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Show THE MILES OF TRACK WASHED OUT PIXCHOT UTAH STATE NEWS CONTROVERSY During the Wild West show at Salt was of badly injured, his horse turning Asked Make Div;elon to Cloudbursts Add to Devastation of Congress over backward and tailing on him. Forest Mineral and Agricultural, Floods In Colorado, Wrecking RailPOLICE RESERVES CALLED TO President Taft is scheduled to arLands. and Towns. roads Threatening rive at Provo at 1:15 p. ui. Friday. STOP FIGHT IN WHICH MEN AND WOMEN ENGAGE. September 24. and will reach Salt take City at 4:31) the same day. Denver. The agitation over the Denver. A second cloudburst at A number of peopie were slighilv Knur-Milcreek, near Canon City, Colorado forest reserves and the ac- injured when two street ears collided cores of Men and Woman Badly Wednesday nighl, made more disas- tivities of Gifford Pinchui broke Into head-oIn Ogden canyon. One of trous the flood in the Arkansas river open fire before the Transmlsstssippl Beaten and Bruised in Row the muloriueu had mistaken his orcongress Friday afternoon, and after ders. .alley which since daybreak WednesRaised by Striking Neckwear a hot debate a resolution calling ujsn washthreatened towns, day adjoining Employes In New York. Stephen McCarthy, while ai tempted out railroad tracks and tied up congress for a law declaring for a divito rob a house in Ogden, was shot ing ii.iiny trains containing tourists. The sion of the agricultural, mineral and lu the thigh by the owner. J. H. cloudburst was one of the heaviest forest lands, was passed. and is now in the prison hosSmith, .d liw- - im n New York The resolution was the one presentin that section, and soon the river, pital. women KM'iii Thiriiliiy mirlii in Hu swollen liy mountain torrents, near ed by former Senator Patterson of Miss Idly Harding or JYovo, while of innEmergency hospti.il. ful'iisim; ; Canon City, had risen eight reel, six Colorado. It had been In committee to alight from a moving : i.I-I v i line n the most riois for two days and the feeling whs attempting j Salt take City, was in car street NYri.s-ii- i ever sirkis Officials of the Denver ft IUo abroad in the congress that it was an to the thrown ground aud sustained n , id derided (o a!l mil cmployi-eand this overt attack on Pine-hotjlir.iiide road here slate that forty-liv- e serious Injuries. lirnml-and firm at Thtrti-i-mload-..ur iriit was ..it the mile of their (rack between here and One or the most destructive floods In which more way. A (Ik ill sisrtt-a distance of toil miles, Is Frank Dowdy of Denver, wlio opposed jStl'da. visit Gunnison, Axtel and Center-fielto tliun Ipm women. men and Kills look I w out and hat li will he at the action. occurred last week, when dammlb-dI'lillei reserves were .Mr. Pdtti-rsopart. said In- - had no iaten-lioleast a week before traffic can he re- was done to the crops amounting age To transfer the main' jnisinieM to of attacking Mr Pinchnt. and to several hundred dollars. 10 the jiire st at Ion It was settli-nicfor once a wanted The tiirge, Royal picturesque merely The directors uf Ihe Rig Four State rail patrol wagons from a hair iloson w here Hu Arkansas river rushes all of the Pinchnt mn'rovt-rsy- . different preelneis Mr. fair, to In- held ut Ogden, have decidii canyon I, noil feel deep, was which it has hern charted that j through to ed wi re $S,t)0l) to rover the hiiiI Kiri's wal.-nWomen1 l appropriate of wild fury. The water had Ptnchot bus ove.lnnke.-- techiilcalkh-a amount of the various purses which of men torn Into shreds and sror.-r iichid tin- - level of the famoua HangIn reserving forest lands. will be offered fur the horse racing and IDAHO YOUTH KILLS FATHER anil siiim u wen- - Inidly Bridge. although the bridge Itself Instantly the floor was alive with events. MOB ing bruised. A horse ran away, ilaxh'nx is intact. Many of the nearby can-- I prospective speakers for aud against A flood entered Ephraim from the ear Into a taxlngton avenue eli'i-triyens were washed clear of tracke. At tlic resolution, and It continued to lie old and was so hadly Injured thui lie poI lie water was Tiu-blcanyon on August 18, doing damover amendan offered so until Mr. Gowdy splashing to kIiihiI li. A Declares He Shot in Self Defense, and lice were ciiuiis-lieiat ihe state asylum grounds. ment commending the forestry poli- age amounting to over $300,000. It ihe ' That Hia Mother