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Show sssseMWSifiyW Send No Money mams m kdffwpi QmrSmmvUsM W. H. MCKHAJV pnvaieuN ana SSUSSS MaaioM Main Street IHEOffiD HM Dr. L. G. Tbiyer, Ctmtk. ST $14.50 11 ... D Mercur. mutloa tkii n ; ...DENTIST. aaa Sa Mraal ; SADDLE MOEt UVKKY RISE 3 Will Walt For the Cheapest Line of Good OEyrS FURNISHINGS, HATS C 2 AND SHOES GILIEI ai HIE EBSK STIAE. Wm. BILLIIBS, Prop. DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS MadiLlmtow We with aaariptiaa. ROBERT B. PICKLE ETATwanr conracnowm hotioki... sraraas wsaaria ogfwwa ftp. kin MATO. I VAMMIWbeC MOT sea ft 8 ft r the matter with ERATO'S STORED to overflowing all the time! Why, die reason is plaint he keeps dw bast of GROCERIES in Mercur and hb stock selected treatment la die same to all and is appreciated by all X His business is increasing daily and so ad libs X X X X X, promises to-d- o I Ift ...FRANK . Through "T oanrloa ST. LOUIS EAST JUIB THB ERflTttS BREAD... ft VIA Is superior to tPo Royal and equal In this Gouutu. ft Missouri Pacihc Has do THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO FERTILE KANSAS ft! UISSODU FULLMANh Phonix Indemnity Company, OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Electric Lights, electrio Pars. Reolinino chair cars (pears OP AMERIOA. Nr hrtla, FriSra, ' S,ia FOR FURTHER INFORMATION A h. WRIT! TO SMUTS' Central REMEMBER, IN FIGURING YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THB tUmciKNTLT EUVn A TAN Sr Umfh SUWlBf CltlMI Omaha, Iibk Chian HI. St Paul, Minn. St La ala, Klnnsapolla, KIbi Paoxia, XU. Kansas City, Ea JraairlllA bA Ifeuphla, Tana. Vashvillet X Cincinnati, OUa Atlanta, Oa. Lauia villa, Xy. FhIumtIIIl Xaw Orleans, Za Vickabarg, Weakly through aarrlea batwaa sag batwaaa dBdaaatl tka Paaifla Coaat Tarrltery. at tbaes lh aaf BAST, SOUTH, WEST AMD sad HiiteBMir Tralaa Dtalag Carat- - HaataA Cara Blaaplag library that ZacUalnf Chair Cara. Sakat aaaata far Uelali ala S MUXOtS GBNTRAX. KAXUUUflb J. Oregon Short RAILROAD D. E. BVRLEY. L6.F.ST.4. w enrnemm 201 MAIN ST. SALT A. Line I TKB DUtBCT CONNECTION WITH tXS (LP.ftT.A. D. S. SPENCER. LAIS VTAS. CITY, UNION PACIHC THE OVERLAND ROUTE which n thi comiKwo ronjLAX BETWEEN ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO SUNDAY, JULY 31. 94 DRAKE, Dior. Pam. Amt, Salt Uuch Diw Sbnbral AaeNT, Dbnvir, WWW , oclock when the bet was made. Leslie struck a position In the middle of the corridor and stayed there motionless until 4:30 a. m., when It wu WW 10:25 Ars you going to the World's Fair! If so, jen undoubtedly want to get than as quicldy as poaaMa $ The Oregon Short Line, ft Lover of 75 le a Sprinter. The angry father of Luella Lantx, a pretty Barbour county (W. Va.) girl, 16 yean old, drove forty miles In pursuit of his daughter and Thomas Heatherly, 75 yean old, her lover, who eloped from their home and drove to Grafton. The Rev. G. W. Bent of St Paul M. E. church, Grafton, married them while they were seated In the buggy, and aa aooa as the ceremony was completed they started on their return home. The parent of the girl bride arrived only a few minutes too late to stop the ceremony. They started on their forty-mil- e honeymoon without the blessing of Mr. Lentz, the aged groom driving wltn one arm as they started homeward. In Connection Wttk the noun to all roan a- - 8ample of English Fog. When a very dense fog settled over the Thames valley