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Show And Ma Fainted. dIJ she refuse you? aha irked lu-- non, with fine "Well," the lioy replied between his tubs, "she objects to our family. She says pa's a loafer, that you're too fat and that everybody laughs at Dayse May me because she's a fool and talks about nothing but the greatness of her family. K'hauncey threw water ii his mother's face, hut at three t'elock ibis afternoon she was s'ill u a swoon, with four doctors working in hi-- r ) Atchison i Kan.l (ilobe. Al'K r It means a great deal to you to buy your Jewelry of a reliable house. The business is based on confidence and ur forty-eigh- t years of square dealing have placed ua at the head of tne re- liability class. Everything in diamonds, watches, silver tableware, clocks and optical goods. 170 IN In Despair; SALT LAKE CITY ! B0ARD1RG AND DAY ! SCHOOL FOR BOYS Cbu begiaa WcJariJiy, Sept taker 8. CUuical, Stint ific aad Commercial Special departauol far little af a traiard haya, asder tka car tcackcr. Cyaaauaa tad Military Drill cosrits. sadcrthedircctisaaf special iaitrmetara. Far terms aad iaformatioa, apply ta S. M. President. ROBINSON ATTORNEY AT LAW 304-30- 8 Judga Building, Salt Lake City Gems of Thought Lost Forever. Mr. Jingle suddenly turned back his cuff and wrote upon it. It happened in an interval of the passing the champagne. OF WIFE WHEN REAPPEARS OF DEPRIVED IS AGO YEARS SECOND HUSBAND. KEEPS SILENT FOR 20 YEARS a Mass of Raw, Bleeding, Torturing College J. ECZEMA. Humor Hoped Death Would End Fearful Suffering. All Hallows HARRY WITH AGONY Afhols Body J. J. Guinan, What is Castoria.. i ilNSl su la at din Utah Very Rev. E "Why Cured by Cuticura. John Taggart, Former Pastor, Wandered m Strange Lande, But Never Lost Tract of the Woman He Loved. Words cannot describe the terrible Bloomsburg. la Presumably dead eczema 1 suffered with. It broke out 20 years, Kev. John Taggart, at one for until an my bead and kept spreading time pastor o( a Methodist Protestant whole body. 1 it covered my who was almost a solid mass of sores from church at Ulen Uvi.n. ibis county, endured silent with has resignation be ad to foot. I looked more like a an Knoch Arden for a greatpiece of raw' beef than a human be- the role of of that time, has now reaper part ing. The pain and agony endured wife seemed more than I could bear. Blood peared just in time to save the secHer from his of poverty. on youth sore and pus oozed from the great after married she whom my scalp, from under my finger nails, ond husband, and nearly all over my body. My she was convinced that Taggart had cars were so crushed and swollen I j perislu-- in the .lolinstown Hood, is In was afraid they would break off. Jail In consequence oi a domestic crime ranged him Every hair In my head fell out. I that lias completely could not sit down, for my cloihes iroiu his family. Therefore, Taggart would stick to the raw and bleeding apiiears as a helper and a savior, to flesh, making me cry out from the take bnrk the wife of hia youth and to pain. My family doctor did all he provide for her and her children by could, but I got worse and worse. My her second marriage. condition was awful. I did not think Taggart's history is a strange one, I could live, and wanted death to and not the least lute resting feature come and end my frightful sufferings. of it la llie fact that for years he has In this condition my mother-in-laknown that hla wife was married begged me to try the Cuticura Rem again; yet he has been silent and has dies. 1 said I would, but had no hope always managed, no matter how far it recovery. Hut oh, what blessed re- away he was, to somehow keep In lief I experienced after applying Cuti- touch with affairs here. So long ua he cura Ointment. It cooled the bleeding tnew that the woman he loved was livand Itching flesh and brought me the ing happily he amothered whatever first real sleep I had had in weeks. It feeling of Jealousy or resentment was aa grateful as Ice to