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Show CITY COUNCIL. n fork item AMERICA At t Hons local items. Dr. Mcrrihcw. dentist. Lein. Ammunition at Steele's. Location notices at this office. Lo":i Blanks of all kinds at this office. Grants emporium is headquarters for papers, magazines and books of all kinds. Von can always find what you want in this line there. This locality was visited by a drifting h:ow storm yestenlay morning, after s: duration of many days oi Lesiu.iiiil Hisulifne. , ? Considerable Easiness was Transacted. council met in regular The city h.st session Saturday night in the council chamber with a quorum present, and Mayor Robinson in the chair. Prayer by Recorder Shelley. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. To-nig- American Fork is at Inst free again tmiii the diphtheria plague. T he l iasonary work on the Bolev building is progressing. Court i'.nr.an Adamson made a flySalt Lake this week. ing trip A. Utuiriod and Ben Bennett F. visited tiM Sunshine country last Saturday oi. mining business. PETITIONS. Will I town, or Alpine, who has boon out at Simnysido the past few Petition from J. D. Shelley and manias, bur 'a home again. ity-o- ue others, to have Washing5 Attei d the Home Dramatic in ton street opened twenty rots the renowned drama, "Silver King" furtner west, thence south to State street, referred to Fomittce on of and James Streets. llonry Thiel, Nepiii, Petition to have John stive, soon will open a Biiiwn,i! Alpine. : - ! night-watchma- n, - - 1 1 of spring millinery, which ecliise anything yet come to a: . I t t I r.:.T' " ',1 oil 'I.: . i ! i I'.-!- . lie : . '! :e. - w i ii R has '; working lie S'e- - Killing well. j.it.jteri ill s Tribune a error which griijihira! : k reail this "The following niiirriiigi liivn.-- e v.ere issued yerter day: .Iom j.1i 11. Wright, aged 31, and .Minnie M. Trajij), aged IIS, both of West Jordan." ! 1 1. iie.-ii.- l tvpo-it:nirr- ed 1 ho entering wedge of a fatal coin Ini lit is often a slight cold, which a dose or two of Ayers Cherry Pectoral might have cured at the commencement. Therefore, it is advisable to have this prompt and sure remedy always at hand to an emergency. For the Iaderewski concert at the Salt Lake tabernacle, March 4th, and. Sousa's Band concert, on March (5th, the Bio Grande will sell on March 1th, tickets to Salt Lake and return at SI .35. Tickets good returning until March 7tli. (!. Merrill, Agt. I l i . lOiVll. For t ho Sousa Band concert at Provo. .Man'll 7th, the Kio Grande will sell round trip tickets to Provo at one fare for round trip. Good returning March 8tli. lu his advertisement, a horrid Brx d er Prostration l Ayers Sarsaparilla ". . il-'- r.r Al!"'ri:ii,nfiii1(linn '..I : k r.::. t AVL.r.. f; t - . ; j r I -- s L " m J -- "I 1 S - ilMi.-u- Am 9 y. i. .J u! is g r. : . '1 4;.; ii- - ryrs. T i . Loft Angeles. .j 0Oi ,l. is I fat ir product. lii- - n lining camp and J e King A r?n ii to same committee. Petition to have Phillip stn stre opened from Washington north, signed by T. E. Thornton Ji and twenty-fiv- e others, referred to same committee. 1 li 2 iP'a i House Q-ni- ghi, UEPORTS. Beport of Irrigation committee, concerning the weir dam at the mouth of American Fork canyon, was read. The committee recommended the repairing of said dam rt. at (he earliest convenience, iie Surllngto n s main lines lle-jio- excepted. An laid with the heaviest. and most expensive steel rails in use on any western rail- The recorder was instructed in draw up an agreement with Pleas- ant Grove and Lehi cities to keep out boards of weir during high watpr. The repairing of the flood gate near Bobinsons flour mill was referred to the Irrigation committee. Report of Irrigation committee on surveying reservoir sites was excepted, and bill of 112.00 allowed. Report of Police and City Prison committee read and excepted and bill of $5.00 allowed, Beport of road supervisor on labor done in front of city hall, excepted and bill of $25.75 appropriated. Report of the city recorder and treasurer excepted. On motion, the recorder was instructed to purchase a sextons register from Skelton Is Co- - of Provo. John Wootton, night watch man, asked that his salary be raised or he wonld tender his resignation. On motion, his resignation was excepted, and Jesse Crookston was appointed nightwatchman. II. Adamson, meals, J. B. Cooper, quarantine, Steele & Co., drugs, etc., - 4 50 3000 road. There isnt a foot of iron rail between I vt and Chicago, or between Di'ii cr and St. Louis. There isn't a foot of track in all (hiit distance over wliieh a speed of (VI miles an hour cannot be made will i perfect safety. There isnt a mile of track over which a speed of 00 miles an hour isnt made a dozen times a week. The Burlington is the best-bui- lt aswell as the best railroad in the West. And the service it offers to Omaha, Peoria, Chicago, St. Joseph Kansas City, St Louis and all points east is the best that money can pro-cu- n orexpenenoe provide: Genl Agent, W. F. McMillan, Salt Lake City. nn RESTORED UU TO OR THE GREAT ft I im Saw Palms t to Remedy The only true vigor of life. Send $1. to the 'Security Chemical Co., Redwood Falls, Minn., for sample box of the wonderful discovery for old age or permature old age. It is the only certain restorative. Highest testimonials. Send or P. O. order only . Ex-jire- ss 0 40 n For labor around city hall, 58 80 On moti n, the mayor and Coun cilor Adamson were authorized to consult ana. torney on the. rights of the city io build a reservoir. i I T Finest . Adjourned. Old People. