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Show f CAFfTOL. Los" Today & SaL VAUDEVILLE and MY MARRIAGE'1 tua. Sun. la Katharine Hepburn in SYLVIA BANK NIGHT THURSDAY SCARiiTT" 559 i daily thought uch bwliwu A DAILY THOUGHT You should beck the embltloae of your home city to the limit cannot the reform Wishing world. Jaetnt take start In buiines. but it JJJ a whole lot of it to keep Lite baito- - COVERING ONE OF THE RICHEST FARMING SECTIONS OF UTAH VOLUME xxxk PMITHFIELD, CACHE COUNTY. UTAH, FRIDAY, FEBL T. NUMBER S 1998 First Ward Carnival b i NEW CITY OFFICERS APPOINTED BY By Eddie and Van HHXG a hodge-podg- e on gexebal comment athletics. , of local MAYOR The following are the city tffic-ial- s appointed at the city council meeting held Wednesday evening, February 5, 1936: Reappointments made were: W. II Griffiths, marshal and superintendent of waterworks; Oliver Anderson, nightwatchman and caretaker of the Mack Park; Willigm Read, caretaker of the Public- Grounds; Andrew Johiucn, caretaker of the city dump grounds; George C. Heinrich, city attorney; Eugene Schaub, city engineer; Leonard Olson, historian; Dr. T. W. Jarvis, chairman of Civic Improvement Committee, and Melvin ComHillyard, Civic Improvement six mittee, these two latter COUNCIL RECOMMENDS CITY HALL PROJECT The City CVunctt passed a resolution authorizing the change of the application made last September for a P. W. A. city hall project tv a grant only for 89,000.00, being 45 per cent of the money required to build the city hall building. The remaining 65 per cent of the money needed to build such a structure would be raised thorugh a city bond issue or otherwise, pending the authorization cf the some through an election to be called in the near - fr future. It is the desire of the mayor and city council that citizens and taxpayers will discuss this project and be perpared to vote when the election is hold. Plans for this building are now on file in the office cf the City Recorder and may be looked over by aqy one oo desiring. The fire department reported having made an inspection of business which property ft--r fire hazards showed s marked improvemnt over that of last year, with the exception of one or two places where slight improvements were asked for, the business places received tl 0. K. of the fire department. The current Wile were allowed; And a ntw beer ordinance was passed on re- quest of the Sfcte Liquor Control n, m 32-2- 6. Commission. FARM , BUREAU TO HOLD MEETING Ge-jigf- - n. , over ward victory First ward place the two wards The Second cinS BE TO DRAWINGS TEACHERS ENTERTAIN party was given at the Junior high school Friday night, January 81, for the lady teaheera of Summit school. A delicious dinner was served by Miss Era Beutler and Mias Ruby Harris of the Junior high department, to eight teachers and eight guests, after which bridg was playno-ho- st Smithficld ed. The high score prize was won by Leah Plowman and the cut prise by Groce Poatma. The valentine motif of red and white was ussd in aU srrangments. Those present were: Misses Inez and Eulalia Lee of Hyde Park, Heln Neeley, Etas Palmer. Ethel Allen Hah Maugbn of Logan, Bessie Bingham, Willi e Covey, Myrtle Larsen, Cora Oleon, Melba Plowman, Leah Plowman, OrUie Cragun, Mrs. 'El- vina Ransenberger, Luddla Jensen and Grace Poatma. Arrangements were in charge of Inez Lee, WiUiee Covey and Myrtle Larsen. 1935 AUTOUCENSE VOID MARCH Missionary Farewell AH members of the Second ward flip n wi of 13 and 20 years RADIO NIGHTS WED.-THUR- S. SMiTHHELD LADY A . AWAY FREE IN GIVEN A full three days of entertainment will be offered the public with the coming xf the gala First Ward Carnival, February 11, 12 and 13, according to the complete programs for the three days recently announced by the committees. The fint day's entertainment la scheduled to begin at 10 a. m. in the ward hall, where a bazaar, fishing pond, and country store will be open fc the public. Promptly at 12 noon lunches will be served to school children for 15 cents and from 12 noon to p, si. dinner will be served to adults for 85 cents. The fint nights entertainment will begin at 7:80 in the ward hall where musical variety program will be presented by, opd under the leadership of the Gails Glee clnb, the Relief Society Glee club, and Berthas Itaya." During the well ' outlined program numerous prizes will be given away free to holden of the lucky numbers. The second day's program will commence at 10 a. m. with the country store, fishing pond, etc being the main attractions. At night promptly at 7:30 p. m. in the Smith-fiel- d Junior high school tho drama. Eyes of Love," will he presented with the 'all star" original cast, " along with .a number of special During ths entertaining numbers. . 