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Show Shoes for Men hm bst Alma Holilrmon, agd 20. of Plain run- Herlously Injured In City, nwny accident. I The Lol.l public school furnished eighth! the from Olrty graduates grade thla year. The question of removing the eounty scat from Nlartl to Kphralm 1. being agitated at Ephraim. Mining 'The week on the Salt exchange closed on the f tie of 102,465 shares of stock for $37,716.63. Member, of the Utah Press association to the Lumber of sixty are on n visit to the St. Louis exposition. Thomas C. Callister will have his elepbone line connecting Oasis and Fillmore completed by the end of the week. & Reports from Silver Tark, tlilrty-llv- e miles northwest of Stateline, are flattering as to the ore finds in that mlwauker. FOR BALI BY vicinity. The waterworks system in Mt. BDUim oiom oik Pleasant, which lias been. under construction for tho past year, la practically roinpleted. THE James II. Wade, who shot and killed a Chinaman at Alta on December 9 last, has boen acquitted of the charge of murder. The new telephone line from Modena to St. George baa been completed. The line connects with Cedar City, via St. George. Dr. F. E. Jones of Salt Lake City OFFERS THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE TO ST. LOUIS. was chosen by the Utah State Medical society aa Its president at its reTni Frisco system traverses cent session in Ogden. THE FOLLOWIN'! STATES: Indications point to the present Hllnols Indiana In the proving n record-breake- r yoar H terGlsslsslppl Kansas flat and of residences, building races In Salt Lake City. Arkansas Tcnnsssss The ore and bullion settlements on Alabama Mssonrl Salt Lake market for the past the Oklahoma Indian Tor. week aggregated $481,700, aa against Texas. $420,000 tor the previous week. One of the largest creameries In HU SOUTHEASTERN LIMITED, the United States ia to he Installed In Salt Lake City about June 1. The plant will turn out 10,000 pounds of butter dally. EiMllaiit m(i ( all pdiblnlk, SvutbMuC sad Basil. Mi An Increase of nearly $3,000,000 In the valuation of all the taxable prophr Brtitlid lilmlln, ml; la erty In Salt Lake county la noted by Si W. MARTIN, UMIH AaCHT. the county assessor, who has Just Dmkl Cat. S. BRAHE, B.rr. pura Aanr, his work. completed BALT UYM. U( cm, T A. JOHN, A rich copper strike has been made Aim, Burn. Mtaraui In the Dixie group of mines, near St. foot body of ore George, a twenty-liv- e having been uncovered which averages IS per cent copper. There la talk of the establishment at a manual training school at MantL ft Is said the state superintendent and ether leading educators are very far vorable to the proposition. An epidemic of whooping cough OmCKNTLT IBItYES A TABS threatens to decimate the Infant popVSRHIITOHT Bf through ssrvlss Is smS few ms ulation of Richfield. Within n fortBjUawlag ellleei night eight babies have been suddenOmaha, Chlaaga, HL ly taken off by this disease. Xfc Visa. Lsttls, Fael, X1L While the graduates from Pleasant JObbshpcUa, Kiss Feerla, Pamirs OUt, 1U BvaaerlUet were driving over to American Grove itaaphla, Tana. EiikTUlt Tsba two hacks began n race, when FOrk, Oeclnaatl, OUa Atlanta, Ot AcksosvtllA Hi one of the vehicles was overturned ftsslsvlUs, Xf. few Orleans, Ylikitaif, Xlae and several of the occupants slightly TmU tkran.il eerelce between Chi Injured. aaA hatwMS Cincinnati Richard Braaett, aged 30, and a Pacific Cosst sag nephew were drowned while boating Territory. on the Rear river, near Colllnaton. OwiartUM At lhaea Unalaals Lorln Bnssetr. father of Richard, and grandfather of the boy, escaped by BUT, SOUTH, TOT AXD HOHTX. swimming ashore. u Metcalf Bradley Company m cui vniu Worlds Fair Route lILi SlL Illinois Central Railway. lai t at hi f U Fill Handsomely Ksal.vad Steam Heated Tralna Dining Cara Buffet-Librar- y Care Bleipla. Caro Vm Bocllnlng Chair Can. Aril tlek.t a.mti for tlckera yIa ths ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, A SgplF to And tl T, NEWS SUMMARY. UTAH STATE NEWS. J. A. FOLBT, End So. St.. Salt Lak. CttfL t NORTHWEST NOTES. po4ialbl' that Great Britain The secretary of the interior has m,y become involved In th threat, ordered the withdrawal from entry of eaed clkhb between BrU d Peru. 222,000 acres of land In Montana, for Dur,n the fir8t four month of the an addition to the West Little Bell Fretch 1,nIrt decreased $10, mountains forest reserve In tbs' state. 