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby adding Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent and aids digestion. Old find it just excactly what eople ap-etiz- er key need. Price fifty cents per ottle. At all Drag Store's. Don,t forget the play at the Opera House this evening. The Home DramAxqeles, atic Company for reappears in Silver King. Tickets, 15, 25 and 35 cts. a After having suffered lime from acute rheumatism v;. obtaining relief, I used rlr.in.s Pain Balm and was relieved. I I immediately as the best tnia : recommend iiy .it ine known. D. M. Hamilton. Sc r sale by all druggists. ; Tl: v From :2 Fjstelar St., Los ini'c opened from State to South street. glove merchant uses fhe following joke: "Why does an old maid wear cotton gloves? Because she hasn't got any kids." William M. Webb, an employe at the Mercur mill, attempted suicide Thursday by jumping from the Prosser house balcony at Mercur. He sustained few injuries, however. To the wife of James on Tuesday, February 25, Pulley, 180m, a fine pair of twin babes. At last reports all concerned are getBILLS ALLOWBD. ting along nicely. The officers should apprehend J. Durrant, cleaning creek, $2 00 the hoodlumism going on these T. Steele, use of opera house, 5 00 5 00 nights about town. Several win A. Rowley, horse hire, dows have been broken and other Leo T. Snelley, stationary, 50 property distroyed in general. E. L. Jones, for assessing, 12 35 Friends of decent society should Item Pub. Co., printing, 1 50 with the officers in try- J. J. Jackson, bonds, 35 ing to supp v&s this element. is hailed as a harThe blue-birOVERWORK of s.iring. It is also a rebinger - INDUCED is needminder tha ; a blood-purified to prepa-ithe system for the deNervous bilitating weather to come. Listen of ard Vis tlw you wi-- hear the birds singing, Complsts Leecvery by "Take Aycv'sHarsaparilla in March, April. May." A special prayer meeting of the Latter-datoo of a y as mult mnts was conducted at online rci'.rs ago, health to business, my elnss jiMoniiim the meeting: house Monday morn failed. I buciimo weak, uervous, was ing. Petiti ins were offered up to uua'ula to look after iny interests, and the Divine i uthority for those unmanifested all tim aymptoma of a defortunates who have been afflicted cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's with diphtheria and other diseases Sarsaparilla, began to improve at oace. of late. The theatre goers of American ForK were t Mated to another performance of tin Home Dramatic company on Wednesday afternoon and evening, in the beautiful drama, Silver King." The performances drew large houses, and the play was well presented. Never in the history of this town has any home company drew to large a house. The members are well qualified for theix respective rolps, and are capable of holding their own with any dramatic company in the State. By special request of scores of people, who were unable to attend from Wednesday evening on occount of and pradiniT'r irrr; two the storm, the company will reone lmnilrcl ivd .1 my il hiinilri j.fiT. peat the play this evening at the hen h sve j family ojwra house. Seats are now on : of necilril. nr.". wile ut Steeles drug store. i.i heal'', ;i r Ajrrr'.-siren v ha.l of v v i llT. in this city. Collector Ebene-z- er t&doring estiililif-liinon- t & Agrii. miter is now busy making Fruit The Utah County out notices for i.o year lsyfl. elected new has cultural Society ProC. F. of Hulls Decker, Sierian Hair officers, with Kenewer hr.s .'or-.rra.- hair to vo, as manager. its original r prevented Ebenezer Hunter claims to have in' baldness in t or" . coupler, and vises. It vented a railroad ear his invention now he has a sample of will do :0 t.i ' office. his at Till:ling of Tomorrow night, John Wootton all Li:1' . orders will Beyer his connection as fOMM ;'! ; 'ations and Jew Crookstcu will etc. .;be appointed to fill the vacancy. ' Tlron.--l Joe Wootton, the assayer, made IT. i i rip to Sunshine and Mercur last, ' .)( and was surprised at the .ill of those camps, t .rley Peterson, the window c: i'fthe Cliipiuau store, lias 'ii!y dressed the window of the piods department in fine shape. Vue Chipman Sisters, the popular d. liners, will soon have in a ship-i- t Dcniit; Con n- ' "v Opera Groceries la town is Kept at Dunldeys. jresn Bread Every day. mi: AND SEE i in jih'iiM you real in lit ill do it. iV.ir ( J if low prices, and good goods MM LX DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS and CAPS, have the best at lowest prices M Dunkley Store Meridiuut Street, Utah |