OCR Text |
Show - livi.in.ii. The Printed aud Published This worlfl brtiig to na tunny Ol tiling it I ltl - I iwu uliMiil iipifr, u:i irdii Mum Hid ytlll.'il . ' I4d i I..IVM l tt I J it It ill (',41illh k'kilifsft. I Im ; .11 II. hlMlNtX ;iWtlftl ll f;tUi OI lill-- Ihi.Ivi-- I.! i' S'.i JJ'. t : i ;ib 1'i uji I f'ivv fi imli r Xf'tirp ip t .. t.' n 1. ii. .mi li.ra r.i.:o ' l..iv I Ida ti JieM i nn i td- wl.lth lif c iv r.iJin., 'it Uiif four ."Mil lilt! I nil till MHtlll I lutv. Pii'l Joilil, IliC HOu Iflf. UiiIW tsdat'K n, iu fur. fa.n:tiv M i aim: h'1 li ilit- Iwii hip lln1 Hiih (m1 o ill W H It ll-- nl in tl.o vi J.rai.rif I C : I. k. i 1, ITtho nifUo lisiiufl Diiiiu ir ivt u:d pifiiiu iiufl i'iw i ot uiiv.irtmiiits I iiirr ii evnill Mtf.P kill Iih -- tiUl ill Him Pfaio mi ln i.Vi U list I iif lifffkiil.-- ' lit Ui curr.il, frmr.il w Srniri'ii I nuuiy i'lxl:, i ll lei Ian I i i i s iHtfl at ftiivh ililddlli a D. IMU flit ph'n f Nuv. A, t'ny I I tlie kiVpu ill. MiTU'B l l.viiO hi.icii al ;i't l.:iU fi fy, 1. 2iUu Xiitlt'e "Ivrn Ih.&l fh. tn'l win n.iim J fit'illcr li:t hh l riolit.f of hip iiilviitu.u lo IllUaPi'Mill sml in fallplmllol I lM 1lrilltt. ami lliaihaif! Ifuoi will Im lf fnrp tin ( opniy hrk ol Emory rounty. l.lan, hi i i.. oa uiiiniay, Ivifinlifr '.inli. r.T., 1). S, No. fur tin riinMUM A H v x b W 4 X W Sf. . vl fa Ti .I. aiiply WE LEAD THE TKADE ANJ) Withers Slain A' Clark, - - Stmt, PROVO G. A. Gardner, SUPPLIES FOR SCHOOLS d- OFFICES, LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail. - WlIlliMAKKlS, Shu, MaaW. Clocks W tches, FBS.HaiaSi MAYFIELD mhhv da XlkMraicd, J$d ip OfJ SALE batter than aver. J Are carrying Jua PRINCIPAL POINTS ; AT Solomon Bros.. 2.00 and 6.00 6.36 236 7.45 4.; 7.00 iaoo a i Si S ill Li,kf C;iy fa sartijTk,. - Give nsa ca.l an-- l No elii.ilily. 1m( p.iliil (roml.-i- . Ciru. Kv'l a Cana. ApL rclinMc. No Belli r cu'il ;l; C. F. RESSEGUIE, Oueno'a Catarrh Snuff. illll. Munatfcr. ni:irk',l. Siijijuirt Bi:ic niniiuf.ii . IVliwi suffeatiig with C1nr!, fo'd I turf, il li.oniis Wi'.illh. the Head, Nervous llssdaehe, etc , uo ami roj!ii,.--e.11111 will insii;c i Barns'll bnnff. It will relieve you nt iniuionci. tu n ii'iiii unity. (Hi ones. Price SSe. at Druggist. goods 0i.il Is Bad at T in mil ii Iliinsnn's Blioc Factory i!i:i Tha Beat Advertising. (Jit.v, The meet fffletent adreitblng in of Hood's Sarsaparilla Is U.st which comes from the medicine Itself. That is, those who are cured by if, speak to friends suffering elmilary, who iu turn N.i. Mmi derive benefit aud urge ntliera tc try this aueeseeful medicine. Thus the circle of Its popularity la rapidly widening First Class AcconimoilatiDus- from tula cause aloue, aud more ami more are becoming eutlimdaeiie lu behalf of Hood's Ban-spIlls as it artuaSly deinenstrate its absolute merit. All that la asked fur Hoods Sarsaparilla Is that rarAii :liom visitin' t ho TeiiipU-sBotiSTANDARD GAl'GE. It be given a fair triiX If you uml inquiro for (liie ilousc. rood blood purifier, or building up