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Show I PHOTO CITY, UTAH, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1800. VOL. 4. Loiln No. , A. r. A. K. KARV.Y (T,ONn. . Regular meetings held on the first and third Tuesdays of month. each Visiting 'I'lie Mtorea ! Hereafter bretlieren are cordially N P. M. to CIon at to attend. W. II. Randall, W. M. Resolutions to provide for the early Alonzo A. Noon, Secretary. closing of the buisness houses of Provo City: O Resolved: That we the undersigned G. W. SHORES. representing various business firms of Provo City, do each and severally Block and ( In Union to close our several places of Office ( Smoot & Co.s Drug agree buisness at 8 o clock P. M. except SatStork. urdays and on days preceeding holidays Ree. 1 blk east of Roberts House. and. Resolved: That when we say 8 o, clock P. M. we mean that no cusF. tomers shall be admitted in to the store after the said 8 o, clock P. M lraro 'n-vit- ed Dr. F. REED, Resident Dentist, BauBmliin Been, Ho. 10, UTAH. PROVO, A. 0 J. Shores, Pay son, Utah. : Offios a.t Reaidenoe, and over M. I). Simons Milliner store. 4 j8cs-A. Attends all calls day or nU At- J BAZir. Ws WHITKCOTTOSV 91. Saxey & Whitecotton, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Rooms 11 & 12r Up stairs oyer Bant Building A Dealer. In. & Farm, Residence PROPERTY-- tt tt-BUSI-BESS FOR SALE. ayBon, - '.Bank of GommerGe, A GENERAL DOES t issues v The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure, for I have so found it in many tests made both for that company and the United States Government. . UTAH, have for obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, and for other reasons dependent upon the proper proportions of the same, and the method of its preparation. Yr the Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the Purest and most reliable baking powder offered to the public. with it while in his possession; to whom it has been rented, and upon and a wonderis wonderful Utah country; what terms; and a full statement of Rksolvkd: That these resolutions rea shall take effect on the 16th. day of ful on account of its history, the grand-ue- the moneys received frqn-sai- d of the scenery, the fejtility of the estate, and all deeds, receipts, con June A. I). 1890 and shall continue in effect untill the 1st day of September, soil, the lovely climate and the great tracts and ether papers relating to the A. D. 1890, and same; also that the receiver make a extent of the native full and detailed statement of all mon Resolved. That each signer of variety and found in all sections of the eys that have come as these resolutions shall have placed in the some conBpicous place in the store Territory. What first arouses a stran- receiver, and the date of receiving the HENRY A. MOTT, Ph. D." he represents, a notice, nolifing the gers admiration on entering the same; from what source the said monLate United States Government Chemist. customers of said store, of the date country is the sublime scenery of moun-tia- n eys have been derived, ana if receivec in compromise, from wbat persons and that these resolutions will take effect, and low lands. Take, for instance, for what property the sauie was reand Resolved. That a copy of these Utah Valley; here is one of the loveliest ceived, stating the full terms of the above the surrounding plain, which in resolutions with the signatures affixed parts on which the bright Bun shines, compromise, and all contracts, receipts turn is the bottom of the bowl like and other papers relating to the same, amphitheater, stands two story, nearly there to be furnished to the publishers Rio Grande Western rolls out of also where and with wliopi the saic of the Enquirer, with the request that As the Fork plain weather beaten buildcanyon what a scene dues moneys have been and are now de- square,Without said resolutions be published in the Spanish ing. steeple of any kind, behold! him Before . lay posited, and what if any interest has and until Daily Enqurier and the Semi Weekly the traveler uiet recently without Enqurier and that a copy be furnished the valley, e arpeted with fields at grain been derived from it; also what credits chimney. iNear the west side of the on account of from said of Editor The the moneys, it, Utah 1 a bell is elevated