and Brother numlier of ahota were fired, and Ihia GOLDFIELD CITIZENS AROUSED and with a raise the ground' cies of the administration. This was was the largest ever seen In that pari Helped Bury Victim. led to a rumor that the police were 'he asylum, us well as a large por-E- accepted by Mr. Patterson, and In of the state, and probably the most TO FRENZY BY firing: on the crowd and caused Intlnn of the residence section nearby turn Mr. Gowdy accepted the Patter destructive. MURDERS. non resolution. Rotji were passed, aud creased confusion, limadwuy was Three locomotives were demolished would have been under water. (his effectively, it la believed, stops and Joe Straub of Salt take, a Denblocked to traffic for half an hour. The Idaho Kails, Idaho. Mrs. aiiguslitie the forestry dispute which has been ver ft Rio Grande conductor, was CHEERS FOR PINCHOT. the Pierce and son. Kilward, firing of the shots dispersed the factor most feared through the . illrec-tlonaIII all collision crowd, which scattered slightly injured In a head-ocomplicity in the murder i. the hits Plane to Storm Jail and Lynch Twoj Chief Forester Makes a Hit With Del- - session. between a passenger and freight train hand and father, (iustuve yien-e- , at Men Come to Naught When It Is Congress. egatesAo near Tucker. Mud take, in Krcnioiii emir.. y, thirty-livRATES IN WEST TOO HIGH. Diacovercd Prisoners Hava WRECK DUE TO NEGLIGENCE. Clifford Plncliot Colo. miles from the Oregon Short Line Between SOO.OuO and 1,000,000 Utah-bre- d Denver. to Taken Been Tonopah. arof Chairman Is Such Statement Knapp Older been have United tullroail. of States lambs and yearlings the forester chief will' be plticeil on Train Craw to Stand Trial Chargo of Commerce Commission. rest. and of shipped to Chlragu, Omaha. Kansas agriculture, depart tnenl of Criminal Negligence. Thu younger son, Paul, wlg waa arThomas K. Walsh, millionaire mine rates east City and St. Louis thl season, and Railroad Washington. Colorado Springs, Colo. The Coldfield, Nev. Infuriated by the own,.r exchanged ben mots on rested previously, has uiuq a full will sell at prices ranging from $3 Cl "are of river the Mississippi ir Thomas Heallp, the well- - uesday before the Jury which Investigated the confession to the iiiurdei of his to $5 a head. tho to fair aud satisfactory shipper, head-ocollision on the Iienver A Klo father, saying that Ills mo her and known mining man. who ended his life1 pongress, and as a note in while west of the river they are With a view to financing struggling ronrlud'ug Grande railroad at Ilualeil, Colo.. Sat- brother, however, helped bln bury ihe by taking cyanide of poiaHslum on ,he harmony of the session tin- dele hy projects procuring high and the cause of conipni.ii Irrigation urday niornliiR, when ten ieraona corpse, after a coffin had been made Tuesday, while rrazed with grief woun(i Up jjr. plnchois address .ui the pan of the hipier, according money on bond Issues, the Irrigation wero killed and three score Injured, of bourds taken from a burn. the death of Ills wife, who was abut wijj a round of applause that shook to a statement made on company has Friday by ndustrlul Investment returned ita verdict on Tuesday. The Paul says that he shot bis father anil killed by Patrick C. Caaey Mon- - lh, tU(jtoriiim. been organized In Salt take with a Interstate of tho Uiiilrnian Knapp verdict flnda that the wreck was due I wire after a quarrel and after the day night, a mob organized later In The enemies of Pint-ho- t capital of $500,000. commerce to criminal negligence on the pnrt of victim bad threatened to kill the en- the day. determined to alorm the coun- - fHII- )- Ial(! ley were satisfied with the While riding on a freight car in the In the liiteriuuuiiiaiti states and in the train rrew, comisised of KiiKlnecra tire family. r ly Jail In which Casey was confined, conservation Idea of the and nearly all of ihe on (he Pacific Ogden railroad yards, George Patch, Fln-ma"Hill" Williams, a neighbor of the and siring him up to the nearest tele Jolnw, ln th(! oheprin8 and Hollingsworth, tMiast." said Chuiinian Knapp, "there a switchman, was Injured by an exWright, Conductor Dalton and Brake-ma- I'urcea, noticed the absence of the graph pole. The 1110b ulso determined dld lhe adherent s of the chef for Is great dissatisfaction with the rates plosion of a torpedo which had been murdered man and liegau asking lo wreuk a similar