1st program tho beautiful seventy-fiv- e G-dollar radio will bo given away absolutely free to the holder of the lucky number. The bazaar, sponsored by the Relief Society, "country store," etc., will remain open the third day, Feb. 13, including, dinners at 12 noon. That evening at 7:80 p. m. in the Junior high school a basketball game between Smithfield First ward and Logan Seventh will be played. A dance, with an excellent orchestra, will be held immediately after the game, during which the "grand a hundred and forty-fiv- e prize, n dollar electric range will be to the holder of the lucky away E" The 1935 auto license plates become void on March 1st, and th-eWmm IJ wishing to register for 1936 plates U;VL TVII19 Wlo Should do so at once to avoid tho HtfAM Cranklm last minute rush, acooxding to Mr. rialIlLllllThoinu yt Green, Manager of the State Tax Commission offices at The Smithfield Junior high took. Logan. t are an easy victory from the Franklin offices The Tax Commission Uconoes and Junior high school team last fridgy j 9 till 5, from Uily Jan. 31 in the Smithficld Junior' he secured in a few minutes High school by a score of 22to8. now where it may Uke an hour or two later on. The license for passenger ears this year are 85.00, regardless, of make or size of car. An application for 1936 license, when accompanied by the 1935 certificate of registration, the property tax xeciept, and the five dollars In cash, will assure the applicant of receiving his plates without delay at the Logan office. A check payment for plates will delay the issuance of the plates about ten days, sold Mr. Green. If a change in ownership is made or if a certificate of title is to be Issued, an additional 51.00 for the issuance of such title is required. The drivers license of the applicant does not need to be sent in to the Tax Commission to secure registration plates. nign The farmers will meet in their regular monthly meeting Friday, February 14th, in the library building at 7:30 p. m. We would like every farmer to be in attendance, far important issues will be discussed as follows: of Dairy Situation, Analysis 1 Federal, State, County and Local, reMather. Mr. Mathers, by cently attended a course at the Utah State Agricultural college at Logm. Mrs. William Scrowther nill Modical Service Association Program. Musical numbers will be furnished by the Ladies Farm Bureau chorus, that won first place in a contest at the Utah State Farm Burcab The public is invited. oo o , Beautiful and impressive funeral services were ' held in memory of Mrs. Anna C. Smith on Tuesday, February 4, at 1 p. m. in the First ward chapel with Bishops Counselor, T E. Allsop conducting. - The beautiful flowers surrounding the eseket were in charge of near friends of the family, and near relative were pall bearers. ' 'The ward choir conducted by Mrs. Eugenia Lnndquiet with Mrs. Bertha Mather- - accompanist, conducted the ringing. Opening song was, Siter Thou Wast Mild and Lovely", and the invocation was offered by Bishop C. J. Plowman, followed by a solo, little Mother, Dear" by Principal C. I. Stoddard of North Cache high school faculty. Special songi were: solo, by Low-a- ll Smith who sang, "The End of a Perfect Day"; and solo, Mrs. Eugenia Lundquist, "Let the Heaven, ly Gates Ajar". jt The following speakers offered words of sympathy and consolation to the bereaved family and spoke of her beautiful and noble character, her cheerful disposition, end sweet and lovely spirit: Dr. G. L. Rees, Supt J. W. Kirkbride of the Caehe Schools; Harper W. Noble, Albert McCann, 'neighbors; Bishop A. Fishbnrn of Pocatello, Idaho; Mrs. Kate Cragun, first teacher of Mrs. Smith as a child in the Public v?, sud Bishop. George G. Nel- Boh "On Fleeting 'nS w Hour, by Mrs. T. W. Jervis and daughter, Mrs. Eve Reese, and the benediction was offered by Mayor L. V. Toolson. RANGE AND ELECTRIC e ks o MRS; ANNA C. SMITH AND COUMCILMEN WARD TRIUMPHS Sccand ward achieved their (Wit. wt uabitMi of current basketball when miob lut Wednesday night, weakenbut a fighting, downed they ed Fint ward fire. Second ward began with u flaahy wept through MHlny attack that InUkd Fint ward defense to build an 18-- 8 point lead before the eeeaod Quarter had hardly began. Heat ward then