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Show 7D Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, October 24, 1984 DisciplinoSoooion Today at Doxoy ISchool Events fi: Disabilities Is Topic At Special Meeting A workshop on SUNSET d assertive discipline will be for parents and other adults who work with children, at Dox ey Elementary School, from 7 to 9 p.m. today. Donna Kidman, an instructor in the program, will conduct the workshop initiated by Lee Canter, author of the book Assertive Discipline for Parents." Assertive discipline is a new approach jo child raising, and has already achieved national success with over 350,000 parents and teachers. It is a proven method that has helped frustrated parents who say their children do not listen to them and refuse to behave. Assertive discipline has been implemented in Davis county schools and on the school buses this year. pres-ente- g .WEST POINT the Nature of Learning Disabilities" will be the topic of discussion at a special meeting ;;f-- r parents and teachers of West ;IjPoint Elementary School Thursday, Oct. 25, at 7 Under-Standin- stu-ijden- ts, (;'p.m. .Gladys Tucker, spokeswoman for national and state parent for learning disabilities will present a short filmstrip Sand address and subject of learn-in- g disabilities and behavior jiClearfield FFA Ceremony on Oct. 30 51 CLEARFIELD The Clear- i 'field chapter of the Future Farm- rs America ls Panning to : its annual Greenhand Cere- J i V' mony Oct. 30. The nght will consist of games, board activities at Wasatch Ele1984-8- 5 for the School school year are officers mentary (from left) Barbara Syndergaard, secretary; Tom and Ruth Ann Davenport, and Craig Poll, principal and TAKING CHARGE of PTA welcoming the new Greenhands jnt0 their new degree and refresh-hav- e ments. , Family Pictures Will Be Available SYRACUSE Family 'tures will be taken at Syracuse Elementary School, 1503 S. 2000 : ;W. on Oct. 27. last name. Those with names be- A-- G 1 i jSouth Weber Plans Annual Carnival SOUTH WEBER The 'South Weber Elementary School JjHalloween carnival will be held (Friday, Oct. 26, at 5 p.m. at the (school. Activities will include a I fcostume parade, pumpkin carving Land decorating contest and vari 1 . SUNSET is holding its Sunset Elementary annual Halloween ous games. 7 Roast beef sandwiches, drinks and chips will be available for dinner with homemade goodies on sale for dessert. There will be a ticket sale during this week at school. Pre-registrati- carnival Friday, Oct. 26, from 'p.m. to 8 p.m. I tr, 5 There will be carnival games SYRACUSE Safety Night will be held at Syracuse Elemen-- ; tary School, 1503 S. 2000 W., on tOct. 30, at 7 p.m. Trooper Wayne Ross from the t!JJJtah Highway Patrol will . jlnd present a safety film. speak Arnold Engstrum from the t Union Pacific will also speak. at Dannys on , 1st each category will a $10 gift certificate. awarded to 2nd and 3rd places. Categories: - Cutest - Punkiest - Scariest Ribbons will be ' . , Representing the PTA, Cindy Peterson will speak on the McGruff Program, an innovative program to aid in the protection of children. Principal Ordith Bourgeous will talk on Emergency Preparedness and a car seat demonstration will be given. place winners in receive along with an M&M guess for a Safety Night Planned at Syracuse . Ages 0-- 6 7-- 12 13-1- 8, 19-9- 9 SYRACUSE All members Cook ElemenS. will its annual school carnival on J .Oct. 26 from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. of the Parent-Teache- NEWGATE MALL The practical choice 36th & Wall Avenue November 9 & 10, 1984 Evenings at 8:00 p.m. All performances with the Utah Symphony TICKETS All ZCM1WSC Datatix Outlets 399-921- 4 CHARGE Bruce Marks Artistic Director VISA , MasterCard ffflIFTOB OGDEN ASSOCIATION 4 2580 Jefferson Avenue, Ogden 84401, Ph. SYMPHONY-BALLE- T 399-921- II81iSNTMV...Wl BO! prizes. iffidSBNi 0U) i iKk vjom (3STO . Varujan Kojian, Music Director. Ballet Wests Magical Season Premiere, choregraphed by .. Bruce Marks brilliantly staged and performed with sensitivity and depth by one of Americas top ballet companies. Dont miss this romantic and exciting ballet. Tickets on sale now at the rs Association at Cook Elementary will have their names submitted for drawings for door Grand Western Symphony Call ;lpook School Plans Carnival Oct. 26 ts tary School 1175 W. 1350 La Peri Novelties October 19th thru the 26th al Hitachi AMFM stereo cassette recorder. Participants can also win a prize for guessing the num- ber of gumballs in a container. Dinner will be available. Les Sylphides October 27th 3:00 P.M. at the Food Court .Sunset Elementary Carnival Friday I ontesff osfume L, S-- Z, 1 i president will ginning with the letters be taken at 9 a.m.; H-10 a.m.; M-11 a.m.; noon. The photo sessions will close at p.m. R, Times are set according to the vice Gxuy ftsaaiais m Gtemt) fcosiGiD eft disfi to L1MWS '0nD BIMD03iOQ UDUQDDSBOuO CZB 3310 WID GD0 (MHIBB iRniVmpRi M |