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Show CALEN5A. The Sentinc li . l:Sl. ; u; si L 1 I'nir- - J VJ 'i Id c. h!ih :!s;. i.;i.r, vs. I'elef Full be. itei.iL'r Tfrm Docket A li ,i; Um. ii. iu. NnjM InigiUlo) Co U. Q. Ilsavy f lJHitV sot i( il li 'if'TS M. lMliii-- Cu:k ft ul; ! ll.iAi:'.' t.. hearing i is. -r cl ihe r equity in.i 1' l' Ail ifiau ft el; in. Nell 1. Kiitwiii i i l il 1 . )':..iiJ Cun. t r Printed and luMMird by Tiik Sentinel Cu. i S. rCLT, VMEr, j Manti City, Utah, through the Mailt I S . - - Ir'.i Knvi,r.Hf H..I v.J.f.. Iveuw-fc- ; in " !!.- - bi.Mution. In Manti. f i 1 : s J. W. i'litllu as. Frank Baker; demurrer loroniplAiut. Hyrum Burdin et hi. vs. Uiehssl iniurrr to complaint. liASn I'uitei ritutea u " " M i- -. - s-- i wpli-nitic- r t.-- n - . S ; e s Taylor. - I ..11 Btutis v. Clicrlee A. Teiry, rfiuiian Beueh. " va Charles Vincent. The Penpla vv Ki;xjbethUurphyrtaL Cuited va Joseph Dill worth. " VA Jss. II. JeuklOA Hr. - vs. L B. Miller. Ti:e ' at i rsvtBEn 21. Pitple va Cbarlwa Hoyrr et si, a Harvey KJ wards et si, t al, va 8. F. Wunnt. v J. vs, W'. Coouh 23. eKITEMBEK The People vs. fumes Garbett et al. ve. Win. II. Gibson. vs. Wm. Goodwin. - vs. Wm. " vs. Wm. Davie, Smith, va Bepj. Fornisn. Tits PooiiIn vs, 1 s ni nr Cu. 11 W l ivi' s (i Ml ,'tl v K I. iiiiitlH iV vs ,M K i r.u : . .1 : : lI al. Wiclr;."l I., p.iwi i.i J. s. vtr!;s;:.ppesi. Cl irk vs. II- - '.rt N .1,, r; iij',oal. ; M.:U 'Ui'Ili l!i-jL'l v. Malhew I'liii'Jini. VVT:. II. T.'fi ft , I Mi;.!.; Co. 1? I.e t K. It iiv. t J, t iiri'.is l,se appeal. A. E. il ri i mi vs, y.nii" is icy U. R Co. 1 . 1C, i.i- - iin is ry F. ii.'nlels J.- What been a serious bat tat the praaenee of oiliid cf the oeenrsd actors, at ths resilience if Surveyor, J. ILHongaard.ou Friday (vealnc last. Ths gentleman was in Ids office reading and ths light beenuilng dim, he raised the wick and continued resiling. Thslight did not last long sad Mr. thst perhaps, tbs a fee did not roach tbs oil and picked up the lamp and gave It a shake with s view of plashing tbs oil against tbs wick lu order to Bmlwh tho article hs was resdluv . In thin, however, be did not euree-i- . am: taking the lamp In hfa hsml. rrtfnd t his lmm (list ly aiijjlnliia it offloe. Just ss he enters! t;u in the lamp,whlch lnaRncbt terxplodeii !:,. lngtbstop(iffsndHarliigihwie'- in - v. tral pleoeM large piece of wbich.r.