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Show K CUHZONS INDIA HOME ONE GIVES RELIEF. WILL LADY CURZON RESIDE AS VICEREINE. WHERE Dont Spend a Dollar She Will Spend Her Summer at Simla, a Town In thn Himalaya Mountains Tho Pretty Itoaldeuco Among tlio Treae. for Medicine (Special Letter. Viceroy aud Lady Curzon, she who Was Mary Letter, start for tbeir new home In India next month. They will spend next summer In Simla, a Himalayan town on the top of a hill, where monkeys run wild and the slopes are covered with deodars and rhododendrons. It Is the refuge spot from the heat of Calcutta, to which the entire English government moves at the end of spring, and where it stays until the safe from beginning of the fall scorching winds and plagues and nights of killing temperature. It has a new palace for the viceroy and 0 has been spent In recent years by the foreign office In London to put up buildings for the use of the departments and officials In transacting six months of Indian business from the region of the Punjab. Simla is very modern, having been nothing but a collection of thirty huts sixty years ago and growing to a settlement of 1,141 houses In 1881. Since then it has grown wonderfully fair. It until you have tried You can buy them in the paper cartons 5-c- ent 500,-00- Ten Tabules for Five Cents. B I. pal op .hM.ly to Hiwl n I iiii tat a tow pria find this sort of prttr - fc If you dont Ripans Tabules At the Druggists nog. Journey, although It passu through Interesting country, Cawnporc, Lucknow and Delhi. Simla stands at a height of 7,000 feet above sea, where at night time blankets are used and punkahs are not necessary. The Grand hotel is situated on one of the highest ridges in Simla, and an estimate can be formed of the preclpitousness of these cliffs by tue fact that the private rooms are near the entrance of the hotel. Yet It is necessary to climb a stepp hill to the dining room, which must be done by means of a rickshaw. The houses look as though they bad been thrown against the sides of the mountains, and the traveler must be impressed by the idea that earthquakes, so terrific in Calcutta, would cause dreadful havoc here, where the houses would be caBt Into the awful khuds thousands of feet below. The outlook from the veranda Is magnificent. It ;s no uncommon sight to Bee the clouds passing below, while away to the west are the plains, perfectly visible, although twenty miles down, and farther on, forming a picturesque background In the bright sunshine, are the peaks, standing out prominently and covered with snow. The air Is very much rarefied, and until In Simla a long time one is very short winded. The people all talk, as though they had been running. Very little walking is done and rickshaws are the only vehicles allowed, with the exception of the viceroy and commander-ln-chle- f. who use carriages. mito' Mn gltc Itaoc. Cuaft CreuHt. fill! Hultsi hr) Crtuli Creel Iku flit Iwm1,I.IhM ItiCutlj Jutli Creai Silt Lilt Offa til thi Veil FiTlau Sicepli Cu lecllili OlOXTltbcr (fcilr ptiMmtb ijailroair Ciin Bend for gxf of Cubs, Wsst Indies, Oasary n 1 fWpe Varda Island, Puen Rloo, TorWfM Havana etc,: In sukira. HIM kry west,revere Ilobcsi an nap of tba world: all Utral uai paid lbata. an su fiuury if Date, by Omuale Ciueaaa and Usury Davenport Northropl 00 pp, flualy illustrated; etotb SI ML full morse on roeolpt of price. Die 6 OO. Sent postpaid free. Anuta wanted. Ad. irlptlva otrcuiere Pnh. a tia Qul OX BUu Dpllknuil WAENSS & HOUTZ, attoeszys ,t uir Block Rooms U, $et OREGON SHORT LINE BY, Local Thus Card In effect Mar 8, 1891 olo sail tb Rsaidown r snm Balt Lake City IV. raoaa :4&tia 1:06am W H. BANCROFT Y. all klnda perennially grass Hera millions of rattle, sheep, horses and goats Ora w fat as if stall fed or fattened on oats. No poverty is found is tho mighty domain, To too man who exerts olthor finger or brain. K.ra are homes for the millions, tbs rloh and the poor. While Texas opens wide her hospitable door. She baa thousand of acrae yea mllllona--t sell. Yet can point without cost to wharo tn.v dwell. Her term will be easy with those whom ahs ueals. While security, all, In their title sen feeL liny land while 'tia cheap, rt the finest select. Twill, young men, prove a fortune when least you expect. Oldman, for your children, buy, fils it away; A Godsend twill prove on some rainy day. For a handsome book free, fully de earthing ibis wonderful country, oddresa E. P, Tubs-bh- , General Passenger an Tieket Agent Texas and Pacific Railway, Dallas, Texas (J. rf k BRlNoTON ST, LORD AND LADY CURZON. 