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Show I, r; - t , -- rztari'.n - fT - -- rH'i t- . . . ; --r t ' . r... - . ,- , - F Dr. j S. . . I. Jj. fr Jll'lifill. PjPE Jr. . " ia liiSJpiu. tin-- . ud.lird of church win in th-cit- ,M juftl,. -- S. Jrc.'iliy Wh1- - -- Ii Jr., with your Ing, CREAM oJ l un i Ik chii liltllii' to H'lit lull. bizi-i- Fcr Cal? Ch:ip--Jhscliuire, slows, etc. fit Steve Ki'iseyV. I. L. Townshend, a tin to J. i r.ii-k- i its Messenger. is, in Dr. J. M. 1Ikxky--0;R- .,i k Building. ill Phamacist of 20 years t.li MclIliLton hotel. We lend, otliel'h follow. J Ual Chi Experience and Practico. fCCM'i.Tru.Mi 1.4 urn 1.1.1 mi.ru. Hin I hit our fi line of clothing. I'd Awarded Highest Honors, World's Fair dc!J Medal, Midwinter Fair 11 Lost nu F. 1a T. watch charm. If found, leave at this office. For tie Lx 1L G. W. wiil sell the position ml to Omaha lou trip tickets daily and return for $S.35 from July I, 11 Trusses, 1iiy. son Cimij). Mrs. W. 11. lligham, who has bw n visiting here for tin jm.--t two weeks, left for her huun in S.ipiir.rterM Etc. ol uny pattern Suspensories Furnished to Order. kljr sturk igniJiMvi evcrytliniB ii.ii.illy in a Unit eiiiM ilriiif .lore. Doctor W. A. Wade member of tlie state ! iard of phariuaey and surgeon U. I. Railway. Chii be found at all hours at his office over Tuwnshcuds l)rng Store Residence on Fayson Utah. comer south Freshytcnmi church. good ns irew. UTAH. Druggist and Registered k.-i- l TranE-Miskisslpj- ii Salt Lake yesterday afternoon. Clothing! Straw Ilats! Shoes! to Oct. 15. imikt Im in the Nhirtii! Notice to liMtire ami Dress Groceries! We lire handling clothing again otfiiTi by ITiurwtuy rvouiiur. All euiiiiniiiiivi.-tiun- a Co-o;! tin at iuut be ancniuiiuiilnl liy Ilia wrtiim (lood ami invite you to call ami sue what nil uama. The l'liysnii Coop has just re- fine suits we liHVfl and what low ceived a line line of clothing. I'or prices we sell them at. They are lllank not i4 for sain at this bargains give them a call. all fresh uew poods. II. Lemmon. office. Thomas lligliHin and sou Andy l)out miss the big show nt the J. IT. Miller made a buhinrKH eiiriic dow from Salt Lake Tues- opei n house next Tuesday night. trip to Nephi Tunsilay. day to spend .a few days and take The reef of the house has been reJnat call and examine our fine a chicken hunt. paired, so don't sluy away on stock of clothing, tavkon Co hi. Wehavojust received the fines account of a storm. Charley lluisli was over from line of men's Truth wears well. Ieoplc have hoys mid childrens Eureka last Sunday. Ii'aniial that DeWlt.is Little llarly to this ever clothing brought city, Kisers are reliable little pills for Only $25 to Omaha mul return, (bind ('nods and low jiriccs, call bowels, curing constipavia the Dio (iraudo Western, Sep. and examine them. Jl. isnimou. tion a mlthesick headache, They don't 10th and lllh. W have received a fine lot gripe. llert Tewiishend. m ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPI Annuls. liitt-rllo- p. 11 regu-laiin- g just A most pleasant time was had at Mi Gertie Louder, of Nephi, of shoes, lists, shirts, dress goods has been visiting friends here thin clothing, and in fact all kinds of the home of Mr. anil Mrs. Charles Week . summer goods. If you want a Dixon last Sunday evening when a number of their young friends ia tire place to liny bargain, cull uiul see 11s. The co-i. r.AYsoN gathered, fully intending to have Their goods are fresh and their a good time, which they did. The of Second ladies the Biiit tlie times. young jiriccs ward will give a basket social in llefreshiin nis were served which Misses hd.!', and Lentnce uew llollH, im u, were much enjoyed and greatly have retui ned from vis iShe evening of the 1jtli, which prom- refreshed all, after which singing iting their aunt in Denver. ises to be livery jilt iisant a ll'air. was indulged in. Afier some rime Fob Sale Fresh milch cow, 8 A Biiiinlilt program is luung ar- spent in this mnniier the jolly years old, good milker. Inquire ranged for lie nccusiiiii and it crowd dispersed with a general is the intention to have it that I he evening whsuios of Jacob II ulie;. in our next issue. pleasantly spent. nit of l)o yon want a good You invito disappointment when call at the n ot clothes If so, Alice Keel of Salem died Wcd- ui DeWItt's Little and get one. ot tvplmi fever, after nn llarlv experiment. Kisers