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Show Ml Plaaaant Mattarin.a. this srATixrcii. SKANDUMVIMS. 'THE BURIED ALIVE. MT. FLXAdANT, I'TiH, Srpt. UHh. I KlilTOR SkNTINKL. With lilMWDr forward you "5 few mm of 111. iTwwant '' uonala. !!' nvw i to tftr-- i iir ' I ft u Id If' .. ikU(t J arfu a ' A r Y Tity . .v rt hi. ' - ii 1ii.tf iV - i 1S90. , a: S. K I!. iVal WixhIkii.I at tak-'i- mi i P(e. io tu ill good . iqiinro A email jol pru for rttte i seminm. uiil.v. rii-il- Tux In UmhIiwI How blb4-- 7'i di'ifriuii hh w go to presxV lict your fancy lUtioucry at Xnn Book cf tli tKX-ti.ne- i. Depot. Mormon, at Hargett cl, 75 I.akr city. A loaJ or two of liay will lx taken on aubacriptlou at thi-- i kTHci'. ' Dont fui'Ri'i to call and hph ike Tellur- tiro, Suit ian (i lobe att'ie Scitixri. Carpet body. S iv. Office. Kiii;s cheaper and C.i. l than any- "'I.::!; For ois; Uaiiui :l go Manti. ! 'jlii'Usjmd good liuuee i;.e . al.ut Thi'ire was ilanee at the on Sunday. UX), pci-pi- in atten The JUuli has Co-o-p' ol boot cuusinim-n- t wuolt-- loiived.i large and alines, nlso gods. There lire si ill two ttoiM in the Sentinel Block uuiMiiinnteil. The terina ean be Icaincd at this i ilios. Illlou! hare yu.i seen Andrews' l.unar Trillin an (jlulir'f If not, rail at the Senone. tinel (.mire and you can M. L. Pratt unJ mother, who Imre been w-- e doing work in the Temple here, left on Saturday morning for their home. Parlor suits 6 pieces, Sofa, Rocker, easy choir, iiv t'ailui chairs and small sofa Jj..al S K. Alaiks nnJ Co. Tut.lo k Co. have j.tl rvcuveil about $:!,im worm of lewis unit shoes. Now i tlie lime io gei heeled ami Soled, sold Mrs. 1. D. li. urn-- l has pone to the mefall hue of M tropolis to parthiiMt her Link out for tier slid f.iiii-- j iim'i-ii- . dfeplxy. a'eiMed Uaidy W infer :ad Ms wife, a sirti r of M. t. Ireti, lefttlii-l-Menu fuon Sstniday for Pii.i-uilrme, ture home. The The Kiehfl.lil Adnoite eays: dibliirt-echui'- i Monday'' Wo are surpris'd, mu jude li must bo true, foi the AdcucuU e.; J so. r couple of Italian musiriaiis atopied in trout of the t emple UuU-- l on Saturdaynight and drew a lurge crowd by playing on their unique iusirumviits A Mr.R H. Keuaer, i,.fe of our mao, and Mr two eidldren. arrivedKen-in Mrniii (v.wnfey evii:iiiir. Mr. c- - mi iiHU.-- l 111 Msntl ner i Jr; n i II. li. Bradford, la good spirits 1. 1.i't weep, Tney s.ik'.iiH' ia Hie w.,y. nJ n Waru onr liii.ori.,) fora U.ar n Will go t- eUic'ui-'hi- Lareo Numlir From All Parts af tha Territory Mast in the Bawdry at Ephraim. nii ! elected !cr the occasioii. 1'rest. C. Peteraon preaided. Ciiy. Utah Fmidvut. PrrniJiiil. rKTtN.M,ti IllklihlS M. MM.LM'ffi-liM- I K'tl. Diractora- !ih. h. ttaituno dot. Mr. CiiirloB, Nvphl I r.i.ilt V. Tftblffr IUiru T. I'ririjNWbfftfc W. Youtin Kii'lirrtl , ' 4'ii . 4 lll'IiP) T ttii(')-- no tittijanJ. I'l'i'-vut- toSCKrittr. I.ivbio ,IK.Mr HlljiriiV( I'lhWrif X.tidll till all il(IILtml Yi4MU. ravw.'V nv ft .11. dm MViiiifH UrptutilM. i4urltfrly. i..l 11 ai i:. ! .tia i hub;, i OUviumh. ALL STATIONS. t.i TIUE CABD. TIUIN 1S!R). I.KAVK P. II. A. M. 12.45 and 5.15 Juab at Nephi at Provo at ZZL? t " 5.45 " 7.45 " 9.45 115 2.45 4.45 salt LekeetT:Ula. m. aud 4:1 and p. b., firlrlu at Pruvo .1 Tnlas leav deli Lake for otph--a 1 Slip. a. iu.,1 i.n, Hilt iWeud? Up Tralaa Wave itiia. n. W. ECCLES, Anl.Gn. F. RESSEGUIE, C. P. Madsen, the gardener, was seriously injured last Tneeday. A load of grain that ho was driving suddenly tipped. The old gentleman, in falling to the grouud, struck npon bis head, lie waa nneon scions for several hours, and fears for the worst were entertained. At last accounts ha was much Improved. There to to be a meeting