Show i THE GARLAND TIMES GARLAND UTAH Claims to Longevity Hard to Substantiate Washington — Unless all signs fall Is going to be' a determined stand by many of the Fight for country’s business InLimit on NRA lionre8tlon the‘ litulta provisions of the national Industrial recov ery act when that question comes up for congressional action next January An undercurrent of In or February formation to the effect that a movement to that end Is under way has begun to seep Into Washington In a It Indicates that w growing volume will hear much about NRA during the some ob Indeed coming campaigns servers are convinced that President Roosevelt already Is attempting to get side of the story the administration’s to the country by sending General Johnson recovery administrator out for a tour of speechmaking to sell the bine eagle to the country It will be rememThe President bered already has declared that NRA must be made a permanent part of our I have found few economic structure persons who disagree with that There Is a difference of views however and It Is emphatic as to the extent to which NRA should go In managing the on a permanent business country’s basis It Is upon that question there fore that the battle apparently will be there waged From I can what pick up around here it Is certain that a considerable portion of the business interests Is desirous of a limitation on the recovery act provisions so that they will apply of maxireally just to establishment mum hours of labor and minimum wages and to abolition of the sweat shop and elimination of child labor They are determined In their oppositlon to retention in the recovery act of that give power to fix provisions prices to control production and to grants of authority that bring private business books Into the limelight when ever snooping government agents want to dig Into private affairs of indivithink duals or corporations Frankly that feature has done more to discredit NRA than any other phase of the It which the On under law operates other band only the meanest and cheapest of Individuals can oppose any move that Is designed to provide better working conditions and hours of labor for those who live by the sweat of their brow While obviously none can foretell the result of this Issue at such an early date the opinions that I gather here make me be among observers lleve that there Is quite a popular appeal In the argument which Is being advanced for revision of the recovery act and limitation of NRA control will go along with Folks thut work for betterment propositions but which do not at the same time clude invasion of what they believe to be their personal rights The admlnis tration contends however that exten Sion of the recovery act powers — or at least retention of the powers now In NRA — are not an Invasion of personal rights bejond the necessity for creating greater human happiness But the hard headed business man great or small is going to be hard to convince It seems to me that government control to the extent of fixing his prices and doing some of the other now permitted is not an undue things messing with his personal affairs The lessons of the depression have been so severe that there Is little evidence of Important opposition to curtailment of hours of labor Likewise sound business leaders cannot Justify opposition to minimum wages nor can they find a safe ground upon which to propose use of child labor or operation under sweat shop conditions Politically therefore labor will be Interested only in those four Items the women vote of the country probably will be Interested only In accomplishment of those ends and business terests worthwhile will not object was called above to the Attention which General Johnson Is making in behalf of the Johnaon Wanta blue eagle of the tour teJMfra that be recalled on the some months ago I reported of changes In NRA manprobability agement During General Johnson’s absence a board cf five men constitutes the administrative authority of It seems to be In the nature NRA If It works out satof an experiment we may expect to see the isfactorily veteran army officer retire to private life lie baa said as much He wanta Mr to get back Into private business Roosevelt however likes the fighting qualities of General Johnson and It Is still possible that be will remain for the on the Job lie Is responsible general plan of NRA administration vaand the theories embodied In the rious codes It would seem therefore that the man who worked out the should codes along and sift stay them down to the permanent level If be the goal permanency Whether General Johnson continues at the helm or whether the management of that work Is entrusted flnalty to General Johnson’s group of five It la certain that the summer and autumn will wtness ellm lnation of many petty features of codes that have proved to be only an I believe there Is agreenoyances ment among unbiased thinkers that development of codes at the rate necessary to make the Initial drive for recovery naturally brought many provisions of a worthless character Uany times It has been shown those provisions have very nearly npset the good that wa obviously going to result from fair practice agreements The Job the board has to do If it remains as a successor to General Johnson Is to go through the codes with a comb and eliminate all of the questionable and useless provisions My opinion Is If this were done there would be much less opposition to the codes and conto continuation of the Insequently dustrial recovery act The prevalent thought In Washington then Is that as a result of the features contained in the annoying codes the administration is likely to pull hard to revise as many of them as Is possible before next winter' Much of this work obviously will have to be done before election and such political effect as may be will be reaped In the ballot boxes always has been