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Show LIVE IN PPIMITIVg STATE. French Peasants Who Know Little ol Life's Strenuousness. If It Is hard to know anything about the siirfarn life f tin Blgiiudines, It la still mure difficult to penetrate their thought; to know whether their brains are agitated by anj thing 1ml ihe simple Ideas of the very primitive peoples, the naive reveries of children, or whether they have preserved some valued traditions of the upheavals of humanity which have by casting them upon this extreme point ot land. They speak a language which bee no unillaiiun with any ordinary tongue. It ie lireton. but a Breton full of unknown words and etranga Idioms, as yet unstudied by any philologist. As to the French language, they ignore it, intentionally Ignore it From Andre Sugliue "The Bigou-fines.- " Language Problem. Tho English language, writes a correspondent to the I on don Globe, contains three words, to, too, and two, Bounded alike. Now, it is easy ta In ay "There are three English, but bow would you write It, using one of the words only? That is. would the plural ho to's," tou'a,or -two'e-T All Right Again. Opal, Wyo., May 16. After suffering terribly for four or five years, Mr. A. J. Kohner of this place, has been completely rertored to good health. Ilia case and Its cure is another proof of the wonderful work Dodda Kidney Pills can da Mr. Kohner says: "For four or five years I have been sufferer with Kidney trouble and a pain over my Kidneys. I thought I would give Dodd'a Kidney Pills e trial and I am glad I did so, for they have done me good work end I feel ell right again." Many esses are being reported every week In which Dodd's Kidney PUls have effected cures of the most carious eases. Thee strong testimonies from earnest mm end women are splendid tributes to tho curative properties of Dodd'a Kidney PIlli and Judging by them letters, there is no case of Kidney trouble or Backache that Dodda Kidney Pills will not euro promptly and permanently. : . CHILDREN MEANT WELL, BUT Their Present Must Have Been 8ome-- i what Embarraesing. Little Mery end Ben had been greatly exercised over the approaching anniversary of the parental wedding day. They had overheard eo much discussion of the subject that they supposed that numerous presents would be quite the order of the festival; and Ben, with the responsibility of his eleven years, proposed that they secure their own pennies and "buy a nice present for mamma and papa." Mary gladly agreed, and with great secrecy they made their preparations With a dollar they ran away one day and with much excitement made their purchase, which was safely hidden until the Important event came It. When the presents were exhibited thelrs proved no less Interesting than the more expensive gifts there was "a beautiful picture," as they both assured their parents. Sure aough, there were two splendid lions la a largo cage, and under them the Inscription: "A Life Sentence. - Greek Emigrants. Greek emigrants take their wives when they leave their country. ICoet of them are members of the Greek church, of which the czar ! pope, and half of them ere Illiterate. They are under medium weight and have strong constitutions. They nearly all have had to labor for very low wages, to live on coarse, cheap food, end to wear homespun or other of the cheep clothing. About one-hamales who emigrate have served in the Greek army or navy. Steerage pasaage to the United States costa lf a. BAD DREAMS. Indicate Improper Diet, Usually Due to Coffee. One of the common symptoms of coffee poiBonlng U the bad dreams that spoil what should he restful sleep. A man who found the reason aye: Formerly I waa a slave to coffee. 1 waa like a morphlre (lend, could not leap et night, would roll and toss in my bed and when I did get to sleep was disturbed by dreams acd liobgob-bllnwould wake up with headaches and feel bad all day. so nervous I could not attend to business. My writing looked like bird tracka. I had sour belchings from the stomach, indigestion, heartburn and palpitation of the heart, constipation. Irregularity of the kidneys, etc. "Indeed, I began to feel I had all the troubles that human flesh could suffer but when a friend advised me to leave off coffee I felt as if he had Insulted me. I could not hear the idea, it had such a hold on nin and I refused to believe ii Ihe cause. Bui ft turned out that noadvieewca i'wr given at a more nee .led time for d 1 flm'.lv to try Iostuai, and with the going of coffee nnd the coming nr Post uni all my troubles liavo gone and health has returned. 