next Toee-o- f the business day evening, Bept. Mi, men of the city, to dUse use tha advto- chamber of a of abllity organizing eorameree. Re trust an organization will bo effected, that tha manrenonr- res surrounding our city may known to those Interested in finding snitalile place to locate. Three saloons are licensed to sell at retail all kinds of liquors. "Competition to the life of trade," to an old adage. R a hope, however, for the good of humanity, that in this ease the competition will not Increase the traffic of this robber of mens reasoning powers, thle destroyer of domestic happiness, this coarse to the tinman family. Mayflald, The first thing that strike a traveler at this season of the year to the number and else of the stacks of grain, which leads one to think that tha farming interest Is one of the main Indnstrlee ol tha Bom fruit to raised north of the creek, hot on the aonth aide then does net seen to be a good proepsrt for orchards. Tha land to not adopted for the culture of fruit, although and even a few peaches hare bean nt sss We have just received our fallstock of n't boys' and childreue dothing and would be pleased to have you call and and get a bargain Mene suits ftom upwards. Boys' and- childrens suits from ft. 75 and npwaidsTtrrrLK A Co fit-S- o I I NOTICE. C. Andrews St, Co will pay the highest cash mice for main ol all kinds delivered at Chester, Mononi, or Nephi. Weetlll handle all kinds of hides and wooL C, Andrews ft Co. Nephi. As erale, verson who he s (04 appetite bee food health. Bat how mupthwo am who oojov Bothlax tkop Mt, sad el down to moalo wife as aa anpleuut dnty, Nature antidotes for thle condition tre 00 happllr eomblnad In Hoods BuMpalllln that It soon restores sood dfensclnn, erentre nnnnprtiui nnd renovates and vitalise tns bloud so thstthaboneSciat sihet or good toodls Ini to ths whole body, Iraijr boBASr is parted ho beet eeacs, sad Hooa'e KaiHuriUe ii (iNCOkPOaSTEU. Moulding Sasli, .Western. Doors, Combination A STANDARD fl.MGK. Tima Table, in Effect Ang. Stth, KASTROVttn TKAIS4. Na.1 Atlantic .. Hell: Ijssv Ozdi-- Lcsv Fro iff Arm . . taka I.v, Celt Into Arrive I'mvo Halt Cedar Fonts, Etc, 1st ,E. Sts. UP TOWN Ft-me- . rAUD, COB Sin S. & OFFICE OriTOSITE TUEATHK. Salt Lake City, Utah. 18KL No. 4. f'M IUiUn.ni. It Hu sin - ItIUp.ui. Atlantis XsnreMi. Wti.in. P. n. S Irip.n, l:Mp.m. S.lSp. in. Arris Thistle t'Jl p.'. 4'SUn. w. Ainrv bmultivrr... T:M p.m. 3 n. n Lmvr Uissn Kivrr . . T:S p. ta. Atrite Grand Junction II Mf.in s Pashto Arrive Usavsr Arnvt WaSTBOl'MiTBAINH. Lsatrs Lsnvs till No.. No. I rueiSn IUII. Drnvrr.. Purbln Qraad Jusrtun TM Lhti Arrir Grren River.. Lsav Grata Kivrr., tins Arrlvo Thlstlo ? Amvs Provo Iri Provo ....... SM len Arrive Halt tak.... 1:14 Iasvo haltLako.... 0:10 a. LxprrM a. T :li p. m. :li p m, p.m 4Is.m. S.M p.ta. p. in. I: SO . s. m. II u.-a- t p.m. B3Ua.ni, lees. p. ui. IAS Updsn TaAISI SU.T LASS AMD OnDEM. Lrtvo kll S:M a. n. uni fJSSriSpjn. Airira HltUko M44n.ni. sodlliteSiUpAA ps,Urii,n Arrir LOCAL LOCAL VBAIKI-BIKOI- UU Tailoring Establishment, MAIN ST. MANTI. P-- AMD VltATCO, LtarrSalt Ixkv 1 :43 a m. Rrtnrn trriv (tall ntau Aim and Hunt Sletpina Cam All ihrennh Train, it annum j.Um. (Mneut Mnnazer. pit. d Pom A(k Monthly Onlcrs pent to lhn Rest Home in St. Louia for uloth and Furnbhinga. Men and Roys Cloths made to order on the shortest notie and in the Latest Stylea. Parties ordering Sui's send Their Own Honey and get ail lAc Profile. f 1072 General umere, hit toko City, L'uh, HARKESS JAMES W. HOGGAN DXALER IN Netleo mt neUlsnseut f AwsenL InthsPrshsteOMutodhsCenatvef Banpnta Tsnitart t Utah. for laths nutter ot the gstat C Aaale Marie The heaviest and beat