true that an Inwho Is convalescing passes through a stage on Invalid the way to recovery Perka Uo w1ere he developsEv-a genuine grouch Food Is hits him wrongly erything not right and medicines are no good a thousand and one other things and furnish grounds for complaint This condition nearly always precedes the time when the patient gets out of bed and takes a few steps again The circumstance to which have referred Is such a common occurrence that it seems to me there Is no better of the condition In which Illustration American business now Is represented to be It is highly significant In the first Instance It shows according to the experts that business has enough new life blood to start fighting back plans and polagainst administration icies that cramp Its style and secondly vigorous opposition never has failed to be a healthy thing for the country as a whole From the information I get In many quarters It Is yet too early to tell whether commerce and Industry is going to be a unit In any one course of its opposition The strictly recovery phases of the New Deal are not going to be attacked even by the Republican national committee That question ap Is settled But business Inparently terests apparently and quite logically are distinguishing between recovery and reform Take the legislation that for control of created the commission security sales and policing the stock I frankly as an example exchanges leaderdo not see how the Republican ship or business Interests can expect to get far in criticism of that even If On It Is solely a reform proposition the other band business Interests can and will attack such projects as the manufacture and sale of government electric power In open competition with private plants such as is taking place under the experiment in the Tennessee valley It valid Zaro Agha who died In the Children’s hospital at Istanbul Turkey a short time ago may Indeed have been the world’s oldest man though widespread doubt will resist the claim of the ancient Turk that he was one He hundred and sixty years of age could have been many years younger than the age he ‘’claimed and still compete with authenticated cases of extreme age that have been checked In by men interested In longevity fact he could have cast off almost a half century from his claim and still In been with have sharp competition the most extreme case of longevity ever fully authenticated by scientific not quite 111 years investigation There can be no doubt but that Agha was a very old man and that he carried hie years lightly but the evidence of his greatest dependence in support of bis claim a birth certificate In which the “dogum tarlht" or date of birth is set at 1191 on the Moslem calendar or February 16 1774 few months more than two years before the American states declared their Independence may be Not so much Its authenquestioned ticity as to the record of a birth on the day mentioned as that the Zaro Agha who has Just died was the person whose birth was recorded As to Zaro’g remembrance of having fought In the Bulgarian war when be was one hundred and three and at that age of carrying heavy artillery on his shoulders to heights that horses could not carry It of his employment In a gun factory until he was one hundred and four or one hundred and five and hts seeking other and easier work which he performed until he was one hundred and we must credit Inaccuracies that must creep Into memory For there Is no warrant in man’s knowledge of the persistence of life In to give support to his claims fact Science Service which is mak Kitchen Really -- Keynote of Home Housewife' Idea Box There Is no other room in a house which so definitely indicates a rounded cycle of fashion In bousing necessities as does the kitchen Within the past few years It has become the most discussed part of a home its schemes have undergone decorative marvelous changes Its usea have become complex Its furnishings distinctive and Its equipment elaborateIn fact the kitchen has ly efficient Long yean again come Into Its own ago It was the main room In a house being kitchen dining room and living room Today It fulfills the first To Eggs two of these functions It partakes Here Is a good way to test eggs for mildly of the third although modern Make a brine by adding freshness kitchen fittings nre too mechanical two ounces of salt to a pint of water and coldly technical for the one at a time Into toned cozlness to be present which Place your eggs Good eggs will sink and cozlness was almost cuddling in Its this brine had ones will float Those that float hearty welcoming atmosphere air enters the egg as The home builder of today who do so because Tills air compartment decides to feature the kitchen In her It gets older makes the egg float new house will do well to remember THE HOUSEWIFE one Item of the past kitchens They Publle Copyright hr Ledger Ins had sink rooms! These tie rooms WNU Service were as large as kitchenettes The stove was not present bnt the sink was prominent Around for kitchens which aro equipment and lacking In convenience the walls were shelves When closet there are secevery convenience for taking care of room Is Inadequate Saw of Gslils dishes and tional closets which can be bought pots and pans dirty and put In wherever wanted There Light on Biblical stories of the Sea keeping the clenn ones neatly stowed Of course there was the are low closets and high closets wide of Galilee has been shed by Capt away closet In which was stacked closets and narrow closets all sties Herbert J Horsey who has complet the best china the sink room conThere are vegeto spit all rooms ed fifteen years of commercial flying totableware While flying in the Far East he fretable bins open or enclosed taining the everyday With gether with cooking utensils There are stoves which resemble quently descended on that famous “R’ght across the such a room