OCR Text |
Show A BOON TO MANKIND I u.Tin re are few alinu cts so unccmfriat'le Uning cured b by t.ut ran .asily they liles, K lief rAliLKli's nCC'KKTI PU C CIXIMltNT. olluws Its ure, and any one suffering from piles sn not affurd to neglc.--l to give it a trial. In bottles, tuochTikts. -. HS GREATEST BOOK OF THE AGE I TBE WORLD. . Should be In Every Borne tnd Library. I'ubUl.ed Weekly. t smith. American smith fr ForkpcaV a Inters null a tbronili Ike da nii'ttr. fliAju-- ..1.SO Advance.. in If not pall adrancs Tar On (Ki In Of .100 nih M Tlirf Uunthi. For itisCI.rlMmas and Sew Tear's ll r days, tie Oppu'i Btiori Liuu will ni.KH a rale of trip fare fur round trip firibeEdle of irursitiu tirket tc. all . : o'nts In Utah, WyomlPir, Idaho, Moi. lJ4Mn ol (VtniHrtfury, ruuruuiy, i ng iriuour lnstiiuii, nr, 'ii.it Oreym, witlrii a radius of FriitK W. UuiiMulufc l. Pellmp 250 uities fr. m mllinjr point. K J. Ij. dliuri'U, leWliii sriruTOTfi. fei'-- nr Main dates, Dee. 24, 25 and 26, and Dec 31, !r.n. unMl V irk li I- . .'.aalnakk LoBtiOII. Uf-- i lb's week. John Peter, who las b'cn serlousl full.a uitu,luruJl itlDU- 4h ,!i'.. rulTini .j . Miu. ini iBViAiift uni foiuflw. 7 awwit. tutted, I UU : i oIubii. f'ill Si jS u .i ill H, uui.no iite.riu loi ' Uiukrtoree oil Kur wla K l,l JgvthllKl'A HHl7.fi OFFER John Caters, and tickets khj1 reluming 2, v-ii- t tM threatened attack rf niiia. Till sum ticatmeiit i sm tuck in a few hour. rhoc. E. S'eele. n OMOIlmd I . CURE New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES. WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; bottles, 50 Cents. ) wll cits Sold hy MIES F. BALLARD, 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS. - - Scle Proprietor, Kit DREADFULLY NERVOUS trd I was fully n- rvon and Clovtr Ro t uur relief Kail's took AKT and 111 la grnatly improrrd. f'lft. it qult-pmy niittiUniMueti whi l Nrrvous System ray icnRthmed isn nperai-lowlU IV aiart schools U yoar. The public UKicuntuMau. wltk ssy(Are imMcmtlom M til l wa troubled with CousLlpatlou Kidtolid again Tuesday, after their StMTM riaiVnC IUIXAU. - WMttapoa. . ney and Bowel trouble. Your Tea Vacation. so oon cleansed system my are James Herbert and wile went to boronghlv tbat I rapidly rsgalnHl Join. Adams and JnCimpbcU tMHltb and afrengih. Mrs. 8. A, Sweeter low recovering frem their painful Sandy today to visit frends. Conn, For sal by. Hartford, tacks of rheumatism. Blohm and Albert Clara T. E. Steel, druggLt. d Eleanor, some gol Brrulart Blohm la doing to tomorrow a Salt to returned gradea grammar work teaching the NICKEL PLATE HOA1). attend school. the Presbyterian schools. From Chicago to Fort Worth Ml-- s Martha Ke'ley tad Lee aud Frank Turner took Ilarry Uj1 in tbs Erie and Buffalo, with tjiookstm, Jr. wereuultid the theatre at Pleasant Grove Cleveland, in Thursday, ho1 id of matrimony (uiids through trains to New York evening. Thursday of metropolis and the Boston, via West Shore and D. Frank S.ubbs from tbe with ill been has who Is Houzo Wilcox, sojouriug L & W. roads. Quick time and unOiah county Uunkler familial for a few days. for the past month from a bad surpassed facilities. Save money and together wl attact of rheumatism, is now con ime by patronizing this road, as Alva Chivman, E-pman Profs Kmuiettaiid rites atg lower than via other lines are vie.' valesccnt. from .be c.piul of ibe state, clt The between the same points. Dining car The editor and