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Show V sentinel: THE MANT1, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, SKl'TEMlSKK 11, 1SU3. VOL. XI. not have been at work, but It Is cer- NEVADA SOUTHERN tain that over twenty-Av- e persons who were in the mine have not come to the FORTY MINERS SUFFOCATED was today held In $2000 bonds to await RAILWAY the action of the grand Jury, XO.S) UTAH MOONSHINERS. HEAD USED AS FOOTBALL. Change of Venue for Gay. AN ILLICIT DISTILLERY RAIDED Murderer Then Called Out Hia Helena, Wife's Brother and Split His Head IN SEVIER COUNTY. New Company to Purchase notorious Mont., Bept. 7. Bill Gay, the lh3 ivlen Imprisoned in a highwayman and murderer, Open with an Ax Waa Pursued who killed Deputy Sheriff Rader and the Nevada Southern. Bur mi no. others In Meagher county a few yvais Still Located in a Remote Mountain by Infuriated Citizens and Shot ago, and was lately captured In Califorliiiuseif Through the Head Bead Fastness In Operation for Yeaiz nia, ha secured a change of venue When Z'ound. Syndicate Composed of Denver, Chi- from White Sulphur Springs, and will Makers of White Eye in Jail. Nothing Can be Lone far the Men In be tried Line In Helena and ExNovember. and ho Attempt is Hade to cago English Capitalists to be Built This Year Trunk Line ILLITERATE TRAINMEN. Sullivan, Ind., Sept. C. The most tinguish the Eire Scene of the Richfield, Utah, Sept. 7. W. J. Car- horrible ; In the hisCommittee May be Revived by the munlcr a ml 30. mill Samuel D. ter, about Casualty is Near Calumet, Mich. aged of tin coumy m-- i unvd Western Roads New York Central New York Central Engineers Must Sruwn, uged 5u. both of whom have tory The Masonic Temple at Boston is Wanl k died Aa roll Learn to Read and Write. fumllies living in Jimcpn City, tidier lam night. Juiii.-fCivil Service Reform. Bui a )d. his ialiii'r-l;l-i:iiuml John New 1 oik. Sept. 7. Civil service uurny, are confined in the county J:nl iiuilli'i', hi br.iiiii'r-iii-lniam cut lluiitci', with lii.vu rules were recently adopted by the I Richfield churgi-i,i Hi,- I'lijiT HuiiLcr uml New York Central & Hudson River Mile nil cm tins iiiadu iusl oil ill.: in 3 San Bernardino, Sept. 7. A new com- Railroad cunipuny to Improve the nursday by Deputy I . H. ,. hpIU win. upi-i- ilm ii :ii oi me sun. I'iilunitt, Mich., Bept. 7. At about 111 Ihl MUIlfl mv C . Bean, lio i LHUtty ili'C L'l'd.i! uncivil ny 1 uiuiiy iiifli1 uppi.cd to hue been organized to purchase standdlng of the trainmen employed opposition pany , 11:.i 1 ilht-m: :ii-- anil at line lime li'l to tiiii I'l'inii'. on the ruad. and for several weeks past tor many years hate suspects. the the Southern at Nevada railroad ud-iilmen ; Lust while-eyethat tony Ward and " it is mure than nigni ui li has been u conunmi been inguged receiver s sale and extend the line tu an examining board husbrakeim-nor , uuu u.) have uet-l- i Uurilcd to in town und hud enuniting me miners hint siockiih-i- i Aa rmi iiuiiicr wi-iexamining conductors, suliucaied. s. I'loche, Ncv. The new organization will gineers and Arenu-- as to their in the mountains about jnseph city, uppuivnily arm oil ut a satlslai'tory '1 ne lire started ill shaft No. 8, which Innand it has been known that be known as the California & Eastern Uiiilcrsliiiiiliiig. Ward liiKUUcd, huw-cte- r. uu thv old man going to the Is usi-- u in curry the iimirrs tu the sur-inThe examination has resulted In the er were operating in that district. 1 Railroad and it company, composed n mil the mine, und when the lire Ave engineers on the Deputy Bean has been working on the Woods for the purpose of hunting coons. that discovery of and Denver, emcapiChicago English broke nut uil of the men and buys Mohawk dlvlson the road can neither case for some weeks, hut did not suc- Willie tiie ini ui uuu in progress and talists. it. V. Wooubury of Denver write nor read. of are all old men, ceed in locating u plant until this llunier was silling mi u mump, Ward ployed in the mine, about 2uu In numThey in tile a will be business manager. Receiver R. and have been connected with the road week. All day Wednesday was spent hit him on the neck with an ax. ilia rush lor the shaft ber. niuUe Loss Boston Sustained the surface. tiie Heavy of to huie by tiie Marshal in u luue search for hi nd wus split wide open. by S. Sepert is now on his way East to fur many years. They were considered getting Masons. the a ihe lire was too rupid tor tnem, how-eve- r, When