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Show & JPIM Logan Today Sal. SHOW THEM HO MEBCY-Sa- n, lo Wed. Astaire and Rogers in FOLLOW THE FLEET BANK NIGHT THURSDAY daily thought A business much tsk A DAILY THOUGHT You should bade the ambitions of your homo city to the Emit. tha canuot reform Wishing world. itart in busines, but it R lot 01 U JJJawW keep is buaio COVERING ONE OF THE RICHEST FARMING SECTIONS OF UTAH SMITH FIELD, CACHE CO I NT Y. UTAH, MARCH 13, 1936. NUMBER 13 9 UNDER DIREC TION OF CIVIC IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE AND BOY OLD ENOUGH, IS WANTED WITH TEAM S, SHOVELS RAKES, GRUBBING IIOES, ETC. TO MEET AT THE CEMETERY. WORKERS GOING TO THE GRAVEL PIT MAIN AND FIRST NORTH AT 8 P. Mw DINNER WILL RE SERVED AT A WARD HALL THE CORNER OP AS FORMERLY. EVERYBODY COME AND HELP BEAUTIFY OUR ' CEMETERY AND PUBLIC GROUNDS. JYERY MAN i JR. SHTHFIELD OVER WMS HIGH PROVISIONS OF NEW SOIL CONSERVATION PRESTON five of the Smith- fjdd Junior high school trounced the pmtn Junior high school five by Kore of 42 to IB March 5 in the gmiflrfMd Junior high school gym. yright played an exceptional floor Nelson was also pett u did Nelson. the of man g:me. point iifo friidale was the outstanding man h the Ptvston line-up. Vrifht, f f Xilion, c folun, lilee, Ihtin, JUNIOR HIGH G T F P Preservation and improvement national soil resources, of reestablish- ment and maintenance of farmers purchasing power, assurance of adequate supplies of food and fibers for consumers, and the protection of riven and harbors against the effects of soil eiDsion are provided for in the soil conservation and domestic allotment act, which was signed by Hie President on March 1 1 2 2 Temporary federal aid in the form of payments direct to individual far-me- n to assist voluntary action by them designed to accomplish the soil conservation purposes is authorized until 1988, according ot Director William Peterson of the US AC extension service. Commencing in 1938, grants will bo mrde only to states upon approval of state programs by the secretary of agriculture in accordance with the provisions cf the act Grants may be made to states under plans approved before 1938. These state plans are to include as a principal objective the reestablishment of farmers purchasing power, and may provide for production control. The act authorizes an annual appropriation cf not more than 1 8500,000,000. 1 1 1 Under the temporary plan of federal aid, the secretary of agriculture is authorized to make soil con- ...... g ; f f Sercwther, Feller Cuk McCombs Totals PRESTON JUNIOR HIGH G T 0 1 Goodie, f 0 1 .... Evan,' f 0 Picker, e Seism, g Cuter, g F 1 0 1 0 0 .. f duett, f x. Trudale, e Martin, tome, g 1 Totals OPEN CROP SOON There are a few tee mi that are ready to play soft ball again this secson as soon as they con have some competition frem other local soft ball teams. Possibly a schedule of games will pe drawn up. A meeting can be called any time by any representative from each local sift ball team. Any further enhancements will be published. W P A Project 1. t Eeese, TO ACT ARE OUTLINED Be Summary: SMITH FIELD SOFT BALL SEASON Work has started on the rocking of the creek and the cemetery project will start Monday March 16. It is also expected the beautification project at the Smithfiokl Junior High school wilt start soon, according to M. J. Falslov, WPA engineer for Cache Ceunty. Lady Teachers Entertain The Lady teachers of the Summit School entertained et a bridge party at the Bluebird on Saturday evening. The following guests were present: Myrtle Larson, Willise Covey, Grace Postrna, Eulalia Lee, Mildred Cannon Beatrice Thomlcy,Enma Fisher Lou-deJenson, Ellen Skidmore, Venna Janies, Ethel Allen, Elvi Palmer, Helen Neeley, Gwcndella Thornley, Lee and Alelba Plowman. High score prize was won by Ellen more and aU cut prize by Inez Lee. ; Those on the arrangement committee were Helen Neeley, Elva Palmer and .Melba Pbwmsn. 