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Show pralpiE 'r VI ar K(tres,.,. ......,. .$?.W. oev.f.. Tk Ksmzssttrk . TfeU' v TMfP AfcHJIIffifc n 2.Sltt.l8!w t- UU -J ii KVf.eN4taJA. Eft&tSim t'taU MANTI YOL. VI. I'nion faclfie brakeman at Ogden. Us fell under the ean Thursday morning and waa dragged thirty miles, a place of Iran driven into his head holding him to tha moving train. i Howard belonged to tha erow of train j No. 53, running over tha division bentODATK ATTOBNKY t tween Ogden aim Evanston. That i T3 Mi tba road to one of tha most Ml MIDI lu(rrrstiug Letter From iMuti i portion in lta entire tough, of Probale business promptly to eanae are many sharp etirvsa, and siuairy. the grade to Meep and the freight run to, and titles secured down at tha rata iff ordinary passenger entries s Land under the various train. Train No. 83 cams bowling at Office, Court House, Manti. Utah. terrific speed through Devll'a Oats yesterday morning shortly before t o'clock-ThDEMOCRATIC k FARMERS' ALUAXCE. miles point is about twenty-fiv- e Wilkes & 6badwick, bom the city. Tbo rate of speed was tul lea hour. Howard an had folly thirty climbed out of tha caboose and wu Dnd walking along on the lop of the Is DngtJ In Deilk Disenveryd Ibte AND Tha train wu lurching around the sud den turns. No one uw tha aeeldeut, but iUiei, Ek. it is supposed that a sudden rork of the - UTAH. train throw Howard out of balance so LAKE CITY, that ha toppled down between the ears, PONTTFRIDD, South WllM, HU absence ws not discovered till the Nor ember 24th., HMD' train got into the Ogdon yards at litti oclock. After It luid stopped, miiis car Editor Sentinel, take the opportunity of inspector, in examining the wheel I) ear Bir-.-- I ; irtltt II 1. 1 UID OFFICE 11110111from line boxes of the train, discovered Howard's again lending you a fewNbadan." mangled remains behind the trucks of a Cymru. Yr Hen Wind Ky with connection In ear. They were taken out and given I am now laboring and Obtains Patent for Agricultural Elder D. J. DstU, In what U ealled the over into the care of Undertaker Dto- Mineral Lands, Cardiff and Aberdare, Pontypridd inn oar haadqnarton Howard's death wu horrible, but wu heroin Pontypridd nw tba present It probably painless. When bo dropped Disbeneath toe train a bolt of one of tbs being the moot central place fn onr trict. Tba town rtf Pontypridd la ettua-te- d brake rods, with its iron point projectof lofty ing out six inches, wu driven into hie in tba hollow of a circle In many hsad just behind the right ear. It killed C. A FjmiI Ollljf, htt mountain!, tba sides of which nffiMiixtdowto rows with covered ftw are him instantly beyond a doubt, but it ' long obtiUus uatunta ffijSSSS ilaeea and In other SiiLftind Miumlusdfc loueee places are wooded held him to the train. With aneh a isUdlil i"1 ftuluruuuloB givwi. and Intersected with green fields, the fastening hie body wu dragged over the summit of tbs mountains art bars of rails of the road bed. Tha wheels cut houses and trees, and present a rugged it and loft their Indented maras npon it and picturesque appearance. But rubbing along against tba rough Tba principal part of tbs town la built nd It wu torn arnTworn to pieces. ins part and another were tom away within the angle formed by tbs junction y-otLo- -W conRhondda and of the Tail and nd left along the track. Soma section riven, k-i-- It man beyond Uintah brand one thigh, but Jfanti, San ?tte Co., Utah. tains a population of about 10.UOO. 1 for remarkaits celebrated bruiaed and bloody that It wu It wu deservedly Office at Court House. ble (tone (panning the TaS river. The eareely recognizable