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Show THE MELUC3E Bn DAVID GBAHAM (aafVEKSHT VmiJP3,Airi!Kr?J&GasZMr car&iiffKt isos hr &W3-KZ2BC- CHAPTER Continued. "We'll fix it up later, Blacklock aid be. "All right, tali I. And from that minute I almost silent. It was something in her tone and manner that silenced me. I suddenly realised that I wasn't making as good nn impression as I had been flattering myself. When a man has money and Is willing to spend it, he can readily fool himself into Imagining he gets on grandly with women. But I had better grounds than that for thinking myself not unattractive to them, as a rule. Women had liked me when I had nothing; women had liked me when they didn't know who I was. I felt that this woman did not like me. And yet, by the way she looked at me In spite of her efforts not to do so, I could tell that I had some sort of unusual interest for her. Why didn't she like me? She made me feel the reason. I didn't belong to her world. My ways and my looks offended her. She disliked me a good deal; be feared me a little. She would have felt safer If sbe had been gratifying her curiosity, gazing in at me through the bars of a cage. Sam not "without hesitation, as I fecaWid afterward left me with her, when I sent him to bring ber brough-iup to the Broadway entrance. As the and I were standing there alone, waiting in silence, I turned on her luddenly, and blurted out: "You don't tike me. She reddened a little, smiled slightly. "What a quaint remark! said Hu smiled my uotlon of honesty always amused him. As you please, he said, with a shrug. Then I saw a serious look just a fleeting flash of warning behind his smiling mask; and he added carelessly: Be careful 1 about your own personal play. doubt If Textile can be pul any higher. It must have been my mood that prevented those words from making the Impression on me they should have made. Instead of appreciating at once and at Its full value this characteristic aud amazingly friendly signal of caution, 1 showed how stupidly Someinattentive 1 was by saying: thing doing? Something new? But he had already gone further than his notion of friendship wap So he replied: ranted. Oh, no. uncertain Simply that everything's nowadays. My mind had been all this time on those Manasquale mining properties. I now said: "Has Roebuck told you that I had to buy those mines on my own account? Yes, he Bald. He hesitated, and again he gave me a look whose meaning came to me only when It was too I think, Hlacklock, you'd betlate. ter turn them over to me. 1 gave my I can't, I answered. 1 1 1 n As soi.ii as I saw that lady, I kna. shat it was that had been hilling ai the l v iu of my mind and rukllng there. -- uikilv was alone; ever since Mt had been cutting loose (win she old crowd from all Its women, lud frum all its men except two or three real friends who were good fellows straight through, in spite of their having made the mistake of crossing :he dead line between amateui and professional. ''sport 1 leaned mer and tupiied Sammy on the shoul-i- 'h PLACE YOUR T,M Di P1" That Eye Strain. Co. Alexander-Dlbbl- e Formerly Alexander Optical Co. Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. Both Phones 4444. 230-31-3- 2 CALIFORNIA Howdy. Sant?" said 1. "Its been hing since I've seen you that 1 couldn't resist the temptation to Interrupt. lloie your friend'll excuse me. llowdy do. Miss Ellersiy?" And I put out my baud. Slu took it reluctantly. She was a aches. Times. Year lie glance:! round, and when he saw me, huiked as If I were a fuilicemau who had caught him In the act. nn Stop Those Has Wc Aro Hero. 1 Riving EYES IN OUR HANDS. MiwwstWWRSiwstr.irr.vsird BEST REACHED VIA THE NEW AND POPULAR as if she were seeing, not somebody, but some thing she didn't care to see, or were 'seeing nothing at all. I liked that look; I liked the woman who had it In her to give It. She made me feel that she was difficult and therefore worth while, and J hat's what all we human beings are In business for to make each other feel that we're worth while. Just a moment," said Sam, red aa s cranberry and stuttering. And he o o mado a motion to come out of the box and join me. At the same time Miss Anita and the other fellow began to Shortest and best lin. to Bullfrog .ltd Ncvad.'s Mineral turn away. Ask Belt, via The Las Vegas 4L Tonopah Railroad.' But I was not the man to be cheated Los Laka Salt the but San Pedro, Angeles specify Agent In that fashion. I wanted to see her, and 1 compelled her to see it and to feel It Don't lot me take you from A.. H. your friends." said I to Sammy. "Pep haps they'd like to come with you and me down to look ut my horse. ARitstitlWRRRitRswstitatitstPStstlWRimstststpswiritprststBtifrafw.vjwstitswta