5 10 6 15 servation to producers payments measured by (1) their treatment or Umpire, Heaps. use of land for soil restoration, con-Inor erosnn prevention, (2) servStkn, SL Dance in the use of their land, and (3) the domestic allotment of Tuesday night March 17th after one or more designated commodities. Mutual, there will be a St, Patricks Productivity of the land affected is ooo tat held in the Second ward rec-ha- to be taken into consideration in j The music will be fur-hh- d DR. MADSEN WARNS by Earl Wintergreena change in use of land Dr treatment celeEveryone be there and of land for soil conservation. POULTRYMENOF the wearing of the green. Regular admission will be charged. FOR SALE DISEASE in Several homes and farms TO PRESENT Valley. No renters need apply CUPS Cache inquire B. Monwn Richmond, Utah. Dealers in poultry who call at adv. tf TO DAIRY HERD OWNERS poultry premises to load cockerels Mrs. Wallace Waite entertained at or old hens for the market may be disease DALLAS, Texas Governor James a party in honor nf her daughter . responsible for introducing .Allred of Texas announced not are anniversary Evadcans birthday cn'jf precautions proper today t 1 is offering five afternoon. Those present Mrved, according to Dr. D. E. sperist silver "Pries U awards in the National Lorraine Hillyard, Iva Jeanne animal pathologist for the Utah Shew which will be held at Whitt, Lois Thornley, Shirley NH- - experiment station, "fy Colleen tt Texas Centennial Before any hauling crates are Exposition here eon, Marva Lai Hillyanl, Cttober 10 to 18. CoHccn Marjorie Tucllcr, Eckcrslcy, placed in a chicken hrusc they should silver cups will be given Weeks and Evadcan Waite. be thoroughly cleaned and disinfecting sweepstake herds in 7 ed. This extra effort is not usually Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, quality merchandise at reason- observed by the trucker and it beGuernsey, d Holstein-Frienda- n able classes. prices shop at the QUALITY hooves tho poultrymnn to exercise Adv. 7 Governor of Texas will present GROCERY. authority in this matter if he wishes twphics personally to the win- his poultry investment A dime dance and vriety pro- to protect dairy herd owners. from iuuble introduction of disease The National Dairy Show which gram will be hrld Wednesday night with the disastrous consequences the under to the Southwest this hatl year in the Third ward which so often follow, Dr. Madsen first time in will be direction cf the Third ward Relief history will slid, 700 in magnificent new Exposi-buildin- Society. Tlio following program The filth from dirty cratea should Ninth the selections be by More than 1,000 head presented, numbe cleaned on tho premises since not dume finest dairy cattle in the ward wranglers, Logan, dancing such material may be tracked into will be on exhibition during bers by Louise Waite's "f poultry quarters and would be a Noble according to Professor W. schul, song by Joddie , Bertha constant source of danger. A trucker Boys, Sungcl of Texas stunt by Technological Anialg-s.lo by or anyone else coming on poultry oge who is in charge of arrange-G- e song by Maxine Toolaon, should and Turk of Mieklcson llydo Darrel show. The Texas premises with wiled crates the A Such by ordered away be immediately the first World's a one net plsy, Not Quito wer staged in the Southwest Goose", directed by Ora Onley. A proprietor until a clean crate is Ptn dance will lw held following the presented. Dallas, June 6. imCleaning is probably more program. Disinid Mrs. John Coleman have disinfection. than portant WttTned from California. fection solution applied over a thick Bids Fai! Lease is of no value. In layer of filth .. a a Ain. Referee Rich; ez Skid-chang- Patricks lL or-tot- ra. CRATES 5 Mod-wer- e: Fr j ?? g. r Waler Nolice Ul UHJ .lltmduction by foreign crates desirable not to allow crate is , t Notice is hereby given that t(J brought into the poultry rather leave them outside City will lease it fanning to run. desiring j end that parties flour or outside the chicken confer with, should are snmo especially tho of sny prwautions Counctlmun Leroy Nelson for fiirthcri nlicribic durjng the early summer Adv. informal! n. cockcro1s are being marketed traffic and at which time poultry Mn. A. 1. b. particularly heavy. save - w - jJS ' given that bids iU HhfSiT-lc- r me,ved hy Company., for 1IM ion stuck bIno Uld,. JTS "wiring to transfer water . Person wanting dry lot wa- apply on oe before April Tiereby "on jjj Dy order of the Board of Directors... I. E; NOBLE, JR. Scc.-Trca- Adv. s. I ,t ryT.?