Hunter fell, Ward struck the was It game, and oil tiiat uay lie met Ouand competent engineers, orconfer new members with of the and the chance of escaping by Boston, Sept. 7. Masonic Temple, oAlcers of the ter and procured from hun a half pint prustrute body again and cut off the to the great surprise Hie shatt was entirely cut off by names which lest week was resplendent with ganisation and the conference will de- company bottle of the moonshine whisky. To- head. The an sunk Into the gruund. became when facts the and smoke. The majority of the im- decorations on the occasion of the termine the date of sale. known. On account of their and ward noon the officer got wind of the The murderer then proceeded to kick this winter the road will be ex- faithful service on the road, along concesallll'e" whereabouts, and requested the head of hla victim about. He then Early 1UU prisoned miners made a break for a Knights Templar conclave, la today the to cross-cu- t, tended miles tu Ploche, passing sion has been made for their benefit. three different residents of the locality went home, awoke and in this way managed scene of desolation and wreck, wrought his wife and which from they by Are, which was discovered reach another abaft, through the Vanderbilt and Waupan A year la to be given them in which to to accompany him as guldee and wit- her to call her brother, ae he and tuld the were taken to the top. Forty were after 1 o'clock this morning, andshortly mining districts and through the rich learn to read and write. If they are nesses. AH refused, and the Marshal old man had treed a coon, and ask him which lands of the Pahruinp al- able to do that at the end of the year, then realized that he cuuld not depend to come and agricultural missing when the roll was called. the an stories. to fell gutted upper tree. Owing the help Within n short time after they had accident, a false alarm waa rung In ley, and other mining districts of that they will be retained; otherwise they on the denizena of the mountains fur The younger Hunter gut up and went aid. All of Wednesday was out Into reuchcil the surface smoke began will probably be dismissed. locality. from night the. Parker of a and House, the delay yard with only his elilrt front all the shafts, and the es- nearly twenty minutes occurred before The company's oAldals say that read- spent In the search, and ilnuily about on, when Ward, with a stroke of his ax, THE PAVING WAY. on noon necessurBeau Marshal are and cape of the men below was entirely absolutely ing Thursday writing the was ready to work at felled hint tu the ground. Young Hunas Is Brown The work. cut off. The men In charge say nuw the department have at with the prised engineers, sary they plant Masonic Temple. The Are in the died almost immediately, with his Yet Called to be able to understand train orders situated in a secluded spot almost In- ter t:.at there la not the slightest chance tor meantime had gained a considerable Important Witnesses notCase. head split wide open. Ward then told esHere- accessible except on foot, back In the his Issued the train Durrant in by the dispatchers. any of the men nuw in the mineareto not wife to headway. quiet about the Whole cape with their Uvea If they Ban Francisco, Bept. 7. The trial of tofore the engineers who could not mountains about two nulcs from the affair; that keep The Are was Aret discovered In the if she did nut, he would read or write have depended on nearest habitation, and twelve miles kill her. either burned, they must have been choked ante-rooon will Tlieodure be resumed Durrant of Revere on the the lodge the fireman or conductor to read the from Joseph City, As he approached, by the dense emoke within a short time third Aoor, and in a short time had Tuesday, Monday being a State holi- orders Ward then went about half a mile the officer heard the sound of wood down for them. after the lire started. week eaten the little proits to and day. the fourth Aoor, way past During the mad and slopped at the aa heav- from In Brown and the caine upon chupping, 111 Fortunately the mine Is not mines tile taking of testithence to the roof. Chief Web- gress wus made Dockets home. He told Mrs. Dockets in act of fuel furnace. for the COMMITTEE. LINE TRUNK providing ily timbered aa some of the ordered a second alarm, and short- mony. None of the really Important that he had killed both the Hunters. A loaded shotgun stood conveniently this locality, and it will not take it