1 Eaii.'wa.y. Hoyt Sherman Gon'l Agt, Salt Lake City. Utah. YEARS' EXPERIENCE was first established as a summer resort soon after the Gurkha war, when Lieut Ross built a house there on property which the government had taken for its own use. He was In command of the little garrison which hau been left at the post, but he also became an enthusiastic advertiser of the glory of his bungalow high up toward the snowy range. The name of the place appeared on the maps for the first time in 1826, and from that time on the Importance of the town has increased. Lord Amherst was the first governor general to spend his summer there, and since then the others have followed, almost without exception. It was found a most convenient point for part of the work of the government, since It was near the tribe provinces and the great chiefs of the northern and western part of India could come there for conference and to pay their respects to the sovereign. Sir John Lawrence took his entire administration to Simla In the summer of 1864, with hiB secretaries and headquarters. The erection of government buildings was started. This fixed the matter, and now Simla Is half the year as much of the capital of British India as Calcutta. It has but little commerce and does but little business save provide food and amusement for the gay summer settlers. Opium and char-a- s, a villainously intoxicating liquor The rickshaws are managed by coolfour or five to each one, two In front and two behind, special uniforms beifig worn by them. Those belonging to government officials wear red, the color for all British servants. It takes quite an army of coolies, or jumpaniea, as they are commonly called, to carry a party of 500 to government house, which Is not unusual. The jumpanle at the right Is the superintendent, and performing the part of a groom, assisting the rider In or out. As one alights a cover is placed over the wheels, made of bamboo, to protect the clothes. This superintendent is called a matl. The native theaters are peculiar. When packed to their utmost capacity all dooors and windows are closed. There Is absolutely no ventilation. The performance lasts from 8 In the evening until 3 or 4 In the morning, with no clever acting, only a constant Jumping and yelling. There Is, however, a dramatic company residing permanently In Simla, the members chosen from a dramatic club, composed of government officials and their wives. The plays produced are charming, and admission Is by Invitation only. The viceregal palace Is beautiful, and, situated at a great height. Is inLord and deed arastle In the air. Lady Elgin, with a family of thirteen children, have lived there very quietly, and owing to a dearth of social func- ie i, UiXXVU mt, Fort Amsriean Livery Feed and Sols Stables. to runs hacks all trains. Harrington St Mwnw SILVER THE ISSUE IB 1330. Money the Pricing Instrument. ClilUnflon ind Progrm Have Kept Step With Mobbj Supply la All Apt. Tba Money Question discussed In tba light of experience end history. The Leading Bimetallic Paper of America. U. S. Senator W. M. STEWART, Editor. f A correct account of tba doing CongreM given each week. A family paper forth home and ride. All (be important happenings of tho week, condensed, in new column. A large circulation in every State and fra Territory. Sabecrlptlon Price, 81 For Tens, Send for aemple; agent wanted. 0 0 Pnblished weekly by the a Sliver Knight Publishing Co. A WASHINGTON, D. C. i A NEW SLEEPING CURB. m , To DENVER, OMAHA, ST. LODLS, CHICAGO AND BOSTON. The Dsnvrr JOSEPH ELSMORE, Contractor and Builder. Parsons wishing to build will do well to gel hlsprloeo. Scroll sawing, turning, ooopering, rasor and scissor grinding a specialty. b One Meek south Amerloaa Pork Oo-oj- Tradk Marks Dcsiono CopvRiaHTa Ac. Awmm Martins e skrirh anrt OaMrirtlmi wap an Irk It hwUId oar nHnloa fra ahatbar ae nvanflue w probably jHilentahie. Cimmanloa. Mona atrtallT arnifldantliiL Handbook on Patanls Sant fraa. IIMae asanop for aamirlna patent. ratanta takan throuifh Mann A Col rot RkM aodM, nilhoaksnaiwa. In tee Scientific American. kandaonalr Muitiatad weekly. Unan tlb eawllon of aaf wlmiMi JonraaL Tarma, II a yeevi foar arofttM, $L Sold brail eewtrteeler. BUCKIES8 ARNICA 8ALVT. Tba Bat 8s It to the world for Cata Bruises, Soles, Cleert, Ball Kbsoca, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Cotas, tad all Skin Erupt' loua, aud caitiff ly enrrs Flies, or aa pay required. It is guaranteed to gtvg ar money rrfupdfd, perfect satUfaetioo Prloa par boa EA earns. FUR SALE At Thus B Male Druggist. 