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Show !' THE -- UTAH VALLEY GAZETTE. WEEKLY EDITION. - FRIDAY, - IRETA DIXON, JUNE - - 20, 1890. Editor. Entered at the Postofiice at Provo City Utah, as second class mail matter. srnsCKZPTZo.v njirism. Weekly0 oneHityear ft1 la Morning (U IK)! one year. mi lit... U. 1 fill mouths Kii 0 75j Four months ('ssh (n mlvancc foreign postage aililnl. Hemtlrannc are nt tlie risk of thesuliscriber. and should lie made liy express money order. IVist (Wien money onler. cheek or postal nott to the order of tho Dixon Publishing! 'nnipany. or THK GAZETTE. PniTOl'Ity, Utah Aililnun all business coimniinieatlons as aliove. m.KFHOKI Ml.l. I ly. IIUHlneaa ofltee. No. SO. After m delay of aeverol inonth. since placing the order the Telephone Company haa plared a Telephone In TIIKEH. UAKTTi: office. Our number la Klnv ump when have a piece of news or an ad or Job. THE g to e,it a paper in Ogden sfjme cow ards.who are now using thU brilliant genius, (whoso character is lofty enough in Cache Valley performances?) some years ago, got Mr. H. into difficulties by passing lies upon him for truth and then left him to ear the consequences like the ly ing cowards that they are; and ever ince they have been trying to proclaim Mr. Uemenway a slanderer in order to break the force of revelations that they fear he will make ibout them. They liva in constant Tear of retribution and such brazenly false but contemptibly trivial attacks as the one above quoted not only give them away but exhibit malicious cowardice at once wicked puerile and transparent. The shadow of such men would make a decently honest person flee like a jackal indeed! THE REDSKIN HEIRESS. BEST YET. Urand Opportunity for Everybody to tube THE (MXiriTlL As this is the accepted season of the year for the American youth to For tho next f0 days Only The go gunning for a bride we respectfully call attention to the fascinat- Weekly Utah Valley Gazette allurements of certain copper will be sent to new subscriber in ing colored young damsels in the wild Utah for $1.00 per year providing and West. are modest that the same is paid in advance. but woollymembersThey of the Sec and gamy Old subscrilx'rs who pay up arrear- Fox tribes. They are Indian maid- ages within the next GO days and pay us $1.00 extra will also be entitled to The Gazette one year in advance. This offer is made pos- sible by the enormous recent increase of our subscription list and the prospect now so good that our circulation will reach the round-figur- e of H, 000 by Sept. 1st 1N00. TAKE SPECIAL NOTICE. Owing to u Jl In tube I' lie Olivette Itereive) u Consignment of Nevrn Cotnmn Iaprr. Through a mistake of the paper manufacturers which supply The Gazette with paper we received a consignment of paper this week the size of our old issue instead of the eight column size and that is why our issue is Email this week. As soon as we found that the mistake had been made we telegraphed for a new consignment of larger paper and next week we will issue our regular eight column form. We regret very much that we have to leave out several ads this week as well as some interesting matter on account of the error. FEARING RETRIBUTION- - An Ogden paper edited by a clever son of a gentleman and who prides himself on the size of his ens, too, of very superior clay, and with proper encouragement ami cultivation could no doubt be made to shine like a new tin in society. They have, moreover, some substantial recommendations that should make their stock uncommonly firm on the matrimonial market. They arc able to dazzle the eyes of the fortune hunters of the effete East, and could readily furnish guarantees to support a mate who found it inconvenient to toil for a livelihood. These tribes, by a few deft transactions in real estate with their Uncle Sam, have already placed about two millions to their credit in the Treasury vaults, and the cheerful intelligence comes now that, by another stroke of land office business, they will soon have a million more. As these tribes are not very large it can readily be seen that the decaying New York dude who has his affections on the auction block may find some rather lively bidding if he puts himself up as a Sac or Fox reservation. Thejlndian love for ornaments has always been strong, and if the New York dude, arrayed in a lawn tenis summer suit, a silk sash and a pair of pale yellow shoes, went out that way with honorable intentions, he might find himself gobbelcd up, regardless of cost, as a plaything. The time is ripe for transferring the seat of matrimonial war from Saratoga and the sad sea wave to the opulent, untrodden West. Notice of EdarntloCf uml Teachcni. Provo, June 11. 1890. all Stakes and Local Hoards vf Edu- cation, Pavilitics and Teachers in the Church School Organisations: By direction of President Woodruff and tlie General Board of Education. e u respectfully submits J,erined instructions be following for tlie uiuance of all concerned: 1. Teachers entering the Church school service (except the Normal jraduates of 1890) will have to teach ne year under license for their respective grades. 2, Teachers whose license expire I one 80, or who desire to obtain certificates of a higher grade, or higher percentage in special branches, mav report for examination at any of the following places: Belief Society House, July 28, 29 and SO. Uedar city State Academy, August 4, 5 and 0. Logan, JJ. Y. College, August 7,8 and 9. Provo, B. Y. Academy, August 11, 12 and 10. Salt Lake City. L. D. S. College, August 13, 14 and If. Exercises to commence at all ef these places promptly at 9 o'clock a. m. 3- Allapplications for lice uses or for examinations (the later staking the choice from tiie above named places) should he sent to the undersigned before July 15. 