a ber afterward a third alarm was rung witnesses for the people have been Before many hours the crime was As the thing ly was and this the near, first property great while to burn out. Officials of Revived In. be on no the material May the stand and From that time the department placed by officer. Brown did known and a posse consisting of miners now stands, there is not the slightest strained the by appropriated been mude Western Roads. every nerve to keep the Are points have yet against the for the men and not try to escape, uiul in unswer to and farmers started on a hunt of thing that can be dune defendant. The witnesses who have alspreading. Chicago, Sept. 7. The freight officials questions, he stated that he did nut Wurd, urmed with various weapons. no effort is being made to extinguish from icsillied are District Chief the while merely paving Regan, directing ready of the Western roads are generally feel- own the still,'' but thut he had leased Wurd had two revolvers and this fact the ilamcs. from the tower way fur those to fulluw. While their ing highly encouraged over the outlook it from "Jeff" u'urtL-r-, and was work- wus known by his pursuers. The posse There is nothing known of liow the the efforts of hie men In was evidence is above feet the that roof, twenty showing nearly important for business this full. They are feeling ing It on shares. That he was working became enraged, und when the old dre originated. suddenly observed to Ay for his life a crime has been committed. It dues confident that they will have a great it was uppaivnt from the stream of man's body wus found the ntub became DISCOVERT OF THE FIRE. from the emoke and Aamea He scram- not lHiint in the remotest degree to the amount of business to handle, and a liquor which dripped fruni tin: worm more determined than ever, and deThe tire broke out In the twenty-sevent- h bled down and nought safety along a murderer effort will probably be made In into a forty-gallo- n cided to bang Ward If caught. Just barrel. No strong level. The Osceola Is a cop- narrow ledge four inches wide. After it becomes more end more apparent the near future to revive the Western if any kind were in sight, but buildings as the posse had located Ward and in camp from Calu- an hour and a half the Are was under that per mine, located two miles More trunk line committee, which went to were eighteen forty-gullo- n the defense will be barrels, the field In which he had met. As Capt. Richard Edwards was control. The third and fourth floors hope will be placed innegative. breaking the pieces a short time ago. The commit- eight of which were filled with mush been biding, a shot was heard. The his way to No. 2 shaft he and the roof were making wood on while chain of evidence presented by the pro- tee was allowed to because tlie and the others with chopped wheui and posse clowd in oil the spot whence the smelled burning, but some of the the second Aoor the gutted, Are had scorched secution than in any testimony he may volume of businesscollapse was so light that shorts in cruder form. Brown said firing had come and found Ward on miners working In the levels did not a number of rooms rear. The n In in own the his behalf. As yet the a number of roads would not put them- there was a keg of wliite-ey- his back on the with a revolver believe there was a Are In the mine, as loss is estimated at from $150,000 to give defendant's attorneys have not been selves In a position where they near by, and the two inen started in each hand andgruund were or hear smoke not a bullet-woun- d smell in tho cuuld any they no can 1400,000, but reliable estimate In successful In to efforts confuse their of search officer but the It, grew left ear. He was dead. On nearing No. I be obtained until after the underwrinames cracking. likely to be debarred from making an witnesses lead them Into of contradicand his Tren-bert actions and effort to secure as much of it as possi- suspicious prisoner's shaft Capt. Edwards met Capt.' have done their work. tions. The real weighty evidence tip-o- n ble. concluded to proceed with him at once and a party of men who were ters All of of Scottish the the ALASKA BOUNDARY SURVEY. to arAt rite, which was Jail. Is the to Carter regalia City on prosecution depends A to Joseph circular the revival of looking reaching one of the most looking for the Are, and expensive outAts In the be furnished by three school-gir- ls who the committee has been in circulation rested, and