I can give you a good tip lie's bound A to win. I've had my boys' out on the rails every morning at the trials of si A the other possibilities. None of 'cm's AA In it with Mowghli." A A word. A Mowghli! said tho young lady that. As you please, said he. He stammered a refusal and went she had begun to turn toward mo as AA Apparently the matter didn't inter- out; but he came back within an hour, soon as I siuike the magic word "tip." A est him. He began to talk of the pep and, in a strained sort of way, accept- There may be men who can resist AA that word tip" at tlio race track, but A formances of my little ed my tip and offer. A When there never was a woman. That's sensible, said I. Beachcomber; and after 20 mluutes A aald Miaa Mowghli!" Ellersiy. AA What a quaint name! A My trainer gave It, said I. "Pva A A got a second son of one of those A broken-dowEnglish noblemen at the AA GLENWOOD SPRINGS. head of my stables, lie's trying to A get money enough together to be able AA to show up at Newport and take a A A shy at an heiress." A At this the fellow who was fourth A in our party, and who had been giv- AA ing me a nasty, glassy stare, got as A THE ROYAL GORGE. red as was Sammy, Then I noticed A r m she. I looked straight at her. "But you than. Our eyes met Her chin came out a little, her eyebrows lifted. Then, in scorn of herself as well as of me, she locked herself In behind a frozen haughtiness that Ignored me. Ah, here is the carriage, she said. I followed her to the curb; she just touched my hand, just nodded her fascinating little heath j "See you Saturday) old man, called her brother frlendlily. My lowering face had alarmed him. "That party Is off, said I, curtly. And I lifted my hat and strode away. As I had formed the habit of dismissing the disagreeable, I soon put ber out of my mind. But she took with her my joy In the taste of things. 1 couldn't get back my former keen satisfaction in all I had dime and was doing. The luxury, the tangible evidences of my achievement, no longer gave me pleasure; they seemed to add to my Irritation. I worked myself up. or rather, down, to such a mood that when my office boy told me Mr. Langdon would like me to come to his office as soon as I snapped out: It was convenient, "The hell he does! Tell Mr. Langdon I'll be glad to see him here whenever he calls. That was stupidity, a premature assertion of my right to be treated as an equal. I had always gone to Langdon, And to any other of the rulers of finance, whenever I had got a summons. For, while I was rich and powerful, I held both wealth and power, In a sense, on sufferance; I knew that, so long as I had no absolute control of any great department of Industry, these rulers could destroy me should they decide that they needed my holdings or were not satisfied with my use of my power. I was surprised when Langdon appeared In my office a few mln- utes later. He waa a talllsh, slim man, care-fully dressed, with s bored, weary look and a slow, bored way of talk- lug. I had always said that If I harl not been myself I should have wished to be Langdon. His expression, as he came into my office, was one of cynical amusement, as If he were saying to himself: Our friend Blacklock has caught the swollen head at last." Not a suggestion of ill humor, of resentment at my Impertinence for, in the circumstances, 1 had been guilty of an Impertinence. Just languid, amused patience with the frailty of a friend. I see," said he, that you have got Textile up to Z "Why not? I asked. "Oh 1 don't know. Yon see the fact is well, they're a lot of old fogies up there. You dont want lb bother with that push, Matt. Take my advice, lto business with them, i but avoid them socially. I want to go in there," I lnsltJ-You put have my own reasons. ' i me up. "I tell ou, It'd be no use. he replied, in a'tone that implied he wished to hear no more of the matter. And "You put me up." 1 related. If you do your best. I'll get In all rjgh. I've got lots of friends there. Ami you've gut three relatives In the committee on membership. At this he gave me a queer, sharp glance a little fright in it. I laughed. "You see. I've been lookI never take a jump Sam. Into it, ing till I've measured it." "You'do better wait a few years, until " he began, then stepped and turned red. "I'ntll what?" said I. "1 want yon to siieak frankly. "Well, you've got a lot of enemies- a lot of fellows who've lost money la deals you've engineered. And they'd say all sorts of things. I'll take rare of that, said I, quite easy in mind. Mowbray Langdons president, isn't he? Well, he's my closest friend." 