a burning might arise, but the instant that he tongue. I would bailie with warm ,'otind out that her happiness had been water and Cuticura Soap, then apply he came forward. the Ointment freely. I also took CutiWhy Taggart left this aection baa cura Resolvent for the blood. In a ong been a mystery, and it la still short time the Bores stopped running, He was a prominent pulthe flesh began to heal, and I knew I pit orator and a great favorite with was to get well again. Then the hair the Clen Lyons flock. Hnndsome and on my head began to grow, and In a ambitious, he seemed destined for a short time I was completely cured. high church career. He fell In love I wish I could tell everybody who has with Miss Eliza Ivey, one of the preteczema to use Cuticura. Mrs. Wm. tiest girls in Hlooinsburg, and thy Hunt, 135 Thomas St, Newark, N. J., Sept. 28, 1908. "''ASTORIA is a harmless 'substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ctber Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend. The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has homo the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and are but Experiments that trifle with Just-os-go- od and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. II. Dr. F. Gerald Elattner, of Buffalo, K. Y says: Fletcher: Tour Castor Is la good lor children and I frequently prescribe It, always obtaining the desired results.1 tt ALCOHOL 1 PER CENT. AYcihabLIYeinnStonGr As- similating tbcFbodamlRfduta ling llie Suxsadts anlBowasof JNftfNTS CjUfDJtEtr Promotes DigpstiMiflifftfi ness and RredonUlns iciiivr O pium .Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic. topi Dr. Custave JL Glaengraeber, cf St Faul, Minn says: T have used your Castoria repeatedly In my practice with good results, end can recoin mend it aa an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children." Dr. E. J. Dennis, cf TL Louis, Ua, says: I have used and prescribed your Castoria la my sanitarium and outside practice for a number of years and find It to be on excellent remedy for children." Dr. CL A. Buchanan, cf Philadelphia, Pa., aaya: I have used your Cas tor la In the case cf C7 own Laly and find It pleasant to take, and have obtained excellent result! from Us use." Dr. J. U Simpson, cf Chicago, 111., aaya: "I have used your Castoria la cases cf eolle in children and have found it the beet medicine of lta kind on the market" Dr. IL H Esklldson, cf Omaha, Neb says: "I find your Castoria to he standard family remedy. It is the brat thing for Infants and children 1 have ever known and I recommend it" Dr. L. IL Robinson, cf Kansas City, luo, says: "Tour Castoria certainly has merit Is not its ago, lii continued use by mothers through all these sufficient recommendation! years, and the many attempts to imitate mothers." to Leave tho add? it can a What physician Dr. Edwin F. Par doe, of New Tork City, says: "For several years I have recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to do sat as it has invariably produced bencUcial results." Dr. N. XL Sizer, of Brooklyn, N. Y, says: "I object to what are called patent medicines, where maker alone knows what ingredients are put la them, hut I know the formula of your Castoria and advise its use." it Wa JkkttUf jtmkti Do you often take notea In that iih JM- way?" asked a woman who set by him. GMWApr, much interested. Often the poet returned, but the Apctfert Remedy forCflnrilps trouble of it is that when I read it tlon , Sour Stonkh.Ul over the next day I can't for the life Worms jCouvulskrasfevrnsh of me make out what the notea are ness and LossofSleep. that I meant to take. Then the shirt goes into the wash and tliere'a an end Feuer Drag A Cbem. Cus, Goto Praps hsos RcSanfc Sijnamrfof of It Whats the use, anyway? as Tuberculosis. Aid Fight Against the waiter again passed the tall glass At the recent meeting of the Naof champagne Into hla outstretched NEW YORK. &SS1 tional Association of Hill Pouters, held hand. nibbth oldj to do-egrsi True," the