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Show SPECIAL NOTICE. this paragraph Is marked with HORRIBLE TORTURE enns tt indicates uu Mi Rl to this paper has been script for three months from that data with a black cross tt hit INFLICTED ON BOY. marked two weeks to ran, bnt ttnle GLADSTONE HOTEL. Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. 119 South Vii- - St. Bait Lake City. rooms oy tnc say, Aeauj Week or Month. If fva Ion Bo- ttled If only BRUTAL TREATMENT OF NEGRO TO OBTAIN CONFESSION. CHOKED TILL EYES BULGE f Texas Officers Acta In Thalr Him Admit Raacued Perform Outrageoua Anxiety to Make Murder Finally by Rangers. Fort Worth. Tex. Tort'irea aa diabolical aa religious fanatira ever visited upon a heretic having failed to make Monk Clbaon, a negro boy, confess the slaughter of Mrs. J. F. Condltt and her four children laat September, the crime baa been laid now upon Felix Powell, another and older negro. Only Clbson's survival of the tortures Inflicted upon him- led to the discovery of whut tho aulhorl- - otherwise notified we shall eoatlnas to forward the paper. Very respectfully, his back until the flesh was cut and THE PUBLISHERS. he fainted, but he remained steadfast in his last statement. He was allowed Dr. to recover and was fed well. Again he a Taaw F r e n e x.ereyi Men wearing large was examined." Tablets. An acwits quaintance Texas spurs Jumped upon his prostrate will theee tablets and bleeding body. He screamed In result In a pleart ant surprise pain, and begged for mercy. He said suffering worn he had told all he knew. He prayed The ladles' sa to God assist his aloud in cell, asking guard. la cl of painful or si the officers In their search for the pressed menstr he In that order might SUCCEED. guilty persons, tlon THET Price, ILII be cleared. The authorities did not be- box. At ell drug stores or by Doull Drug Co, sealed. securely lieve his story. He was tortured again. Main, Salt Lake City, Utah. This time a noose was prepared and he was strung up until his eyes bulged J. M. THOMAS from their sockets so horribly that Attomey-at-Lacveu the hardened offirers of Texas I Salt Ijike City, Utah Justice turned away. The boy's tongue Offices, 11 and 12 Eagle Bloc J protruded from but ween his swollen la vent Ions patented, lips and be lost consciousness, and marks secured direct with when he recovered, still steadfast, he Ington. lay near death for weeks. (iov. I.anlium then ordered Texas REMEMBER. rangers, under ('apt. McDonald, to If your local merchant does sot save the boy from further torture. Officers and guards had started with ?arry In atock Temple Brand Rama' Head Sweaters, Sego the boy across country to escape send your orders Underwear, Uly He escuiied. the boy lynching, and to the sole manufacturers, - Silt was retaken by a squad of rangers, ake Knitting Works. and (.'apt. McIXinald reached the conwas Innocent the clusion that boy Monk Gibson was indicted on the FRiwtttFJtRitititmtmtstststmwstMR S HUDDART FLORAL CO. charge of murder, and hla trial was transferred to Ran Antonio. Ills neck 5 6 E. 2nd Bo. . was saved by the fact that the bloody Imprint of a hand on a board of the (Opposite Grand Theatre.) Condltt farmhouse did not correspond to the imprint of his hand. Cut flowers and flora! work for Capt. McDonald, a veteran Texan all occasions. ranger, was sent by Gov. Lanham te We make a specialty of shipping Investigate the murder. The minute he net eyes on Felix Powell and his g funeral designs. Write , telephone! crooked little Unger, misshapen by a v or telegraph. felon, McDonald asked for his arrest The ranger found a bloody shirt hid- J Phones 106. den under a culvert. It was too large 5 for Monk Gibson and he had blood on MaWWsla1iWilsMS3sls3sMiMlMWikk the shirt he was wearing when arrested. When McDonald produced the GOOD POSITIONS FOR YOUNG shirt, tied in a bundle, Powell said: MEN AND WOMEN. That ain't my shirt!" ' How did you know It was a shirt We have more calls for stenograph-er- a Didn't your mothasked the ranger. than we can fill. Our business Is er sew on these buttons?" to fit young women and men for these The negro .looked askance and re- positions. We give a complete pracMaybe she did. Did she say tical course. Write us or call at our plied: so?" office, 224 Dooly block. Salt Lake City, The plans were laid to lake an Im- Utah, for catalogue, terms, etc. STENOGRAPHNC BUREAU. pression of Powell's hand, and It was through an adroit arrangement that the Imprint was secured. Camphor-smoke80CLEAN keeps your floors Jbee paper was spread on a table I from dust. Mcat the window, and then Capt BOOLEAN will not allow dust to fly Donald asked: Who Is that coon, when sweeping. Felix?" pointing out the window. It SOCLEAN will make