1 spoke quite honI estly. It allows how simple-minde- d was in certain ways that 1 had never circumonce noted the Important stance that this closest friend had never invited me to his house, or anyn aswhere where I'd meet hla sociates at introducing distance. Sam looked surprised. Oh, in that case. he said, I'll see what can be done." But his tone was not quite cop dial enough to satisfy mo. . To stimulate him and to give him an earnest of what I Intended to do for him. when our little social deal had been put through, I showed him how he rnulip win 10,000 In the next three days. 'And you needn't bother about putting' up margins, said I, as I often had 1111010. I'll take care of very unpleasant look , WINTER RATES.,. up-tow- b J. Salt Lake City BURTNER. D. P. Ifrnzzx n w. chuckled hath siriSr; b'-c- n 1 j 85. He was the head of the Textile trust, which had been built by his brother-in-laand had fallen to him In the confusion following his death. Aa he waa just then needing some money for his share In the National Coal undertaking, he had directed me to push Textile up toward par and unload him 'of two or three hundred thousand shares he, of course, to repurchase the shares after had taken profits and Textile had droped back to Its normal 50. "I'll have It up to 98 by the middle of next month." said I. And there I think we'd better stop. That "Stop at about 90." said he. will give me all I find I'll need for j this Coal business. I don't want to be bothered with hunting up an Investment. I shook my head. I must put it up to within a point or two of par," I declared. In my public letter Ive been saying It would go above 98, and I ever deceive my public." brnth-er-in-law- 's I I envy yon or 80 he drifted away. your enthusiasm," he said, pausing in herever I am, 1 wish doorway. 1 Whatever were mewhere else. I'm doing, I wish 1 were doing something else. Where do you get all this Joy of the fight? What the devil are you lighting for? He didn't wait for a reply. I thought over my situation steadily fur several days. I went down to my country place. I looked everywhere among all my belongings, searching, searching, restless, impatient. At last 1 knew what ailed me what the lack was that yawned so gloomily from everything I had once thought bcautl- I was fill, had onre found sufficient. in the midst of the splendid, terraced pansy beds my gardeners had just set out; I stopped short and slapped my I exclaimed. A woman! thigh. "That's what I need. A woman the right sort of woman a wife! v IV. CANDIDATE FOR "RESPECTABILITY." To handle this new business proper-h- e I must put myself in position to hwk the whole field over. I must get ln ,ine and ,n to,lch w,lh respects- bllity." When Sam Ellersiy came in for his rations, I said: Sam, I want you to put me iip at the Trav- Club-- 1 The Travelers!" echoed he, with a blank look. The Travelers, said I. It's about the best of the big clubs. Isn't It? And it has as members most of the men I do business with and most of those I want to get Into touch with. He laughed. "U can't be done." ILL SKK THAT YOU DON'T LOBE." will you attend to the matter at thn Travelers? I want to be warned so can pull my own set of wires In con1 cert. I'll let you know, he answered, banging Ills bead. 1 didn't understand ills queer actions then. Though I was an expert in finance. I hadnt yet made a study of that other game the game of And I didn't know gentleman. how seriously the frauds and fakirs who play it. take it aud themselves. I attributed his confusion to a ridiculous mock modesty lie had about accepting favors; It struck me as heli.g particularly silly 011 this occasion, because for once he was to give as as to take. He didn't chII for his profits, but wrote asking me to mall him the check for them. I did so. putting in the envelop with ft a little Jog to hia memory on the club matter. I didnt see him again for nearly a month: and though I marched and sent. I couldn't get his trail. On day at Morris Park. I was goir.g along the passage behind the bova in the grand stand, on my way to the paddock. I wanted to see my hoi w that was about to run for the Sweepstakes, and to tell my jockey that I'd give him 115,000, of $10,000, If he won for I hud put quite a bunch down. In one of the boxei I spied my shy friend, Sammy. He was looking better than I Jiad ever seen him. Leu heavy-eyed- , leas pallid and pasty, less like a man who had been shirking bed and keeping up on cocktails and cold baths. Ife was at the rear of the bos, talking with 'jjy and a gentleman. wi-I- DOCTORS ln, ni WHO CURE Dll, CONSULTATION FREE In A Special Department for Men. d terests." said (. Let me take rare put me up at that club row. I'll send you the name of a seconder not later than noon. Up goes your name," he said, Hut don't blame me for the const