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Show DAILY UTAH STATE JOURNAL, MONDAY, DKCEMHKK 7, 1903 1(0 to $65 a month. The earning. vary greatly. About 10 per cent of the men BOWIE OUT who are favorites with the superintendent and are given the best places to work, with plenty of ears and fair OF TWO weights and other things to facilitate their work, can make as high as $ 3 or "The l -- t. and way ahead of the a 0 rest The other !( day. applies appropriately to Haver-ly'per cent gel MAKES SATISFACTORY SHOWING Masicilnii uho will very little, averaging, as I said, a litMinstrels, TO CREDITORS. 13 COMING TO tle over 12 a day. Some of them, who a real arrive and MITCHELL shortly present JOHN have bad places in the mine, may work UTAH. black fate minstrel show, introducing twenty to twenty-seve- n days and get Will Settle Al Urgent Claims in Cash Dill)' Van. Mar of all minstrel come, 130. and End the Eddie Mazier, In some places a man dians, labile only about P Gov.mor With can mine not over one ton a day. The H.ld. Confine Parron Somers. 1 au Waldron. Fred But Without body of Colorado ton it runs but from Qartclle and a bunch of other funny price per varies, Result. 65 cents to 90 cents. folks: also tlic Young 'rot hers, Garden CHICAGO, Dev. 7. liy u stroke of ft Somers. M.ircus ft Garlelle. ami diplomacy John Alexander Dowle has Maiit-& Salt NO SETTLEMENT OF t'onley will be here, ami this morning's to According established harmony in Zion, its remost COLORADO minstrel entertainSTRIKE the enjoyable the of head Mitchell ceivers and creditors in and out of ment ever ottered in our lake Herald John city will be Is of America. DENVER, Colo., Dec. 7. President vuurt. He proiioses t. settle with his assured. The United Mine Workers come Mastodons llaverly about a week after John Mitchell of the United Mine immediate creditors to arrange with Liul ios (amln'ic Handkerchiefs, hemstitched edge, igpected to Utah us warmly endorsed by the entire to to help settle Workers of America, and Governor others on a reasonable basis and to wa return rom Chicago, of the east. izc 12x22. regular 10c quality for strike In this state. It Peabody had a conference lasting end the receivership. At a conference press lace tbe coal miners' G. W. rs three-quarteof an hour yesterday, yesterday between the attorneys rep stated that Fuel company has and last night the settlement of the resenting the heaviest creditors and YORK STOCKS Krmer of the Utah Lailick i'amhric I, ace Trimmed Hamlkerchicfa, to confer with strike was as far distant as ever. Jacob Newman, attorney for the reexpressed a willingness come to trouble may soon Mr. Mitchell informed the governor ceivers, Dowie showed the lawyers a . . . 7c each or 4 for25c. Him, and the Closing Quotations Docombor 7, 1903 the strike will continue to the bit- statement setting forth Zion's assets end. that an to Salt Lake ter end, and the governor Just ns pos- and liabilities. He declared he valued This news was brought Furnished by the Ogden Brokerage most Demolll Ladies' Pure Linen Hemstitched itively informed the strike leader that Zion's estate at $14,000,000 above all company, 2432 Washington; phone yesterday by Charles counCarbon In the he will tolerate no violence, but will liabilities. He exhibited large orders 215. Stocks picturesque figure Handkerchiefs 3 for25c. liought or sold for caah most influential man order out the troops at the first provo- for luce and candy. He said neither ty strike and on margins. or carried He cation. the luce or candy factory could supply wrong the miners of that region. Governor Wells the tell to came come conference to the While naught its orders. He showed an order for bis Copper. 46 executcarloads of candy from a both Governor Peabody and President seventy-fiv- e nrinert side, and will meet the Atch. coin., 6S Mitchell expressed themselves as being Cincinnati firm. He showed a draft ive at 10:30 a. m. today. Atch pfd.. 91 sett-I rather look to see the strike pleased with the interview, each say' for $30,000 from n wealthy well wisher Smelter com.. 49 Mr. led before another week, said lug he had a better conception of the and declared he could draw for $200, Alton. 