a few Sundays ago, and most densely over London, It Imposed a complete silence on animal life. London was Itself as silent as the grave, for all traffic was stopped, and as on Sunday traffic of any kind is reduced to a minimum, the great city waa almost as still aa a country village at midnight. The streets and even the river were almost without a sound, for not a single tug was moving on the Thames. In the country no bird uttered a sound; they all sat atlll, Isllent and moping. IABT COMFORT SAFETY South Africa Is to enter the paper-makinworld. It having been found :hat a kind of grass which grows there makes an excellent grade of paper. British manufacturers are already put-lin- g up mills there. g Vessel a Wedding Present. TTNION PACIFIC JL rogressive (THE OVERLAND ROUTE) A rich Jewish merchant of Smyrna presented his daughter with a ship as A wedding present, snd called the vessel Esther Estorrgo. after the girl The name Is Inscribed on the ship in Hebrew letters. 1 Union Pacific Railroad, la the short, fast routs to St Louie. And All Points East. ' aiwoi Ask Short Line Agents about special Exsor jftgfaf, T. M. SCHUMACHER, Traffio Mgn D. E. BURLEY, G. P, & T. A. D. S. SPENCER, A. G. P. & T. A. Balt Lake tf Tht Iftm Wap Four New "Tht Onlp Wag" Worlds Fair Trains Btacdk Lights aai Ehctrle KANSAS CITY AND ST. LOUIS ALL TRAINS DAILY wire a. a. fiia p. a, yiog F m, igf a. a. SCHEDULE, City Arrive, M. Loato lie FM a. a. F-- ok Hev Al n4 ai Mat CwM, Hot lUcHalag Chek Partar Ofeawvatha Cara Bad Cara, la which aaperior aafriraE faaraatMd. City tralaa wTnmtar aai kaa tatTLoiiisvIa saw raata ranalar oa want nU. oi MMnalppl Klnr. via LoaWaaa, Mo. Me Mdea tr taaaal at ft. Uala. Throngh tralaa featwna tTLaaia mad aa City, ria Xaat ft. Loaia aad Kradhaa, AiacntiaaM. a I Hlgh-BM- k PeUwoo NT10bTT1rJll?"COiamd CaV D Inlay . i Through Siteping Cart to St. Louit from Denver, Colorado Springe Bnthlt tanned direct with traim from Colorado, Utah, Idaho and Mi th. Tktat Agaat far Thraagh Ikfcata ria CHICAGOOR AND ALTON WRIT! w. nevra, a. salt T.r.er.i,c. H. H. BHKFFCRD. & K-- bake city, dtak. A, & A A. Ky, DKHTKK, OOLOKAI THE TOURISTf8 FAVORITE ROUTE THROUGH SALT LAKE CITY AND SCENIC COLORADO TO THE WORLD'S FAIR FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEX AND DF.XVF!!? CHOICE OF BODTE8. New Material for Paper. SPEED Unexcelled A New and Thoroughly Equipped Line Aek C.TOWWDKHD. RRXIITORY OPENING OF W. MARTIN, Waa Haunted by Child's Face. I see the child's face still, waking or sleeping; I cant stand it" Thla line waa hastily scribbled on a bit of paper tacked to the bedpost In the room where F. W. Feischmann, a railroad watchman, blew out hla brains. Felchmann some weeks ago saw a man and a little child killed at his crossing, and since then was moody and Irritable, telling friends that the face of the child haunted him. Several times he threatened to kill himself to get rid of the haunting face. Pittsburg (Pa.) Dispatch. Insure yourself against slckneia and Abo accidents. Ton Installment Flan. little each month. XXX roci),M COACH M. DAY TEN MMMMMMMMMMIMM Thoroughly Eqdppcd Trains leave Sb Lads sad Olcago nightly Utm anhral el Incoming tralaa), arriving either dty the fallowing asnSs Bgefeacat entirely newt favkh in design, elaborate fa fanriahfags. A A Ask year Ticket Agent, or Aifas A Jt Death from shock caused by too lively a satisfaction befell M. Alexis Gulllorit, one