4. Tlie general superintendent also requests church school authorities needing teachers to communicate witl) him without delay, that as judicious nominations us may be made before the nextpossible academic year. In behalf of the Roardsof Examiners. To Karl G. Maksek. Chairman. Ilurglury. Geo. Clioule's, boot and shoe shop, was broken into last Monday night by unknown whobroke a window light aud then removed the licit which fastened tlie door at tlie rear. The parties who the officer have not got any clue of up to the present time stole two pair of shoes and ramsaekeil the drawers of his desk all over and not finding any valuables tit all they decamped with only two pair of Rlioes. Samuel K. Kopp, on F street between 7th upholsterer and Vth streets was also broken into by the back door, and thirteen yards of green plush stolen, and everything turnip upside down. Tlie police have been ry busy hunting up the matter, and they will lie hpard from in a little tune. to place the name of a lady at the head of the editorial column of the Utah Valley Gazette which he every week All with the Impudence, egotism and insult of which he Is the acknowledged grand master.- Sulking skirts, he venomously assails citizens of high caracter: disdaining rcinibliityt he darts the tongue of slander at men before whose shadow ho would lire like a Jackal; without reputation or decency himself, he exploits his own characteristics under a mailj which must suffer from the contact while It protects him not a whit. Now in the first place, if this bril- Dr. In a Terrible Condition I owa my life to Hnod'i Sara pari r.a, Tort we year I was In a terrible condition with dyspepsia. I could cat nothing hut xoda cracker, and my freight fell front 170 to 1S8 pounds. Hood' helped me at once, aul after using 11 bottle I wa entirely rural. I hare pained my usual weight, 170 Kiuiid.atiiI have hail exrcllen health creraluee." T. J. Wilcox, 1 ltt 8c wh Street, Suit Lake City, UteV 20-3- Headache with freqoent vomiting. a I luted Houda Panqt eftli tho result. I am In betct hi'iiith than for four year. Hood' Parvaptirills ' safe, relia'jle , and nure. J. C. Willson, Aupu.-ili- burn, Cal. Hoods Sarsaparilla Sold hy C.rugvixto. six forf'i. only I'lupanxl CO., Apothecaries, I.nn ell, ''Iain. Doses One Dollar u Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by it use. Scotts Emulsion is. not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulating properties of the Hypophoe-prnte- s and pure Norwegian Cod liver Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by PIijeiciana all over the world. Tutfs Pills T ear reativwH swathe wirilrl MwaS M aer tha a paiawtlv. Tebpw Ml, tt wkil mafl Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic Properties.ia Ywtt'e Pills pweawae tkwa q.alitlH naiawt egia ..a Itestore Speedily wwtwal ytrlaUlUe tklr , to the bewele baellea M MaoUal to ngslully. Sold mrwlaero. PROBATE NOTICE. PROBATE COURT. IN AND FOR TN THEGonnty.Terrltory of Utah an. In the matter of the estate and Gnanlianehln of Elizabeth J. Margaret. Ann, Robert J. and Martha Jones and Elizabeth a., Emma C, Alliert E and Phehe K. Harris, minors. Order to show cause why order of sale of real estate should not be made. Alliert Harris, the Guardian of the persons and estate of the alaive named mirrors, having an order filed his petition herein praying ofMleoi tho real estate, of : Mid minors for the purpose therein set forth It ia therefore ordered, by the Judge of Mia court that all persons Interested in the estate of Mid minors, appear liefore the said Probate Court on Saturday the 21 day of June, 1MM, at 10 o'clock in the fore main of Mid day. at the court room of said Probate Court, In the Court House, in Provo City, County of Utah, to show cause why an order should not be granted to the Mid Guardian to sell so much of the real estate ot the Mid minors as shall be neces- fr - rro-ha- te .at -- aplet the shadow of these men fall pear as virtues is all wrongdown this way, Graham will lc headed and scandalous. If the r ETC7?flTVT: 1 the shadow if of these happy Bugler is sincere in its anonnee-memen proves to have the miraculof policy and we believe it ous power as alleged. is it lias undertaken a great and The fact is that Uemenway bar Christ-likmission for the good of slandered no one great or small, will- the masses in its vacyiity. We or at all. While lie was hired wish success. nt e fully it Bum, Prompt, Feslttvt emissions, Bpsrmstsrrirsm, Bereoesmsss, Self Distrust. Less of Hamers, Ac. Wit I mksseu a STIfOBO. tiger-no-s mss Prise 41.00, 0 Buses, 90 00. Bordet Dlrrrtlrml UnllrS sritk seeS Bsx. AsBrsss ilisii. ssw LMnsst f t IMI Luoafin. 