wife and Ina i.ld chums in the beautiful World office devcl took in the service unexcelled. Day coaches in during the holidays. el this drama at Pleasant Grove by the charge of colored porters. Smooth 8 versl uniting you the of road-be- d er and good scenery. EverylDJ of age 21 y.srs ui Washington Dramatio Co. Thurs saloons. Tn afford the traveler a pleasfiiitu.ritlng to day thing lui day evening. were gyn a short time in the ant trip. Curs that Cough with Sb'lohe Cur "hen cojp." Mr. J. Y. Calahan, general agent, s Crotif i week lMuv this ri.u tissi Cough i;r. Mia Lot. Is Greer wood, who Adams III street, city, or Mr. II. lumpily. Oiis million oottm has been vlUtiug bVreDs r C. 1. nd T. A. will be tear. Thorne, and the family of P?rrY at Fo le by T. B. aesdrmy furnish the to to wi'l eioru any information pleased T. K. Stkelb. train to Mouday. to service, etc. in regard rates, Jn biliousness, mnBiKB, by expelling from & beautlfu Clark streets. and Co & making art Twelfth er Webs tbe body excess of bile and acids, improves tbe Depot, monument for the lato Mrs- - Sasano 3389. miin processes, purifies tbe blood, and Telephone Prcc:or-CUyg- . Tney ars alao putting up assimilative tones up and strenglbens (ho entire system, ' her grace around a nice iron WIIAT DR. A E. SALTER SAYS. Price 50 cts. the order if tbe betre. anu velvet of Buff tiu, New Y"fk GintH: Fr.iU m lihbou, A nirb line A Dr. Christensen, father of the 11 11 fot dress trimming, at the Kilt miiii, galmd in ubs-'io one Chrl'tenaen of this place, will P11 in Cur Uinorth of inrSiiiii't'e dor tffi'et Mlllln.ry Parlors, y iig dverdl dja in American Fork arte Dunkley & Sotm' am I of advanced Cousurup'lun; to see t,he linlldays. He will be pleased prepared to say It Is the ni st remark K- - llobinaon is rushing out shee of dental wo! need to wli.fi one any tile lim-'dthat hue ever been brought 111 an he on very short ys of any kind. Kxactdate Htieutlou. It has certainly saved camps my ji nouitCid latir. sale by order, aud he puts out some of the mn from Gmsnintitli'n. E; 8L1ELS, drugg'st. If you need anythin. In tbs moou best that ever went through our and depart. incut line for your streets. ONLY SEVEN IY THREE HOURS ones call oil Webster and Co. and p SALT LAKE TO NEW YORK CITY The Baptist will hold services in Iromz home Industry. They have j'in received an elegant line of marn week next American Fork beginning Iiy a recent change In tchedul th Iron fsio They also have some ulci Limited f the Union Pacific 3, aud continuing Tuesday January log. N'T h western mfliuioctton will' uid best. seems it as as long SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY & M S. and N- Y. C. & il WANTED in the aute to unmade our bust be held iu the HiL.8. The meetings-wil- l It. K row iiuke the uu pa railed 'im neBHln their own end nearby counties. It u conYork r cr.1 uf only fbr- days to mlnlv offlee work conducted at home. Salary basement of the Hotel Bock, trsidht Smu a year and cipenaes-deilnPruden and Mrs. a. m , Og Trnin leaved Silt Lake ducted ir, S7S. Jay by Monthly uo lca salary. hutiaildo, no more, of Salt Lake aud Miss Lillian Pliin to 8:10 a. m. (Jail , aiNVea C' lciig References. Enoloec a.R addrcaaed sUmptnl K. 7:45 a.m. and Grand Central Depot Herbert lies, 1reat., Dept. I enveloped, ptunof Springriile. X w Y irk City 10.35 a. m aeeon l nd Chicago. SOLICITORS WANTED KVERY- - iiilnl d iys ACTIVE lv lv. 0 r in.' iy wae ep On