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Show E U()M SIOX.W. CAM'S I'ALSIi IRIllMNSi:. Wulil We believe the icstoiutioii of the money of the Constitution is now paramount issue before the country, and insist that both parties shall plainly state their respective positions upon the question, in order that the voter may IntelW e ligently express their preference. I11 of favor herefore decluie oieives the immedia te restoration of the free and unli'iited coinage of gold and sil-e- i at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1. as urh coinage existed piior to 1S7J, with f mt waiting for the aiJ or consent cui silver iny other r.ati.in. Gld and to be a full and legal tender lor all det public and private. the republican parts fm We dencu the de'iiioiirtiaatiun of siher in 1S73 an. for its repealed ol fiOsflii'y toward its reiiioiietiniioii. We cull attention to the tael that the countiy was in the throes of a financial panic when the democratic administri lion assumed control in 1S93, anil we congratulate the people upon tire approaching reign ol prosperity us a result f a democratic reform ot the tariff; anc also to the tact that factories, founurie and mills have resumed work since thi epeal of the McKinley law, and to thi constantly advancing wages of workingmen in almost every industry. We again express oui hearty opprecia-icjol he democratic Congress unu iii piovidmg mi enabling act. il of which L lali is about to vditue y its position a a sovereign Islate. We coiiuiu- - id the aciio.i ot the demo-r.vli- c mvnibris 01 live Cuiistitnlioiial iiventiuu in surrounding tiie taxing .. u icvenue raising power of the state ,1 ..ucii icsti ivtiuns u..U limitations as to pieeluuc any squandering 01 public ot private enterprises, ai.d . in expenses ul carry i. g on the .uuiic business within pioper limits ot economy, uespne file aluio-- t uiiailiniolis .il. in ot a lepublican majority. we tavoi the auupiiuu ot the pi o ,.u MernlJ. have iqiuMii'.v.t politicians for telling the people that the republican paity will rcmonctuc ilicr? A.TTOHtTfJYS Il thee tKililician, believe what they lr:irti-- c Til all the cr uris, ai, their l iilli in the inipoib!e is sublime. If they do not believe what they ;m! Itim! luisiiK'SK rtil! what right have they to rail themsy, receive akiiticn, selves lionci-t- , and what right lime they n i i ii ? 1 1 i it' i 1 1 fo assume that the people are fool? Whether these politicians are holiest or nut, the people may judge from thi SOIIHX X..CKKttTEN&EN evidence they have of the truth oi theii The quetiot is; what ishcrtiuns. evidence is there that the republican party will remonetise silvet ? Silver t when the ,cpullicart paity Vit. was in power without tire kimwiee ol the American people. When the iraud W. K. wan discovered, the presa throughout the country, without a dissenting voice, UTAH demand tlie restoration of silver. In MANTI, tiiat demand, they voiced the sentiments of the American people, but the re pub' W T. REID, lican party ret used tt rectify the wrong A1TI3 XiA XTX3 and took the side- of the Rothschild.