Show Ai OFFICERS HIT HARD IN WAR Casualties Were Higher r Than Tha Among the Enlisted Men In n the theAr Ar Army y Washington Casualties Casualties were higher high high- er erg among officers than among enlisted men higher among regular officers x than among emergency officers higher in the Infantry than in any other branch oo of ot the service and higher among West Point graduates than j f JI ti- ti jt r. r Z i e t 4 c 1 among other regular officers according to a war department statement Among enlisted men battle deaths were eight In each 1000 the department department depart depart- ment said Among emergency officers they were 11 In each 1000 and among r regular gular army officers they were 14 In Jn each 1000 Death rates were wre far higher In the Infantry than In any other branch of the service Among mong each ach 1000 enlisted men In Inthe inthe the Infantry reaching France there were killed or wounded Jyh i P tot v J Among each 1000 o officers In the Infantry Infantry infantry In In- fantry reaching France there were killed or wounded Battle death rates rutes among graduates pf of the military academy were greater grenter In both the higher and lower ranks than they were In the corresponding ranks among officers of the time regular army who were not graduates of the academy my For reviving gas victims a n Frenchman French I I man has invented oxygen apparatus that can be carried In a 11 mans man's pocket |