are pleasant, easy, thoShe rough little pills. They cun constipaCounty Attorney S- A. King illness of only a few days. was in the city Thursdiiy, evident was staying in this city with her tion and sick heartache Just as sure ly patching up hia jHiliticnl fence. aunt, Mrs. John Kee, mother of a ion take them. Pert Townshend. J. C. Ldgar, overseer of tlie Did yon know that J. S. lage tlio three girls who were drowned in Utah lake, and was taken sick Mt. Nebo frame Jleservoir, wai in the mouldings so kejit picture She was on last iimnilng. Finlay could make be frames of all sizes? city Wednesday, with bis wife ai:d taken to her home in Salem Sun- daughter. He says the supply of J. M. Goodwin of the Salt Lake day and only lived lluee days after waer is out wo and thnt II, holding Tribune was in the city yest she readied home. She was in the black bass in tiio reservoir are looking after tlio interests of Iliac the bloom of youth, bing lti increasing wonderfully, lie also piper. ho funeral ser- reports that the of age. yeaia bullfrogs, which George Hancock rejsirts that vices were held in Salem Thurs- were brought from Indinna by ye I10 was wrestling with a rather day at o p. in. after which the re- Lditor about two yenrs ago ami severe attack of cholera morbus mains were brought to this ci'y plauted in the reservoir, are mulOl ru-o- I ed 1 - -- I interred it the city Cemetery. John Boulton, while denning rubbish out of h water diteli Thursday evening, was bitten ou bis little finger by wlmt he siijquwed to bo a scorpion. Tlio linger soon liegim to turn black and I10 went to Dr, AVaili, who administered the projicr remedies iind ehecked the effect of the jmison. The hand was still badly swollen yesterday morning, but no serious results Hre ant icijuiteil, os the poison is under control. mid Lemmon's is headquarters for dress goods, trimmings, linings, sheetings, cotton battiug and car et warp. Mrs. N. J- - Provstgnard of Manti, is visiting Mrs. J. S. l'rovstgaard of this city and intends to remain a week or teu days. George II. Montague and II. W. Barnett have been chosen ns Utah county jurors from lnyson during the September term. Attention LAiurs.-C- all and s?o the fine lino of Broudhend dress goods just received at H. Lemmons. Mrs. F.sthnia Tanner, of Provo, const! Sick lieintadie, tillllou-uuss- , Ion trouall am liver ami stomach pit bles cun be quickly ei.reil by using those famous little pills known a Ic Wilt's Little Marly givers They am pleasant to take und never gripe. Ilert Townsend. returuinl lioin Tuesday aftenuHiu after a week's visit with her s, Mr. and Mrs. George Curtis EXCURSION XATZS. It is rejiorted that considerable Only S'liJJil lo Omaha nn.l relurn blasting is lieiug done on some for tiio Commercial Travelers Day mining claims lip the canyon by Ht the miners fmm Kureka, but 110 rieii in the O. S. L liy. Sept. strikes have been liqirted so far. Deduced rale vir, Oregon Shorl T. II. Wilson, sujieiinteiident of Line from Faysoii. To Chicago the C (voji, nud J. (.1, Just dnivi 1st class, S'l'.l.fin, 2nd class if.'IS.JSU. over to the new town of Mt. Nel o To St. Loois Jst class liuiit"d Thursday. The latter intends to ' put np a new store building over there mid will commence work on Fall excursion rates to North- it iu a few days. era Utah, Idaho and Oregon iHiiuis Siilurdav, Sept., 3rd via Tor the blah Stale llepublican Miort Line. Inr rntes romtntion, Salt Lake City, the! Oregon ot tieketH sh. large lulls mul limit Oregon Short Line will sell tickets to or Alex lliorntou. apply Hti mul limitotl jmr-vnt- i j ( ! i ; to Jvjrtt'inlMT Mn, Sept. 1 0. nt one fain for the round ' l',,r Go llejnibliran State Con- o for tlie Democratic vnlieii at Salt Lake City Septetu-StHt- o Com. ntiou and Populist , hJ'' s,1b n rati of one single fare date of sales September 13th, 1 1th, "r t;ie round trip will be made by 11. O. ftudj.5. Limited until Sejit, 17lll. the trip--als- One of the reservoirs up Fay. not a Ion IngT out, but ive have the cheapest and best goods IVu sure -- iu Fayson. self. il. Call and see for yourLemmon. i 1 Wheel Reasonable Price. i:sclf the best reputation of any preparation used today foi colds, croup, tickling in tlie throat or coughs. Pert Townshend. te plie-uoinei- jxr-forman- I some time. You can get a good 12x14 An widp gilt frame for 82 00. oak and gilt frntne for $1.75. Ail 8x10 white frame for 25 cents and It may lead Consumption. frames of other sizes and kinds at iKittle of Shiloh's Cure may mvo your low prices, at life. Sold by Pert Towushend'a drug J. S. Fages, J r., Fayson. store. ch Town-shendseir- .HU t Has the largest stock of HARDWARE, Stoves and Ranges in the county. Tinware, Runs, Agent for LISKS Inniton, etc. Tinware, Anti-rustin- g ( A fowl uiely W arrii r.ted. ) NEVER UNDERSOLD! ft. McBeth, E. CARRIES A COMPLETE LINE OF Deering and McCormick Mowers and Binders, Deering and Standard Hay Rakes, Schuttler, Burg and Cooper Wagons, Solid Comfort Sulky Flows, AND A entei-tainme- nl I wn. m.