-creditocombination, against the people. ATTOE3STEY Every lepuiilican adininitrati.,ii, siuci l .Mice i door south from tl.: an active agent of tin 1S73, lias House. Court Countv money powers in degrading silvci, ui. l"IV.I! eicluding :t, as money mctu). to tedini-I ANTI, lie standard money ol' the cuuuity I., gold alone. During the lal ten yean .lie republican parly north of the Oiiiu und east ot Kansas, Nebraska, has Iicei soli tor llje guld standard with une cv M anti anti Sa.t Luke. Practice ir cepiion in the henate, (Mr. Cam-emuwhom the republicans ot tile ca. nil courts. uie now laboring to exterminate? aim n very lew exceptions in the hon-- c, all uu. Aiit.ll one or two, have been driven ituin puuc lUrk till titling - . tor licacliciy to the paity in advocating lieu Cleveland came into pout, silver. & BIRD LOWE, in .March iSyj, and inuile'lie gold stain,-ai- d LAND ATTORNEYS llie cardinal piiuciple ol lus Acn.11. Ulah. iMraiion, tile lepubncaus ot the in. ..!i Lake City, I louses w il.li tlie eteplion already iiauie,. and a lew scattering voles 1 10111 the 1101 II. A. I.t it were first to endorse his K. Rhodes. rggiC'snt. llu-Mt. Ilcsanl,l'tah: policy of gold 111u1101uetaliv.il j.lirniiii Utah, Held the tort, in the two houses 01 Cm gics.', while Cleveland con.ertej eno.il. viemocialN by mcihi.-dhi need nut tuolitain a majority , and lepeal in law on llic statute bwoa, win., .T. ILF.ASAM AM) tlMIKAlM .nly ecogiiied silvei a u money inen.i. Practise in nil courts. ilarrisuii, Reed, .dcKinley, .llison .uu. Muitun, have been cunspicuo- s piesuicu-via- l candidates fur the J. B. STACEY, and neither of them has .aul or uun, anytliiug to excite ( tie- lei.i ul the g.. party, tjiul lie would not be a i.y. 01 the Cnue. goldite it elected iJiesi-J.iiUTAH. stales. Each of llie.i. i i.nplikiiv li..-eby Wall .Street, u..d iauoeo I.y tin. iiow iung II. gold press cl both p.iilie-MORREY, will the people iru.,i ine.., vvliu aie ... wit-- ' stupid, they are aleii Physician and Mirgeon. the people, niiii pietenees, aie tooling i': ! Tctc Ccunty PHYSICIAN. ivli ch they mud imie mil tinIn. ;au-- , toiiudatiuii in UTAH slightest V ANTI. tiler are saving lou.iy lia.i no gie.iivi element ot truth than me s. bicn.ci.tr 1. & Lipmax. Powers. M.. Yooihees, chaim.a.i ui lue com iniltee ot ul me Seii.inj,'l l.n. e xtinsesfioii, when lie iii.iA.ei.liy the Senate l.i.ti. iie neiietcu t Lake City. Otlicc in Ensile was a sii.tr iuj:i, aiu n.ai Block. Tractiar in all when the Sheriniinacl !u o.u 01 mi way legislation wnuluie In i.c Courts. a ilhtlle n)prv.ii ul Inc I'le. iae .t, le o..iee.. wa-- . v...- monetizing silver. douhtly neveive.l, nui he Uecei.c.i 11. Dunford & Ellerbcik one, because every 11.. .y el c knew imw lrv Mr. ;too i. u n.ia.d he DENTISTS to ueceive Mi. Vuomee.-- again oil entisliy in all its Brandies vtiat quesii.n. i it mis 111, ur.'t experience n 111. 