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Show o M'nmnRBB! Add, AMERICAN FORK ITEM. Garden Publishers. m-ti- n eeeend i use matter. T .t in Adtanee Sx Jto fe. . . m the One tional Locals. J- DUHe.LEY It SCOTT, Xr.lr r.l at the pottoflce, American through .he far nmsn jtara" jr. rui j trc.j.u fur bid at Dnnkley'a. i a!it of pardon scvwl, of all Fvrt varieties, jujt received at Dunklov, at Nephi i.iismore, the architect wo now is 'ing on plans for 1.25 twelve roo a residence for Iarley Hanson, to be erected on the corner of Jackson mil Water streets. A fresh hr. W.'ig, the po;nIi.r li vrv t man of LcLi, was in to i but or, oui::g io tin- i'l-- : j ! " Lft.ll n ti f v i iru ' ! - liT- 1; . THE PROPER PLAGja ' ri'it'v; -: m isiyi f VT .i Mj. ' A in IS AT THE Oi.lirVjv j ; -- s-'- e latter hit pliurisl Givi, as that menoir. The tax- - o. w.th th k. girla through payers want it, and v. ill build it n ;,.llllirin , 0 i:AXEllt v,s the the council will say ys. tin war path. The opening of more streets for the city is of vital importance to jij our citizens. The petitions recently sent to the council for that purpose has the right ring. The committee of that body, to which said petitions were referred, should recommend their granting at the next meeting. There are other streets than those mentioned that should be extended in order that people could travel over them instead of going in a ut way. TUB RK8BRV01R QUESTION. Some six months ago Tug Item, together with the city council, began the agitation of building reservoirs, and since that time the question has truly occupied considerable attention o.f that honorable body. There has been any amount of verlinum masticated to remnants without any good results. At tin rate of this procedure it will take years before our just Reventy-si- x city is supplied with sufficient water to satisfy the yearning of property holdeis that have never ceased to make complaints. After all other means have been exhausted (if there were any at all used) now comes the question of the legality of the city in taxing the people for the purpose of supplying water in this way. Many gsntlemen of legal ability assert that to raise a point on these grounds is not only nonsensical, but teems to be an individual fear ef the personnel of the city council that the citizens will not approve of their action in building jaid reservoirs. The feeling of the assn meeting of citizens recently held should be sufficient to demonstrate that the project should be, and was entirely in the hands of the city. Oil the question of right to levy hx for supplying water, the compiled laws of II tali says: Tho ci shall havo power to collect anil expend u water tax, to supply the city with water for domestic ar-- irrigation purposes, and ior tho use of such to tax water, in proportion to tho amouut of water use t by each. Asitv 1 he seen by this, there should be no question of legality, and we hve failed to find any law that couh in any way conflict with it. The council has t!ie right to supply the city with water as well as to cons' ruct a culvert over a ns-sw- p, iuci-.vidual- s i J IV- r - V ivienoirs. was ia !s.i i -'moulting l.rv 1:1 '' r to the . .'.Tvare. ! 1,1H rrm 7Vr . . , .r ib-ii'- : all. wrneys, tne latter of whirl) v.,;. give their opinion inn icw day.;. The exposure to all sores and conditions of weather that a lumberman is called upon to eudiuv in the camps often prodiuvs colds which, if not r i:: pi y cheeked, result in congesti".i ,r ve We away prize?. cvcj v day. ' - - this Year. I i of the FortRrjgg It' wood Co., an immense institution, at FortHrugg, Cal., says tliev sell . d-; t large quantities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at the company's! store and that he has himself used this remedy for a severe cold and obtained immediate relief. This medicine prevents any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia and insures a prompt recovery. For sale by all druggists. v. Lc-s- r j . i i1 'u I3iA iSIiiilYlCTH FE id KOHIY. tv-- i ' f I i : cure of all Kidney tad Liver trouble end often giyea si meet fatten! yeif. One trial wilt prove opr statement. Pries only SOc for large bottle. At Steele A Co'S drag store. CIIICAC' r : cod-li- v . :ii ii ill :l ! ! j . . .i i , o. ' r . ! i ' s i.ss. v . i " l 7 ..i-- " l'p't. Lchi 1leasant Grove Irovo in t.jce of i;1opS 10:48 : take -Y-r- : 3 , , ' ii. ! I!r,chM, Kep tiring ncmly ilcuc. i ! l! .n tS! iotas lvanH:U: lv 7:(o a m, Carry 4 .'00 p m and 7 :ul) 1 friiin fwr Tomle run d.i, bunday leaving Salt Lake 7:45 a liuieka train leave American Fork . a Krek 1 1 :35 am. 1 il'i P iw irri w 5 houre to Denver: 8Q io Omaha; 4S hours to Kansas city 'iC Twenty-tou- r : - - j I bre: ; . vjn. her th. Union Pacific is the best It: ' 3' ff J ' . ) n and Ariiioaa. sit n'u' u ' -s Ti A Iio- - .. Sros. Pull , Stock ot Druya l:t,ciit jllcdiciiios, Toilet t ? 