-I- I The ice cream social at the Iliff Academy Thursday night was fairly well attended and everything passed oil nicely, except tho conduct of some Imd Imyg in throwing rotten eggs, one of which hit Miss Blanche lVery. Tho Ixiya, who proved to lie llyrum and George Tanner, Fet Ellsworth, John Dan, and Tom Mattiusou were caught by sum other lioys and their names given to Marshal ITcnton, who brought them a round the next morning to Rev. Murphy. It whs ngreed not to prosecute them on condition that they would ssk forgiveness in the Uiff academy Sunday evening, which the boys promised they would do. This is let ting them off very easy, bnt should tiplying rapidly, and their deep they iudu'ge in such conduct bass bellowinps can bo beard along again, they will be more severely the shores of tlio reservoir nt night. dealt with. PeWItt's Witch Hazel Salvo lias the Arrangements hare been comHouse laryest sale of anysalve in the world. pleted by the Opera This fact ami Its merit hive led dis- management which jiromises to honest people to attempt to counter- be a treat to the of peoplo Fayson. feit It. Look out for the man who atOn next Tuesday evening the tempt to deceive you when you call for PeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve the Mnguiscojie Exhibition Co. which has been playing such a sucessful great pile cure. Uert Townshend. For tlio Utah day at Omaha engagement at Baltair beach all Kxj'oaition, Kept. lUli, ISOS the Bummer will introduce the marvelOregon Short Line will make n ous mchauical device, the lostest round trip rate of $25.30 from projecting machine for producing l'aysou to Omaha. Selling dates animated pictures. The will lie inteusly interSept. 10th and 11th. Limited to continuous passage each way esting from start to iiuish. Among some 50 pictures shown of the with a iiual limit of Sept. 'Jlhli. Mrs. Llhabetli Simons and her war and fighting near Sanitngo; brother Hynini Knight of Iavson bombardment of Mantanzns; showhave been the guests of Mis. ing flagship New York, Monitor and Bjuinish batteries in llyrntn Jones the past week. They Furitan full action; raisiug of I1'. 8. flag at have a great many relatives cruiser iu action; living here, their mother being n Cavite; Dynamite of battle July 3rd; battleship daughter of Elisha Jones, who was iu full actiou nt Santiago, Oregon of one the first settler of this valothers of equal interest ley. Lust Sat urda" night a pnrty and thirty the evening social high During was given them at Lukes hot pot class specmticB will be introduced, resort, where a host of relative's & Coes Kings of mid friends, loided with picnic Frederricks music play thirty different instruHinl out for a time, gathered. The Sinclair the entertainment consisted of danc- ments; Lp Roy young tenor iu the latest ing, games, songs, etc. The visillustrated songs; Imp the most itors left for homo yesterday and wind dancer luck wonderful morning. Wasatch ave, Aug. Sears and others. Dert of his race; llUli. Tbo personally management Mure than twenty million free sain-j recommends this attraction knowpie battles of DeWitt's Witch Haze! Salve have been (list libuted liy the ing that all who attend tlio will 1k wel pleased. manufacturers. What better proof of j their confidence In It merits do you Popular pi ices 25, 35, aud 50 eta . want? It cures piles, burns, scalds, Deserve reals on sale at Gutiieils sores. In the shortest space of lime. restaurant. JclTnwtishi'ml. j Now is the time to buy passenger train Thursduy morning as the trrin wus nearing this A First-Cla- ss stutiuu. It went through a win dow and struck ono of the jmsser-ger- s, at a inbut inflicted no particular jury. The lud followed the train up to the depot, evidently under the inipresaiou that he hod done Call nod see our samples and get no harm, but