1 i::ie; hut have alkcr Brother nail me same kiml 01 expci icucc in lliai nne; hut silver republicans na.e had tile Bank. . .ante kind ot evpeiience wilu the iepn l.'TAII. lican pa:iy, lor the la.t twenty ycari-whic.'ALT LAKE CITY. .vli. Voorhee had with air Cleveland on That particular occa-iu- n H. S. S TOTT, M. I), Cochran & Harris ii iLflon What icn-o- n Al'IsAtV iii ATTORNEY LAW, .A.T I'li-aun- RIG ATTOENEY IEOBATE lu-e- Cherry & Cherry, LAWYEE' 1 ), in Pirn: oiiici:, Tait ATTO RNBYS, Rhodes & - Surgeon Dentist. - ?imi, d I. Strait ajtorirys at law Uii-lic- " .tree out 1 1 h iliv-icia- :nul n HE PLATFORM. Surgeon. Atlas ISuilJinu, Old Oj.ia Hou-- e. Sail LAe City. De'v-est.- Special Women. f COL'KMi HY MAIL THE 'I my a J Capital City - Commercial College VO mt KRTI.XK OI K COI.I.KUK We wi!! givr 1 ilimirmich cuurce iiixlnir. lii.n iu ili.ulile anil single en'ry IIiX keep- Arithiaelic by mail. :;g aiul Ciiin'iiercml . 1,1 1 limited number t 5'rre of eiinrsv-1 Iii.- in f -- r.x.in. t.'.iirve will he Nu itr le'i.inv. Vddrexf ipitil ' (nr Diplomat. Corr.Diervi. T npv-ke- , Ku. O. Drnwrr li. HE MAN iTumts wiiohk tu iii t.ir grl ivnr!.l the ut her trlluw. Iir Jji I .e M U pi nr m.ier in rB'.re :, ia.e 1 fiir.eUiiii,. A d lie gene-all- y I'nJ, :i niiialion ;ii:. Hly vfci-- Ihn.ar. cut of c vplovn-nni-. ihi- - be-- t And be STn.; to pavluL' ejrlil it c Thi1 fa- -t ir. It it a ii.OiM tiiat be red t'l-i- t g .! e!'.!ito x. ii..r- - ! lie - i. i j oar huii, ir.ad-- . Iw EDWARD RKID t'l.lll i.-- 1 .'c-idt-i- as-u- . 1.000 RLWAHU. On November wc shall give away One thonsaii.l Dollars in go!J for the licst picture taken by the Ln rv)sc Ca mera. The prizes will be awarJetl as fo'lows; $zoo in goltl will be given ror the best pic re taken by thi Camera; $100 for the rcoinI best. 'or the. $50 for tlie third best, ourth best $15 for the fifth best,! to i ; I list, and for the ict ltui list 5 cstb will be fiven, lor the next eighty best $2. ii w ill lie e.iv cu and for the 30 next .'on beat pictures taken by the a Camera $1 rucl; will be 11 1 $3 1 1 1 Tiot -- VIflMTI Have on hand a full line of seasonable goods including, Choice Groceries, White Goods, Tan and Black shoes, Farm Implements. Clothing, hats, .slippers underwear HONEST GOODS AT LOW PRICES nuiktng in nil $mor. given away. We shall du this lor two reasons he first to introduce the La iz : Crosse Camera for 1S95 : the second to educate the amateur in photo-apThis contest close o Nov OO-O- P 1st, lSy3 :leanlinessNEXT This camera can be used by any under a positive writfen gii iantce to do the work me and is sold - - Alex Tennant, y. IS Nnpt TO or nimicy reftmded. Sent by cxprss with full instructions :md rules governing this con- lint the Gran! I V: llvtc xo.ip Co. are d i ig iheir .hair of p ii.viu ihi: w i ie a id ca i'll you wilt in the cles't-- g es' pot! receipt of express money righteeu kinds ol s i qi. i.v line. We ni h to mil .i.ivMi" . 1.1 ih- - l .ll.nvi'ig. el' foi 1.73. Remember a written guarantee Coiiiineu ial 'I'oilft Lauudiy Wliiie Windsor Lau cent goes with every Camera. diy j r (jlyc-ii'Dinit li le Address, La Crosse Specialty Olive Oil Hicr CaMile l'!'M,liii Ierlect Co., La Crosse. Wi. v V s.hing Crystal vari-' ut' u llfside a is, (iODLINESS 11 11 lc-- Ii- -r liee-hi- 1 . 