your carpet was necessary for the prisoner to lean look like new. over the table to see In the direction SOCLEAN wUl make your floor apIndicated, and In doing this his hand pear as If scrubbed every day. was so placed as to secure the dcplred SOCLEAN will save you hundreds qf dollar annually by having Imprint It corresponded exactly with your place clean and. free the bloody Imprint on the Condltt from dust. house. Send In your orders. SOCLEAN MFO. CO., 4o. 2G1 So. YV. Temple St, Salt Lake who were at work on a building City, Utah. across the way. An Iron worker who was riding on a suspended beam yelled and attempted to attract the attention of the mother, but no attention was raid to his shouts. on Crowds began to gather In the street, but they were afraid to shout for fear they would frighten the child. Margaret seemed to be haring the time of her u?e. Once ahe laughed so loud that her voice attracted her mother, who turned from Wlae, and, on seeing the danger of the child, swooned. Wlae, who la a stockily built man, SALT THATS ALL. SALT la anything but athletic, but when he caught sight of the baby, he Jumped over a table that stood between him ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND and the window, and waa on the ledge Manufactured only by In a few seconds. The chiseled atone cut Into hla hands and knees, and unINLAND CRYSTAL SALT CO., der his great weight every move was N. YV. Clayton, Manager, torture. He eventually reashed Map Salt Lake City, Utah. garet, and, gathering her up in one arm, crawled slowly back with her. Aa he dlsapieared through the win8MOKE THE BEST. dow with the baby waving her hand the crowd In the street sent up cheer BLUE POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. after cheer, and refused to move until Whitaker and Dallas, Makers, 134 W. lioliccmen ordered them away. 3rd South Street, Salt City. w 5 j 114-11- The Negro Was Bound to tha Floor and Lashed. ties believe la positive evidence of the other negro's guilt Monk Gibson worked for Condltt, and when the family was murdered he rushed breathlessly to the house of a white neighbor and said be had seen a negro chasing Mrs. Condltt about the yard. When neighbors reached the bouse they found the entire family had been murdered moat brutally. Blood on Gibson's clothes at once cast suspicion on blm. Gibson said the murderers, who he said he did not know, had dragged blm Into the house, compelled him to witness the murders, and after wiping blood' upon his clothing, had set him free. The boy was tortured. Stripped and bound to the floor, the lash fell across RISKS LIFE ON NARROW LED6E TO SAVE RUBY. Chicago Court Clerk Rescue Child Who Had Found New Place to Play Crowd Cheer Act. ' feet In the Chicago. Seventy-fiv- e air, above the confusing whirl of traffic 'In the street below, Margaret Kee-setwo years old. whose father and mother are about to light for her custody In the divorce courts, was rescued from a ledge less than a foot wide, on which she sat, by George Wise, custodian of the chancery flies of the drcplt court, on the fouth floor of the Monadnock building. Aa she sat there, clapping her hands In babyish glee, and laughing at the sights that were strange to her, wholly unconscious of her peril, great crowds gathered In the street below, fascinated by her danger. Women who were passing ran from the scene, and many of them, not wishing to witness her death, took refuge In near-bstores, fearing the child would fall. When Wise came through the window and crawled on his bands and knees to where the child aat, they stood with bated breath, powerless to assist, and keenly watching his every more. It seemed hours before the spare between the child and the window was covered by the man, and when he finally reached her a great sigh of relief was heard. Wise could not turn around. To attempt it meant certain death for himself and the Imby. Steadying himself as best he could on the narrow ledge ho took Margaret firmly about the waist and painfully worked his way hack to the op m window. The baby, unconscious of her danger, laughed in her delight over the novelty of the situation. She pulled Wlae'a hair and made several attempts to stick her finger in his eye. The window, which is on a level with tho platform, was open, and Map garet crawled through It and out onto the ledge. When out a little way she sat up and weved her hand to the men y The Earth's Composition. Is the earth made up of three concentric spheres? A physicist says that such la the rase. The solid nucleus ho supposes to be between 3,000 and 7,000 nillua In diameter, and this Is surrounded by a liquid substratum, outside of which is the crust, variously estimated at 70 to 200 miles In thickness. More than two centuries agn a similar theory, Including the slow rotation of the inner solid sphere on a different ails from that of the r d You buy fresh Eggs, Why not insist HEWLETT'S Rates. 