34 I think it will be position of the other. Mitchell refused 000 more on one of Zion's friends in pemolll yesterday. Balt ft Ohio. 79 Sale Only 3 Mitchell gets here. I to discuss the conference, other than Wisconsin. Mr. after Bxed 47 Broklyn, On this showing he offered to settle FROM 3 TO G O'CLOCK. Have Jpst had a telegram from him, to say that his talk was very pleasant Can. lac., 118 soon." out come to cash claims lit and all will Mitchell he urgent put left for After the conference ,nd Metropolitan, 12 whose DemollL the silver-tongue- d, Chicago to attend a conference there Zion on a cash basis In all future dealChcs. ft Ohio. 32 Influence with his fellow countrymen in the interest of the Illinois miners. As ings with the world. With his heaviest Gas, 97. creditors out of the way, he said his is bo feared by the Utah Fuel company to his return to Colorado he Is unde Erie, 28 that efforts have been made to elded. debts demanding immediate payment 2. 111. Cent.. 130 in appearance keep him behind bars, is 142 Speaking of his talk with Mitchell would not amount to more than $150, Manhattan. anarchist Governor Peabody said last night: 000. Bamuel Stevens' judgment notes tor from being the wild-eye- d Kansas ft Texas, 39 A tall ha Is pictured by his enemies. 'The conference was very pleasant for $100,000 are not due. L ft II.. 107 Mr. Dowie's presentation of figures At powerful man in appearance, dressed although productive of no result N. T. Cent., 119 In the rough chinchilla Jacket, flannel Its conclusion President lMtchell stated and his offers of settlement were satNorfolk, 58. ihlrt, corduroy trousers and laced so far as he can see there is no immeisfactory to the attorneys. His plan Ontario ft West., 21 4. W. boots of a miner, he has a handsome diate probability of a settlement of the will be submitted to day to a meeting Pa. Ry 118. small a with and their Italian, the of receivers, attorneys, (ice, typically strike. Reading, 45. JOB PRINTERS His voice is soft The governor added that when he the creditors attorneys, and It drooping mustache. Bock Island, 26 4. I'sUlngucs Especially Well Mails at and his manner suave, although asked Mitchell If he had any sugges- is said will be accepted. In that So. PacM 47 4. 463 Wash. Aw. times he fires with enthusiasm over tion to make the latter said he believed event creditors will Join hands with So. By 21. constant atof result the Are to be discussing. the subject he may If a committee of the miners could meet Dowle In a plea to Judge Kohlsaat St. Paul 148 8. tention. The nalla can only be dismiss the pending litigation and perUpon hla arrival in Salt Lake he was the operators and talk over the situ 124 Sugar kept In condition with the aid of met by John Thai organiser of the atlon a settlement might be effected. mit Dowle freedom to gather funds and THEJMASSA WAY 26. Texas, suitable Implements and by the Utah Federation of Labor, who is encancel his obligations. of assisting you to make Coal, 83 Tenn We use of proper materials. tertaining him. Demolll is national orRECEIVER IS APPOINTED Union Par., 77 4. satisfactory Xmas preskeep a complete line of everySETTLED FOR ganiser for the United Mine Workers ents surpasses any other. Steel coin., 11 4. scismanicure thing necessary of America and editor of II Lavoratore Wil Maud Anna of Mrs. action The 8. the of 57 Exquisite Pictures and Frames. Steel pfd., T. A. Whalen Takes Charge sors, orangewood sticks, polishEven with Itallano of Trinidad, Colo. A. W. Williams, of widow FRED MASS A. 8. 87 Hams, West. Union, Underwood Typewriter ers, noil files, emery boards, and of the English hie limited command Pacific 4. company, Southern the 37 Business. Wabush against pfd., all of the various preparations. talker language he is a convincing has been settled by the attorneys of CHICAGO GRAIN. and one can easily imagine his power Thomas A. Whalen has been ap- the litigants consenting to a judgMay wheal 82 4 bu. over an audience of his countrymen dethe rendered ment the Uni of against being Marshal May corn, 42 4. Judge pointed by when he la addressing them in their court federal to the for $6,200 May oats, 86 ted States district court as receiver of fendant native tongue. at killed was Williams Hogup, Mr. May pork, $11.30 bbl the Underwood Typewriter company. I want to tell the governor the true To a young lady a manicure was made In the fed- March 11th last while asleep in a car The appointment aituatlon,' he said, talking in his room of track. CHICAGO the AND on off an unused 8TOCKS