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Show THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Beauty ItUKS No Crime in Modem History Has Aroused Such Universal Indignation Tops Long List of Abductions. -- S0 No erlme la recent history eo aroused the entire American public na the kidnaping of the young eon of OoL and Uhl Chari ea A. Lindbergh. little Charles AugustuA Jr la the natlon'a babj. He la a national diameter and baa been a! nee the day bo waa bom. Hla abduction waa a dastardly crime resented by erery American, gnvn-np- a and children alike. Every parent grieved with the stricken father and mother. They knew the anguish they endured. They could fed the heart throbs and the Immeasurable grief. They could realise what the finding of n that empty crib meant to the parental They knew the darkness that settled over Colonel and lira. Lindbergh aa they viewed left by the s, the dirty and the ladder on the lawn outside the window, that told so vividly the fate that had befallen their young son. It la one great American heart that grieved with those parents. A little delicate child, only twenty months of age, had been dragged from the affectionate embrace of hla parents, from the tender care with which he had been surrounded, and spirited away Into the foul hands of the most dateatlble type of criminals. There was no more touching Incident of the whole dastardly affair than the' pathetic appeal of the mother to the kidnapers to feed her alck baby property. It waa addressed by Mrs. Lindbergh to the kidnapers of her son and broadcast through the press of the nation. In It she said: "To the kidnaper of the Lindbergh baby: "Here la a heartbroken appeal dir rect from the mother of the child you stole. "The baby has been sick and Its recovery may depend on the treatment It gets from you. Ton must be especially careful about the diet "Mm Lindbergh lamed to the press today the strict diet she has beat following since the baby fell 111. She did this In the hope you might read this story and that there was some spark of humanity even in the heart of a bahy thief. "Here is the diet accompanied by the fervent prayer of a grieving mother: "One quart of milk during the grlef-atrlcke- foot-trac- grief-stricke- n o near tbs Lindbergh home in New Jersey. Through the agency of the teletype the alarm reached the police of New York, Newark, Jersey City, Elizabeth, Camden and Philadelphia within a few minutes of the receipt of the first news at Trenton. All of them quickly swung Into action, as did the New York and Pennsylvania state police. Orders were flashed to every precinct' by the police telegraph system to be on the alert for suspicion cars, while the new police radio station WPEQ flashed word to the short wave station of the patrolling detective cars to Join In the watch. Similar steps, though on a smalt er scale, were being repeated simultaneously in every elty for many miles around the Lindbergh home. Posses of motorcycle and bandit squad policemen from Philadelphia, Pa, and New Jersey stats troopers, clamped down a heavy guard on every bridge over the Delaware river. But the circle of activity soon widened beyond state borders. Within a few hours the news reached Washington, the full of the federal government In hunting down the kidnapers was offered to the New Jersey state auWilAttorney-Generthorities. liam D. Mitchell hurried to the White House for a conference with President Hoover and Immediately afterwards the Department of Justice announced that every agency of the department would to the utmost with the state authorities. Following a second conference between the President and his attorney-general, It was announced that the government had placed Its prohibition enforcement officers as well as all of the other department of Justice agents on the case. All agents In the eastern section of the country, acting under direct orders from the President, transmitted through the Justice departments bureaus of Investigation in New York - and Philadelphia, were Instructed to be on the lookout for Between suspicious characters. these two offices the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey and Connecticut, were Immediately covered with a network of Investigation by the most skillday. "Three tablespoons of cooked ce- ful sleuths in the service, of the United. 