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Show .SHE GLOBE-HEADE- FuMiJinl Thu Globe-Head- R. fierr Nilurdif li PuMhtiiDg Company. er .la piir 1 uu.rtsU ijt tlie a imaiullu-- PuTMMa. I'liih. fur truiuauiiakluii through matter. Mailt aaeoiMl-ehu- i ut tbs uiil SUBSCRIPTION ; ill rar Hit . 1 .... ninth. a SiuglaaupiM fljra eeiiti. As a dog returns to hi vomit, bo a fool returns to liia first love. The man who will stick io his principles rather than his party is the kind of a man to tend to Congress. Will Secretary Loup explain why the ladies have kissed ScLIey and llobsou and let Sam won go by without Q smack. s Tho Czar's proposition for peace is allright, but it is evidently the result of a disordered stomach or an over ipdulgeiice in mince meat pie. uni-prs- al It is said a friend indeed is a is liule a friend in need; but it difficult to see it that way when t. friend asks you to loan him a V, for he is surely a friend iu need. a ii '"- -i The difference between n rooster, Uiicletfgm and an old maid is this: The rooster says, I1 tide Sain says, "Yankee doodle do" and the old maid saya (Ai.- y- lude11 da" Ex. "Cock-a-doodle-ilo- political tickets, and they a ns ris- iug up iu uruis to see that they Some receive proper lecognitioii. a held of the women suirrugista meeting iu Fruvo Tuesday uiul aloptnl a net of n'solu tii ms strongly protesting against such intentions mnl demanding just recognition on the two political parties adequate, in some nuasure, to the votes cast hy women. ; j j mo and sub-scIndia my presence, this filli day of December, A. 1). Ih0. A. W. Gleason, ) -- pit nl St'i lit ATENiTS li S fO.OOO.OO. Trade Marks Desmns PMBtWArinli 3nion Utah. fi Denver &. Gull RSll!IIN4Co.8,B,M"'NewYork "brujck Agt. Hoyt Sherman Salt Lake City, Utah. PEOPLES A WOliTlI Y I AND genthuneii or lmlis to travel for nwpouKidle, establslieil There- are others house in Utah. Monthly $l!r.00 la one of the up to iIhh slum, and Position steady. exfieiiseK. expressions. This refers to Bail Reference. Enclose sclf-adrested roads as well as to other things. The Domiuiou There are other Builioads, we wi! RtanqMalenvelnie, Y Chicago. Company, Dept, admit, but there me no other- - artii-l-Tr- e - A German watch-mskfected a mechauism er f FAVORITE WI6TO WANTF. il Th"cuh Tnirist Sleeper Conimen.. jg Sunday Feb. G; and on each Sunday following tire 11. G. W. will have a through tourist shelter for Portland on train No. 1. This ear will lay over nt Snlt Lake City until train No. 3 Sunday nights, delivery bdng made ou that train to tho Oregon Short Line at Ogden. East-lio- n nd, the same ear will arrive at Ogden and will lie earned to Knit Lake City ou train No. 2 every llinisday morning. It will lav over ni- Snlt Lake City until train Na 4 Thursday nights. This weekly service will 1m operated between Portland nnd Boston via O. R. & N., O. (j. V, D. it R. G., Rock Island, L. S. A: M. S., N. Y. Cent, and Boston A Albany. .. - U. THE deposit. COLLECTIONS Railway. Genl Wuhlwuxi. Ok T per cent inheres t Jitliil on time lx-s- r IR bun liuHiiulr lUmtntud wmklr. uf any MwnnM luunuil. Tnwi. H iiHrtilha.fi- - SiM hyull MWMlMluni. yr.ir: four Traiwi:i'ts a (jnnrritl IliuikUiv ILmlnrva. train-runnin- n, Scientific American. A Pacific menvf for Mnmn uuonto. uktm ihruiirfh Mona A tik wwlva nut it, without rbuiwo, In tbo inM UtsieJits Msru BANK SAVINGS ' CORVRMMTS As. and Amrlptlon mar ikttrh Annina mhiiIIiie our opmum ftw wbuthur an qnlrkly iw-ru- un inrentinn w tiijiu KUieilf ODiiailimtial. Handbook oa Puma FflYSOM EXCHANGE lud-HSt-- er .Piwuw.nimi n The Great Overland Route, the Onion Pacific R. K., is a strictly transportation line And offers its patrons uneqnaled service. Please bear in mind tha following undisputed facts: That , by using the Union Pacific