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Show DAILY UTAH STATE JOURNAL VOLUME VIII. NUMBER OGDEN, UTAH 154. THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1904. RUMORED LAND AND SEA BATTLES Rout the Japanese With on Both Sides Near Feng Huang Cheng. Fear-Lo- ss anese Fleet and the Vladivostok Squadron. LONDON, May 5. A Central News dispatch from St. Petersburg says that a rumor is current j there of a second battle at Chung Haitien, 20 miles 1 south of Feng Huang Cheng, in which the Rus-- I sians lost 7,000 men and the Japanese 10,000. The Japanese were driven back in disorder. There is 1 no confirmation of the rumor. THEM ALL L Reported Engagement Between the Jap- ST. PETERSBURG, May 5. Persistent rumors are in circulation here that a naval engagement has taken place between the Russian Vladivostok squadron under command of Admiral Yeszen and the Japanese fleet under command of Admiral Kamimura. The rumor is without confirmation. RUSSIANS ARE PREPARING IS TO MAKE A FINAL STAND HARRIS i I t t t : IH LOVE WITH GETS THE CHILDREN i SURPRISE IN GOVERNMENT CITIZENS' ALLIANCE Is DICTATOR AT TELLURIDE. CASE AGAINST TYNER. i Comideration Received Concerns From Poetoffice Miners Cannot Receive Fair Trial and the Judge Discharges Jurors. Department. A OURAY, CoL, May 5. District Judge Stevens today ordered the discharge of all grand and petit Jurors summoned for the Impending term of court In tes-tldon the ground that a fair trial could not he secured at this time In San Miguel county owing to the existing conditions. The district Is under concerns. martial law and the Cltisens Alliance said the practice of the la the dictator. , The witness legal branch of the poetoffice departThirty exiled miners were to have ment hid always been to give concerns been tried on various charges brought igalnit whom charges of fraud had against them by residents of Tellurlde. been made a chance to reform. He had OF io Informed the Inspectors who had ILLEGAL EXPULSION Interviewed him previous to the IndictJEWISH FAMILIES ment of Tyner, hut strange to aay was sot called to BERLIN, May 5. The Frankfurter testify before the grand Jury. Zeltung reports that Russia has ordered the expulsion of one hundred and ON TRIAL FOR KILLING fifteen Jewish families, numbering 600 HER HUSBAND'8 PARAMOUR persons, from Nikolek, province of Tchernigolf, which is within the pale, DOVER, Del.,May 4; The state restehence the expulsion is Illegal and wan. d thia morning, in the trial of Airs. ton. Nary Ann Powell for the murder of BLACK TO Estelle Albin on February 9th. The NOMINATE ROOSEVELT htter had been adopted into the family and the attorney for the defense ehlmed she and Mr. Powell by their May 6. Former WASHINGTON, Meged immoral acts drove Mrs. Pow-eGovernor Black of New York has been to the verge of insanity. selected to make the Rosevelt nominaRn. Powell went on the stand today ting speech. Among the seconding lad detailed the crime. She said that speeches will be one by Harry Edwards Estelle came Into the garret where she of Macon, Ga. WASHINGTON, 5, surprise vu iprung on the government In the Tyrtfr case this morning when Hays fraud order Morgan, formerly the dnfc of the poetoffice department, that he was the author of the letter! complained of wherein Tyner h charged with favoring May General Kuropatkin Will Take Personal Command of the Army and Try to Beat Back the Victorious Japanese. Tel-lurl- de ed ck -- M LONDON, May 5. According to dispatches received from the front today an engagement between the Japanese and Russian land forces is expected at Feng Huang Cheng at any moment. Russian reinforcements have been pouring along the Liao Yang road and it is probable that General Kuropatkin personally will command. In the event of defeat the Russians will retire to miles along the Liao Yang road, Motieng Ling, thirty-fiv- e to make a final stand to prevent the Japanese from reach- ing the railroad. Motien Ling is a narrow pass which is compared to war. the famous Shika pass in the Russo-TurkiFRESH ATTACK ON PORT ARTHUR EXPECTED A Port Arthur dispatch says that the Japanese ships were seen coursing far out last evening and a fresh attack on the port was expected. The message contains no information confirming the Japanese contention that