woman assented, quiet- in Atlanta, Ga., It was decided Cents tubercuto note the against campaign What's the user osE$y5 ly. of worth publicity. losis $1,200,000 The bill posters In all ports of the Slang. Slang words and phrases are pio United States and Canada will fill Exact Copy of Wrapper. neera of the language to be. Some of the vacant spaces on their 3,500 hill pasters illustrating these pioneers die on the plains, not boards with large virile enough to cross the centuries, and the ways to ' prevent and cure conthe purists rot with them. The really sumption. The Poster Printers asso-Her Intentions. apt alang words inherit the earth, the cintion has also granted $200,000 Do thluk your sister will maryou this for worth of printing and paper people and the dictionaries. me? ry They are born on the athletic field work. This entire campaign of billIf you keep comlu." or In the stress of crowded life, where board publicity will be conducted un-Have you heard her nay anything Aa-short cut speech Is a necessity. You der the direction of the National about It? Prevenand for the sociation Study In the yellow Journals find them first "I heard her tell ma that If you tion of Tuberculosis In and the mouths of babes. didnt atop cornin here so often shed assoPosters' Bill National the with are for If you any of the responsible make things unpleasant for you. babes you have to be a purist pro tern. elation. Don't fret too bard! You are merely TIIK FINKKT FA lilllC la maim ruuiparetl wuli l lie liulna of Ihebnwel. Severe. WIhh Irritated Itarn pain. diarrhea, hearing language In the making. Ten WkateTvr the ran ve, Lake Painkiller Samuel Gompers was talking in the years settles a word In the dictionary renmokeroom of the Baltic about a In oblivion. From the Nautilus Wise is the inan who closes his face cent newspaper attack on a rich before he saye too much. Hla Life Was Too Monotonous. You need a change," said the phyIt was a cruel attack," Mr. Gom-per- a Mr. Winslow's Mooching Syrop. For children teething, aofiene ilia guru, radar "It was as cruel as chuckled. sician. (UatataUoa. allay ItaiB.ctiraavlfduillu. jaeabutua, the .lonesville Clarion's paragraph In what way. Doc? . Time the will monoto-otistell unless too Ludlow. gossips about old Deacon Hiram Your life Is altogether beat It under the wire. This paragraph headed the Clar- Hie Sequel Was the Appearance ot You surprise me." ions obituary column. It said: at the Van Horn Home. Taggart Deacon Hiram Ludlow of Friable It's true. Any man who desnt get into bed until morning and then township, aged 82, paused peacefully were married. Though they, were degets up In the morning, too, is leading away on Thursday last from single voted lovers their romance was In blessedness to matrimonial bliss after tome way an unhappy one. A great loo monotonous a life. a short but severe attack by Maria deal of goBsip arose regarding It, and Ona of Life's Sad Facta. Higgins, a blooming widow of 37 sum- shout the time their little son Elmer Pay days come and pay days go, but mers.' "Detroit Journal. was born tbe young minister disapbills go on forever. He says that at that time he peared. BAD DREAM8 bad to bear a burden of trouble that Pig Erraetry. Caused by Coffee. waa too much for him, and he left The report of the cattle market home to escape it. Afterward he reColchester at committee presented more coffee I have been a drinker, solved to return and fight out his town council the other day contained of ever since 1 can remember, untroubles, but when he was about to an item as to a pig starving, followed til less, more I became few a months ago by Resolved, That the town clerk and more nervous and Irritable, and start back he learned that the bride he had left was already the wife of communicate with the offender, warnfinally I could not sleep at night for ing him against committing any of- I was horribly disturbed by dreams another inan, John Van Horn. Hla wife had heard that he had perished fense In future. It