1 vr : ie . i It le equal to ilu i DON'T STOP TOBACCO. - 1 The tobacco habit grows on man until bis ncivoiis system is s Utah e co. igi ululate me women ol to MUiiiissi.nl affected, imparing hcaltu lueir equal ,. ..i the under men wiin the .omfori and happiness. To pii ...iiic.ii ignis proposed Midiicnlv is loo ...iv ions ul the a shock me uviiiuetalic paity lor the earnest the system, as tobacco, to a inven t iesUipoit ol that mcHsuie nv its ate user Invomcs a stimulant that tlie Con. litiiliunul ..e n. i. lines ... . cravti its MMini lifinially .. ucnouiue a faLe th chaige lbrt liaro-Cur- n is a cuie lor .e ,, atic pally ot I tali has been the tobacco liabi, in all its torms ..ty j1 htuar.ig iiallol buxe or other carefully compounded aftvr the , a ...ip, and c.niuemn th repub of an eminent Berlin Physi..... pally lui it., unwarranted and cian has used it in hta private who e:. attack upon the majority ot the and n CuniniiMvion. e deplore practise since 1S72, without a fail it kIiow attempt, by principle ure, purely vegetable ami jfuarentei Aitu. .at any evidence and tor parti-a- n You can iim perfectly harmless. .1: , 10 lesmiich the character ot all the tobacco you want, wliiic u.ji.orahle cilizenh. it will e Takinj; Baco-CnrWe when to yive stop. you Oiitc, Sept. 4. -- White excavn written 'iiar.intce to permanent y g 1. r the new bicycle track Geo. & cure any case with three boxes, 01 ii iia.v aids wan without warning 10 per ce ret und the mon.-- w n iieath bv the nudden tall of a ma-- s ol Ha o C tro i.i a n stil nterest. .in iiiul rock- -, lie hnd no chance toi iei.lific cure tliai stitutu, but a 11, Ir.e - the mangled and hruUed body h, iwed when recovered. lat Wal-- h cures without the aid of will powc w'liitll him wa thiown nnd with no inconvenience, ho was l.iwn, hut 11.1t ieiiou..ly injured. leave the system as pure and fre lomi'iciiiic . t a c d ly you too your first chew or smoke. Sold h La-- t Friday night Abram Shaw Sr all druggists, with our irondam above Wallille living a Miort gtinraiUee, at 1.00 per box, thre v.i., drowned in the Sevier River ueur boxes, (thirty days treatment) $2.3 Decca-e- d hi- was a very old or sent direct upon receipt of price gentlemen and quite fertile in lii lour atl.iry : 751 ! . 1 her. 1 Salt Lake City. . . lv v.Mi.-lilni.i- 1 1 111 fot-inti- ci i LLS I F f FLOUR iritfti - la csTT:ro:v: -- ni BIRD AND LAST ftlONTH of ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC! , s'ilH 8 e iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuiimiiiiiimiiiuii'oo' r.iiiiis .'iiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiintiiiii . o, DISTRIBUTION r FiFTV THOUSAND DOLLARS ! cru-he- IU FREE GIFTS k To Subscribers of the wrr. dl.lrlbutei Is r sulin.tli,rs nI Oi'. thon.nmi ipHhl sifts vsltin! at mil' l:vi who mm In ilu- - i wlv .ilitlun of Tlie Et. laiuis r In S in July. s.. I 1.10 .pscliil r'ft" v.ljvl at tS.M7.2A were liven to tluiM who t In AmruHt. Another tut of on thnumnd special Rifts, vsluiil at IS.lll.2'1. c: .s orn-aIn il''nibcr.ki diiriiik aiMilijn. I'Rcicd to sulisri iOciw who (end In Ihelr . i .luiiiilj I'l.xraviini is to ho liven to every sulwrlli--r uiirlinr