8T.LOUI8. - fJO. of homkhj bad final proof, Notice Office at Salt lake City, Utah, June PROBATE NOTICE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Judge. County op Utah. I. V and hereby and oorrect copy of the original onler to show cause why order of Mle of real estate should Etta Harnot be made" In the estate of I.uoy rison. deceased, and now on file In my office. Witness my hand and the seal of Mid Court at my office In Provo City the 7th day BEAl1 f June A. D.t IBM). In V. L. HALLIDA Y. Clerk of the Proloite Court Ltah County. PKOJfATK NOTICE. TN THE PROBATE COURT IN AND FOR 1 Utah County. Territory of Utah. In the matter of the estate of Guardianship of James Heber Harrison, minor. Order to snow cause why order of Mle of real estate should not lie made. William Harrison, the Guardian of the person and estate of James Hetier Harrison, minor, hsving filed his petition herein for an order of Mle of all the real estate, of Mid minor for tho purposes therein set forth : It is therefore ordered, by the Judge of Mid court that all the persons interested in the appear loifore the Mid estate, oi Mid minor, Probate Court10 on Saturday the 12th day of 1HM. at forenoon of Mid o'clock July, at the court room inoftne Mid Probate Court, day, in Provo at tne Court House, (Tty. County of an order should not Utah; to show cause why be granted to the Mid Guardian to sell Munich of real astate of the Mid minor, James Heber Harrison, ae should lie necessary. An that a oopy of this order lie published at least once a week for four weeks successively In The Utah Vai.i.ey Gazette, e newspaper and published In Mid Utah County, printed Utah Territory. Joseph D. Jones, Probate Judge. Dated June 7th, IBM. Utah, If aa TerritoryopopUtah. County I. V. L. Halllday, Clerk of the Probate Court In and for Utah County, U. T., hereby certify and correct that the foregoing is a full true oopy of the original order to show cause why order of Mle of real estate should not tie made In the estate and Guardianship of James II. Harrison, a minor, and now on file In my my hand and the seal of Mid Court at my office in Provo City, this 7th day iNiAia of June A. D.. IBM. V. L. HALLTDAY. Probate Clerk. office-Witne- ss No. 430. for land publication. Notice at Salt Lake (Tty, May 27, Will. is hereby given that the following Notice -- named settler has Hied notice of his Intention to make Anal proof in support of bis claim, and that Mid proof will he made before the Probate J udge, or In his absence,cm the Clerk of County Court at Provo. Utah, A July Si, 1RB0, vis. : George Stagg, Homestead pp. No. 3S42 for the N. E. V See. 17. Tp. 6 8. H. 2 E. witnesses names to the following He prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of the land, via.: of Lake View, Utah. A. P. Feorope, e M M H Myrsm Newell Jehn Lawrence Henry Clinger against Any person who desires to Protest who knows of the allowance of such proof, or law tlie and the under reason, substantial any of the interior Department, why regulations such proof should not be allowed, will be given an apportunlty at the aliove mentioned time the witnesses of and place to Mid claimant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal claimant. submitted of that by FHANK D- - HOBBS, Register. cross-exami- ne NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1NW). ing-nam- ed Notice is hereby given by undersigned administrator of the estato of Thomas Ovard, deceased, to tho creditors of, and all persons having claims against the Mid deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary voucher within four month after the first publication of this notice to the said administrator. Send all claims to administrator of the estate of Thomas Ovard, deceased. John M. Meill, American Fork, Utah, Att'y. for the Estate. Dated at April 7th, 1880. PROBATE NOTICE. COURT IN AND FOR JLUtahOounty. Territory of Utah s. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Fenn, deceased. Order to show cause why Order of Mle of real estate should not be made. Martha Fenn, the administratrix of tlie estate of Thomas Fenn, deceased, having filed her petition herein praying for an Order of aoJe of a part of the real estate, of said decedthe purposes therein seth forth: ent, for It Is ordered' by the Judge of Mid court that ail persons interested in the estate of tlie Mid deuraaed, appear liefore the Mid Prolate Court oa Saturday the 27th day of June. Wki, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of Mid day. at the court room of Mid Prolate Court, at thu Court Houae, In Provo city. County of Utah ; to show cause why an order should not lie granted to so inueli of real the Mid administratrix to sellThomas Fenn. as estate of the Mid deceased, should la necessary. And that a copy of this order lie published at least once a week for three weeks succesVai.i.ey Gazette. newssively: In the Utah and published in Mid Utah paper printed County, Utah Territory. JoBEPn D. Jones, Probate Judge. ; Dated May M. or UTAH, I THE PROBATE COURT OF UTAH IN County, Territory of Utah. In tb mat-th- e TERRITORY County or L'yah. f T. V. L. Halllday. Clerk of tho Probate Court estate of Louisa Kaufhold, deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the nnder-igne- d in and for Utah County T. of U., hereby certify true and correct administrator of the estate of Louisa that the foregoing ia s fall, to show cause Kaufhold, to the creditors of, and cony of the original realOrder all lcrson deceased, should nut lie estate of Mle of claims agafnst the estd liy order having deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary .ade In the estate ot Thomas Fenn. deceased, JSVii er? w,thln four months after the first and now on file, and of record In my office. Court my hand, and the seal of aiil jjfifijjtlon of this mitlce to the MkC admiais-- Witness office in Provo City, ttala Stith , at my A. D. 1HML ,tKrl C. Schramm, administrator of.' the estate day of May, V. L. HALLIDAY deceased. 1M0the Predate Court, U. Co. Clerk of Pted PErrm. May 7, A. D., 1SD0. 