was touching to of all aorta and a species of distress- In the Johnstown flood and mourned hear that penitent animal giving Its him aa dead and hHd then married word of honor that nothing of the ing nightmare. after hearing the expert sort should occur again. London enceFinally, of numbers of friends who bad gain. Globe. t Taggart resolved not to complicate quit coffee and were drinking Foatum, matters. Remorseful over hia aban benefits of the Love. and True great Positively cored by they donment of hia learning family, he felt that be these Lillie Pills. There Is but one mate for each man had derived, I concluded coffee must had no to return and make new T hey b1m rrilrre Dl and woman In tbe world and until be the cause of my trouble, so I got trouble.. right Therefore he went to the far tmwfrom lvsiepKia. Inthey recognize the fact and learn with some Poetum and had It made strictly west and became a wanderer upon the digent luu anil Too llenny patience to await the note of absolute according to directions. Kalin?. A perfect remof face the sometimes earth, working I Infallible was astonished at the flavour and Kan-a- , conviction which la the one edy for Dlitiut-KH- . a a a aa and sometimes paper hanger Druwkinra-bad guide to happiness, marriages will fall taste. It entirely took the place of cofand sometimes serving as TaMe in thr Mouth. Coatas they fall now and the church will fee, and to my very great satisfaction, painter, in remote In tne ed Tongue, Fain villages Bnd loans I began to sleep peacefully and sweet- preacher gtve lta empty blessing to those Hide, TOIII'II) I.fVEll. of the Pacific coast. I God They wish nerves and forever Uvweln. whom Improved, ly. My Purely Vegetable. regulate tbe pairs Much of his time he spent in the HaI could wean every man, woman and leaves unblessed. Exchange. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. In all his wander child from the unwholesome drug or- waiian Islands, but inga he always managed to keep in Pertinent Observation. Genuine Must Bear dinary coffee. Some men, says Hans, tbe baker's People really do not appreciate or :ouch with affairs In this section and Signature as to the welfare of hla wife. boy, "vas always like der keyhole ou realize what a powerful drug it is and time Some ago, how be will not tell, der back of a clock They vas behlut what terrible effect It has on the bu man system. If they did, hardly a ne learned that serious domestic troutime REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. pound of it would be sold. I would ble had arisen with the result that Has Poetry Enough; Wante Wood. never think of going back to coffee John Van Horn, hia wife's second husWe hive on hand more poetry than again. I would almost as soon think band, had been sent to Columbia counPAKtBSM we can find room for. What we need of HAIR BALSAM putting iny hand in a fire after I ty jail to serve a sentence for a serinui wv.lWIBH BUd taHlilMi la more wood. It is true the poetry la had once been burned. and hla wife that and children crime, taauriml nvwtjk PniUHiUi MlHi toTouthftil Jitwr Srtcivoj pretty wooden, but It doesn't fling out A young lady friend of ours had were in precarious circumstances. Color. to Hair We and pine. Owes BPtifl diwesp ft iiair miAiafs the warmth of oak The sequel was the appearance rea stomach trouble for and time, long Unigri therefore prefer an ordinary load of could not get well as long aa she used cently of Taggart at the Van Horn wood to a cord of poetry. Adams coffee. She finally RKu.sm.i-- : quit coffee and be- home, about three miles from this I'KO.JIT (Ca.) Enterprise. Onld.70i': 1.11 and gan tbe use of Postum and Is now per- place. With her were Taggart's son, nilvrr. IIM; Inml. well. two and Yours her for her health. Ulmer, children fectly by lver aim Copper, tl Ml OnM and Hilrer leflaeil Kissology. hmtekt Write fur fire malllna wk- Read The Road to Wcllvllle, in second marriage. He immediately pro lbM.S AfMAV ID.. lUSIa A girl can mkke a young man bea wife Reason." bis that There's and children her posed pkgs. lieve she doesn't want him to kiss her A sera Ike above letter f should leave thin section and go witb 16FKTC WiHTtn for Champion WonMiik Th- F.iw AulRIO "AnltU HiN. a high nMWffpriiy when ahe la almost daffy for fear he par appear from tlaie fa tlw, The Iniemtinii. laovory homo. Clem. are genuine, Irae, aa4 fall af haama him to the west, there to start life NfUcilwi won't. inti ChMvi Hi.UgOtkiui'Al. anew. woman This the sierra agreed to da GENUINE CASTORIA Bears tho Signature of ALWAY6 008 &8i Years. 