50 cents to 61.50 per day. Special rates by the day, week or month. LOANS. MILLER VIELE SOS MoCumiek Building. SALT LAKE CITY. Bell 'Phone 797. If yon want to borrow money on your farm, longtime, easy terms, liberal options,, drop ns a line. o 8 o o o 8 8 O o o G PETERSONS DETECTIVE SERVICE COMPANY, 328-32- 9 D. F. Walker Bldg, Salt Lake City, Utah. We are prepared to undertake all proper detective business Intrusted to us for corporations and individuals. Consultation and advice free. Call or write. 'Phones: Ind. 3988, Bell 1316-Y- . REMEMBER. If your local merchant does not carry In atock Temple Brand Garments, Ranm'a Head Sweaters, LUy Underwear, send yonr orders to the sole manufacturers, Salt Uike Knitting Works. 8-g- o . i THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. A positive and permanent cure for drunkenness and the opium diseases. There Is no publicity, no sickness. Ladles treated as privately as at their own homes. Tbe Keeley Institute, 334 W- - So. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. . , B. Bow loo.) good-lookin- -- spolL money. name la Ethel Hunter." she aid. In a friendly way. "I am traveling representative for the Ladies' Delight,, a beautiful publication, and when I sell so many copies I get a teachers' course free in the uniMy versity. "Yea'm, waa the foreman's brief response, as he began edging off. L want to go down in the mine." The de I mean, yea'm, said Dan, recovering himself. When can I go?" Ye can't go at all." But I hava a written order tons Mr. Thurston, the manager. Then let Mr. Thurston come and how ye around." The young woman looked, with, troubled eyes Into the stem face ol the foreman. I heard you. wire such, a nice man," she said. They be telling Ilea on me." returned nan, though not unkindly. But, look a here, Miss er Hunter." Miss Hunter It's aa dark as stack of black cats down there, and there be mule trains whizzing by every blessed minute, and the cross entries has got water in em and there be rata aa big aa cots." The young woman burst Into tears. Several men had gathered around, during the colloquy and looked at tho fair petitioner. The Pierpont School located at 37 East North Temple, Salt Lake, And 1 wanted to be a teacher, so opens it fifth year, September 17, as to support my poor old mother and 1906. This school offers aa thor- little brothers and Matera! ahe ough and excellent work In Its lines Mined. eastIn tbe finest aa can be had wiry man touched ern colleges. Its courses Include A alight framed, Elocution. Voice and Physical Cul- the foreman on the arm. ture, Public Speaking, Theatricals, "I'll go with her, Dan, he whisWrite pered. English and Shakespeare. The good Samaritan waa Jack Richfor circulars. ards, a shot flrer. The young womar with a Mg family responsibility wlpo her eyes and looked gratefully at thi light framed knight By a conTRUNKS, TRUNKS. temptuous shrug of his shoulders Dan R. Indicated the washing of hla hands connection with the whole fool Manufactur-- inbusiness, and returned to hla wire y liver Trunk Meredith; er. 155 Main St., j Salt Lake. WIND80R. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Suit Lake City. . .Located In the heart of .the city. Rates Reasonable. Light, airy, clean rooms, First-clas- s In every respect. Steam, heat. Electric Lights. To be assured of a pleasant east, purchase your tickets vis As cable. Aa the seven o'clock whistle was putting the air above the engine room of No. 8 the next morning the lady with a mission appeared at the tipple and sought her cavalier. She waa attired in a coarse black gas ment and wore a heavy shawl over her head, bnt It did not hide seductive litt'.e curia which peeped out over the white forehead. At the bottom Jack filled and hanj-eher a pit lamp, which ahe tok gingerly and transported at arm's length. The shot flrer loaded her d with advice, which ahe took with mw of gratitude. Rail- mura When they got out on the far entries, where the miners were at work the lady proceeded to business. In moat of the rooms It waa not necessary to go into details about the widowed mother and little children before the dollar came for the Ladlea' Delight Where they didn't have the money, she took Ln order on the treasurer. Not a man balked. It would look mean, they thought to turn down a handsome lady who had defied the horrors of the underground world to from Omaha to Chicago. visit them. First-clas- s service also between The woman solicitor had a way of Omaha and Minneapolis and Chicago and St. Louis, aa well aa all points In talking which made each man think ahe