made Xislsaa, Deessscd. hmise of the lowest prices any KoUeo f MCtIcBMnt of But ssoonnt sad hearing petition nsklnf lar UlstribnUae at in the Territory. stnta. Notiss Ishsrehr flvm that Jen j. Andante the tdtalalstrntec of tha sstnts of Annie tones nil, hm Mari rendered WE LEAD THE TRADE Htatan, sod prsssntan forssttltBaatnad died la Mid nla hi Ansi sooonoi tf HininiMivtion eonrt, ot Mid Htatt, ud thst Msndnp, tbs Uth ol Ostshvr A. D. ISM at 11 ofelock h dr of uld tor At ths Oonrt lionso In klnnti el & onnty ku bsra dnly for ths vetllenjalof rod the hearing ot said petition, at ohlch tims II lotiiraHod In sold MM Hi plsoo uf ponon His ixar spimiT ud tin .cerprioas in wrilinf I 10 Mia aoconntawl eontoM the Mzno and show il CUT hr tore whvsaM estate should I notboditlribntcd. Joan tan. DwM Srpt. itli, US. Clark. Wm. X Raid Attetity. Withers LUMBER, Lumber, Lath, ShlnlcH, Pickets, Etc In fart anything in tin line on Order for any amoutii furnislie-l- . T A. Uqccmtt shortest possible notice. Cull on and leave orders with or Post Office, Slum Clark. Kwunut Ne.l.,.' o.tt 0- - tiio grruleet Singing. i ; - tS tuieiiof Llnh, Importi'ie i lrayerby Bro. Ole Lvendeen. visit a frienus lissty Singing. jiu:i paid Johan Bohn aald that he had been Batui day mid S.indy. its is down to attend vne grand reunion at Ephraim. Bwedenborglanw, and took hie demon blble when Bro. Chrto. Chrtottoiiaen first Bamur-- i Mulberry, who killed lleher earns to him with tbs OoepeL Hersad Fullmer, at (Tear Creek Uat week, had a poem eompoeed by himself and closed dafehuncor. AND an examination before Justice Brown in bis remarks. waa Provo last Wednesday, lie plead not guilCOALII COALI O.N. glad Patriarch Llljenqnist ty. waived exauilnatiou and was held to have the priritoge of eomtng hare and P P4M1TR TIIISTRi; SSSTS. to wait the action of the grand jury see the face of the Balnts, who were In thi reotiesta srant, Mt.Ptaassnt Praoinot The Deseret Coal & Coke Company withont bail. In this house. Praised Apoetls have been making improvements on tho fiathered for hto klndnese in Bread, Cakes, and Confectionery. taking tims Cottonwood Canyon Road and at tho The LimtHU'li uiid tweuty-zeconGood when mine, and are now prepared to Bert Ilaco to get or sister to The brother a talk, ifetsn to etop-pi been have wards in Silt Lake City Beds to consult him npon any in any quan-itv25cts. era wanted their to custom coal for Meal and Only they riuud Square iy rueetlugs (r un ho,Ji .g built and to arA Pliitiutm matter. Spoke about the Saints who are Ton are htrehy nmmoaod to b nnd appear n beard ''Liberal 25ctS. the cIuhiK i.y Sunday in Denmark a nd those who had ranged t'.iat the wagons will be leaded hvfnra me, tbo undurrignsd, at mr ofw In wniy of iriMi n wlio hve got control of the dead on their road to Zion without a tbrongll a kIiooI and tlie delay necesst-- 1 3f!M.A,D. two. ni Is oelosk a. m of said In tl.we wards, which died school ovnplnlni llod ngnlan yon by representative to attend to the ordinan- laled in loading, as formerly dune, is ob- - dir to Hswrr non were boiii by tlie euiu;. Isn't tbit rid plniatlR Sopt Sid UMk ce for them and their families In the viated Is braukkl toraoorwr from yon , action aria np their Store will act as The Fairview Co-oTemple. W shouldwehunt lor dnugn dons to tha ean for them. our agents in selling road passes and tho frilowln names and do what Was glad that the Msntl Temple to coal, and their ordeu for coal can bo obThraa Kioke- tained for the same figure at which the completed and that ths Balnts are in the GospeL He and another coal is sold at the mine, ($1.7$ per ton J Saint to around the rother had gone H.E- - OSIERLOH PROP. cash or wheal; store orders