medKre Tims Table, In Kffrct Nov. 15th, 189a icine, try Hood's Sarsaparilla. convcyaiuo to tlio General Ruotli, of tha Salvation ' Anny fame, has raised 1300KX) in 'jcash and obtained a grant of a - million acres of land. He p opuses eslablish a colony, ty which will a be transported all tlie dangerous 'fi4 classes who will be put in the way S' - jof earning an honsat living, llis schema may work, but it is rutlier j 'J Utopian, and welear will only re-- 1 isnlt in disappointment. $ j pri-;.i-- rlly , Rio Grande If Scarcely ten months baa passed ;sinee a change of government was r .inaugurated in Salt Lake City and T" already tbs pressure has been such .lot one of the officers is compelled ""' to resign. The reason given, is tlwt there has been a great deal of enre- ' tlessness in the records and a short aI. jge of $2000. The recorder has ' made good tlie loss if loss it i . ! ;and handed In his resignation. It iis but . juet to add that there is no ; Widence of iieud in the case. Tlie : I'M Citv Connell have decided to 1 investigate all tlie offices under i; theireontrol. . . rnnh .Western, ti.ll, .Rahway, Tcmpln every Pilool Pllosl Piss. II Aieo Williams' Indian Pile (Hutment will rare Blind, Bleeding, and Itching Piles when all other Ulutmeu's tnvc failed. U absorbs the tuiuorc, u I lavs the licking at once, acta as a pouitici Ivew Instant relief. Dr. WHiUii,H' lu luu Pile Oiutmeutt prepared only for nice and Itehiug of the private psii-an- d nothing else. Krery box it warranted. Bold by druggists, or sent by mall on receipt of price, SOe. end (UB per box. Williams lir'r. Co-- , Prop's Cleveland, Ohio. Hay, Grain ilny- - EAST ROUND TRAINS, ami SiaBIinp, lara I V. ll'PK J I'n-pri- i uimSivr, I'icktts, M.ild All kinds of I'lisimn slioii notice. us, W ulc. lk ilifl'.r i Epoeh. Ik-Il- l.lllNt-ll,',- Cm - . . .. to . C3 I.r aviS.lt ldkS-.Sa- . luike A Au p, m, AMhuirax roaa, rn.rvu, . s.uf'iVke;i.y:k'mV'!,,B, allraSmnff rStaT4 I. !. IMiln.K. J. lirrvjal Munairer. . I V ' JtT WnlAfilM tllllliwtl OWmroua ms ySnvY'l y AA. , A - Salt I TniarLal rLHKT. .hi-nr- utli-rs- i', J. Niklmn, - ""'"S II Kill I IIPWRI T Ut?I:?iy,Vtrt!t' KUIL I'llltlSTOKKERSON I I &.OO.J lM--- Jmv MASOH Lumber, Lnlh, Shingles, Pickets, H AMT, TO & Orders for any ORGANS from $75. up. B cal & LdiuciTiakeis ORGANS From $115. Iloncsl prices and eney trrii.n of pnvuient. .... 45 W. 1st. S. St. S. L. City. Lailicg and Gents ,,Pn.i HnJri-'- STl inia d ntl. onler, Kspatr-- 1 " "Iwrl noticsi sjuih of Ananim p ; ' S''- n mount furnished. Cnll on and leave otiM 5 4mi up. Boots Shoes and i. n. 111 ksmithlss, First-classBl- ac Horse Shoeing a Special Ruggics, Plows, and all Tilasses of Blscksmilbiri Kyf, on Short Notice and in First-cl- an Style at S.R. Keilioni wpt.yj Wa-rons- , Slippers, CUSTOM MADE AND IMPORTED. Manti City, Utah. BOARD-OTRAII1 f F Saloon and Billiard Hall, Li A Oar In Elegance and Style, combined with Strength, Dura bility and at Prices that are Guaranteed. Y Winss and Are Pure and OM end Distillation. Pamit Tbadb