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Show U0C1 MtMonKSKL 'Mr1 OH. DEARIE what do you think OUR COOK IS GOING TO LEAVE US - (SOB), MRS. HIGHFLYER HAS OFFERED HEr)aLLOW - shf5 is J COOK HELLO THERE MISS HIPPO,-HOYOU DO -- HOW ARE YOU lso " good SHALL WHAT TO-DA- TO - Y BOX interview W R IT HELP 5QM DO? by Qipfomacy. 1VE JUST COME DOWN TO TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE THE GWELLEST LITTLE COOK IN THE. BIZ. YOU ARE A BEAUT- - A CRACKERJACK -A PEACHERINO A WONDER THE BEST EVER, AND YET SOME MORE W - - MY! YOU ARE LOOKING RIGHT OUT OF THE BAND ALL TOGGED' OUT LIKE TOOj A HORSE AND BUGGY'. DO HQW WELL f ?EK a tHa iDoas fit - - - JS & VJ "W m Ail YOUR PIES ARE MUFFINS ARE BULLY - YOUR POUGHNUTS LlGHT AS A FEATHER - YOUR STEAKS , ARE FINE AND JUICY, AND YOUR COCOA NUT PUDDING AND HASH A LA JUNGLE ' ARE ALL TO THE TASTY! GAL-ORIOUS-Y- . . LITTLE ONE, IF I MAY WHISPER IT IN YOUR EAR, THE COP SAYS YOU'RE THE NICEST LITTLE GIRL AND THE SWELLE.ST LOOKER ON HIS BEAT AND MY DEAR; YOURS TRULY AGREES WITH MR. MONKSKI, YOUSE IS ALL PE CANDY BUT AS FER YOUSE, MRS. HIGHFLYER YOUSE CAN KEEP YER $25-- 1 WOULDNY WORK FER THE AND - - - LIKES OF YE THE COP - California 1, L. H. Attend to all business before United State Land Office, j Winker Excursion Tickets now on sale. '') The Route of the ... Los Angeles Limited U. 8. -- Utahs the Agent, or Address J. H. Burtner, District Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City, Utah. Parker Lumber Co. Wholesale S Retail. Mining Timbers, Genasco Roofing, Blue Plaster Board. All Kinds of Ruilding Material. Write or Call at Our Office, SALT LAEE CITY, UTAH. Corner 2 South & 3 West Sts. Surveyor-Genera- l, State Land Board, State Engineer. Finest Train. New Short Line to Goldfield, Nevada, via Las Vegas Now Completed. Leaves Salt Lake City 7:15 p. m. today; Arrives Goldfield 7:05 p. m. tomorrow. tAsk QUAY, Land Attorney. , 7 er 7 ring. It la a genuine rote cut diamond ring of sparkling brilliancy absoluteshaped ly guaranteed, very dainty, ke a Belcher with Tiffany setting ol 14Kt gold shell, at yonr local jeweler It would cost considerable more (Copyright, UOT, by Joseph than $2.00. This offer Is made for a limited We mail yon thla beautiful com- time only as a means of advertising plexion recipe free when your order and introducing our goods. Send today before this opportunity is received for ring and S2.00 in money order, stamps or bills. Get your Is forgotten. order in before our supply Is T. C. MOSELEY, 2 East 23rd Street, New York City. 4 t Salt Lake City, Utah. A BEAUTIFuL COMPLEXION Now Revealed. FREE What beauty la more desirable than an exquisite complexion and elegant Jewels. An opportunity for every woman to obtain both, for a limited time only. The directions and recipe for obtaining a faultless complexion is the secret long guarded by the master mind of the ORIENTALS and CREEKS. This we obtained after years of work and at great expense. It la the method used by the fairest and most besutiiul women of Europe. Hundreds of American women who now use it have expressed their and satisfaction. This secret is easily understood snd simple to follow and it will save you the expense of creams, cosmetics. Mooches and forever give you a beau-ifu- l complexion and free your skin from pimples, bad color, llarkbeads, etc. It alone la worth to you many times the price we ask you to send for the genuine diamond ring of lat-s-t derign. I We you this ring as one small refit abo.j manufacturing cop. The what others price is los, than one-hal- f charge. The recipe Is free with ev-de-'ig- We Will Move On or About December 1st horn Our Present Location to No. 235 Main Street, Salt Lake City. We do a. General Banking, Savings Bank $ Trust Business. i We act as Executor, Administrator Guardian, Receiver, Etc. We Furnish Surety Bonds for Other Purposes. Insure TitlesT" WeJHake Abstracts We are the LEADING TRUST COM PANY of UTAH. Call S See Our SPLENDID NEW BANKING ROOM. We Want Your Business. Send for Booklet 'Banking by Mail. AND EVENING SCHOOL. Bell Phone 113S. Salt LaKe City. Ind. Phone 1482. J. Trust Company, No. 235 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. Commercial Club Building. For farther information write to Utah Savings C. HENAGER, President. ThBank that Pays 4 per cent. i X ' |