will bo b.liili'l. lil'h, Li Copenhagen who were sick with tha taken at ten per cent, discount, to them and 1 The coal will bo extracted 1S0 feet Scliool opened iaet Munday with au cholera aud administered Bald d. will be entirely they were restored to health. from that i frorah enrollment of 73 tha lM from and slack. Tbo road I Bruteo on istt thigh, the cunt would soon be taken I and tha blearing of God would will be kept in good condition. m mfoirii ore held at ths premiss mt The mission sriicoi i.i Iu charge of Salutemore abundantly npon them. Ha rest By promptness and attention to the is said ntisi) m Mis 8hadle late fr(n lliincis. blessed tha Balnts. btwnere we hope to merit the good will Elder A. W. Winberg. editor of the and pfttronag ot the coal consuming I ttfwmuk jodrMiit mi for Hid, I Another raeecsuio off yesterday. The B. Bro. um about Snow, public in this county liikube, also spoke nn lorsa belonging to Mr. John Had fri We invite all to come and we the im- - '1,li'1S515 ing him and other brethren. mond was the winner. jTSMrtSto rt aupsta I mu tha fulfillment of the Gospel; was provemeota and to give us their orders awnty, Gnetiss. his bon and and do return tasrsra. .I to be testimony Issri'wrrle hero, Mriis which will receive our best attention. llr.C. A. A. Christeueen of Ephraim glad Girsn naw niy hand ihlsSta day ot lipjRk I Deseret Coal ft Coke Co., waa saddenly called home yesterday on to the troth of the Goepri. from 0. N. LDbP Logan, Elder Christian Larsen, If. Cablstin, account of the death of one of his grand jnitistaf ths Psam Ml, Plods at Prseinet not take the honor to ouraid let SupL children. selves for what good we do. Putina hot God The little daughter of C. Scornp planted, and Apouna watered, Summons acfcllrife Arnten Balww- Bore testimony was kicked in the face by a horse a few xiveth the Increase. salve in the world lor cuts, ware healed by the laying on best The tnal out knocked were many teeth Two In tlx JnatlrasOsnt.MzyfteM PraeinoC Im days ago. too mueh that ulcere, salt rheum, fever inly, L'tsb Tarriteiy. afid on of ths facial nerve waa severed. ofbaad8,i do not rejoice soresitetier. chapped hands, chilblains, the afek, Martin C. Jonssn PlsintlS, I Fears of blood poisoning are entertained. evil eptrlu obey yoa and leavenamee VDomsodflJO r. an but rejoice more that your corns, and all skin eruptions, and J Dos.ttefentont. Book of Life; that jobs cures pdes, or no pay required. To John Dos, whaon nawo Is oibtnrisa nn Chris Andreascn while worklngon the irrltton In the Lamb'd8ald hs hearl the known, Ursetin. It is guaranteed to give perfect aatisTac-- 1 was to the greatest Joy. thrashing machine, laid Wednesday, stomVon are hweby sawmoned tobstaJsppoar cents refunded. Price Gospel Ang. 17th. 1830; mtd wao baptized brforo kicked In tL for nnd also in ths nt nr oaten In lion, or money tbenndvniRnsd, hiul sines baptized 1. B. Brunei M M.ydrid Prseinet Mipto connty, fiteU Tier., per box. For sale by ach. Hi fare wot scarred ponsiderable two day after. He UwBaeramsnt was M. and H. P. Larson Ephraim. onTnnday,n Bri. Bnl 100, St IS rielaek A.tble and tt was fean-- for FOine tims that the his parents. Hesablfirst tlm In rouipllinc lUd akaIbai yon in Copen- to Mowertbe injuries were serious lmt he is getting administered for tho aborn HMAdPiaifeliajmThnredny reirt.br In Kth .Wft hagen Sunday, August aptenibn lltb-- , ISM. along all right. told Action is broafht Brother Pekstrom's house. Spoke about tba sna ofgia I nn frlday fvrning lb little uou of bii ezperlenre by Ihsloil wllhBrothenlagren had tnf, Boy Hon, riliii ieiuliiig a horse to h In company IOh Lr abont Daiifeh ths' getting VK w vfelted King, sambUng hint iiow In viitcr i left franlfMt whi'o. white apiac In forehead In Ifemnuk. more . llliwty wa-religions i He struck just hsol f tii fiiiiiiu.