of the assistants to the mayor of Bourron, In the environs of Fontainebleau, France, where he was Indulging In hla favorite sport of shooting, the other day. Two hares started simultaneously and M. Gulllorit discharged hie two barrels as quick as lightning and had the delight of seeing the two animals drop. But he fell himself at the same moment He had been subject to a heart affection for a long time past and the violence of hla emotion had been too much for him. Every effort was made to restore animation, but In vain. He had died of Joy. RAILWAY SLEEPING CARS. M mtmmmmmmmmmmgnmii Died from Excess of Joy. A Ctmmtnial Apt, 109 Wott ittaad WILUAMi, ALT LAKE OITV one of the travelers, playfully scuffling with another, struck one of the silent posers feet, moving It Leslie forthwith the daughter of Mr. with quit and took the money. Witnesses declare he had not visibly moved a muscle for six hours and five minutes. WHATS filled ft a money. 1 l a iaoodr, oar, Sanitarium Baths "iTS SSaBa2gol ft Line Cara to Chieagt Through Did Jacob. & St Paul Eatt and art in a hnrrg, tht it tht train it taka, h h -- Railroad LAB going (kmdand Limitti Stood Still for Six Hours. Ralph Leslie, an actor, who said hla home Is In Marion, Ohio, bet commercial travelers In the lobby of the Erie hotel In Dunkirk, N. Y., $40 that he could itand without moving a muscle until 6 oclock the next morning. The bet was taken, and It was agreed that If any one shoved him or otherwise disturbed him he was to take the isms caci Ipm i ltq tea ledf. Salt lake and Mercur SALT If pen art ia-2- ti will AUkiuil U. . and roralra Pataala. Mnivf or4a cOi ON Chicago, Milwaukee After a conference of the parente with the accused, and on the representation that the two were desperately In love and would marry In spite of lock and bars and the objection of stern parents, the father of the child said If Jones would wait two yean he could have her; that Jones la a good man honest and industrious, and Is all right, but too (rid for Ella. She Is 14 and Jones Mr. Gorsuch asked to have the action dismissed at hla cost, which was done, ud Jones was released from custody and the girl returned home with her parents. TRADEMARKS w vrx?d&rM H baton applying bf LIMITED Geddla for examination. J. Kill Stmt, Uirur. ef tht A ND James Jones of Broadland, arrested at Salem, 8. D., a day or two ago on a warrant charging him with eloping with the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gorsuch, was before Judge CALL AT UU r as newxpaprr editor uniat tht .THE UNION PACIFIC her pater's vole a shoi-k- ; "Hark w, young man! A r. you aware Its almost twelve oclock "T-e- . air. But that is mo be s now an hour or so you -Been ittln on my hat. and I I really couldnt o." "And .re you chump enough to set Your hat in euch miahav? Hereafter hang it In tho hall; Don V keep It In your lap. Ed Mott in New York Sun. itttmMNHHMIHIItN a FM. wag a prominent expretut himtelf about tarried late; Hrt Came to him ilka iMMWimiKn tmm D lataprHfat It tht The Chump. MIMS J. S. TAI VAN Hurry up Train 'Ntrf OVERLAND TA Medal Taflora WOftMOlE A Sure A THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST " SLEEPHW FROM OGDEN OR SALT LAKB TO ST. LUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS Fraa Reclining Chair Can. Dining Car Mrto ra train., For 'Folds, Ulwtntnd through Bookfafa, ate. 111 addrsea L A BENTON, O. A P. a ..... BALT LAKE CITY, UTAH |