&chA was served. 7,":n;-i W .Dr. NATURE COMMENTS LOANS NOW There are a few fundamentals for improving the grounds about our homes that may be called axiomatic. That is they are rules that ire agreed upon by practically all well informed people as being the arrangements that are in good taste everywhere. We shoup keep these axioms in mind if we would get the best results from our improvement efforts Some of these axioms ere: (1) Except for very large grounds keep the open spaces of the lawn free from beds, trees or other plantings. (2) Frame the boundaries of the grounds with trees, hedges or masses of shrubs. (3) Plant shrubs about the foundation of the house to make it appear to grow naturally out of its surroundings. When choosing trees to be plan-to- d about our homes grounds "derations importm should govern our choice. They are first to choose trees that will naturally ancl without severe pruning assume the shape desired. Second to choose trees that are reasonably free from litter or attract unpleasant insects. For example acme of the willow trees arc incessantly shedding twigs and broken branches while the Boxelder has a bod propensity for harboring the Box Elder bug and the small green aphids or plant lice, The English Hawthorne and Rus- iian. olive ere fine c.ean trees of the type. beading or semi-shru- b The maple, elm or linden families can supply us with fine trees o spreading habit and moderate height We will natur:lly torn to the poplar family of trees of the columnar type are desired. The Boliana or blue-barkpoplar is an especially good tree of this type. : ARE AVAILABLE Crop and feed loans will again be made available during the year 1936 by the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration to farmers of Cache county according to Vernal Willie, field supervisor. For the purpose of receiving applications in Cache county, Mr. Willie will be at the Court House ct Logan on Wednesday cf each week. Loans are made for planting of and grain, alfalfa seed, potatoes, miscellaneous crops. Loans can also be made to pay for lrbor in connection with the growing f sugar beets, and for the purch:se of spraying and fertilizing material. Mr. Willie statea that Cache county has a very fine record of repayment of loans, :.nd that the 1930 loan will be made on similar conditions In the loans made previously. After making application for a loan matter o'f'Vf'evT days dcUvered the fundl CM atj79 Spscial Csnjoict Why did Italy invade Ethopia? Is Italy really ready to stop fighting? Why? What are the social, geographic and governmental conditions in Ethopia at the present time? Dr. Joel Kicks will answer these questions and many more in his lecture Sunday evening, March 29, in the Smithfield First ward MIA Conjoint Dr has prepared this same iggture for one of the special meet-- . ings of the LDS April Conference in Salt Lake City. The public is jnvitgd to take advantage of this opportunity. MEET AT COLLEGE OFFERS SHORT FOR TRAINING IRRIGATORS Water masters and ditch riders for irrigation companies of Utah will be short course at given a four-da- y the Utah State Agricultural college March 17 to 20, According to officials cf the department of irrigation and drainage engineering and the extensicn service. Tlie course will be under the supervision of Professor D. George Clyde, widely known irrigation authority and formerly special state conservator if water supplies. He wjH be resisted by Dr. O. W. author of Irrigation Principles and IV.cticcs", who has devoted many years of research to irrigation problems. Special lecturers on irrigation topic. are being invited to appear on the progrrm. "Tlie objects of the course are to make available the more needed and most practical information in the shortest passible time; to provide irrigation company officers and water masters a clearing brute for exchanging their own experiences and ideas concerning methods of increasing irrigation efficiencies. Dr. said. Among tlie subjects which will receive emphasis at the short course are: Measurement of irrigtaion water, methods of application of water, irrigation implements end structures, flow of wrter in soils, storage nf water in soils, how to control alkali, time of irrigation, irrigation needs of