yon will save several hours time to Alt eastern points: therefore the time you save is equal to the money earned. The ONLY LINE east from Utah with Dining Car service tire ONLY LINE eqnipped with' Buffet Smoking and Library Cars tliorngk Pullman Yeatibnled Pal-se- e and Tourist Sleeping Cars,' Free Reclining Chair Cars, with no change to Missouri River and Chicago and only one change to New York. As the lowest rates to all points apply via the Uuion Pacific why not use it iu preference to any' other line? Two trains for all points east Snlt Lake City daily at 7:00 A.M. and G:25 P. M. Detailed information of every kind relating fo railroad and Bteamship will be promptly and cheerfully furnished ou applies lion to H. M. Ciay, General Agent, 2H1 Main St, SaltLake City Utah. Up-to-da- te trana-pnrtalio- n miijiiaaBnwwBWMWBM wm sminwiisunimOT ...TWO SPLENDID TRAINS DAILY..:. eu I All we will mail a coppy to each. Only 1 a year. If you wish to raise a club, write for terms. Points East. Effective Sept. kook LCIIOOL AND FIRESIDE con-tai- ns a. TO TUB EAST VIA Great 1, 1S9S. m. Island Route. Rc-c-k ROCKY MOUBTAm FLYER COLORADO LIMITED Lckci Train No. 2 leaves Ogden, 7 30 Address The Blade, a. m. ; Salt Lake, 8 30 a. m. Arrive Toledo, Ohio. at Glen wood Springs, 9.05 p. m.; Pueblo, 5 12 a. in.; Colorado DR. KARL C. MAESER3 great Springs, G 29 a. m.; Deliver, 8 40 DENVER . . COLORADO SPRINGS krsitn LINCOLN . . . OMAHA . . . DES MOINES DAVENPORT . . CHICAGO . . Leevei DENVER . . C0L0. SPRINGS Arrive TOPEKA . . 0:30 a. m. 9:35 l.ei. 11 4S p. m. 1 :30 A. KANSAS m. CITY " - LINCOLN, OMAHA, . p. n. 10:401. ai. 1:42 a. . S:;o a. . (a. S:.) (fx. Sjn.) Tli ron yli Plreper Coloruilo St. LiniU via Wulnmk Throuirh Sleeper amt Clmir Cur Uokirailo p.. p..a. 9:11 1, m. R'jr.) 6:16 Arrival ST. JOSEPH 2:16 p m. Next Dif 2:45 2:45 7:30 a. . . . Ar. ST. LOUIS. (WiiIhikIi 5:25 I. m. 9:48 A n. . SjIuk Io to IVlile Vetilulp Bjr. Train No. 4 leaves Ogden, 6.35 Tlie(TiIiumo. portraits and tinrat truln in tlic Went. pages of choice contents. Ycu all know p. m.; Salt Lake, 7.40 p. in.; arrive Karl G. Macser. Buy his book. at Glunwood Springs, 8.0G a. ni.; Those are New Trains in Addition to our Tomer Sernce. Pueblo, 5.14 p. m. ; Colorado For particular nmlfuldcr friviiiiftimn of theo truio write Springs, G.4G p. m.; Denver, 0.15 W. H. FIRTH, E, E. NacLEOD, JNO. SEBASTIAN, p. m. 122 half-ton- e tlinm-lioii- 4u0 Everybody Knows roanrrtiona mitile nt Puehln, Colonulo SpriiipiBiid Denver with all llura fiwt. nt ilar coarhn.i'lmir rnra and Ililltnuii on nil traina. Take tho Denvcf A alnirra Km Grandp nnd have a cumfurtiibla trip and auiojr Ilia Hupxt acanerjr on the continent. H. tt.ttllEKMKB, Agt.. 'nyoeM. 8. K. HOOPER. A. S. 4UGlIC.S.Trafflt Mnn. U. P. T, A. Denver, Colo. lOniver, Colo. R. F. KEVINS, Gen. Ayt. H. M.Cuahlnir. Trav, Paw. Agl. M W. 2nd South at., Salt Lake City" all round general satisfaction, Is no Railroad on Earth that apto the traveler like the great peals and there 'A.,CHICAU EASTE1X rOIXTS v Id UXIOX n To and from Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, Kansas City aud ail eastern points. Direct line to tho r xpositiou. Stopovers allowed at Omaha on all tickets reading through that city. Two through trains each way dally. estlluiled Buffet Smoking Library tars, Pullman Sleeping Cars, Koclin-b'- g Chair Cars (seats free). Coaches nd Dining Cars, operated on the A la t arte plan. Tickets at ufflei s of connecting linos. pi The Payson papers, tlie Globe and the Header, have announced lie sure your ticket reads via that henceforth they will bo consolidated nnd publish one pa- the Burlington Route from Den per under the name of Globe-I- I ver. EADEB. They concluded that V. II. SI1ERMER, their town ii not large enough Agent R. G. W. I'.'y., Jayson, Utah to support two pHjxrs. They say; lb V. NEjSLUN. Trav. Pass, and Freight Agent. "We shall always tight for the W . 