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Show February SmithfMd. Utah, SENTINTL SMTTHFTELD at Mr. and Mrs. Mom Jeppesen vM- - The Junior Literary club met Toolson Adrain of Mr. home Fred Mr. the and ted there parents Mr. on Wednesday. Mr. James A. Cra-gu- n iiillyard tn Sunday reviewed the hook, Time Out Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Baubank at- of Mind, by Rachel Field. A dainH. tended the funeral af Mrs. ty luncheon was served to the 'members and invited guests. Friday at Richmond. LOCAL NEWS th. Mr. ud Mnid J McBrid. baby girl on Saturday Morning. Mra McBride waa formerly Miss Alice Merrill of this dty, 1M. wta. p-- d-. License fees le for he correct copy of the original once filed with me ip my ofn-- IN F'b"f $100.00 on draft of light License fees for the sale of light beer at wholesale.... $ni.tw bc-e- r ! J. Max Toalson, Leroy Nelosn, A. D. Egbert, R. H. Toolson, A. Reed Halverson, City Recorder B 1986. day of February, Section IV Mfect This Ordin:mce shall take 1936. of Febmary, 5th on the day orof All ordinance and parti orthis with conflict in dinances dinance are hereby repealed. Passed by the City Council of Smithfield City, Utah, this 8rd day TmE' F si flashed a beautiful pseaiag attack, th iught them cellar hOBore for the past two year, and ition bring equsl TRY OUR NEW SOUTH AMER- - promise Mrs, Currie Pitcher, Mr. Marie nine t si lie chalk te this up year, C0KPfICAN P0P Pitcher and Mrs. Ella Hammer of fup Quarter of play. Their op- -. Adv. tf Spokane were supper guest of Mrs. iponenta, as is usual of Bulldog op. Lillie McQuarrie at Hyde Park on few more basket Out of town people who attended poueuta, cwri Wednesday. th doubl the funeral of Anna Smith on Wed-- t h,eoIr reeume final The five. Richmond Johnst-Mr. anil Mrs. Admin Toolson en- nesday were: Mr. Jennie i Allen, of Gunnison; Ac- - found tertained at a bridge dinner Satur- and am, riehhum victory tucked away, and R.imwal of Tremonton; day night. A valentine color scheme j quilla Fishburn of River on the Ishg end of the .Bear Alfred Brigham; of rod and white waa carried out1" , , rinal core: 6 for Bear of in the dinner and table decorutions. Up 10 dat ROXY LOGANS MOST POPULAR AND THEATRE COMFORTABLE i u'1? & - LLOYDS Radio Service Go. PHONE LOGAN 817 East of Poet Office FACTORY PRICES buy your seed for Fdr early planting seed here. Better Everlons RTTK! h SEED GARDEN home' RADIO MUFFLED County of Cache I, Joseph W, Peterson, the duly elected, Qualified and acting City Recorder of Smithfield, Utah, do and lerehy certify that the. above Ordinance An instrument ongoing ReRelating to 'the Licensing of tail Dealer in Beer and Fixing the Fees Therefore is a full true, and H modern WITNESS WHEREOF hereunto subscribed my name qa affixed the coraprate seal this gtk day of February, 1936. JOS. W. PETERSON, mi ir. Section III CounIn the opinion of the City necessary to the peace, cil it the health a!d safety Onto-ancState of Utah of Smithfield City that this 5th on the effective become Miekle and Mr. J. attended the Ladies Fan Bureau meeting at Logan on Sat' Mr. Clen Coleman and sun, Munte' . urday. are both recovering from a period of illness at the home of her parMiss Amelia Hanson of Newton Mr. arid Mrs. George Egan of was the week end guest of her to ents, Richmond. ter Mrs. Ralph Milligan. Mrs. Glen CJe.nan and ttm, Mon-- ; Mr. and Mra. George Heaps, Mr. will leave Thursday, February te, Mrs and Mrs. ond Hyrum Ontey for Lis California, 13, Mary A. Hill were dinner gueet where she willAngeles, meet her huiband of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seamons at and make their home there. Logan on' Sunday. Mr. J. A. Mieklu T, . Sons Go. Li our window shade factory you get the beat window shades for less. firerions & Sons Co.! LOGAN LOGAN n U fMf' Comage, of whit, and ml aweet Mr- - and Salt of Wghlim,th were given a. frvoi. peas Clifford Smith and family of scon: waT won by Mr. and Mrs,!" Mr. and low mvre Brkhur,t Sheffer, by William llurren. Guests attending; AnnwSr- Dick Evana of Malad; wen: Mr. and Mm. Glen R. Winn,jr- d Mr. J Mn Mr. Dr. H. B. f Ben' ami Mn. L. V. Toalson, Mr. and"1 M- - Kroneth Seara0, Mrs. Douglas )looper, Dr. and Mn. ajTL L. C. Juueph, Mr. and Mrs. Ed EAT AT THE WRIGHT CAFE Sheffer, Mr.