a part of tha bridge la of one mreh 140 feet epan.KS human body. Tha other tog wu brand ITT ATT. feet high, and 15 feet broad, and waa not far from Ogden. Tba foot bung to It completed In the year 1755. it should by a tendon; one of the main bone stuck be added that the town derived lte namo bare far out from tha chopped flub. Tha TBRD1NAND EEICKSEN from tba Welsh wordiPont y ty pridd," leg wu purple and dirty and at tha Law. at which meana "tba bridge of tba eartbern end where It had been pulled from the and Cowaselor but," which tbo bridge wu ealled re- body. It wu a shredded mass of bloody UTAH. ferring to tbo hut bnllt near It for the meat. Gob of flesh with small partlelea , accomodation of tba workman when of clothing iticklng to them, looking if they might hare own ehewed np by a C . : : Office on Mala Street. building it. Adjacent to the town, on the e is tern dOjjj'Wfre found at intervals along the side, on a common, tbo Walsh namo of When taken from the track nothing which la Coed Pen ltaen" (Wood of the t the head, & Notary rublic. atone anmmlt,) U a lopn or rocking remained of tha man ex Artofiiey-at-Latone, the enrfaco of i slopes tow trunk and arms. The head wu only SPECIALTY. soars ago lightly bruised. On the face there wu COLLECTIONS A ard tbs east, About thirty Uyvyr M organ wg, A. Dd. i. F.and B. B. an expression iff terror and pain. The U., tilt I'M WHitli of rcopkD. const rneted aronnd this interesting toft arm wueut off raggedly at tha liraldie relic, n complete model of n wrist, joet below a tattoo mark. A hole Draconleal Temple, and hero ha and big enough to admit two finger of a hie followers mot four times in tbo year, man' hand, where tha Iron bolt of tha that la at the Winter aolaatiee, ana brake beam had bun driven In, wu visibehind tha right ear. Tbs Autumnal equinox, and performed the ble ancient religious rites of the aneient trank just below the navel wu worn enAT LAW, AND Druids. tirely away and tapered off In strings Near here are situated tbs celebrated and tatters of ensanguined flesh. WASHINGTON. D. O. Cable and Anchor Worka of 11 seer. Howard wu 24 years old. He wu and Co who frequent-execut- e from Denver and wu formerly a painter '1nvlijlnd anil Mining Cases. . Brown and Lenox extensive orders for tbo and belonged to the Painter's union. Ho became a brakeman of tha Union Pai lab Government aa well aa tor forL HOIFOIO Within n mile of cific bmr months ago. Ho had been eign governments. town are the Treftneot Steel and Iron married two years and had bnt recently Worka, with throe blaat fnnaeea, which removed hie wife from Ogden to n homo wen in a highly proepenra aondltion In Evanston, where his section ends. ND SURGEONS. r.A ICIAXS until recently, and are now under- Hte wife wu wired concerning the cataomo repairs and extanilva alterastrophe and cams on yesterday after-nooUTAH. going 1UKTI 077, ation!. Tba groat Bbondda Valley, at Baffin, Dee. 5. tba entrance of which. Pontypridd la THol th Eye, Ear, 5oe uul Tliroat aituated, contain aeorao of thriving Specialty. collieries, and many thouaand collier Blocks Two A Pathotlo Story- NOSFORD Roalitenee, J. and tbZ?llles,and n dlvsnlflad .City ull. tba upon nd Block dependant One FORD nos Ft Kan., Dm. 7. In a ravine lttpllPtl-l- l llntlP collieries, which Indeed 1 tba principal In Wichita, the Flint hills of Greenwood county Industry In Sontb Walea, tbo nllla and this morning a party of hunters disvalleya of which are in number lee covered the bodies of an unknown man, place completely honey eombod with woman and ehlld. The bodies were the working of tba eoUUrloo tbo pita huddled Sl'BGKON, '8ICIAN AID together, and on the forehead of which an from 60 to 800 yards In of the man wu an ugly braise, beneath the skull wu found to be crashed. 