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Show . THE FEATIIERHEADS and The a i nT You 1b Ml CLEAN "WE SlLuER- - LI- Y WuXX AT MY JbB HOME I HA8 fcigM WHEN I COMB ID HELP YOU WITH y SoUP- S- WHAT JT" v6U. AFTkR. Ybu Mmj do lbawe i wash r ALL PAY ?iM)iSHEB-MA- KE frit CLEAN UP TrtB (BEDS HOUSE . I ) YlM? OH -- Jfe pa L JwELL do iwe 0 BETWEEN fus Furnace- - -- C.EU i MARKBTiMS tsnp and WOULD fOU oh SO sew The LOOt BUTt&MS ON MV Tales Tail X 1 COMB WhEN YOU PEOPLE AT TmE AHO OFF MIO -- shirts FRANKLINS FATHER 85 Ittug aa neY I Aa Told to: &i52 IN Lr-- r ELMO SCOTT WATSON a u William McClenahan, of correspondent Port Deposit. Md., flrat beard about it, he didn't bellere It A farmnr, to the neighborhood gossips aald, had a goat that s- ng In a beautiful tenor voice. How did It happen? Well, It seems that some member of the farmers family had been careless and left a phonograph record of "Mother o Mine" by John Mctormuck out In the yard. At McClena-hnn'- s least, thats the way Mr. story, which appeared In the Baltimore Bun, accounted for It. The farmer and his singing goat became famous. People came to see It and paid for the privilege of hearing It sing. Then bad luck The goat overtook the farmer. stopped singing aa suddenly aa It bad begun. So the farmer bought an expensive record by a famous grand opera star O Bole Mlo, It was and fed that to the goat The result was fataL The goat began to alng bnt suddenly dropped dead. An autopsy revealed the fact that Its throat was clogged up with what the veterinlarlan called some foreign substance." They were Italian words and phrases. The goat waa 100 per cent American, so of course, he choked to death on em. WHEN - Probably No Spring Juit Lika That ILLNESS years of age." He had inherited excellent physical foundation for the making of a great man. In a printing shop In London, whither he went at the nge of eighteen, he astonished bis fellow workers by abstaining from beer and yet large form of being able to carry type la each hand where the othera carried but one In both hands. Franklin kept n score card at virtues to be practiced. The Oral of the rules of conduct rends: Temper-ancEat not to dullness ; drink not to elevation." Franklin's philosophic mind came to the conclusion that the quantity of each kind of exercise Is to be Judged not by the time spent or distance covered, but by the degree of warmth It produces In the body," Considering the customs of bis day, be was a remarkable specimen of health, strength and endurance, concedes Dr. James F. Uogers In The Coat That Sang Tenor SMAT1LR POP of FIRST Benjamin Franklin used to say of bis parents, "I never knew either my father or mother to have any sickness but that of which they died, he and ahe at elghty-iivat elgbty-nln- e FRANK E. HAGAN and STITCHES and mother died e. Hygela. Remembering Injuries The memory of past favors, la like a rainbow, bright,' vivid, and beautiful, but It soon fades away. The memory of Injuries la engraved on the heart, and remains forever. Hallburton. His Unlucky Day tivrES, sir, I bellere In that By Any Other Name FINNEY OF THE FORCE at nner did niver use ot Hum YfeEE. WURRPS-- OI WOULDN'T CALL Nt? BUDDY 1WAT Att IP. IP t HE SEE. Ol DI- D- HL5 CAUS THAI AFAtSS UOOD HERE BE NOHaootf super-- I atitlon about Friday, the 13th, bein an nnlncky day," aald the OldI est Ranger In Yellowstone park. recollect one of em In particular. "I waa out on patrol and discovered I didn't have a bite of food la my grab bag and only one shell left In my trusty ol' gun. Well, I sneaked through the woods till I saw a brace of quail antin' on a bush ao 1 maneuvered aronn' so aa to be cure of gettln both of 'em with one shot. "I let fly an,' by golly, when I went to pick up them two blrda I found that I'd killed six more that waa antin' on the other side of the then I heard a big combush. motion out In a little lake nearby. There waa a big buck deer that had been skeered by my shot end had ran out and got htsself mired down. "I ran out to help him but before I could get to him he drowned. Aa I waa carryln' him to shore, I sank down In the mud an' water up over the tops of my boota..So I took 'em off to pour out the water end denied If there didn't flop ont of dozen of the flneet trout yon 'em ever did see. "Well, I strung the quail an' the deer an the trout on pole so I could carry 'em easier. But my struggles to get the load up on my shoulders wee Jut too much of a train on my suspender buttons. Denied If one didnt fly off with inch force that It killed