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Show VOL 2. BOARD MILFORD. BEAVER COUNTY. UTAH. FRIDAY, AUGUST 27. NO 17 HOLDS LOCAL AND SPECIAL MEETING .. Company Ground Revised Ordinances 4 Read. : A special meeting of the board of I trustees held Monday attyhich I time it was decided to change ' the I new jail site from Capitol hill iqf. the vu location where the old jail stands on Fifth avenue, instructed to removed. The marshal waa instructed to engage the services of a man to set up the new steel cell ao that it may be used while the building is in course of construction . It wae decided by the board to eu- - I . THntendwI-.- V Sim 6m4 Lsskia PupctlJt. A party consisting of A. D. Moffat, W. L. BachtoU, Victor Carlson and: W. L. Elswick went to Newhouw! D0IN6S Mrs. Jefferson was on the sick list this week. Mgs. George B. Greenwood returned. tjUs morning from Salt Lake where he, has been visiting for the past conpls of weeks. Chas. C. Kiser disposed of his interests In Milford this week and left last night for Oklahoma where he will make his home. children MrsGsorge Edelman returned from Halt Lake Sunday where they had been visiting for a couple of weeks, Pipe waa layed and connection made to the city water mains this week preparatory to the starting of work on the new jail. Harry King moved hie wife and family to the Ferguson house this week where they will no doubt be happy and contented. Railroad Company is Asked to Provide Drain Ditch on the drived in MUfoidye.terd.ymHl yesterday where they visited mining properties among which were the Nevada Ready Pay, Cupric, Cactus, Blackbird and others. Ofj these the Nevada Ready Pay is but in its first stages of development, yet it has oue of the finest showings at the surface of any property in that district. Next week we will make a complete mention of this property and also give the values of the ore. The Cupric is working quite a force of men and now has an immense amount of ore on the dump. Recently ore of exceptionally good values has been put in the workings of (he Cupric and the management is highly eucoursged over the promising futnre for this property. The Cactus and the Blackbird are still idle but it is given out that the former will resume operations by the first of October. In all probability a consolidation will be perl ec ted which will unite the interests of these two companies and both will be worked through the Cactus tunnel. Just now considerable interest is being taken in the opening up of the Revenue property which lies on the west side of the Wah Wah valley in the Pine Grove country. A number of men who have been anxiously w kiting for the Cactus to start up have gone to the Revenue to work and at present several men are em- ployed at this well known property. The indications are that there will be something doing that is worth while st the Revenue in the not far distant future. BEAVER MINES COUNTY AND MINING nnnier-ou- a j Lice, Interesting Mining News Qathered from ths Various coining Districts of Beaoer County, ; THE BEAVER CARBONATE .... ; a f 'v x .At- J y4, - iV- - i 1 r. . YEAR The working fund provided by the sale of treasury stock will be sufficient, it is believed, to place the property upon a paying basiip. The company owns a groupe of 81 claims in a highly mineralized region. It has also acquired a ranch, with rights to a water supply ample, it is said, for the needs of a mill of 400 tons a day capacity. The property is equipped with a fins compressor aud other machinery and considerable development has already been accomplished. It is expected that ninety days work in the main tunnel will result in opening the big qoartzite-porphyr- y contact vein. The ore showing already made is one of the best In that region, said G. Burton, president of the company, who left list night with a force of uien to start the new work. Ore carrying values in silver, lead aud gold, which would be shipping grade under ordinary circumstances, has been opened in a number of places. In Mi kidifci fond. ala as consummated antd. Animpor Cmimbi Saturday in this city when ninety-fiv- e per cunt of the issued capitul sl ick of the Bradshaw Mining company of Beaver county waa secured by promi- erection of the jaU will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. was constructed according H. DeWolfe for a short time. the plane and specifications. nent Columbus, Ohio, capitalists headThe special meeting wss adjourned Tom Martin went to lt ed by Samuel Scott. Mr. Scott is I to meet in regular session last night. Wednesday night to undergo an oper. now in Salt Lake, and the deal was At the regular meeting of the board ttion for a throat trouble from which brought to a successful conclusion by last night all members were present he has been