upon a and grass; to the north and south, for and if said emigration canton, t money or any part of it has building, Gazette for publication. Valley about half height of the buildpost are seen towns beautiful E nestling miles, Coused or him or been other person by Stephen L. Chipman.Supt East the foot of the eastern hills: across persons; also said receiver re- ing. the that op, Ben R. Eidredge, Ilathenbruck &. at Man has a erected shelter within west, is Utah Lake, the port all personal property of whatever which to Bottled Beer Specialty, Company., S. S. Jones, Irvine & Bar- ;lie valley, worship God. God has surwater on fresh of the body now had"or Comlargest ever he & has has McEwan Sam. Seliwab, description ney, 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rounded with beauties it tiie beyond Pacific Hloie; a hunters paradise for In his possession as receiver,, and whal pany., Robert Bee. A. Singleton, man. tbe of The little conception run the all this fowl. fish and JLSSTD ShBOOXTS SOT7TSC OFFICE Along W. II. Cray, & Company, JUSJPOT, 17 JL3SST3 19, compromises, if any, have been made hills around; the shady d glen inountians, pointing ofty, & thereterms and to the with and respect Brothers, it, Company, their eternal Taylor, with its spring of pure water: the GIfcyf lTtaky spires 10,000 feet Heaven- of: whatsoever moneys have been de flowers and George. Taylor, J. A. Harris, Dunn & ward. y the trees, white salubrious is there Then the I from when the rived same, received, Company., James Thompson, P. the with and blosom; dogwood the fine and beautiful. It is and where now. .where said beuutiful quiet of the solemn Himlemarsh, Provo. A. Eggersten, atmosphere, resting that the traveler should want personal propertydeposited; now is, and in whose place of the West J. It. Bo--, natural Supterndent dead, all combine to form resources of the the to about know amount of also the and it; shard, C. 12s, Mrs. Horricks, A Sons possession, a from the hand of the Devine picture country. The surrounding hills are that the said receiver report whether Artist Farrer Brothers & Company. which cannot soon be forgotstore houses of mineral wealth gold, or not he lias knowledge of reason ten. pr silver, lead, iron, coal, graphite, asphalt, to suppose that there is any (other proThis church edifice was erected beTHE ONLY ONE. marble and various kinds of building perty belonging in the late corporation war. It has six entrece fore in limitless all quanites. that he has not taken possession of, or doors; the existing four for white people and Milwaukee & St. Paul stone, of to the As tbe products country, they to take possession of t and two te galleries the for the slaves. The only line running solid are simply astonishing. Props are early attempted Also if situathe present not, why. . DEALERS IX- colored and the whites VestibuIed,ElectricLighted and Steam and the harvests bountiful beyond belief, each and every suit that he has now have people own sepe rule churchtlieir Heated trains between Chicago, Mil- save by those who live in these valleys tion of as receiver, whatever, has been es; but before the civil war, the begun waukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis. and have knowledge. Even done in said suits, anti- the present slaves must sometimes go with their The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul nowtlie firstpractical cut is crop of alfalfa being of said status suit; also all contracts masters; and then thev must go into is line Solid the Railway only and there will he from two to three of compromise of running said suit; also all con- the Vesiibuled,ElectricLighted and Steam more cuttings to follow, in quick suc- tracts of compromise or gallery by themselves. The floor otherwise with will Beat about threehundred Heated trains between Chicago, Coun- cession. Fruit and vegitables grow respect to any of said property, money and on this Sunday was cil Bluffs and Omaha. ; One of the most attractive or ; luxriantly. or and all other pasuits, receipts The outside lias been painted, but no The berth reading lamp feature in features of Utah valley is the great In cases he all file pers, and that ever brush touched the the Pullman Sleeping Cars run on abundance of pure water, llowiug in vouchers interior, said accounts .where the paint these lines is patented, and cannot be floors, seats, wall, ceiling, gallery, channels from the moun-n- s same had witli krone if been and taken, why frontB, doors and winused by any other Railway Company. casing, ; through the valley to the beauti- vouchers in writing were not taken. It is the great improvement of the age. ful lake. dows, are of the best Southern Pine. For irrigating piinxiseH it is And that Bald receiver file his report ten Columns inches handbe of convinced. it and square, Try conveyed through canals to all parts of on or before the 15th day of July next. some curled F.or further particulars apply to ths the valley. pine, and some without This plentiful Bupply of And is It that decreed further the by nearest coupon ticket agent, or addres, nire water, together with the irresist- Court that crack, support the golleries. The i Joseph B. ItosK'rougu walls and ceiling are covered with MitCHEl, Commercial Agent ibly ...beautiful . .building sites ...has autUhe "Is htri Alex. t i boards ten heart and twelve 262 S. Main St.TSalf Lake City', Utah tempted tbe architect and artisan to and examiner benches seasoned wide, tf. throughly unite tlieir skill, so that populous cities court in said cause, to examine said fore being used that very few joints and thriving villages dot the valley report of said receiver and all reports opened enough to admit a knife DXTlIAOKDI.yA 111 NIKKI). throughout its entire extent. Iromin-e- by him made ua such receiver, and all have This building was all done by among them is the beautiful and vouchers, contracts, transactions, act- blade. labor; evidently the labor of an having ings and doings relating to his duties hand rapidly grown city of layson, love for the cause. population of nearly 4WXI. Situated as receiver herein; and for such pur- honest would not build The AnOgdra Isreslor Unit Defil- near people southern end of the valley pose he is tbe hereby authorized and em- in their work; they could notpoorly ed u Nhlp lropeller,.that lie distance from Salt Lake) 63 miles and build powered to examine said receiver un- poorly in material; for this splendid 'l'li Inks M ill Develop n Npeed of .8 from Provo, the county seat. Payson der ns and such lie witnesses old pine was all they had with which is one of the most favored towns in Utah may oath, lOO 71 1 lew Hour. deem necessary in making such to build. It cost them but little; but as reguards beauty of location and natu- investigation, and lie is hereby ordered if some fairy n could in a night transport Mr. Henry Hartman, a ral resources for future development make a full report to this court of to of our readers the lumber in tbe citizen and inventor of Ogden, has on a more inviting spot, where so many of to any or fact and law relatof that attractive old church, exhibition in the window of Livingston the native elements unite to make life his conclusionsand also the evidence nterior ing thereto, would make yon rich. Age has & McMannis the model of what he be- light and home happy, could not by him. a rich mantle of brown over the lieves will prove the fastest vessel For the investment of capital, taken And for the purposes aforesaid, the spread Good men have preached withwhole. most offers the imto an This is intended be afloat. With a Full Line of .ayson promising said reports of said receiver made and in these wails to the passing surrounded town generaThe sinis provement on the screw profiler, to ie made when filed, and all matters tions. Good men and women have and the lands place y rich agricultural gle or double. In place of the ordinary thereto, are hereby referred Biing and prayed theie and have been keel is a propeller screw, made in augur ts self is a vast garden and orchard. relating to said examiner carried thence to their last home. It three miles a promising coal when lie shall haveand commissioner, shaie, and extending under most of Within has his ex- is unpretentions; but beautiful in its completed and been discovered, the ship's length. From experiments deposit just amination and investigation as afore- surrounding and in its whole; and dear mine, unde- said, report to this he lias made witli small models, Mr. not far away is a black-lea- d court as aforesaid. to the hearts of the people who come Hartman calculated that