found to lie heavily armed, the shaft they found a large quantity Masonic order, was destroyed, and the saw Durrant on a street-ca- r with Miss the Western roads for some though no resistance was made. At Admissions that England is Enof lagging on Are. Gothic ball, Egyptian ball and red Lament on the day she disappeared; among time. It has received so many signa- midnight, after securing his prisoners Capt. Trenbert and a party of men rooms, with their croaching on American Land. , valuable tapestries Martin Quinlan, an attorney, who saw tures that there la a strong probabili- in the Richfield Jail, Bean returned to were left to Aght the Are below, while and Seattle, Wash., Bept. 6.--0. W. kim-me- r, were ruined. A num- the defendant found the distillery the mountain and furnishings, Emmanto wlll-b- e toward to the surface a went walking that formal called Edwards ty meeting Capt. has Just relumed front Alaswere saved. had been destroyed. No trace of the ka onwho 4 o'clock with a to coTiMder the best means of uel at church about he returned he ber of valuable paintings the get a hose, but whenhad getting worm cuuld be found, but the boiler 'Topeka," took pains while There are twenty-si- x lodges and who answers Blanche Lament's de- the committee on its feet once more. made an ft found that the smoke waa discovered broken In pieces and there to gain all possible information which meet in the temple, girl Mrs. Leak, who, from her Instead of a down, and In consescription; about the and the disputed bou'iJ-irconcealed In the brush near by. Tills all of them will sustain some losa house opposite the church, observed quence he had to come back to the sur- and California Rate Reductions. progress of the survey. He was tartwaa obtained a The Boston to blanket and has this commandery brought city Mies Durrant Lamont as and ae walk into fast possible. face let larly favored by having met on Insurance of 125,000 on its regalias and the church through a side door; and San Francisco, Sept 7. At this after- the same day. A quantity of white-ey- e tK'nrd the steamer upon Hie return trip THIRTY MEN ENTOMBED. la also In possession of the Maruniforms, and it la thought that the organist King, who, about 5 o'clock on noon's session of the California Railtwo road young English bou ul.iry rurvtj or Dr. Stanton, who op- shal. it la a pure white liquid and Word was Immediately sent to the others are covered in a like manner. same was surprised to posedcommission. the afternoon, were alio the resolution La very palatable to the cultivated taste returning from a two Several accident! occurred during see Durrant men In the mine for all to come to the into the library of Rue for a reduction ofof Chairman say In the field, during which years' their grain ratea, in- of Its regular consumers. Tomorrow ccdiinmnlcHtion aucceeded In do- the Are. District Chief Regan was car- the church, stagger surface, which many clothed panting, with the iutsldu wi ild partially troduced for an Immediate morning the two prisoners will be taken van falling roof thirty feet, sus- and disheveled. It Is these witnesses reduction ainresolution ing, but there still remains in the It Is ried by thebroken 8 very of rates wheat Infrequent. per cent, to Provo, where they will have a hearand leg and Injuries to hia taining a thirty suits of clothes, unable will furnish the chief links In the and a reduction on other commodities, Mr. Kimmer withholds the names of to head, and severe Internal injuries. Lieu- who ing before Commissioner Dudley. When these supposed that number were of evidence convicwhich chain a 26 Inupon a of because they cent. total This gentlemen, 2700 making seen In Jail yesterday, Brown denied tenant Madden's skull was fractured, tion will be asked, and It will be their cludes the reductions per time and are entombed get out In the views favorable to the Amerimade by the com- any connection the with of operation surface, with no possible he being struck by a broken pipe from testimony which feet below coun- pany since 1894, the year the present the a till, the he was merely chop- can aide of the controversy, and might, avenue of escape. Fortunately there hie engine. Fireman James Downey sel will attack with defendant's commissioners came into office. The ping polessaying therefore, suffer by It. He gives the vigor. for his own house when ar- effect Is very little timber in this part of the of ladder No. I waa struck on the head In defense of hie