had gone down on purpose to see the South and Southeast him. They had never heard of the For fall Information call on or writ Ladies' Delight, and wouldn't havo known It from an almanac of the J. A. FOLEY. vintage of '76, but they did know this Commercial Agent young woman knew how to talk, and No. 75 West Secoad South Street. that ahe waa brave and pretty. At the end of the second day, wher Man Shot by a Woodchuck. a complet haul had been made in the New Haven,, Conn. George Adams, WASH IT AWAY. mine. Miss Hunter turned to her esof Waterbury, lies fatally wounded at and uremic poisoning cured. cort. lail the home of Clifford Barnum In "I guess you think It funny, Mr. Adams was shot by a wood- Castilla Hot Springs Water does the work. Rheumatism vanishes at Its she said, that I go down chuck. He went to Mlildlebury a few touch. For rates Richards,' H. to C. apply In the mine after men to sell them a days ago on business. The other night South worth. Manager, Room 132 woman's paper rather than see their with two farmhands and his wife he Commercial Club building. Salt I,ake In went wives, who are up on earth. pursuit of a woodchuck which City. was in a burrow In a lot a quarter of It did look a little odd at first, rea mile from the Barnum home. The the shot-firebut I believe 1 plied BROS. CO. CUTLER men poured bucket after bucket of know the reason now. water Into the woodchuck hole and ' Knit Underwear and YYoolen Goods. The lady amlled. soon had the animal gasping to keep-hllinos Etrletljp rnnflitentbJ. HANDBOOK on Fucnu I began in the mines of Wyoming," on Host pants ant fm (ildnt inner for Mcuniiinatcnu. earth, to order, head above water at tbe mouth ot Patanta taken thimaih Munn k Cu. receive he said, and then through Kansas. ntX ' without Ice. In $3.50. the tffrtal chum, the hole. Adams tried to push the I've been In every mine In thla diswoodchuck under the water with the 36 Main 8L, Salt Lake City, Utah. trict Out there at 61, where they butt of his rifle. As he did so the woodA hendanmelr IlhiatTaf td weekly. Tnrrat employ Italians and negroes who can't of any amentia trmrnal. Verna. S.1 a chuck, Adams says, seizing the rifle rear: fMrmnntba.fi. Sold bran newedaalem. Men and women to learn barl-eread, over half of them subscribed. If trade Its with claws, discharged the trigger I'd worked them on top I wouldn't & MUNN New York 8 Co.38'8""' weeks. YY'ngcs paid every night rifle. SranehOIBan Cl V BL, Weehlenra. D. C. have taken six subscriptions. Now, jurauusirs earn 910 ui y.'u prr wi you've been good to me, my friend, Wont Admit It. Cat. free. Write us. Motiler Sys and Many a man M too stubborn to ad- - of College, 62 E. First South St., Don't mention It," said Jack, backIs mtt that he y related to the mule. jrtah For Piles Burnt, Soresa ing off. She waa reaching Into her handbag where she kept her money. entire globe, was held by Dr. Edmund "Yes, air, she said, firmly, I will. Halley to account for the changes in You've been with me two whole days the earth's magnetism. The axis ol the nucleus was thought to have been now, and I know the time of a genB BE tleman of ability la worth someoriginally that of the entire globe and the change of its course .was In having your teeth fixed, why not get the best? thing. Here tr.ke this." attributed to deluge. The earth's In She handed him a small, square ternal heat, It la now minted out, package, neatly tied up. The shob-flre- r 1 may be accounted for by the friction thanked her warmly and assist9 of the different rot at lug bodies. ed her into the cab which waa waiting 261 i for her. Then he opened hla pran Of the 45,006.000 bullets fired by the Gives his personal attention to all work done. Keeps ent It waa a picture of 'he young Russians during the Crimean war no hired men or boys to practice on you, and prices woman who waa gunning usriergrounl are within reason. Fifteen yea re In Utah; seven years 44,952,000 failed to fulfill their errand for a college course. N. Y. Suu in same office- - Ml MAIN STREET. Sign. DIDNT HURT A BIT" BOT. TsL 1S79-- FRESH ROASTED COFFEES. Illinois Central way r, Scientific American. I r ' I DeWItts Salve GET THE BEST! j DR. WEST Main Street ! 