609,000. William Axtell, a Basin, Mont, sar It is stated that the government loonkeeper, waa shot and killed by has Just decided to increase the three unknown men who tried to hold forces In German Southwest Africa up his saloon, which was empty of customers at the time. The murder to 6,000 men. The trials of Dr. Domlnador Gomes era escaped, securing nothing. The management of the Northern and Buenaventura Kalbaza at Manila, upon charge of rebellion and in- Pacific shops at Livingston, Mont, surrection, resulted In their acquittal have inaugurated a change In the A strike of 5,000 machinists, which shops whereby a days work for the makes idle 5,000 other workers !r shopmen will consist of nine hours other crafts, was voted for In mass Instead of ten as heretofore. The Inquest over the remains of meeting In Chicago by the maFrank Trites, who was shot by his chinists union. Over 50,000 persons on the streets wife at Butte during a scuffle resultand from the balconies and roofs of ed in the woman being exonerated. stat houses witnessed the passage of the Trites made an acto effect ment his wife the that funeral cortege of President Candamo cidentally shot him while he was at Lima, Peru. her and that she was entirely Dy order of the Boot and Shoe teasing blameless. Manufacturers' association, sis San The people of Meagher eounty, Francisco factories and one In Petahave addressed a petition Montana, luma have been closed, locking out of the Interior prothe to COO secretary nearly employees. further creation of the testing against The president has signed the procreserves in that connty, on the forest lamation opening the Rosebud, N. D., that the range facilities of reservation to settlement. The reser- grounds the county are restricted to such e vation contains 410,000 acres, and will degree that the stock Industry Is be opened at 9 a. m., August 8. threatened. Witnesses before the United States William Wllseck, the mall clerk commission to establish standards for who pleaded guilty in the federal pure foods, which is sitting In Aew court to robbing the malls, and AlYork City, declare that Jellies and bert Philips, who stole horses from Jama are generally adulterated. the Fort Washakie Indian reservaSubscriptions to the Japanese loan tion, have been delivered to the warof $25,000,000 were closed on the 13th. den of the penitentiary at Rawlins, A member of the syndicate authorized Wyo., each to serve one year and the statement that the loan was over- fourteen months. subscribed more than five times. Nearly 3,000,000 pounds of wool Political Interest centers In the an- have been sold at the different pens nouncement of Representative Hitt of In the of Rawlins, Wyo., so vicinity Illinois that he will be happy to accents far, at prices ranging from 11 cept the Republican to 14 cents per pound. The prices nomination If It la tendered to him. are about the same as last year, alA telegram from BltUs, Asiatic though the highest pries of last seaTurkey, confirms the reports of fight- son has not been reached by more cent. ing between Turks and Armenians. than half a At Missoula. Mont., Charles GunAccording to these advices about 700 Turks and 900 Armenians were killed. ther waa found guilty of assault upon Blood poisoning, which developed Terry Wiggins with Intent to comThe penalty ranges from a fish bite, caused the tsath mit murder. of John E. Beckman of Amery, Wta. from five to ten years. Gunther and Beckman received his wound on Sun- Wiggins are the men who engaged In a pistol dnel about two months ago, day while trying to take a pickerel off in which both were believed to be hook. Gunther la not mortally wounded. The captures made by the Japanese yet out of danger. Indue 3,000 In a recent decision the Montana during recent days rounds of artillery ammunition, 300,-00- 0 supreme court held that the municipal rounds of rifle ammunition, 2,600 statute requiring telephone and telerifles and more than 100 ammunition graph companies to place their wires supply carts. underground Is unconstitutional. The Advices by steamer from Japan decision Is In the case of Red Lodge, say the cost of bottling up the harbor wherein that municipality endeavored Bell has been $1,241,000 to the Jspanese to compel