1 cat and sleep well tow. nerves steadied down and 1 write a fair hand (as you ran see), can attend to lnMness ngnlr, and rejoice that I am free from the monster Coffee." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Ten days trial of Postum It place of coffee will bring sound, res vl, refreshing sleep. There's a reasM. - Look la each pkg. for the famous Bttla book. "The Road to Wallvtlla" roi-ente- the t'rovuavov'r of sphig Could Ycu Use rany Kind of a Sewing Machine, at Any Price f If ILwh la any price eo low, any offor eo liberal that you would think , of accepting on trial a new drop cabinet or upright Minnesota, Finger, Wheeler & Wilson, Standard, While nr New Home Sewing Machine, cut out and return this notice, end you will receive by return mail, postsewpaid, free of cost, the ing machine catalogue ever published. It will name you prices on the Minnesota. Singer, Wheeler A Wilson, White, Standard and New Home aew-ln- g machines that will surprise you; we will make you a new and attract Ive proposition, a sewing machine offer that will astonish you. If you can make any use of any owing machine at any price. If any kind of an offer would interest you, dont fail to write ua at once (be sure to cut out and return this special notice) and get our latest book, our latest offers, our new and moat surprising proposition. Address SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO, Chicago, From out hli cistl fflrdod fiat liy bouts m aul A knljrlit a look of arrived, IoiikIiiic lo note lomi sign of aid, cut Ami whim he gnwi with anxious face um leuguered vale and moor, the cawmrnl stayed hie pec An high-grade- e errant troubadour. I!:: elnaa waa blue, hie mint han-lsome- AS SHE READ Mr. But My Disdain said: Valmy, when last we met I spoke in a manner which wounded you and shamed me. Will you forgive me? I have suffered much. Surely, Miss Ransome, when you I peak so kindly and earnestly. must forgive anything you have said. Let us speak of it no' more. . Nay, but I must sneak of It a little more. Have you changed since then, Mr. Vai y? The blood rushed Into tbe yonng man's face, and he looked at her, seeking a true meaning uf such a question. He saw only a strange, sweet expression there, half timid, half encouraging. Do you ask me out of mere cruelty. Miss Ransome? How could I change? Tbe wound that I have received 1 shall carry to the grave." Can I heal that wound, Mr. Valmy? For I have changed since then or. If have not changed, I know my true wee true, III vuli'e we sweet and gay; In vein would hostile trump. outdo His gallant roundelay. 'Pluck heart, he sang, From fold and Tlie siege will lift anon! Urine tidings Lear L of relief. ill. To watchers morn and wan! SHng his souk, largesse ha took Uf freely given rrumlis. Anil onward psmmmJ and now each nook With Joy and glndnes hums! Already hack Hit- forces press That with th r might Immure! The winter's Ihn-rein x ! Clod bless The bluebird troubadour! Kdwln L. galiiu ill Leslie's Weekly. lie s elf at last" IT. Entirely Novel Rendering of Simple French Phrase. With the spread of education dead languages and foreign tongues are no lunger mysteries soluble only by tho cultured few. The famous Eton boy who rendered splendid mendax" as laying In state is hut a pioneer. Quito recently a pupil teacher, fairly well advanced In her teens, who, et a teachers' center, la still learning to read French with a furious Cockney accent, and to decipher it, was taken to lunch et a French restaurant In Bobo. Scanning the menu with a bow of interest which a healthy ep- -' petite alone could hardly have excited, ehe wee overheard to murmur: Canard aanvage aux petit poll The duck la savage et the few peas. London Dally Chronicle. Thua It was that My Lady Disdain laid down her arms, having found her heart. The corpse of the fisher youth had taught her the true lessons of life, and the lesson of life are the lessons of love. Utica Globe. MY LADY DISDAIN From the Grrman of Hans Bethge WILL DELAY SAILING SHIPS. To be a successful wife, to retain the love and admiration a of her husband should be woman's constant study. If she would be all that she may, she must guard well against the signs of ill health. Mrs. Brown tells her story for the benefit of all wives and mothers. Drab Mrs. Pirkham : Lydia E. Belt of Calm Sea at Eastern End of Plnkliams Vegetable Compound will make every mother well, strong, Panama Canal. My Lady Disdain was brilliant, They rode along wearily until they and happy. I dragged through She was came within sight of a pretty little At the eastern extremity of the healthy queenly southern girl. nine years of miserable existence, worn motherless; hed a father who only cottage which looked upon the sea, canal the difficulties which a sailing ont with pain and weariness. 