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Show DAILY 4 UTAH STATE JOURNAL OGDEN, UTAH. UTAH STATE JOURNAL, ombia the forces sent to the isthmus were instructed to confine their action to 'positively and efficaciously preserving the transit and its accessories from being interrupted or The execution of this delicate and responsible task necessarily involved police control where the local authority was :emporarily powerless, but always in aid of The prompt ;he sovereignty of Colombia. of its duty by this and succesful fulfillment government was highly appreciated by the government of Colombia, and has been High by expressions of satisfaction. men officers to and is due the engaged praise in this service. The restoration of peace on of the the Isthmus by the constituted government there being thus accomplished, the forces of the United States were withdrawn. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER STRENUCU8 LIFE Daacribea Engliahman 21, 1903 GRAND IN AFRICA. Hand-to-Han- JOS. CLARK, Manager. d ' Fight With Natives. George Bury, an Engliahman In command of naUve troopa In northeaatern Africa, tell a the following story of a reOn cent attack upon hla party: Monday, March 23, while traveling through the Maran gorge, with an escort of five native riflemen, we were engaged by eighty mountaineers, who lured ua Into their midst to palaver, and then attacked the council with twenty spearmen. We Inflicted fifteen caa unities (live killed), while of our people all are wounded, but only one severely, and he la doing well I got rather a nasty spear wound In the right hip. I had to shoot two men before I could extricate myself from the melee and used the butt end of my It was carbine somewhat freely. while I was soothing a mountaineer with the butt that an Individual speared me from behind. The point curled up against the bone and In It out I lacerated the wound The present administration has nothing for pulling rather badly. My orderly slew my aswhich to claim credit in its dealings with our sailant and I bagged another as I lay on ground. Then I managed to neighbor to the south unless upon the inde- limpthedown gorge with the others We under fire oftheabout fensible ground that might is right. sixty matchlocks or so. Luckily rifles a and if Isthmus to take the have not dared would the Jungle was pretty thick or they Colombia had been as powerful as one of the would hare wiped out the party. As sides of us, rreat nations of Europe. We have simply It was, they got on three e was one the first and for set up a little government for ourselves in continuous hall of lead all Itaround us. Panama, have recognized it as de facto before They shot very badly. I had a bad I got down the coast four it is born; have warned off the Colombians, time until on tied the back of a camel days whose land it was, and have practically de- then I got a sailing boat to Aden." SATURDAY Boys em-jarrasss- ed. FRANK J. CANNON. EDITOR. THE DENSE PROSPERITY OF THE TIcMES. The season for the prosperity of wool growers seems to have ended. What is the trouble? Almost universally in Utah the y sheep men insisted that the tariff of the Ding-lebill was not only necessary for their prosperity, but would assure it for all time to come at least so long as the law should stand. They predicted seventeen cents for wool as being about what they would expect and would get. We are now in the midst of the prosperity which has come with seven 3ears of Republican rule, during which time we have had famines abroad and big crops at home; during which time we have had two wars, making a domestic demand for the product of mill and factory; during which time England has waged one the greatest warfares of modern times drawing from our resources of farm and manufactures a vast deal of our surplus. And now the wool buyers of the East are instructing their agents in this part of the country to offer eight cents per pound for wool, while the tariff on wool is twelve cents per pound. If in Republican prosperity, wool is four cents per pound less than the amount of the tariff, what would it be in a time of Republican adversity? One of the sheep raisers of Utah went to Chicago recently to distiose of his live mutton. After paying the freights he received $75 for To this seventy-fiv- e his entire consignment. dollars he added out of his other pocket enough to pay his expenses for the round trip and he returned home. The only difference between his situation in coming back and his situation before .going away is that he had a flock of sheep and thirty dollars before he left home, and when he got back he OPERA HOUSE MATINEE AND NIGHT. DAVE B. LEVIS Big Production UNCLEJ0SH SPRUCEBY! Gothes fol-ow- ed Sense A certain cloth costs just so much ; so does cutting, sewing, manded that all Europe shall acquiesce in our THE AB8TRU8E HAUSA TONGUE. tyranny. It is true that we have avoided paying the extra ten million dollars demanded Millions of Africans Near Lake Tchad the Language. by Colombia for the canal rights; but is our Arabic Speak scholars are devoting atten- A QUEER CIRCUIT COURT DECISION, , The United States circuit court of appeals at New York has writ itself down largely, an ass. A dealer in New York brought suit With all the conditions favorable for a higher price for wool; with three wars in progress during the seven years; with great accessions to the gold output; with goods rising in price to the consumer; the raw wool has fallen to eight cents per pound and the tariff still stands at twelve cents. quasi-publi- DOES MIGHT MAKE RIGHT? ORCHESTRA! MECHANICAL EFFECTS! THE GREAT SAW MILL SCENE Blouse Suits, $2 to $5. Norfolk Suits, $2.50 to $6. Double Breasted Suits, $2 to $6.00. Three-piec- e Suits $4 to $7.50 Next attraction, Tuesday. Its always money back ALL NEW SPECIALTIES. WATCH FOR THE BIG PARADE. Night Price 25c, 85c, 50c and 75c. Matinee Prices Children under 14. 