vengeance on Mar- (.mci-- , t McElhern. The verdict also In placed on the track. It is believed, by now Imposed by common carrh-.s- . that the evidence showa that a questions. As the answers aroused (In Sheridan. who has been awaiting Mr. Walsh, in presenting Mr. Pin In Isolated some mischievous hoy. that discloses only quiiy defective system for Issuing train or ills suspicions he caused the arrest trial for wife murder for six month, j hot, referred to the latter a a cases has Ihe new rate law brought, Jark Johnson, the colored pugilist, It was Ihe purpose of the mob to patriotic young American, wlio. rich dors waa employed by the railroad at of the younger son and the confesamt has filed a suit for $20,000 i h- e.ie region damages the time of the wreck. An order waa sion soon followed. dynamite the Jail, which withstood anji his own right, la devoting himself stales of the Parltic coast. In fact, the against a Salt take hotel, because he were found Mrs. Edward and Pierce inenibers Denver arreat to the sent to attack Monday night Just after the to the service of hla country and whole northwest, have witnessed great was Invited to leave the hotel after of the train rrew. camping on the outskirts of this city killing of Mrs. Ilesllp and the wound- whose mistake, If there are any, are during the past f w his manager had engaged rooms for development Thursday ulght and arrested by ing of Airs. Frank Mann by Casey. The those of the head and not the heart. years. Industries have grown up with Johnson and his white wife. INHALED DEADLY FUMES. local poMud and from take plan was defeated by Sheriff Callahan, Two Salt take restaurants and cafes great rapidity and iiopulatlon has inlice. CLARKS SLAYER CONFESSES. however, the prisoners being smugalt Laka Editor Maeta Death In a are charged with furnishing adulter and bound. creased leaps by The Pierces owned 320 acre of the gled out of the Jail and carried to Man Arrested on a Minor Peculiar Mannar. "Naturally it would lie assumed that ated milk to patrons during the nagem stulea ffneat land and all went Charge Adin automobiles which wee Tonopah a condition of affairs would also tional encampment of the Grand Army such , well for but troubles Anally awhile, W. mits In Sheriff Utah. Salt take City. Corydon Killing Deputy guards. In a decline in the cost cf trails result A few weeks ago manned by heavily-armeto of the Republic In complaints sworn show up. began associate editor of the Salt take Mrs. Omaha, Neb. The local police have porlatlon. Such has not been the to and her eldest son had Pierce by a deputy food commissioner. killed waa A In custody a man giving the name of case. Mining Review, Inatantly Big Land 8ale. The rates have remained stathe father arrested on a charge of InWilliam Fisher, a well known busion Tueaday by Inhaling poisonous and Charles on Frea minor Olsen, arrested K1 Paso. Texas. Two and a half tionary. for all practical purposes, sanity. He was examined by the fumea from a room that was being dis- mont county authorities and that dif- million ncres of timber and mineral charge, who confessed Wednesday the storm center In the agitation for ness man of Layton, died very sudinfected at hla apsrtmeuta, on North ficulty seemed settled, when he was land, with all the sawmills and ma- night to havlfig killed Deputy Sheriff reduced rales Is west of the Missisrlp denly at hla slaughter house near Kaysvllle while butchering calves for pi river. In order that the commisTempl afreet. The lifeless Imdy ol liberated. chinery located thereon, the property Clark, eight miles from Ogden. Utah, sion evidence at first hand the market. Heart trouble la giveif secure may Mr. IIIkkIiis waa found lying on Ihe November. last w! the or Sierra C. C.reene and YOUTHS ROB BANK. it will make a trip as the cause for his sudden death. floor of the room at 3:30 p. in. Olsen sayf he and another man in this matter Madre tand ft Lumber company, were internioiiniaiii ihe country through The iKiard of commissioners of InThere waa no one with Mr. Higgins Secure $7,000, But Are Captured With- sold ut public sale at Chihuahua on were robbing a railroad box car and and the Pacific coast stutes ihe coin dian war records, created by the last at the time of his death, hut It Is prein Two Houra. Thursday under foreclosure of a deed were Interrupted by Deputy Clark and Ing fall. Hearings will lie held at. has established offices