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Show She Wat In No Hurry. Her. Cr. Wallace, tew paator of the Eaat End Baptist church, brought a new one to Cleveland with him. According to the story, a Boston girl got on the street car one day carrying one of those muffs the size of an ordinary hasaock. She had only one hand In the muff. A young man sitHow It Waruod Captain Eara ting next to her took advantage of the opportunity to slip hla hand into the unoccupied end of the muff. It wan a cold night. The wind was The Boston girl turned upon him a gala and driving n fine blowing severely. "1 could have you arrested now wblcb cut the face and blinded for such a familiarity," said she. the pedestrian. The vessels tied up But," she added, "Im from Boston at T wharf looked bleak and cheer and I purpose to keep calm. Now, i'll but they were very comfortable Just give you ten minutes to let go of leu; under hatches. In the cabin of the by hand. Cleveland Plain Dealer. schooner Emily Parsons a brisk fire wu burning in the round stove, and By Hla Own Hand. the odor of tobacco so appetizing to Everyone la the aon of hla owa those who like It scented the air. works. Cervantes. Capt, Ezra Parsons, In a comfortable chair, with his feet upon the stove fender, was pulling upon a villainous THOS. GALE, OF ALASKA, looking pipe, while reclining upon one MEMBER OFILS. CONGRESS of the bunks which lined the cabin wu Seth Jenkins, and half n dozen members of the crew were distributed Wett Known on Ike Pacific Slope. Hit about the little room. Washington Address is iris oth St., Kind o' snug here," said Seth JenN. W., Washington, D. C. kins with a grunt of content. Just the same 1 wouldn't like to be outside the bay In this. The Emily la as safe as n church In ny kind of weather, said Capt. Ezra. "Course she gets a little wet now and then, but you expect that. I wouldn't change her for the White House, no air." Well," uld Seth. 'taint likely that Roosevelt 'll ask yer to swap. I don't like these wet ships myself." You don't? sneered Capt. Ezra. Well, I don't see you ownin' or commandin' any dry ones or wet onea either. Just pass that bottle this Sam Matthews Ghost way. I CONGRESSMAN THOS. CALE. Bon. Thos. Cale, who was elected to Congress from Alaska, is well known on the Pacific slope, where he has resided. His Washington address is 1813 8th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Pemna Drag Co. . Columbus, Ohio. Qentlemen: I can cheerfully racon mend Perunn aa a very efficient non edy for coughs and colds. ' Thomas Cale. Hon C. Slerap, Congressman from Virginia, writes: "I have used your valuable remedy, Peruna, with beneficial results, and can unhesitatingly recommend your remedy as an invigorating tonic and an effective and permanent cure for catarrh. Man-a-li- the Ideal Laxative. n Alabastine TliE ONLY , Sanitary 'Durable WAli COSTING ("Suitable for any room, never molds, mildews or drops off the wall. ' Comes in dry powder. Add cold water. Brush on wall with 7 inch flat brush. Alabastine is in ukuko, labeled ALABASTINE, rectly Each package covers from 300 to 450 square feet of walL SIXTEEN BEAUTIFUL SOFT, VELVETY SHADES THAT NEVER TADE. AS WELL AS A CLEAS BRILLIANT WHITE and this not, write to ALABASTINE CO. . Orud Rapid Mich Ntw York Chy SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They alao relieve Die trees from Dynpepaia, Indigestion and TOo Hearty Ealing. A perfect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste In the Mouth, Coated Tongue, Fain In tbs Side, TORPID LIVER. Bowels. the They regulate Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Facsimile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. RFAUFRQ 01 thlspnpsrds-llLilULRi- tiring to buy J any-thi- adiaitised in si columns thou id Intitt upon having what they ask for, refusing all substitutes or imitations. BARKERS HAIR BALSAM ClfBuM tad towitifea IIa bafc. IVomnm lasurant Jitwrlh. i to Beaton tfnv Mwrr toFills Youthful Color.. ita . aralp Siwatp ft huff taUa I AGREEING WITH THE ASSESSOR. j Hie Reason for Building Unnaaded Addition to House. ; j ture. jsk 1 a ctm ; I Why so?" Because he Is and there la not a willing to wll hla But you must by trade a heeler, Representative Blrdsall of Iowa obtime when he la not jects to the high rentals charged In sole." Wuhtngtou during the congressional admit he hu one season. He ssys he feels like an virtue." Irish fanner he knew out In hla dis"What Is trict The farmer had bought a place He will stick to the last farm-hanout of savings as a and renter. The tax assessor came around Beware of Debt. 1221 1, tows i one day and put a valuation on Pat'a Raleigh: Borrowing is the eanker u new