settled down and yean. A to eat into the Second New appointment included: J. H. Before the gun sounded Meikle, justice of peace; lead. Lowell md cading the half, they had cut the Nelson, road supervisor; Dr. H. B. 15 point lead down to a margin of Dafoes, health physician; Sexton, Roy he potato. Kelsey, will remain in office by evenly prior appointment; Andrew canto wan The Third Holje-fi'ano baght; both tea pis chalked up inspector. building Un-her seven tallies. In the final William W. McClure and Edwin Fint ward completely outplayed j Ik - Dowdel came ' before the city the Second ward and out scored councji regarding thV preparation of thm tar three potato. The rally how- a site for gun club and ski activiever came to late and the game ties, asked the cooperation of the ended with Second out in front by dty, however, more detail were aska wore of ed for before a definite decision is mode. The KiwanU clnb is assisting HATS OFF TO HEAPS the Gun club in sponsoring this winHits off to Heaps, versatile First ter sport. vsrd forward, who chalked up 12 The city 'Council received recoiueiH points against Second ward in bare-- jl datlons for passing a meat inspecthalf a game. Due to a misunders- ion ordinance from the Kiwanis club tanding as to the time, when the and other citizens, who see the need P was to commence Heaps arr- of this ordinance. An ordinance is ived when the encounter was nearl- now being drafted for passing at a y half over. He was immediately later meeting, was authorized at a hired in at forward and the fire-wor- recent meeting. The matter of removal of snow began. He managed to score one point before the half ended. Af- from streeta in business" and public ter the rest period he rained the places ae well a11 through the city bosket for five field goal and also was considered and ''the city coundl side one free throw to keep Secchd authorized the building of four new vud in hot water and First word snow plows, one for each part of la the running. His absence in the the city which would bo placed for early part of the game was probahly use of citizens needing such assisthe deciding factor in the Second tance, the plows to be in charge of wsrdi victory. the street department. Tho mayor was authorized to proWes" Downs and Dee Geary star- vide a room for a sewing project ed for the Second ward Wednesday for relief work fo enable this pronight Wes" made 11 tallies td keep ject to be carried on in Smithfield os the heels of Heaps for scoring It was reported "that seven women . honors. Geary played a brilliant floor would be this given employment by deluxe. was ball He rustler a gue. means, most of them from Smith' He was here, there, and everywhere. field City: BOB Geary also scored aeven points. Vic Griffiths, minus his nemesis, Waite, managed to make eight TO ORGANIZE JUNIOR points. He played a good game L thongh he failed to control the tip-o- ft GENEALOGICAL COM. SECOND FUNERAL HELD FOR gi--e- ticket first two nights entert"inme.:f he 25 cents admission, while tVs lost nights will be 50 cents. So on tickets can be secured from committee members for 31.60, which entitles the bearer to three dinners, mid three nights of wholesome entertainment a saving of 55 cents. "Ask for year ticktes." The wiB LOCAL CAMP SONS OF UTAH PIONEERS MEET A meeting of the Sons of Utah Smithfield Camp, was held Pioneers, on Friday e' Pccted triumphs next week, the tie Peterson 1 2, in the library The m. Sunday, February 7. a ,7:30 p. wiB necessitate a playoff game or ruary will 3 p. m. A marked increase in e at of line tho be Game BASKETBALL along cries. Second ward leads the league course Big will he near future, attendance was noted. AU members in defensive power and First ward Book of Remembrance", and ji should boar in mind that the time rent. into of be his the beet offensive record. This special will cf meeting has been dunged to the Toolson. Burns Next game Monday Night's by 1rnycr promise a corking good battle befirt Sunday of each month at 8 Musical solecism by Willard tell the tale, fore the chomplcfostap is decided. PROGRAM Third meets the ward SCOUT The First and p. m. Early explorers of Utah and company. Icy ward in the last game of the season the West, just prior to the coming exepricnc, Missionary BASEBALL MEETING This game will either make or of the Mormon Pioneers to Utah, A meeting of interest to the many Mr. 