In I hat sumed that, not knowing the San Francisco. Two men armed; of trust executed by Greene to the an assistant, who drove up In a Spokane, Seattle, and In all prohali 1 legislature, Salt take City, and begun the work room waa being fumigated. Mr. Hig- with of New wagon. A revolver was fired and Ol tty at Salt take. Knickerbocker Trust company walked unmasked aud shotguns When the ciiuiuilsslon returns to of mustering ln again aud taking the York, nml assigned to the Guaranty sen says that one of the men In the gins opened the door and entered, and records of service of the Indian war that he was Immediately overcome ly shortly after 10 oclock FrUuy, and linnding ft Trust company of this wagon fell, seriously wounded. The Washington In November the evident-collectevi-emits. and he will rulings digested the fumra. was next The robbers Clark learned that by appraised property day covering the rashler and hla three city. will afford In all nmile While seated at the breakfast table probability (hat at Chihuahua court $3,000,000, had been killed. the securAfter demanded $7,001). clerks, c in Got What They Had Coming. revolver The confession was brought altout, great relief to the shippln? pubi Ion." playing with a In a wulting and was bought by the Pearson synditwo sections under consilient! the for $2,000,000. West Point, N. Y. By d rectlnn of ing ihe money they fled which he I: ml broiiKhl Into the house cate a the made threat say, police by two were enptured President Taft seven cadets were dls automobile, but In which he said: I havi WOMEN TAKE PART IN STRIKE. unknown to his father. Carl Gothherg, Demonatration of Strikers. 12 year missed from the United Si ales mili- hours later seven miles from town, Prohibits of age. of Salt Lake City, killed one policeman and hope I may resistance. without Stockholm. The police on Monday Fehis of shot sister Members Hammer Policemen Frances, aged 6, in the tary academy mi Thursday for being submitting to kill another." live When Ihe fugitives surrendered I prohibited a groat demonstration arleft eye. The injured child will reInvolved in the hazing of Kolundu Sul-toMoh Over the Head. male or and rifles Influence SUTTON ALONE RESPONSIBLE. cover. ranged by i lie strikers. The attempt Cadet Sutton la a hroiher of the menacing Pittsburg. Pa. Five hundred wont When Mrs. Thomas Shipley of OgLieutenant James N. Sutton of Ihe shotguns, It was discovered that they to form- the agricultural workers lo en took a baud on Friday in the agiNeither strike ami to refuse to harvest the Came to Death at His Own naval academy, whose death was In- were little more than boys. den awoke on the morning of August tation resulting from Ihe Pressed 17, she was horrified to be over is yeurs of age, crop lias proved a failure. Hotel pro8ays Court of Inquiry. at Annnpolls recently. appeared wus to find the dead vestigated atstrike. After first Steel Car their and It company's evidently prietor are appealing to the military Sutton L "Lieutenant of husband her Washington. body Charges were made several week by her aide. lying comstones at Ihe at aurh a crime. of the city for pe.mis'-into gov Mr. Shipley had been in It health for responsible for his own dealt, rinsing paving ago that Sutton was assaulted while tempt directly women went the supply aleeholle liquors lo guests who which was on trua'-- duly, walk'ng a lonely post, some either tnten pany's property, but had not been considtake substantial meals in the'r places after the company's restaurant. A ered Inlinie, and beaten down by men wrapped In In an effort to shoot on or tlonally any danger. that ,l11' the Kri,,"ll otlice of eni Death'011 the prohibition number company's sheets and masked with pillow cases. Prominent Montanan Comes to him and Timothy Shttgrue became prostratagainst such service is seriously af-- of the persons restraining ployes, who wero eating, duckeil tin in Peculiar Manner. was not caused death any hia by tourist trade. tliclr ed from heat and fsitigue a short time Trial of Sugar Strike Leaders. feeling counter.-whelunch and ch.itrs. tables 1r other Injury whatever." Ilutle. Mont. liy run M. Whitney. Honolulu. The trials of Ihe leaders bricks and stones came tlytnir after arriving at his home In Ogden Wlth Babe ln Arm W,fe known-0irThis was the verdict of (he best and Hie oldest of one front Park City, and died several lu the strike sugar conspirher baby which for sonu through the window's. San Kranelscn.