Thura.iiy et cuing tier WHERE fur The Story ff the Philippines'' ca.iiigc of cars and twelve Iwur quickat tn parlor e H by Mural UalnMad, commissluued by the grand1 elcc:und-rt-party est time For puic ae ef tickets and as Oftldul Historian to the war r e cirecl'tu of Hr. Hot. Berk The bouk was written iu army of berths call an lh "0!; Ur. and Mrs. J b Mre.U. M. with un a Paclllc eau ps t Sau Francisco, the S and 20! Mam Strret or d trw-II. Minaen Kiuunt Mere- r, oeueral Merritt, and the the In at Huaululu, hospitals (Jhipiitan M Clay, General Agent, 8alt Lke Coy at In trenches Amerlcsn the B la Kook. ncln and Rung Peal Laura Holey audKPa Manila, in the insurgent rauips with ARUlnnL Utah. Ail pirM in here aril eutcrtainid it do, uu the deck of tbe Olympia with Dewey, aud in the roar of battle at the fall of Manila and the pro? run given was very nice KarlS Cloy- r Root Fpr, for Centlpvf-iii- ii itohanca fur agents, brimful of original picits ibe b3t sod if after uning it tures taken on the spot. Large book. Low 1,ie Amerlfiin Fork Bifis Club in nil dont say sn, return ill all n Drop mom iiihOh paid. Freight U.g package a d prices. prodts. a. filb Thursday u i g t your F r sale by. trashy, untilU'ial war books. Out tit free. AdJ S, nllr.y lo t 8 7 0 10 5 7 5 7 7.1 dress T. Uarbsr, Sso'y, Star Insurance T. E.Steelk. druggist. 46 W a tiding, Chicago, 3 W (i'anl IV 4 4 7 0 8 6 8 9 4 K 8 T ile For take K til's Clntcr &o J o. Jurk'i'D ft Blood Ro t Te, the grest lnrlfler. 111 AI Nrvt'U-n-'Eiupti-otiao- n Crump. I. 0 10 lit4 367 7 78 107 49 3 71 li adttChe, (Urn 2 0 K II lio.e) 9 6 7 t? o bead th , nd tnak-fib 11 Wi Ik. r 8 4 6 6 7 7 8 0 3 5 clesr as a bi ll. For sale by. & 6 4 10 8 10 4 8 10 4 Hi Cb' Uiti 6 T. E. Steels, druggist. 01 W. Milltr ftl I). All chill (Jared. A clear head and 7 7 4 5 9 8 8 7 9 L. Parker went h aecnred with S.il-ih'Cat N. M. Ambrose 8 6 6 5 9 4 6 6 & 4 .V x b tv ties lor Wc eeil nil 7 5 6 0 8 9 0 04 9 7 7 S3 and gukrautee bd a II. cur. 4- -4 J.Wuiltoa For sals by. T. E. Steele, druggist. W. B. Greenwood ..f the Utah Vnl bum arrived Troop unieer Cavalry1 WORKING NIGHT AND DAY. lie on f the young uie fri.iu Amerlran Fork, who hub wared Hi The busiest and mightiest little thing that call for volunteers last May natiu-.ever was made is Dr Kings New Lifo nils. He hapifnriiid Hi" duties require, Every pill is a sugar costed globule ef health, uf hlii with muc i honor, hiiI a lh that changes weakness into strength, listless-mu- s uf the brave young warr.or ar. ervlo-luto sm gy, brain fag into mental power. , he has been uiu r do longer wonderful in building np the health, Theyre ed out, and h Is home again, bo.rl i !5 cents a box. Sold by Thos . Steele, druggie t. Ills mv au horuuablfi . Hay yu a cold? A rin nf Balljrd'n him. Til friend are . vr joyed to should of byriin at bi-- lima will rell up get place pK.pc move it. Prir-5- 0. him with and p'tsent royal reception BS. JIAr.Y Lrtrrs, Wife o: a Iffoml. Thor. Steele .Druggist, no dil aud other token of eserra. ner.t former, and wjl Luewn by all B old w In rcalucuts II rear some Y,. xarirmei.t X wa There tli K gm Wii'chg ar (he brs, I n of to writes: Fur twensy-seret. on Wdncday eve years I bad been ih-- y run lm me and keep betfor lin e a constant sufferer from nervous prostrauing. It win that s.Ui rile nr I sin eelllng I hgm liii any other docrums ws of and for fur wi'iiV.ld lare tion, money paid rmur, whose imna front