-g- tbsr with tho burner mi kHias , bu i.p., , h carpet, and doubtless would Iihv,- - a. i tb premlves, bnt for the humbi'ii of Ur. Hoogssrds little son, Johnny, wli was sletpinglntheriN.nl. and who . oy the explotmu, Jan pa-(ran the bad, sod, ukii-- a cni-li! him, extiogolshad it befuit ii : til any damage. In tba mean Unto Mr. TTnugiard ball on to th lamp, from which a cli ic o? 1; Uqnld flints rose t the lug bis .reeeam cf n.ind. ho r inu-- .! the door lending to Ms and eu'.. tho room, lie opened suo'her r, and threw the stiil burning lann into tba yard, thus triminaliug soy fur.Ler night havs t, i Dir,", (i Ilj f. K, if il.t'.ii A'-ii- . ; pw cf I C d-- danger. .1 '. . i j Oil L. . h.c C,.I ii,,r v A !.i r t: ,). w 'i, i Mod-S- s J. ;v. thrift A iirc tti Pu.,r-,- : c-- tt r-- . A'f.cJ Wiut.ott, 1l,e People vs. ' vs. vs. vs. vs. Mik- - . ! . i:i 'luck. Hath Tubs, Mu.i Gj.nl a IIhfo, Etc,. Jlouses vi Ii .Steam, Gas, jlot and Cold i!iv- me a Call. s ; ; ' !!!'. ! Ildxlii. - llnn'.i Ctrv, Utah. (.'f'-i'iii-- Nietj Hansen, Sec. J F. Fm-tikii- . Tre C. S. RASMUSSEN, - FROYtl CITY. UTAH. '.ii liir i i i .uni ill 'i - TV P. Orders ly Mail 1rouijtly M F'ii PLEASANT, W lioliNiilo Produce and V I.ARGK STOCK. I. ! Correspondence Bolicitcd. ion fig Tl" People vs. Carol Anderson. vs. J. P. Kelley I'fiitm) States va Jos. flsrliek. va Henry Mower. va Jsa A. Tsylor- - (!fo. Kkiii:. (Amt mission Merchants. SFECIALTIKS UTAH. ftftiV uErrniBEk Su. .. s ST. States vs, Andrew IleorlekseD. vs. John C. Harper. People va F. IL Boyer. vs. Frank Illnne. " vaJou.1L Wallle. daisies-you- PALI AND EXAMINE ivVkJtvfSkuk ovOAvv, Tvwv, 'EiXc,, EeftrbyPmmtetaits BANK OF COMMERCE. parry BOOKS' OK EVERY KIND, STATIONERY, TOYS, PERIODICALS, DOLLS, NOVELTIES, PllOVO CITY, UTAH. mfo; oo INDIANAPOLIS, SUPPLIES FOR SCHOOLS & OFFICES, LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail. P.OLSoxSl IND.'. ...NoX7Sy Mm. Cll-- At Fictory,s.v Cash with Onier. "and ng F&S.MalaSt,, Salt Lake City. BWetty rhrt-CUrWr:,tEicd, All bflewiA Growth Jlirlcorv, Steel Asha tMT'nif. Low Bcdi Snt Arms. IVrlociIy Baisaocu. Bidlnx. Oil i Beat WbnlfuSlkvt All Over. Sjus. ! a Co, Terry . E. W. Howell. cirt sau.bt.0b uEscium. wans ""' lfcarnt!IJ I.adirs HOWELL & CO., rum. them roa ami Gohls' Boots rrrwiws Shoes and va, mmu Slippers, CUSTOM MADE AND IMPORTED. Prora, Evil Chtustoftebsox. HDotStShoBmakers We carry a complete line of furniture, carpets, window blinds.fe there, wall paper, Wagons Iron Etc, Parties dealing with uscan as good pnees as any house south of 5alt La e. We are li ui - aiiit Sh.i mode to order. Repair get pie irg i.i Mlly Jttr.a nod on short notion. pared at our Planing mills to custom werkon the shortest notice. 1 Ikilurcfc Cutllp Co. tv. P.iil M.,xe!l 1 1 sliqir..y. , E.uma Dime he vs. Lu.iIh A llunchs; J. Wing. Heber City.WasstcbCoDuly Usb, or eall at this offlee. divorce. in.