ADKINS Li u.1. offi- - Sol j- - d I f Somcb & LINDSAY, Hv Main Street Meull. A, MAIN ST. MANTI. Wlure you will get tlie brat fit, the Wl style, and tlio cheapest work in Utah, and the brat and cl.onj.ra.1 nrdr i.l?. on Hie J OSEPH MARRIOTT L CO UTAH. r.A(..rScS'i8UM"1 X0 adulteration. .. SUMMERHAYS LahLO Oltv, IValrre In Hides, Wool, Sheep Pelts, Et-to w Full Market Price Paid. Pend or write you .vJ your stock. VaVrovutefc Manufacturer of Pure Fruit Extracts. U. Morris. , Salt Tailors Trimming of the lest quality nlways on hand. Bui Is made In shortest nnliee. . . W. SmnmctUuj-u- J. W. Establishment, MURRAY, ft. .J 1 1? S,IVM v..r Tr A. IToggan on Tost 0 Frier, Misnfe KIMBALL Tailoring aniuH.n. ni. Rrt nrn-arr- ive Cl In fact anything in this lino on shortest possible a,n irLTaaia-su.- T vain and imidx, salt I. Ilk. esn and tits a m. 4:Ue.m rnU jtka II: IS a. ui..aud l:S u u .. - te. . u, li.ra Arr.ie . 1 1 I Sp, IjSS r STOCL waunmlb!!. Prices. jf, l.r,-v- n Hirer.. S:W p.m, iirmp, S:eoa. llreni Hirrr.. . .w p, m. I a. m I Craml Jiuu-iin.Mii ml .. i.ra.v i,. a llr.'Sp.ni. 10.10 a. Ai I,iii'blu l A 11 1; S,p.m. im, A lt t: Arnvu "U p. m. 7.1 i. ArCul -- nriliL'H I'ol jliU .iiki.ni. LMa.nl Airivi: Iiriiver Col i iu n S.M a la WkT IMI XIITUAINM. R". I Na. a Iai-M- e raciltv. Mall. Etpnree I ivl Mid .ai a n AlA n m l.i rulspiiiigurnl Mill 11 ) 10. IS p m I ni p I A II Ii kill-S IM N IU 7.US nI I'ih-IiIIi A K Ii 12 Ul III IMS poll Arnve I, MBit J ii nr I inn tun ji in I l.eivi- - liruml Jrn- - tiun 4: Id n m I S:p. Airm t,m-- Kivif.. So a. m Sttai luTHVU :Vi a. m tirwn Itirer.. :M pm I 't Arrivi rnivn p.ai. It In.v.i :! p. III. Amire Salt tak.... v in. l jw a.m l.i' salt' lAik.... p. in. S;nsa.n i pm. EXAMi; E MY LARGE by Mail Promptly Fillud, Correaponddnafcfe;' f.1.-- Ha ui.ie.ivn in. II m ll:7ip.lu 11.9U p. ml ius - JAMES W. HOGGII AUaniia Kinrow. :ljn. m I.re Arrive ,r UaflmatMN! S:H a. m. SHU a. m. :' indl-vldua- l. Bargains suxi ix:l n lock, . im i.kn.i..' SOt lake Ainvr Planing Mill, Walk Oit'lvn l.,r Arrive Iava Mount. Pleasant No.1 Atlantic in : ar , .iiu'iulcil in, The transition from long, lingering Orders liyail iVoii.i-.il i and painful elrkneos to robust lieahh marks an epoch In tin life of the Miiin :l., Ml. l'les nii.t 8uch a remarkable event is treasured lu the where ! talned . is that so much is heard lu praise of For in tingiavi Runiiit'S. hleetrie Bittera. Bo many feelthevows their restoration to health, to the use of Robbers. the Great Alterative and Tonic. If you ;i i ; are troubled with any disease of Kid' ' Appl le Kill. i.Iuiii X Bauis. Dif. 7. Tbs robbery tlwt neys, Liver or Btomarn, of long or short 1 ou tbs Lyons Ball lu Kisuce oa standing you will Barley find ndlef , ursiUy night has asny eemwUocui M of hleetrie Bittern, Bold at fiOc.and 1 if katarrs. Too perpeti per bottle at L IL BruneU's Mautl.'r.nd f: Semifisd swl bis set: II. P. Larsen's, Kpbraim. Js serve to lets ray of light upon tbs OhberlN that havs beeo mysteriously sppeaiog and have ealled fwth a tons