-lTueidzy & Friday of each week they wm ent Oars counsel to fast and prey, abont T nan old, braid A Lire Bh nhpvri Stages leave V K on right thigh, toft hind fool get power to driva out orilapirlta; whi-'l- i won up by Dr. R'ret and mightfarted view for Thistle at 5 a. m, Fair three nighta white, white epot In forehand, mddte and oot and three had days a'! if right. warkad. lh) "'.ah Arrive at Thistle at 1 :00 p. m. himself. Said that Prsrt. Petersen took larAid yoa are lure by nntlflod, that If von tail him with him on a mountain In Norway, to ao antear and aaawtr aa ahors reqnltrait, tha Every Wednesday anil Saturday 340ci ...I T.;:-taka Jndgwanl igalMt yon. for find tims explained to him plalatlil will allon is ii4ri:,r''i-i- t I1. .1 f,iPt. It waa and tor theeeleotlal tbo said saw of IMS and eoata of Rasping Leave Thistle fur Fairview at 9 a. marriage. In 186$. officer and about tho soot of salt The said on th ud snlmri, M. connects UUSTrLASS ACCOMMODATIONS orgaiilxd To the bhorif or any Oonitabto of said in. arriving at 5 p m. and Tbo ML Pleasant choir sang the An--1 director are, IL Me. Kenna Ircst. J. W. connty. Cresting. Maks tegnl sarvies sad du Mt.Pleasunt Stage. Hosannah," retnrn hsvson. Giron ananrs hind this lMh with the GXYS US A OAMio Philip Vice prest. Chris rferon Serty. them, Benediction by Elder J. F. Dorio. Conntclion it mad with the D. & R. of goptstahsr, ism. toy H J.Ct.Vtfrledsln Treanrer. These officers until Monday RkPBT adjourned Gate Jtprex. Tho. Meeting and with Jo Colby. Alma I9CS.11X10 m em gnstlsdsf tts Paaa. G.Ry at at 10 oclock. F, Fetsison from the board of directors, morning t BURTON, GARDNER CO., Lumber. Grande and others .follow. Hunger is theBeet Sauna PresLFetor-se- n. time waa to be tort. C. Smith waa tha lint to Jump down Into tha ditch to help dig out life friend. J. C. Rao then dropped down and defied the walla of daub. With ropes tied around their waists they worked for dear Hie. The crowd kept gathering and to their In-- 1 qalrfea as to the fate of the burled man there earns hot thetonnd of falling earth, (iu the banka were thousand of willing bands, but they could uot look down Into the dark bule where a man was dying, powerless to assist him. Two brother of the buried man were meaning and wringing their bands, counting the mo-to ot agony in which their brother waa a death arena all dying. around. The shovelere worked, fagged out, fell back and were replaced by other but uo sign of tbs lost man waa found. After digging for an hour, they earns aero Hmi clothing and said: "lie to barer More earth caved In, and tha doll thnd of the grave waa tLa only echo of relief. All into time Albert Krkker waa looking down into the grave of hto brother moaning and eometlmea rigid with grief. The braoea and planks had fallen down, and there had to be pried out After an hoar and a half, one of the ehovefers earn to something white, and after Blearing tha earth it proved to be the shirt of the barfed man. Ha waa wedged In eo tightly, necked by the rend and held down by in wooden braere that ha eould not be extricated by two men dragging at him. Whan bonding over, ths tone of earth foil npon him and he waa doubled up, with hto fees downwards. When taken out ha was black in tha taco and no doubt died of suffocation and compression. Ho was token away In the patrol wagon. Tbs inquest was held at tha undertaking establishment of Bore ft Evans, on west Tempi (treat, at 10 o'clock Thnnaday morning. Hartia Eekker waa ayonng man of Z4 years, unmarried, Sober, lnduetrtone and on of tha best hands