'tab Territory. JosM'll Dated June 7. lki. op Itah. Territory County op Utah. D. Jonks, rniloito Judge. i i 1. V. I.. Iliilli lay, t'lerk of thu Pmbutc Court In and lor Utah Houiity, U.T.. hereby cvrllfy that tin foregoing Is a full true snd cornn 1 copy of the original onler to show enure why onler of Mle of real estato should not la made'' in the estate uml liiiardiaiisliip of Mary E. Harrison. minor, and now on rile iu my office. Witness iiiv baud ami the mm I of Mbl Court at my office In Pmvo City, this 7 day of heal.' Jiiiiu A. 1)., I 80. V. L. HAi.LIDAY, Prolate Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THK PROBATE COURT IN AND FOR 1 Utah County, of Utah. In tho mutter of the estateTerritory of Isaac Cooper, Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, administrator of the estute of Isaac Cisia-rdeucascd, to the creditors of. and sll having claims sgaiiist the said deceased, to exhibit them with tlie necessary vouchers within four months after tlie first publication of this notice to the said administrator. John H. Cooper, administrator of tlie estate of Isaac Cooper, deceased. Dated American Fork. June 1th, IMO. N No.382. final Ing-natn- od Co-Uta- lle-ni- an. . No. 408. e No. 402. 11(0 HATE NOTICE. homestead Notice ofLaud Office at City, May 14tn, 1SM0. Notice is hereby the following -- named settler notice of this intention to make final pruof in supiKirt of his claim, anil that Mid proof will be made liefore tho Judge or in bis absence the Clerk of tlie County Court, of Utah at Provo City, on the 27th day of June County 1KMU, viz. : Joseph V. Smith, Provo City, Utah EE V, Co., Utah, for the H K, M1, to wit W W 4. K Bee. 1 6 8 3 E of 8. L. M. He names the following witnesses to prove liis continuous residence uiion and cultivation : Given that Saltfinal Lake E. of. Mid land. vis. Giles lialdcn, David Parks, Imho V. King, Lcaurdro Steel, all of Provo city, Utah. FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. OF UTAH the matry or Utah. In deceased. ter of the estate of rhnmaa Ovard. the TN THE PROBATE of tlie said minor. Mary K. Harrison, a should lie neeesKury : And Hint s copy of this onler lie published st for four weeks suceimssively hast once a week in Til K Itah V ai.i.kv G akkttk. a ncwspuier irlnled ami published lu mid ( tali county, s D. Jokes, JosephProbate Dated Juno 7th, IBM. Territory op Utah, per-so- Notice is hereby given that tlie folsettler has filed notice of hi intention to make final proof In aupimrt of Ills claim, and that Mid proof will lie made before the Prolate Judge (or in his almcnce tho Clerk of the County Court) of Utah Co., U. T.. at the Count v Court House at Provo. U. T., on SaturKith, 180, viz: Richard K. licit s, li. day.No. July K.. 7SIK, for tho N. S. E. . Sec. 18, T. , S. R. 2, K. Hu names the following witnesses to prove his continues resilience iimiii and cultivation of. said land, viz.; PRORATE COURT. Charles (Smith. ufllenJauiin,UtaliCo..U. T. John Hawkins, ., ,, Walter Ludlow, ,. TIIE PROBATE COURT IN AND FOR Thouias Clay tam. of Lake Shore. ., Utuli County, Territory of Utah, ss. in FRANK I). Hi Hilts. the matter of the estate and Guardianship of Register, Llllcy Harrison, minor. Onler to show cause STAYKr.it k Simmon. why onler of sale of real estate should not lie made. Alt'. William Harrison, the Guunlian of the person and estute of Lillcy Harrison, minor, having filed lii petition herein praying for an onler of sale of all the real estate, of Mid minor, for the punaises therein ret forth; sai-of It i therefore ordered, by the J udge homestead proof. all imtsuii interested in I lie estate, court Notice of office st Salt lake City. Utah. May of saidthat minors, apaar liefore tiie said Prolmte fi, 180. Notice is hereby given that the follow' on Sutunlny the 12t!i ilsy of July, Ihwi, settler has filed not lee of Ills intcii court 10 o'clock In tlie forenoon of said day, at the at tent Ion to nuikc final proof in supiairt of his court mom of said Prolmte court, at the court claim, anil that said proof will lie made to show House, in Pmvo city, county of Utah: the Register and Receivem. U. 8. land Office cause why an order should not la-- granted to at Fait lake city. Utah, oil June 1H. 18i). viz the Mid Guurdiuu to eil so much of real estate Thomas F. (' rlndo. Sr., H K No. HM for the of the said minor, Lillcy Harrison, as should N W i N E. Her. 2S W , S K 4 S W , h E he Sec 23 Tp. 4KII1R. of this onfer he published Anil that a He names the following witnesses to prove at least oncecopy a week for four weeks succeshis continuous residence upon, anil cultivation sive in The Utah Vai.i.ey Gazette, a newsland, viz. : of, said and puldislmii in suld ('tali paper printed U-- t L. Clark, Utah Territory. county, C. Frederick Clark, Joseph D. Jokes, William Dunudau, Probate Judge. h. Richard Smith, all of Alpine, Utah Dated June 7, 180. Teiikitohyorop Utah, FRANK D. HOURS. T.C. BAILEY. Utah. county Register. Attorney. I. V. L. Halllday, clerk of the Prolmte court In ami for Utah county, u. T.. hereby certiiy that the foregoing Is a full true and correct copy of the original order to show cause why order of Mle sf real estate should not lie mnde Ml'MMONS. in the estate and Guardianship of Lillcy Harrison, a minor, and now ou file and of record JUSTICES COUHT. TERRITORY in my office. IN ofTHE Scofield Witness my hand and tlie seal of said court L'tuh, County of Emery, as., at my office in Provo city, this 7th day Precinct. T. II. Thomas, vs. John Derr, deI of June, A. D.,V.Irik). mand, (48.25, to John Derr, greeting. seal L. HALLIDAY. You are hereby summoned to lie and appear Probate clerk before me. the undersigned, at iny office. In Scofield Precinct. Emery County. Utah