Advloo to Mothara. of iogrntons derieas on the part of ;.M l5!"ltl BiMNKN MiLldt, ecsone who who engaged la them Mrs. Winslows Bootliitig Byru;i rXanwfiovry of a vromaaln one of the ben nacd by milliuua of motlier. I'KsKIlKI' Rimi.KN Xlll.l S.rt.li.Hi,:. for Uoute Carlo le fresh la the children ,2os Boor In-- ir i u!il t.iiid tsrihlug, for over fifty yi.,kM lUve iihirt! vile miixl. for it Is believed that atn uith periect In t!;e Cots'.iliiiien litiiliiiug. kucpc. Ii relists, tm. Jis hypnotised. As Ibis late erlnis was ptodusss naiurol, Taemupanled by a kotfe thnuit, U ln- lAiTlMIS.ir. th'Wbl fro... b.06 SiAIg IT-- , that tlw crlotinsU are prepared pain, and ths little elicrub awakes a OM K U A ' itsj'Mtber edeaee or torn to help I iOODft, out. lets now thonght that tha J ris, soolhss ths child, Bofteos the H tost Vtit s..V tun J KetoiL Instances sean la bothtbo la who had boon Asrd at Vfcv.nto gambler Carlo auds.t'1' I 1 TEPilPLu HOTEL, llr. j P. 1,-- lf V CALI- - AND At Honest l Tnlm Irave Ssll Ijike iH T IO ni. and : thill., m-i- In. .1 Iiuvii at V :3D jk. tu. anil i.li p. m Tr.lns Irave Sail Lakn fur iiplrn at 7:0 a, au m..S Iniuai, aaill:JSaailH-OUiimivc !ltc f.ict. ft. W. i:i!(.LKK, Kj-B- of and Dealer 5- ORGAN OR PIANO A. IL M-- f L.'.f - IlKAf.KR IX TRAINS I.XAVX I1. City, Utah. UTAH. IF YOU WANT A GOOD TIME CARD, In Iffccl Nov. lOtli, 1890. ' Ma niifacturcr O. GALDERS ALL STATIONS. jj" "w PROVO CITY, GO TO A.T- - 7 iv Street, Provo - C. S. RASMUSSEN, Boys Clothing, also Boots and Shoes. MAYFIELD, SANPETE COUNTY, HAST, WEST, NORTH anil SOUJH 4oukt a itKuiTormx-- Cestue 1C. - ETC. GROCERIES, fine Men'a a line of and tu Lun catuu'b I Kvery perhow miuy wtwf gf ,Wr, ahfulrf tv ad for u. Ailtlrras O. Mo FERRY 4 CO. . . PSTOOIT. MICH. 1 Urj'ttl bawiUahira in the wrrid J -- llox t. It; - wuibr mailed cwtunm. Ii This squaw pretended to toe able to per form miracles and shIJ she coubl make Although a great many of his tha Indians hullst proof and pieivnt them from briug liarimd in auy oibi-best triends advise retirement, Tar manner. Porcupine, a leading Judlvn uell seems to be determined to kce offoied hiuieeif m a eubjsrt on which to prove her mysterious power. It was --his nameicfora tlie public, limit arranged that he should luniu.t Ms mon decency would enunso Lla be- pony and fight against tlie entire band lira. Nagle Horn "bleeHed'' Piiiaiipiii- ing as quiet as possible fur some but While he was mounting his pony his revolver was acriitMitnlly ill Burg . time to come. ed, lnflletiug a severe wound lu his leg, A panto ensued and Mrs. Ksf.iu ll'im was denounced as an imposter. to One Tnan in Idaho L P. Lo'fi aad rrirnl Seed Annual FPEEf Ota all AijiliLaBl Mk Diivc Well Pipe aud Fittings, always in Stock, Iinsins, Sinks, Pumps. Lawn Sprinklers, Garden Hose, Ettf Fitted up in the Most Approved htyle. with Stram, Gas, ik Give ms a C1 1 Orders riumpliy Attended to. Water. y 4. . J CO-O- A GUY10H leant a&3 plumber, .4 " Oity, TTtaix JAMBS Salt Lake City. aijd Jewulrv, f M' provO