the authorize a son of CoL and Mrs. Charles A. President waa In of the complete investigation turn attacked by Lindbergh, was kidnaped Tuesday stock exchanges Is favored by tbe evening from the nursery on the sec- Senator Moses of senate banking committee end n ond floor of hie parents home at Now Hampshire; subcommittee headed by Senator the Democrats and Hopewell, N. J. The police forces Walcott of Connecticut has been apof New Jersey, New York, Pennsyl- who hope to see to prepare It It was the pointed vania and other eastern states Mr. Garner nomconsensus of the committee, ChairPresiinated on were busy for the ease within an man Norbeck said, that all phases hour and, with the aid of countless dent leaped to his of stock market speculation should airmen, began an Intensive search defoise. Chief of the letter was be Inquired into. The activities of for the infant and the rash mis- Senator Tom Connally of Texas. In the Interests as well as tha creants who had stolen him. Indi- a fiery speech ha lambasted the ad- shortlong Interests will be Investigated, cations were that the crime was ministration for extravagance and be said, bnt It la probable that tha committed by a man and a woman lauded the Democrats for economy. bears will receive first attention. Senator Brookhart of Iowa interand that the kidnapers had fled In With only five votes In opposition an intomobnai jected a question and brought on the senate passed the Norris The criminals left a note demand- himself this withering retort: bill for which organised The senator from Iowa is a Re- labor has been ing the payment of $50400 ransom crying for several and threatened the baby with death publican In nama only. He la Just limits the cases It shsiply years. If this was refused. Colonel and Mrs. as bitter an antagonist of the pres- In which foderal Injunctions may Isent administration as any Democrat sue In labor Lindbergh were of course ready to disputes; provides that pay anything possible to get back dara ba, let he la afraid of any- a person charged with Indirect contheir child and the authorities sided thing that happens to bear tha Demtempt of a federal court shall have them In facilitating negotiations. At ocratic label. of appeal, and outlaws the right this writing It la reported that the la the house of Representatives yellow dog contract tbit Is, any retnn of the baby la expected soon. John McDuffie of Alabama, Demo- agreement whereby workers promThe kidnaping shocked the nation cratic whip; declared himself for ise not to Join a labor union during and the Lindberghs had the warm Garner for President, demanding the term of their employment sympathy of the entire population that hla party draft tha speaker. There is no longer any doubt of tha country and the active aid of about a test vote on prohiAT by day A1 Smith la becom-k-- F bition getting everyone who could in any way In the bouse; Tha petition help them. lng n ore and more n receptive to bring the bill for candidate for the Democratic nom- state control to the floor has liquor XJOT officially associated In any ination. Ho bas given written per- received the necessary 149 signak way with the situation In the mission to hla friends te enter tures; the final nama being that of Orient, but Interesting nevertheless him In the Massachusetts primary. J. J. Mansfield of Texas, a cripple la the fact that In a short time al- Smith carried that state In 1028 and who made- hla way to tha clerk's most tha entire navy of the United la so popular there that It wlU ba In bis wheel chair and affixed desk States will be In the Pacific ocean. tha scene of the real hla signature as the wets cheered. Orders issued by tbe Navy departfight The test will not come before ment direct most of tbs warships In One former Democratic senator March 14. Atlantic waters to take part In the who seeks to take advantage of this (C; IMS, Wwtna Ksnssassr Pales.) Shl-raka- Progressive Independent, 206 Scott Bldg: CHIROPRACTOR-D- r. Hyrum Smith, Specialand Respiratory disfor Rheumatic ist Nervous, orders. Painless. 41 E. 1st No. Was. 6147 Dr. CHARLES H. DUNN, DENTIST 503 Felt Bldg. Opposite Federal Bldg. Office Phone Was. 2796. -- Hra. 9 to 12, 1 to 4:30 Chapel-Klangwa- MAGDIEL BUILDING CO. we specialize in lap-havi- cee-tlo- n Fire Proof Construction and these homes cost no more than the fire trap. And they are the last word in beauty, modern styleand comfort Call ns at Was. 5839 V Service Ensign SHOE - d 577 East 1st So. Phone Was 5719 Call and Deliver Service East of 2nd East to 17th So. SPECIAL RATES to MEMBERS of NAT. DEV. ASSN esti-wer- CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK Let us remodel Your home. You do not need money, just products. Was. 7280 for information. Paramount CLEANERS & DYERS DELIVERY SERVICE RELINING REPAIRING Was. 2458 902 So. 1st West about our Plan Coupon Savings Inquire Paul-Bonco- nr BEEHIVE BARBER and BEAUTY PARLOR 30 South State Street Complete and Perfect Professional Service " that 9 UNITED WE STANDS Unnatural laws are laws that bust; But NATURAL LAWS with Covenant Are laws that make NATURAL GOVERNMENT. DEDICATION To the Author of Natural Government, Benj. B. Stringham By Louis Eliga Spencer That all the world who will, may read, Tis laws of God, the laws we need; The laws of our Great Makers plan, And not the law thats made by man. twenty-months-o- To know these laws, I say to you: Get NATURAL GOVERNMENT" read it through. A book of facts one cant deny The Author plainly shows you why. The NATURAL LAWS are laws to trust. US. GOVi: STATISTICS OUR PRESENT ECONOMIC SYSTEM OFFERS THE FOLLOWING PICTURE AS REWARDS FOR EFFORTS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS f AT ACE 3S hatmehs weauhthel YOU ARE THEREL.WHERE? THE LINES BELOW SHOW WHAT HAPPENS TO EVENT IOQ MEN STANTINO OUT AT THE AGE OP IS: OF s muultM NfRE STAU6GUHC OHJLHD OH UPAHC OOtVH TMEF 6 DEAD HEPE ARE APE AT AGE OF tS IN POVERTY TE j7 . 