1' . McMILL.VX, best interests cf the city, striking Gi'iierat Agent. ?4 South West Temple Street down the haul tha Khali attempt SALT LAVE CITY. UTAH. PACIFIC 11. Ji Bate of one faro for the round trip plus $2.00 has been authorized from via the Union Pacific and for the Idaho poiuts in Utah following occasions; Omaha and return. National Congress of Fietail Liquor Dealers Tickets on sale Aug. 2G. Omaha, Neb, vml return on each date until Oct 15th., account Exinisition Utah common Rate ot $18.00 from, aud proportionate rates from other points ia authorizial, with limit f 11-- Trans-Misaisti- ppi Nov. 15 for further information relative to these rates, limits conditions etc. call on your nearest agent or at 201 Main Street, Salt Lake City, or address II. M. (Hay, General Agent, Snlt Lake City, Utah. i WMaiaMM An Elderly Andy. A prominent New York physician An eldiTly lady living at Fordham In ducuoainK tlio merits of hipana Heights, a art of New York Tabules with a brother M. D. said : and who was known to be a ' City, " Several Tears ago I asserted tliat advocate cf Tabules for any if (me wishetl to become a pliilan-thopts- t, coho of liver Kipans trouble or indlgmtlon, and do a bencticcut (iced said to & rqxirtcr who visited her for one that would help tho whole huthe purpose of learning the partlcn-L-ir- s man race nothing could lx Ix tU--r of her case i 1 had always than to procure the Ifooeeveit lloe-pitemjiluyed a physician and did so on kick it tht basil the last oevoaion I had for prescription, tie Rifant Tabultt, and enuae it to at that timo obtained no one, but be put up in the form of a ketchup ' results. I had never had beneficial ana distributed among the poor." in patent medicines, but any faith having seen ltipans Tabules recommended ve-- y Sales IorreatDs. in highlv the New York conThe largest retail drug a tore in cluded to give Him a Abatf trial, America is tliat of Hegemon & Co. found they were just what my case on Broadway in New York City. demanded. I have never employed A reporter who went there to learn a physician since, and that imum a how llipans Tab-ulavingof 3acall. were soiling A dollars worth of five-cea bought ltipans Tabules carton and asked: lasts me a month, Do you have and I would not be much call for without them now these?" if it were my hut He was referred dollar." At the to a gentleman who time of this interbo to the proved view them were head of the departpresent two ment He said : ten who specially Tho sale of IHpans Tabules Is to their mother giving a constant and is InereoKing, due objected testimonial which should parade her name in tho newspnpen, but to do especially to tlie influential character thetoeLiuioni.il in the daily prma, of ting the elder Lidy argued : "Them and growing out of these, through nmvbe other eases the recommendation of friend to and I am sure I takejust like mlw, great pleasure friend. BatisfHetion with them is in reeommending the Tabules to any very general. When once they are one afflicted ns I was. If the telling begun I notice that a permanent about my case in tho papers enables ' customer for tticm is mmie. This, 1 some other person similarly affected beliere, is through their intrinsic to be as greatly benefited os I have merit, which proves tlie Hina fi.lo been, I see no objection." Thedaugh-ter- s, chnrarter of the ailrertising. I tliiuk knowing how earnestly she felt them specially useful in tlie general alicnit the lumtiit she had received, run of stomach troubles. decided sho was quits right A Prominent PbyaleUn. -- f io I l.U ol 8UMMEB HATES Trans-Misdssip- t. oi That for solid comfort, quick time, run-nin- Miner. 