PERIODICALS, DOLLS, NOVELTIES,. idauH imr am s lgins ElDHSJCi BOOKS OF HVERY KIND, STATIONERY, TOYS, THE r BEST. rr how risky a buslns it is to trust lo the griititudsof thn average voler. Kotwithstaiiding the great labor performed by Dubuis, in giiiuing tlie admisaiun of Idaho as a ctule, be may yet lose the covdtud place of U. S. Senator. iVJ, Mcflllistef k Qoccan FOLLOW. OTHERS Dealers in ltor1B91 sou Special Attention Given! ... Southern Orders fort c Tools and Build im ers Supplies. M tlie lowest jirices of nuy house in the Territory. Ilojuiiml on Short Notice. D, Al. Cos IRICKS..jgJ 1K. w. ro I'mvc lIciiBine the fallow in" ariitr.M hi fu( ihifUtf ririnth iuUhiu hml rultltaliofi of mUI Und: Ytx; A. I?, ilirl.s'wiuiriiii, V. II llrufli-rirk- , V. llumliT Nvyiil Hllllaina, IVi-aim nil uf Kttifn, Knipry iVmuly, I'. T. FKAMi II. Iliiniik. UrfipMr 1 ,.t Wnolesalo and Hctfff nude for ami Best Tins luoviest BfflitiE. r lJUriOM ci - snoE3jy & at I,(U1TISU.,TM. XO.flr-- The rs d ffS TH5T1T1SS '.A.', If .it iih' iif i- TERRITGRAL AGENT. flABKBSS (O s UrouF gm-w- (.;. I I ImKhhIuu-HailllN- aiatf Id r Ii4bftiii Ilf lilt t l! Illh llllf IftillH lildkp AliNs I'pmi It! tlij'lirt Ot I'ifi 4IiMIII, vuM (m- insirU' Irtlow $m ml Out KR f) J'l'ii-I'nihiif liiihf or, lit i.is p'lOMjf i, iiiw cotLaiy utfik iif i.iiii-i- ruMi ii , 1,I kit, .it 1. ..Ilf p.ili1, I t.'h, imi Uni ry .i kimjt. dah. nil, lsib 1 if.- - hi. II I. Ni, Mil ; vis N Tii' m iiaIii K.i- -t ( pftTinit IV in Ilf I " Milllfe III liAllJ-1 1. wrii.f Ilf fiaoifp )uo p It if l'4itllljllM.l lljmii Uli-- i kiilll'. i irf tuihi l:Hif( V.. (I. JitM'Iniii J.itifB 11. :i. t'tHMk, l:fhm 4. N:.'.-ir- ., 'ilnw II, All ol M"i ii, li.nrt p ( duty, 1 Inli 1' it ilry. 71 i, IliillUa, lef);Mlrr' a liurlar Sale AISu!u!rly AND (V, I.. Iirrvlr NnlH'i f V:u1l ii. Si), l.nutl OllliV at .Sill eanbaaaldof lla safeguard that WB litre for the the North V All mills and m.mufar-torleuntraui-elle- d is will run as on other week days. the of liberty protection All mechanics will go on with tiu-l- r movements all and ballot, , work as usual. Home riort-- will Im that have a tendency to put the dosed, llut that home gathiTlng r.f eattered fumillee winch has nmrknl control of elections in the hands of the day from the firet In New Kny:iaid, .officers who may, at their will, is unknown in the Southland, t iimuii those to the manor burn, it - not manipulate affairs to the detriment a day for feaatiiig on tlie good IM-i- n.'o ( f of any party, is a blow at the lilier-tie- s life to any extent. But custom inns change, and new be grafted on to Hi of the people. old. The name, the day end Its originated In the early days cf Nt w Wed We clip the following from Kngland;aud as the New Kiiglaiidi'is have spread over the rontlnciit, so t . t msdays Tribune: has spread; until the I'nltid Imre children made It a day to be Pete in sou San Valley whole decree the by onintry. are recklessly astonished at tlie Rio Krom what we have etutisl, it might vM Grande K juHi is not moved be Inferred the