3-- r, i Totifu-ens- . U1C-- A! hit 4,111 I LJLA jt Utah liOIWE- - j D i t tv . vi 5 I f vinston Street, IT. j Aiae ican Ft k L ia't 1 ij B 1 r 7 ' W v v-- r- - 3" fl llCj - '. 'j- w . u i ef rj v. - , -- . , fekua with UiNid'sSvrgspariUa. -- - c !o Suj : V ! . O U(ah . os. ELSAIORE A tt.WW ACTOR and I'jnv I i MULDER. Airtc.-.: Ai k ti D ; rl,4VtV' ::rv UM': T-H-r: t. . South r. Street . J'cik, rV-- SUX-H-i. E,e. )y's in Town. pli(.s. Oil. ; ' i Orange ELUCIXES, hint- of ' Edge lug Fowder. UVr ; i.a jireprvd to ha x. per Imhl - IKS: Be Sure to get HOOD'S and II;.... c.iMK-Ull- irJ- ' IM" Only HOOD'S. CARUV T 'lE Jilt f j I u.-- Fine Amsrlcar Fork, - Hood's Pills x Arti- - 0 Assort irnt of Candip of All v $ Com- Prescription A la"ii.d i with Cure. Traine leaaye Ogden for Salt Lake dmlv at 2 :30 a m, 8 :0? a m 2 :10p m, and 8 :2o p m. Close connection made at Ogden with Southern I'acidc trains. Logan trmu leaven Amrrican Fork at 4:85 eriivm-rt- t Logan 11:40 am. Bat Ayers at the Worlds Fair. ,n(1 D3 I p m. !aT)DGAISDs .s-i- a Jb Milford 8 :00 -- GUARANTEED. S:;;j Ilarringioa Street . American Utah ar Frisco a m, lab Blacksmith j : Trains louth of Juab run daily except Sunday. Train leave Salt Lakefor Ogden dm v 8 :00 Sitie Street, . atuindo Ephraim Manti 2:45 . WORN FL'LLY Moroni 2:18 " " " o Santaquin Neplii Lite " : :i:i; Spa"wl'rk 1:30 pm : r'h : - " i Atniicuii Fork ltv. l!tah . j W AiliOli.-:,;- , .!u:u-tii)i- i L-h- ririvt. $ Lons. ! r 7 ., r ) . " lv : : T. S:jy S:r,: '' r Utah ; MjsaraAK 11:07) i . AN r7- 10:02 10:14 - al tlif ()!i. Stand, tcriaii (.Impel I'k ,i" f- - O-ii- Springville r-- ''ill '" ' ,l !i.n :.;ir. urn ; j ar it clear? Ayer's Sarsparilla enjoys the extraordinary distinction of having been the only blood purifier allowd on exhibit at the Worlds fair, Chicago Manufactures of other sarsaprillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were all turned Away under the application of a rule for bidding the entry of patent medicines and nonvtruma. The decision of the World's fair authorities in favor of Ayer s Sarsaparilla was in tA 1 effect as follows. Ayers Sarsap-- j anlla is not n patent medicine. It j ' does not helot g to the list uC nos-- : i j trums. It is i.ero on its merit V I 1 -- !!. liv : i , y-t- '::1 i I ! i ti-utni- . UlilUIHT. j Tm: Then $1.25 par year.; ' . I PbercA no the nas: his back sod also that his bladder was He tried effected, nanj se celled Kidney euree bnt without nay good remit, About a jeer ago he begun nee ef Electric Bitten sud found relief at oape. Electric Bitten ia eapeciully adapted te .' ip. ! ! -- l ..,v!i tl, d( "i . 1..:. Yob. Mr Fred Millar of Irvins, 111, writes that he htd a Kidney trouble fer mtay years, with severe pains in None iii V, Hucklena Arnica Salve. The Heat Salve in the world for st. Cuts Cruises, Sores, Uicers, Salt Itaeiim. Fever Sores, Tetter, (Jhaped 11 .nds, Chilblains, I Corns, and all Cfill'i nkn Eruptions, and positively cures its u.agniii Piles, or no pay required. It is Gen. A guaranteed to give perfect satisfac50 West tion or money refunded, Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY Steel & Co's., Drug Store. Thi Itix, ANMIEW BKNXE IT r i SANTA AND It may dou Koch far - , - i pneumonia. Mr. J. 0. Davenport, e-f- Theatre r 7 T 7, . Wil stream within its jurisdiction. It is a needless expense (if there be any) and loss of time to dwell on this point. The people of our city ar.-- a a Will suffer a financial loss in the! future, as they have in the past, The fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla has c:rcd thousands o: purely on account of negligence on is certainly sufficient others t)ie part of those who hold power to for reason belief that it will act m the matter. cure It makes pure, you. Let there be no question arise to rich, healthy blood, tones and delay the enterprise, one that will strengthens the nerves, and not be open to action but a short builds up the whole system. time. Misleading legal provisions Remember should not stand in tho way of Sarsa progression and to the detrument of the farmers that earn their livparilla sweat of their brow. ing by the Go A, ' N - ',i I'lio : round-abo- has ti e i jp, ORANT ' Will oom ' V . . rv J1". 1 - .t.N - c- - ;i ... Y . vV. : : ' ., v h; vl't-r- Yo;k a . . ,1 , w:;i k. to suit tin i:;ni.s. if - W Ai'c. ' a . M a. 1 V - .Af of Cep Utah, |