1 then lived to give her One clothes to wear and near which a boat and some nets vessel may expect to encounter will noticed a statement of a woman and splendid horses to ride. She was were lying. Gabrielle's quick ear arise from a superabundance of wind troubled aa I was; and the wonderful n heiress to Immense fortune. Her caught a sound of wailing within tbe rather than a lack ol it. At the west- results aha bad had from your Vegereal name was Gabrlelle Ransome; cottage. Sbe checked her horse and ern extremity, on the other hand, table Compound, and decided to try would do for me, and used it for but one of her admirers called her My listened. Yes, there was the sound of these condition will be completely what itmonths. At the end of that three waa reversed. and Gabrllle her heart. Impelled her proud weeping Lady Disdain, and waa a different woman, tha I time, of the title. She treated most of her to go In. Her lover, unable to underUpon emerging from the canal Into neighbors remarked it, and my boa- disdain stand her emotional Impulse, obeyed the Pacific ocean a vessel will enter band foil in love with ma all lovers with unconditional when ehe happened to be In tbe mood her orders and lifted her from her an extensive belt of calma and light again. It seamed like a new exiateaeo, for thus rewarding their devotion. hor:a She gently opened 'the door airs, which render navigation by sail I had been Buffering with inflammamore tedious than in any other fre- tion and falling of the womb, but your He who hed thus named her fared and entered. medicine cured that, and bnilt up my Names of Little Jape. An old woman was there and was quented portion of the sea. The Width no better than the rest. It had hapsystem, till I waa indeed like a Japanese babies are rarely given the pened in this way: Gabrlelle vae kneeling In sobbing prayer beside the pf this region varies at some points entire new woman. Sincerely yonra, MM. name of a living member of the famtor-tloIn narrow. that at others bed. Gabrlelle advanced and touched wide, Ckas. F. Baowv, 21 Cedar Terraco, Hot queen end goddess of a certain waterily or friend. The reason Is the In. of the North Pacific Included Springs, Ark., Vice President Mother her shoulder with gentle, compassionconvenience of similar names In tbs ing place one summer, and Eugene 5000 ate hand. At the same moment Ga- between the American coast and Clalfc If ariglmu tf ataa MM Mm same family, middle nemea as a Valmy was there. She bad met of 120 degrees west pnaff gtaulmaui cannot tm praSiuM In New York and was pleased with brlelle saw what was lying on the the meridian means of avoiding this difficulty beIt reaches a maximum, extending In him because he was handsome ind bed. ing unknown. Little glrle ere com- looked and bad a ' A dead body, the corpse of what latitude from a point one or two demonly celled after beautiful objects French distinguished, grees north of the equator to Cdpe In short, a and war, origin, In nature, such as Plum Blossom, San Lucas, the southern extremity of comaomewhat out of the Snow, Sunshine, Gold or Lotus personage Lower California. In both approachmon. But he was poor; a literary Flower. Little boys, especially among ' ing and leaving Panama, irrespective the lower classes, frequently start out scribe of some sort or other, she of the port from which or toward knew what hardly la life with the bendlcep of being which bound, a sailing vessel must was Gabrlelle attracted by really named Tiger, Beer, Rock or Panther. of necessity navigate a greater or less vivid It is not considered an especial com- Valmy'a brilliant talk and his width of the belt of calms, and In esof humor and alternations thoughtfulpliment In Japan to call n child after for a given voyage the saving timating snd varied his experiences