- and Mr. Richard Tod-to- n, HOT DINNERS, LUNCHES AND Mr. and Mn. Glen W. Nilaan, Adv. SANDWICHES. . Mr. Mra. and and Carl Clark, Mr, Mrs. WilUam llurren, Mr. and Mm. Acquilla Noble, Mr. and Mm. James Civil Service Exams Fulkereun, Mr. and Mrs. Max Tool-soMr. and Mn. Harold Deppe, The United States Civil Service Mr. and Mm. Kernal Toolson, Mr. open and Mrs, L. E. Nelson, of Logan, Commi salon has announced and Mr. Joseph L. Young and Miss compctitve examination for engineering materials inspector positions Alice Hurren. with salaries ranging from $2,000 a Miss Ruby Tidwell was operated year. These, salaries are subject to on for appendicitis at a Logan hos- a deduction of 8 Vi per cent toward a retirement annuity. pital on Sautrday. Specialties represented ore mechMra. Leonard Christensen of Rich- anical, electrical, and aeronautical. mond visited with her mother, Mm. Applicant! must have had certain specified experience in keeping with 8. P. NUson on Tuesday. the specialty in connection with WANTED Useless or freshly deed! which application is filed, animals. Smithfield Fax Farm, Phone1 Economist, various grades, $2,600 I to $5,604 63J Smithfield. year. Adv. tf. I Associate milk specialist, $3,200 a and assistant milk specialist, We will give tickets on the First f ward drawing; on all accounts pay- $2,600 a year. Public Health service Treasury Department, able; ending, February 13, 1936. Full information may be obtained .RAYMONDS SERVICE form the Secretary of the United Smithfield, Utah States Civil Service Board of examJoseph I Pitcher underwent an- iner! at the post office or custom other operation on his leg February house in any city which haa a post office of the first or second class, 6. or from the United States Civil Miss Euarda Waite left Satur Service Commission, Washington D. day for an indefinite stay in S<C. Lake City. FRIDAY & SATURDAY NEXT WEEK ward game The First ward-Thir- d feature game of pJL ward must win this get another crack ward. lirVtOTiA k nV. ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE LICENSING OF RETAIL DEALERS IN BEER AND FIXING THE FEES THEREFOR. AN .v vitn U. IN Big Acts IN ROXY THEATRE E. W. ELLIOTS Utah: Amateur Contest Section I shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of a wholesaler or retailer of light beer within the Corporate limits of Smithfiold City, Utah, without having first procured a license therefor from the UTAH LIQUOR CONTROL and having paid COMMISSION, hereinafter protherefor the fees SAT., FEB. 8, 1936 STARTS SUNDAY vided. 3jt yn Section II Annual license fees for the retailing or wholesaling of light beer shall be as follows, to wit: License fees for the sale of light beer at retail in bottles for consumption off 'S - A bil-li-- OATS QUAKER QUICK THERE WILL BE A $5.00 PRIZE MONTH. GIVEN AWAY EACH THE BARKER BARBER SPERRY'S' PANGAKE FLOUR, -- PALM0LIVE AND BEAUTY SALON SMITHFIELD, TELEPHONE CREAM of WHEAT, DESSERT, UTAH L, Rexall USED CARS I Birthday SALE 1934 WITH ut Van Drug Company The United States Navy maintains and operates a surpiy depot in Hankow, China, located 691 miles up the Yangtze river from Shanghai.! The duties of this depot is to supply j the ships of the Yangtze River Patrol with supplies from time to time, as the ships on this duty are' too small to carry over three months' supplies at one time. The Tatrol consists of six (6) During the past fiscal year there! were more applications for enlistment in the United States Navy! than any other year except the war yean, 1917 and 1918. Gun-b.'a- ... Sport Goupo RUMBLE SEAT Original Paint, Rubber Good, Hot Aster Heater and Other Accessories. 