a rabbit 100 yards away. When that happened, I jut decided it wasn't no use to try to do any more hnntln'. Burned like It waa my unlucky day. It being Friday, the 13th." . ..Coleman ' naCblananbann- - I Baa. btira Iran Isa anrfaaa la hraMtiha hettat. llafeitaiaa IN The Poor Fish DlBN' I AY YOU 'RM V4CAR BOY! OM DO IT WHS. NOTHIN' I LIKE BtTTKRNf ONCEV THAI UK CO THE W V SWIMMIN DIVIN FLAYIN IK THB.MKTER WATtB? WELL. YDuhl JUS' THE FELLER. I'M LOOKIN FORI RUN OUT TO FOIL STORE I OOWANNA OUT INNA RAIN! 60. ALLA TIME! ADAMSONS ADVENTURES A Small Boy DiUmma By 0. JACOBSSON haatrd kaat araa on ud THU COLBMM LASSF DwtWUiU Wkta k. Iha AND BTOVB CO. Ini IralwtaC blt hr V lfithairaaamy mauawaata. It's a ful tlM labor aam nothtac Uka Cnltaim la tha aaay aray ta haa. Jut REGTAR FELLERS RO N KmImW LihliiSMSii AU roahm ti ds li tan a whii ftHb mUI adKBihN Mtanttar. Yaa doKt hm taint tfaaaarA MUda thakaa aa huraii Wmrt. Tha Gahaua baata N a JWt la aokkly nady ttfe I Land aa Ear Opportunity la always knocking U ' you're listening. CLABBER GIRL WINS AGAIN! Sweeps State Fair with 48 Awards O Bettering a previous yeart recent elites, ste. baked with CLABBER GIRL Baking Powder, won 48 award! single stata Mr In 1835, ota. al im el Firs! wh- hr the Fin c ipaBHaw at a CtanimthAairl ...MilbmiHl f who go down to the sea la Man Overboard MEN frequently in or hear about some unusual occurrences. J. W. Putman of Anaheim, Calif., who once served In the United Statu navy, la no exception to that rule. One hot, sticky day as the battleships end cruisers were steaming along off the coast of China a ty- Bll.l.airilliw NwU BRONC PEELER Here Coea B. Oliver By FRED HARMAN Tiii is onb TTh in YtQ lira I wawT Ya TBock. ndBoovD So ESbncs Sowf IS Suit IRat if MC CAN DlW TDamna A Moss m Bin Aeta ru. suck VIKVl SCR ABOUT I BoTM HoM FEB JILT THAT SUCH A PUBfDML VWOIB two vKYrr. uhocr burr tHlJ IS A IN CAL CLAIIEB 6IBL but fc phoon suddenly swooped down upon them. Despite the howling wind and raking waters, the vessels managed to keep their alignment In the midst of the storm lieutenant decided that he wanted a cup of coffee. So mess boy started cross the deck with a cup of coffee; a pitcher of cream end a bowl of sugar on a trey. Jnst as he waa about to open the door to the officers' quarters, a wave swept across tha deck. It picked np the men boy, jugsecond on Its gled him for then carried him 80S yards astern and deposited him at the door of the officers quarters of tha next hip In line. Opening the door, he walked In and mid. "Here ie the coffee yon ordered, lientenanL One lump, or two, and shall I poor In the cream It had all happened so quickly that the mem boy didnt realize he wae on another ship until the officer roared ont: I'm a captain, not a lieutenant 1 didn't order any coffee ' and what are yon doing here?" w ultra suwmapw Units. nWow dp$ 8Aki HIDE THE OVERLAND 08 PACIFIC 61-fo- LIMITED met 19 am I wRtcSLty's MAYBE A GOLDMINE REACHING CLUYAS WILLIAMS RELIE.VES A DDyANOSMOMEyj 'gdpwum. THROAT Sn TJUfTT' twa ku SJWBStT UK! ..(.WKIGLEYS. FSSi WHawssat it goiiu'iiuu'a they nasti a painuna and And an old master." Many discoveries ha been mad In that way, I know. Anyhow, St wouldn't hurt to wash ours, my deer. Ml Dr TT ftj JMM AMUJW IB .. - TTn ;L--n f1. wit rr Tffi VMfoia tuivt Mh mm ib iMif tuf 15 or MAl'lM, IHCHtS VKN0 sfiaitefc a Bywoi y, Nf am W f iiS i$Ln 9c "oZcV&iSl or Amo ( wxir van mm.mst mrufo rntsM spuws i,.- hiM Bus A Ark AtlB gCKWVS ROHM KjUMHf RHWIWD MlNt IMA. stu t ucKiiy ji'jt k family payw w ifius, Cliitox so MOOHOK RlACiUS C,Af K90KF L AfKS MB Brfi ItSSlM WritVOf So&NL 'YiDrtWP'vvJ'H r TO iSAN FRANCISCO' $' 1 The Eyes of Fish The eyes of flsli are like our own In structure and vision, hut with adaptive modifications. Eyelids are absent, so that the eye remains uncovered. The eyeball has little power of movement; the cor. nra. ' and the lena more globular than In the eyes of mam-mnls: and It appears that flsh ire comparatively While In most species the eyes are very ae compared with those of the large er animals, a few have small highorbits, r none at all that are visible, and live In darkness a parasites, of nnder stones, or In m In the abysses of the ocean. ra near-sighte- cave-stream- s, TROM OGDEN OR SALT LAKE CITY ride in an coach oo our fastest Great Salt Lake and over the High Siena. Cnffca 5(, milk i(, undwkhcs lOf; alio low cost dining car meals. trains--acros- s Southern Pacific Foe further dcuiti see or write D. R. OWEN, General A sent, 01 So, Mala Sl, Salt Lake Chy |