other person. any Washington ness; of effected by the use of the time t sone-whaknowledge. Those of her circle Times. canal the delay arising from this causa looked down upon him for his must not he neglected. National GeStats or Dim, Citt or Toledo, i poverty, which made her take him up I Loots Uuittt. Magazine. ographic J. Coxxxr makes osih thst ho Is senior all the more eagerly. So Valmy found isnnsr of ths Snn of V. S. Unit 4 Co., (Mug himself during the season at this jusluras la lbs City of Toledo. County end Slate The Aapen Tree. efxreeslil. end thst retd Ann will pay lbs aura uf watering In a place distinguished UXB HtlKllliKO IlUl.l.Alld fur each and ctrsry The little aspen tree atanda high ran uf Catarbh that eauaut ha curad by (ha ana sa manner which surprised, enraptured Upon tha hill that guards the lane; llALL'a CATAaaa cube. nd almost. If not quite, bewildered Her leaves are green ae emeralds. TRANK S. CHERRY, Her prattla la like dancing rain; worn to bafora na and aubavrllird la toy pra him. Anyhow be made wild love to sans, this itb day uf Dacsiubar, A. I), imhs. Bha goaalpa to the wind, the iky. Gabrlelle Ransome, asked her to marA.W. ULEASOH, And we are comrade., aha and L XOTABY FOBLKL ry him, pressed and besought her, j ,1 f aats I Gan Cure You Without Drugs. Hall'a Catarrh Cara la takaa Internally and snd received at last an angry, veheI climb the hill at evenfalt; dlrautly na lha blood and utuooua aurfacea of Iks so down aha look atanda She may high leafaed He disdainful refusal. ment, fraa. For tha man who ha. lonl hi. old time vbra ayauak Sand for Uadiuontala. And whisper me if you have turned F. J. tHENXX 4 CO., Toledo, ft by bitter whose step is weak, tnealh abort wlun be exwta experience how Justly applied old by all DruinrUu, rte. The winding highway from the town. hlmaelf , who faela ho can't do what ha aaed to a was the title he had given her. She Taka llau'i Family Pills tareeaatlpatke. And in tha wind's arm bend to see few yean back, and yet iaaot old la yeats, I And murmnr that you haata to me. tent him from her with scornful, offer my dnigleis method of aura, vtx: Kleotris-ltThe Hot 8and Bag. words. while you sleep. My tinging with her hundred voices tell We ere all acquainted with the The' wound I have received I shall And He left the place that evening. reach my aide to take Each you step McUUSHLINS ELECTRIC BELT virtues of tbe DR. but bag. Gabrlelle locked herself in her room And laugh in merry mockery. carry to the grave." many persons are not aware of the and to la chide. and Pretend weep scold, guaranteed to cure Weak Mrn, Rheumatics, ihortly after, and wept bitter and pas- had been a handsome fact that a sand bag ! even better. sionate And stand a moment mute In grief Dyspeptics and those ailing with Weak Daoka, can explain why Who tears. man In the pride of youth and Then laugh with every ruatling leaf. The way to prepare it la tble: Get Kidney, Bladder, Liver and Bowel Troubles. IS the felt miserable, end yet wholly un- noble vigorous form. eurea because it restores to the omasa sad And Oabrlelle some clean, fine aand; dry It thoroughnerves tha vitality which has been wasted by repentant? Who can explain why the started and almost screamed, so like And when at lent you take my hands ly In n kettle on the stove; make n name in mimicry, And overwork, exceaaea, exposure or lmprudonoa. IS call my Her aronnd and the society place at the moment did the features and She chatters It a doaen times. will pay you to Investigate my method, either beg, about eight Inches square, of seemed now hateutterly barren and form appear to those of Eugene And then. In gay and elflsh glee. by calling at my offlee, (consultation free) or flannel; fill It with the dry sand, sew ful. and writing for my illiwtrated book of M pages, yet were Valmy back at her Valmy. Certainly Gabrlelle thought Attunes her happy leaves to this the opening carefully together and which I mall, closely sealed, free to any oas of a kin. would reject him. for the moment that was the dead The lisping cadence Theodosia cover tbe bag with cotton or Unen feet, she knew she it who Ineloaea this ad. Garrison. Gabrlelle was as brilliant and atof Eugene. Park City, Utah. doth. This will prevent tbe sand tractive body Dn. McLaughlin, during the remainder of the from sifting out end also enable the My son! my son!" the poor woman Swearing by