set YORK spur NEW at the set, request Lake Balt containing all of the neceseral court at at the SL James last evening. "I want who was GRAINS a days conductor for He slept as implements delightful gift. attorney sary of George Halverson, to explain to him fully our position. We huve them In a variety of Mrs. Aanna Scott, the holder of the and worked at night. The car was Bought and sold for cash or carried The Utah Fuel company has been giviand there on margins. Continuous quotations. materials, and complete In their $10,000 mortgage against the property. crashed Into by a work train ng false statements from the start to In Bank. the sentiment camp a Reference, First National equipment. Mr. Whalen Is placed under $8,000 was strong To begin with, we are glad to have OGDEN BROKERAGE CO which will be filed In the federal the effect that a feud between the bonds, the militia in Carbon county, although Phone 215. court today, and he will Immediately Greeks and the other men of the camp 2482 Washington Ave. It la not really needed, as it protects us switch a to throw the stock of the caused all out sell foreigners place, from the company guards, the deputy open pthe money over to the federal and purposely turn the train Into the the turn Would Earn More. and sheriffs. The members of the national car for the purpose of killing a numWhen the clever writer and caricacourt. Prescription Specialists guard treat the strikers fairly, and succeeded ber of their enemies. The action for turist, Max Beerbohm, 2479 Washington Avsnus they seem to be in sympathy with us, Mrs. Wllllnms was brought by Attor George Bernard Sbaw aa dramatic VISITED THE DAM SITE now that conditReview London Saturday they understand the neys Henderson ft MacMillan on the critic of the was told by the manager that Shaw ions, although they are in a hurry to he to have in of falling negligence and Power ground was getting such and such pay. "Of get the strike settled so they won't Officials of Utah Light nt the switch. a light in course, being comparatively inexperiCompany have to live any longer in the cold tents enced, the manager added, "you can Ogden. in December. CARD OF THANKS. Ob, yes, I scarcely expect so much. The company guards are trying to decisMr. Beerbohm, Reasonable Rev. the rejoined thank most hall, of For the Holidays-Pric- es officials We sincerely A party of directors and make trouble. Borne of them are good more. I shall expect n. "indeed, Wother-spooDelivery Prompt. ively; James Samuel Blair, Bishop company Power men who have gone down there bethe Utah Light and "as Sbaw You see, he explained, Rev. E. L Goshen and W. H. HolbrooK of President Winder, Presl It was cause they need the $5 a composed drama the moat knows thoroughly, but day, as Eugene Holbrook, Mgr. kind Phone 4'JO-S. remarks, their R. for about F. Wardlelgh write to R. him for Hayward. of them are perfectly easy They dent Lund, thugs and riff-raf- f. showed who on arbitrary In their methods, and Campbell, W. S. McCornick, Le Grande well as all other friends it Whereas I know nothing about it the elegant floral and it will be shockingly hard work. Bralthwalte their Mr. by sympathy and Lake Salt of ould like nothing better than to pro-o- Young were In pieces, their presence, and in many the miners Into a rio so they wife and two sons of London, Hours. Hiccoughed for Ninety-si- x other ways at the death and burial could do some at In every Ogden today. The latter represents of seventeen, residing shooting. A youth A visit was of our dear husband, son and brother, Dcech I have made I have cautioned the English bondholders. left an orphan recently Pa., Reading, of the dam at the can- Herbert J. Griffin. the miners to be home where he had been accustomed quiet and peaceable, paid to the site MRS. PAULINE GRIFFIN, E. E. Wade, I have told them to alwaya eat tha same kind of food. that they will have yon and the power house, A. P. GRIFFIN and FAMILY. The change of diet in the boarding the conducting While OF THE ACTION BY sympathy on their side when the local manager, return house to which he went brought on a the torts are known if they will only party: The Salt Lake gentlemen fit of hiccoughing which lasted for Makes a Clean Sweep. COUNTY CONVENTION OF h quiet and 2:15 this afternoon and keep within their rights, ed to Zion at that period hours. six During ninety New