interview with them: succeeds If the breaking resolution will be considered at the rested. Carter is reticent, and has mine, so the Are must soon burn out, with a piece of elate. Thura-daone I asked one of them if it was not a down y, of of session commission the the next witnesses, to they whatever been not hia say nothing have miners regarding already but if the they will have a fair chance for connection with the affair. There are fact that the purpose of tuklng photoNINE FATALLY HURT. smothered to death, they will surely be known to be other such Illicit plants graphic views was to establish a supacquittal. The prosecution, they say, If the Are has to be left to burn out REGISTRATION HGU.-.Eb- . will have to provide every one of the range, and he replied being operated In the same district, and posedIt mountain before they can be reached. Ever since Disastrous Train Wreck Reported links was. in Its chain of circumstantial eviU. 8. Marshal Bean thinks he that Deputy 12:30 o'clock smoke has been pouring " Near Parsons, Kansas. 'Is there no defined range thirty dence. Over Eight Thousand Women En- has two others definitely located. out of the mine in huge volumes from marine leagues from the shore T I Parsons, Kan., Sept 7. The smoking-carolled in This City. No. 3 shaft. asked. BIG EXPRESS ROBBERY. and coach attached to the westThe scene at Oppeche shaft, where Salt Lake City, Utah, September 8. 'There Is none; one could as well BALFOUR'S BiMEiAUSM. of the men came up, waa deeply bound passenger train on the Parsons many be established anywhere,' he answered. heart-rendinthousands having gath- division of the Memphis road Jumped Agents at Terre Haute Carry Oft County Registrar Wilson yesterday 'Of your knowledge, do you not finished the checklng-u- p ered around the mouth of this shaft, the track while crossing Indian creek, of the regis- Thinks a Conference Would do Mora think England $40,000. le really encroaching children women and standing Good. Than Harm this over were bookz eaat of tration There Far-demiles 7. this many city, Terre Haute, Ind., Bept. J. D. twenty eight upon American territory?' was my next women around looking for their huebanoe and evening, ditching the two cars and Inthousand more enrolled and the cashier of the Adams Express London, Sept. 7. Bight Hon. A. J. question. fathers. Beside the men mentioned than a thousand new Edmunds-TuckSaid he: I am a loyal subject of juring about Afteen people. Several company, and J. it. Barnett, city ticket oaths enFirst Lord of the Treasury, Balfour, above, many more are known to be taken. with Particuare hurt. Comparative figures seriously the Queen, but 1 must admit that a agent of the Vandalla line, have disap- last of under date writes, tombed, but In the excitement It H im- lars reported were 4th, unobtainable. September In obtaindeyear not are wreck of of the also a $16,000 yet package very grasping spirit Is being shown, peared; of precincts the total enroll- as follows: possible to obtain their names. They and that evidence of a boundary la beposited yesterday by Revenue Collector number are mostly Austrian trammers. Search- 1 able. ment so was ahead of at far twenty-tthe that With declarawere to to reference recent the Cincinnati there for Another the says report shipment Jump Nos. ing manufactured.' In down sent were ing parties closing of the books on October 8, tions in the House of Commons, I do not Farden gave a receipt Anal men hree people on the train, and that and 2 shafts to try to reach the 1894, that the Registrar considered the know why persons interested should be was He a $16,000. were the for Not of them nine hurt. pension fatally from the drifts leading to No. 3 shaft over my supposed change of atDR. FRAKErt'S CAREER. In perplexed figures unsafe to calculate upon. and stationed four years in In- one level, but one escaped uninjured. It is further titude on the question of international above the twenty-sevent- h for the instance, precinct, adminisregistraunder Harrison's In worst la of the dianapolis It the mouths stated wreck that no such change has ocfor were unsuccessful. The 425 was tion above the total of last curred. tration. He la 38 years old and has a Swindler Has Been Involved in all up the history of the road. shafts have now been all battened year, despite the fact that there were I am and always have been in favor of wife and three children. now to stop all drafts, and all hope la men Sorts of Scrapes. 