Proxy. Dear Sir: I wish to nay that I fed Ilka a season as ever. But there was a sobbed. man since 1 received the ilril In every My poor boy, Stephen." person using It to heat the bag qulck-Now that the golf season la on, the new now and of sort every I feel like a new man. My Bell la all right anxiety strange way Gabrlelle sat beside her and soon ly by placing it In the oven or on the then In ber Brookline and it la giving good results. following true story of a as if she was always learned eyes, Yours respectfully. sad The once store. of the After the story. simple, top using la appropriate: CL J. LEY LAND." someone who never came. was her only son; he was a clergyman this eo further recourse, will be bed expecting youth round' was with a he One going day a of not evidence was much Yet it bottle or the brick. to Uie fisherman; he went out in his boat friend, and made np on a couple with e developing soul which Gabrlelle the night before last; a storm came whom both were acquainted. One of NATIONAL SONG OF RUSSIA. gave when, toward the close of up; he was drowned, the pair In front teed hia ball careful931 Sixteenth Street, Denver, Cola the season, she consented to promise "I knew something would happen,1 and It as addressed Incarefully and ly, richest least to hand her the Country's Hymn Dates Back to Reign the old woman went on. He didnt sliced It In a shocking manner. Fortellectual of her admirers. The thing care for life of Nicholaa I. any more; I think ha FREE ministerial all about his The Russian national anthem la ths was done suddenly. She seemed to wanted to die. His mother's love was getting one M. Mr. out let splrltbig, friend, CF a desired one as act docs who, having only national hymn which was adopt not enough for him." D n, quickly clutched rellevlng ed si such In open competition. Until duty to do, suddenly starts and rushes "Was he in love? Gabrlelle asked, his clubs, and made off after the gutta. the time of the Emperor Nicholes L at the doing of It to get rid of 1L gently, and still absorbed In the re- The parson said nothing, but quietly the English "God Save the King had semblance to Eugene Valmy. Several days continued his game. erved Russia, but Nicholas dote He was deceived. She threw him after he and the same partner were mined to Institute a genuine and n away because she had an offer from a again out, and on reaching the hole tive Russian anthem. He announced man who owns a few boats and referred to the minister also made a a compcihlon open to all musicians houses yonder. And she who drove bad shot from tbe tee worse, if posAre tbe STA3 ATTRACTIONS for I9C4. for an or.ginnl national hymn. A him away is alive and merry. Well, than that which had called forth Millions of acres of nnsnifiren C.ita and Grs sible, musical cuimr.ltteo reduced the thouGod forgive her! Forgive all such the expletive, I wish Mr. M. ins lands to be ha-- ns af.ee ie.fl 01 I y purchase sands of entries to two, and between creatures who have no hearts of werelayman's was all the minister said. from Railway Couiu.iut Land i.o.pa:aiioiiB tut here, these, the works of Glinka and Lvoff, their own, and play with the hearts THE GRZAT ATTRACTIONS Boston Journal. ll.e czar himself decided. The highly of men. Good Crop, delightful rllumte. splendid martini character, with the drums and nra-!- l M'IukiI ijilrni, Oh, forgive all such women. Incondition., Gen. Lew Wallace Is 77. trumpets, of Lvolf's composition won said railway a:itanl:igr,aud wealth exceptional Lady Disdain, with deed," solthe hoosier Lew Gen. Wallace, aRlut'iice and tho Imperial verdict, and It was dencquircd easily. streaming eyes. And she thought of dier, pct'uliiticn cf Western Canad. ircmMd diplomat, author. to whom a The creed as henceforth the Russian And herself at just that moment 12N.0PU tor iirinir:,iion (lining tins pul year, ovnf loving cup was presented recently by 5U.UUU being Anic-.