d of Airthe tors and advert and warrant tfora four year, i cbap ist d benere medics wlihout tor caine tn the m noi her tmluy and M'mwbr rlBre.i'U, it?) my coertllioa was t efcr.it 10 o'clock, trld ro fit. Three years but can b found very alarming: the least noise would startle and n force Ms wav Into Die house. This ter. - my warrant good tomkt and she id pnnervo me. I was unable to sleep, bad a U menibi'r fled (Its I ran repair a waicli ( aim, In utter eo'ior number of staking spells and slowly grv w dock.I have back io..r . f her hd jnat e"ough experience nailiiu, only t j find that lh ruffian worse. I began using lr. Miles lfcstoratire io dti it riyl.l uiing Your work in me, bed p.ise around the building ami Nervine and Nerve and Liver rills. At first if I do ronl-- D I will the medicine seemed tn have no effect,. but ton Mitbing. was how irilrg to batter down th von to afe) win Igm a few bold a made bun I bottles after began to notice Mid will nuke door. The lady ib..n taking good. every for the fnn:t eatranc. and nut sh a change: I rested better at right, my appeJewelry, Silverware, ("leka at bottom to to and and death tite I half began improve ry frlghte'ed rapidly grew went, pr'ree, Rnpeefullj, Ing wl'h all the force she eould mu I better, until now I am as nearly restored K. I Koucher, to health as one of my age may expect. God ter fur help, which wi oon on li m " Dr. Miles Nc wn ne. tn taken rvl bless rff? and the T!lw rharg Amei Iran Fork U.'ah. dM lard ho was waited upon hy , Dr. BtlleV Remedies n Ev femal ylgila. ro eonimlttee. At any are sold by all drug- sblloh'a Cure rnre where them f.,11. It Is the ieadli.i rale the pouncing be got waa a "can gists under a positive C'Migh Care, and no borne should be ttoW HI excuse fur sueh strange guarantee, first bottle benefits or money rewriilu ut it. cct'.on Is that lie was under the lnflu p!:iint to tak aud eDreof ,i'0''e'anddld not know what funded. Hook on disto lh- pif For sale by b not IVf K be wa doing. It nity quite so eases of the heart and Vito T. E SrrKLit, ru gin. VyJi4?J? "tunny" (lie nest time he tries to op. I, nerves free. Address, No morphine or nplutn In Dr. MIW Pais PR. MILES MEDICAL CU4 EUbrt,.Ind. crats uuder such peculiar allQslons. loaaAUPaia, Onecent adoee," S2.ICU InVEMIURS ASSISI li it2 raspings W mg 3 CT .Wh I mid indicate tendency toward meumonia. A ple-- t of flannel dampei'fd and i li ChKmtieribiiia I'ain ttruiid in to tn cheer over the scat of full will romptly relieve tlie pain ai d n ' 1 0 m in Jau. 4. Piif in tli dust when a prrson has ItH. AdftHld k. - Tin lVesly'.erian schoi.1 wi 1 open tfiaiu next weak. John MchuW and f tnil pjilal cn for Park City this week. Jo. Dunkley and wire spent Christ maa with their parents. toil Hargette I vinitinie Ms friend, -- A.M-- ...SO . . V,l!idUi IV i.l id on the D' TABLERS BUCKEYE PILE zS 52. SisSriSBJU! Frit-Vfc-l- BT Gents: fur - m-rY- s d k.ak9y.iw4 i Ike : JUCXrSIC CJIMI Rl SHUT All Kinds of musical instruments in stock, MUSIC A BFECIUTh Fine Stock of Toys Silverware Glassware chinaware and erockeryware . SKD3 IX ORKAT VARIETIES, q- Da-leC- ZEIM-IFOi- b d-- r f-- day in the year to give away We give prizes from our 25 and 50 cent Coun- We do N. B. not select one prizes. ters every day. 1000 Prizes aiven away this year a wS lat -- k-n-c AGENTS hme MONEY Agjntt nro making 153 to 1153 a wk. life time, Thi Is the opportunity of a f.1AJ. FITZHOUGH LEE, GEN. U. S. V. and late Consul General to Cuba, write a hook on CUBA and WAR. the SPANISH now-a-da- Ft "4-- lud Ov-iUi- mI - - ftNH HEKDRED ILIiHaTfiATIIIHa. the minds of the entire Tbl te the only authentic work published on the one subject ocoupylng eivilixed world. OUTFITS WRAPT.' ta gsLaaSg Write for full particulars to 7 he INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY , 91-9- 3 5th Avdnue, New York. N-- w We, 7.