'JjT.P.FAfUXT, VTAH. Jlnea the vlgonraa devalopmant of tba whldi Tha bodlM wen poorly clad. In tha to time tha eoal trade Welsh pnaent up in all kinds of djseases of the man were found two letpockets of 100 about been have explosions then Diseases 'ijk&skillful manner. more or less violence, resulting In tha ters, ona from Palmer, I1L, addressed to Porter, Englewood, Kan, and crjeculiar lofemales receive lose of nearly 1,800 Urea. With trifling Thomu the second from aomeona In Englewood, special attention. exeeptlona tba limit la conflnad to a himself Abe. to Thomu ' Porperiod extending from 1844 to tha pres- signing Greenwood eonnty. Reece, ter, a little under half ent something An at Room showed that In that period the month of Jan about Investigation n week a prairie schooner, ago 11 11; claims February explosion: nary & March 10; April 8; Hay 6; June 6; July containing a man, woman and child, tha town, where a tow to ftdnBit(T Irratmant 7; August 8; September 7; October I; passed through ftplfl tO fiilppnl were purchased. While then tll IMOfOSHloOe It will neeeultiu NovemDer 8; and December 10. Intimated that they were fMMw (Umsm i Pporialij, ha aeen by this that ovary month has lta the movers leaving Weetern Kaneu to return Kart. Savior County, Utah. quota. April and October least, January It la In tha Flint hills, and February moat Close to these whichsupposed that n dreary waste for mllea pnaent come March, August, November and Deo all directions, tha movers encounterember. A glance over this list ohows in u ed some of the who make lI.J.B-STACEand prethat their haunts In then regions and that sent more favorable conditions for exan to In steal his attempt resisting plosions than other times and team, tba husband received Tha first Monday of each mouth has wagon death-bloand that, fearful of sepbeen declared by act of Parliament, a hto hsnelf In that wild region from holiday for tbo colliers and to called arating "Mahon's Day," the object of which to her wounded hnsliand, tha wife and Milton may have an oppertnn-an- d baba toy down and died beside him. dtoenia Items Xrfowie. thslr welfare. Firmajority of tha collier spend the day, gives a rich harvest to the pnblleana, aa they spend all About half past two Oclock this aftertheir time and money In tha publle noon a fire broke out at 13U west Seernd booses. Tha coal ax porting porta of South Street, on ilia premises until reSouth Wales are Newport, Cardiff, Peu- - cently occupied by Borneo A Co.ua store. The building teoon arth, Bany. Llanelly and Swanaetof second-han- d which Cardiff for some years struoted almost entirely of wood and of the leading wu to have been reopened daring tba the proud position being eoal exporting port of the world. - Iron present week a general grocery and of Geo. 8nrll coka, and patent fuel are also largely provision store, 'atnanan exported, whilst tha principal imports A Co. While Mr. Snell and hto family at dinner the paper and comprise iron ora, timber, grain, eeparto-grasand American r rod nee. woodwork at tha book of tbo Move Tha glory iff Cardiff labor magnifiunght fire, and then wu soon a big cent extern of docks, wnleh an replete blaze. Tba neighbor on hearing of the a expedl-tirufor the convenience with every trouble rushed into the room and with loading and unloading iff ahlpa, their assistance nearly the whole of tha most and latest powerful the very honuhold fnraitnra wu brought out machinery being employed for anduved. Carpenters wen at work capthe bridges, working