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Show ' ' lS- s,t r EV'JSii. 1 .1 PEC. 2. IMS. SMITUFIELD, CACHE COUNTY. UTAH. FRIDAY. 11 J LOT3l3ll3J3l33!!3f333I3$3!!33$333f3SS3l3f3S3$3l3SSf3l3I3l3 lake Everything to Gr A MERRY Wagons, Games, Books, Trains, Dolls, Sleds, Tricycles and Toys TOWN Lundstrom Furniture Company, BBSfEillS Mr. Lettie Picot, Mr. Vans Raywere mond and their daughter dinner guest of Mrs. Lilia Wright Friday night. MAKE OUR STORE YOUR Mr. Grant Week and Miss Fkir-enc- e John of Ogden spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mr. Ephraim HEADQUARTERS Week. The Ilame and Community section Farm of the Smithfield Ladies Bureau held a Christmas class Wednesday at the library. Included on on the program was an address Swedish customs by Dale Nilson. A u:al s do .by Mrs. Seth Godfrey. Christmas in Talks on foreign ! countries by Air. Vern Toolson and Airs. Merrill lcteraon, and a talk on Christmas in America by Mrs. L. Scninthers. FOR XMAS GIFTS, . CARDS AND CAHOY OUR STOCK IS MOKE COMPLETE THAN EVER Airs. It. L Nelson spent last visiting with her daughter, Irel Aleyer at Rigby, Idaho. BEFORE Van Drug COMPANY week Mrs. Reid Ilovey of Logan, Miss Areva and Theda Chugg of Providence and Air. George White were guests of Mrs. Fern 9mith at a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. Air. Mr. and Mrs. Ilusen HiUyard and family were diner guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Christensen of Richmond on Thanksgiving. The annual stockholder, for the Smithfield Prices tor SATURDAY, DEC. 3, 1938 HOLIDAY BAKING SALE lb. SACK 89c SYRUP, KARO, BLUE LABEL, 8 LB. CAN FLOUR, PANCAKE, SHERRY 28 OZ PKG. s La 55c 82 SUI,RAY' oz 25c z 20c BAKING POWDER, CAU,MET' Vi C0C0ANUT, HKRSHEYS- G0G0A, CHOCOLATE THAT BRIGHTENS THE Qidute MISTER, HERE'S A TIP from electric range owners the country over: Give your wife new e freedom from cooking cares and a coder, cleaner kitchen. Give her the most gift of all a Westinghouse Electric Range, the range that cooks fast, cooks better, saves I Kitchen-prove- d When you buy your wife a Westinghouse Range you are binging to your family the many Kitchen-prove- d advantages that owner everywhere now Certified operation report from 103 Proving enjoy. Kitchen Hostesses prove as no laboratory tests ever "could that Westinghouse electric cooking is economical that foods cooked the electric way look better, taste better. Not only is the modem beauty of the Westinghouse Range a delight to behold, but the simplicity of operation and automatic features make .. cooking a pleasure. i Make every day a holiday. Give the gift that ia sure to please. Our easy budget plan enables you to enjoy the pleasures and economies of electric cooking while paying for the range. Get complete information today! . COME IN. i. ASK FOR ONLY $10.00 SPICES, worM's ctaM & 23c I LB. CAKE, 2 FOR.-,- 4q - 35c Ik .... 25c - SEEDLESS-1- 5 LB. .... 