60 'YEARS EXPERIENCE WIM.Mti? I'r-iiii- il. J-- l W. S. TJI NN EU Vii H. J. WIMMI'.K. (akLii-- r ' n u. The political situation in Utah county at present is up to about summer hent but it will evideutly gfj up to blood heat before l,nj. The "hot time promises to result more from the fight lietween the male and female factions than the two political parties. It seems the women politicians have evi dence that the two parties intend eliminate females from the two (.. - The latest wedding is u news-paiaffair. The Pay atm Globe The and Payson Bender will From the way some of the streets henceforth be united ns the Globe-IIeadkare being flooded it is evident that liichtield Censor. the water ditches need cleaning The two newspapers at Pay-soout. Streets flooded with wati-- i tho Globe and the Header, do not present a very nice apja-abeen married. What once have ance and show neglect on the part two is now cue. We wish the was pf tome one. two-onprosjiority. Kalina Press. 1 i Xotury Public, Halls Catarrh Cnre is taken internnily and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the Send for testimonials, system. free J. F. Cheney Jk Go., Toledo, 0. having ELECIIlIC LIGHTED Sold by Druggists 75. between the Miiwmiri lluvi Hall's Family Pills are the best. trains Hiid Chicago. lT.e Chicago, Milwaukee it St. Paul Railway lead-iall things. Electric Lighted THE TOLEDO WEEKLY BLADE. steam heated, vestibulcd ' Every intelligent family needs over a itone in addition to their local paper, steel rail traek give you n service a good national weekly.. The nieqiialleil hy hiiv other liiir greatest and most widely known llirough sleepers from Denver L general family newspaper is the Chicago. Throng!i Tourist rare Toledo to ('hiciigo eekly Blade. For thirty from San Fraiieisi-years it has been a regular visitor We are tire 8II01!T LINE be in every part of the Union and is t wet n Omaha anil Chicago. Wb; well known in almost every enu of not get the t at the same pri-- ' the 70,000 pobtcifilces in the counon pav for hiiv inferior try. It is edited with reference our line once and you will to a national circulation. It is a use no other. For time tables, Republican pap r, but people of maps etc call on or address. all politics take it, because of its L. L. Downing honesty and fairness in the dis212 South Went Temple St., cussion of all public questions. It Salt Laka City, Utah is the favoiite family paper, with something for every member of 'THIS the household. Serial stories, jioetry. wit and liunioi ; the Household department, (bust in the "bcenio.lise or the would. world.) Young Folks, Sunday fcchool Lessons, Tulm ages Ser- The Only Line Haing two Lines fo Railmons, the Farmstead, the Question way Between Grand Jnnctson and Denver Bureau, (which answers qnestious Tickets Good Vis Either Lins. for audscribers), the News of the Week in coinpleto form, and other Two Daily Fast Express Trains to Glenwnod Springs, Lendville', fqicciiil features. Specimen copies sent Cripple Creek, Puoblo, on if glndly application, and Denver and Colorado will send ns a list of addresses Springs, you ( -- - i Mia ri f T. exas Mexico and Orleans New Frank J. Cheney. la-for- e I. 'T' U DrigLam Bnyler. Sworn to Sap. eb. (xLoiiE-IlUALE- " Colorado CATARRH CURE. l" Gloue-Header- y, Ohic, City op ) KS Toi.fikj, Lucas Cousty. j Frank J. Cheney makes oath t fiat lie is the senior parter of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing nusiness in the City of Toledo, County ami State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the aum of ONE HUN Pi: hi) DOLLAR for each and every case of Catarrh tlmt cannot lie cured by tlm use of iiallk lx-c- u to r State of p. The first issue of the PavHon has perGluiik-Head- er lms mode its apof capable and is quite an improvemeasuring and tecording the