that Western They engines. Af of the Preeident by the prodsmatloii i crawl where they cant walkealltng for a day of Thanksgiving. IM bull-gine there are many families tram tlui North out onto the track to "see the scattered and settled in come. At the stations the which still cling to as much the oi the old children climb all ov'-- the loco- Urns honored Thanksgiving as rlrvuni-stance- s will permit. The day is tendermotive, ignorant of fear, heedless ly remembered. The tradliiuiml turkey of danger. Ro the engineers have finds its plare upon the dinner tabic, and ministers of northern bir'li or to keep an extra sharp lookout fur are making appoint me for cliihlienand cattle, and when about religious aervicse lu thrir own e..iir.-hei- . He are of New Knglaud bluli: .m. to leave a station the engineer and tlwngh far away from the deer oi foand inneh to be thankful f rj.. i!:e iiremnn pull the kids off the engine esme to us In the beamy .r mi day and cure, round them up, nn I lock autumn dsy In theallSouth. No m w , i o in the station ruuns, the ice. But a clnuillcfs 1 v, with hi.cliip , them air, filkd with the soMg'si.d ch dt. i of ngent standing guard tint il the cuuutlcM birds, and aarin .n- i ii!.-- , train is gone. The piitoncra are Ifoavell'S gifts for renewed l.e il.h ei.i! comfortable lifp.inadrux heartily l let loose." ,1 ,n that our home had '"'We Hid think the Tribune Editor a part of our great land which rl. h m. bad s fuw grains of sense loll, but much and makes life so mst. Ti e 1 y brought to as many bheeiuga. Nncn-now we give it np. about us, and the rciiewi d rui:--ii-- i early jreare, made na truly tl Mntr.ii that our liuca are cat in n ca d a plaee, and tlrnt we hav- - so good a l.eil NOTES AND ('OJMKXTB. tags. OHW It is now claimed that the King MrsHern BleaasO Him. Eagle j'iif the Sandwich Islands will visit 7. lithe & the United Slates, soon, to I ry mid Manila ramp of Bed on Wonudid lhg, Knee Creek, llvea Mra. Kagie Ibo-n- . have tlie Islands'' annexed. Five Main Street, Manti, Utah. Voiu tdl'iti ownealair, city and Urui ritl r; , tin I vthir iirrtVcU tocurily. For Publication. Nolie piral'U0D di ftfinrt, iU'K4iiit 1 uunkiuk Ud Fif:;i ('Mi.ii il t r U'tfl IX)o Are Still at Their Old stand, t. AiiitKT Tutii.k, Cashier. n1-- r. or, vlM , f it, t It' ill Jiiii'l t ' Wl.li fall Im .ljf It. II Itilli Mini, lid til ffin liu' ijm- I. lew Vf.n old m ir, HU Vica-Pree- ClIlileTXNiKlN, C. Kjau, Jajils Crawforo, Jk., l.'.lps tf Wm. G. CuAWFonn, Jas Metcai.p. ll IraL'ts s Ciwril 1idiiLiiis I'usinfss. old V. J. 11. -- iiw CO., General Merchandise T. Turru:, President. vi'.-i- v.w.-i- o(DEAI.KRS . niuEt-Tong- -- TUTTLE & SAVINGS BANK, ikif-pe- I 1 40 b MANTI CITY F.'otico M-- i llO 'i'I.i.A. iul.t , i f U- 4 IKOYll, UTAH. Hi. AM. 1 '"ST 'T gp , iuti-lil- t' Irt .I .. IMitli r H "n t'.lji, .site it;, a Hi I ilrH trip t i, hn Ui'l. ill l(ir If ittlliB.jt All'l I'll h',.' IlillliiSI l' flf'lt i . r : ami IiiiikiU,iI Luiiilwr, T.alii uml Shingles. Eittrey Mvitiec '.' 