fitting np the store when the fire occurCD stans, and 1 niece aa wall a Maltha and red, bnt none of the goods intended for total ship ule had been placed there, their delivery cranes. torsi ment of FortryronajoUM by tha railway company having been, not reach would and coastwise fortunate! yunder the elrcn muteness. tost almost would It year tons, while The fire brigade responded delayed. Lending Jewlery House of reach the immense total iff lOyOQQLOOO qnlckly to the alarm and managed tons. Mve a large of the bnflding, All Orders frcin the 8ou h Cardiff to the leading town of Sooth About 50 will Dover the unsReceive Prompt Atten- - Wales. She now hu aXord for a Mayor, tained by Mr. Snell. Netrt.damage Send Your Watch to me Lord Bote haring recently been sleeted to that high and honorable petition. Her Repairs. streets are kept In good condition and An Exeltlng Wedding. repair and an of throe kinds. Tbo Maesdemlsed which coat, including of tha Kiwfout, Ky Dee. 5.-forming, ballasting, metalling, granti- moat exciting weddings on record ocahlDli about 8 and ng, rolling curred hare yesterday. W. P. Weldlln sq, yard. The French Anhalt on U and Miia Lula Beber drove forty mile lneh concrete costs about 15 ohllllniga from Willis metown at a broak-nee- k Bkwern Thistle Station ami Fairricw per aq. yard. Each aide of tha street to peed to gat ben ahead of tha girls anatone Digs, of each week paved with neat, substantial j- - 'XjpeedRy & Friday gry father, who opposed their marriage. Cardiff haa a number of very fine build- - They went immediately to the eourt StaKes leave almost and of every description lugs bouae, where they were refused a license. view for Thistle at 5 a. m. more areades than any other town in A hack waa secured and tha anxious iff 1 four no. also entertainment :00 at Watoe, Aftive Thistle places at J p. eoopla drove to Dayton, to the residence theatrical performances are of County Clerk Jones. After some perWednesday and Saturday when every tha week, Ban- - suasion the old gentleman agreed to during given night .JjHtvaa Thistle for Fuirview at 9 a. da rxeepted, and a number of other lssne a lleanw. Squire Allen was found, irriving at H p in. and ronnecla puulie balls, whsro entertainments are nd th quartet started for this clt; siren during the holidays and on wlion the bride e replrd her IaiIm-- i ; witfl the Mt.rieae:int Stage. with CoMer.'ioa mailt Kith the A A R. ia! occasions. It is also rsplsts bcdpursnlL other attrartiva many Tha squire could not marry tha eon- any Thistle foatnru to loro tbo "sbonlola" and until ho got Ineido tha corporate Els other there to pend their money and The haekman had hla norwa holiday after they retain yon ean hear going in n wild gallop. At but they soma of them say "Caerdydd yw y dief," approached tha 'line. 'Bquiro Alien Cardiff ia tha town, braced himself against tba seat, and "But giro me my homo in tha West, ads, watched for lisping the jolne UxALan Where the Baintsof God are blrot," the fins. By this time the father wm Etxapia. within ten feet. yelling madly as tha Pur Rreod rerrheron Horses. hack dashed across the lime, and white to Daalh. it waa rocking like mad In lta wild rash Dragged Allen married the eonple. The father riMirll.. "NAL. WALES. Wm. T. Re d, LAND AQBKT y a AGENTS XJUIID t itATTORNEYS, C.S.WILKES. - 1 LandlAgentA Attorney Pro-eha- T.C.' BAILEY, :LAX1 AJ'JOJIXEY; , K. Reid, jw. jOLtt n u EATTI. iMT:PLEASAX7 u . SPRAGUE, w 'fiVMoaBOH, Utau. m<- MATTHEWS, jut mm SSno. Es.Hosford) jut n. Q. DAYISOH, M.D, IMC. & WISE, iysician een-tur- y. Surgeon B boroa-theiv- er mid-wint- er - u sMJulius Jensen. a, 03 lock-gate- s, CITY, SANPETE COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1890 Proposed Union. W. White National Ocala, Alliance delegates have reliug more or lus y after the labor uf five days. Still there hu been a large amount of committee work goiug oa and many imporiaut conferences liarc been held. All thin will facilitate lb and it to convention work that more real liueineea will predicted than during all the previous ussious put together. Bafen idjouruiiwul luat night Ymi lngton D. t was derided upon a th placo and the third Tuesday of November aa tha time for holding lit ursl in- nual meeting of the National Alliance. Strong efforts, it la said, will be made to revoke this action and make Indianapolis tha place, with considerable hope of aureet. Prejudice against Washington hu been exem d by Wshteruero here. The oiiiulon ia gaining ground Uut the National loaders of the here in their lHirty liavn many kbb mtret, and that in policy nf the Alli ance, in many rtwpeul, will he liiilucne ed by them, notably in the case of the bill. That measure ia uoW under consideration by the National A I lianoe and bu been for several days past. It to predicted that when It finally comes from tha committee It will have lietra modified and changed in inai.y important particulars, width a view to making it accord with Democrat iq doctriua to aneh an extent that It cun be easily adopted by the National Demoeralle convention of Itutt, or passed by Congress prior to that event. With some slight changes and modlfl-- I rations tha AUtauee platform could, it to predicted, secure absolute adoption to the National Democratic Convention and this, with the indorsement of the modified bill, would place-thDemaerotie party squarely upon;, tha Farmers' Alliance platform. In this way it would gain tlio support of the entire AUlanea and Democratic votes throughout tha country. Then was a Cltlxen Alliance formed for the purpose of establishhen In the ing local Cltiaeu' Alliance cities and large towns iff tha country. It to organised with 8. D. Holder, of Kansas, as president, Ralph Beaumont of New York secretary, and 8. P. Wild treasure". These of Washington, D. office rs also constitute its executive eommltree. It will at once establish National headquarters at Washington, and as it increases lia executive will bo enlarged to Include one from each State organization. This body to an outgrowth of the Cttlscns Alliance movements In Kansas and other Western States. Aa these local Citlxens Alliances are increased, the National body will be made up of prominent residents of the cities, irrespective of their campaigns, trade or professions. Dec. 7.-- Th iti y per-hap- e, General Miles said, Generals Hager and Brooke have been doing all they can to put the mall number of available troops In a position to be useful, and, to far aa passible, staying the threatened cyclone. Yet the end of the Indian trouble ia by no meana immediately at hand. No other civilised country on tha fora of tha earth would tolerate many thousands of armed savages scattered through different Btateo and Territories., 1 Tha people of Texas, Western Kansas, Nebraska, North and South' Dakota, Montana, Wyoming. Utah, Eastern Washington, blaho, Arizona and New Mexico are seriously interested in this subject. While the fin may be eup- proceed In one place It wil smouldering, ana liable to break ont at other places when least expected under it system. from the Indian country re-ralrod at army headquarters how that everything to quiet. Several regiments are expected at Rosebud Agency and other stations in the conn There are already nearly fry 8000 soldiers In that