8tateA real morning and night But mine striking than the Im"One yolk ef egg dally. "One baked potato or rice once mediate action taken by the constituted authorities of the law for a day. Two tablespoons of stewed fruit dealing with the criminals who had stolen away the Lindbergh baby dally. "Half a cup of orange Juice on was the Instantaneous reaction of private Individuals everywhere to waking. Half a cup of prune Juice after the afternoon nap. "iad fourteen drops of medicine FAMOUS KIDNAPINGS called vlosterol during the day. Thats all, kidnaper of the Lind1874 Charlie Rosa stolen In bergh baby. Thats what the babys Germantown, Pa, never recovmother wants you to give the boy. ered and supposed to have been F4ow her request and you may In killed. seme small portion redeem yourself 1900 Edward Cudahy was Li the eyes of a contemptuous kidnaped by Pat Crowe, who world." served a prison sentence. CudThe fathers of the nation In ahy was returned. spirit tramped with Colonel Lind1909 Billy Whltla, . Sharon, the woods about large bergh the a recovered after 31 MOO Pa, estate, searching with him for clews Imwas paid. Kidnapers that would lead to the recovery of prisoned. the stolen child. In spirit they re1911 Baby HenckA Chicago. peated his prayers and his curses. Believed slain. Abductors In To the mothers of the nation the Joliet prison. a a was abduction personal real, 1911 Lloyd TrezkA Clevetragedy. Not one of them but felt land. Found In California after with Anne Morrow Lindbergh the fifteen years. devastating blow that had beat 1913 Catherine WlnterA kidnot struck American motherhood, In NewcaetlA Ind.; never naped one of them but suffered the keenfound. est of all agonlee fear for the 1915 Jimmy GIssa Jersey safety and life of the child she had City, still missing and believed borne, and not one of them but said slain. In her heart, "What if It had been 1917 Keet, Baby Lloyd MY babyr Springfield, Mo, slain. It Is no exaggeration to say that 1919 Billy Dansey, kidnaped Americans immediately 100,000,000 In New Jersey. Body found In formed themselves Into a searching swamp months later. party. In spirit If not In body, with 1924 Roy Borth, kidnaped by the sole purpose of restoring the moron In Chicago. Found unLindbergh baby In safety as soon harmed after a week. arms. mother's as possible to his 1924 Bobby Franlm, kidnaped From the highest to the most lowly, and slain In Chicago by Richard news of the Lindbergh kidnaping Loeb and Nathan Leopold, who topic. was the are serving life sentences In It Is not often that a President prison. 1927 Marian of the United States puts from his Parker, twelve mowhile a little mind even for years old, Loe AngeleA kidnaped mentous affairs of state because of and slain by William Hickman, concern over what has happened to who was captured and executed. some Individual. But that is what 1927 Billy four Gaffney, happened In this esse. Herbert years old, Brooklyn, kidnaped Hoover, In the midst of pondering for ransom and never found. Beover the solution of pressing nalieved to have been slain. 1928 Billy Ranlerl, ten years tional and International problems, forgot for the moment that he was old, kidnaped but later rastorad Chief Executive of a nation and reto parents. Two kidnapers senmembered only that he was an tenced to 25 years In prison. American father. So he gave orders 1930 Adolphus Busch Orth-wolthat he was to be kept informed of thirteen years old, grandson of mllllonalro brewer, kidthe latest developments in the case no matter at what hour of the night naped from homo near 8t Louis the news should arrive at the White but released 20 hours later. KidHouse. naper sentenced to prison. What was true of the President 1931 Marian six McLean, was true of other high government years old, Cincinnati, kidnaped officials, both state and national. and assaulted, and later found The first activity In trying to run dead In basement. Slayer capcriminals of was, to earth the tured and confessed. eoursA on the part of local police al . ran-som- n, i rn (F" 11 the erimai it is doubtful If ever before In the history of America have so many millions of her citizens felt the personal obligation to aid In a gigantic manhunt In spirit If not In reality. A viatons, who had been buddies MARJORIE DUNCAN of the famous flying colonel, immeFamous Beauty Expert diately placed them selves and their aid la his the to at planes disposal search. Thousands of amateur were busily engaged in Se Persistent and Consistent watching for "clews" which might UNBELIEVABLE as It may seem, aid the authorities In catching the many women who at In New York the this day and age still expect magic malefactors. clergy of thretf religions denomina- and miracles. Intelligent women, tions Joined In broadcasting a too. a letter from one, prayer for the safe and speedy re- a personal visit from another, a turn of the Lindbergh