- liis. national ar.'hcm. how much worse am I than that othof celebrat, the friends west, n.iili-rWrite Canadian Gor.rm.at er creature, even as this poor mother literary seventy-sevent- h Few Failures In Mexico. for I .n.ttli: n Ai(j, ntrici nlm mall onbirthday anni- Ag.nl her! For she really did not ed his of I min oil iilinn. On. nv:,. Canada) tor d.iien pictures at of home the Ora of the great advantages In hlg recently KU'i.M DAVIllS. versary i. L..N.N BE.NJ. LI I K.k. CENlove tbls yonng man. while I did lore in Indianapolis. TRAL AVKMJK. '..RI.Ar I AI.LS. MONTANA. Wallace, son, Henry selling r.'f.dx In Mexico Is that failI off him and cast Eugene Valmy. ures are nlnnst unknown, ns the marThe day was not marked by any spescarped him! or celebration, but tha ch milk of Mexico are very conservaGabrlelle rode home In the moon cial ceremony Flash Lights m Human Katurs was the tive and extend their bunincss only as recipient of many general silent. her lover Even and sad light, from friends and ad- A book of intcn"itine ideas. We frill far as their capital will permit Fires began to understand that her soul congratulations a send it post paid fur u single dime, mirers. and their results, which ruin was not with him. aeulrrt, anil our big catalogue uf other of business men annually In She Gabrlelle slept little that night. a Ito Proficient interesting boobs. the United Slates, are rf very rare Linguist Marquis looked into her own heart and into orcurrerr.- there. Mnzatian has not Marquis Ito, the Japanese states- D. A. JACKSON & CO., 2658 Market St, her life; she thought and wept and been ntiiictod with a fire for over thir- Made wild love to Gabrlelle Ransome. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL prayed. She rose in the morning puri- man, is described as an Indefatigable and ty years. of American reader elevated. and Europonan fied. strengthened She fl'.me herself info the tna.ige-.pen- t He reads not only the Soon nil the wirld knew that, for literature. Trenehar-in just wiih Heeling Hcisco In Englrna. but the new publicastandard works, or the reason some engagement other, uf ll Tho .n.rr.ae hrr.se in iW,":i:r th:rh Ger-vacurrent the and tions I ELEIRHkSM Ransome and Gabrlelle periodicals of between l.i.- of rtcporvl i:t for its heat upiu grats m.nj' a pour girl deprive are devoured. He both off, broken bad hcinlopheres luen l.e teat on piillra::cn to will Trenchard h all room and In iwi'.ess. tiro dining G:iItIi1I-.rode cmf with lur fntice Eugene Valmy did nut bear of the reads German. French, English and MISS A E. H0WAH3. 173 Warren f.u.. Cstlon, Mu4 'I'- 1- l'tiiis an.! bathrooms are as he reads his own ThtM era 1 IL L t n'.l ilcftriiig Uicra. It I true one day on n ro:i-- v l.ieli rin .dung fact until after his return from Alas- Chinese as euslly eoIJ ii'il He has been accustomed to cure to had lie language. r- a. whither gone try f i an 22 ll'iIt tin' ka, w.i falls he'.rw margin the tcMpcmturo rarely to give five to six hours a day to readin How himself of his fatal love. He returned I! pa;:- - T.ii.nlr.; I iy m:t limn. th- - fwcs in the middle and souther) A For a time he ing. uncured. York f r ai New to i the xciO". r.ii.l iinriii'i.-dull the m. the of the klr.gdf yet portions i. i, . m ttf il.o n tuns out where of tho society In Hu1 J pol who Is 'i b'i htitii'i entirely :,!i''i comfortkept n:e along. They hardly hoim-- are the reverse of pal. s piu r y".tr. r i. it. Iic.irfi Something Easy. spoke. C.ViriilK- - was quite on; of Gabrlelle might possibly be; but he hum. pJi'K Li nlt',!.t,1 able. 1sd "I cm give you some cold meat," luiusiK k re ter .it. fruil rvotr lib soon told himself that this was a limner sdcU of I he re-- Pi . of lier-lfmi a lr nt'i aid the housewife. lover, weakness of which he ought to be (if lift; and her Liberty Postage Stamp. Tiinies rons4h are ?p!1r?cil r ruml i jr "Ain't you got any broth or mush?" t)n will i?tnrnti!)r tu'f mil l'vp ronef vliii.ti triIn celebration of the centenary ol after havi-iin atnr.-- c her, and ashamed, and that he must be a man drr-refur urdiiuiy Ths pit yip. the tramp. iccmIuo. Ail drui;l'U m them. Servla'e liberation from Turkish rule, having failed i: :er!y. began to dis- among men. So he went boldly Into asked Do you prefer that to meat?" the Servian government la about to cover that r!n- prt ferred to be left society, and he met her. He apSure. It ain't so much work C When Answering Advertisements issue special aeries of postage alone, and nve'iily endeavored to con- proached her and spoke In calm, 1L" sat tones. aco ure her sult friendly tamps. pV.v Kindly Mention This Paper. rdingly. n WEAK MEN fun .w. y hot-wat- er Dr. N. L. McLaughlin hot-wat- Han-som- Homestead The Western l m ton-aw-- M thou-pand- l 1 l o li-- . pri-lur- Unitarian Publications bed-roo- - l ie di-.- -t liu-A- 1 s i. , g.iu.l-nMiire- g - ! ks-.- 11 |