1930 FORD COUPE STANDARD, TOMATOES, S0LID 1933 CHEV TRUCK Ton, long wheelbase; Good mechanical condition. FARG0 M0-VT- E' PRICED RIGHT --UAKI cs 10c dn (OFF THE COB- - 1 CAN 3 FOR CAN 22c 2 CANS TOR gc PINEAPPLE JUICE, 0,1 Monte' no. 2 can CATSUP, D1 Monti 14 OZ. BOTTLE KELL0GGS SOAP, MEAT OFFER. LIBERAL TERMS JWE&SSSS Pl A OF $100.00 OR OVER. North Cache Motor - -A- UTHORIZED . PHONE 14 siJUWjw CHASE Co. FORD DEALER SMITHFIELI I 23c can WOODBURYS FACIAL 2 BARS N, JQq no. sit cans DEL MAIZ, VEGETABLE, DEVILED MEAT, ALL-BRA- He lg. pkg PAR GRANULATED, QUART i.. LG. BOTTLE J0Q 22c 020 29 C gj CHEV. TRUCK nMlfnk ts, gc . PEANUT BUTTER, high boy, RICE, 114 1930 0. - CAN PACK-- 2 L CORN NIBLETS. SALAD WHIP, MECHANICALLY SOUND GOOD RUBBER. Nautical Novelties BOB DODGE Deluxe Qq HEART OF UTAH, NO. 3 SfilVE, 2 CANS CORN, SWEET SOAP, 19c SALADS- - DORN BEEF, LIBBYS les than BtaM FARG0 GELATINE, All flavors CORN STARCH, KraGSF0RD'a- PEAS, 28c 02c 24c 25c : GINGER ALE or LIME RICKEY SOUP, in currency in circulation. Payment of th. bonus would add one to two billion. Adding the Fraxier-Lonk-e mean money might an 80 per cent increase in currency j in circulation, with a consequent equivalent price rise. If prices did rise that much, opponents of the hill point out, it! would mean the farmer would be penalised, by the increased of j living, all or more than he gained; by getting his mortgage interest cut. raG chocolate 0 interest At present, there is qq G0LD UEDAL LARGE PACKAGE .... SAUERKRAUT, 4 If. 8X88 2 MALTED MILK, VEG-AL- 23c 23c 11X0 1X5 MAXWELL HOUSE, 1, LB. CAN ST- j HERE IS HOW YOU CAN WIN A PRIZE. ALL PERSONS HAVING ANY SERVICE DURING THE WEEK ARE ELIGIBLE FOR EACH WEEKS DRAWING UNTIL MARCH 7, 193$, 33q 22c PKG BLUE KAR0, 8 LB CAN SYRUP B1SQUICK, CON-SPICIO- ge CRTSTAL WHITE 10 BABS CAKE FLOUR, S0FTASILK STARTING NEXT WEEK WE WILL DRAW NAMES EACH WEEK FROM A COMPLETE LIST OF CUSTOMERS OF THE BARKER BARBER AND BEAUTY SHOP. THE LUCKY NAMES WILL RECEIVE PRIZES FROM 25e TO $5,00 IN TRADE. WATCH FOR YOUR NAME TO APPEAR IN A PLACE IN THE SENTINEL. ALL PERSONS ARE REQUIRED TO CUT OUT THE COUPON THE BRING TO THE BARKER BARBER AND BEAUTY SHOP AND RECEIVE THE PRIZE IT CALLS FOR. S SOAP SOAP, Attention The American Legion Auxiliary Democratic Washington-(I- FS) will hold their meeting at the home of Mrs. Ellen Timmins on Friday, leaders have virtually given up knpe of stopping e house vote this sesFebruary 14. Luncheon will be three n A good altendkPce is desired. sion on the Frazier-Lemk- e dollar inflationary refinancing bill. YOU CAN BUY ANYTHING The measure was approved, for FROM A DOZEN FRESH EGGS TO A LOAD OF STRAW AT THE atregetic purposes, by the cgricul-tur- e committee last session, but COUNTRY STORE. FEB. 11, 12, IS. AT THE FIRST WARD CARNIVAL denied a chance on the floor. The Fraiier-Lemk- e bloc immediately filed a petition on the Speakers desk to force a vote and at last count had 211 of the necessary' 218 signatures. The bill would make it mandatory for federal presses to print $3,000,-000,00in new currency to buy up farmers mortgages and redssue them to the farmers at l!i per cent farm-mortga- 6 It INFLATION THREATENS AGAIN ON THE STAGE FRIDAY 9:00 FJL BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of Smithfield, yr, Miss Virginia Wait-- : spent week end In Dewcyville Yisting Luella Lixh. &r. AN ORDINANCE n, - J gJ DJ. S. A Ml UTAH . . AT you CAN EAT PRICES AND YOU CAN MEET a va RIETY of FRESH FRUITS ft VEGETABLES Gutke Meat & G A HOMS OWNED STORt-- w " W. Dd,w irocery AI ' TO PLEASE YOU SmithfiAd |