30ra was am InTMcacarrawa Use For Over wtaaav aiawaf, A Certain Cure tt iwm for sore,weak & Inflamed SALVE MITCHELLS 1 1 Eyes. MAKES THE USE OF DRUGS UNNECESSARY, Price.25 Cents Drugghtt , aasBFf OIL THAT PgNtTWATgBfl. W. N. U Salt Lake City, No. 34--1 BOH v Canton Plows TOILET ANTISEPTIC NOTHING LIKE IT yup int - SICK HEADACHE s Fac-Simi- le ASSAYS mi M,-!- ' FON- - U PbKv csechanydcatifrics TL I Ufa 111 in c learning, wililcaiog sad removing taitar from iha teith, beads dedtoying all geraw of decay aad disease which ordiaaiy tooth preparation, cannot do. THE MOUTH The Success Sulky Plow Yos ran make two mistakes In bnylng Riding Ilnwa. One I to buy an Inferior It la nffrrrd mean, and Ilia plow l oilier la to liny a high riding plow when tint SUCCESS, n medium priced work. plow, trill do batter e irli-n- Successful Plowing under all eir-Can a! war a be cuinsiau-'-H- , witb HieBucceae Plow. It I a fr.nnelesu plow that w ill Inal a life time. It has the belt hitch, the beat landrolling cutter, anil llie ing device. belt brtloir-- ever put nil Killing l!nwn. It ha only 10 lever. but they give llie :ne range of ailJiiKimentn an plows with three or four levem. ll I lieavl-- r baa but fewer parte, and la mure material Ilian otliera. Kin i li id with wnle etiarra for Alfalfa Plowing, when nrili ml. Til ul 'a why il la strong, simplt and durable. II llie Succooa." That's whr we knows. the laruier wliniiwiieuiie-h- a 67 Ye'n of Knowing How Hammered Into Every One of Them. Write fur ncautifully llluatrated Pamphlet Xo 37 nf iiitere.i tn every farmer, and P, A Oi Catalog, which will be mailed free. PARLIN & ORENDORFF CO. tin-be- , Canton. Illinois. I'Uh ImplpmeiiY VpfclrWV. Pall fiiirtott fCys iitH !: iiiapHnt l ih,HinlHi Iuli. ImiiiHiHHii iVi.. 1(1 IiIipIiI, rtMh Im, lliivlrtr, IdihR l'th Shave Yourself NO HONING NO STROPPING wadi dioalects ihe mowh aad throat, ponfies the breath, aad kiUa ihs mm which collect ia lha mouth, cawing sore Uuoat bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, ead awch i when inflamed, tired, echo TUC I C I E.O gad bon, may be indaetlf relieved and draiftheaed by Pailina. m Pealin will dedrer the gwmr I BDU Ilui caw catarrh, Mai the ifa wA TA laaimatioa and dop the diacharga. k ii a MR IlL rVrC ft Anntl remedy for uterine catarrh. J Peguae it a hanalem yet power! t ia bathing dedroya odor and leavea the body aotiaeptically cieaa. Ejxtwe KM SALK AT DRUG ITOftCG.SOc. I r OR POSTPAID BV MAIL LARGE SAMPLE FREE! THE PAXTON TOILET OOJ BOSTON. MAS. Is Your Health Worth 10c? Thats what it coats to get a wrrkt treatment of CASCARETS. They do more tor you than any medicine shows on Karth. Sickness gcnt-ralland starts first in the Bowels and Liver; CASCARETS cure these ilia Its so easy to try why not start tonight and have help in the morning? CASCARETS we a hog for a week's Mg treatment, all drueeiirta. fliggrst arllrr in the world, kitilioa boccs a awatb. y DAISY FLY KILLER .itm-t- aal km aill Hi. Rival rlvaiicoroaiimta tNn Im (Hit twiafk UirMrns.lk l NpMI KNOWN THE HOWARD E. BURTON, M-- AVVcv??.ND liwMyw, , II; fluid. Hpreleii-prim: Uuld. Hllrrr. Sliver. Set (Mild. MS- XI nr nr Cupper. II. Mailing eenl i ppllnnlim. envelope and full prlre llrt Cunt nil and yeiplrewnfk fail'Hied. Cub Kef trance. Carbons' Kalluual Hank. a ihw, will aoi mnv dfinjiiMnUitRa '!iiafmatwl 8fo tlvw. nMNniwa NFMriifyMidhP . HmIInmnn WORLD OVER iJJiVy'iriiS in I Thompson's Eye Water |