quences. (To be Continued.) of them. You ' Sf f but with delight ''flOw'exW,'1 THROUL.. I said: No offenso Intended, and AA clapped him on the shoulder with a A PULLMAN AND TOURI8T 6LEEPERS. friendly smile. "He's a good fellow, A TO DENVER. AND my man Monaon, and knows a lot A For Folders, Booklets, Etc., Address about horses. a CHICAGO , A. BENTON, G. A. P. D Miss Ellersiy bit her lip and colSalt Lake City. J , ored, but I noticed also that her eyes were dancing. Sam introduced the Englishman to me Lord Somdiody-or-othoI forgot what, bb I never saw him again. I tamed like a bulldog from a toy tee rier and was at Mlsn Ellersiy again. "Let me ftit a little something on You're Mowghli for you, said f. bound to win and Ill see that you don't lose. I know how you ladief hate to lose. That was a bit stiff, as I know well enough now. Indeed, my instinct would have told me better then, If I hadn't been so used to the sort of women that jump at such an offer, and If I hadn't been easting about sc desperately and in sueh confusion foi some way to please ber. At any rate, 1 hardly deserved her sudden frozen look. I beg pardon, I stammered, and I think my look at her must have been very humble for me. The others in the box were staring round at us. Come on, cried Sam, dragging at my arm, let's go. Won't you rotne? I said to his sl ter. I shouldn't have able to keep my state of mind out of m.v voice, 11 I bad tried. And I didn't try. Trust Hip right sort of woman to see the right sort of tiling In a man through any and all kinds of barriers of caste and manners aud breeding Her voice was much sorter as sbe I think I must said: stay here Thank you, just the same. CATARRH all nrabla Amh tlmiN af lb As soon ns Sum and 1 were alone, ThiwaL Stomaah. Unr, Illnin lliiltr Rail, 1 I apologized. hope you'll tell your ud Hawaii. Burt Sua DIuuh, Dufnaaa, Fill, sister I'm sorry for that break, said I. Choraa, RlitDMlia, Plln Raptor. Loat Manhood. Tarl-- . . SyjkiuxJr Troublaa, and all Oh, that's all right," he answered, Chraali Sarvoua aad rrtrato Dim af Mas, Wot hit dr a. SI tar a aura tor easy again, now that we were away tit a maalh tanka! Dlanani fraa far all You meant wetlfrom the others. hraaia dlwuM. and motive's the thing." Motive hell! cried 1 ln my anger at myself. "Nolxidy but a man's God Dr. Bhorni' Dapartmaul hr (ha (till aura at all Era Dlaaaaaa aad tor lha at (laaaaa U uaaxaallad, katna la aharia at a bpaalallal aa lha Ira it knows his motives; bn doesn't even 'propar Suing and Advtoa Fraa. aland Ooaaaltaliaa yaara1 It 1l(. know them himself. I judge others by what they do, and I expect to be judged In the same way. I see I've Dra. Bhoraa kara Bpaaial Dapartaaat adadnlr fat lha traataial aad Bn aanaaaaa nr aentagloa. Then I suddenly ( all Prlrata Diaaaaaa at Van. wkathar aaaaad by Iguana got a lot to learn. Young Baa wka kara kna lad aalray by bad aampaalaaa aiddla-agaan whn remembered the Travelers Club, and kara gsna la uauna aid man wka Sad Ikntv annal vigor goao ualortuuaioa who asked him what he'd done about n hovo oontraotad diaoaaoo lha rtaUaa of Blowd Folaoa aad all nlkara who a jod lha ounaal and aid at nparlanaad and kindly phyatalani, an andlaUy lartlad to aenaalt I I've boon thinking It over," thla dapartmanl aad ba adrliad FRR8 Or OHAROB. Bo aura la lha aura audar DBS. SHORES liODKU METHODS la an Frivol Are you sure you want to aald he. Dlifaau, that you Bay arranga la pay lha faa for a ran la mall w ahly or alhly run the risk of an ugly cropper. lnatallmcnta, aa tka aura piuaraaiaa. ar yau may FAY YHU CURED. Don't adronlaa 'ratoa DUS. for any SHORES Matt? , "ilngla allmanl" aad thau aharga you ton Umaa aa auah I turned him round so that we were aa tha amount adturtiaod haoauaa lha aaaa U "aompU Do you want tc eatad." Dra. Shorn Inva that to Ua Fka Madlaal facing each other. Dra. Shorn guaraaln that aaa In pay Inatltutoa." do me that favor, or don't you? 1 (or ALL you allmanlo If Ihay trnl yau aaaa aad that demanded. lha In for a CURB will ba ahnpar than you aaa ha anrad for olaowboro. Dra. Bborn aln furalah you natr "'I'll do whatever you say," he reialnu FREE thara la no "hold up" for Madlaina'' flu you hart arrangod lha faa. Qoaekl aad Faklra naorl plied. 'Tin thinking only of ycur la r, YOU'IIK HOl'MJ TO WIN AND J c but Legitimate Spa to auoh trlcka to rob Iho nnwary lallati abhnr and dnnnuan than). Bawara af any fakir who hldu knhlad a "faka Midi-n- ! InaUtute" banun ha dara nol advanlaa uudar hla own nnma. Thara Boat ba a raaaoa for It. Hama Tnalmnl Cure. Wnte (or Fraa Symptom Ua If yau nnnol call. Conaultatlon fraa. Omni HOURS: a. m. to p. B. Ivaulag T to f Drs. Shores & Buadaya aad holiday IS Shores, Expert Specialists, 249 J ? J |