loralUy, under command of General Brooke. It Is the general belief that wnen General Miles reaches the Indian country that hto poley will be to immediately disarmt. every Indian found with a gun. 7r-but- A It la strongs what means soma men will resort to In order to obtain mcne. A story haa joat come to light which, if trae, aliowa a moat contemptible spirit in tba perpetrator. It ia stated that a man hu been soliciting aid among the railroad meu and tore keepers olpgden for tba widow of a man recently killed Union Partite yards. IJl tlie employes nan! asked to contribute did so cheerfully. From the number of men wlui run into this eity the amount must bava been l waa tbs average sum considerable, from those who gave. This same Individual who aelrd tha rood Samaritan managed by his smooth talk and manner to gets check for oma $u0 from ona of the. yard men. The follow made a plea for tna loan of 815 and to accommodate him the yard man gave liim 1 check for 8U and told him to get it cashed. The undertaking wm that tha fellow wa-- t to take' flu and leave the balance with tba paitywho would cash the paper, 11a obUlued the full amount, and the with the money ha had collt-elewidow okippsd out. Tha elrenmetancrs of tha ease have jurt come to light, and tbOM who eonfrlboted ore naturally indignant that the money should have been appropriated bye smooth scoundrel instead of being placed where it rightly belonged. vtow Standard. u tr A HABBWAliE SO. CikUny SLxAc(tft WtttdtxJMvrt Price Paid for Combine th julco of tha Blue Figs of California, to Uzstivo and nutritious with 111 medicinal virtue of plant known to be Biot beneficial to tha human lyvlem. forming the ON LY PERFECT REMEDY to set gently vet Produce of all Cleanse ibi vMkve, QivolyCyXC, Wnco o E. C. COFFIN HARDWARE CO Kinds. 9 promptly oa the KIDNEYS, LITER AND BOWLS CENTRE 8T., System Effectually, Progress Building. SA3tT ViEm utau u TROYO. M THAT PURE BLOOD, IM teeter REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one to uiing it and all art delighted with it. Aik your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Kuo featured only by lira CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Su Fbamcmco, Loriivn.iu, Kv. CO,- Do what is right. Factory, SALT LAKE CITY -- It ia right to use homo products preference to imported articles. It is right to furnich our own people employment. It is right to patronize home in stitutions exclusively. Iluelar A Wallas, rruprialMo, Mauufuetumu of - . Cdb KuwYou-- Sc CioXtc. aeo mad at (he puma and rmhaut alltlnra guarenterd. , me tecta le and are (ter zooda THEREFORE it San It is right to purchase th Boots and Shorn manufactured by Zions Mercantile Institution Foundry Machine Shop, Provo Manufacturers. Steam and horse-powing machinery. Heating The Importance o( purlfylns tha blood et at be avemUHiM, fur without pun Uu8 you cannot enjoy good health. At tbl oeasoo nearly every one need a good medicine to purity, vitalize, and eariei tha blood, and wo ask you to try Hood's - ittoKnathe DarMillnp SarmparUtouu builds up tha tew, create m tppetUe, and tone the dliettioa, Tho peenhit White It eradicate disease. combination, proportioa, and preparatlea of lha vegetable remedies used giro to Hoods Sarsaparilla peeu!- - --tV IIOOII far curailv power. Ho other medicine has such a record of wonderful cure. It yoi have mad np your mtad to bur Hoods Sarsaparilla do not be induced to taka any other instead. It to a Peculiar Medic too, and ia worthy your contdcnco. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is aold by ill dmnta Trcpared by C. L Hood A Co., Lowell, Han, roCUIIar especially as they are moderate in price, elegant in style and snperioi in quality. City, well-driv- er e SOLD BY ALL HOME DEALERS itovetr. Manufacturers of steam engines boilers, pumps, brass and iron castings, csatmgi for store fronts, mill work, iron work for jails, bridges, and buildings, wrought and cabt iron fencing. Boilor repairing a specialty. All kinds of pluming, gas. and team fitting attended to. Mai and dealers in eteum heaters, for public and private buildings, Devey's patent tubular iron wheelbarrows for miners and farmers. Agents for Leflel Btesm Engines and water wheels. Half block west of West Coop. P. 0. Box 178. J II. Srelv, Prat. 9 Mt. Pleasant Patent Roller nous -- Gates 100 Doiea One Dollar & Snow, WO. - - - UTAH. Ona QwfJTACE . 7:Jnl aJL to-b- u C. OLSON, - . V AaJ ' ? . PrintersmInk: A JOVKNAl FOK ADVEtTrSKtS. to hml vstHy, art to tka iqNMlaUw Jauid ths trato lotrssl if Antsai Uvwtlsru. B hdlastss ti Us iisspsriiieid Unrtisw 1j, vtia, ad vksit is Mali aiiwtlni hr to citts sa atvetlseant ; Isvto thplsy wt; rial unfifm to uw j Is Back nawy to sspat-- ia hd, msnry pdd Out alztta ( ynltiHi dlmsdaw Itnriistig Is ti art yisctM fr assy SI smlilteiif BUR IM HIS ntontad th m4 tkdr atric I IsmI sa tipoiac d am tksa pan U ytodsg rimtUag sMtsds hr May tf Iks tegwl Mil not ncetxhiiinriiSMS. Aywrrialiittp casts W to Mmi ttoyls NiN VNa counties. P. ROWELL A C0 Newspaper AdvotUag Brm re Spraee St.. New Tort. CEO. ' G- - NmLmdMariiAraAmdafe Nttropclltaa Ftom Agency, Now York City. KNIGHT'S Blood Cure. A In McceaeM aw Mve cure otandard hoHCheld remedy a rearm poet. ame than Prostration, tecBloud. thwulto in rrstatac a dear CcayMm. A botaafcal compound, put i of oralw undeentbymuUufewdliSa ary medicine. Leree packeeee. eottcieat foe halCeiat packegea, aaOcieat 1 quartet f for J piuta. Joe.: mmple packuco, e. UIGHI BOTillOAL CO., Kl Imivay. EAGLE ROCK, IDAHO. IN ALL DESCRIPTIONS XMtALEB SR ; 28-1- 7 JWMusi Store, Marker, AlbM- i- tm SO HUNRAXI son immA gaetraHe.aadcutoafeolkgHthstcto.fkcteie tow, mrariacry, ta, made loonier fium pho- 5 We will pay freight on gooda purchased in quantity, at regular retail prices, to railroad points in Utah, Juab Emery and Aan lele MutoMbkr. PHOTO-ENGRAVIN- City?ffiah. Dealers In Furniture of all kinds, Carpets, Baby Carriages, Western Cottage organs, and Rid We reage B. sewing machines guarantee our (ioods to lie equal to any iq the Territory nd sell at RED ROCK PRICE A. U. OP Musical Instruments. String & Trimming. Best Brass Band&Instruments. Band Music, Au kind, Orchestra Sheet Music and Music Books. Send for my new Catalogue Just out it ha a ricetch of Ole Dull s Violin Playing in it and much good informer Jon in for musician Send me your orders for what you want in the Music line. Ordexw FlkSlrosi Sliort Nottoi MT. PLEASANT, P. V P3W Trade-Berk- e Bee. Wa have aa aabacnrlau, lew direct, hrmc eaa ouaawt lrrat kueiaem In.from tune aad at laa CHS Ihaa ikom mmule WlrMuetna. flew modrl. dm tag. or phntoi, wNh drarrlp Hou. We ailvlae M ulratable or not. ftea ol Our fre net diie till palm bernwed.. A Vink. Bow to Obtaia Petra H. ' oilk uto artnal cHrato In yoor SUM, osoMr, m tawB,motbea. ASdrem, & C. A. SNOW Waahlactoo, A CO. CooaaMe hMiMa, C, Men's and Boys' Suits, 11 Boots, A whit end red raw hora urt-i'- l ihml lToo n,affhrMitl villi lier, rad rani old Itright weal of Lowry 'a. Store Manti. FIELDING HOUSE 3 Blks From Temple. FIRST-CLAS- S NWSCJkUSt II Rubbers , Fascinators in great variety. ACCOMMODATIONS Large Sample Loom J. Fielding Prop. MANTI, - - UTAH - To taka effect Monday, Jnlv 7, 10. Smith. Station. (MairNow .. m.1 Be Bio I, mi 1avN OlMMtrf. ArrlvM l.ls. tils u ZH Uk Til1 Arctics, j rn fP nose, Gloved Mittens, v il. Satin, Moire, and Velvet Ribbons in all shades. 