their latest attempt resulted in sealing the harbor. A Port Arthur dispatch says that Japanese transports under convoy of a big fleet are said to have been sighted off the Port today. Of the twelve fireships which participated in the attempt to bottle the harbor Monday night, eight have been located. The position of two is unknown while the other two escaped. The average tonnage on the fireships sh . was placing catsup Estelle seised her by the PLAGUE BREAKS OUT toroat. AMONG CHINESE COOLIES was 2,000. Mrs. Powell then pulled a bnife from her pocket and a desper-t- e REPORT THREE DAYS BOMBARDMENT. LONDON, May 5. Glasgow shipstruggle followed, during which she Wt Estelle's owners have received cable advices throat A Central News dispatch from Tokio says: Telegrams that the plague has broken out among who were state that following the sinking of the fireships on Monday NATIVES TREATED CRUELLY Chinep coolies at Hongkong AfIN TRANSVAAL MINE Intended for shipment to the South the Japanese fleet bombarded the forts. The bombardment coolies rican mines. Shipment of the was resumed Tuesday and continued yesterday. LONDON, May 5. In the commons hag been postponed. y Seeley, conservative, moved an dJournment to call attention to the TRIPLE HANGING FOR TWELVE FIREMEN IS TO TAKE DOUBLE MURDER CZAR rnel and Improper treatment of employed In the Wittwatersrand ln In the WINCHESTER, Tenn., May 6. Winston Transvaal. EvWERE F Churchill and the entire opposition, Henry Judge, Joe Delp and John the for lth the this morning were ans hanged exception of Campbell and murder of Simon Bucher and wife In nderman, rose to support the It was decided to discuss the August last. Judge planned the mur"toatlon der and engaged Delp and Evans to tonight. Pope Said to Have Received Per- Fire Was Followed by Disastrous assist. sonal Advices to That Explosion of DOUBLE HANGING. (be defendant) bottles. - JAP5 na-d- wi mo-Ho- n- NEW CRUISER May 5. wrniam l. SULTAN'S TAKES SHORE LEAVE white, and James Edwards. f0orwL were hanged In the county Jail May B. The CONSTANTINOPLE, morning. Hartley killed Ernest Ameriand Edwards murdered Clint- Turkish cruiser Abdul Medjid, from on Banks arrived can built, which recently in 1903. route en while Philadelphia. Is ashore offiM0RLEY BECOME3 CATHOLIC. for Smyrna in charge of Turkish Manchester, May 5. The pis-tv- h cers. n prints a report that John BACK IN ENGLAND. eminent Liberal member of LONDON. May BKIng Edward hitherto thought to have a landed at Alexandra nlng toward the Voltaire philosophy, and Queen on their return 1 Joined the Catholic church. Holyhead this morning from their trip to Ireland. Pittsburg. Mor-J'a- par-me- nt, Railroad wreck in France. CALAIS, 1 May 6. The Basle express derailed nenr Neale toduy. Five engers and the train guard were Injured. Effect. Ideok Rousseau this morning for liver trouble. DECISION RENDERED TODAY. ROME, May 6. Acording to a direct communication received by the pope from Russia, the esar, notwithstanding the advice of his ministers, is determined to go to the front and take command of the army. JAP FLEET SIGHTED OFF WEIHAIWEI HIS CAUGHT IN ALMOND-EYE- Decree Wee Modified on the Ground That Mrs. Harris le Leading An Immorfl Life. RESTAURANT WITH LOVER. Ollie Lowney Will Go Back to Oregon and Jim Was Sent to Salt Lake. Ollle Lowney is cosmopolitan In her By the decision of Judge Rolupp to- -' day Martha Harris was deprived of the love affairs. Her latest lover la Chlaman Jim of custody of her three children and the care of them wua awarded to her for- the Broom restaurant . mer husband, Leunder Harris. It will be remembered that Mrs. Har-il- e secured a writ of hubeas corpus against her husband to compel him to bring the two boys into court so that she might regain the custody of hem and the writ was made returnable today. In the Interim the woman abducted the two boys, started for Balt Lake and nothing further haa been heard from her. AfhIle the decree haa been modified giving Mr. Harris the custody of tha children, he will insist upon the return of the writ and the production of the children In court The grounds on which the decree was modified wua that the woman was lending nn Immoral life. N. J. Harris is attorney for the defendant Harris. BLISS WILL NOT BE NATIONAL