property which Fat thought ex- - and death of every man's estate. huUMraUMMuiwzdrMdUdiaMMibuMiMM Hi. protest, however. unavailing. SX11. t j SuaS One day a neighbor visited Fat and iraunum... Hzirz czurrsliird u uium Mnullf. muds direeuy spun is dSwrojiM found him building an addition to his rartece. ut in. ajium, ibzrebjr tuezdeUua of Iks iMM. dud slrts 1M house, and obviously the house wu MMAXlft bV bttlUlBC HI lb CuftSlIlHlM Mft MilflP lUuMur Id dirtud lw wurk. TU piuprldwn tail plenty big CUOUgh Without It Twt that a piece of extra ' turd. Bead wuMattMijdMaidii.a n gance?" he asked Pat Think agin It molght he, said Pat, hut I'm after harin' the ould place worth pbat the aulaur aaya It Chickens in the Snowball. Several boys at Tusten, Sullivan la POOR JOHNI county, started a ball of snow rolling down a hill, and It went flying through Farmer Schneider's chicken coop. The big ball gathered up nine of ALCOHOL- -3 PER CENT Schneider's fat hens. With the AVftfetafale Preparation (or Aspoultry packed Into the ball, lega and similating the Food andRegula-tin- g heads of chickens sticking out of the (he Stomachs and Bowels of mass, it rolled farther and brought I NFAN up In the barnyard of the next farmer, H1LDKKN1 on the opposite side of the Tusten Promotes DigcstioaChrerful-ncssandRcstjContaiturnpike, where the pigs ate five of the chickens. Port Jervis dispatch neither to the N. Y. World. Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Mot A Remedy for Neuralgia or Pain In the Nerves. jhtfeefouorSMuarraBi Pm fdim Smd For neuralgia and sciatica Sloans jttx.Smmn Liniment has no equal. It has a powJMdteSnth AnimSmd erfully sedative effect on the nerves XL rRPirmHl penetrates without rubbing and AMimWUi. kens Immediate from relief SbnuJttd gives Bar urUiisiiw.il. VM.idriUulS.Uv: r r SStfflTBL'SSlllrailtfffla If I ' ' ; FI I B I B" A Ikk - ty uik "ANAKESIB1 SMs Saw 9t dniAttfiin M itr nr IHSm Sunn. tfyez wzaileketrfe iwry Mute ts. yo d AwSS Mandy Lee Incubator bMuaa It'a ilm warblea dal Mil Uwi VtMMPiiCharHk : Hz fur it today -- bWe la bow aad why. ttfcg Uittaita. itoolu Id la MMlTlfti US Me M j ; ; j For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havo Always Bought Bears the Signature of ns Narcotic. In pain-quic- don't know ought to let you have It," hesitated Seth. "Spirits ain't good for a man with your hot temper. First thing you know you'll be seeln things, snakes and green bugs and maybe ha'nta. Ezra acquired the bottle and poured himself a liberal drink. 1 saw a ghost, once, said Capt Ezra. There was a sensation. Several of the boya sat up In their berths, and the Nova Scotia man jumped out uiion the deck. Only Seth laughed. I knew you'd be seeln' things If you took another drink," he said. "Tell us about It, cap, said the Nova Scotian. 'Taint much of a story, said Ezra, but It happened, all right. Any o' you boya remember Sain Matthews? Well, he waa an old dory mate o' mine, and one o' the whitest lads that ever breathed. We sailed under Capt. Duncan McCann In the schooner Cheyenne, one of the fastest boats out o' Gloucester IS years ago. "Sam and me had some fine times together and some tough ones; but the last wu one January day. We set out from the ship In the mornln' with not a drop to drink or bite to eat in the dory. We set our trawls and tended them till about noon, when fog came on and we started for the ship. She was gone and we couldn't find her. We was SO miles from shore with wind and tide against us and It waa bitter cold. Sam wasn't easily scared, but he sez to me: 'I guess it's all day with us, Ezra,' and 1 couldn't see much chance for us. llut we started to row ashore, and we rowed until our hands was blistered terrible, and the salt water would get Into the blisters. The first day we couldn't ha' made 20 miles. That night It come on to blow and we shipped so much water that our clothes froze on us. That day we couldn't ha' gone ten miles and we wasn't sure we were goin' right. We both was so weak we couldn't hardly keep at the work, but somehow we was able to live till mornln'. Then Same give In and lay down In the bottom and I couldn't get him up. ' 'Taint no use, mate,' he said, 'we've got to go.' In a little while he died. Not an hour after we wu picked up. 1 got well, but I lose n toe from frostbite. I never forgot Sam, and always kept thlnkin' If he only could ha' held on an hour more. A little later I bought the Emily Parsons and took her out. I guess it was five years after that I was on Browns bank gettln' fish, and started for home. There came on a thick fog and a heavy sea, and I had to go by reckonin', but I knew the place pretty well and 1 thought I waa goln' right. I remember It just as plain aa can be. I was at the wheel, Joe Willis wu forward as lookout, everybody else was below. It wss just about midnight. All of a sudden I seen a man standln' alongside o' me In oilsklnR, drlppln with wet. He looked up and It waa Sam Matthews. "I waa so scared I could hardly hold the wheel, and I could only look at him. HU face was terrible pale, juBt as he looked when he died. Ezra, old friend,' he sez to me. 