-Holdi- ng of Inquiry In the- city. builder and hours later. Shugrtie made the trip not cnirid The acy are nearing an end. William A clerks Marv Bergstrom. the weeks has tad under investigation the was found dead In Ihe bathtub of his In her urtiis. to Ogden front the mining camp on feninle moh until to the face the stab Kinney made Ihe opening argument wife of a Southern Pacific cause of the death at Annapolis nava on the third floor or the yeur-olThe exm-nihot weather for the prosecution on Tuesday, while troops gut. Into the fray. The troop- horseback. block on Monday afternoon sw It eh man, wus hot In a Indg'ng academy ln October. 1H07, of Secom ers rode horses. The soldiers could on the trip caused sunstroke. Phoenix for ihe Llghirunt, Joseph attorney the Janitor of the building. Charles Iiohm- on Fourth street early Monday Lieutenant James X. Sutton or not scare the women, however, mid Earnest Dean, a painter of Kaya-vllle- . Japanese defendants, replied. Kinney by within mi hour August State marine corps, which Imd to hammer enme or them on the Dr. J. It. Freund, who made an and dh-I.alr. I hat fell from the dome of the meetor view the the strike expressed the who was a Iter-s- i It with riel clubs before by t hi beau verdict has been approved the plantation workers piohahly would examination, slated that house, ing upon which he was workil i.hi t li i hi ns litJust or ns-uto iTt ne the Judge advocate peroral subdued. the navy could 'on: th.il have been hciicfic'al In ihe territory, plulu ease of elect last ing. week, land'ng with terrific i caused a movement that would end Whitney's hand was probably wet shot was fired. tliui the other li'dimrs and by Poekman Wlnthrop. force on the ground forty feet below, ConMontana Get Will Three 3ays of Lie ihe wi!e navy.' lice had rum-tiand his holdacting secretary pi. the domination of Japanese latter In when he turned on the key, and. He was hadly bruised about ibe head lli- - was tak.it to the it t suiri.ligressmen. immediately next to hia the Island- and give more e neon r a ce- ing the bulb Cara Collide In Canyon. l :Y-i,au-is l i ad ? ,ii v pending an InHelena. Mont. Congress nan rim.i j and back, hut will recover. complete I'c.iri. I ment to the citizen class. vest Ig.n Ion. Work upon another experimental X. lray. who has iirrivnl in this city Ogden. Moiorman W. 1). IVIom-and death Instantaneous. South Carolina for Prohibition. wna severely Injured and several pits fre-nwill he startr-- sunn, tinder the well in mithmul interthe in r.ipiiai. Earthquake Japan. Drowned In Hotel Water Tank. t shaken up. and more nr Chariest oil, S. Prohibition won on Friday predlrb- -l that mule! direction of the state land board. In scugers view u Tuhlii.- Reports received eunceru-inHelena. Muni. News was brought in fifteen of the twenty one county ceii-c-seriously injured, as the result of a the next fed'-raaloutaitc Juab county. The contract for the Ihe earthquake in eeirral Japan tead-oear. would have three collision between tw-t elm lions on Tuesday. The county dis 'to this city Monday of tho drowning well has been for $3,000. The m S:t on iii'.hiy show that iii re was a of the Ogden Rapid Tr-unpanv ax .1 present. The liasl; well is to go to a depth of t;oo feet, at one tead of iciiur.v ks:ciu will he rd, lined In jut UadersiMirg of the ltulo daughter, fataltiies and ihat great which ca.ue together on a rune near for For aged two a ini one half years, of Wil- number only six of I lie comities voting representation Is S Mt.min and C i:i which it is believed that plenty of was into fell done to property The the Lewis resort In child Ihe damage liam llaldaway. canyon gresxman the first time, the leriguo Iray experts that Mom ana water for domestic use will be found. i of tho d ad at presi-ns.ii.l to Wednesday artcrai oii. IWm-- v is said v ll vliiiw a popiilati'it ot approxitook an active lutcrcM In the pro! ihl-- t j water tank In the kiich.