on the job. Hto parents came here sixteen or sevenHh teen yean ago from Germany. brothers, Albert and Jacob ware ot work on him with the mtnncjBtrald. BCMT, Mar. W.l', Hrnem (or its Cheapness, Durability and Guaranteed Satisfaction. Orders by Mall Receive Prompt at tention. Send kr Price List, Riff ,e riXT, of the Farmers and General Public is Directed Particularly 10 our Combination Fence e amount of lumber to being banted from the mill east of ns. A great deal of it to being shipped sin Moroni, to different parte of the Territory. It is worth $11.00 per thousand at the mill and $15D0 delivered hare. Id, V The Attention ex-pe- An immense rtmm. W.N.BUm, rn a Pm. Ast. Urn. Muagrr. - . Meeting called to order by tupil.il, St, Sait Lai Itriwpu p siiutli, Vim. II. IT, si 1 1. ivtMu i.iifkw Utah. Ma t1 MM H. IU In effect June 2Dtli, Bak cf i in Ephraim on Sunday, September 14, 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m., iu the howery Present on the stand were Apostle A. J. B. It. Lund. Prest. D. H. Wells, Prest. were Alaiben, and a large number who baptised in Skandinsvia in I850. 1S51 and 185a- . Meeting commenced by singing by the Mount Pleasant choir. Piayer was offered by Elder Charles ChiMLiansen, alter which the choir rang. A nos tie A. It. Lund was the first speak-r- . Was glad to meet with so many of the Skandinavian Saints in memory o( the fiist branch organized 111 CopenhaAbout gen forty yean ago , .yo.ooo lure emgraied fiom Skandina-viawho. with their children, nuke a good nuniher here in Utah, In 1849 there were great trials for the Saints in Utah, and vet they made preparations to send the Gospel to the nations, both east and west. Apostle Erastus Snow was sent to Denmark with the Gospel; John Taylor to France, and Lorenzo Snow to Italy. Some of the Skandina-vUSaints reeeived the Gospel in Illin-i- n 1843 and helped to baud the Nau-vo- o Temple. Bro. Peter O, Hansen was tlie first who came 10 Denmark, about one month before Erastus snow. Friday, June 14, 1850, Apoatle ESnow came to Denmark. Bros. Snow and Hansen first attended the Baptist meeting, and some of the Baptists were the first who received the Gospel In Denmark. Fit teen were baptized in Copenhagen, August is, 1850. Some were baptized inin Sweden by Elder John E. Fongreen July, 1850. Sept. 15, 1850, the tint branch Hie was organized in Copenhagen. first baptized in North Germauy was on a great Sept. 15, 1B51. Aug. is. 1536. many Catholics left that church and 800 About church. Lutheran joined the years after Christ the Heathens in Denmark joiued the Catholic chureh. Comlire tree pared the difference in receiving Gospel and other religions. Closed his remaiks by blessing the Saints. Elder P.O. Hansen was the neat speaker. Spoke highly of Erastus Snow; believed him to be a chosen man to come forward in the last days and do a great work. Said that Peder Kiemmeatn, from Flensberg, and Hans C. Hansen, from Copenhagen, were baptized in America. Referred to bis receiving the Gospel and his and Bro. E. Snow's translation of the Book of Mormon into the ' Danish language, as well as some tracts published by E. Snow in Danish. Said tlie Lutheran chureh in Dematk had either no bead or seven heads, namely the seven Stilts Bishops, and the Cultua minister, who is the head of tha Lutheran church. Said that Oie C, Monster, who la burled iu Msntl, waa tha first man baptised In Denmark. Referred to hu journey to Zion and some of thalr trials. Bp.C. C. N.Doriui spoke a few minute. I was glad tto see the Saints from so many I of tlie Territory eouie here to mratr parts I are some ot the I mg, and amongst tneiin first who were baptized in Denmark, then young men, no they are gray