17c 2 oz. pkg 6c .... AVONDALE, NO. 2V4 L 19c CAN CRYSTAL WHITE 5 BARS SOAP, PALMOLIVE, 8 BARS SOAP, FEEDS GRANULATED, LG. PKG. .. COCKTAIL, DEL N; -- 19c OZ 15c i8c SOAP, CARROTS, 15c 29c MARASCHINO, TEA GARDEN, 5 CHERRIES, and 02 212 . BROWN, 2 PKGS. MOLASSES, 9c GIAZE PINEAPPLE, 15c - o- SHELLED, LIGHT, WALNUTS, PUMPKIN, SSMtOVIN oz OAN OZL CITRON, LEMON, ORANGE, SUGAR, Bait. Vi 16 2 LB- - cam- 2 CHERRIES PEAS jj gg PITTED DROMEDARY, 714 OZ. PKG DATES, RAISINS, A DEMONSTRATION - - puKE PURE - BAKING, MINCE MEAT, 2 PEEL, PKG- HY GRADE, PKG. CURRANTS, worth-whil- money LR SCHILLIXGS' EXTRACTS Pnebent LB. PKG. BAJONG AAH SGDA ... --i CZCf PEAHUT BUTTER, THE j Gutke Meat& Grocery CRISCOj ITS North Ditch Co. will be held at At wry Monday, December 5th, at 8 p. m. The order of ta will be electing of office, iarys annual report and nd matters as might properly before the meeting. eairmmmftrsBaK'. ht ZAsSjMiaitjhw' NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDER ANNUAL MEET1.NG Newton-SmithfieFOUND on Miss Norma Peteraon attended the Mr. Joseph L. Pitcher is reported trousseau tea of Mrs. Louis Stalker highway a mans leather cost jackfeeling some better. at Logan Sunday end assisted in et. Call at the Sentinel office. Adv Stalker The Fourth wand MIA Conjoint the trousseau icon. Mrs. FOR A LIMITED TIA1E ONLY will he held Sunday evening at 7:30 was formerly Miss Gwen Smith. WE WILL GIVE A WESTING-HOUS- E A P- - m. in the Library building. AUTOMATIC ROASTER The Boioklore Ladies Literary Club good program will be given. A g:od OF A attendance ia desired. . met Friday afternoon at the home WITH EACH PURCHASE The book WESTINGHOUSE Mr. and Mrs. Antone Jensen cele- of Mrs. Keith Meikle. REFRIGERAbrated their silver wedding anniver- Alary of Naxareth by Mary Bor- TOR. MOSE HARRIS APPLIANCE UTAH Mrs. Glen COMPANY, SMITHFIELD, sary on Friday night. Tim table was den was reviewed by Adv. deccrated. A wedding cake formed Tout, A delicious luncheon was ser- PHONE 111. in the centerpiece, pink candles cld gold candle sticks were at either ved by the hostess. Special gueets DO YOUR SHOPING EXRLYI end of the china and crystal ware were Mrs. Ivan Thompson of Richwas of pink and gold. A delicious mond and Mrs. Jack Meikle. supper was served to sixteen friends and relatives. Out of town guests PIONEER DAUGHTERS were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Johnson, and Mrs. Leon FonneSteck, Mrs. Christain Fonnesbeck and dau- HOLD PROGRAM ghter Greta of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Rst Jensen of Preston and Mr. and The Willow Valley camp of the Mrs. Jim Fonnesbeck of Weston, Mr Daughters of Utah Pioners met at( and Mrs. Jensen received many beau- the home of Mrs. Leonard Sorenson, tiful gifts. on Friday afterman with Mrs Sor-- ; enson Mrs. Nora Johnsn and Mrs. S. Mrs. W. II. Chugg of Providence N. Sorenson as hostesses. spent Thursday at the home of her The meeting was under the dir, daughter, Mrs. G. G. Stephens. ection of Qapt. Ellen Homer with is the singing under the direction of Miss Dorothy Wright who Mrs. Nora Kirkbride. Prayer was by spending the winter in Salt Lake Miles. Lesson, Annie G. wag horns for the Thanksgiving Chaplain Utah Mountains and Streams was holidays. given by Harper W. Noble. Violin sket- -. Lost in Smithfield: An auto tail-lig- gaol, Mrs. W. W. Perkins. Life. was Merrill Qf eh given Washington and bracket and license piste bis daughter, Mrs. Alice Shy. number 87,375, Utah. Return to by Instrumental music, Elwin Peterson. Oscar. Gyllenskog or Sentinel Office. Community singing. Bened tion, by HARD WHEAT, 48 " i Adv. FLOUR, Chaplain Ellen Timmins. ld LOCALS I -- 17c . -- 15 2 MONT, FRUIT, NO. 25c 1 Tall Can 14c 19c NO. 2)4 CAN, 2 CANS ssctuWs Maw I m pwtet aa4 nuttiw To A COMPLETE VARIETY OF GREEN Mose Harris Appliance Co. PHONE 111 SMITHFIELD WE DELIVER VEGETABLES gJC Meat you can eat at prices you can meet I BBitiaiWWWfJiiUHWBtwamcg ii SWIF f 17 |