-0- rubllslivrs of General Lee's Book. of the U. 8. Our au horlze I flUlbTin-- 4 ar lHM?d In all parts . . V0.39C5, Oov-rnme- nt , s - - t. 434673377 m-'n- 667743766 H, fc 767 770740 760399145 s 7-- 1 l- Cat-irr- -OT tr-st- e . s s l-- req-ilred- s-- e Iluit-huui-- t Yt-s- , n c t-- kr i - fl-- w-ine- LAND OFFICE - at Salt Lake City, Dth. IHB8. Novtuibcr 2K, Notice 1 hereby given .that the foljowlr.g hi him notice tiled named act tier to make final proof in support of hi claim, and that said proof will he mode before tbe County of Utah County. Utah, at Frovo. Ltah, Ork on January 7, 1HM. vix: Andrew Thompson,o. N H. K. emfer the N4 N Ey N WV Sec. K. Tp. 4 S., R. 2 E. 31, and S-PT lie name tho following wltnesee hiHContinuou rebldenct; upon and cultivation Careon W biting, of aatd land, vix: Urigham s Healey and George Myri-- of Highland, Ltth, and liana Yorge-c- n of Pleonant Grove, Utah, FRANK D. HOUBS, Kogtater J. E. Booth and A. L. Booth, Attorney lor Claimant. Cout ,ne Minute I what i: wo cures . ra-dir- wi-II- , i rb-irg- rn-rale- e . Webster & Co. AND EMBALMERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Dealers in and manfs of CASKETS, MONUMENTS AND COFFINS, . HEADSTONES. RotarU Bid,- - AMERICAN FORK. r. That s 640737045 Sui-day- PrticobtPiUwlia- THE Co., Denver & Bio Grande t H. Newton & James Contractors and Builders and props. Newtons Planing Mills, Railway. Scenic Line of the World Tram No. 2 leaves American : Fore at a tn, srrtve at Pueblo at :I2 am, abort on done work mill kind of Colorado Springs 6 39 am, Denver 6:40 a specialty. Frame making noil. All kinds of cn 11 and turnnd work a m. Train No. 4 leaves American iPurk done to ordcr. Ketlmatea, plans and Kpcelflcationa fur building furiilsbfid. (stop on ngnal) at pm arrive fit Pueblo 5:14 p m, Colorado Springs C: Nar 0. 8, L$. Depot. - Utah p m, Denver 9:15 pm. i , Aninciu Fork Oonuectiuns made at Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver with ail lines cast. Elegant day coaches, ebsir cars, and MUSIC LESSONS. Pullman Sleepers on all trams. Take YICL1N. riAKO, CHAT, CORNET, tbe D. & R. U and have a comfortable GUITAE, ETC trip and enjoy tbe flncit scenery on ths I have Rtudleil aevi ral yet r under the beat continent. tmchi-in Auierirt. Will may hero two or Train leaving American Fork at three year, and in 'hat tnn-- , 1 ran mako m arrive at Cripple Creek net mornof aome-'- your bail player and good player of new beginner. ing at 9:50. A. 8. IluouKg, S K . Iloors it. WM. CALL, Traffic mgr., i O.P.&T. A. ' Denver, Colo., Denver, Cul B.- F, Nxvnis. n, JL Cuanuro, Aiueile-H- j - - Utah. Fork, Oenl Agt., Tiav, Para. Agt i I. ik" rifr, TTtnh Coal, Ci.i', lh thn markrt Dr.MtlM'fkifn nile fciwgtMradteed J. K. J .'la- a' lumbar yird. nJaittsa. tina cast a doaaT t All KAN-S0L1- r Professional Musician. tn-B- i - af-fu'rt- if4lfl20 . - ' CREAM VERKIFUGE DmI In Qualltv. For 20 Years Has Led all Worn Reusdir s. rwdfcy BCfZiU UU AlbXi SnV&OXBTB. JAME3 F. BALLARD, lvvwwkvwvvvyvvvvv 6t Loulo. |