suffering for several days, M. Reynolds, a large stockholder J. and considerable business of imports in the company, and who etill retains D. E. Carter and Rev. C. L." Rev. ance was transacted.!', The minutes of a substantial block of the companys Anderson front to Salt Lake Wednesthe previous regular and special meetconstock. The company ..is capitalised to annual attend the day evening and approve J . ings were read for 600,000 shares of stock, 200,000 of of Mission ' Methodist ference the ' The bon'd of Jos. Matthews, who shares of which still are retained in Utah. waa awarded the contract for the the treasury. The consideration for erection of the new jail, waa read and Mrs. C. M. Temple ia recovering shows the present hoisting works at the the deal was not given for publication The accompanying picture considered but wae not accepted at from the operation which she recent' Itw AiriMobiU Strricc. Beaver Carbonate mine which will soon undergo a thorough remodeling but it reached a figure that alampa it this time as the board desired another I ly underwent at Los Angeles and ia aa oue of the important transactions has I expected to return home in a abort The Utah Transportation Co., be- and will he equipped with modern mining machinery. This is one of for the surety on the bond. year in Utah mining. service automobile an established ' The clerk waa instructed to ask the time, of the Bradshaw The the properties Milford and tween heavy Reaver Beaver, producing County's properties. railroad company to provide a drain xha Kewhouse flyer waa off the trip having been made Vedn Jfj consist of eight full claims, company ditch to cany the waste water wy track at Frisco a few hours yesterday located in the Bradshaw mining camp It ia the intention of this co which collecta from floods, rains or M a 0f the rails spreading. No mile porth of .the famous The been south raise has in service cam two product. cloudbursts, along the railroad right-- 1 particular damage was done and the keep f 12 Cave 18 83 and seven and and inches in extended feet mine, and be prepared to make ofway through the town of Milford. Uma. Ilford. The ntarQMl miles of east 80 of which runs of sliver ounces manageore, This com. when required. The task of reading and consider-- 1 to the ton, 90 per cent lead and four ment during tpe past .few weeks has overlook the made a contract with the Belt 1 not the of ordinances revised the lng engaged in prospecting the surfsee to. ! that th. Milford eshoolawiUopsn RoutijDhaQdld:,nilrd;. ticket Jirict, Beaver county. The per cent copper.' Another, raise town ofJUUonl was taken op and Better deterpilne "tiie work at depth, u! has driven been that feet berth utaLement one, Minersin well within facte the term that on Beaver, the fad keeps Monday, Sept, parties living hoard succeeded ' in gutting through 10 ounces ore in that feet . goes 7) All pupils should be on hand for villa, or other towns on the line, may and presents a convincing argument pi ainf the ' fwd fine; veins hive been with about half of this work. 16 Thede veins are contacts bedent lead aud four ojMmed .per silver, from per the iu favor of the mill recently provided board hopes to finish the reading of enrollment and start with the begin-- i purchase railroad tickets tween m.rLh the In raise the white and blue lime, and cent the on copper. to a shareholders at automobile for term. the any point company special by the ordinances at the next meeting is two the and wide ore feet body average of the ore opened is 46 fully auto fsre meeting. when they will be passed upon and Miss Helen Sherwood left for Den- the railroad including the is iron excess over silica. The cent maintained wherever it per exto Milford. The railroad company Assuming that the ore bodies strength ver Wednesday night where she will prepared for publication. general average of the ora so far level rise to the has been opened. will also sell tickets over theautomo-bil-e posed on the attend achool this fall and winter. Before development of that ore found is about $36 per ton, ss there Ti Iv CadNMrt. line. Tickets will be on sale at where work was discontinuMiia Sherwood will reside with Dr. was undertaken the tunnel bad are substantial guild values in the same about deMilford In railroad ticket office ed from above, there la blocked out After due deli Aeration we have and Mrs. Filmer who were formerly the fissure 760 feet further as high as seven ounces of the yellow another cut in a on office 10 out of automobile worth ticket to our tona business and cided launch at the 40,000 containing of Milford. residents in which ora, much of ' it of metal having been, found. It is the Beaver. The Smith brothers, who silver and lead to every ton. A good west, cash basis, commencing Sept. 1st. waa