-- Mary 0 York vs. Thee U Samuolsun et al qul'T, Shorthand College. lime Puu lain vs. fi so U Saoiuclson Lessons by mail a specialty. F. K. et al iq iity. It W I'.rereton - i !,. u Thea M Stenographer. et al rquhy. Salt Lake for Utah, prletor. City, , li Groei-bei-A (rrovabuk olive ,r. i'.'p-particulars. Bole dealers In divorce. Bamlngton Typewritan ft Snppllesy iln-BtliimCrctk Irrii; (:, r- -. Stilus .'4 6to"k . et !; equity. K.:n o.imtry vs. Kimiy C . arul J. I keep on band, purs honey In five D h!lpick;i'qiii!y. lliiiuah I'.iirhsnks rj. Du;i R Kj gallon nos. I have also ninety natural warms of bees In good condition whicb divorce. I will sol! cheap for cash or good pay. K Kctliuni. guard sn, Jane is, James Chill on, or address Dunn. silmiutiitrator;eiiifty. U Atwood. Thomas Wright Jr-- ailinlnlstralor, m. i Staring Sanpete Jos. F Wright et tl; equity. j hiork uuih of MA.N STREET. -- . UASTI Sam-nol-m- FIBLDIHa 40-- 52 UTAH, C-- rte I ! FATRVIEW. UTAH. t HOUSE p,o-Wri- 3 Blks In Elegance ami Sljle, combined with Strength. Durability and at Prires that are Guaranteed. ' Co-op- ., Weaetloal v- -. I'lftinj;-- . ! Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture, Carpets, Wkfil.WB'il Sc 00., Wall paper, Etc. :inr.Y. - Fiji"' ami Gas Fitter. Lupins, Sinks, J'untp-- . Lawn Spri:, Fitted ip in tl..' Most Appr-.v.i- i m;. Wati-rOivli'i-li'ini:pily .''i-- n OrdersMT.Filled on Short Xffotloo - - - Henry Crouw. Jos. Fairbanks. John Psrman. sErTixun r. J. Nieuvn, Jl-.- M vs. Alfr Well Steam Feed, Bran and Shorts. Soreu Jensen. Ted Burkdell. Apply la fell, olano rq-iit- 1 Plumber. Drivv CiAIW. JAMES Straight Grade, Family Pride, XX Family, Farina Grits, Chop SEX! 1XEL B LOCK, Oi-t-- n 8000 bead of Xwe Sheep, address P. I utali. MOunt Pleasant, . Manufactumrers of the Best Grades ol HKPTFMBVH 2C. Bargains Y.t-wvs- (aniailM: ProvO City, Utali. line of Dry Goods, Confectionery Groceries, Canned Goods Glassware Stationery, Cigars, Tobacco, and makes a Specialty of Hats, Caps, Boots anc Gents Shoes, Furnishing Goods and CLOT EC LT Gh. For good Business locations in the r-- auty ili'ortc. He keeps B Ur. Hoo guard thiohs there in.it have eqnry. been at least a plut or oil lu tus lamp Juh vniia'd ErB&ru,'d v Ila,i- at the time of the explosion, rul etalrqiciy. . thsnkfal that so little dom JstnesLk Vt.y J Mini;,.,. wne dons wliena gen rsl eonflsara-Uo- n Am, a Marks r.--. Dsnai! up: y for a seemed, time, imminent. WANTED. Q JkSH SUJQBE. a full ! L. : . o go Mt. Pleasant Patent Roller Ord Bros. Nephii Utah. C-- V pfootXsk tsm address' illluu, B ek ft i,h(Ui..lu.i M.iCi.;,' is. FK Morris; .n i?, ul i n It ft rl - u.i sliuf.iA C a vs PKUvrls FK Umihs ts.Bdll.