for east a A then thing There's nothing like doing Mr. Bralthwalte started they will win. THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, food had to be given artificially, and It Is not pleasant for them to be York. thoroughly. Of all the Salves you ever he loet weight considerably. THE UTAH 8TATE JOURheard of, Bucklln's Arnica Salve is tamed out of their homes, but we are BANQUET cures CLUB and COMMERCIAL away It sweeps best the telling them to go to Radium In Utah. Helper or Price NAL HAS BEEN DECLARnd the United S. T. Lockwood has succeeded in The Commercial club of Salt Lake Burns, Sores Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Mine Workers will pro-fld- e best the have at you Perhaps ED TO BE THE OFFICIAL for themnnd if necessary will pro-T- 'a will give Its second annual banquet Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Files. extracting radium from the carnotlte and has It's only 25c, and guaranteed to give deposits of Utah, and expects to promaterials, with the expectathem with work in other fields Its rooms on December 14th, mem satisfaction by Jesse J. Driver, ORGAN OF THE PARTY duce it on a commercial basis, as it hn the work is to be had. tion of having a neat fitting-w- all lent an Invitation to each of the somewhat easier Its radium to up gives In Ogden, club o "What are the demands of the min-made atylieh, and artia-tiFOR WEBER COUNTY. THE t bera of the Weber from which It than the pitch-blond- e last the present time? was asked. take part in It. At the meeting a make laboratories. will been in You extracted haa Gown. conUTAH STATE JOURNAL IS First and foremost, of night the matter was favorably memrecognition mistake if you entrust groat the of th union. many a and good If we get that all the others sidered PUBLISHED EVERY EVENto doubtful 11 the making declared their Intencome. The Utah Fuel company bers hare already upon that festive ING EXCEPT SUNDAY AT yi t will grant hands. nearly every demand tion of being there a wspt that. We do not trust it unless occasion. The Commercial club is in are very Our chargee THE OFFICE OF THE PAalt Promises that We want protection, very prosperous condition and hasSalt and wo can assure the union was not much good for PEERY THE PER IN recognised every ready accomplished to the you work of the highest skill. Blan who had taken part in the strike Lake. Those going from here OPPOSITE THE a good The work we turn out ovary BLOCK, uld be discharged at the first oppor-nnlt- y banquet will be Insured not only faciliand the company would soon dinner but a good time. , day ie evidence of our COURTHOUSE, (IN OGDEN E.tebliehmente in to old condltiona The union Where we have fitted up one of.the Fineet Clothing ties. 0ur 0Ily CITY.. IT HAS NO CONhome efter Mon- protection. If you are net sure of what Kodol Pysppsi Cure. the West We invite you to vieit ue et our new The state law about an eight-hoNECTION WITH ANY OTH' 1 you want, let ua talk the matday, the 7th. not being regarded, of either. Digests all Our sugter over with you. F men have ER PAPER. Vary truly yours, been working twelve SB?-usssgsS- Sbu "irten hours a day. gestions and advice are free THE DAILY UTAH STATE Another demand Is and may save you lota of a 20 per cent Inwornout u cebullde Cure " but we will concede Dyspepsia JOURNAL IS PUBLISHED sues, purifies, trnf!bel,A worry. tel W. AWjn W an wt recon,tlon o f the the stomach. Gov. hare 11101 BY DEMOCRATS FOR son of W. Va. says: JT Dyapepam number of bottles of Kodol a very he to It found company has lied about the Cure and have and. Indeed. J!?"re?ureconl-ed- y that are paid, instead of being effective W. J tn 14 for stomach by oeo. a day f0r mlnerB the mend It to my friends. Soldana vera 6 Is Co, F. Cave, Wallace Drug not much over 83 a day, or Giddlngs. IS I STATES l AMUSEMENTS VERY THE MIRE s Special:m in-r- e . Afternoon, Tuesday from 3 to 6 O'clock we will sell 1 r 5c, trimim!, Vice-Preside- nt NEW REMEMBER 2. 3-- 4. 5-- S. 4. This 2. 3-- 4. Lasts Hours Tuesday Afternoon, S. 1-- 2. 4. GET: 8. 8. 4. 8. 8. w. 2-- Pretty 8-- 1-- Finger Nails Browningl&CoTj I I J 8-- 5-- 8. 1-- 2. 3-- f00. 8-- 3-- 1-- For 3-- 1-- 8. Christmas THE CVLLEY DRUG CO. THE DAILY STATE HmlmBiB JOURNAL Superb Cut Flowers IS THE Greenhouses OFFICIAL ke ORGAN -- Our New Number Is 2413 Washington Avenue ur " Fred M. Nye, " CLOTHIER. BffiHfliSi |