Territory. to answer a complaint filial against you ROIIATE NOTICI herein by said plaintiff.within five days lexclu siveof the day of service) of this summons served on you within Scoflld Precinct, within N THE PROBATE COUHT. IN AND FOB served on you outside of Scoten days of Utah. County?. Territory flld Precinct, hut within the County of Emery John A the matter of tl estate of cause and within twenty days If served elsegc "ho deceased. Orde? why 8a!d action is brought to rceovop-frfii- n you order of Mle of real not 10 should the sum of Forty Eight Dollanphnd 25 rents made. -", for goods, sold ami delivered .to you at yonr Benjamin' Allemann, the ailinlnistralor of special instance and request. the estate of John Alleman. deceased, having And you are hereby notified that If you fall filed his petition herein praying for an orto so apia-a- r and answer as aliove required, der tlie sale of the for whole of the Plaintiff will a the take judgment for (Pi.2i and the real estate, iff Mbl decedent, personal for the oomplalnt (to which you are referred) and purposes per of distribution. costs of suit. is therfore ordered, by tbe Prnliate Judge To the sheriff or any constable of Mid ofItMid Court that all persons interested In tne county greeting. of Mkl deceased, apiicar liefore the Mbl Make legal service and due return herein. estate Court on Saturday the 12 day of July Given under tny hand, this 17th (lay of March, Probate IKK), at 10 o'clock in tbs forenoon of said A. D.. 1S8U at the court room of Mid prolmte enurt. da, 8. J. HARKNES8. tlie court house. In Provo city. County of Justice of tlio Peace. at Utah, to show cause why an order should not lie granted to the Mid administrator to sell the whole of the estate of the said deceased for purpose of distribution. And that a copy of this order las published in Thb Utah Valley Gazette, a newspaper and published in Mid Utah County for MOTICEOF HOMESTEAD FINAL PROOF, printed least four weeks successively next Land Office at Salt Lake city, Utah, May at 12th said day of July, 1880, the day set fur bear15tli, IMkh Notire is hereby given that the ing said iietltion. following named scltler has filed notice of his JOSEPH D. JONES. intention to make final proof in supfiort of Ills Prolmte Judge. claim, and that Mid proof will be made liefore Dated June 7, 1890. tlie Register and Receiver of the U. 8. Land I Office at Salt Luke city, Utah, on July 7tli, IS8U, Territory ok Utah, viz.: George T. Tomlinson, adjoining Furm County or Utah (hb' Homestead SHOO for the 8 W J. 8 K Sue. 27, I. V. L. Hallidny, Clerk of the Prolmte Court in and for Utah County, Terr'yof Utah, hereby Tp. 6 8 K 2 E. lie names tho following wi I nesses to prove that the foregoing Is a full, true and his continuous residence upon and cultivation certify oorrect copy of tlie original Order to show of Mid land, viz.: cause why order of Mle of real estate should Frederick Culnier. of Salt lake city, l'tuh, not lie made." in the estate of John Alleinau Alfred Harper, of Pleasant Grove, deceased, and now on flic and In nor office. Alfred E. Culnier, of Witness my hand and seal of Mid Court Franklin C. Banks of ,, ., my office in Provo City, this 7 day Lseal i at FHANK D. HOBBR. ,lf JllIlc A- - u 1KH0- V. L. HALLIDAY. Register. Clerk of the Probate Court. 8. W. Darke, Att'y, for Claimcnt. Utah Uo. 2nd, low SCOTTS It will not lie a religious or a iiolitlca! organ; not a representation of any particular religious denomination, nor cat' paw to party clique whatever. So If we ice an Agricultural College of UtalL admirable quality In a "heathen Chinese, or even in a Hottentot, or a glaring piiltlfo fault In aplou Roman Catholic we sary. hall comment thereon impartially aivl withthat a copy of this order be published The Agricultural College of Utah atAnd succesout fear. In short, we shall deal out or J ust too least once a week for three weeks to all. Irrespective of ranker nuw, color or located at Logan, Utah, will open for sively in The Utah Valley Gaxctte, a newspaper in word our imper will bo a students on September 2nd. In Mid Utah County. other creed; printed ami publishedJOSEPH D. JONES. independent ur and conservative sheet for It is Territorial Institution foundBrigham, Probate Judge. county, Utah, uni tho world. ed upon United .States land grant and Dated May 28, 190. The above is frtun Vol, 1. No.l by Territorial appropriations, for the TtRRmmr nrUTAn, laa f Utah County. purpose of giving the young men and of the Rriglmin Bugler published young 1. V. L. Halllday, clerk of the Probate Court women of Utah a 1 literal and of Utah, County. Territory education in the several pur- In and for Utah Is a full true that the foregoing hereby certify liant son of a distinguished gentle- June, 14th, at Brigham City Utah, practical and life. suits of cours lias It and correct copy of the original order to show professions why onler of sale or real estate should man will only keep liis brain cool by M. L Snow, editor and man- es in Agriculture, Domestic Economy, cause not lie made" In the estate and Guardianship EnMechanic and Aats Mechanical The someBugler though or Klixaliotli J. Jones, and Ellxalieh Harris etal he will discover that there is no ager.. gineering, Civil Engineering and other Minors and now on file in my ofllue. eccentric what in name well as os courses. siecial of head the editorial the name at itness my hand ai.d the seal of Mid court ff It lias a modern and specat my office In Provo city, this 28 day of columns of the Utah Valley Ga- in style, is on the proper platform. ialists in its several equipment skai. May, A. D.. 1HM). fields of instruction. V. L. HALLIDA Y, Its means of illustration include the Clerk of the Probate Court, Ltah Co. zette at present nor has there been It is the ofthird of the independent United States Station and Exjieriment Utah, established in the its work of researdli in ivi s.ii.'