the Rockyto Mountain company place Its wires Telephone government for tramp steamers alone, underground. besides enormous sums for ammuniIt Is reported that the tion, repairs, etc. Smelting and Refining company, Minister Conger reports by cable the largest Independent smelting comto the state department from Peking pany In the country, will soon begin that the Chinese government has re- the erection of a thoroughly modern iterated Its determination to observe smelter In Pueblo. Colo. The new the strictest neutrality and has as- plant will he located on the mesa between the steel works and the smelserted Its ability to do so. and It will he one of the largest Miss Clara Barton last week re- ter Institutions of the country. signed the presidency of the Amerl John Peters, on trial at Missoula, can Red Cross, and was succeeded by for shooting Allen S. Brown Mont, Mrs. General John A. Logan, who has a during quarrel over some land, was heretofore occupied the office of to six months Imprisonsentenced of the association. ment in the state penitentiary. The According to the report of the agriA. Y. Moada of Salt Lake City waa shooting occurred on April 29. and cultural on department, the sugar beet the capture, trial, convirtlon and senaccident of the an victim the Og cut-of- f which will cripple crop of 1903 amounted to a little tence of Peters Is the shortest on rechim for life. Moada fell beneath more than 2.000.000 tons harvested ord in Montana. Peters waving his at every stage. the cars and had his left foot crushed from 243.570 acres, the average yield statutory rights Erntfst Damon, a student in the tons being about eight and one-hal- f and hie right leg amputated, to the sere. Reno. Nev.. high school. Is marked Reports of contagious and Infect! as a result of being Initiated for life and business The entire section ous diseases and deaths therefrom to school Into a of Mo., fraternity. In the ceremany Steeleville, dwellings the state board of health for the a dismonies were was branding Iron bearing tho destroyed by fire, which local month of April from sixty-fou- r of the fraternity was dipped emblem a in covered store. large dry goods health officers shows that smallpox Into nitrate of silver and spoiled to business been have Forty buildings was reported In eleven places, where forehead and right arm. Inflicting burned to the ground. The loss Is es- his which the lad will probably marks 113 cases had occurred timated at $100,000. him to the grave. with carry Ar the result of a murderous blow Ernest A. Roeber, a butcher in Word from- TxiTo Hot Springs, which struck him on the back of the skull Colwyn, a suburb of Chester. Pa., has has Just renehed Missoula. Mont, on the night of April 17 last, Maurice received a cheek for $23,000 from the tells of a Mg strlko of copper ore M. Ramey of Sait Lake City has been estate of Mrs. Martha Dobbs, who made by prospectors In the employ robbed of reason, vitality and liberty, was a resident of Pittsburg. of former Governor McConnell of state of an the now is and occupant Roeber sivrl her life In a runaway Idaho. Old miners In western MonInsane asylum. accident fifteen years ago. tana have long predicted that In the John M. Staker of Wilsons The annual convention of Baptists near future cnpper denosits would he In Woher county, is dead as the re- from all the northern states will as- round In the Clen, water country sult of taking a dose of carbolic acid semble at Cleveland. O.. and continue which would astonish the mining The bottle of carbolic until Tuerday. May 21. The gather-- j world. by mistake. An Anaconda. Mont., dispatch says acid was standing on a dresser beside Ing promises to he one of the most a bottle of whisky, and Staker took Imrortmt and largely attended re- Ihe body of Wright, who has been the acid, thinking It was whisky. missing since last November, has ligious conventions ever held. of GeorgeThe vocal department exhibit of Cartain Peary. U. S. N.. the Arctic been found In tho weeds with Welbridge town where, lake, at Lake the of Is Salt schools City the explorer. negotiating for the seal was supposed to have St. Louis fair, which will form a por- Ing steamer Essie to convey him: and Williams, he been drowned, their boat being caption of the state educational display, a preliminary expedition to Littleton sized while