'i'll. "Its- h w 'it fi-- ' iLivc r i - In Manti. s if , ; 3 a v' O r; g.'-i- liu k of LL-s- i ,llliilli,l'ilii! ui'-si- i .. J. nieuiuruM ot vi-bw- , " X. i'. irml-'- i ru.t awlutleiu:; of i.i; l n ; ot unU IcK-seeuee; slid u: (i li . soul Mill in t ie lie'll, aul ii i u the river titukunlng tu uj. T t suit rsuml in Managing Evlilor. Ward Stsvmhoh, il- - !. n cr-- i: word Tlianksaiving KJitor. AnocUie II. G. BBAyruBD. The T'haiitcgiviiiK iii'iinrim ,:f time will naturally be of ilia .t jj.' m m. "r the wonderful dlniipr of I'ukry. entered at U PaU Office in ehleken-ple- , tolled dial), plum iuihliug foe tmuportulUm Utah, and three kinds of pie. iut a the l HahUVitf, BeemJ Clou rows to tha man, tlieae msiuorlen will ftiuigft the MaOt at ooas sums of their vWliliime, anil iiilitr Hatter. purs sentinieu-ta- l 14 sensuous andfillofthea Mill of rhauiie-rnsturs will the brain. As manhood holds im In t.e 1800. 12, avi-Fiioay, Dyckubku whirling swsiji of time, all the memories of the past are wing l1 w i!i life's facts of tlie present. The wciziit UNIMEX of cars, the burden THOUGH TRUE of toll, tlu push of this rushing age, the many T10NAL fullness of of hapiutse its life, pleasures or fulluses of woe, are all eomblued t Trei. It is not at all dt maksths memories of the pset yield of their hold upon the l Harrison had Utah la lus thought something of tha living nun of the prem nt. and election laws when lie said But, Thanksgiving, for tune, a doy or an hour perebsnee, may I. nidi .it ; 'methods are sometimes cunningly aside, and for a little while i LIkuii , contrived,' to insure the minority i ula the heart and wind. Ti: tub I , eomca to us In our souths'ii l.oue f control, but he eould not have lug l upon tlie same duy of the y.-- r a. it ad to coins to us lu our northern lunu-anstated it in belter terms. Tlie as It comes to our friends and rn.it ministration of the election Lw in ers who dill cling to the spot of birth Utah, has plainly shown the fact, The time is the same, but cuiidl'ii'i environments are diffiMit. Ti.i that the will of the people ean be and reclamation by the rreJilmr. of a duv Ji thwarted in many ways, when men or Thanksgiving, uak. the nay a d .y special notice throughout V l.: who ure not responsible to I lie pen of but tha kind and degree r.f aeecrdlug to lurslit y. Throng y pie, have the conducting of affairs tha South the d.iy is legally a:.d in their power. officially observed as a holiday. Busi" With such an example as that o ness is also largely giving it plae. I:i few of the year IhmMi-i-i Sunour Territory before them, it is but tbs on days which it will dose its doors and day little wonder that the citizens of net. Its social oliserrauco huMs litie families of the Soutti. the country object to having the flaes among tiwobservance is almost elections tampered with. Tlie only naught; and how uiurli more than that Sentinel co. 'V VHi km. f v ' I-' MANTI ROLLER MILU,a Ui LCD IS F.BtCKEE.t'CoM. 0Mi MAKrnpAOTxrHmn Floun The Best Grades of gEPQrdprn nnd Correapondenco solicitwlj |