25C, Adults, 50c. 'In LYCEUM Convict Stripes," THEATER. If with us. GRAND Sacred Concerts Fred M. Nye tion to the Hausa language and literature. This language Is spoken by 15,000,-00- 0 Africans in the vast region between the Niger and Lake Tchad. and With the exception of Egypt Abyssinia, no other African nation save the Hausa has reduced its tongue to writing and created a literature. Adopting a modified form of the Arabic alphabet, the Hausas have produced national poems and songs, historical annals and legal documents. Recently a committee was formed In London to make a scientific study of the Hausa language, and a lecturer In Hausa was appointed at Cambridge university. So far as they have gone, the researches Indicate that the language is Semetlc In Its origin. third-clas- BAND lining, tailoring, etc. You cant bring down the coat of the suit without skimping one of these items. Do yon want it done? Do you want to buy your suit for the smallest possible price, or do you want your money to do the most it can do in a year? you want it CLOTHIER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 3:30, 7:30 and 8:30 p. m. ADMISSION Reserved Price of Coal Advanced against the tobacco trust because it refused to sell its goods to him unless he would contract to buy no goods from its competitors. As he would not enter into this contract he found his trade greatly injured. Under the proanti-trust visions of the law, any man finding himself thus damaged in property or business may.sue for treble the amount of his loss. The circuit court of New York decided against him and gave this curious reason: The toThe Stamp of Genius. The Society of American Authors Is bacco company and its competitors were not to reduce the postal revenues. dealers in articles of prime necessity, as corn trying It is going to urge Congress at the or veal, nor were they rendering public or next session to permit authors' manuscript to be carried In the malls at c service, like a railroad company. rates instead of regular Each of them, therefore, had the right to re- letter postage, as at present We wish all good to American aufuse to sell its commodities at any price. thors, a prosperous class and well The court which thinks veal is a necessary able to afford to pay letter postage of human life ought to be compelled to live on on Its output of manuscripts. A manuscript Is more valuable than an ordiboiled calf for six months. nary letter. It is merchandise to be had neither. D SPECIAL 8CENERY! D NOVEL half-mil- PEOPLE-HAYSEE- GRAND OPERATIC CAR-LOA- half-doze-n discredit worth the price? TWENTY Rut that need not worry you It you have COLES -- HOT BLAST- STOVE Because this Stove is and guaianteed to remain so. In the morning simply open the draft, and tlie fire burns briskly for two hours on last nignts fuel. ltABult rooms evenly warmed always. Tne fuel bill is cut in two. Coles Hot Blast utilizes the gas in the coal, you know. Others 10c. 8eats, 10c. Extra. --HROSSi i GET ONE INTERESTING PICTURE air-tig- ht dont. We arc giving an admirable littls picture FREE with every dollar purchase. Have you road the Juggernaut C s THIS WEEK )C The Republican papers are making a great pretense to their readers of high patriotism sold. and exalted morality on the part of the pres.flood of volunteer manuscripts The mining news published in the STATE Is The ent administration, in seizing the Isthmus and already vast Does It need to be Every tenth man, womdefying Colombia and all the rest of the world Journal is attracting attention abroad and encouraged? DELINQUENT NOTICE. an and child Is writing a novel; every to touch our little peon of Panama. The awakening interest at home. Notwithstanding other man, woman and child la makIDLE HOUR DUCK CLUB, location most offensive part of the transaction is the the recent and still continued depression ing verse. The seal of the Society of of principal place of business, Ogden is American to Authors Its creditable in industrial securities in Wall Street, there is Pharisaical claim of righteousness. Utah. but there enlightened There are delinquent upon the folThe fact is that under the treaty of 1846 a good demand for legitimate mining enter- should be some consideration for to American their in chins editors, up when lowing described stock, on account of with New Granada we guaranteed the right prises properly presented by the right manuscripts already. New York Sun. an assessment levied on the 3d day of that New Granada had in the Isthmus, and to individuals. In some future mining articles, September, 1903, the several amounts livPoisoned Four Husbands. which Colombia has without diminution suc- reminiscenses of some of 'the set opposite the names of the respecIt is reported from Berlin that a tive shareholders, as follows: ceeded. The clause in the treaty on this sub- ing in Ogden will be given, whose picturesque- woman, charged with killing four husNo. of No. of ness to to all who bands and attempting to poison the ought prove interesting ject makes interesting reading: was sentenced to death by the And in order to secure to themselves the are engaged in that most alluring of all occu- fifth, court at Allensteln. The motives of the woman are not known, but It was tranquil and constant enjoyment of these ad- pations mining. stated at the trial that a fortunevantages, and as an especial compensation for once told her that she was deswhich want to prove that teller The papers certain advantages, and for