181 new oaths. A true estimate an international agreement, but I have The police at midnight authorised the only of ever rescuing the given up of the total registration cannot be given nut the right to pledge Los Angeles, (.a I., Sept. 7. Dr. W. U. my colleagues, and CAPTURED. statement that the amount would alive. This has been the greatest loss COUNTERFEITERS 1 do not believe an liiieriiational iig ic a well known physician of thig reach I40.0U0 and that the two until after the books are Anally nii'iit of life that has ever occurred in the would result I rum any liitcrnuliunal McLeod, men had literally cleaned the olllce of closed. city, knows Some chapter of swindler conference. copper country. In view misof some the Satidl-son fact that a to went day receipts. Alex Cliarles Weare, a drill boy, It Is only as regards the statement that Fraker's life Unit have not yet apHAD COPPER PLATES FOR $100 the entire that both Farden and Bar- understanding has got abroad In re- I hud no grounds Hu said today: fur thinking a confer- peared In print. says the bottom of the burning shaft, and to the BILLS. on for ence gard would result in an internutioniil qualifications his saloon of called nett their at several times uanger. They Fraker always wns a shrewd, mean voting told the miners the Constitution some und so and the State the at wan and bad. each him fur It I agreement fellow. officers, moment, knew when he wus a not last present think other, and Mr. Wilson did night, looking desires it stated that there that uil aliorttve conference) would du young man. He began to practice withthat they both appeared to be In of them caine up the ladders to the more difference harm Is than good, that any only one restriction. Every voter is out a diploma in Triplett, Mo. This seventeenth level, where they thought Dr. Bradford and Accomplice! Ar- state of intense nervousness and exopinion may postiibly be found among whs hut he was never would have time to eat lunch. citement. The affair has caused an In- required to have lived one year in the of In my Judgment, however, bimetuliHlH. they Material and rested Counterfeiting there three minutes 1 tense sensation and the Adains express Territory. The usual precinct and coun- there I but little pruKpeet of a conference arrested for it. Before long he turned liey wore only became Seized Chief Hazen. dense. Michael by olllce has been surrounded all night by ty qualification Is omitted. That Is the succeeding unless the governinciil when the smoke will' ll in to be u druggist. His store was some matches to a large crowd. It Is said Barnett went provision of both the enabling act and are to lie represented at It conn.) lo some really mi unlicensed liquor shni. He Harrington took out which of 24 had on article m main issue wus arrested fur this offense, and his gone ihe of the new Constitution, understanding point to Chicago. relight the candles, conbefore the conference assembles. No such business was broken up. He married The oath required Is as follows; New York, Sept. 7. Chief W. P. liosen out. but the oxygen had been understanding, iitil'ormnately, at present uml moved to Excelsior Springs, a wasumed and the cundles would not burn. of the Cnltcd States secret service, toARRESTED IN AFRICA. duly sworn, on oath exists, ..being until it does exist a eonferoiee I (In-pinm their way In the dark, they gether with his detectives, succeeded a male citizen of probablyanilwould place seventy miles away. Hi do more hurm than good. tering the United States, and on the ith day of feet more, when wife wus a good, respectable girl. Two went up about 200 one In Bradford Orlando E. Who Stole Charles recapturing 21 of the miners, White, $150,000 November, lMft, will be over hut years of years later she was home on a visit, they Inst hope,his uge; that I am now a resident of the from Mrs. Nagle. hands and knees, of the Urockway gang, who escniied lrom when her clothes and nil her little becrftwlisfi onbell-wiof Dick Yeager. Death of his aron offleo and to resided while have Territory under there Utah, llli ll and August signaled reached the rnglngs unexpectedly mude their 7. A special to the 7. Denver, Sept. South Enfil, Okla., Sept. Zip Wycontinuously since the 6lh day of Novcin rest,. charged with counterfeiting, incinnd with them a message lower the skip. By the sound theyIt dental JSd." her, from the A Dick outNews noted att. alias Yeager, Cheyenne, Wyo., says: to the capture, three other Imiiur from Fraker