It waa possible to se- closets and refrigerators which art body of water the confusion of unsightly sea runs a hidden reef not far below gregate like cold storage rooms small and the surface” he said on his arrival articles from the attractive ones and attractive There are cleverly conIn London “Other parts of the lake preserve a tidy kitchen even when trived dressers which are aa adeare hundreds of feet deep and It cooking was under way The clutter quate a tiny pantries There are seemed to me that this reef might of the pots and pans baking dishes washing machines which when needaccount for the Bible story of the etc did not disturb the serenity of ed transform a kitchen Into a launPresent-daroom one The sink room is a living the sea walking on dry for a few hours as required weather conditions bear out the New which would relieve a modern kitchMost of these washing machines look accounts Testament of sudden en equally well and help to make It merely what they are pracUcal modOne a more fitting dining room which as ern Storms raging on the lake And equipments moment It may be as smooth as a mentioned before Is one of Its these tre Just a few of the many uses mill pond the next the water be- -day qualities When hidden they help to comes troubled and In a few minApart from this suggestion for make It possible to have attractive utes you have a rough sea with a home builders let us speak of some rooms of the various aids to efficiency in wind blowing at 80 miles an hour” C nu Syndlct— WNO Sarvloa ing Its place In collecting the findings of men qf science and presenting them for the edification of those who have no aptitude for scientific leads us In the other understanding direction as It cites the one hundred and eleven year age record that was substantiated by an Engllah Investigator who early in the century had considered close to a million cases of centenarians and found only 80 persons 21 women and 9 men who from outside sources could be shown to have lived 100 years or more It Is said that In this country several hundred death certificates annually show ages of more than one hundred years and occasionally the certified ages run as high as one hundred and When reports are twenty years looked Into such things as inaccurate memories or mistaken identity often account for many of the mistakes that creep Into the death statistics We are Inclined to mislead ourselves In the matter of ages — St Louis Globe Democrat Tt Not the least of the problems that are arising out of the work so speed lly done In creating and other re NRA Legal c°ver afnc‘e81 art Queationa the horde legai One ot questions now on the horizon these stands out It relates to the of citizens after they have rights signed the codes of fair practice and legal lights tell me it runs straight back to a base lu the Constitution 01 the United States It is an old legal marlin that after a benefits from a person has accepted which means a statute or regulation voluntary action that person may not to be heard the validity ot question the provision from which those benefits Now business men signed accrued the codes under what NRA lawyers claim was a voluntary act Having done that It ti claimed they cannot test the constitutionality of the law or (or the codes) written unregulations der that law It seems however that there la a difference of opinion between the lawyers of NRA and the lawyers af the Many lawyers Department of Justice outside of the government are under stood to be gathering up all of the pieces of argument they can find re spectlng the positions of the two gov emmental groups As I understand It law) era representing code signers have put forth the argument that the signing was not a actloo voluntary They contend thal the making of codes Gen throughout eral Johnson and his aidea consistently stressed the point that unless those to whom the code was to apply agreed the administrator would write a cod for them and they would be bound by It I never beard it used as a threat but It nevertheless is a fact that most of those who bad dealings with the NBA were afraid they would suffei from the licensing of their plants it they failed to sign the codes These technicalities may appear In but they are Of tht consequential There are golnji greatest Importance to be court tests of some provisions ol the recovery act and the authority ex erdsed by NRA The consensus her seems to be that these tests will in clnde many suits that ought never ti have been brought as well as torn that will serve to clarify the laws they result In real court considers tlov Uaiea & Wcfttn - - - TO BUILD THE TIRE SEHSATI0F1 of ’34! Beyond Comparison in Quality Construction Appearance and Price With Any First Quality Tire Made Hie way to create a TIRE SENSATION is to give the people what they want and Firestone has done this with the new Firestone Century Progress Tire Aa millions of people visited the Firestone Factory at the World's Fair last year we asked this question — “What do yon value most in a tire?” They answered— “Give ns Blowout Protection Safety and Long Wear at a moderate price This was a big order bnt Firestone has a habit of giving car owners what they want when they want ltd We knew there was only one way to build Quality and Value Into a tire at a moderate price and that was by volume production We built the greatest tire ever made to sell at these low prices Car owners are profiting because we found out what they wanted and found the way to give it to them The new Firestone Century Progress Tire IS EQUAL OR SUPERIOR to any first quality tire bnilt regardless of name brand by whom manufactured or at what price offered for sale CHECK THESE AMAZING VALUES Best The — Low Priced Tire "-T- L- Market those For car owners who need sew tire safety at a very lots price the Firestone Cenrier Type tire has ne at these lew extremely prices eqnal ' - |