'Glen Ik Winn will be th Chamber. Hansen. Marlin brake the First ward, because if was the topic treated by Caldsr Cornett solv by baseball fans of Smilhfield wo held speaker at a scout program given Toolson. loose the Second ward la the Smith. Rich Max Heaps, Umpire 'they Referee, Remarks, tat Sunday. The members of the in the Third ward chapel, Sunday of this division 'but If Special songs were given by the Timer Lsmb. Cantwell, Kenneth Champions Solo, feature other tad club met in the library to or- t 2:00 p. in. Feb. 9, --QOOl Second ward and Ladies Quartet directed by Mrs. SaItoskcl- Richard the win Remarks Bishop they ganize themselves in preparation for of the program will be a primary in ward will be deadlocked lome Hansen and Co., winner First the invent-ks ' scout News a ths coming High off will season, ndt so many graduation ceremony, Bureau contest recent tho which Farm in a play they tie, Remarks, Missionary. music and atone awsjr. The officers who were titure ceremony, The Third warders are cut for Sng Choir. tated to represent the local club; by scout and a talk by a scout the held , wss Glenn Benedict:-nby .Another Thomley. They played a very fast meeting revengo. VARIETY SHOW ! Shell" Waite, manager; Done Wt her. The public to cordially Vocabulary club of section 2, Mon- gome the first time (hey met the Iltchcr,1 conducted by First ward and will guarantee secretary; Jess In honor of the sevonlcth birth- day, Feb. 8. It tagu represent stive; and retc" Tues. Night Feb. 11. the M MEN Air. W. R. Deppe Roberta Nilsoo. of foster game Monday night. enteranniversary Cook day Wallace Mr. and Mr. tanseii, business msnagor. the see Gleaner Girls of the Third ward R. out and end com new j have Mrs. now We Mr-anW; Deppe a and system Air. by Everybody Jr( Sr., These present also derided to hold tained at a party in honor of entertained at a party on Tuesday which we can learn many more ( deciding game of who will be the are sponroring a variety show. There on Saturday Cook Airs llsrvy baseball pool tdirninmt between were Mr. evening. Luncheon was served at now words. Ttys definition of the. champs of this division. First game wiU be several musical nnmbom a tea me, evening. Those present j and some on act play, dancing and one long table which was centered word is given first z sentence ill- - t 8:00. "Uz" Lowe was chosen to act as and Mrs. John Toolson, Mr. Pet- Keith and Ivan its motif Valentin and ef a cake. boxing. Phillips group it, a ustrating Airs birthday Air and by d Ptsin of one team. When ho wan Mrs. Alas IMson, First on tickets the argu-warfinish to will eraen Those the are names. We gonig give family Trcston Tho-mn- a was used iu ell appointments. s"kfd whd he wanted a him oppon-!- 1 Milton Lundiiuist, Airs. on all accounts pay- - ment they started a week ago. W. R. Mrs. root the and For word) Mr. Telef drawing, were example: of .Shelley, Mias Helen loungj present Sr. Air. and Mrs. Grant Hull meana afsr 1U family words are able, ending; February IS, 1936. he Mid, Everybody be out and see this George Winn, of coume, and tho nicmbcrsr of the Cook family Deppe want a man I can beak" taw. Dont forget next Tuesday RAYMONDS SERVICE Television. Telegraph, of Ilyrum, Air. and Mrs. Cecil Deppe Telephone, George Winn was then elected to Smithficld, Utah o. and children, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Telescope, Telepathy and Telegram. night et 8:30. The First wunl Primary hold ImAirs. is method Air. and this We sure are children. JJPlaiu the other team. lie claims end ReDcppo thst Oz" cent beat him. The io-- H Valentino danco. on January 4, the guest Mr. and Mrs. Kemal Miss VUs RoskeUey E. McCombs and children proving our speech imsumslliy. were sold to the children Andrew freshments and of her aunt Mrs. Evlc Hillyard at enertained at a dinner on Sunday Reporter Deppe, Mavis Deppe, Hazcn sponnor a dance for the Covers were laid for Air. and Mrs. winner. Ludlle Roylanco Logan last week. ANYTHING the host and hostc. BUY YOU CAN a a Sid A! unk of Benson. Air. and Mrs. EGGS A DOZEN FRESH were Air. and North Csrho continued Melvin Airs, of Woodruff of Logan. Mr. and DcRyke Lake Janie EHarry Salt Miles of R. leaders FROM Air. city ;Alj;s. Ritkelley Lqgfn" AT THE with'-bief Ihe Region One rare for rrtlor TO A LOAD OF STRAW ' ia week end guests of Mr. wid Mrs. Airs. W. A. Noble Jr. and the host . Thursday or 'visiting" business pent a viil was Sinjtjifiehl ' Frank Lcihman at WollsviUe. COUNTRY STORE. FFB.11,12,13. and hostess. staWf Mrs.. Fred iHIBjwid. WARD CARNIVAL on Friday. FIRST THE AT (Continued on 9) Jr. 8-- u d lo w-- ss r . page j n |