this dl.lrUjli: lull, in K"ji- the totiil VMlue of the pills vr if.:i (!. The list of kin lur Is Riven lielnw. The liret "41 and the Iasi 1M sulviit' is during kv.lrii.l-- r wtio B ..nilreorrwt answers to the question: tlM-l- - - 7 2 11. subsi-rlliri- o-- ; :: s 1 c 1 lli-i- n ,v fs Edition. Twice-aaWee- ; a- K- s Where doe fie word Fa;ierM first occur la the fllblel tho following (Ids in the order their answeia and ubserlpttcns are r.ri he'nwarded t t'i'i'iv h1 z.'. FIRST 700 GIFTS: Hi ss S Lfxinclon, Mo., Rev. W. A. WU- oon. President SO) S SS N.w trip ticket to Denver via Masical liurlinRton Route 4M E c JJ Kine fJ.O) Shotgun trip to Cutiuu Kiutes S2 Rgiiosltlnn, Atlanta. Ua.i via L. N. M., C. ft Bl. L. lly.; and ft 71.44 137.20 each K xiold Filled Hunting Case Wunh 1VM 24 (inlil Filled liuiiting Case 'Wutvli I'l.i'l 27 china Dinner Bet ;M 3 isi Bieiinihnat 13.41 trip 2M1 Bamea hm.e course Inatructioa FeIVnirsI IUne year scliiilurel.ip SO.no In shorthand: SIS each male., Coilegi-- , AuMti.'.M A. Jones, S.Oo Pre-tlli.00 U Pair Fine Opera (Hasses lxlnctnn, 13.10 3 S (r.e ea t7.M of 4 A'lns World; year o.hularelrp complete (tmphie 71W iiUeliiiHS course laelual bustness 7 each.. Ladies Mackintosh, fi.'z) Sv Sulld Cold Hlng. IS karat and r.ntic!l i'laclu-4.i- 32 Caliber Hille J. ;u V l.inkmiii. , .M rriit-i;eHi Bolid Gold H.ng, IS karat J. C.. He hmer. f.M 3 Hide. 140.00 Pi in., SI. Diu 3 Iti'niinginn 7 S.'li.ilaihl t.M 42 Uold Piece Lain in in Dioincst Five Dollar Amrrt- 100.00 N. I Butwcnptlun to "Nurth .......... t.'llvgv. i i.ughKceyr..et 13." x Meli.... can He lew; nuiree New York ColPneine-- s 140.00 Oxford Te ncliei s Hilile: IS each 7A.M 3 tt lege 4 Cuu-rIXillllest and Grngrnplil.-a- l Map if Mu.iib.ind uml Tyiie- Mates ill col.asi. 13 each. 130. W wiiiuig. J'li's' t'.iinmervial Col- - 100.00 111-- t'nlirdn.K-4.W r Table Bpismis....... lege. St. D in- S fc'et Tea Spuons, 3 ea 10. W lli'ilhem' Christian ltugers Tliunble. 3 Ci'lleye each.. 30.00 100.00 3 Jl.niphl M.iiO II s. i,. larahip K. C. (go.) Hus. Pine I'nibrella. 3 each 3 140.00 Miniature Atlas and Uamtlter 2 79 3 L'ruivrrily B. hi W01 31.24 each Id. 74. of (Jeriiiu.i.. .riiup I) 3S IS VV.illvr A. Wad Od'iiui ir guver.. 64.00 K.M R ft Corset; tl rarh... 'le- Fine Hngravlng; II each...... 1U.M .ur scliularslilii Sprlng- S 3 Tickets two days great Bt.flc;d N'.rinril Srl.ciil, Siiringtlrld, 120.40 E laiuls Ksir. 1MV Oct. 7 to 12; M.- SCO. bln.; P'jJ earh 00 3 60. W 1.4 In urenilrms: IS swch E 14 Spring !!v!l Furin Wngnn 17 to New Machine ld ll'iine Engraving; 1 eacli.... Ut.M E Sewing 3 Coon old 3 2 viaH"imd Trip '....rad' Bpilngs 143.40 B-MIiUii Purllic, yvi.S" Smoking Tobacco, It each I.W Fllvcr Dollar each, year illleiury ils-- S tvmuie Cullegd, liaptlst lrinicnt) tvt Anwer Scbotarililp of CEN'I SIX TWO - family Mippnse lie tried I SEND It X SAMPLE cross a bridge which span, the river near STAMP Ff)R ill - liuii-- e and. losing liL balance, fell in BOOKLET PROOF.1 AND l lic water is not deep at that point hut FREE. Eureka Chemical & Man lie fateJ .nan was unable from protra 1 Manufnctui To the bereaved