that she need never come signaled for , knew it was near and was Had received bank rollin')-women valuE. and died been allowed to vote, law, train at bark. He declared thill she wns too Into It and tant arrests were mude and some cablegram today by to stop. Then they climbed evidence seized. W. Mann from Johannesburg, South they would have fallen under the ope- noon today In the Enid Jail, lie was jealous, and thut he was done with They able engineer to hoist. rang for the surface A noon waa Bradford arrested at ration hours 4 before Charles that of by White unconscious death many suffocated article Africa, of almost the Constitution, her. His wife loved him. She wanted reached the G. Ksqulrell, assisted by Agents G. U. was in announcing custody at that place. White describing the of voters and niAde no confession, except that a reconciliation. At lust she gave up A DISTRESSING SCENE. Bagg, 8. liagg, Byrnes and Flynn, at lul Is the man who became famous as the not determined qualifications man now a a life In 24. Shoemaker, In view article und for a divorce, and some the East Une Hundred and Fifth street, husband of Mrs. Nagle of this city, by of the fact that there Is some talk of sentence for murdering serving Townsend in time applied The scene around the mouth of Men her wound husmarried after where he hod hired a furnished room, distressing. shaft was Intensely in a search of the room Esquired found stealing about 3150,000 In money, bonds appealing from the decision of the Su- Kingfisher county, Is innocent. Town- band. on the ground gasp- (UN) in good money nnd new counterfeit ami valuables, lie was arrested In New preme court of the were lying about to the send's widow and two children saw Fraker used to get Into all sorts of Hundred or men, wo- ulates concealed lietween the low.T draw- York a couple of years ago and re- Supreme court of the Territory United States on Wyatt before his death and identified little scrape. He would do some mean ing for breath. er The the and of the bureau. crowded bottom around the leased under bonds, pending action on the suffrage question. It may be of in- him as one of the murderers. men and children thing and sink low in every one's estiplates were of copper nml were mude se-to a requisition from the Governor of this terest to note that the following sepamation, but always managed to get mouth of the pit. scanningIn each face H tales notes, Imitate tliW the United his bonds He of rate search and State. oath Is required of the women Jumped liack Into the town's good graces again. disap1KN0, with the Lincoln vignette. Both that came to the surface ries Bonanza A For which time since brothers. sons swear Pupils. He did get a medical diploma at lust. (or nothing has that at?nthe oath, affirm) front and back plates were found, the peared, husbands, fathers, was and next him until election from lie will I heard out been the of the of New The I think he never married again, so Stale Commercial College receipt aim of twenty-on- e When the last man or helped from a back plates being complete, while the of the (21) and Is not It years His today. use was front plate with very comfortably. dispatch all ready for 651 East he could 11 v 61 J. agony thought Frank to Ryan, principal, the cage, long walls and will have lieen a citizen of the exception of having the index number the officials of the county will go to the the father and mother died when he was Lake South ?ud Salt States St., little woman who stood close by con- engraved. City, for (tfn) (opeued ninety day, rxiense of sending an officer to the and have resided in the buy, and he was brought up loving of since January 1st.) Is an Instiinlton a little veyed the Intelligence thattoaoine Chief Hazen says the plates arc re- Dark Continent fur him. t tub one (1) year, in the Territory by an uncle, but was thrown on his had of Bull county In to destlnod all counterfeits West. others the and helpmeet who had gone the work the good, surpass own resources early in life, and drifted Lake four (4) months, and In blank prescene be- markably would have been very good. Also congone to his death. Then 8A00 par month entitles a pupil tolhor-oughl- y by slow degrees from little things to FRANK MARTIN CONVICTED. cinct sixty (HO) days. in a basket in a room wen found came absolutely terrible. Cries and cealed first-clas-s Instruction In any or worse ones. Women rushed a quantity of paper, Inks, rollers and othshrieks Ailed the air. and Killed Who Han all Wade at ef er the used A fur Henry (GraTour following: Shorthand, of things counterfeiting. have the would Yellowstone Park. to thn mouth of the pit The others arrested were John Nixon, Residents of Utah should purchase ham r Pitman systems,) Typewriting, cast themselves headlong below but formerly a keeper at Bing Bing, where he Evanston. Evanston. 