-i- i .kftCil.Mi.j-i- t a Co. tqi.ity. . P K dorrls; H B s,j Yalentius L Tho ' v F K k vevomv M. G. BOLPHS J. II. Seely, Preut. City; U Mil! r v", 'fic.wX .if-TO- K : m wo ( e. oe We, CrosblA H. C. Special Attention Given to Southern Orders for Tools and Builders Supplies. 23. et al. i v rtju People va F. 8. Wright et al vs. Roy Alexander. " vs. Kobt. Brooke et st. " " ve. Julm Mickeletsl. vs. Walter Matthews. I 'lilted States vs. Frank 8. Wall. vs. Jacob Neileon. They are et al. AcrjT. RICES., il'if; fat. For particulars rail on ro K .1 . Anna Rhs M We are offering for sail 250 line graded French Merino rams at prices ihat defy competition. i C. V.. Ky. i, 11. i, . .iijr, C l f.ic il i.s;:,- - t d S; euuiy S'lwK I ii a s Wliolcstilo and Hot,vll m . Cr.i'iU i l I. Cr-t- c n: V. J'-- i ifjrtiui . 11-- t. Mic'-ai-- v- -i Mii.s i a, V. Ii i,r..' ( i VV. !;. C , t( al. Thomas J ii it i.i. 1 I 3 va John Pierce. i a'. et BOTTOM jgj ! L '-- : va Jua Hnlae et tl. 1 Iii bed-roo- ri-- i ire st vs. M. C. Weiner. va Jno. Hickman. r-i- r.-'i- i BOOTS ft SHOES f KmitBKK Si. rs-ta- Co-1- Ij8 , La - S Hyi TERRn 9FFTIHBKR 19. , II-r- 11! ffJ? ii . 1 paH M 1 : 31 Main Street, Manti, Utah. P. Jensen. ry -. ."miKuuKii it. 1'ulted Elutes vs. C'fias. Williams, et al vs. Aaron Hardy. " vj. Issue W hickers. M tv. Acprew Anderson. ' vs. James W. Stewirt. vs. Neils II. Rarriston. vh. Arthur Campbell. vs. J. R. Bus bard. " v. James Giman. vi A. M. BsrusoD. suriutHKn In. United StaD a vs. Chriatiun Oitoeoa. M vs. Lars Aruoliiaa, vs. Wurren B. Smith. rs.CDu. W.Kawlliuon. " vs. Horen Micktefon. vs. Hiram B. Crane ' vw Jitiu Quurn berg. va David Candlaud. ' va John R. Baker. va Caarlee 1). Smith. " va Issue Huat. ' va J- - Goddard. " va PetiT Anderson. s s Are Still at Their Old stand, ipaon. Bcowi vs. Jsraee Blitter. j ulu-tio- n . I- - IX)o General Merchandise hi!as Smith. vs. CeurgH Terry. w. Bigelow. vs. John A. Powell. vs. Kshiutis Jaatesen. j : o( DEALERS 14 vv v- -. TUTTLE & CO. Jl'KY SEl'TCMBMi I v to nujrerrer , Tke following Cashs will be examined liy the ftmtii! jsiiyou the dates set. . ! M.n. liihtlidTO vs North Co-u- Hiiiirm Kieker; mlultrery. - S. vs. S, is. li&Wtftliu llldl. Fairtlew f It UfW 1 srrl-dsn- :? . i Lamp Explosion. v . diDii-lvil'- VuiisM-iikhvi- jJ1PpJ-A",,,4- C.S. v I riisiHiierryja.ljUt. the brlstim-wiisiniUW' country, a person is struck by the fal enliabitu'n n. the many signs of prosperity an a t'.ri. vs. VV!"wi EMwp; lottery. I'- S. -. Hiinnra 11. Ashby; wliiltfry; progress visible on nil sides. Tiicr-habeen no booming of the towns, s.'t l.r trial Srpt IT. r. -- . Vi ;l I:. Hi'unetjudiillirry. and everything 1ms tcc-- moving s jpritii; aditlUry l.S. so some that along I w:- -; uulaeful eo- quietly, i people '!; have supposed we wore at a slued i.kl)::ii!.')U. unlaw-fi.