basic crops, efficiencies in irrigation, irrigation of different crops water supconserving carly-searo- n water plies, conserving supplies. For more than a third of a century the Utah Agirculiural experiment station has been studying irrigation problems. Much reliable information has been developed end the cardinal conclusions drawn from many experiments will be given at the shert course. late-seas- AGRONOMIST URGES ed USE OF BETTER SEED ON FARMS GARDEN CLUB NOTES a meeting held recently the Flower Garden dub met and organOf tha many factors that go to ized for the coming year. Officers make up the scheme f economical and assignments are as follows: OOP and quality production, seed is really President Mrs. Pearl Gordon the starting point, in the opinion of AGRICULTURE BETTER Caldcr Smith, pubFrefesaor J. C. Hogenson, extension licity. of the Utah State AgMrs. agronomist Secretary and Treasurer riculture! college. There is a lot of Laura Gyllenskog. talk about goad seed but still far Executive Committee: too little of it results in action. , William Read, membership. Oakland, California -- Marked I Unbe cannot much emphasis I'm Airs. Hannah Roskclley, purchasing in agrcmltural conditions placed upon the use of good seed, provement agent thorughout the country everywhere of be must seed (1) Mrs. Henry Sorenson, flower shows Briefly, goed i indicated by Governor Wilhsm I. that pure, an (2) adapted variety, of the Farm Credit AdminAnyone wishing to purchase roses is, free from mixture, foreign ma- Myers through the club h uld call Mrs. terial and weed seed, (3) of strong istration in his quarterly consolidaJlann'h Roskclley. ted condition statement for the 12 germinxtbn, (4) free from disease, land ooo banks, received here today by and (5) of proper size and develPresident Chsrlcs Parker of the Apples for sale, 50c per bushel opment. Adv. Darrell Jorgensen. favorable For best results a variety must Federal Land Bank. Thefield is inin trend the agricultural to but be adapted' not only to xul, numdicated the diminishing by climatic conditions. Varieties which on farm mortber cf delinquencies seaof az much the utilize growing inson as possible give the best results. gage loans nnd by the marked in sales estate real in of crease the One cannot expect to seed a mixFederal twelve the of the possession end ture of varieties, or of crops, so Governor Myers harvest a crop free from mixtures. land banks, shows. statement to weeds The same principal applies Cf the total dollar volume of in the seed. outstanding cn December The weed problem has become so serious that it is receiving a great 31, loans classified as dclinquest todeal of attention by experiment sta- talled 839989,000 or 813,763,000 less tions over the country. It is esti- than indicated in the third quarter mated that weeds cost the farmers of 1935. As provided by the Emerof the United States three million gency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, dollars per year, Professor Hogcnron farmers may be given extended time under certain conditions to pay inpoints out. on loans, and the Federal stallments of germThen comes the question ination. A good stand of unifi rm land bonks are entitled to be reU. S. Tresury payment plants is tho desire of every fann- imbursed by er. This cannot be secured unless notes into the surplus accounts nf re the banks. Myers statement shows viable seed, that will germinate, in f .rce that the total extcn-.v'nused. on Sepfrom decreased kwks ?41,t92.000 the nut Do buy solely by uf seed, but rather by the analysis tember 30 to 337,754.000 at the rid of the year. Total rxtensnns granted tag," lrofesior Hogenson warns. to borrowers during the year indicaooo aiw&vs ted a decrease of 21 per rent over At Vice-Preside- nt REPORT SHOWS 0. b-t- h MOU.Y SAV5 s you i can't marry the mn jvou love, but you learn to love, the. man you marry cn hana h wn TW WJto Notice to Deg Owners 19111. Ilc d estate in the possession of All dog licenses dr tsxes are now twelve banks wld in the last due and payable. Failure to comply j three, months of 1935 registered an carriea s penalty from 610.00 to. cf plnnrt 2R per cent in 8 19.00 a per ordinance No. 7 passed dollar volume ever a comparable per. iod in 1931. Adv, May 5, 1930. e |