Newin grade, not are valopened for a dis- plan of the new owners to begin an There ia the shipping many people are in charge of the line to Beaver mill will save 80 per cent, of the We take the stand that this 400 active campaign of development work of feet. about tance those time at bnt house the machine and a a amount to would f900 and to present course are ues, which garage pursue give general having only Commonwealth The has, therefore, at depth, shaft sinking to be started who am there are royal good people shop built in Beaver and will be pre- day gross from a mill. The satisfaction to the trade. of to ora work upon, at once. A new board will be selecta a of extending By making tia decided change we and have the faculty pared to answer calls for side trips cost of mining and milling the ore good mowing an excellent of one or ed from the purchasers, and Mr. with in found is not which prospect conThe time. customers at notice on short nd marketing and smelting the can save money for our by hospitality any leads almost any time Scott will be chosen as opening machines which are now being used centrates is estimated at $3.93 a ton, more, reducing our force and dispensing every mining camp, rich bodies of into product, for In speaking about the property Saturlarger with other expenses that come along Mn Wm. Adams, who has been are splendid ones and are capable of leaving a net profit, at present metal Devel- day, Mr. Scott, who ia a metallurgical is famous. district the which time 607 destination a day. any prices, of $5.07 a ton, or naturally under the credit system. fa Milford for a short time reaching the been of has the upon engineer of wide prominence, said: property The trip made by Mr. This does not make allowance for opment We desire our old customers to stay returned to Salt Lake Sunday h they start out. The formation of the Bradshaw is a and reached has broad it lines, stage ns, yet we wish to be distinctly lng ghe waB accompanied by Win Smith to New house yesterday with the interest on the investment nor be and we hare one of the best which results from perfect, might big demonstrated cash the depreciation of the plant, but understood that we will sell for nie McCarreu who will visit in the four passengers fully obtained. propositions I have ever seen in my that the care will stand the hard trips these items would be essily covered speedily only. for a few weeks. city unexperience. Three weeks of active and that the drivers thoroughly We expect to make low price the by the odd 7. On this basis a mill, Is Riium Operitisns. Mil Rmasi will oieratlons on the property will bring bea ofthe meeting comWe derstand the business. predict to cost $25,000, will earn for the ruling object, and thoee who spend ford even on a significant showing to light, and we stock of its treasury Aa a result Friday Department successful business fur this trans- pany $200,000 before the ore practimoney with ns will get $ 1.06 is look forward to the future with every time which at eastern an it been over taken 7th, by for every donui worth company. cally in sight is exhausted. Mr. Sny having confidence in the world. 1 like the Consolidated Revenue that all members be in at portation the important syndicate, der is confident that each additional goods purchased. comMarried Milford owns order of which a Caupls property in every way, and I like We appreciate the loyal support tendance. By lift, after deducting water- Mining company, in Pres. Salt Lake City so that I hope in time R. H. Beaver Pitch and county, Williams forth. Last Monday John promising property our customers have given us in the pumping cost, will net $60,000. to of west miles marNewhouse, in bring my family and Bettle here united Moore were Miss Ruth eighteen These figures take no account of Mr. and Mrs. Van Fleet came in past and now desire to remunerate resume once as development oper- permanently. I .know of no better them by giving them more than their from Four Mile Tuesday and were riage at the home of the tnrides the results to be gained by continued will which were returned Los Angeles and suspended at the city and state in the country than development. The management will, ations, moneys worth on all goods pnrehaa- - guests at the Martin terrace. Owing parents in Tribune. financial ofthe Both depression. Salt Lake and Utah. to Milford beginning Wednesday night. of course, proceed with the explorato the recent floods they were com ed at onr store. We are hopeful that no person will polled to leave their team at Black these young people have resided iu tion of its large territory and main take offense, but think the movement Rock and come to Milford on the Milford for several years and are well tain a reserve equal to, or in excess known to everyone. The bride is the of, its present ore supply. The best will be popular when the people res-- train. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore for the future, according to Use that it la a money rover. Shortly after going to work Wed who moved from here to California promise the managers rejxirt, is to the east, nesday afternoon all the boilermakers about a month ago. She is a highly where there is an uiulevelojied tonI of the Milford shops went out on accomplished young lady and held in nage of 100,000 tons of lower grade, A ball game ia scheduled for Bun- - itrike. Whether this wae a general esteem by ail her friends and and to the west where a I ex' day afternoon on the Milford grounds wajjjOUj an over the system and just highest The groom is the son tension of the the on acquaintances. drift between the Beaver fans and the Mil-are mking for we were un of Postmaster W. D. Williams and is 700 level will bring the working under ford whirlwinds. This promises to be I jgarn I an exemplary young man with a an ore body which outcrops strongly good game as both teams are in Ruth Chapter No. 8, prosperous future before him. The for 1,600 feet. fighting trim. The Milford issued has Eastern Star, young couple will make their home The accompanying cut shows the team will go to Beaver on Labor day, to ball be annual second in Milford aud will be a valuable ad old hoisting for its given plant which it is proposSeptember 8th, to play a return game, house on Tuesday even dition to our circle of young married ed to at the opera replace with a modern plain in A let ter from Dr. Francis C. Camp- August 31st. No efforts will be people. The many friends of Mi. and the very near future. It is also probell, who for several years rojoyed Lp to m,ke this the most brilliant Mrs. Williams join in extending posed to erect a new mill of sufficient a nice dental practice in Milford mw aftalr of the l,a8on capacity to handle its output of the Beaver, but who is now residing at mine. had the Marshal Marshal While Hedges The) Jibbed" the Long Beach, hratea that he wW.go 10 cut boarders town three Marshal working Last Saturday morning the hoa ltal this week to undergo an I Plant hr iarfer OptrillMS. one Hedges threw three boea iu the operation lor hernia. The mai y Wednesday morning without paying "bull pen, who bad been boozing til Since the visit of Manager X. A friends of Dr. Campbell sincerely quietiy slipped away hia- board bill. The fellow caught a night and during the morning had Dunyon of the Commonwealth mine hope the operation will prove beneis almost waa leaving town been that train freight ficial to him. ! "panhandling everybody they to the prqierty last week, it Milford dust from his met for 2 bits. About 10 oclock a certain that plans for larger operashook the and It is stated jthat the railroad com- feet. fellow came after the marshal aud tions will be formulated by the company baa made arrangements for the ore show' A farewell party waa given at the said that one of the "boes was dead. pany. At least two good filling in of the mud hole which has in the mine, of the been have number developed a and marshal ings The in caused so much comment recently Ferguson home Tuesday evening ar- the last few months, and the situausm and went to the citizens Helen Sherwood jail Miae of will honor It ia expected that gravel crews the tion is such that production of no be put on ths first ot the week for left the following evening for Denver riving there and enquiring about informed was marshal man slight importance could be embarked dead w&Lro the school. Quite she will attend this purpose A culvert is to be put been pro- Umhi at any time. not had the that i&: prisoners in under ths knew of In the east and west Assure cut by water way will be built from the Ox-- 1 were present and a few hours were vided with water and they 04 S o tunnel at the depth of 300 feet from ford aoluon tithe ice house to connect pleasantly spent at various parlor no other way to get anyone there one with the covert. This is certainly games after which delicious refresh-- 1 provide them with the same. The the surface, an ore shoot from has wide been DeMl two to the feet foot proven been has that seekers sadly Rave something U were served in the dining room crowd of curiosity 125 feet long, and the r'S 04 0 4 the Msrtln terrace. A most en- - "merry ha, ha and the jail doors to be at least doing11 it any toc make a good shipping value average was had time able by everyone 'joy f Mon. I . PERSONAL $2.00 PER 1909 k r ! 1 one-ha- lf one-hal- - The. T . 700-fo- ot 360-lev- I 100-to-n I vice-preside- I I .ng I L even-wit- oil". ' . 100-fo-ot I I I 1 I 200-fo- ot 300-fo- ot 1 Arst-cla- ss ..Popular Drinks . - j : The Milford Pharmacy I ni-n- .ri wiwiw I I |