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Show We have just received a 0RTR8EMT OF y Call and Inspect Them i DWollfeliMilclK&y Oompami WHOLESALE RETAIL Are you interested in California ManZan is good for any kind of Arizona and Old Mexico, if not so, it Piles. It stops inflammation, creates a circulation, thus reducing Wilbur Nichols took in the sights at would be wise to write for full infor- thenormal and heals the parts affected, Piles, mation about the shortest line and ManZan Salt Lake the first of the week. may be conveniently and the best service from your point to easily applied as the tube in which Horace Elmer went to Salt Lake those section via the SALT LAKE it is put up has a small, patent noael Sunday night on a business trip. attached. Sold by Milford Pharmacy. ROUTE, Utah most popular route. Films developed and pictures printed and finished at home by Elswick. Mra. A. N. Stoddard returned from a couple of weeks visit .to Salt Lake last Sunday. . Dr. Ruckenbrod, Dentist, will be Carries the best and most complete in Milford,, SepL 1st to 7th. Office stock of everything in over Drug Store. N. A. McKay took in the big Fron9 Groceries , tier Day celebration at Cheyenne, , Wyo. the first of the week. LOCAL FRISCO NOTES Strongest in the weak spots.. true. But it Sounds queer. Everyone enjoyed the refreshing rain yesterdaj-- . Mrs. Caldwell of Vernal la visiting for a short time with Mrs. J. H. Koch. E. Street, spent a few week. Miaaea Effie and Leona Emerson of Beaver were visiting in Friaco during In soles end uppers they ere spedelly reinforced. They can't weer out quickly es other Let your youngsters scuff them shoes da end luck th"1- - They W&AR. Buster Brown Shoes. Blue Ribbon For Boys end Girls S1S0 to $2Qw the week. Mra. J. Jones of Adamsville waa a visitor at the Qrifltha home during the week. S. D. ATKIN, Milford, Utah George Murdock visited with hia father aiul friends in Frisco a few Banking Business daya this week. Mr. and Mra. Bert Morril have gone to Pine Grove where Mr. Morril will take a position as superintendent of one of the mining properties. Mrs. Emerick and niece Violet Sharp returned from Salt Lake Tuesday after having spent a month very pleasantly visiting with relatives. Peter and Thomas Johansen returned from a several months visit to San Francisco last week where they took in the sights and enjoyed themselves generally. The new mill which will be constructed at the Beaver Carbonate will aid Frisco in many waya and will awaken tilings generally in this district. The train waa delayed several hours in leaving for Newhouae yesterday on account of the engine leaving the , track and wanting to cut across the hills. . VYT I vU Have more or less of it. Possibly it is with us. Such being the case you know something of our service. But if not a patron wouldn't it be well for you to become one. OUR SAVING'S DEPARTMENT is calculated to serve all classes; the old and the young, the poor and rhe rich. It receives deposits from $1 up to $5000 and T cent interest, allows four per compounded semi-annuall- y. f Beaver County State Bank MILFORD, UTAH J0 4444 444444444444444444444 j 4 HOTEL BAR Wm. Emerson, Proprietor The right dace to get the best of The wedding party given Wednesday evening by Mr. and Mra. J. L. Griffiths in honor of Mr. and Mra. Ivan Jensen, who were wedded last week in the Salt Lake temple, was a most brilliant success in every way. Dancing was the main feature of the evening after which a delicious luncheon was served in the reception room, covers being laid for a large number of relatives and friends, and each guest was presented with a dainty piece of wedding cake. The bride was charmingly attired in a beautiful cream colored satin gown and the groom wore the conventional black. .The best wishes and congratulations of all are extended to the happy young couple. everything in liquid refreshments ...Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars... X We try to pleatie our patrons by giving courteous treatment. Frisco, Utah Main Street 4 444444444444 44 44444444444 444444444 SDEWERT G--. R. House, Carriage PAPER Estimates CALL on OR HANGING, ; ia Sign Painting CALCIMININ6 AND Work FIRST-CLAS- S WRITE The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold ae a cathartic on the acting by bowels la GRAINING Cheerfully MILFORD, Given UTAH 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 I.ouia,P. Brandt Chas. C. Kizer 4 COSY CORNER CLUB : Kizer A Brandt, Pru)in. J LAXATIVE GOUGH SYRUP St. Barnard Mission Billiard and Pool Tables ..... The Monarch Cushions, the Best in the World. We have the best gratis of AND CANDIES SEGARS; TOBACCOS all times and Commodious BucLnxu Building quiet at Milford, Utah HAPPENINGS L. GRIFFITHS Dry Goods Miners Supplies and Mrs. Waddingham went to Salt Lake Sunday night where they will visit for a short time. and All Kinds oj FRESH and Mr. Dr. Fennemore was in town a few hours Tuesday while enroute home to Newhouae from Salt Lake. MisaM. Johnson arrived from Berkley, Calif., the first of the week and la now living at the terrace. ' Effie Emerson came down from Frisco yesterday and is visiting for a few daya with friends in Milford. S. B. Pond came down from Salt Lake yesterday and is spending a few n mine. daya at the A. F. Shadel returned from Sun Prairie, Wia., last Saturday after having visited there for a couple of months. Miss Myrtle Cottrell returned from an extended visit with relatives and friends at Huntington, Ore., Monday inofning. Matheson, the tailor, has just received a handsome line of all wool fall and winter samples and can fit you out with an elegant auit. Call and see tliem. ManZan the great Pile remedy, prevents Piles by preventing constipation. It is conveniently applied directly to the trouble by means ofiua small nozzle attached to the tube which ManZan is put up. Sold by Milford Pharmacy. Are you interested in California, Arizona and Old Mexico, if so, it would be wise to write for full information about the shortest line and the best service from your point to those sections via the SALT LAKE ROUTE, Utah's most popular road Cedar-Talisma- CURED MEATS If there' is any tiling yon want, we have it, and can supply you at right prices. 4 Bess is tha origiaal laxative cough syrup, contain no opiatra, gently moves tha $ bowela carrying the cold off through the natural channels Guaranteed to ! aalufaction or money refunded. ' Pharmacy, Milford. Utah, FRISCO, UTAH want the Best Rooms, Best Meals and Best Service when in Frisco, stop at the If you JAMES HOUSE D. W. JAMES, Proprietor We are prepared to jive' the public the best accommodations at reasonable rates FEED STABLE IN CONNECTION Frisco, Utah Schorr, Fotheringham & Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Meats, Groceries, Vegetables, Hay and Grain COURTEOUS TREATMENT TO ALL OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT M White House Shoes We are carrying an exceptionally complete stock of White House Shoes fur Men and Women a Urge variety of styles, dl leathers, all sizes, all widths, on lasts that are pleasing, comfortable, and dreary. These patterns are kept strictly and for Whatever correct dress, arc pn.por on all occasions. you need, let us l.car it We have it in the o White House Shoe MANUFACTURED FOR US BY 'Sva 3taQuvSbiO&Go. J 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 M4MMV44 AND PERSONAL ST. LOUIS S. D. ATKIN Mfftli U.S.A. Milford, Utah |