- l TIioiiis-- i still. But although them has Urn "! i iti.'i: n r f ir lush. i so little noise made, consider.! '!'' I . -. Suutliwics; unlawful work has been done and i: !. i.i lU.b. fur has been of such a naturu that IV'.-li. I. iiiu. 'ii; then is no danger of a backed. :imi'.!! it f: S p;emlicr l'J:h-- ; n- If. llalih; imlwwful eu. S. Nothing in the iiatuie of sp,', alii: tmu. has been going on, but ewrt r- S. v.(u- rjs If. Hales; polygamy stove tost has been omdc ha been CALEM'AK TlirTUTOr.ULCEiMIXiL such ss the general wrlfnni oil lie Jim country demnnied, The IVni'l'! vs. Uiwrge W, HanSu k et pc.pie have ben more t oncerned i .pc a ; mnr.Ur. i lm vs Ja. Chadalck a:il; ting their liornes fix l comi'ort.ibl. , iH'Ccury. or iinpioving ilieir f irms, timii i. r.,il T. i Prtui'iH r.f J.is. Chadeick eta L Vermont spreading on s'ylu." la:C"iir; t fur trial gru.l has been t iu bus, to Ulk mu h, s & . I'iis Fno;I4 V Nsilso that people who live in ct sppi s ; ji..r e 'll It i r Ol the were iin.rvn cuui.tiy r.ie l';il.i vs W.n. Crock; inurd:'.; of what has lici-- g'nng on. Thi f ir S i'iHiuia-- CJud, vn. Jii'ii li ui Coo q enne is ihni many fir.n ge u;,i,al; r' (O' S 'l.iulict S.h. notions have luk- ii pos ni v Wji B X flit y; appeal, the populsr mind, linn ox lea.: I'T.lmuio Citj vs (i.b(il iiautsUiSu; was seen in the a'.reiT tip north, i ; Was fruit) Sanpete, as n n,ut!er n P.iMuck spp. Ali'.ie t'iiy va Chs-te- r i. A? course. y one who wiisodd-ft(it I! (ifii-li- i vs. W ai. Clark; sp dressed or awkward iu cm p.ii.y w -- l eo ml and n.- Uavilii. f- - Div.it Sanpeter on, sp-iujlti'iu.,. It is getliuq to lm an tindeiBtui.u .(mgilile vs Davil Korilciusks: an fact now, tba Hunpi-.is a gmd place to settle in. '1 he lami ia i i, ,, Mi. r.e.i'v.nl vs vJohnsori; sp-the climate is but little differ' nt I ni. . from many of the eo culie I favored liigville in J iiH'-- F. M.:i'li'llin;si. points of tho Territory, thn piopl. MJToll.in; ap Piluj:rilie vs urn the owners of as much weal i!., P ,1. as the average resident of Cmh mnl .Springtide vk. JamwF. McClellftn.ap although not as far advanced as r a I, CIVIL. ( U.INDaR. some of the others in regard to what is known as modern ti.fl, Smith 1 al I':.,S. vl Statf-Jo-et al. ts. I. pgi form sat have the inn they at. I'. S. vs. ' of knowing that what they do own s. vs. John V Bheptieiil 1 h!. I, it theirs and they do not need (o I'. S. vs. S M WHIliiiUi. ft e.i. I '. S. vs. E'lirna J Clark ul. care for the inevitable pay dH.v that I', .s, vs K. W. Fox et a!. comes around every little while I'. S. vs. A Murdock, and leaves many a roan without IM. vs. H A Muidik ei ol. home. s.luiiuiMrati.r i f (ioofJSuthHrlnud, Baines Robbins, vs. Dun C. The financial footing of Sanpete Vt ofirtmff vs. (' II. I.yoi k; sppsal. county is equaled by but few of Alina Miiric. t.J jhii Tviiiivan cl al the sister counties, and the l.'T. US i li t'.c.'i 1 1. 