'Do you know where you're goln'? You're goln' straight fur Cape Sable, an you'll be on the beach In five minutes. Get your anchors out.' Then he seemed to kind o' fade away and I was alone. I let out a yell that brought the whole rrew up, an' I got them anchors out in a jiffy. But we dragged and dragged, and It seemed hours before they held. The men thought 1 was rrazy; but I wouldn't tell them nothin', but went down and drank near a quart of whisky. The text morrln' when the fog lifted I coi'ld lm' tossed a biscuit on shore.'' There wus a silence for fully & minute. Then the Nova Scotian asked: Are you sure you wasn't asleep? "The rocks was right alongside, said the captain. Seth Jenkins didn't say anything at all. -- Unapprcclntad Proweaa. The athletic aon wrote home from College aa followa: Watch the paper. Dear Pop: Next week I distinguish myself by throwing ths hammer. And the Irate old gentleman stamped hla gouty foot and replied: I don't care to read any each disgraceful antics In the paper. If yon break any windows you'll have to pay Jor them yourself." the circulation of the fMUAav blood hwi and gives a pleasant sensation of comfort and warmth. For three years I suffered with neuralgia In the head and Jaws, writes J. P. Hubbard, of Marietta, S. C and had almost decided to have three of my teeth pulled, when a friend recommended me to buy a 25 cent bottle of Sloan's Liniment I did so and experienced Immediate relief, and I kept on using it until the neuralgia was entirely cured. I will never be without a bottle of Sloans Liniment In my house again. I use It also for Insect bites and sore throat and I can cheerfully recommend it to any one who suffers from any of the Ills I have mentioned." Scrappeigh I waa a confounded fool when I got married! Mrs. Scrappeigh Well, John, married life hasnt changed you any! Use perfect Remedy for Constipation , Sour Stonmch, Diarrhoea, Worms Convulsions .Feverish ness and OF SLEEP A Loss For 12c and this notice the John A. Falser Seed For Over fac Simile Signature of La Crowe, Win., in order to gain will new cu.tomi.fz during 18 mail you free their groat plant am wed catalog together with 1 pkg. 9 10 Quick Quick" Carrot 1 10 pkg. Karlieiit itiie Cublmge 1 pkg. Kariieil Lmeralil CueuinWr.. .15 15 1 pkg. La Crowe Market Lettuce 1 pkg. Karly 10 Dinner Onion... 15 1 pkg. Strawberry Miixknielon... 1 10 pkg. Thirteen Day Kailmli beautiful 1,000 kernels glunuuzly to., Thirty Years 250t00i) flower seed The Centaur Company, NEW 'YORK.- - yAtb myntht .old 35dosFsB3,5Cent? Guaranteed under the Exact Copy 15 of FQodaijfl Wrapper. MMMNV. TMC GEMTAW MEW L00 Total Above is sufficient seed to grow 35 bu. of rarat vegetables and thousands of Bowen and all is mailed to you HEARD IN BO8T0N. brd-lia- POSTPAID FOB 12C, or if you lend 10c, we will add a package of Berliner Earliest Cauliflower. John A. Salaer Seed Co La Crosse, Wia. K. A W. Cheapness vs. Quality In the matter of food cant afford to A Baffled Palmetto Journalist. There Is a chewing gum slot mar chine In the walttaig-rooat the Line d4pot In Cheraw that Is either out of fix or has no gum In It snd should be removed. We deposited two cents In it Saturday night and got no gum. Of course two cents Is a small amount, aa for that matter, hut the machine should be looked after carefully or It will become a public Imposition. Chesterfield Advertiser. Aunt Hester Did 'oo play kissing games at the party? Emerson Hlghhed Well, they participated In osculatory pastimes, which 1 consider a rather uninteresting and juvenile diversion. HAD TO GET STRENGTH you sacrifice Quality for Cheapness. Economy is right and good but inferior food products are dear at any price. Unshaken Esteem. "Your husband la atlll very fond of horses, said the woman who disapproves of betting. "Yu," answered young Mn. Tor-kin- is economical not Cheap. Try it The best at any price or "Well, ft's nothing to his credit" "I dont know about that. It shows he has a very forgiving disposition." FIRST. Hard Worked Woman Not Ready to Face Hired Girl Problem. POWDER t, OUNCES; your money back. J Tis Human, Breathes there a man with soul so dead A Massachusetts man, whose busiWho never to hlmaelf liu.sald, ness frequently takes him over the As he stubbed ids