1 JOSEPH BAUGHER (Copyright, by Jossph the Willie Dodge, just turned 13, waa eolllery waa directing the instillation of a new wire cable in the tipple, he not only the pride of hla family, he was signaled by a styl- waa the admiration ot the oommunlty ishly dressed young woman standing at large. He trilled like a bird, or what la an the track by the box car loader. Mr. Gronoway?" ahe chirruped, more to the purpose, he sang like a extending a gloved hand to the sooty prims donna, and all who heard him one of the mine boss reluctantly held marveled at hla wonderful voice. He out. possessed much girlish beauty, and The same, ma'am," said Dan, with he had the gentlest of dispositions the air of a man to whom time is which no amount of adulation could Aa Dan Gronoway, foreman of o FARM o o (I By I" The many flattering professional offers made him were peremptorily rejected by hla family. They coddled the boy aa carefully aa they nursed hla voice. Hla uncle, Mr. Robert Trigga, the wealthy proprietor of several large auction stores In the city, bad made Willie hla special care. Mr. Trigg Intended (when the time came) that hla nephew should study under the beat maatera abroad, but, In the meantime, he should learn all he could from local talent No expense waa to be spared to make Willie the greatest of modern tenors; that he would be anything else never, for a moment waa entertained by Mr. Trigga, who had said, more than once, that Heaven's greatest gift to man waa a lyric tenor voice, that a bass voice was a neceswomsary evil, and that a deep-tone- d an waa a visitation of Providence. Willie had learned from the village music teacher all the latter had to teach, and began preparations for hla trip abroad. The event waa celebrated by a musical entertainment tendered Willie by tbe members of the First Congregational church. Tha concert came off on the ere of the boy's departure, and Mr. Trigga had brought a score of musical friends from the city to attest the wonderful quality of hla nephew's voice. The church was crowded, and everything passed off more than satisfactorily intll the third number ot tbe second part of the programme. Then something happened: Willie's voice had gotten away from him. While he waa in the middle of an elaborate Wagnerian air hla voice suddenly leaped three bars over the clef! It lingered there for an instant, and then aa suddenly dived beg In thla manlow It After ner for nearly a minute, Willie aat down, followed by alienee. Soine thought that the bellows had burst, others that the organ pipes were out of Joint hut Mr. Triggs, who was an authority, raised hla hand. The hoys voice has changed," he aid; "and thats all there Is about it" The gloom that settled over Snnny-vlll- e that night waa not lifted for many months; and even to thla day the wonderful gymnastics that Wlllle'a voice went through that night are not referred to without a shudder. Willie wai entirely oblivions, strange to aay, to that which to everyone else waa painfully evident, for he continued in the choir, notwithstanding the many hints that hla resignation would be accepted, and that be should be reinstated whenever hla voice had established Itself upon a leas uncertain basis. But he did not take the hint, until one night at rehearsal Squire Blahop, the ban, took him aside. Your voice la the moat wonderful thing In the world, Willie," he said. One can never tell what lta going to do next One minute It's ballooning above high C, and the next It's grabbing under low G. Why dont yon adapt It to a sliding scale? said Mr. That's right, Willie, Trainer, the tenor, who had overheard Mr. Bishop. But If you can only manage to blend those two voices of yours Ill advertise yon aa the great and only dueteat on earth. Ill take yon on the road and make your Before the tenor could finish he lay sprawling under a bench, while Willie, with hands clenched and eyes ablaze, stood glaring at the baas. he "Look here, 'Squire Blahop, squeaked, "I've stood this thing Just about aa long aa I Intend to stand It And If you or any other man says a word to me about my voice (here hla tones soared skyward) I I will m help me Bob, I will (now hla voice came from the depths) I'll punch hla head! In the meanwhile Mr. Trigga was waiting with not a little Impatience for the day when Willie with a tenor note would soothe the souls in PurgaSee Aux Itallena, by Owen tory; a day which, however, Meredith never came, for Willie's voice one night resolved Itself into the deepest kind of a moat untuneful bass. for" Woman Soldier's Epitaph. The following extraordinary, though little known epitaph may be seen on a tombstone In Brighton (England) Old churchyard, on the east aide of the path leading from the south porch: "In memory of Phoebe Ilessel, who waa horn at Stepney, In the year 1713. She served for many years aa a private soldier In the Fifth regiment of foot In different parts cf Europe, and In the year 1745 fought under the command of the duke of Cumberland at the battle of Fonte-noy- , where ahe received a bayonet wound In her arm. Her long life, which commenced In the time of Queen Anne, extended to the reign of licence she George IV, by who'- received comfort a. support in her later years. She died at Brighton, where she had long resided. December 13, 1821, aged 108 years." |