the favors they tined to have six husbands before McCREADY'S happiness with the seventh. It have acquired by the fourth, fifth and sixth Rockefeller has not yet got all he is entitled seems husbands were the that all articles of this treaty, the United States guar- to and that the trusts are our crowning glory, young and healthy when they married antee positively and efficaciously to New Gra- are reciting the story of a Connecticut man her, but after a year they began literto sink Into the grave. The wife nada, by the present stipulation, the perfectly who has saved $3,000 in 42 years out of a salary ally administered arsenic to them systemof $12 per month; and are saying that this op- atically In small quantities, mixing It Isthmus, neutrality of the According to local with the view that the free transit from one portunity is open for all. Why dont they In their food. alienists, the woman had murdered to the other sea may not be interrupted or em- make it $6,000, in 84 years, out of a salary of her husbands from sheer delight In barrassed in any future time while this treaty $1.50 per week, and then tell us who got the homicide. exists; and, in consequence, the United States money after he was worn out. "Weather Shooting. And In accordance with law, and In has assumed also guarantee in the same manner the rights accordance with an order of the Board In southern Europe Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gwynne Van- such Importance of sovereignty and property which New Graof Director made on the Id day of that not less than three International J41 Twenty-Fift- h St, nada has and possesses over-thderbilt, recently married, have taken a little congresses to consider It have been said territory. September, 1903, and also In accordThe held. show latest flat that in reports New York ance with an order of the Board of Dand propose to do some Never was the sentiment of this treaty 2344 Ave. are convinced that experts mostly Washington gun irectors made on the 10th day of Noseriously disputed by the government or peo- housekeeping of their own.- As Mr. Vans firing Is useless for Influencing rain or vember, 1903, so many shares of each income is a trifle over two millions a year, hail, although experiments are urged ple of the United States. Even under the adparcel of such stock as may bs necesuntil the possible effects are fully ministration of Grover Cleveland our obliga- they think that they can keep the wolf outside sary will be sold at public auction at Never Undersold the office of the Secretary, No. 3425 tions to Colombia were fully recognized. Ar- the door. Legal Opinion. Washington Avenue, on Thursday, the John," asked the lawyer's wife, bitrary as he was, warlike as he showed him2d day of December, 1903, at (he hour John Mitchell says: Labor unions who had recently taken up the self to be in the Venezuelan controversy with two oclock p. m. of said day, to pay of OGDEN UTAH must be kept strictly apart from politics, anc tofad, Is It best to lie on the the delinquent assessment thereon, England, Grover Cleveland at least did not or on the left side? side, right end as soon as become political machines gether with the cost of advertising My dear, replied the legal lumistate of South just must die. they pick on a little revolution-tor- n expense of sale. on la one if the right tide, it nary, America to show our power, for he said o they R. C. LUNDY, to lie isn't at all. necessary usually let us Now, hear same the kind of sentiMILLINERY 2425 Colombia as follows: "Emergencies growing Secretary, Washington Avenue, ment from Morgan, Rockefeller et al about Utah. Ogden, off all Millinery until 0 m nieds out of civil war in the United States of ColomU pus the trusts. we move Into our new store. Noth'Ifo: Jim uj Ispst sjJisnY Probate and Guardianship Notice, bia demanded of the government, at the beginui ! S9TT eonvAI nj 19K9 Jusuueg ing reserved during this great Coniult County Clrrk or tha reapeetlve lf nert nl fiT'9 pnsiSua di 'si siusiiqsqui ning of this administration, the employment for fnrther Information. All anxiety on the subject may now be set Donum s sjapjuui jo jaqmnu eqx of armed forces to fulfill its guaranties under at rest. The Provo OTfCgTo'cREDITOM. S9)SW8 Jspjnw Enquirer has receivei In the Dlatrlet Court of WebeT County, BtW the thirty-fift- h article of the treaty of 1846, special information from Wonderful Narva, Everything the best and latest ofl'tah. Washington that Is displayed by many a man endurIn the matter of the eetate of Guilaf in order to keep the transit open across the There is not the deceaied. In style, material and finish for accidental of chance of wounds cuts, pains ing Creditor will prevent claim, with von1, forcing bruises, burns, scalds, sore feet or still fail and winter wear. to the nwlenigned, A. J. Andenon, at Isthmus of Panama. Desirous of exercising Senator Smoot to slightesthis seat. That is Joints. But theres no need for It Weber eounty.rtah, on or before 1JJ give up PARISIAN PATTERN HOUSE 15th. W04. A. J. A&bERHOX, Adminlrtmtnr. Arnica Solve will kill the only the powers expressly reserved to us by the general hope but heretofore it has been Bucklen's HnlanteklA Mrs. a. J. Peery, Attorney for Toller, Propr. pain and curs the trouble. It's the best the treaty, and mindful of the rights of Co- - somewhat on too. 25c for earth salve at pies. 2404 24th cor. Washington Ave., St Nov. Uth, 100. date of flrst publicationlacking in certainty. Jesse J. Driver, druggist Ross Book Store self-intere- st old-time- rs g TWO before-mention- ed STORES "Weather-sHbotln- g e health-cultur- e ; One-thi- rd nlT-2- 0. Removal Sale Amier-o- n, Hnn-vlll- Admini-trato- - r. |