baby a telephone call from s third. All In prayer which found an echo In the the same vein. The first has used hearts of millions. astringent "for Nor was the excitement over the two weeks," with no noticeable Imcase confined to the borders of the provement In her contour. It was United States. In faro IT China, the claimed for the astringent that It would, If used faithfully, gradually kidnaping was told In big headlines lift the sagging muscles and droopalongside the news of the Chinese ing contour. Nothing was said g defeat on the The French presA to about the time limit. To be sure If which Colonel Lindbergh has been you go on using a preparation a hero since his conquest of the At- month after month, year In, year lantic In 1928, eras filled with the out, without a noticeable Improvesome story of the crime. Germany for- ment there Is something wrong with either the place, preparation got .for a moment Its heated political atmosphere arising from the Itself or with your reaction to it would be presidential election campaign and But "two full ween, It was swept by a wave of sympathy utopian Indeed If a double chin and for the parents of the lost baby. drooping contour (Which probably All Berlin newspapera published the took years to reacht the sagging Wtere to be magically lifted kidnaping on their front pageA stage) In so short a time by the use of an along with numerous photographA an extraordinary occurrence In that astringent Plastic surgery could do It In of time, but plascountry, where political Issues In- tic that length is for the very brave variably occupy all available front and surgeryrich. And very the subject ' of page space, even when an election our discussion Is an astringent Is not In campaign progresA Another Instance: "Really, I have Englands anxiety over the fate exercised faithfully every single of the little boy was nearly as keen one of your followed as Americas. The news of the ab- night exercises every for the waist but bending duction caused a sensation In Mex- that spare tire has not left me ico where the baby's grandfather, yet the late Dwight Morrow, had been Perhaps with patience and perambassador from the United States. sistence that spars" will disapA stream of telegrams was sent to pear as gradually as it accumuthe Lindberghs from their many State troopers the kidnaping of Baby Lindbergh, friends In Mexico. President Ortiz lated and perhapA too, you the abducton. notice that if will as suddenly Cl Manuel Rubio, Foreign Secretary is no more. Day after day and Tellez and J. Reuben Clark, who very likely month after month succeeded the late Senator Dwight the fat cells were forming. And Morrow as ambassador, asked to be Im willing to wager (something kept closely Informed of any deI never do) that you noticed velopments In the search for the only the lump sum. Your own kidnapers. case may be the stubborn type The abduction was brought home that hangs on but exercise is to Mexicans all the more vividly besure to win out if it is patience cause of the foct that it had ochave. curred on the third anniversary of ys d one: Then theres the Colonel Lindberghs arrival In the so eat not and must so, know I "I Mexican capital on the visit before his last trip to Mexico, In the days the doctor warned me against It, when he was courting Anne Mor- but Just this once (and this once row In the romantic atmosphere of happens ever so often), and the next day theres a case of billlous-nes- s Cuernavaca. and distress. Then the cry Just as the news of the kidnaping "but I do love that dish, and what of the Lindbergh baby circled the Is a body to do. globe within a few hours after It Be persistent and consistent In so had occurred, had the news of your beauty treatments and health the birth of this baby been an Item habits; and meticulous In your Charles of world-wid- e Interest cleansing methods. Augustus Lindbergh, Jr was born June 22, 193 which also was the Surround Yourself With anniversary of the birth of his Anne Morrow, mother, the former Beauty INTERIOR decorator and a daughter of the late Senator Dwight She AN W. Morrow of New Jersey. specialist were having was twenty-fou- r years old the day luncheon together. Bald the Interior her son was born. The baby was decorator: "Beauty editors, lecturborn In the Morrow home In New ers, and specialists are to be conJersey, In which his parents were gratulated, for their preachings are married May 27, 1929. largely responsible for the raised standards In feminine loveliness. He weighed seven and one-haHis hair was blond and But If you dont mind my saying pounds. curly. He, looked "just like his so speaking from a selfish point of view, I dont think that feminine father." In the four days Interval between beauty has been linked sufficiently June 22 and the day the birth cer- with Interior decoration. You emtificate was filed members of the phasize a hat as part of the picture to Morrow and Iindbergh family par- and fashion Is made a But a woman chooses a beauty. discussion In an amicable ticipated as to what the Infant would be sofa and hangings for her home with a very Impersonal attitude. If. named. That question was settled when her clothes are an Important part the birth certificate disclosed he was of the picture she presents. Isnt she to be "Junior. And It was under- Just as Important a part of her stood to have been Mrs. Lindbergh's home." She confided that several smart choice all along It was reported, had sent their sisters or women Mrs. Charles Long Cutter (second from left), too, that Lindbergh had favored maids to select fabrics for the Mrs. Lindbergh and the kidnaped baby. calling his son after his father-in-labut that for the first time since formers dressing rooms, that perhe hopped the Atlantic three years sonal coloring and temperament own THE PARENTS before he was turned back from his was not considered and their nor Individuality neither expressed w-- w KIDNAPING OF LINDBERGH BABY STIRS WHOLE WORLD utuvrtnf Window Used in Kidnaping Lindbergh Baby n tissue-tightenin- g Chapel-Woosun- bat-tlefro- showing the window and ladder used by Four Generations of Lindbergh- - Morrow Family weak-wille- lf Mm Dwight Morrow, grandmoth- - Latest Photo of Lindbergh Baby goaL flattered. During his first few months of - ; - ' llfA when his parents were making All id which is a rather sad W' occasional short Jaunts by airplane but true state of affairs. SurIt frequently was reported that round yourself with beauty Charles Jr. was to accompany them. and let your surroundings exnot on did take Infant the They press YOU, enhance your charm and reflect your individuality. any of these trlpA however, though the reports were so persistent that -Haven't you henrd a rebellious J-- f 4 . Charles Jr. would be brought up Wait until VTi ' one threatening, IV young foora earliest youth with the Idea I have my own plneA It will be of making an aviator out of him. something different, more expresSo widely was this conviction sive. And, lo. when opportunity did held that his reticent father de- knock well. If It wasnt the same, clared In an Interview, which was stereotyped, set order of affairs. printed In October, 1930, In the Pic- The same sort of furniture, a bit : torial Review, that Charles Tr.s fu- newer, of course; the same color ture was In his own hands. scheme, arrangements, accessories. "Our son," Colonel Llndltergh waa Study yonr coloring and know quoted aa saying, "has hardly what colors and shades are most . 1 1 & reached the age to have his future becoming to you. It Is Impossible determined for him, and, In any to give a list of definite suggestions f tw-cbsa It Is a question that he can because of the Infinite variety of decide for himself when the time thud and Intensity. But a general comes. color knowledge Is Inherent, I think. a red head who "Personally, I do not want him to Breathes there be anything or do anything that he didnt know when she was a year himself has no taste or aptitude old that green Is the most enchantfor. I believe that everybody should ing color for her. In the matter of colors let fashion have complete freedom In the choice s of his life's work. , guide you. Now, Just one word of warning When word of the birth of Avoid exi f diaries A. Lindbergh, Jr. went with respect to lines. around the world and even before tremes. Modern, harsh lines may It was announced, gifts began to have a definite dash, but only the arrive at the Morrow home for him dashing, exotic type seems to "beIn such profusion that they soon long and be at home with them. became an embarrassment His par- Make your borne a setting for your ents were quoted as saying that the beauty and surround yourself with n In- flattering and enhancing accessories boy would have to remain-aCharacteristic pose of Colonel fant for ten years at least merely expresslva of all that is YOU In and Mrs. Lindbergh taken after to wear out the baby clothes which you. StrriM. one of their long flights. had been sent to him. (A MIL Ml ArmOlMtO-W- HU r 1 &M- ? tiw. m jft - -- .I'i Is.-- ' Xrillkyi!h mm $?' Photograph of Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr made public by the Dually after the kidnaping to assist In the search for the child. |