45 5 Quarreling STREET. iO - NOF GE7TANG ANYVYNERE ON TREADMIL SAME TOO MEN AT AGE EAr LLON TREA DN ! - WALL STREET SO ONLY -- 4- ld r OF SS m 20 NOW DEAD SO SUPPORTED BY OTNEPS MERE TRET ARE 3t PM'SCAL 65 46 SPENDING ALL THEY EARN YEARS OLD - Smlth-Roose-v- dt mCKS-DEA- D IN THIS ECONOMIC S4 FINANCIAL. SYSTEM YOUR CHANCES mtCKS-UY- m Oft CHARITY K ARE VERY SLIM OF ESCAPING lFT THE FATE OF THE BO. StBt.J E SDAom Intermountain News Briefly Told for Busy Readers BONDS FAVOHED HAT IS SHORT SHEEP CARRY ON LEADERS MEET AUTO LICENSE DROP 4-- H BEAVER, UT. Taxpayers and school patrons of Beaver voted for n $29400 bond Issue at a public maaa meeting In order to maintain schools of tbe county for the balance of tbe current school term. PRESTON, IDA. With now till on the ground from two to four feet deep, frrmera do not ex-pect the hay in Franklin county to last until tha end of the winter. TREMONTON, OTV Articles of have Incorporation and bean adopted by the Bear River Talley Grain GrowersInc a local unit of the Intermountain Grain Growers; Inc. Tbe new organisation expects to handle 200400 bushels af grain tills year. LOGAN, UT One hundred 4-dub leaden from 20. counties of tbe state gathered hen to attend the 4-- dub lesdenf school at the Utah State Agricultural college. one week. Tha school PROVO; UT. The cost of tha proposed extension of Provo dtp water malna Into the Grand View and naasant View districts, north cf this city, would be approximately $69400, a coordlng to the report of the CUy Engineer. PRICE, UT. The Carbon board of education la considering the proposal that one of the discarded school buildings In the district be moved to a central location and auda Into a county Infirmary. MOAB, UT. Sheep which an feeing wintered In southern Utah an reported to be In fair condition and tha lorn this yeaf win not ba unusual in spits of the severe N V I N , "" by-law- s . H im OGDEN, UT Twenty men ary employed at widening the road Just east of tha eoncreto bridge at the month of Ogden canyon., LOGAN, UT. Approximately thousand pain of license plates were Issued this year at this city er only about 60 per cent of the number for 1981. I BOISE, IDA. Forms for making application for crop production loans wlU ba available In all parts ef Idaho soon, according to announcement by the director of the university extension division. EPHRAIM; UT. Snow measurements mads at the Oaks and Gnat Basin experiment stations show both depth of snow and water conr tent to be well above the average; PROVO, UT. A drop of more ' than $19400 In the estimated receipts of the Provo city schools, may ' make it' necessary to close the j 43k schools one month earlier than ' usual. PRICE, UT The state of Utah will foreclose 1400 acres of valuable farm land together with all water rights; canals and a diversion dim In n few days. The veins ' of the land and water rights Is about $140400. The transaction la the biggest foreclosure cm record In eastern Utah and la believed .to ba one of the biggest In the state; BOISE, IDA. Opposition to die proposed Interest rate on deferred reclamation construction charges was expressed in a telegram sent by the president of the Federal Irrigation congress to representatives In congress. WALLACE, IDA. Residents In tha vicinity of Burke, Kellogg; and Mace have been ordered by the authorities to leave their homes; as n result of tha dozens of snowalldea that have occurred hero recently. DOWNEY, IDA. Four school districts In this vicinity have consolidated their fnnds with Downey chods and an sending their children to Downey In order to reduce expenses and at the same time keep children In achooL ten-yea- Utah's nineteenth deen-n- p and pain tup campaign, sponsored by tha state board of health and endorsed by Gov. George H. Dem, is underway. Each city, town tnd village is urged to participate, by sponsoring local no-Its of the drive. (Trie organisations wishing to promote such projects, as community quested good tnrns, an re- to write to the state hoard of health now for parties-lam. An honor-ro- ll i nllaHng town, participating and will be published by the ' state after the campaign closes on May 80. -- RICHFIELD, UT Payment for $200 worth of road work will ba made la Sevier county tax script, according to n decision readied by the county commission. WEN DOVER, UT A check on the number of sheep wintering In the vicinity of Wendover shows 200400 head. Many thousands have died from starvation and exposure; BOISE, IDA. Tha Idaho income tax law earned $1800 during February, according to the report Issued by the Income tax ,r i -- o |