an ocean ship veloped for the want ofcapital. With :!rom far and near, twice each month, could lie propelled at a speed of 123 in twelve miles of Payson a rich lead to worship the Creator of all beauty. : miles per hour, not allowing for friction. and silver strike has just lieen made. w Twenty miles to the west is Eureka, Making allowance for that lie claims a to rival BritEAir of Southern News net sieed of 100 miles per hour, or 2400 mining camp which bids fareEureka NA1!1-:HEART ACADEMY. is In the Latest Styles. in its Leadville days. J. T. 1'atuick, Gen I Manager. palmy This would miles ier day. make the market for C. X. ) OMDE7 surplus products splendid Raleigh, ,1'I'AII, voyage of the Atlantic in less than two Us. Call which is therefore a trading days' time, or this ship would plow the i Payson, letour last centre for Eureka social as following well Appropriately main three times as fast as any ship o led liy the NUter of the miners. Just now the Paysonites are ter, perhaps an account of our going yet made. Mr. Hartman is an old sailor, and enthusiastic over- the prospects of a to church on a particular Sunday, and Holy 4'roNM. IT TOU WANT of the R. G. Western being therefore has reason to believe that lie branch line of itself the building description to town summer from their this built understands the principle of constructThis institution is devoted to the the mining country. With this feeder may not be interesting to our readers. education The best results from Your Maris, ing ocean ships. He is also a success- in of young ladies and little thouswill reach we miles from About four where operation, Payson ful inventor, having contrived quite a ands hundnow Its where and beautiful airv location of dollars only were stopping, stands an old Presby- girls. number of mechanical devices, from came to the place. Shaking of contributes much to the happiness of was once which one of which he realized a fortune. BREED THEtt TO terian the It reds Church, branch line, brings to mind the its inmates and greatly enhances the is hojwd that this ship will lie another ;his in of church the Calhalf that and Nevada act only county. the that Utah, and more signal success. He has ap- ifornia railroad is about to begin active On a bright and beautiful Sunday advantages of health and comfort. plied for a patent for his new proieller-(Jyde- n operation on a tlirougliline to the coast morning in April, a gentleman of enThe Sisters of the Holy Cross, as Commercial. and it will pass through Payson. The1 ergy and kind intentions determined members of an order which makes the our settlement should be reprecity has granted rights of way and riv- that en the company depot grounds. Then sented at that church. About nine education of women its principle life (.'karffd Mltli Adultery. a mule team hitched to a lum- work, enjoy a wide experience, which Monroe Allred, a resident of Spring the U. I, will, in reconstructing the o'clock, A.JSTD ber box wagon, and driven by a black gives them unusual success in train-n- g of the division its Utah change system, city, Sanpete county, was arrested in road line so that it will also run man, came to our door. Eight chairs both and the mind heart of the Emigration canyon Thursday morning through the town. With these railway were placed in tbe wagon and eight to prepare aim their girl, roung being on chairs. the The will as all in persons placed operation, they by Deputy Marshal Doyle, on the facilities to not a become useful and ter was only the without chairs a comparatively short time, wanton springs, charge of adultery. Mr. Allred was be withinwith member or society, but a other advantages the city without cushions, anu the roads with- ornamental taken before CommiBsoner Pratt, who together force as well. set the examination for June 21. The enjoys, it bus certainly a most encour- out atones, but yet very rough; made moral is arranged with the The curriculum was so k a and It not rains. roots for and future growth by defendant was released upon furnish- aging a view of well rounded educagiving track a tliroagh the highway, simply ing a bond in the sum of 1,500 to sec- ,rosperity. which shall fit the graduates of Wnat Payson most ueeds now is woods. Hence rough as it was, we tion, ure his appearance at that time. The institution