tamil ufacturing onvi ny, tino to La Crosse Chemists. is extended, the sympathy of the entire ing sin. community. Wallsvillc is the kmii.' a li'tlc place where, a few month girl wa burned to death. Rich-tielAdvocate. at eoilrs xlu.lc. (the trail In 1572.1. Coll.erillyof Amrrlral s Hi- The democratic party ot L'tah, in emi its trust in vention assembled, lepu-in- g the iiilell gence, putrioliMiV and junticc ot the people - ktunding uponthe Con THE UNIVERSISY OF U TAH dilution an a fouiidatiuii and limitation The next academic year will he ot tlie power of the government a well as the guaranty of the liberties of the gin Sept. 19th. The following citizen congratulate the Territory now courses arc prov:dcd : noon to be a State-0- 11 the assured sue 1. Course in General Science. cess of the policy adepted by the Na 2. Course in Arts. tional organization a laid down in all 3. Course in Mining Engineering. its platforms. 4. Advanced Normal Course. Kor the democracy of the entiie lerri-torr-Eacli of t..e above leads to the bachereaffirm our faith in the permalor's degree; the Normal Diploma, nence of Federal union and our devotion of law, exempts the holder to the Constitution and the laws; and from all examinations in the school declare as cardinal doctrines Of demo system. crary : 5. Normal Course, leading to a certiFirst Absolute acquiescence in the ficate ot graduation which exempt t1 a will of the majority as a v itai principle holder from examination for a period f of the democratic paity. five years. Second Total seperation of church 6. Preparatory Course, leading to tl c and State for the salve alike of civil Hnd col I eg! a, e studies. Tuition i virtually free in nil department, a small registrareligious liberty. Third The lilierty of the individual, tion fre only being required. 'A certain unveacd by sumptuary laws. number of Normal Scholarships i alnt-te- d Fourth Support hv the State, of the to each county; applicants for public 'sclieoU. appointment to such scholarship must Filth The supremacy of the civil apply to the Territorial Commissioner over the military power. of School through the respective County Sixth Exact equality of all person superintendents. before the law. The Faculty of the University has Seventh That the democratic party been recently greatly enlarged, und the i the friend of the laboring man in every equipment of the institution extended. avocation of life, and will protect lib For circulara and other information, interest alike against the Rggresxlo:i of address, J. E. Tulmnge, President Unir..c ri'tlv as well s the cnn.inuue. versity of Utah. Salt Lake City. L7.R : bus mi-- , 11 liinh. - 1... . 