.p time. And moreover about journals & of line the Gazette. If the editor fine farm, including Agriculture; horticultural a voir ngr. Mr. llcimenway distinctPROBATE NOTICE. grounds equip mil witli modern applianlives up to his declaration, of prin- ces. sewA THE PROBATE COURT IN AND FOR through the columns and ly umio-mcc-cooking, dairy, cutting as above he will prosper ing - In Utah county. Territory of Utah, of this pape that he would hold ciples department, workshops in wood and theIN or matter the estate of Robert M. Da yack, and become a public benefactor iron, a new library; museums and other deceased. Order to show cause why order of himself entir- iy responsible for anyof illustration. Mle of real estate should not he matin. well. A glaring public fault means as Emily Eqyach, M- -the adnlnlstratrix of the Students will lie kept in constant con' estate of Robert thing of an ditorial kind that ap- is a proper subject for criticism tact Boyack. deceased, having with illustrations of school room filed her petition herein praying for an order or peared in tl.esc columns. The Og- no matter how a four its sale the real estate, of Mid a of of traceings throughout years part decedent, for tne purpnsea therein set forth : den bigbrii ned genius is anxious to the man is who pious or eminent courses. I tie therefore ordered, by the Judge of Mid commits it, or what For that all iiermma interested in the estate, containing announce- court of Mid deceased, appear before the Mid injure somebody and the reason is denomination he assumes to be- ments pamphlet anil for further particulars. court on the 12 day of July, that be and the coterie he represents long to or represent. This idea Address, inn. at 10 oclock Saturday the forenoon of said day, in J. W. Sanborn. at the court room of Mid Probate court, at the in Ogden fear retribution for the that because a man holds House. In provo city, county of Utah ; to 3m lresident. court Je a show cause an order should not be grantoutrageous treatment they in years holy office and has therefore a ed to the Midwhy administratrix to sell so much of real given estate of the Mid deceased Robert N. past heaped upon this same Ilem-enw- ay. prestige, he can do no wrong, which, Boyack as should be necessary. And that a of this order be published Perhaps this brilliant any humble body dare mention at least once copy a week for four weeks succesin the utah TALtir oamttk. a newssively brainy fellow who is somebody bare- without fear of popular censure in paper printed and published In Mid Utah county, Utah Territory. ly, only because of 'liis fathers sta- this life and ccrtan Jokes, Joseph D. damnation Probate Judge. tion, would be pleased to designate in the life to come is all error and Dated June If, IBM, Terhitort or utah, I by name some of those men before subterfuge begotten to COUNTY OP UTAH, f perpetuate lie shallow whose I. V. I,. clerk off the probate court (Uemenway) priestcraft, nepotism, monopoly, and In and for Halllday. Utah county, utith Territory, herewould flee like a jackal. There is by certify that the foregoing is a full true and The chicanery. idea, to, that correct oopy of the original "order to show a fellow named Graham down here the best men in the cause why order ef Mle of real estate should as not he made" In the estate of Hobert M. country, who has been trying for a year and Bayack. deceased, and now on file and of record IrtWHOIALStWMG MKCHINf 0 ORANGUMASS In they are called by their own my office. a half or so to make Uemenway and their "lines my hand and the seal of Mid court tools, must be soft riSSSh. office in Provo city this 14th . flee like a jackal or any other way 0ALLA5.TEX. ST.L0UI5.M0. bealI daymy of June. A. D.. HWI. soaped and have their pubV. L HALLTDAT. and if the Ogden genius will only lic faults Probate Clerk. or made to ignored lie-bln- d Attorney. HKlflT Ilot Flashes. I had hcadoelifl, hot flashes, soreness r .1 vri!iurr aenna my body, yuiiu iu my rfpht hide, No. 444. per-wct- c, dpcia. V. L. Ifalliilny. Clerk of the Pndiate Court in and for I tali County. Territory of rtali. hereby certify that tlie foregoing It a full true and correct copy of the original order to show cause why onler of sale of real estate should not lie made." In the estate of Klixa Terrill. ricctUK.d, and now iu tile aud of record In my office. v mic.--s my hHnd and the seal of wild court at tny office in pmvo tills 7tli LseauI day of June A. I).. Ihmi. city, V. L. HALLIDA Y, Protiale clerk d XTtah Territory. ' 1. x BRONCHITIS EMULSION COUCHS COLDS i PROBATE COURT IN AND FOR PTIIEcounty. Territory ot I'tsh. In tlie matter of the estate slid G uaniinnsblp of show Mary E Harrison, minor Onler to should causa why order of Mle oi real estate not be mode. n William Harrison, tlie Guanllnn of the and estate of Mary K. Harrison . minor, au filed his herein having petition praying for onler of sale of all the real estate, of Mid minor for the pui'Hises therein ret forth: It is therefore onieieil, by the Juilae of Mid minor, amiesr Itefore Hu; said Prolmte court on Saturday the 12tli day of July. 1WM, at It) I'clock in the forenoon ol said tlie emir room of Mid Prolate court,day.at at the court