the conductor told our prices. Henry Nebeker to get the boy and DONE & ARCHBOLD. turn him over to the marshal, which lie did. Marshal Heaton took him to Lis Bister, who lives Killed a Wildcat. iu Frisbys bouse iu the field west of towu, who promised to keep The other evening, about dark, him until he was culled for. DeDaley, Jr., who lives up tective Brown came over yesteiday jM.II. toward the mouth of the canyon, anil went down and hud a tulk heard a racket lr. bis chicken coop with the lad, who seemed to be and went out to see what was causvery sorry for his conduct, but de- ing such a commotion among his cided not to prosecute the case. fowls. When he entered the coop Young Jensen promising to be a he discovered an animal crouched better boy and never to throw nt up in one corner. He made an the train again. Boys had better attack on it with his feet and soon take warning lest they be made m succeeded iu stamping the life out example of and sent to jail for of the intruder, which proved to such violation of the law as this be a young wildcat a little more boy is gnilty of. If any of them than half-groIn the encountare caught nt it again they will be er Mr. Daley only received a few severely dealt with. scratches about the legs. slight Catarrh Cured. A dear heart and The cat had killed four chickeus swict brealli secured with Shiloh's Catirrh lti inedy; wo six hottles aud it was evidently not his first for Ari and guarantee an idiMhiutocure. visit to the h emery, as Mr. Daley Sold by Port Townshonds drug store had been missing chickens for fairly alive with a of kind water lizard, the jiecnlinr like of which, those who have seen them say they never saw before. They are from six to eight inches long, have fins and a tail somewhat like a fish, and laps on their head The resembling eats. creatures do not live ia the water all the time, lint comn ('lit ou the land (me! crawl about. The men working up nt the reservoir have beci. greatly annoyed by the reptiles anil have experienced much difliciiliy in keeping them nut of their tents at night. They come out and seem to be at reeled by the The fire, crawling right into it. remains of twenty live were found one uioruiug in a single firs. They seem to Im perfectly harmless, and will bite at a bait like a fish. For Consumption take Karl's Clover It is estimated Hint there is a Root Tea, the great blood purl Her, Cures Headache, Nervousness, Erupwagon load in the reservoir. tions on the face and makes the head One Minute Cough Cun surprises us dear as a bell. Kold by Bert people by its quick cine. and children stun1. may take It in large quantlti' withthat cough! Take warning. Stop out the least danger. It has won for A 2.'ic. to s in canyon is REDUCTION. Tommy Jensen, a boy threw a rock at the D. G. W. on juili-lisli- last Sunday. Get James Stark, of Fayson, came along with the Nephi excursionists Tuesday and made his way to the resident t of Attorney Keid to present before him a case of much imjsiriauce We have heard he met with uothiug but. disaptioiut-inen- t. Love is blind is the con. elusion Mr. Stark camu to. Maul i :y. piituiv.-- . of . Shine up that old harness, oil nt Stark's harness shop. OF TARTAR FOWDCR 'D7L Creek - CRC.VC VZ WI'TU.N. u. I Tn.il;. 1nv .NilLl. I !!; - i.L. ieli.e.-- . i:l2.m( IW'iiiiit... n.nain Al 1 L,,i:i ll'J'5'!- ,,, or.Kr.ox sn(i:r link. Train arriva uml l,imrl from I'm wii .Vtrib N.mii riMufrr . ii. i: i!.nt Mi-- I rtf FULL LINE OF Farm Implements The Largest stock of Buggies south of Salt Lake City, also Buggy . Harness. All goods received in carload lots, nnd prices the lowest in the state . AGENTS MAKE MQNEYI This is the opportunity of a Agents are making $50 to 8150 a week. life-tim- e. FITZHUGH LEE. Maj. Gen. U. S. V. to Cuba, writes a book and late Council Gubaaniic on War. Spanish in V have on press for arlv issue. General Lm-'story of Colw and the Spanish War, to lie produced in a substantial book of over fioo paces, 7xUi Inches in sire anil almost s One Hundred Illustrations. This ts the only authentic work published on the one subject occupying the minds of the entire civilized world. LiWra! commissions will lie paid and credit READY. given, OUTFITS Lose no time, act at once. Wrhe foi full particulars to The International Society, 91-0- 3 Fifth Arc, New York, Publishers of General Leu's Itook. Our authorized distributor arc located in all parts of theU.S, |