7. Frank Mar- railroad Indictments. Wyo., Sept. them. knew Bradford when the iHtter was tickets tu Helena or Uutte, Bookkeeping, Penmseship, Higher Two Thousand Old for strong arms which restrained smoke New York, Sept 7. Nearly 2000 fortin, who shot and killed Ilenry Wade Mont., thence via the Northern Pacific Mathematics, Academia Conrse. StaOne man plunged through the serving a sentence for malpractice; also about one year ago last October In railroad to Livingston, the natural Indictments, for every crime on John L. Courtney, who had served time (books etc.) required for gotten tionery and entered the cage. He had a son the calendar from petty larceny to Evanston, was found guilty of man- gateway to nature's wonderland. and Cnrl Bentley, a dentist. forgery, Shortand below. He Implored the engineer to fur Penmanship Bookkeeping, 11 av q A complete tour of the park, covering men said Bradford would not slaughter tonight, the Jury being out uauq o.wq vpjUioq have lieChief lower the cage. To do so would hand, furnished at a cost not te exceed cldent, piMi.oaii tried on the warrant on which he was but a few hours. In an old box In a loft In the rail and stage transportation and hote 10c meant one more death, and he waa ta- arrested. That warrant was for alleged month. to 81.00 Is Crocker which The DlMtrlet Attorney's olllee. one-ha- lf ense, set for expenses for five day ken out and led away. There was no connection with the Brock way gang in Monday, Is creating widespread Inter- south of Livingston, and Latin, Gorman, Greek, French, Spancosts 849.50. They were all found from 1863 to 1SX3, only heart-broke- n women and N. Hudson county, J., but the llmling of est from far nnd near. use for the Tickets and the administration of 83.00 be Archltartura tour can this ish, during Drawing per covering new in will the his of mouth plates possession children to remain at the offices of the North at the Olney, McKeon, Rolpurchased and materials Attorney books not Included. oath, to new eliargcs being drawn here. Said the pit any longer. Missionary Under Bonds. era laciflc railroad In Butte, Helen) lins, Phelps anil Garvin. Mary are out"1 have to admire the nerve Chief: Ihe Penmanand Shorthand, beBookkeeping are men nnd boys Thirty-tw- o and some of the defendants are Poughkeepsie, N. Y Sept. 7. Miss or Livingston, Mont. For publications of the man. who never went out of town, ship thoroughly taught by mall for $35, lawed, lieved to be still under ground. It Is and embarked on a new deal, knowing Hnswell, the city missionary, charged and detailed information, address A. dead, but z force of twenty clerks has Is eenrse when payabla eompleted. been put to work to discover If any are Impossible to give the number exactly, the detectives must be straining every with assisting train robber Oliver Ferry Edgar, general agent, Helena, or W. to escape from the Mattewan asylum, Toohjr, general agent at Butte. Correspondence 101101101. ae some supposed to be missing may nerve to catch him. yet valid. t' e h ce surface. It was Judged Impossible to quench the Are by ordinary mentis, and at 1 o'clock work wus begun on the demolition of the shaft house. The building was practically lorn down In a few hours and heavy timbers placed across the mouth, over which dirt was thrown nnd closely packed. This work was difficult because the great volume of smoke pouring out of the mouth of the shaft constantly Increased ae the flumes licked their way upward from the point where the Are began. As natural ventilation wus stopped, the smoke and hot air forced its way along the connecting drifts to the thrte other shaft in the main mine, and soon began to emerge from tiio other openings in great clouds. Owing to Ihe sealing of the mouth of No. 3 shaft access to the mine through the other shafts was cut off, the entire workings above the twenty-sevent- h level being Ailed with the deadly mixture. MASONIC TEMPLE BURNED. -- nuii-ldt- c v, v. g. - i r n quall-Acatlon- s m sun-minde- live-gallo- e'' lib-dra- dry-hou- se con-eide- r g, n, er sub-treasu- r pio-bab- ly g. to-d- re up-wa- . pr |