hatred. Bpoke about the bnlidiug of the bowery as well as other preparations for receiving 10 many visitors. (Toeing prayer by K. ( Soteuaen. Afternoon, I p. m. HO UMiKlI EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH I n Writing paper, envelope-"- , copy note hooks, pen. Ink, ptnlioldeis, etc. at SnsriXEL Newii liep'X. hunie made A miWnption llmisii for j CovEred With Earth. Marshall llama was seen last Thun-- 1 day taking a stranger to tha rlty jalL Laberor an waa drnnkenneai. The Salt Sad IFato ml Lake Sowar. Aire. M. F. C. Morrison aud her daoghter Mrs. Tina M. Krlekaan are doing work in the Temple this week. Mayor Carter la aaeMlng the R. It. Co. In pnrehaalnv right of way through the Pick of tha theatre ou First East Arid of Mt 1'leaeant preeinet. street end opposite the ftorial allay, last R ednfeday. Charles Daria and hto men Thera la a decided ebange iu the wen at work excavating for a sewer up peratnre. Heavy fronts nave destroyed KirriEiuiL The ground Is nearly a sand tomatoee and other tender vegetables. bank and very tie .chrranr. An open bo dag for about right feat Present Indications point to a storm. ditch would men would tunnel a section of Rain la mnrh nseded to lay tha dost, ao when the to save the extra digging and five feet, disagreeable ths moment a brse as aris- tha timbers. The digger! were down 13H' es. feat and the pipe Isyan ware following Martin Eckkar and a A eonpto of Italians greatly amused n them np dowdy. crowd of people on the street the other pipe layer by the name of Rlehard Maloney were in tha open part rf the ditch day. by play fnrtwo quaint musical ins of the listeners remark- when it was notloed to gin way. Maloed; cutely a K- 1., hes struck the town." ney made for the tuinu-- theand barely lege, but escaped, bring caught by Charles llauipnhire hex returned to was easily dug out, and with a Salt Luke City. His many yearaof alight plneh. waa Martin nt-Eckkar. eo Not fortunate as a salesman bare amply tar hie duties as aueh, ana Tha tost aaen of him was hie effort to Jiuaiified himare follow earnestly sought by Maloney. Both had mad bat a few atope when ha was barfed out of those who know hint. SPEAKING The Skandinavian eonferenco opened Kirt-ltii- tt last week. GOOD Tfyf State ON SALE PRINCIPAL POINTS street has been told to advantage within the Co. TeXl Cily. Iat. of ll.ey are doing a than foraeveral years Some of the real estate on Mala .TINM. Iliuac. -'- ! : The iiiereimiila letter i' ii. ii.L i , Uvvov Vowtvtwcc. Imi m (unity Uriel's. . i . it'Hakr fr in t.i i. lililllllW- M i , ir,.kiHuijrwfiiiH . TvrriMe Deitth Martin Eckker. Tha Sectarian arhooU atarted laat Monday. The hum of tlie thumbing machine 1 now hearil early and late. JOHN LOWRY SON, ExcelsiorBakeryl GENERAL SUPPLY HOUSE Restaurant, idbt goods, qbqcehiesclqihikg. 44-- Furniture, d do-iv- er Baby Carriages. 1 3B -- OSHAM5SX8. srt. i,te 1 FrovO wSiiVrehSdirtre " wlh ,dh'S,ri!d?KVtoii. u pos-Itive- to ld tht ft. 1 -iI l.-T - I niclb SUITS. II tail-- uthT ii-- BOOM MAIN JidmU. kotibi&fl. Joba r. Chrirten. SOUTHERN CENTRAL SUPPLY STATION. ttoaro already occupy, Utah in proportion to the space wo wa muoh pressed are arrivals vary constant with overstocked and more build than Rather any for the want of more room. low pnc in order to inwra our already on sacrifica will wo ent the benefit of eur we offer the deoired reduction of otock, hence you CiYYY Summer Dross Goods.. QIsm-waon Ribbons, Laces Embroideries, Miscellaneous Contrivance, of wide a and variety Tinware Notion! and othw Nowltiw Car Lota. Ws buy STEEL BABB FENCE WISE NAXI4I sizes WlBS of iq SlEKL We also carry a full line re riAT.Ta !AND SEE TTS. robbins&christenson GUNNISON, UTAH. |