1 A ear load of tba I cat barb wire the wend lately rsoelvsd at J. X. mm lumberyard. Lawesl prices. la Ja DoWitt'i Colic ft Cholora Carr ft Rio Orsnds Railroad the World announces new and Important additions to tholt already well arranged sleeping eat serviee. In the future, thle popular line will run through weekly Pullman Tourist Sleepers to Omaha, Chicago, New York and Boatou, also to St. Louie without change. These Cara will atari from Portland, Oregon, Lhna giving benefit of through service on Oregon Short Line, as well as all Utah points. The excursions are personally conducted and furnish all the conveniences of regular pullman sleepers at lew than half the coat. The 8t. Louis car will leave 0. 8. L. Station" every Thursday and Ogden va lUo Grande Western The Ry.. every Friday morning. Omaha, Chicago, New Lrk and Boston Sleeper will leave 0. S. I Stations every Wee need ay and Salt Lake every Thursday evening, thus affording thi Ineattmablo privilege of a twelve hour lay over at Silt Lake Cltv, For rates all details, write to B. F. Nevlna Ben, Asnt, or 11. M. Cushing T. P. A, P.AK.G. Ry., Salt Lake City, or any Pregon Short Line or Rio Grande ficenlo Lina of CURZON HOUSE. SIMLA. A WATCH Henry Lee, Utah, Proprietor &z BO and luiiiltm fit, Complete line of lataet stjlee la la-ported aud fiomeatio cloths. Viral class work and fit guaranteed, Utah. American Fore. r i artist Dolmer, IFA-orPi- o i ForR AMERICAN FORK (Pi k&TiSsTT Establistment. James JL TTitfioitf t Altai tt. AMBHIISIL AMERICAN FORK1 (3-tjxjP- Local Buggies tndWsRons of all kind le paired In first class urder at prices to ooit the times. wids panorama of prairie is seen: County Surveyor Texas S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor and Mexico NOTARY PUBLIC. American and New Orleans Tailoring IDEITVEie A. McDOUGALL, Hair Cutting ANDREW ADAMSON Vila. 4:46pa BENJ. BATES, Ay, Fork, :0Bpq BtflSpq r.tG.M Hera springs are szbaustleas sod streams never dry. In tbs season from winter to autumn's brighl Art- - Colorado l:30oq Train aoutk of Juab ran dati; exuopt Sunday D. X. BURLEY W. ECCLRS, Q. P.fcT.A Gan.Traf.Mgr. roNuokiAL Trtiu t's Rssdnp Lebt JunoL American Fork Pleasant Q rove Provo Mvam loam Which yields to the settlers pro Til Iona and home. Treat of every description artaa on aaeh baud, from alluvial soil to tbs rich table land. F. BAILEY, Gm. Goins Kort) C are wanted, the thrifty and wlsa, and high station nan equally rina. Where oorn. nataane 00 1 ton; tba rloheat ol Buret Kerrlvit UTAg PROVO, No idlers To wealth OScei mBO.W.KISTINE. and 16, Union Wagon Works Ceserel and 14, American II !taik Blest A Martin Kre you Posted on tlis WarT Of grasses of Clavtsj Bwoeey Utah, Provo, Coat to Tern fba Laos Star" la waving the Bag of the frai tliea s rise for Texas if men you would be A ft JOHN. ATTORNEYS st LAW KINO Send Five Centa to Trik Ripans CmincAi Company, No. io Spruce St., New York, end they will be sent to yon by mail; or is cartons will be mailed for 48 cents. The chances are ten to one that Ripans Tabules are the very medicine you need. Ik LIk ti cut x JOHN made from hemp, are the main products of the district, and neither being within the tastes of the white people who come there, both are exported In considerable quantities. The natives trade in fruits and nuts during the season, and then for six months are busy with hard work to keep the snow out of their flimsy houses. The necessities of the English officers and attaches led to the establishment of two breweries In the valley. The distance from Calcutta to Simla la 1,174 miles. It Is a most trying tlons have not been ae popular aa their successors promise to be. Queen Victoria la godmother to Lord Elgin and hla eldest daughter, who, according to court gossip, Is about to marry her fathers secretary. The commander-ln-chland his family live at the opof the town at a place called end posite Snowden. ef In Hungary there are thousands of Tillages and hundreds of small towns without s doctor within ten miles. ad Faetera Tieket Agent |