in Pmvo city, county of I'tah; to show lloure, cause why sn onler should not lie granted to tlie saiil tiiiuniiau to sell so much of real catsle 7th, or Itah, Territory CorstTT or ITAn. PIERCES PELLETS Sold by all 2nrf gists. eCOTT A BOWKS, C.iemlate, N.Y. outran alter eating, aick head-ai'liheartburn, sour stomach. mental depre-alocte., are rawed by thin very common and inemuing disease, Hood! FamaimrWa tone the stomach create an appetite, promote relieve headache, clear the mind, and cure 1 Utah County. of I'tah. In the matter of tlie estateTerritory of Eliza Terrill, deceased. Order to show cause why order of sale of real retate should not be made. Abraham Halloday. the administrator of the estate of EIIm Terrill, deceased, having filed hi tietitlon herein praying for an Order of Mlo of all of tlie real estate, of mid decedent, for tlie purposes therein set forth: It i therefore ordered, l the Judge oi said Court that all person interested in tlie estate, ot Mid deceased, appear Itefore the Mid Prohate Court on Saturday. the 12th day of July, IW1. at ID o'clock In the forenoon of Mid day.at Hie the court room of mid Prolate l.'ourt at Court House. Ill Provo City, County of I tali: to allow cause why an onler should not be to the wild administrator to veil so granted much of real estate of the said deceased, Eliza Terrill, ns should lie necessary. And that a copy of this onler lie at least once a week for four week published riiecci-s- i . v ly Iu The I'tah VAi.t.Kr Gazette, a newspaper Tinted and published iu said I'tah County, 'tah Territory. Joskpii D. Jones, Probate Judge. Dated June IWii). I N THE PROBATE COURT IN AND FOR Copyright, lHLhy Woild'i Di. Man. lifx. Utah Uounty, Territory of Utah. ss. In the matter of the estate and Guardianship of Lucy Etta Harrison, minor. Order to show cause why order of sale of real estate should he made. I notWilliam Harrison, the Guardian of tlie ier-so-n and estate of Lucy Etta Harrison, deceased, JSESif1 JKd th fiver, stomach and having filed his petition herein praying for an order of Mle or all the real estate, of Mid ly bowaja. They are purely vegetable and harmless. One a Pose. Bold gr minor, for tho purpose therein set forth: cents a viai. It is therefor ordered, by the Judge of Mid Court that all persons interested in the estate, j of Mid minor, appear before the Mid Proloite Court on Saturday, the 12th day of July, IsuO. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of Mid day. at the court room of Mid Probate Court, at tue Court of Utah; to show House in Provo city. cause why an onler County should not lie granted to the said Guardian to sell so much of real estate of the Mid minor, Lucy Etta Harrison, should be necessary. And that a copy of this order he published at least onoe a week for four successive weeks in CONSUMPTION 'The Utah Vali.it Gazette, a newspaper printed and published in Mid Utah County, SCROFULA Make many lives misscoble, aud often lead to IOO Ilenicn-way'- s Jy PALATABLE AS MILK. Dysp ipsia TN THE PROBATE COUHT IN AND FOR THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST of the Territory of Utah, JNJudicial District County. Catherine M. Solander, Plaintiff ve. John W. u lander, Defendant. Summons. The people of the Territory of Utah end Greeting: To John W. Bolauder. Defend nt. You ere hereby required to appear iu au action brought against the above- yt byCourt named Plaintiff, in the District of tlie First Judicial District of the Territory of Utah, and to answer the complaint tiled therein, within ten day (excluxive of the day of service) after the service on you of this summon if served within this or. if served out of this County, but County; in this District, within twenty dare; otherwise within forty days or Judgment by default will be taken against you, according to the prayer of Mid complaint. The Mid action 1 brought to obtain a decree of this Court dissolving the bond of matrimony heretofore and now existing you Mid defendant and this plantiff on the ground that for many years last past you hare been guilty of habitual drunkenness and for more than three years last past have wilfully neglected to provide for plaintiff the common necessaries of life, and tnat plaintiff lie awarded the care and custody of the minor child, mentioned In Mid complaint: that she recover her costs ami have such other or farther relief as may he right. (For fuller particulars reference is hereby on file In this action.) made to the complaint And you are hereby notllli-- that if you full to appear and answer the Mid complaint os above required, the Mid Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein. Witness the Hon. John W. Blackburn, Judge, and the Seal of the District Court of the First Judicial District, In and for the (JMCAI.1 Territory of Utah, this 15th day of May in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety. H. II. HENDERSON, Clerk. By B. Bachman. Jr., Ileputy. Gko. ScTnaRbANn. n "There wae a frog who lived ia a spring. He naught such oold ha could nut sing. Poor, unfortunate Batrachian! In what he must hare been. And yet hie sedplight misfortune wa one that often befall singer. a onoe tuneful voice among thoaa who Deiong to the genu homo ia spoiled by cold in the Dead, or on the utterly both lung,"orcroak-combined. For the above mentioned we are not aware that any remedy wasr ever devised ; but we rejoice to know that all human singer may kaep their heeds dear and roar in tune the timely use of Dr. uttanrh Remedybyand Dr. Pierce's GoldenSages Medical Dlsaovery, both of which are arid by dragglste. Dr 8WS'a Chturh Remedy cures the wont eeee of Catarrh in the Heed, no matter ef while for all laryngeal, Pw hpi standing, and lung affection. bronchial, throat Dr. Florae Golden Medical Discovery ix positively unequaled. It cures the worst Unger-rin- g cough and builds up the flesh and Krength ofllhbae who have been reduced wasting disease. It is guaranteed to benefit or cure in all dinaM for which it ie raoommended. if taken in time and given a flair trial, or money paid for it refunded. PROBATE NOTICE, lROHATF NOTICE. SUMMONS. llwHrd l'ncllltl 1; brain, prints the following: It vu a weak and cowardly play of I'ftcix fjrjiooiA by C L HOOD THE BUGLER. 