-The child of llaldbold, of which Mr. tlilrty , th.imrii I: is feared tliat the fa- :o have mlsiirdcvstoort Instruction foil movement In this state, mid urn lt..de.'1-urfimi.ii'Hi under ihe new census Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stahl or Salt take mately It iiieit-a-teis known tint lie of Is accident. will cause the was the talities and proprietor. away' greatly since ihe slrr'ng faetionn1 c'liitests lie calls attention to the lari tint li fell Into a tub of acaldlng water . The number of when Henjainm It. how long she was in the tank, hut meind Is When It was seen that the collision has been necessary to estaollsh li:,'. City, early nlneih-swhile the mother was washing, sussmall-sue"f'- Ii.iiidmg. im hiding was Inevitable, a punk Tlllmmi was first enter ng upon Its jwhen found she was almost dead. The X2 'I bus far pr si cthres within the year to taining injuries which resulted in r passen-rethe created among was tu has such revive career, to were utiaiile I have ietuphs. ropurii'.! ihiid's patents spcctacuiiir polltcnt Imli.a.l unlit les for the new death after seventeen hours of sufferfonit in an a to the u wlUn-t-M-a livclv campaign it l;ei and .lur was ini ph.VKleiau in the been destroyed and more tli.m l.upO who rushed car. out of the l ing. other .i lly damaged. that waged. tempt to get in igliliorhood. Steamer Burned. Enraged beyond endurance by the Tax is Safe. Corporation New Towns for Northwest. Charges Against Linger.fsiier, Brutal Murder of Laundry Worker. visits of holdup ntpn. three Peoria. 111. The summer Fred repeated Mass. ' . IdaIn m Is an Reports reac'iing Beverly. Interview at tasr-,- Announcement A brutal murder Itoise, Spokane.San I'luin-isviiowned laborers of Sait l.ake City the I'toriH Swain, .n ft hy Japanese and sill d S'.i'es A'.iorney Beverly dally from Washington ri ,:d l:m.'- - o Islon. Speeial James W. Willett t w .i.i ill Packet company, taught fire ln dragged Will Power, a holdup man. re' ille tln-ro i the that York who , const'tuthinaMty to the Sew of the reservation by government Agnes Dr.isei-ssoa young laundry (lordoti. prosecute Friday itf'i ntoin anil wearing a black mask anil carrying a the new corporal on tax is to he test hiirned to it? townslte purposes of rertain area-o- f winker, with llm throat rut and the fester and KeM. iih.in-- h f,lr alh-tethe waters edge. There loaded revolver. Into their cabin, took the dNtnrhcd not president , cd. have hind In each of ti e throe Ind an resbeaten almost to a pulp, was timber fraud-- made a htinsel: were about tr.n pe tple on hoard, hut away his gun and heat him almost ervations thrown open Tor public en- found In the room uf a lodedug house ri'iirg-- - iigaiiist I t.ited Sta-c- s District in the least, lie so declared The te-- ts and lo death. all were rescued and no one was on Wednesday. try last week. Four towtisiles have on Post street, occupied jointly li Afievrtit'W V. II. I.lngenfi-lterto ,hc said, were all a. the The escapes Trom the blazing president James Wilson, secretary of the debeen established In Ihe Uoeur d'Alene t ho that had puild-l.is Mr. Taft hlntself a 'intlclonfed. vessel were miraculous. A wild pan! partment of agriculture, may be Inreservation at Ilumnier. St. Marie. George Curry, a ntotoriuan, and L. D. counts, hor a lise cl. .tree, live and . cf some father eminence The romalus of year Prorscr. a In the Flathead Worley and Disnn-treigned. The gangplank was thrown duced to come to Salt take following oolev, asav-- r in rharg.v of the corporation fax Idea, is thorough seven sites have been reserved rot were found by Prosser when he went ago. Mr. lown to allow the passenger to board bis visit to Denver during the week. the lloise mint . w.i d'siiiis,-dtown-ritn. r convinced that the tax will stand purposes, Artec. . Ravalli, R: to the room. Curry, who la a paroled owhoata that had been hurried to the ecre:ary Wilson goes to Denver to li he to hat was may a test applied Rhe apixiintol genfeller viIMs Dixon. St. Ig- convtct fyoui San Quentin, where nan. yar ago any it but ittend rescue, burned, the Colorado Fosd and Dairy fifteet and Wirkersham General throwing natius and Pot son. The townxllcs w!l was committed for manslaughter, later trotn I.ewlstou as successor to Nor Attorney Minviititi.n. man Kulek. Senator Root are of the same opinion people Into the water. be sold at public auction this fail. committed suicide. e n - exi-itin- wIim-Mied- . J ' - d . n neci-s-ar- SHERIFF FOILS I l six-inc- :f COLD-BLOOD- j j tv-use- n Trana-Miosiasip- e j cor-nncr'- Wed-suli-ld- Trans-MIssixaipp- i j gen--rall.- v ovi-r.K(- d j sis-ake- Is-ssl- g iHy j n de-rlar- i j inter--tiunt-vi- i Hlg-Kina- d ! 1 j -- a i r. navy-cour- t j . l. li-- j - 1 lu-i.- l a-- .t l: - l i n h-- f Auti-S:llim- u i e pri-s-ui- s "-- set-ih-i'- id-li- 1 mid-stna- In-n- il i . r ; . e -- Day-ton- -- |