1'. F s. :i; nr feript is worth its face, and can peal. At V. t. McC.iroick si nark cl ol, at any time. No olher Jiiim ii Ml'rict vs. I'ni'.i ( Mv; county can show better homes or . 1. vs C Tcrk; Pm'. cattle, outside of the few head of A!: i I. i. "'i.i-o- jn vs li" i.s ) v II '. s stock . i owned A.t. j that is ii" it ii .fancy Fork by some of the wealthy men. We have a Cl tv. K. itSiivlti.Tl, !!,:.'V.U!, many comfortable homes, although Kpi r .lm V h vv they may not have quite an much ; Lhii'.i st. i I, ,;(i; i style about them, ns nay people in fliitr. K i!i McN ,il vi D W the Teiritoiy. Jr., et si, vs hii.liU Eliiiny ret tl li.if, r Mite Take it all in all, we hare just Inc ('. cause to be proud of beiug'S'aNprfcf-K Ira 0 :i' i!y vs Atir!i ir .ABi.Jiig Co. and the future will prove that we .Is:.: s M 1, '.. u l y is .V;riur Mining live in one of the best .counties of C S Varlaa si al is ('enii iciil-Furik- i Utah. i oio tiling MOTION CALEMijktt. ( uii!i,iuatior; c ri4i;ut H Bradford; uoliwfu; foliHt.icitii'n C. s vs. lierqe Stapj ; uuiAwful ra I MATERIAL PROGRESS. f I Til. set f.,r tr.'ji Sciueoiiii'r 2:7 iu. t !i. v.. N if in, Us 11. (iroosl's'k; adultery. I . S. vs VVUlu.'u Hacker; unlawful fo-- j 1C. IS'Jii. ilm-ngl- 1M W Rest Stock of Blown (,e(rg 2,'ib. vui-kiio- VH- Matter. In traveling around 1.4 - 1 HU,., Tpes'jav, Skiteuiikb fl si; equity, Clfi W. fjr trvl U or; Han tStroii'l an i'. v, a-t- tn (Iff! v. H. siii.ji r i Mirks rtiii; vs. W IlCuiiuer et I. s. l.if ; unlawful iu- - hi;Anus ni'iliiiu to utfx Mils. hiiWltlluii. li'irLHi Shu. vih'A. I). hVrion; ile-- l 1 . H. vs .lt,l.ii !' . i.ialiaui; unlawful miirrer to voiiiiiiiiut. ifl,f'' I j U. I Win. II. li x vs. Frank A. lUkur; de-- I S- vs. J. I). u:ir! liiiirii-- In i at the Jotl Hi; I. liii-ma- V.'iliism 1. .Il.iy; unlawful P. r. tCntertd loi;eriiir.V L'All ::1j sTJT., . CHIMIN VI, fA.iEU. fl.-t.'Ui- XT. s. - li-- R. HOWE W holwsle Temple. I'IRST-CLAS- S ACCOM3IODATIOX8 Jjtiyc Sample Boom J. Fielding Prop, MANTI, - - UTAH Ji & TAFT. and Retail Dealers In ( Staple and Green Groceries, ETO. FOULTnY, for all kinds of Grain and Highest cash price G-IlAIi- r, paid Produce. Correspondence Solicited. 28 E. Centre Street, PROVO, ITT ATT. Nieskn, E. anil JW?en J. Eddard?. Jjadaril .... First-clas- s Blaclssmithlng, .... H orse Shoeing aSpecialty, of W agons, Buggies, Plows, and all Clauses on fhortNoticeand niKi-cdu- su BlackamilUn ilono Style at S.R.Neileon. old Stand Manti City, Utah, |