54 inch, all wool Suiting at 60 cents per yard. from 25 cents to $1.25 per yard . Moses Thatcoies, Prat. tssKNAnn Vies White, F.IL81 rtr Cashmer Gxo.Ailxow Prat. Seey ft Tress. Gcal Mgr directors: Moaea W.W.Bori Barnard White, F.IL Snow, G. A. Snow. W.B. Preston. M. Snow, Thatcher, SOle Agents Arrtvra Drapr?, for the following well known goods. The "Old Reliable' ' Cooper Wagon, Moline four spring mountain wagons. Porter road carts. The above McCormick are made especially for the Utah trade.& Nichols binders. and ShepardCo.'s mowers, reapers Scott New Vibrator threshing machinery. all steel hgy presses. "Jay Eye See sulkey plows. Case - OnlBR North. Ko. 1. MiSSfe. EM OPERATIVE Call and see Mr. Brnntzeg as his work is truely first class in every particular. Prices Moderate, and terms May. TIMK TABLK, NO. 4. with shoes; I wgftoiwtwagiinaasmi I Overcoats, Hs and Caps. MANTI Boot and Shoemaker. Fist Class Custom Work and Repairing done Sanpete Valley Railway Lost- - 1 Os BRANTZEC- - Shop i block ahrataad, and all Parem (Vnaa. aad huelacm nodarud for Maderolo 'wa lu la Uur OSIre (Ippnalta t). B. ralmt eU keelarm UTAH. Invite attention to their large and varied assortment i Ladies Newmarkets, Jackets and Shawls, Misses and Children's Wraps, Ladies' and Misses Marirro and Woolen Underwear. Wakches, fine Gold and Rolled Plate ewelry. Cutlery, Etc., Etc. Motto, square Dealing Fair term Standard. Lmo tentililimB, IUvld, l.. 1.10. n. ki. 1S.M. Il.to. StrraS Nrt'hl, n. 11.10. Lmw Ktnhl, 1lM Arrlvr. Train nut daily, Soaday ozraptml. Train rto at sUtton otoifcod only okra limalod. Taroooaa llaraac, Uoannl Mansgtr. SO l Che . Provo two-etor- y d Manufacturerers of ths Best Grades of Straight Grade, Family Pride, XX Family, Farina Grits, Feed, Bran and Shorts. e one-stor- J F. Fischer, Tra JfovoBl Snow J.V.Oatre Small Blaze, Doeombar 8. set fire yesAn unprotected stove-pipwood terday afternoon to the en shanty at the rear of the West 138 Second South brick store, street. The building hring m dry tinder the ilimeo flaud up quickly, and work by th firerequired men to handle them without destroying the entire premises. Ths tenement wm oeraplod by George 0. Snell and family, who, with John Adams, had bought the lease foe fflOO and were preparing to open a butcher shop and grocery atora on the ground floor, where Barnes, (the second man, had just vacated, but fortunately "one of the good had been re reived. Tbs Rnells tost personal efforts, Mrs. Snell Mid, to the vsiuo of 820fl, m what goods they got ont wove drenched. Not insured. Tha building to owned b; one V l!!frr"nf Kprlnw, am lti vrius ought to miu aid iu Duma of kindling wood, and la not Insured. Chief Stanton, after cartful Inquiry, put tha entire damage at jno. A eeeu from Main street the ire looked as though ths Scott warehouse wm burning. Trifeosc. Keels Hansen, Sac. DBTBT ft BUffDBXUa.. MHu Villains Deed E. C. COFFIN Cash Highest rneni-benh- lp 7w 68. JOBBERS OF r Chicago, Dee. N. g. EDWAIDI Utah Supply Cu., to-da- y Six Thouaand Soldiers. t. IIEIETBE, 5A5CIK, up'IEgs M NO 1- ,i'illi ,4 ) Qcr.f fltTPttSfnaS&Via "Mala tokk ll.. full-cir- cle Canton Clipper steel steel beem centre draft plows. hand and tricycle plows, harrows and Ajax cultivators. Fountain city grain drills. Hoosier press drills. Gorham Combined and independent seeders. Branch House at S.L.CITY.CQDEN.LOGAN.MILFORD, UTA j,H.CLINGEft, Traveling Agt, for Sanpete ft Sevier Countie fy(?OOPtfV OLD RELIA COOTEB wagok' took the prize at the torial Fait In 1SS9 thetSSr I.CI9 old in ihdoMj ! |