toe against the bed: I II ITTTIIIT line Into Vermont, says that one even-Judge. ing he was a guest at a farm house in that state when he observed that the wife of the owner a poor, wan little woman was doing every bit of the work around the house. Aa he himself put It, she did an amount of work that would have put Probably the but salve for healing an ordinary Massachusetts hone to the broken heart of a woman Is a shame and he really felt like a vll-- mixture of time and another nun lain sitting there watching her. Little wonder thnt Garfield Tea meets Feeling considerable compassion for the woman, who looked as If ready to with approval everywhere it is the Ideal JAQUES MFG. CO. totSMANf Chicago. NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER THE SCIENTIFIC COUNTER-IRRITAN- T. e. EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT TAKEN DIRECTLY IN VASELINE 1 r0m AND MODERN EXTERNAL Capsicum-Vaselin- j uked: Guaranteed Pure and Wholesome. DON'T WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES-KE- EP A TUBE HANDY "rw"k-- SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN -P- RICE ISc. N COLLAPSIBLE TUBES MADE OF PURE TIN-- AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. OR BY MAIL ON KECEIPr OF 15c. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. A QUICK, -I- Why don't you get help here? Surely you are not going to try to pull through the long winter without a hired girl. A sickly smile came to the pallid face of the woman. Waal, 1 dunno," she said. I don't feel as If I could just yit; but p'raps ef I should get to feelln' a little better and stronger I Illustrated Magazine. might PANTRY CLEANED A Way Some People Have. A doctor said: "Before marriage my wife observed in summer and ruuntr) homes, rmiilng in touch with families of varied means, culture, taBteB ami dise.'luiinutiiig tendencies, that the fainiLes using Dostum seemed to average bettor Unm those using coffee. "When we were married two years ago, Postum was among our first opI r of groceries. We ulso put in some ci ( fee and tea for guests, but alter Isub had stood around the pantry about a year untouohcd. they wen! I irov away, and Postum used only. Up to the litre of US I had hien to drink culf as a routin' habit and suffered constantly from in digestion and all its r lativc disorder.-Sinc- e using Inst uni all the old complaints have completely left me nnd I sometimes wonder ir I ever had them. Name given by Postum Co. Bailie Creek, Mich. Bead. "The Road to Wellvllle," in pkgs. There's a Reason." It is easier for a man to acquire a bad reputation than it Is for hla children to live it down. A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not blister the most delicate skm. The and curative qualities of the It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Headarticle are wonderful. ache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counter-irritaknown, also as an external remedy for pains In the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim for ft, and it will be found to be invaluable In the household and for children. Once used no family will te without it. Many people say It is the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unleu the same carries our label, as otherwi.-it is not genuine. Sand yojr address and w. will mall our Vaulina Booklet describing our preparation! which will Interest you. pain-allayi- nt ONLY OXK IIKOMO Ot'IXINK" ThatULAXATlVR MkUMOOI IMNB. look fnf IlM Znatna of K. W. OKOIJC. L'aml the World Be. varioCuraaCuldlnUnalJaj. A virtuous deed should never be delayed. Alexander Dow. e Mrs. Window ftoothlng Rjrap. For rblMrua iftetblnje, pufuuG ill puns, reduces allay Gla, carm wind culm. IBcabottl. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. 17StalaSL New York City Some men just can't foot a bill out kicking. r SHOES roR EVERY PRICES, MEMBER OFTHE FAMILY, MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. W. Douatnn rnnhen nnd me tin mom men' SIC. SO, 03.00 and S3.6U shorn AT ALL ' ( L than any othmm mnnufacturmr In world, hnenuam they hotel IhzIr'kiS MT shape rtf bettor, wear lonnor, and arm f Peontor value than ny othor .rv. mhoma Ut tho world to-da- y. W. L 1 Douglas Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Any Price W. L. JVfijrhinameGn l prlfwiftfftvnpH on fctftom. ' frum f.'lnrv t" env PYPiywlitfih bln.. . $4 and $5 ly fh t s( BMim Catalog Inv to i III. fo iwkutte turn pnr anti jnly U tiiim-DEFIANCE1 19 SUPERIOR QUALITY. OEFIANSE STiRCH- -1 W. f s.ro . not With siarrhMfi W. N. U., iim? hsthauds. Xe Rnhetllnto. Tnkr rl til Hu workl. Illua- I..IH, ; llnrlln, - Maw. Thompsons Eye Water Salt Lake City, No. 6, 1908J PUTNAM FADELESS DYES |