9M is NOTICE TO C it EDI TO lift. THE PROBATE COUHT OF UTAH County, Territory of Utah. In the matter of the estate of Phillip Jcnne. deceased.adNotice la bereliy given by the undersigned deministrator of the estate of llilllip Jenne,havceased, to the creditors of, and all persona ing claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four months after the first publication of this notice to the Mid administrator. Thinnas F. Curllsle. executor of the estate of Phillip Jenne, deceased. Dated at Alpine, Utuh, April 22, 100. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. OF UTAH In tlie matter of the estate of Minerva Fuller, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned administrator of tlie estate of Minerva Fuller, deceased, to the creditors of. and all imtsoiis having claims against the Mid deceased, to exhibit tbem with tbe necessary vouchers within ten months after the first publication of this notice to the suld administrator. Jesse J. Fuller, administrator of the estate of Minerva Fuller, deceased. Dated Provo, May 18th. 1890. IN THE PROBATE COURT IN AND FOR Utah County, of Utnb. In tlie and Guardianship of Jane matterof tbe estate Territory G. Boyack and Warren I). Boyack. minors. Susan 1). Boyak, the Guardian of the persons and estate ot JnneG. IJoyaek and Warren D. Boyack, minors, having filed her jietition herein praying for an order of saleof a portion of the real estate, of said minora, for the pur-loses therein Mid forth. It is therefore ordered, liy the Judge of Mid Court that all persons interested In tne estate, of Mid minors, appear liefore the Mid Proloite Court on Katurdnv. tlie 12th of July. IMHO, at the at Hi o'clock in the forenoon ofdayMid day. Court Room of Mid Prolmte Court, at tho Court Houae, in Provo city. County of Utah; to show cause why an order should not lie granted to the Mid Guardian to sell so much of real estate of the Mid minors as should lie necessary. And that a copy of tills order 1 published at least fimr successive weeks in The Utah Valley Gazette, a newspaper printed and published in Mid Utah County. Utah Territory. Joseph O. Jones, Probate Judge. Dated June 7, 190. 4 1 Teiiritoky op Utah, aa oy Utah. ( I County 1. V. L. Halllday, Clerk of the Prolmte Court in and for Utah County, Territory of Utah, hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the original onler to show cause why onler of Mle of real estate should not lie made in tbe estato and Guardiuusblp of JaneG. IJoyaek and Warren D. Boyack, minor, and now on tile in iny office. Witness iny hand and the seal of said Court office in Provollty, Utah, this I BEALI at myof A. Ji IHHU. 7day junc V. L. HALLIDAY. Clerk of the Pnilwte Court, Utah Co. NOTICE TO CHD1TOK. THK PROBATE COCRT IN County. Territory of Utah. LEGAL NOTICE THE PROBATE IN County, Territory COURT THK PROBATE COURT IN County, Territory of Utah. OF UTAH In the matter of the estate of Edward Hall, deuessed. Notice is hereby given by tbe undersigned administrator of tbe estate of Edward liall, deceased, to the creditors ef, and all persons having claims against the Mid deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary voucher within four months after tlie first publication of this notice to the said administrator. William 1 Hall, administrator of the estate of Eduard Hall, deceaseds Dated Springvllle, April 1st, 1890. No. 415. OF UTAH of Utah. In the matter of the estate of Joseph Bateman, deceased. and Notice of time place for hearing of petition for admission to Probate of Will. Pursuant to an order of Mid Court in said matter, notice is hereby given that Saturday the 12th day of July. A. D. 1880. at 10 o'clock A. M. at tlie County Court House, in Provo City. Utah County. Territory of Utah, in the Court Room of said Court, bus lieen appointed the time and place for the hearing of a petition of Mary E. A. Bateman, praying for the admission to firobate of a certain document t herewith and purimrtlng to lie the last willwhen presented, testament of Joseph Itateinan, deceased, and where all persons interested nitty appear and contest the probate of said will, or the of letters Testamcntury to Mary K. granting A. Bateman as prayed for In said tietitlon. Dated at Provo City, June 2. 1880. V. L. HALJJDAY, Probate Clerk, Utah County, U. T. VOTICE of homestead FINAL PROOF. Land Office at Salt Lake city. May 19th. 1890. Notice Is hereby given that the following, named set tier lias filed notice of bis Intention to make final proof In support of hlsclaim.and that Mid proof will lie made the Register A Receiver U. 8. I .and Office at Balt Like tit ' Utah II K . Tp. 6 lie names tlie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, end cultivation of, said land, viz: Joseph II. Col ledge, Joseph Moody, Joseph Btnucina, John K. all or Lrhl City. Utah, T. C. BAILEY.Gumey, FRANK D. HOBilM, Attorney. Register, la-fo- ' |