pearance, two papers from thousandth part of a second. This ment on the ' wus is getting mechanism down to a which the Gloue-UeadProvo formed. will one tliat Enquirer, pretty flue point, but measure secaud U good enough The Globe and Header, for ns. pewspaperB published at Payson, have consolidated and hereafter will be published under the name manand editor Walter Webb, . We wish of The reager of the Lehi Banner, bas new the the venture greatest suctired from the newspaper business o accept a position in the Utah cess. Piute Pioneer. The two lnysnu newspapers Sugar factory. Walter will have 6 sweeter tijse of it, no doubt, have divided on the wise move of than he ever bad running a news- consolidation. The tinine of the paper, and can sing, instead of the consolidation will perpetuate the "sweet bye and bye, the sweet now unities of both the former jmpers; and now. it will lie the Globe-Heade- r. Park Record. Our columns are ojx'ii to anyone The llender and Glolre, Payson who wishes to make an announre-tnen- t journals, have consolidated aud that be, or she, as the case will appear next week in a new dress, under the name of Gl.or.E-JIeadpiay le, is a candidate for office We .'ongratiilaro the at our regular advertising rates, which will be f u rnished on applica- managers on this wise step, and tion. Now candidates, come for- wish them the success they so ward and let the people know to fully merit. Vernal Express, what office you aspire. Ifow do Aug. 35you expect to he elected if you dont The two papers at Payson, this g let the pullio know yon arp comity, are hereafter to appear for an office. consolidated, under the name, The G LOBE-- 1 EADEB. Both paDepot street seems to he a popu- pers have been good in quality lar driveway and it should lie and have been excellent models. sprinkled as far down as the 11. United, they will prove an excellQ. W. station. Ou Sunday even- ent mirror for the people of that ings it is lined with vehicles, not- city to look at Springville Indewithstanding the dust is so thick pendent that it is almost suffocating at Tho Globe niul Header at Pay-sotimes. If it was sprinkled it have pooled issues Herewould make a nicp driyeway, a after Pay sou will have but one thing which FayHOii is much iu with n name. need of, and we are confident paper, Globe-1The 1 eadeb. The stuffs enough money could lie raised in ot both pniH'rs go with the cona very short time to pay for it, ns solidation, nnd ihe new sheet quite a number have expressed a should bo brighter auil newsier willingness to donate their share than either of the old ones, which of the expense. were a credit to the town, Tintic its growth and prorqcr-tand uplitt the one that hits to advance it." Tho ought to lo a well patronized sheet- - Success to you, hiinh-- boys. Psyson is tvid ntly paying more than her share into the state nnd county treasury, from the fact that proerty is nssessed higher here than in any city in the comity outside of Provo. For instance the ground on which the bunk stands is nKHoased, jer front fiKit, just double that of the ground ou which theSpringville batik stands, and Almost four times as much as that of the Spanish Fork Co-oCounty Commissioner Iuery is authority for the statement,' having examined the tecords. 1'rop-ert- y iu this city is assessed tco high or iu other cities it iB assessed too low. It places na undue burden of tax on property owners Ire re, and the assessment Bhnuld bo adjusted, but it is too late to do anything in the way of equalization this year. Most of our aware citizens lrnve likely not of this fact before, and perphaps many of them will he surprised to know it What Others to rs for rotini will to wnt fir (I vt (tfn tarvlfm) maw $tut utd K monktvtnt, PiFKHTf ItrtrRiiiiVA'N burUr Uquor - L- Wdt - i v a i |