CHAIRMAN WASHINGTON, May 6. "Cornelius N. Bliss has not been offered and has not accepted the chairmanship of the Republican national comlttee," is the statement coming from - White House authority. It Is believed that Gov ernor Murphy of New Jersey will be invited to manage the campaign. NEW YORK, May B. Cornelius N. Bliss said today that no decision had been made as to the chairman of the national committee and probably none will be made until the national committee meets In Chicago In June. - PANAMA PAYMENT WILL CAUSE NO DISTURBANCE NEW YORK, May 5. Secretary Shaw, who Is In the city today In connection with the payment of the Panama canal purchase money, this afternoon said: There Is no hitch In the arangements .for payment. Wie have arranged for 140,000,000 to be placed with Morgan & Co. on Monday. The working out of the plan will cause no financial disturbance. Money Is being drawn from the banks to the treasury gradually. , DEBS NOMINATED CHE FOO, May B. Chinese Junks report that a fleet of forty Japanese UNDER SURGEON'S KNIFE. Premier warships and transports was sighted PARIS. May 6. Former was operated on off Welhawel Tuesday steaming -- W11 Gasoline. JUDGE ROLAPP PRESIDENT FOR BY SOCIALISTS PHILADELPHIA, May S. Twelve firemen were Injured early this mornCHICAGO, May 5. The Socialist ing by an explosion of gasellne stored national convention this afternoon undeground by the Pennsylvania rail- nominated Eugene V. Debs of Indiana road near West Philadelphia station. for president, Benjumln Hanford of During the fire the railroad detec- New York for and adtives endeavorde to eject two Italians opted a platform along the usual sowho were trespassing when one shot cialistic lines. Detective Connor In the abdomen. The fire started at midnight and was STRIKE IS NOT OFF. extinguished without much damage. When the firemen went to make a final DENVER, May 5. The coal miners' examination with a torch the explo- strike In district No. IB has not been sion followed., enveloping the whole cnlled off as reported, according to Nacompany In a sheet of flame. tional Oj-g- Mixer Evans. vice-preside- nt It will be remembered that only about two months ago she was In trouble on account of her mad infatuation with a coon, as black as Desdeinona's Moor. She is suid to have also had an affair of the heart with a noble red man. Ollle came to this city from Oregon. She Is about sixteen years old, and, to use a slang expression, "she is a peach." The soft climate, of the Willamette valley hits left the Oregon bloom on her cheek, and ahe Is Indeed fair to look upon. Of late days this natural peachea and cream" complexion has been somewhat augmented by things bought in a drug store, but for all that It was easy for her to win the childlike and tland affections of Chinaman Jim. She was arrested this morning In the restaurant by Policeman Bott and Sheriff Bailey. Jim had his arms around Ollle, and when the mlnfons of the law pounced down on them Ollie explained that she was teaching Jim how to read English, using a newspaper as a text book. There's nothing half so sweet In life As love's young dream," Murmured Sheriff Bailey as he started to hack out of the dining-roobut Officer Bott insisted on bringing them to the police station. At this place they were given all kinds of good advice by the municipal Judge and the chief of police. Ollle will leave tonight for her native land of Oregon, and China Jim has already hied him hence to Zion, where he will be permitted to make love to any girl who will let him. Ollle Is also stage-struc- k, and some time ago had Quite an Interesting experience with a company of local barnstormers, some of whom are said to have been colored. Her mother waa In Ogden with her at one time, but Is said to have returned to Portland. It will be remembered that two months ago Ollie wrote some very tropical love letters to her colored swain, In which she called him her It Is "darling and her "sweet baby. not known what pet names she applies m, to China Jim. NEW CONSUL FOR DAW80N. WASHINGTON, May 6. Leo Ber-hol- s, consul at Three Rivers, Quebec, has been appointed consul at Dnwson City, vice Consul Dent resigned. GERMAN LINER ASHORE. LISBON, May 5. The German mall liner Kurfuret from Zanxlbnr Is ashore north of Sagres. |