1 i: MANT! 1 21 Hound Vc.ik Hreech-loadln- s 5 M-- jj-3- U-i- s -- 7 Luther Tuttle. I g M-- e 2 Set IN DEALER Hold-line- d 1 Harness 4 12-- 1 14-- Saddles Collars 2 - L-- LAST Bridles Blankets s Whip Fly nets Harness Oil -- 300 GIFTS: mme In Inf from subscriber who mid In rsmste parta of tha S Many answers will Biates. and tn order (hat the may also recetv handsome gifts w will glys to B 3 T'nltrd tlie lust 34 subscribers sending eorrert answers (envelop to bear postmark not lain than- B ki 16 ami t I'l.'iiu-- 'r office not later than October 12, 1ml, the hia" i lowing handsome and valuable (Uia: Ltdlef Mackintosh, I) Answer On Last year ......... IhJ? I Cal each scholarship Kaidlst Female 0 tt Bolld Odd Ring. Mo.. Hev. W. A. 3 lgc. Lexington. Rifle I3M.D0 President Wilson, J.4) 3 Renungtrn North Am. Review, 35 ea. 23 M (same if Nu. 4 lit 7041 laO.Od 3.04 Watch Charm I t'.urse at Memi.liln Keeley Inin 154 00 Oenulne Oxford TeachcnT BIMe. f: line 60.04 S rarh E tl a4 Bch'ilarsliip (same as No. 4 1st 740) 115. (V) as Nn. 3 1st 7001 140.00 Map U B.. 35 ea. M.01 3 Si iHilarship (asm 4.44 S Bb Bet Hovers Table Bponns (same as No. 11 1st Ton .. 140 0" Si. Il.igers' Tea Rptsma. IS each It.1) S 7M French nr German., 70.W tl One Gold ()ln .2 tilled Thimble. 33 each.... 20. uo s (same ns No. 14 1st 0.44 7 . 00.09 each ........ Fill II Inibrella. ,ii Alins and Gasetteer X 0 Ticket to Colorado Springs and St 24 I. .5 31.25 earh World. the return 33 31 earh 1.44 40 00 to lienver and Return Engraving. K. ft U. Ctarart, 1 3 11. in trip to Atlanta Kaposi- - 17 21 14.00 each Ticket fit. Louis Fair. II ea.. loO.OO B Case Watch. 35.04 Hunting M.iel 3 13 11.04 Kir:iuitvmt trip Kniiravlng. II each 1 M 41.04 X Old Conn Tobacco Course Bliorthand, 310 33 14 each I.W 10 04 Silver Dullar earn Kin . ..... loo Opel a (llusse ..34. 412. M Total., aoftoaftoftaeaeaoaoeaooosoooftoi of Allas Gaxetteer and 3 Wo. Id. 37 4d eavli 15.00 3 PPVMAr.Y-Tn- tal value of 1 "44 Ppeclsl Olfts awarded for answera rjcelve.1 5 33iri-- r tn AuguM 1st, 33.U7 14: value of Mpei'lal Oirts given during August. en- !W; ..ft.7 91. Tidal value id Siiertal c.ifis pi le given during Bepleiiilier, 5 4(3 2 : r.&v liiKS. National Cuiiul, etc . II each, 3.75.4061 GItAND AUlAl, 354,070 -RECEIVES A RIFT.- 8 EVERY MIBSGR!B:R e riwi 1 3 s at-O-nld 21-- - Soup& Dressing Always In Stock, In LUTHER TUTTLE III TllltlP Main 14-- Set s 74-- l"6-20- 4 12-- 1... 'mo - Muni I. NI. al 11C lill(ll sir HttHH 3 2S-I-S i S'?S'S'S'5i'S-S'S'ri'i'S'S?'2-S'- W 'j FREE . TO ALII! Oar Now lliastraMd of Piaau, Clagwv VlMM rag VImv Hr., will b mild .(P'ftW one ef Tibrs sending answers too Isle to secure s KmaU Pralu. S Skraha. hlt JJ Sn.anul Trar. 5 P. ilAsiWiVK AUT KNOh'I N1" mslirTnr 41 r pnblhhad. RtK?wg 42 V ft) firsts jmganva3S! V .k, y.UrZX? N ANZ A NEUNER. Louisville , Ky. x 12 tei4 IMs Bubs M y tl t flrsl Jl',0 stlal I nlfts and A I'lH OK wlih fcT lVH S 1 ' ,1 nn iiiul S nnntityrnepmri tit iw Rl.AH. Kiuh iHrun di?imic t lor rvcjl M 'iii i i,h,v. r thHrt 5S fuit iii'fiiU'r tS GVffl i.Yfl fj lH.ilsl.Ali BY (INK m WPUV WK SU 'iT III B'i'OSIlMNlKn All krt'ttr'i Ulll ly g VVpTK RKHl'nisIl1. S YrAB'M KI'lrKI iTfi I.v TO TI'K TVII clS3 r.w ,.r.i4i ui Ililii cont t will WiifCBjbjr J11. VJJ1S njoinht S Mini peiinln hamluliffi BNiiJ ihr 1 t '1 I tl lU lf 5i Lonh. n .ndVvn iMirdcr! Kiy Sl'NlTMi HTATis. ITlnli r4 s g K-- AdJreftm ihr Tlrr-n-Wpr- k IJ UrpubKIr, Hrpobllo &Yl,Ii lloildlniM. 'WllltHIIIIIIIKItilHIHWMIlHHIlUUlllHiiMItllKIIIMlilHHIlHllllliflllHIIIItUIIMIIIIIIliilllUlillflllltllilia '5 |