for any sphere which more energetic ieope and ad- must use It, andtliut too without the this complaint was sworn to by Leon Bacon, some a woman can be expeoteil to fill. It Commisabout of to assist in ditional it to grumbliug luxury the is have capital and building offense, alleged "Do you includes everything necessary to this been committed with Barbara Allred, up. At present there is splendid own- sioners or Path Makers. end,- from domestic eoonomy, stenogsaw mifl? old to to knowhow the go a plural wife. Xephi Ensign. ing for the investment of money in putraphy, was to a the water a of in works. negro driver, question system put public ting in all its branches, lowest as Not farther off than three miles from Yes sii lif I knows dal road,. And English so we jolted on foy a couple of miles, well as highest, up through the lan(Tiiarle 4'urrol, of Currolton. the centre of town is a never-fallin-g sciences and arts. supply of pure spring water. A fortune n a quiet contemplation of the beau- guages, Charlie Carrol, of Carrelton, N. Y. could For further particulars, terms and some lie Nature. ties of made At of tvu the'eipi by enterprising was the last survivor of those who man or who would build wat- miles we became certain that our catalogues, address, signed the Declaration, dying in 1882 er workscompany Devoust the sire of three best draft colts at the fair will travel between 8isteu Superion, Ogden, Utah. driver knew hew to loose himself and Payson. at the age ol 93. It is an Interesting There isforalso Payson and Spnngville. an opportunity for put- his load muoli better than he knew June 3 m. fact that he bad Just been chosen and Monarch the only French Coach stallion in Utah will travel between electric light plant. The on liow to find the old saw mill. However entered congress on the morning of ting in an use aud to a more know of Fork and Provo. the of tlie little tbe by Spanish promoter July 4.1776. On July 4. 1821, the fact rise would tie that of a and guess, we found the old saw mill, and was mentioned in many add i esses S' ie poles, wires and lamps, as are mag- - pushed on to church without further that only four of the singers were nificent SF.AXTXSZX FORK, powers going to waste, adventure. UTAH Mrs. Sarah A. Hatch has opened a Of these William Fiord, of right in water living. .YVe found the the the of In heart these assembled and accomcity. people Hotel with correll and good New Ycrk, died on the 8d of August and other desirable and paying enter- services begun. The Pastor wasgiv-n- g modations for travelers and teamsters following, Adams and Jeffeson on a record or report of the work of In citizens would gladly cMijcr-at- e the co-op- i.. prises Utah County, who the travelon and Charles 1826, Carrol 4, July with any one able and willing tq .he church. Us increase etc., during ingSalem, accomfirst class will Xov. 14, 1832. get public .lie past year. The record of money modations. unite with them. Location i block south of Spanish Fork, truii Heal estate is cheap and the cost of contrbuted to benevolent work, and the Salem Dam. 100 Reward. BIOO. DEALERS IK to down is a theminimum. The number of persons admitted to living are industrious and temperate, the clmroli in the year were such as to Tbf reader of Ths Utah Vali.bt GasettH people to learn that there ii at leaatoae so that in many regards Payson is one honor a large and wealthy church, and will be MYTON, dreadedpleated deacaan that aclcnce has been able to of the most favored towns not only in one which enjoys the services of :r Pascure in all in Dtagt. and that la catarrh. Hall's Utah, but the great central west, for tor for the whole time. And Shoes, Boots, Ilats, Caps and Notioi. Clothing, yet this catarrh cure la ths only putitirp cure now men of means and courage; and church, without rich members, is ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W known to the medical fraternity, catarrh being can do no better than to visit composed Headquarters for Ladies and Childrens Shoes. constitutional dimaae, requires a eonitUii.