the two men were duck bound volume, cnnslftlng Island. In the Greenland seas, during will be In a fc'int'pg. Wright was on" of the best of about 500 pages, each page being a he present summer, where he will ar- known sportsmen In Montana and a range for hs large polcr expedition. prominent Mason. separate sheet of imuic. An autopsy has been held on the Oil has been struck In the new town Morris Bion, chief legal adviser of the reclamation service of :be United body of Josephine MeCabill, who was of Fallon, i hnreMll county. Nevada. States geologies! survey. .11. in a found dead In the chimney of a New Hie strike was made on the l?th and short time, spend several days In York City tenement. It was found promises to create excitement equal Utah, meeting wit.i the Ut-- h Arid that deith was due to accidental o that In California. The strike was coml,and commission, tho Utah about through the made on the property of R. L. Doug-as- , mittee and the local reciamatien of- asrhyxia ofbrought the body in the chimney. wedging at a depth of forty feet. ficials. The la to be the Appen llxlera club Captain Sheldon T. Porter, one of City hoard Report of the Salt a unioue social orgnnlxation the pioneers of Montana, and reputed of health for week ending May II. name of A. Rye of the to he the original G. A. R. man of the 1904, shows a report of 2:i blrlhs. 12 projected by llamlet males and 17 females, The death re- - National Biscuit company. Mr. Rye northwest, died at his ranch near railed a meting of ail who hnvs sort for the same period numbers 1G,- has on the 11th, aged 77 of which 12 were males and 4 fe I lost theira vermiform appendix and Horr. Mont., of came to the deceased organization permanent years. The males. There are 21 cajes of smalF Purposes twenty-fivstate about ycary ago. under quarantine. pox Increased i Phoenix Indemnity Company, OP AMERICA. $9 Iniure yonraelf anlnit sickness and Alio Life Insurance. Yon pay a Accidents. Installment Plan. little tack month. XXXXXX FOR FURVMSR INFORMATION WRITS TO. 6uiral Agut, H. A. NELSON, tot, til, tU Imrri News LAKE BALT CUT, OTAR. ante-morte- WEilllf ID GSMflk THE 8CENIO LINE TO (Utnwood Bprlngi, Aspen, Leadrille, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points oast Mas tepel Bl Ogirn wflfe si mh TrssnssttaiMal Um pasilH The STUBirSlDLT fUTTMm IAILY Anally ttosegh M Labs CR BQUtrrBD lETWCCR ARB ORDER a trsini nroofh Pullman and Ordinary Sleepiuf Can to Denmv Kansas Omaha, City, BL Louis and Chicago without duuifa. rocllninf ohair oara. Personally Oonduoted Bzourdonx. It Dining Oars, sarrioo a la Carte an aU throufh trains. L O A. BENTON, BBimsro, SALT LAKB CITY Ai P. D, IN FIGURING YOUR TRIF BAST THAT THB Oregon Short Line RAILROAD 8 R. BVX1XY, B IMS EBKT COfBflCnON 19.RT.A UNION PACIFIC A A SPENCES, aar.tT.A. THE OVERLAND BOUTS VWCH B THE fORIAR ROOTS anon Ohlo-Colo-rad-o SAFETY 201 nans n VTM. ID ALL IQMRtABT COMFORT kike SALT LARS WITH IMS TTNION PACIFIC X Unexcelled OIL rogkessivb (THB OVERLAND ROUTE) ROBERT E. PICKLE vice-preside- nt A fuU line of Stellas try AU the Issdlas . Baiia4lMta Agency Troy Stun NOTIONS.... CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY den-Luci- n Mct A Ml Has of Nntiesw Clvara. Tobacwa and sod best nosk Ths CwUMbossry ia Mar it.. Linndiy. haoton' Qaeda. HERCDR. OTIBA BOVI Salt Lake and Mercur Railroad IBM.... Manning ....2:01 BALT LAKB A MERCUR TIMECARD East. Wait. 2:10 Leave Mercur Arrive 10:45 Leave 10:30... .Summit Jet. ...2:25 - 9:25.... Fairfield J. O. JACODS, Gen, ....1 24 Arrive Manner. Balt Lake City. y lOlOMOMNMMA JxZ.X UNIQUE! enjoyabtei r'(,mr4 HEALTHFUL! plaaai wllkla rmk . Vr T springs Sanitarium mr 1 a B Y.JJSorifc 1 Tp Sait Lak. air J3A lib yawl Omrlri rrrHaltma in,. ar Isas ef nlrr the poala arb , k r Sw Wr d. Vi. I!" Umt mi H. lnh la PanUh . OC Fa,l SalaaalBg Pal V Ha MHm Taka M ad Luf, I i salt lake hot t 1 Phr-ra- OMMaa basin aa. ftoaaaia b atalUaf Ihaaa bath. akn la Ball ataaa Of 4mr M SgglSOOOgQOSOOWgOOO ; Three Trains to Chicago. Three Train, San Franrl.no to Chlrasro, service via the every day. This la the near uvi-nan- UNION PACIFIC AND CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & i ST. PAUL LINE , e It 1b No Ch aiipr of Care. worth your while to leard about CLAUD S. WILLIAMS, 106 W. Second South Lake City. Coml Agent. A A A lb 9 9 $ St-Sal- t |