-tionof scattered farmers treatment. Hall's catarrh cure la taken the place as they are wandering about ust living largely from entheir and farms, Internally, acting duullr upon the blond and the country I mucous aurfasea of His strsfeg l. hereby deshunting places for settle voys a Pleaching service only twice & the foundation of the dnquuia, and giv- ment aiid investment. Any and all such month, A half of a Pastor is some fine Farm Machinery, consisting of Reapers. on We have troying hand ing the patient strength by building uft the will be made and find both better than none; sometimes better Binders, Mowers, Rakes, and the like that we bought at a great bargain, nno constitution and aaaiaUng nature in doing ia A&rmQns and welcome; Agency. Gentiles rPdy anil wil- than a whole one. can sell at Prices to defy any and all Competition. work. The proprietors have so much faith In offer On Run-- I ling tq take hold it) (lip promqtjoi) of ts curative powers, that is worthy The itself they plmrch building 0CJ" Grain and Farm Produce taken in exchange for all goods, red Indian for any case that it fails to cure, legitimate enterprises, tending if) pro- of a --a Office opposite Court House special description. It stands in dead for list of testimonials. for Cash. mote Bought the welfare of the people. Halt one of the loveliest spots Nature can Address, Co., Toledo, O. GHgNIjy W. R. HUGHES, Superintendent, Utah. Fork, Spanish Jjike Advertiser. make. Upon a knoll slightly elevated T7TA.xr. r re-urc- es ds rfeijrj) Wageijer. LiLG-E- a BUSINESS: apd po prigp J. A. DeValley, President. C. S. Thompson, Cashier. HAVEBCAMP & CLAffii Licensed Abstractors of Titles T AYLOR R Office 1st National Bank Building, Provo Oity, Utah Our Abstracts .how all Error, and filing, against raal property to any part of Utah Gounty. Chris. Jensen, flie Utah. -- Pianos. Furniture, Chicago; Cottage; Utah. Jprlngvllle. arries a lar;e Stock of samples of eastern goods. Perfect fit guaranteed. PAYSON EXCHANGE SAVINGS BANK -- Wall -Paper.; Wilier, President, J. S. rage, Vice President, 0ALVI2 Reasoned cnr. O. Simmons, J. S. Tanner, J. T. Scrivner, Win. A. Miles. Receive deposits payable on demand. Five per cent paid on savings deposits. TKANNACTM AOKMKHAI. HANKINO RINHUINS. Fireproof Vault. Safe Ahsolulttly Birtlar Proot HEREFORD MEAT MARKET. HO YES BROS. PROPETORS. Beat, Pork, It Mutton & Veal. order Patronage a speciaty;all charge ornn.pt 1y sttenededto. : for delivery from morning to uioon. ; , Fai-Sl- v 131 ill st-- V. RAWLINGS letieea Q & H St- - It HcLAFFERTY, TONSORIAL PARLOR IJf BASEMENT OPPOSITE OLD TABERNACLE ONLY riRNT4!li.ttS TONSORIAL ABTINTS ERPLOIKB. POPULAS PB1CI3. ' h f nt i mm & BARNEY On Centre Street in Have opened their m well-know- Provo Clothing, Gents non h i-- BOY'S SUITS iMEEnsrs nsr i:vr ro minccii. and see Furnishings A SPECIALTY IRVINE & BARNEY. - BOWEN BROS. PRIZE WINNINC PERCHERON, -- DIRSGT0R5.-f. J- - Organs,; and Carpets,! 1 Tailor. Jtatiant BX KOTHE Provo, be-foun- d. iX A xn VOK UTAH CO. tT Sail Lake i dorpeshlc exGjpapge. BEEE, Sup-erniude- nt. iss-gro- BAKKIN6 of the facilities that company still further and state that, because I will - X7ta.lT- PROVO, 4 In the Supreme Court of the TerriOne of the Thriving Cities o tory the following order. to Receiver Dyer of tbe Church of Jesus Christ of Utah Valley. Latter-Da- y Saints has been made: In the Supreme Court of' the Terriof Utah. HER MANY ATTRACTIONS. tory United states vs. Church of Jesus Saints et al. Christ of Latter-Da- y It is ordered by the Court that the receiver herein make a fall and com The Indnremeaii llekl Oast ly plete report to this Court, showing b; CSood and lnyliijg particular description whatsoever re a Her estate has come into his hands as re I vestment. ceiver, and when; what has been done Co-o- p. ESTATE. REAL Why Royal Baking Powder is the Best. to-da- WinjmEF. Fags ? I snow-cappe- Utah. Provo Oity PRETTY PAYSON. into-fttshan- M. D., SURGEON, AND PHYSCIAN I'AI.LED TO A(Y(t0T. The Nupreme Court I Kevlew Kereiver Dyer AmobbIh. NO. 15. PERFECT WORK GUARANTEED. French Coach Stallions. BEAUCHAMPS was awarded the Silver medal at the late Territorial out-loo- Fair for best draft stalion four years old and over. The above horse travels in SanPete Co. Lookout for. him, he has the best pedigree of any Percheron Stallion in Utah. - type-writin- g, book-keepin- g, . euter-dynam- o . The'Hatch House. W. P. BOWEN & BROS., Young Mens General Merchandise WM. S. iiome-.seeke- ra al I Collection, Life Fire Insurance - Psovo Farmers Attention |